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» Dragon heart fruit beneficial properties. Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit) - what it is, how it is eaten, what it tastes like, where it grows, benefits. How to clean and eat dragon fruit

Dragon heart fruit beneficial properties. Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit) - what it is, how it is eaten, what it tastes like, where it grows, benefits. How to clean and eat dragon fruit

Dragon fruit - pitahaya is first found in the records of the Aztecs. His homeland is Mexico. The Indians roasted the seeds of the unusual fruit, then ground them and added them to stews. Today he can be found in South America, in Vietnam and Israel. We went to Thailand to try the dragon's heart (also known as pitahaya).

“And at that time a three-headed dragon was flying over the castle,” I just wanted to listen to my favorite fantasy to the end, but I had to get distracted and take out my headphones...

- Wow! What an extraordinary fruit! What cool scales! Ha, yes, it's also red. Exactly: you have to take it! – I couldn’t let up when I first saw the dragon’s heart in real life. – I definitely won’t try this in our area...

“It’s still good that we came here,” I thought once again...

It’s one thing when you watch a video or read a virtual article. And it’s completely different when you hold a dragon fruit in your hands. The scales scratch my palm a little...

Cunning Thais count out their change and think: “These tourists! You have to play the fool with terrible force.” And so it happened... In one small fruit we gave... oh, why even remember about money...

“So we bought a cactus,” said the husband.

– What do I hear?! What kind of cactus is this?!

And it really is. Or almost like that... Although we never got to see how this fruit grows... It’s good that there is the Internet: everything is accessible, everything is clear.

Dragon fruit is also called prickly pear. But it has nothing to do with the pear.

It's a cactus!

It looks like a bush, but it's a vine. With long, as befits a vine, stems. At the end of each stem there is a dragon heart. One bush of this amazing plant produces crops six times a year.

I read an interesting fact about this fruit in my spare time (usually my leisure time in one of the hotels in the Kingdom of Thailand appeared after dinner, when the black sky was lit up with thousands of lightning bolts). So what am I talking about... mmm... I was talking about an interesting fact...

More precisely, the facts:

  • white dragon cactus flowers appear strictly on the first and fifteenth day of the month,
  • they have a strong pleasant aroma, but only open at night,
  • pollinate them... the bats and moths!

That's how it is, huh? Yes, it’s a pity that we didn’t have the opportunity to look at this amazing phenomenon.

So we cut it anyway. Wow! So this is the same kiwi, only the flesh is white.

But how to eat it? Or maybe you can lick these little black bones? No... that won’t work... We take a quick look around the room: knife, spoons, glasses, toothbrush...

- No, no... still, let’s eat it with a spoon... like kiwi.

How to eat dragon fruit - pitahaya

(options not ours)

  1. Cut into two halves and scoop out with a spoon, like a watermelon;
  2. Remove the peel, like a tangerine, and cut into pieces;
  3. Peel it like a tangerine, and don’t cut it at all, but gnaw it with your teeth like an apple.

And away we go. The first spoon... mmm... somehow there is a lot of wateriness. And the bones crunch unpleasantly on the teeth. Is it possible to eat them? If possible, then how exactly: chew or swallow? A little wrinkled...

“Tasteless watermelon,” says the husband, “with seeds or an unsweetened pear...

But I can’t compare this fruit with anything... I don’t even have any thoughts... What does it taste like? Just bones... So the taste, to put it mildly, let us down...


The same Internet says that pitahaya (as our pink hero is also called) is very useful, especially for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (a necessary quality of food on voyages to overseas countries). The only thing you need to do is chew the seeds thoroughly, as they take a long time and are difficult to digest.

What else is useful? Oh, here's another one:

  • it contains tannin, which is good for vision;
  • eating dragon fruit reduces blood glucose;
  • High vitamin C content strengthens the immune system.

So there are a lot of useful things, but somehow not enough taste. This is such an interesting, beautiful, exotic fruit, healthy...

There is also some strange, in my opinion, legend


A long time ago, when there were so many dragons that they often flew over castles, people were looking for meetings with terrible monsters. But not in order to rid your land of monsters.

People loved to eat pitahaya. She hid inside the dragons and appeared only when, weakened by a long struggle, the exhausted monsters no longer had the strength to spew fire. At this moment, they exhaled the thorny fruit and died quietly.

Greetings to everyone who decided to get acquainted with the unusual today. Today we will talk about an exotic fruit from Thailand - pitihaya. Dragon eye fruit is its name. Sometimes it is called Dragon Eye, Dragon Fruit or Dragon Heart. That's how much different names for pitahaya.

It's time for vacation. And everyone wants to visit some resort, preferably foreign. Of course, this is a question of possibility. If so, then you can rush to the Bahamas, but no, you can arrange a supposed foreign vacation at home. The main thing here is the setting, and more photos.

As great minds said, “Learning enlightens and enriches.” In addition, it is always useful to learn about the area or customs of the country where you want to visit. An important thing when traveling is food. Wherever you go, you want to eat everywhere. You won’t take food with you, although there are such shots)

In general, about food, if you are not sure what the served dish is prepared from, it is better to ask around or, thanks to the World Wide Web, google the name so as not to suddenly get an upset stomach.

Don't be surprised, the body of people living in different climatic conditions and accustomed to a certain diet in food, has an individual reaction to foods. This applies not only to seafood or vegetables, but even to fruits. Many foreigners traveling around the world are allergic to unusual fruits. And good if you have insurance. And if not?

For example, one of the favorite travel destinations for tourists is Thailand. A wonderful place with access to two oceans at once. In addition, the very season falls just at the beginning of spring, it’s cold here, and it’s summer there.

Find the cheapest tours to Thailand, real-time prices

Dragon eye: a fruit from Thailand

Why did I start telling all this, I want to talk about unusual fruits just from Thailand, one of which is called dragon eye fruit.

Agree, it’s an unusual name; I’d like to start a little with the history of this fruit. The strange thing here is that there are two Thai fruits that are considered the eye of the dragon - Pitaya and Longan. I will explain the difference between them to you.

So, as for Longan, the translation of the name from Thai language means "dragon eye". That's probably all... Outwardly, it has nothing in common with a dragon at all. Rather, longan looks like a small potato with a transparent jelly-like pulp inside and a large black seed.

Although China is the birthplace of this wonderful fruit, it is very popular in Thailand. Other countries where it is cultivated:

  • Indonesia;
  • Taiwan.

Wherever the climate allows, because Longona trees are not at all adapted to the cold. Although there are several artificially bred varieties for the mountainous areas of China.

What does dragon eye taste like?

The taste is reminiscent of green strawberries that are just beginning to ripen, but this is also not necessary, it has a sweet and sour taste. Honestly, this is not an acquired taste, if you want to evaluate it on its merits, then there is nothing better than a personal test.

Now let's talk about Pitaya, this fruit is also considered a dragon's eye. Whether to argue with this or not is up to you. But at least its outer skin resembles dragon scales. That's probably why they call it dragonfruit. In addition to this name there are several more:

  • Dragon fruit;
  • Dragon Heart;
  • Pitahaya, etc.

In the areas and countries where it is grown its name is for dragon's eye.

The taste is like an exotic miracle kiwi, only sweet and there are more small seeds. To be honest, it’s precisely this feature that I don’t like; if they weren’t there, the taste would be simply awesome.

another type of dragon eye

How to eat and peel an exotic fruit

If you decide to try dragon fruit, do not try to peel it; it is most convenient to simply cut it into slices like a watermelon. Well, or cut it in half and eat it with a spoon, at your discretion.

Australia is considered the birthplace of pitaya, but due to the suitable climate, the fruitful cactus tree has taken root in.

What does a dragon's eye look like?

The external description of the dragon heart resembles a scaly dark pink peel. There are yellow and purple peel colors, even inside the dragonfruit can be either white or dark red. And all because this fruit grows on cacti, which grow to the size of an average tree.

The benefits of pitaya are well deserved. The presence of a whole list of vitamins and useful substances, while maintaining a minimum calorie content, makes the fruit indispensable especially for sports fans.

Benefits and calorie content of dragon fruit

  • High content of vitamin C helps maintain the body's immunity in shape;
  • Various antioxidants, which prolong the youth of cells and neutralize free radicals in the body;
  • Minerals: iron; calcium; phosphorus;
  • Fruit acids;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • A large amount of fiber, helping to cleanse toxins and regulate the intestines;
  • Includes B vitamins;
  • Improves the condition of diabetics by helping regulate sugar, but also in dosed quantities.
  • The calorie content of dragon fruit is approximately 30-50 kcal per 100 grams.

Tip: When you sunbathe on Thai beaches, you can get sunburned. A body mask and pitahaya will help normalize and soothe your skin.

Of course, you shouldn't jump straight into dragon fruit. You don’t know, maybe you have an allergy, try a little first, and if everything is OK, you can eat calmly. There are no contraindications to pitahaya.

Unfortunately, the Thai fruit is very delicate and difficult to transport, which is probably why you rarely see pitahaya here, and if you do, the price is steep.

Many of those who have tried this exotic praise it very much, claiming that it tastes something between a banana and kiwi.

Growing dragon eyes at home

Growing this unusual fruit cactus is possible even at home. The main thing here is a careful approach. So that you can regularly enjoy pitaya without buying it at the store, you will need to work hard.

So, caring for a cactus tree with dragonfruit at home begins with planting seeds. You should buy ripe, exactly ripe, fruit in the store so that its seeds are ripe. Then select seeds from it and place them under a damp cloth to germinate.

Observe them regularly, as soon as the lobe seeds sprout, immediately transplant them into individual pots. Remember, the cactus grows quite tall and sprawling, so plant one seed in one pot.

The cactus grows very quickly, so feed it regularly with fertilizers, approximately every second watering. To do this, dilute three grams of fertilizer in a liter of water and water.

Remember that this is a cactus, which means you need to water it once a week or even every week and a half. In general, focus on drying out the soil in the pot. It all depends on the intensity sun rays. The plant loves the sun, so it should be kept on the south side near the window.

In winter, the plant can withstand cold down to zero degrees, and should be watered much less, even once a month. The cactus will not only give you fruit, but also decorate your home with its exotic appearance.

Dress and dragon eye

But as they say, love works wonders. In short, he asked me to help. Well, in order to save his girlfriend from a possible stomach upset, I advised that the safest option is to prepare several simple salads, including fruit ones.

Well, it’s much simpler and without adventure, I thought. And I was very wrong. I won’t tell you how hard it was to prepare two unfortunate salads. The result of common efforts, one is a parody of Greek, the second is fruity. And of course wine, flowers and other little things.

The next day I see a friend with such a depressed expression that it’s immediately clear that dinner was not a success. I come up and ask, “How was dinner?” He says that everything started out great, the girl was delighted with the surprise, knowing the guy’s dislike for the kitchen, she appreciated his gesture.

They started dinner, chatting about everything, then my friend decided to show gallantry and court the girl. He had just started to put fruit salad on her plate when the plate slipped from his hand, apparently he was very nervous, and the salad fell on the girl’s dress.

What a scream started here. The problem is that the dress was white, and the fruits from the “impossible to wash” series were strawberries, oranges, and most importantly pitahaya. It’s just that a friend decided to show the breadth of his soul and did not skimp on a romantic date.

We cut the ingredients quite coarsely, and the peel with exotic fruit They didn’t cut it off, they left it for beauty. Who knew that stains from the red peel of fruit cannot be washed off? What a scandal awaited my friend, I sympathized with him in absentia.

In general, I came to a conclusion. Guys, it still won’t work, especially if you are not a macho, but a modest guy like my friend.

Dragon's eye - possible harm

Before you try anything new, it's a good idea to take precautions. Read about the properties of the fruit, maybe you are allergic to any component of the dragon fruit. It would be a good idea to ask your friends and acquaintances about the fruit; maybe you shouldn’t experiment and throw money away.

On the other hand, we won’t know anything if we don’t try, right? I wish you successful experiments, share the articles with your friends. See you!

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The name of this exotic fruit combines the fruits of cacti of the families Hylocereus and Stenocereus. Pitahaya can also be found under the names: pitaya, dragon fruit or dragon fruit, dragon eye - in Vietnam, mangkon - in Thailand. However, no matter what pitahaya is called, it appearance, the characteristics of the pulp and taste will not allow you to mistake that these are fruits of the specified varieties cacti.

The exact place of origin of the pitahaya is unknown, but the fruit has spread and gained fame from the region between the southwestern United States and Mexico. Their natural place Habitats are considered to be tropical and subtropical deciduous forests located at altitudes from 0 to 2000 meters above sea level.

These cacti were brought to Hawaii in the 1830s; in the middle of the last century, pitahaya began to be grown in Vietnam. From there they spread to Southern China, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Australia and Taiwan. In addition, pitahaya can be found in the Bahamas, Antilles, Bermuda and Costa Rica.

Currently, pitahaya is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of many countries for agricultural production and fruit marketing. The world's leading pitahaya producing countries are Mexico, Nicaragua and Israel. For commercial cultivation, it is necessary to organize a system of trellises and garters to gather together the branched crown of the cactus and lift it from the surface of the ground.

Hylocereus is climbing plant cactus family, is an epiphytic plant that attaches to tree trunks with roots growing along the entire length of the stem. The cactus does not harm the trees, but with their help it reaches the more illuminated areas at the top, and there it extracts moisture from the air. At the same time, Hylocereus also has underground roots that develop from stems creeping along the ground.

The stems of pitahaya have a triangular cross-section and are succulent, fleshy, branched, modified branches reaching a width of 5 centimeters. They contain reserves of water and nutrients that allow the plant to survive periods of drought and other extreme conditions.

Each potential bud on the cactus stems has from 2 to 5 short spines, from such buds new stems or flowers can develop. Pitahaya has large tubular flowers up to 35 centimeters in diameter, white or Pink colour. The cactus blooms only one night, emitting a strong, pleasant aroma. The next day, the flowers wither, giving rise to the growth of fruit ovaries.

The pitahaya fruit itself is an edible, fleshy berry, ovoid or round in shape, 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter. The skin color of the dragon fruit can be red, purple, yellow, and there are leaf-shaped greenish petals on the surface. The flesh of pitahaya is white, red, pink or yellow with numerous inclusions of tiny black seeds. The weight of the fruit varies from 200 to 1000 grams and has a sweet, slightly tart taste. The pitahaya harvest season is from June to September.

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05.08.2019 30.09.2019

Pitahaya (pitaya), she's the same dragon fruit is a fast-growing plant from the cactus family.
The fruit is round, red, pink or yellow color with thin skin and scales, and the flesh is white or red. The color and size of the fruit depends on the type and ripeness of the Pitaya.

Pitahaya grows in Southeast Asia, South and Central America: in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Like any cactus, this plant prefers a dry subtropical environment with a small amount moisture. The pitahaya cactus grows up to 10 meters high and has a sweet aroma of a wonderful combination of kiwi and pear.

Growing fruits has great commercial prospects. Pitahaya is grown commercially and used to produce wine, juices and seasonings. Dragon fruit is often mistakenly called dragon eye: this name belongs to another fruit - Lychee.

Useful properties and health benefits

Dragon fruit contains a large number of nutrients and micro and macro elements:

  • Calorie content: 264 kcal;
  • Carbohydrates 82.14 g (63.18%);
  • Calcium, Ca 107 mg (10.70%);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 9.2 mg (10.22%);
  • Protein 3.57 g (7.14%);
  • Total dietary fiber 1.8 g (4.74%);
  • Sodium, Na 39 mg (2.60%).

Pitahaya contains a large amount of phytonutrients: amino acids, vitamin C, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B, protein and carotene, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.
Eating pitaya strengthens the immune system, speeds up the healing process of wounds and keeps the respiratory tract healthy. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, phosphorus and iron keep the blood healthy and support the process of formation of new tissues. The fruit does not contain complex carbohydrates and is easily broken down in the body. Captin and polyunsaturated fats reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Benefits to the body

Reduces cholesterol levels– Dragon fruit contains no cholesterol, trans fats or saturated fats. Pitaya is often used for weight loss - it contains omega-3 and omega-6, as well as many antioxidants.

Boosts immunity– the same antioxidants that fight free radicals, a large amount of vitamin C, B, and trace elements have a general strengthening effect on the body.
Digestive health and metabolism– Pitahaya contains a large amount of fiber and acts on the body as a laxative. The large amount of protein in this fruit increases metabolism and normalizes the absorption of nutrients.

Improves skin and treats acne– a large amount of B vitamins. Pitahaya moisturizes and nourishes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and relieves irritation.


You must approach the use of exotic products with caution and initially consult with a nutritionist to make sure that you do not have individual intolerance. Because of large quantity fructose, you need to be careful when consuming dragon fruit.

Types of dragon fruit

Yellow pitaya- the smallest of all varieties. It has bright yellow skin and white flesh. Yellow dragon fruit is better suited than others for growing fashion, they practically do not need soil.

Red pitahaya There can be 2 types: with red and white pulp. The red-fleshed fruit is the sweetest of all types: jams, syrups and sorbets are made from it. A fruit with white flesh is valuable not so much for its fruits as for its flowers. The flowers bloom at night and have an amazing aroma. They are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

How to eat and what dragon fruit tastes like

Pitahaya tastes and smells like a mixture of pear and kiwi. The fruit is very juicy, and the tiny black seeds add a nice crunch to the sweet flesh. The peel has an avocado-like texture and the flesh is fairly easy to slice and peel. Only the pulp is eaten - dragon fruit goes well with fish dishes, especially tuna. You can eat it either as a dish on its own or as an ingredient in a salad or salsa. As already mentioned, dragon fruit is quite high in calories. Having an average weight of 400-500 grams, it is half daily norm calories.

If you are on a diet and watching calories, pitaya can be added to juices and smoothies, added to soup or sorbet. Like any fruit, it is used to make jelly and marmalade, drinks, sweets and baked goods.

How to Grow Dragon Fruit at Home

Do you think it's difficult? You just forgot that pitahaya is a cactus - and they adapt to environment. It is necessary to observe the thermal regime - from 0 to 39 degrees Celsius.

It can be grown at home for some time. The fruit reaches 6 meters in height and cannot be transplanted into the garden - it does not like moisture, and temperature regime it will not be possible to provide.

You can grow pitaya from the seeds inside the fruit. It is necessary to initially select a large enough pot (10 liter). Need sandy soil And drainage system– the roots should not be wet, and the place for the flowerpot should be sunny. Pitahaya can tolerate light shade if the room is warm enough.

Almost all varieties of dragon fruit are self-pollinating - pay attention to this when buying seeds. Otherwise, you will have to rely on bees, which is quite problematic in urban conditions.

When ripe, the fruit changes color - from green to yellow or red, depending on the variety planted.

Dragon eye, also known as pitaya, is the fruit of a cactus. Inside, under the soft reddish or yellow-orange peel, depending on the variety, lies snow-white pulp with small black seeds, but there are also varieties with purple-red pulp. The pulp of the dragon's eye does not have a bright and rich taste, but it is very juicy, creamy and perfectly quenches thirst, however, the aforementioned variety with lilac pulp usually has a much sweeter taste. The size of pitaya can vary quite a lot; usually fruits are as long as the palm of your hand, but there are also very large specimens that can weigh up to 1000 grams. The homeland of this unusual cactus, growing like grapevine, is Mexico and other South American countries.


In the East, wine is made from the fruits of the dragon's eye, and its flowers are brewed into tea. The pulp of this fruit is also included in many creams, shower gels and shampoos. In addition to eating fresh fruits, in Colombia, Nicaragua and Guatemala, pitahaya juice is added to ice cream, yoghurts, a variety of sorbets and sweets, and sauces, jams and jellies are prepared from the pulp. A traditional drink in Spain is pitahaya juice with lime. On Mexican farms, alcoholic drinks are made from the fruit. High Quality: wines and liqueurs. Cactus flowers are also edible, but are more often brewed as tea.


Water - 80-90 g
Proteins - 0.49 g
Fats - 0.1-0.6 g
Carbohydrates - 9-14 g
Dietary fiber (fiber) - 0.3-0.9 mg
Ash - 0.4-0.7 g
Calorie content
On average, 100 g of pitahaya contains about 35-50 kcal.
Niacin (vitamin B3) - 0.2-0.45 mg
Micro- and macroelements:
Potassium - 112 mg
Calcium - 6-10 mg
Phosphorus - 16-36 mg
Iron - 0.3-0.7 mg

Beneficial features

Dragon fruit will be useful for those who have problems with the heart, endocrine system and vision; for example, it is increasingly recommended for patients with diabetes. This is not surprising, because pitahaya has the ability to normalize blood glucose levels. In addition, the small edible seeds of the dragon's eye are rich in tannin, a substance that protects brain cells and has anti-inflammatory properties, moreover, pitaya seeds contain saturated omega-3 acids, which help cleanse the arteries. Today, scientists have proven that pitaya also helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Thus, eating dragon fruit is an excellent prevention of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and exacerbations of diabetes.

Treatment of diseases

Digestive problems. Pitaya will help normalize digestive processes, primarily due to the large amount of fiber it contains, which helps our intestines cope with their work. Seeds containing tannin will help relieve inflammation, if any, and help stop diarrhea.
Weight loss and diets. Dragon eye is perhaps one of the best fruits for weight loss. Judge for yourself, 100 grams of pulp contains only about 40 kcal! For this reason, pitaya is often included in various fruit diets, because with such a low calorie content, it also helps speed up the digestion process.
Prevention of ARVI. This fruit contains vitamin C, which is useful for everyone, young and old, and especially for leading people active image life, because it strengthens the immune system and helps us resist colds.
Treatment of hemorrhoids. Pitahaya is consumed internally in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as this fruit has vasoconstrictor properties.
Gastritis. For gastritis increased acidity Pitaya can also be used as a pain reliever and heartburn reliever.

For women. Dragon fruit contains a number of elements that are extremely beneficial influence on the skin, namely B vitamins and calcium. Thus, Vitamin B3, which is part of pitaya, helps moisturize the skin, smooth out wrinkles, nourishes it, making it younger and more attractive. Well, calcium is the key beautiful hair, strong nails and healthy teeth, not to mention the overall importance of this element for our skeletal system. Pitahaya in Lately cosmetologists from many countries “loved” it very much.

For pregnant. Each of the elements that make up the dragon's eye will benefit the woman and her unborn baby, which is why pregnant women can not only eat dragon fruit, but also need to. B vitamins will have a positive effect on the formation nervous system baby, calcium will contribute to the formation of strong bone tissue, and the cleansing properties of pitaya pulp will come in handy for those who suffer from constipation during pregnancy. In addition, this juicy, light and refreshing fruit, rich in vitamins and microelements, will improve the overall well-being of the expectant mother!

For the elderly. Contains antioxidants and prevents the aging of the body, and also contains microelements that contribute to the normal functioning of the heart. vascular system


It is better to refrain from consuming dragon fruit during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during individual intolerance this fruit.

According to ancient legend, when warriors fought with dragons and brought them to exhaustion, instead of tongues of flame, his heart, the pitahaya dragon fruit, flew out of the terrifying mouth of the ferocious dragon.
These plants are found with different fruits, different colors of skin or pulp, different in size and shape, as well as in taste and the formation of growths on the skin.


Pitahaya yellow
Pitahaya Costa Rican

Pitahaya red


In nature, pitaya grows in a dry tropical climate. Excessive rain causes buds to drop and fruit to rot. Maximum temperature which this plant can withstand well is about 40 C. Pitaya is an epiphyte, so this plant has aerial roots with which it finds nutrients in various cracks where organic matter settles and accumulates. On industrial plantations, they are grown almost like vines, giving them very strong supports, which over time are covered by a network of sucked aerial roots, and the entire silhouette of the plant on the support takes on a fountain-like appearance. Propagated by stem cuttings. Flowers bloom at night (blooms only one night). Many types of pitaya do not self-pollinate, so pollinating insects are needed for cross-pollination. Currently, you can get up to 30 tons of ripe pitaya from 1 hectare in one season, and this despite the fact that it ripens several times a year.

Storage and transportation

Fresh dragon's eye fruit can be kept in the refrigerator for about a week; this will not affect its taste in any way; on the contrary, residents of Thailand say that pitaya should be cooled before eating. These are very delicate fruits that are difficult to transport. They are laid out in soft boxes separately from each other and transported in refrigerated containers.