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» Factors of human survival in conditions of autonomous existence. Survival factors in extreme conditions. Ability to get water

Factors of human survival in conditions of autonomous existence. Survival factors in extreme conditions. Ability to get water

spelling- this is the spelling of words that corresponds to the rules of spelling or the established language tradition. These are the places in the words where students most often make mistakes. A large and diverse group called orthograms at the root of a word is associated with the spelling of vowels and consonants.

In contact with


Working with the student spelling at the root, the student does not think about its place among the others, although the root orthograms form a harmonious, logically justified system. Similar cases require the same verification methods. Mistakes can be avoided by learning correctly highlight in words, suffixes, endings and especially root spellings, to determine their place among others and to check by applying the rule, or looking into orthographic dictionary.

Important! Before starting the check, it is necessary to establish in which morpheme (part of the word) the letter being checked is located. A common mistake is applying a rule to one morpheme for another, or trying to check, for example, a vowel in a suffix using a vowel at the end of a related word.

Scope of the rule

Root- the common part of related words, but this does not mean that it will be the same in all cases. Alternations, build-ups, dropouts and letters make it difficult to recognize. In Russian, even zero is found (in the word take out), which is devoid of sound and literal expression, but appears only in other forms of the word.

It is possible to correctly select the desired morpheme only by selecting and comparing cognate words. However, their importance must be taken into account. For example, will the words be related mountain And burn? At first glance, the morpheme -mountain- it looks the same in them, but one cannot find common in the semantic meaning of these words, which means that there is no relationship between them. The verification methods will also be different.


Root orthograms can be divided into 4 groups:

  • unverifiable,
  • verifiable,
  • alternating,
  • elected.

The ways of choosing the desired letter depend on their belonging to a certain group. How to highlight spelling: indicate the morpheme, underline the letter being checked with one line. This method will help you write words correctly.


This variety includes several spellings. Unchecked can be:

  1. unstressed vowels;
  2. consonants: obscure, paired in voiced-deafness, unpronounceable, doubled.

They are united by the impossibility of doing without a dictionary in case of difficulties.


Checkable spellings at the root of the word, they regulate the choice of letters in the place of a sound in a weak position, the spelling of which is established by the selection of test words or forms, where the vowel or is placed in a strong position and is well heard. How the spelling is checked at the root of the word, examples:

For vowels, the strong position is stressed. To check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, you need to find a cognate in which it is under, or change the given one so that the dubious letter becomes stressed:

G O ra - g O rka, in g O ry.

Unclear paired voiced and deaf consonants are clearly audible before vowels, sonorants. Unpronounceables also appear at the end of a word. Here, too, a test word or a change in form will help:

  • du b- du b ok do b s;
  • ches T ny - ches T b, ches T en.
  • spring - spring, spring.

In the latter case, by analogy with the previous one, I would like to insert an unpronounceable consonant, but the check shows that it is not there.

There is another way to check unstressed vowels, but it is not suitable for all words, but only for those containing certain combinations of letters. In modern times, traces of both Old Russian and Church Slavonic have been preserved. In the first there was full agreement, that is, each syllable ended in a vowel. The second allowed non-vowel combinations - consonants not separated by vowels. Both influenced the formation of the language, and now there are morphemes that contain the Old Russian version in some words, and the Old Slavonic corresponding to it in others. By alternating full-vowel and non-vowel combinations, the spelling at the root of the word is checked: examples of their mutual replacement are given in the table:

Two different options replace each other only in such pairs, so one is checked by the presence in related words another. Now, knowing about the existence of the word m la dshiy, m olo doi through A no longer write. Non-vowel forms are also found instead of the modern ones familiar to us in the solemn poetic works of past centuries, and their presence indicates modern spelling.

« ABOUTYo after hissing "also applies to those being checked, but it is necessary to select for verification not words with a stressed variant, but single-rooted ones, where E. If such options are found, it is written in the root Yo if not, then ABOUT(sh yo sweat - w e ptat, sh O roh - related to E No).

Types of orthograms at the root


Both vowels and consonants can have variants of use, but the main difficulties are associated with the choice of the former.

IMPORTANT! Alternations and checkable spellings at the root of a word obey different rules, it is equally impossible to check them


What are the spellings of roots with alternating vowels and how do the checked spellings at the root of the word differ from them. A word with an alternating vowel, outwardly similar to another, differs from it in meaning. At world yat (friends) - a test word world. At measures to wear clothes - to select a test word to check an unstressed vowel in the root, in no case is it possible, here is an alternation.

Alternating vowels are not cleared by placing in a strong position, like checkable spellings in the root. For example, the words of the word with the root lag-lie and other cases with alternations require other methods of verification.

The spelling of vowels in a root with alternating consonants depends on one of four reasons.

Subsequent consonants

Fundamentally -growth-(-growth-)//-growth- before SCH and combination ST spelled A, and before WITH without further T- Always ABOUT. Exceptions are proper names Rostov And Rostislav, common nouns sprout And usurer are written through ABOUT, and the word industry- through A. This type is not included in the list. The reasons will be explained below.

Suffix -a-

From suffix -A- choice of vowel depends AND: choose - choose And R A eat, tear - prod And R A burn out, burn out And G A th, despise - prez And R A th, freeze - deputy And R A th, unlock - otp And R A t, lay - dist And l A etsya, wipe - st And R A t, deduction - deduction And T A nie, shiny - bl And st A t;

vowel A: —braid-//-cas-(touch to A With A nie)

combinations THEM, IN on the spot AND I):

  • press A t - szh ima be
  • Mon I t - accept ima be
  • class I st - prokl ina be
  • early A lo - beginning ina be
  • ism I t - cm ina be

Words with roots -lag-//-false- obey both of these rules. A written before G, but in the same words there is always a suffix -A-(By lodges it - with lag nee), so that two methods are suitable for checking them.


In alternating words:

  • -gor-//-gar- (burn - tan),
  • -clone-//-clan-(bend - bow)
  • -cop-//-cap-(to dig up - to dig out),
  • -silent-//-silent-(to be silent - to remain silent)
  • -morgue-//-marg-(blink - blink)
  • -late-//-late-(to be late - to be late)
  • -porkh-//-parkh-(flutter - flutter),
  • -stop-//-stay-(to stand - to insist),
  • -creature-//-creature-(create - creature),
  • -talk-//-talk-(push - push),
  • -top-//-top-(hurry up - hurry up) -

in unclear cases (without stress) the letter is used ABOUT.

Spelling of vowels in the root -zar-//-zor-(dawn - dawn) obeys reverse law: without stress it is written A.

The exception is the dialect and special words burnout (burnout), burnout, burnout, burnout, dawn, which do not obey the rule.

stress in words

Shades of meaning

The spelling at the root of the word is also determined by semantic shades. Examples of choosing a vowel on this basis:

-poppy-//-mok-(dunk - get wet): the first option is written in words with the meaning of immersion in liquid, the second - the ability to pass liquid, to be saturated with it.

-float-//-float-//-float-(buoyant - quicksand - swimmer): the ability to stay afloat / move directionally in the stream / combination of both values.

-jump-//-jump-(jump - jump): multiple or long-term action / single. The exception is jump.

-equal-//-equal-(equation - trim): semantic connection with the concepts of equal (same) and even. Team "Equal!" and the word plain is no exception, as it seems at first glance. "Equal!" - the requirement is not to stand up straight, but to stand in the same way. And the plain is not Smooth surface, it has hills and pits, and equal in height to sea level.

Alternating consonants do not entail spelling difficulties, their presence is taken into account only when highlighting a morpheme.

Chosen vowels

Selected root orthograms include cases in which the choice of a letter depends on its environment in the word.

The chosen ones include vowels after hissing and C, the spelling of which is established by several rules:

  • zhi-shi, thicket, chu-shu- combinations in which it is not written S, I, YU, except for those borrowed from French the words of the jury, julienne, parachute, brochure, foreign names and surnames such as Julie, Chiurlionis, Mkrtchyan, as well as Russian ones, in which a certain spelling has traditionally been fixed;
  • after C spelled AND(except for the words chicken, gypsies, tsyts, tsyknut, tiptoe).

This group also includes the rule that AND, which was at the beginning of the word, changes to S after prefixes on a consonant, except above- (And interesting - without s interesting - over And interesting).

Part 1. Orthograms at the root of vowels

Russian language. Spelling: Checked unstressed vowels in the root.


The rules governing the spelling of the considered variants are not applicable to other morphemes. There are only two exceptions: the method of choice I-S, Z-A, Yu-U extends to the orthogram in any morpheme, and the replacement AND on S also valid where the stem after the prefix to the consonant began with the prefix from- (is-). In other cases, the choice of a letter requires other methods of verification.

As a rule, most parents, both young and old, forget quickly school curriculum and sometimes, in order to help their children, they have to scrutinize everything in a new way. Such things include the frequent requests of teachers in our time for the designation of the spelling in the words of the sentence. Many children find this difficult to do, and our article is quite suitable for parents who simply forgot how to do it.

So, we bring to your attention simple instructions on the definition and designation of spelling in words. And for this you need to know that spelling is the spelling of a word a little differently and this is done to understand the rules of the Russian language.

That is, when you have doubts about a particular word. Let's take the word "tooth" and if you write according to the rule "Writing deaf consonants at the root of the word", then you will all make the rule, although there is a spelling at the end of the word, because the letter "p" is heard at the end of the word. If we change the form of the word and apply the plural, then we will get the word "teeth", where there is no spelling and there is nothing to worry about. Accordingly, we conclude that it is necessary to designate the spelling in the letter "b", we emphasize it.

There are other, more complex forms of orthograms, for example, “Letters З, С at the end of prefixes”, where there is a spelling pattern before vowels and voiced consonants, the letter Z is written, and before deaf consonants - C. And the prefix “Z” is not at all in the Russian language .

There are spellings in a more complex version, for example, in the word “located” there is a spelling in the letter “O” and the letter “F”, they must be distinguished, since there are other letters in these words, depending on their spelling, for example, "situate". There is also a spelling in the prefix, where you need to highlight the letters "C" and "P", read about this a little higher.

Thus, it seems to us that knowledge and the ability to correctly identify and designate spellings in words enable children to initially learn how to correctly write words and sentences. Spelling charts show where in a word you can make a mistake and try not to do this in the future. And below you can see full list all spellings available in Russian, as for primary school, and for older guys:

  1. Unstressed checked vowels in the root of the word;
  2. Unchecked vowels and consonants;
  3. Checked consonants at the root at the root of the word;
  4. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word;
  5. Letters and, y, and after hissing;
  6. Dividing b and b;
  7. Separate writing of prepositions with other words;
  8. The use of ь at the end of nouns after hissing;
  9. The use of ь to indicate the softness of consonants;
  10. Vowels and consonants in prefixes;
  11. The letters z and s at the end of the prefixes;
  12. The letters o and a at the root -lag-, -false-;
  13. The letters o and a in the root -rast-, -ros-;
  14. The letters ё and o after hissing at the root of the word;
  15. Letters and and s after q;
  16. Capital letter and quotation marks in own names;
  17. Letters e and v case endings nouns;
  18. The letters o and e after hissing and c in the endings of nouns and adjectives;
  19. Unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives;
  20. Short adjectives with a sibilant stem;
  21. Not with verbs;
  22. Soft sign after hissing verbs in the indefinite form and in the second person singular;
  23. Letters e and and in the roots with alternation;
  24. The letters e and and in the endings of verbs I and II of conjugation;
  25. The letters o and a in the root -kos-, -kas-;
  26. The letters o and a in the root -gor-, -gar-;
  27. The letters s and and after the prefixes;
  28. Vowels in prefixes pre- and pre-;
  29. Connecting o and e in compound words;
  30. The letter e in the suffix -en- nouns on -mya;
  31. Fusion and separate spelling not with nouns;
  32. The letters u and ch in the suffix -schik, -chik;
  33. The vowels e and and in the suffixes of nouns -ek, -ik;
  34. Letters o and e after nouns hissing in suffixes;
  35. Hyphenated and continuous spelling of words with semi- and semi-;
  36. Continuous and separate spelling is not with adjectives;
  37. Letters o and e after hissing and c in adjective suffixes;
  38. One and two letters n in adjective suffixes;
  39. The difference in writing suffixes -k- and -sk-;
  40. hyphen in compound adjectives;
  41. Soft sign in the middle of numerals;
  42. The letter And in the endings of cardinal numbers from 11 to 19;
  43. Not in indefinite pronouns;
  44. Hyphen in indefinite pronouns;
  45. The difference between the prefixes non- and none-in negative pronouns;
  46. Continuous and separate spelling is neither in negative pronouns;
  47. Soft sign in imperative verbs;
  48. Vowels in the suffixes of the verbs -ova-, -eva- and -yva-, -iva-;
  49. Vowels in present participle suffixes;
  50. Vowels in suffixes passive participles present tense;
  51. Continuous and separate spelling not with participles;
  52. Two letters н in suffixes of full passive past participles and adjectives formed from verbs;
  53. One and two letters n in the suffixes of short passive participles of the past tense and adjectives formed from verbs;
  54. Vowels before one and two letters n in passive participles and adjectives formed from verbs;
  55. The letters ё and е after passive past participles hissing in suffixes;
  56. Separate spelling not with gerunds;
  57. Continuous and separate spelling is not with adverbs in -o, -e;
  58. Letters e and and in prefixes non- and neither negative adverbs;
  59. One and two letters n in adverbs for -o, -e;
  60. Letters o and e after adverbs hissing at the end;
  61. Letters o and a at the end of adverbs;
  62. Hyphen between word parts in adverbs;
  63. Soft sign after adverbs hissing at the end;
  64. Continuous and separate writing of prepositions formed from adverbs;
  65. Continuous and separate spelling of prepositions formed from nouns with prepositions;
  66. The letter e at the end of prepositions during, in continuation, due to;
  67. Consolidated spelling unions also, too, to;
  68. Hyphen particles with words;
  69. Hyphenated particle –ka with words in imperative mood;
  70. Hyphen in interjections;
  71. -tsya and -tsya in verbs;

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The Russian language is called “great and mighty” for a reason. It is one of the most difficult in the world, and teaching it is a real pleasure. headache not only for foreigners, but even for natives.

And if with colloquial speech things are even more or less (not for everyone, of course, but for the majority), then everything is much worse with writing.

The fact is that many words in Russian spelled differently than they are pronounced. Each such case requires a person to look into a textbook or dictionary.

Numerous rules - this is spelling. There are a huge number of them, and even certified philologists are sometimes not able to remember everything. But there are about 70 basic rules, and it is precisely this volume that is studied in Russian schools.

Spelling - what is it

Spelling - the correct spelling of words, based on the rules or established traditions and chosen from several options.

This term, like many others, came into the Russian language from Ancient Greece- "orphos" (correct) and "gramma" (letter). That is, it can literally be translated as “correct letters” or “ correct writing».

Thanks to the large number of spellings, even a whole science has appeared that studies and describes them - spelling.

Do not think that we are only talking about complex words, such as synchrophasotron or from under the subfold. No, even in the most simple words, for example, life, happiness, water, yellow or plane, have their own spelling. Let's explain what we mean:

  1. ZhI ZN - it is not immediately clear by ear which letter is the second - “I” or “Y”;
  2. MF ASTIER - by ear, we generally hear that this word begins with the letter "Щ", and not with "MF";
  3. IN YES - in everyday speech we do not pronounce "O" in the first syllable, but replace it with "A";
  4. SAME LTYY - again, although this color is written through the letter “Yo”, when pronouncing, we clearly hear “O”;
  5. SA MO YEARS - again, there are two letters “A” in this word, that is, we pronounce “plane”.

And there are also so-called non-alphabetic spellings. These are the rules of the Russian language, which explain when to put a dash or a hyphen, when (for example, not-/ni-) are written together or separately, how to correctly hyphenate words, and so on.

An example of parsing dictation and underlining spelling

For example, parsing and underlining spelling in dictation for elementary grades (parents of first-graders may come in handy), which well demonstrates the vastness of their area of ​​\u200b\u200buse:

By the way, pay attention to the underlining style - it differs for different spellings. Here is the "legend" according to which this is done:

Here the adult will get confused, what can we say about the child ...

The most important spellings

We will not list all the existing spellings, and it will take too much time and space (it’s easier to read the textbook then). Let's dwell on the most important ones that children study in elementary grades.


Children are faced with this rule already in the first grade. And from an early age, we memorize the phrase: “Live / shi write with the letter “I”, write cha / cha with the beech “A”, write chu / shu with the letter “U”.

And the thing is that by ear we perceive completely different sounds. For example, in the words "lu zhi" And " shea roco" we clearly hear "Y", in " cha shka" and "pi shcha"respectively" I ", and in" chu gum" and "according to shu pat" - "Yu".

Spelling: unstressed vowels at the root

Take, for example, the words: le diana, be govaya, at ho dit, argu me ntate. The underlined syllables are orthograms, since it is not immediately clear in them which vowel should be, which means that it becomes difficult to write. To avoid a mistake, you need to choose a test word:

  1. LE DYANOY - from the word ICE, which means that you need to write it through "E";
  2. BE GOVAYA - from the word RUNNING and again it is necessary to write through "E";
  3. At XO DIT - the test word HOD and, accordingly, we write through "O";
  4. ARGU IU NTIROVE - the test word ARGUMENT.

One of the most difficult pairs of words related to this rule are POSP I ENLIGHTENMENT and ENLIGHTENMENT E SHENIE. Painfully, they sound similar, but at the same time they mean completely different things.

Yes, at the POSP I SHENCHIA the test word is HOLYNESS, therefore the letter “I” is written, and for CLEAR E SCHENIA is the test word LIGHT, so the letter “E” is written.

But the Russian language is complicated by the fact that it has exceptions to any rule. For example, in this case There are many words for which it is impossible to find test words. Therefore, you just need to memorize their spelling by heart. These words include: e cash, b e cut, m A lina, h A water, b A nan, A diamond, choco fret, fault warm.

Spelling: unpronounceable consonants at the root

We already mentioned at the beginning of the article the word MF ASTIER, which is pronounced through "Sch", but is written through "MF". And there are many such words, especially when a noun is converted into an adjective, and because of this, one of the consonants may “lose” by ear. To write correctly, you must also use the test word.

  1. SER D CE - cardiac;
  2. IZVES T NOY - news;
  3. HOUR T NIK - participation;
  4. ZDRA IN STVE - health;
  5. SO L NCE - solar;
  6. SER D CE - cardiac;
  7. CHES T NOY - honor.

But, of course, there are words that cannot be verified in any way. Their you just need to remember. This is, for example, a forest T nitsa, holiday d nickname, svers T nicki, chu V stva.

Spelling: prefixes ending in З- / С-

This rule appeared in the Russian language exactly 100 years ago, when the Bolsheviks carried out a reform. Previously, all prefixes ended in the letter "Z", and no one had any questions. Now there are divisions: voz-/vos-, iz-/is, raz-/races, vz-/sun-, without-/bes-, roses-/ros-.

To learn how to write a particular word, you need to pay attention to the letter that comes after the prefix. If it is a voiceless consonant (К, П, С, Т, Ф, Х, Ц, Ш, Ш, Щ), then a prefix with “С” at the end is used.

besK terminal, rasK opal, RosP is, VSP gasped voss dancing

If after the prefix there is a voiced consonant (B, C, G, D, F, Z, L, M, N, P) or a vowel, then prefixes with “Z” are used.

without B olny, near come alive fromD alec, times cheerful, vzg lad

Spelling: verbs ending in -T / -TH

Another spelling that children get acquainted with in elementary grades. The question is simple - when to put after the letter "T" soft sign and when not needed. And why?


Teach TH it's never too late
He teach T all day long

The rule here is very easy to remember. You just need to look at what question the verb answers - “what to do?” or “what does it do?”. And the writing of a soft sign will depend on this.

"I appear in the sky T the first stars (what are they doing?)" and "In the sky began to appear TH Xia the first stars (what did they start doing?) "

Spelling: adjectives with -Н- and -НН-

Another painful topic for many students, especially when preparing for the exam. The fact is that there are several rules at once, and which one to apply depends on the particular word.

Rule number 1.

If the root of the noun ends with the letter "H", then there will be two of them in the adjective.

length - length HH th, soN - with HH th

The same applies to words whose root ends in "MY".

TIME - time HH th, seed - seme HH Ouch

At the same time, as always, there are a number of exceptions: young, pork, mutton, green, blue, spicy, peacock, crow. Although in all these words the root ends in the letter "H".

Rule number 2.

If the adjective is formed using the suffixes -ENN- and -ONN-, then two letters "H" are written, regardless of the root.

straw ENN th, foliage ENN oh, station HE N th

And if the suffixes -AN-, -YAN- and -IN- are used, then the letter "H" remains alone.

lion IN oh, sol YAN oh skin AN th

Exceptions- TIN, WOODEN, STEEL.

It used to be said in schools that they were easy to remember if you imagined a window. It has a glass base, a wooden frame, and a pewter handle.

Rule number 3.

Two letters "H" also, which are formed from verbs:

wash HH th (erase), offended HH th (offend), purchase HH oy (buy), heat HH th (fry).

But then again there are exceptions, which include the established expressions:

"conche H th person", "name H oh sister", "plant H th father”, “easier H oh Sunday."


Of course, in our time, spelling has become less attention. After all, we now write most of the tests not by hand, but print on computers and gadgets. And they have special programs that will correct any errors.

But these technical innovations are unlikely to help schoolchildren when passing exams. Yes, and adults from time to time have to write something on their own. And without knowing the rules (spelling), it is very easy to pass for illiterate.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The Russian language has many rules for spelling, having learned which, you can avoid writing mistakes.

What is spelling, and how can you improve your spelling with it?

All spellings are based on appropriate rules or traditionally chosen exceptions. When wondering what a spelling is, it is worth referring to the translation from ancient Greek, where orthos means “correct”, and gramma means “letter”, that is, this is the correct spelling using any spelling rules.

Spelling table.

There are 2 types of orthograms: alphabetic and non-alphabetic. With the help of a certain rule in any morpheme, the desired letter is selected from several options.

The second type includes the continuous or separate spelling of the word, hyphens, dashes, abbreviations, capital letters, hyphens, accents, apostrophes, etc. When recognizing a spelling, a person must speak in such a way that orientation to the rule is heard in pronunciation.

An example of a definition in a letter is the use of voiced, deaf, paired or unpaired words at the root. To write the desired letter, you should choose a suitable test word or change the word form.

So, as an example, consider the noun "code". In its root, the letter "d" can be mistakenly replaced by "t". By emphasizing it, the writer highlights the spelling, which can be checked using the generally accepted rule "writing deaf consonants at the root of the word."

Spell check is possible by changing the word form. To do this, the "code" can be translated into plural form"codes". In this case, the pronunciation corresponds to the spelling, which means that the spelling of the noun "codes" is missing.

How to define in different morphemes?

All orthograms can be located in Russian in various morphemes:

  • prefix;
  • root;
  • suffix;
  • ending.

To determine the rule, the morpheme in which the first is found is selected.

If it refers to alternating unstressed vowels in the root, the writer needs to highlight this part and underline it. So, in the verb "settle down" they often make a mistake in the root "lie".

In this word, when defining, the letter “o” at the root of “lie” is emphasized with 1 line, and “g”, on which the letter of the spelling depends, is 2 lines. You can determine the spelling of the desired letter using the test word “located”, where the stress just falls on “o”.

In this verb, people sometimes make mistakes in the prefix (prefix). His spelling is the consonant “s”, which must be underlined with 1 line, and the next consonant “p” with two, since the spelling depends on it.

Next, the prefix “by” is noted, in which the spelling is “o”. In this example, you can understand that one word can contain more than one spelling. Finding it during morphemic analysis, choosing test words, you can learn the correct letter.

How to discover?

Recognition is possible by defining a suitable rule:

  • the presence and number of unstressed vowels in the root of the word that can be checked;
  • the presence of vowels or consonants that cannot be verified;
  • consonants that can be checked;
  • consonants that are not pronounced;
  • writing vowels after sibilants;
  • separating "b" and "b";
  • writing prepositions with various parts speech;
  • the use of a soft sign at the end of a word;
  • softening consonants with the letter "b";
  • combinations of s / s, o / a, o / e, and / s, which are after “c”, etc .;
  • uppercase letter;
  • the use of verbs with "-tsya" / "-tsya" at the end;
  • "not" with various parts of speech, etc.

Quite often, people make mistakes when writing "-tsya" / "-tsya" in verbs. To determine the spelling, you should understand whether the word answers questions of an indefinite form: “What to do?” or “What to do?”.

In this case, there is a soft sign before "-s" or "-sya". If the word is the answer to the question "What does it do?" or “What will he do?”, do not write a soft sign.

For short adjectives, "b" is also not written at the end. An example would be the sentence "Bread is hot". In this case, "hot" is written without the "b".

Definition of a letter with a small or capital letter carried out on the basis of what exactly the word is: proper or common noun.

The first ones (name, animal name, river name, etc.) are always capitalized. Common names they call words that have a generalized meaning: a person, a river, a city, etc. As for the names of the parties, only the first word is capitalized.