Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Facade of a one-story brick house with a gable roof. Gable roofs of private houses in the photo. Roof design and installation

Facade of a one-story brick house with a gable roof. Gable roofs of private houses in the photo. Roof design and installation

A gable roof occupies a middle position between a single-slope and a multi-slope roof in terms of complexity and ease of use. Reliable protection of the house from rain, wind and snow, a wide variety shapes and simple installation - these factors have made the gable roof the most popular in our country. Its assembly can be carried out by both professional craftsmen and novice builders. The design is used in the construction of permanent structures and for small architectural forms - gazebos, bathhouses and tourist houses in campsites.

The structure and main elements of a gable roof

A gable roof is one that consists of two planes. rectangular shape, located above the walls of the building and connected at an angle from above.

The popularity of the gable roof is due to the ease of its manufacture.

The supporting structure of the roof is the rafter system, the purpose of which is to:

  • retention of external and internal roof coverings;
  • uniform distribution of load on load-bearing walls;
  • forming the roof frame necessary to level the plane of the slopes.

To understand and successfully apply in practice the principles of a gable roof, let’s take a closer look at the main elements of its design. In any case, knowledge of accepted professional terminology will help in the selection and calculations of materials.

  1. Mauerlat. Support beam installed on the wall. Made from timber and logs coniferous species tree. The purpose of the Mauerlat is to evenly distribute the weight of the roof onto the load-bearing wall. The cross-sectional dimensions of the beam are determined in accordance with the overall dimensions of the roof; as a rule, it is from 10 to 25 cm in cross section. Fastening is carried out with anchor bolts, metal threaded rods, staples or wire. Between the Mauerlat and the wall surface is laid waterproofing material to prevent contact between hygroscopic stone and wood. The Mauerlat can be made from solid wood, sewn boards or laminated veneer lumber.

    To attach the Mauerlat to the wall, you can use anchors, threaded rods, staples or wire

  2. Roof trusses. The rafters can be assembled both on the ground and directly on the roof. The truss is a triangle with given dimensions. It is assembled from boards or timber with a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 150 mm. It is important to observe technological tolerances when installing trusses, since the final configuration of the slope plane depends on them. An error of 1 cm at a distance of 0.6 m is considered unacceptable: the roof will be wavy and the fit of the roofing material will be uneven. The installation pitch of the rafters varies from 0.6 to 1.2 m.

    Assembly of trusses can be done both on the ground and directly on the roof

  3. Sill. This part is used in layered structures. Just like the Mauerlat, it is installed on the supporting (internal) wall and serves to distribute the load from the racks under the ridge girder. The dimensions of the bench usually do not differ from the dimensions of the mauerlat, but there are exceptions (depending on the thickness of the wall).

    In the design of a gable roof, the roof is located on the middle support of the house

  4. Racks. An element used to compensate for vertical loads. Racks connect the ridge and horizontal girders with the beams and load-bearing beams. The thickness of the beam is selected depending on the overall roof structure. It is secured with nails, screws and metal brackets.

    Racks prevent rafters from bending under load

  5. Crossbars (tightenings). They enhance the rigidity of the triangular structure of the rafters and connect the rafter joists together into a single frame.

    The crossbar connects the rafter joists and enhances the strength of the truss structure

  6. Ridge (or ridge girder) is the upper horizontal part of the roof, located at the intersection of two planes of the slopes. The purlin is a solid massive beam connecting the slopes along the entire length.

    All upper points of the trusses are connected by a ridge beam

  7. Overhang. The part of the roof protruding 40–50 cm beyond the Mauerlat. Designed to protect the walls from getting wet. Gutters are installed under the eaves.

    The overhang performs protective functions, covering the walls from dampness

  8. Lathing. The outer part of the structure that is laid on top rafter legs. Executed from wooden slats or (in case soft roof) plywood, chipboard or OSB. The function of the lathing is not only to fix the roofing material, but also to enhance the rigidity of the frame as a whole. Edged or unedged debarked boards impregnated with antibacterial compounds are used. The thickness of the sheathing varies from 22 to 30 mm.

    Before installing the roof covering, sheathing is installed on the rafters

  9. Fillies. An additional element that is used in cases where the rafter joists are not long enough to provide a full overhang. To build up rafters, use boards or timber of the same or slightly smaller size. They are fixed with nails and screws.

    The fillies can be attached to the rafters with bolts or nailed

  10. Rafter legs (struts). Spacers that act as a connecting link between the load-bearing beams and the rafter legs. They are made locally from boards and timber. IN dacha construction poles of small diameter (up to 14 mm) with turned flat ends are used.

    The main function of the rafter legs (struts) is to increase rigidity rafter system

Video: stages of construction of a truss structure

Options for the rafter system

Depending on the location of the load-bearing walls of the building, one of the possible types of rafter system is selected:

  • layered;
  • hanging.

Layered rafters

The layer fastening system assumes the presence of an additional supporting wall of the house, onto which the weight of the roof is transferred. For this purpose, a ridge girder and a bench are used, connected to each other by vertical posts. This type of structural reinforcement is simple and effective, but interferes with the arrangement attic space under a residential area. The usable area is reduced and additional finishing costs arise. A good solution to the problem in this case is a male gable (which is a continuation of the wall and erected before the formation of the roofing system), which takes on the weight of the roof structure. In addition, the disadvantages of layered technology include the need for long elements. It is extremely problematic to transport and install purlins longer than 6 m without lifting equipment. There are four types of layered structures.

  1. Unbraced rafters. There are three types of assembly of this design:
    • with rigid fastening to the mauerlat (the ridge girder is connected to the top of the rafters using a sliding fastening with additional fixation with metal strips);

      The rigidity of fixing the rafters to the mauerlat is provided by metal brackets

    • with a slider fastening to the Mauerlat (the floating connection is duplicated by a flexible plate, the upper parts of the rafters are attached to the purlin or to each other in pairs);

      Slider fastening is provided by a flexible plate installed at the top of the trusses

    • with rigid fastening of the rafter legs and the roof ridge into a single whole (using additional boards).

      In this option, all elements of the truss are connected into a rigid triangle

  2. Expansion rafters. The fastening of the rafter legs to the mauerlat is rigid, but a horizontal girder is added between the rafter legs. This design is intermediate between a layered structure and a hanging one. It is used in cases where the load-bearing wall is strong enough and can withstand the bursting pressure from the roof. Sometimes for this purpose a reinforced concrete belt is installed along the entire perimeter of the roof.

    Expansion rafters transfer thrust loads from the roof to the Mauerlat, so they are used only in cases where sufficient strength of the walls can be ensured

  3. Rafters with braces. The brace acts as an additional support; it is often called the third rafter leg or the rafter leg. It is installed at an angle of 45–50° and does not allow the main rafters to sag. With the help of struts it is possible to cover spans with large distances (up to 15 m). The main thing during assembly is the accuracy in cutting the corners of the struts in accordance with the inclination of the rafter leg. No other calculations are required. The strut is nailed to the load-bearing elements on both sides.

    Rafters with struts allow you to span long spans

  4. Rafters on sub-rafter beams. An additional beam is laid along the length of the roof, on which the racks supporting the rafters rest. The same function is performed by the bench and other walls of the house. If there are no purlins, a separate stand is installed under each rafter leg. The tightening is installed below the purlin, thus eliminating the expansion. With the help of contractions installed in the lower part, the load from the weight of the upper part of the rafters is compensated. Additional joints connected crosswise fix the position of the scrum.

    To strengthen the structure of the rafters in a scheme with a sub-rafter beam, they are used additional elements: tightening, crossbars, contractions and joints

Hanging rafters

The hanging scheme is used in the absence of a middle support. The rigidity of the roof is enhanced by installing ties and crossbars between adjacent roof trusses. Often this is the only way to arrange a roof, especially in cases with small floor sizes.

One of the significant advantages of this type of construction is the high strength and rigidity of the frame. When installing a hanging rafter system, there is no need to attach the Mauerlat.

Hanging systems, as well as layered ones, are divided into 5 types, each of which is three-hinged.

  1. Triangular three-hinged arch. The least expensive option for installing a roof. It is a triangle with a limited degree of load. There are two options for attaching the rafters to the tie - an orthogonal frontal notch and a tie using plate fasteners.

    The rafters and tie are fastened by cutting or using rigid plates made of wood or metal

  2. Three-joint arch with raised drawstring. It is used in the construction of attic spaces that are planned as an attic. The transverse tie is installed at the top of the truss. The fastening to the Mauerlat is a slider type. For proper operation of the system, it is recommended to extend the rafters long beyond the boundaries of the walls. To compensate for possible sagging of the tightening, hangers are used (one or more - depending on the circumstances). If the tightening length is large, it is possible to splice two beams using clamps.

    The floating fastening to the mauerlat relieves stress from the rafters, and the installation location of the tie determines the height attic room

  3. Triangular arch with headstock and struts. In the case where the rafters are very long, additional struts are used to strengthen them. They reduce the likelihood of sagging under the influence of external loads and transfer the weight of the roof to the lower puff. In addition, a headstock is suspended from the ridge girder on clamps, which supports the ridge, and therefore helps to increase the rigidity of the entire structure.

    A triangular arch with headstock and struts is used for very long length rafters, when you need to relieve the ridge assembly and increase the rigidity of the entire system

  4. Three-hinged arch, reinforced with a suspension or headstock. This type of truss structure is used for roofs with large (more than 6 m) spans. Its essence is that the weight of the tightening is transferred to the ridge run. They are connected to each other by pendants, the ends of which are clamped into clamps. A pendant made of wooden beams is called a headstock, and an iron pendant is called a cord. Using the clamp bolts, you can adjust the degree of tension, which is especially important in case of sagging tightening.

    Suspensions and headstocks prevent deflection of the tightening, and the degree of tension of the fastening unit can be adjusted

  5. Triangular arch with crossbar. For high thrust loads, a crossbar is added at the top of the triangle. It, unlike tightening, compensates for compression stress. The fastening of the crossbar does not allow a hinged connection with the rafters. The tie is installed at the base of the structure.

    To compensate for thrust loads, a horizontal crossbar is installed in the upper part of the truss

Video: installation of rafters for a garage and bathhouse

What determines the height of the ridge of a gable roof?

As noted above, the ridge is the upper horizontal part of the roof, formed by the intersection of the slopes. Determining the height of the ridge is one of the key tasks when designing a roof. An incorrect decision entails a number of problems associated with further operation.

  1. Climatic conditions of the region. These include the average annual precipitation level, wind load and snow depth. Each factor makes its own adjustments when choosing the roof height. Thus, prolonged snow drifts and heavy rains require a slope slope of more than 45 degrees, while precipitation leaves the roof quite quickly, without having time to cause damage. IN steppe zones Where steady winds prevail, it is customary to erect flat roofs with slopes of no more than 10–12 degrees. Here, a roof with a low-pitched design will last longer and will be more effective at retaining heat in the house.
  2. The presence or absence of an attic space in the structure of the house. Since gable roofs come in two types - with or without an attic, when choosing the angle of inclination, further stages of operation must be taken into account. One of the most common options for arranging an attic space is the attic. To do this, use a special gable roof design, which is called a broken roof and expands usable area attics. The option without an attic is more often used in the construction of garages, warehouse hangars and similar structures.

    A roof without an attic increases the volume of the room, but has large heat losses

  3. Type of roofing material. Knowledge of the properties of the external coating influences optimal choice the slope of the slopes and the height of the ridge. Here are some basic rules:

It should also be taken into account that raising the ridge is accompanied by additional financial costs. For example, a structure with a slope of 40–45 degrees will cost 1.5–2 times more than a roof with a slope of 10–12 degrees. As the angle of inclination increases further, the cost increases exponentially.

The importance of correctly determining the height of the roof ridge in each specific situation cannot be overestimated. Nor did it go unnoticed by regulatory construction documents.

The collection of rules and tables SNiP 01/23/99 and SP 20.13330.2011 detail the requirements for the construction of roofs in various climatic zones.

The minimum dimensions of exploitable attics (residential attics) are also regulated there. Not only the convenience of the room for human life is taken into account, but also fire safety standards. The attic size should not be smaller the required minimum for prevention and Maintenance roofs are 1.5 m high and 1.2 m long. Narrowing of passages in complex composite structures by 35–40 cm is allowed.

There are two ways to determine the height of the ridge:

  1. Graphic, which uses an accurate drawing to a given scale.
  2. Mathematical - using geometric formulas expressing the dependence of the height of the ridge on the length of the roof base and the angle of inclination.

The third can be called an automatic method of calculation using online calculators, which abound on the Internet today. But with all due respect to modern computer technology, you need to be aware that in the event of an error or inaccuracy of calculations, no one will be held responsible for wasted money.

Therefore, it is better to perform the calculations yourself. Geometric calculations are made using the formula H = L ∙ tg A, where H is the height of the ridge, L is half the span length, and tg A is the tangent of the slope angle, the value of which can be taken from reference tables.

To determine the height of the ridge, you need to know the size of the base and the tangent of the slope angle.

Table: tangent values ​​of different angles for calculating a gable roof

Types of gable roofs

Above we looked at the options for gable roofs from the point of view internal device designs. Now let's look at their external structure.

Roof with different slope angles

Roofs with different slopes are also called asymmetrical. More often they are used in small architectural forms, but there are also cases of permanent buildings with such roofs. The bottom line is that the building is covered with a roof with different lengths of slopes. The number of slopes does not change - there are also two of them, but the perception of the building as a whole changes significantly. The building becomes unusual, stylish in its own way, acquires uniqueness and attracts people's attention.

An extended roof slope can be used to organize an additional functional extension, for example, a garage

Despite the additional difficulties in constructing such a roof, the popularity of the design does not decrease. On the contrary, developers strive to give houses unusual, original shapes. To do this, they use various architectural techniques, including roofs with different lengths of slopes.

Roof with dormer window

Dormer windows add a unique flavor to the exterior of a building and are very useful in a practical sense. With their help, the problem of attic lighting is solved, as well as natural ventilation without the involvement of additional technical means. Installing dormer windows is not an easy task, requiring knowledge and skills. Initially, a dormer window was considered a glazed hole in the gable of the roof, but today the range has expanded; windows built into the slopes also belong to this category. Based on their appearance, dormer windows are divided into:

  • attic;
  • single-pitched;
  • gable;
  • arched;
  • hip;
  • French flat;
  • with side walls in the plane of the house;
  • without side walls in the plane of the house;
  • with side walls not in the plane of the house.

Each type of dormer window is installed using its own technology

Of all the listed categories, only roof windows can be installed both at the time of roof construction and after construction is completed. The rest are constructed simultaneously with the assembly of the truss structure. This is due to the need to organically integrate a window into the support system, which must withstand climatic loads and not cause leaks or distortions of the roof.

The dormer window must fit into the overall support system of the rafters and withstand all loads acting on the roof

Installation of dormer windows is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents SNiP 11–26 and SNiP 21–01.

They stipulate the conditions under which a dormer window can be installed:

  • permissible slope slope - not less than 35 o;
  • the maximum permissible size of a window with opening sashes is 1.2x0.8 m;
  • dormer window on a roof with a hip structure and a rectangular facade cannot be in the same plane as the walls of the building;
  • For external cladding For windows, tiles, copper, and sheet steel can be used.

You can install a dormer window yourself or turn to professionals for help. But in any case, it is necessary to comply with general construction rules developed by specialized organizations.

Cuckoo roofs

“Cuckoo” is a structure built into the main rafter system in the form of a protruding window or balcony. The appearance of such a building compares favorably with the houses surrounding it, and inner space the attic is transformed and becomes more interesting. In addition to aesthetic advantages, the “cuckoo” increases the usable volume and area of ​​the living floor, and increases the level of natural light. A window located on the south side of the roof allows direct sunlight to penetrate into the attic. Room ventilation improves.

The “cuckoo” design creates an original appearance and increases the lighting area of ​​the attic, but requires careful calculation to maintain the load-bearing capacity of the roof

But the “cuckoo” also has disadvantages, mainly of a financial nature:

  • the complexity of installation work increases;
  • the overall estimate for roof construction increases;
  • there is a need to use the services of qualified designers and builders.

Improper installation of a remote window (or balcony) on a gable roof can cause damage to the roof and the formation of leaks.

Roof with large overhangs

A roof that extends far beyond the house is called a chalet roof. The technology was borrowed from Europe - from the mountainous alpine regions of France and Switzerland.

One of the features of the “chalet” roof is the increased size of the roof overhangs

The distinctive features are the first floor, made of stone, and the second floor, entirely made of wood with a voluminous, flat gable roof and large overhangs. The originality of the exterior is combined with practicality due to the formation of a large area around the house, protected from snow and rain. This solution reliably protects the walls of the house from getting wet and increases sound insulation indoors. The facade side is often equipped with full-length windows and balconies. Despite the impressive dimensions, the roof practically does not weigh down the building. If the roof extension exceeds 3 m, its edge is additionally supported by columns or walls. There are numerous projects in which the rafters smoothly descend to the ground. An additional isolated area is formed next to the building, which is used for auxiliary purposes, as car parking, etc.

Traditionally, chalet roofs are covered with shingles, but for our latitudes this is a very expensive material (oak split into tile plates). Therefore, today modern natural and synthetic materials are used for such roofs, including:

  • straw or reeds;
  • flexible or ceramic tiles;
  • composite stylized roofing;
  • larch shingles or shingles.

Off-center roofs

The avant-garde trend in architecture includes roofs designed according to the principle of asymmetry. The ridge moves away from the central axis of the building, due to which the roof sometimes takes on the most fantastic shapes.

Despite their bizarre shape, roofs with an offset center perform their functions properly

Formally, such a sophistication can be considered one of the types of roofs with different slope angles. In practice, this technique is used in cases where the internal supporting walls are not in the middle of the building. The displacement is due to the designer’s desire to support truss structure maximum in a reliable way and reduce the cost of reinforcing the suspended span.

Selection of roofing materials

Of all the possible roofing options, the most common today are materials of artificial origin. The table below gives comparative characteristics main coatings available on the construction market.

Table: properties of roofing materials

Name of materialSlope angleFire resistance levelSoundproofing propertiesSpecific gravity, kg/m2Service life, yearsPriceAssembly difficulty levelDifficulty in repair and replacementDisadvantages of the material
Corrugated sheet12–90 oHigh5,7–9,4 30–35 LowNoisy, susceptible to corrosion, large waste on roofs of complex shapes
Asbestos cement slate12–60 oHighAverage (but higher than metal roofing types)10–15 25–30 LowAverageEasy, replacing the damaged areaContains asbestos, which is harmful to humans. Fragile, covered with moss.
Ondulin15–90 oShortHigh6–6,5 35–50 LowEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsEasy, replacing the damaged areaThe color is guaranteed for 5 years, low decorative properties.
Ceramic tiles15–60 oHighGood40–100 up to 100Very highEasy, replacing the damaged areaThe only drawback is the fragility of the material to fracture
Cement-sand tiles15–60 oHighGood18–30 up to 100HighDifficult, requires qualificationsEasy, replacing the damaged areaNo
Metal tilesfrom 14 oHighLow (especially if assembled incorrectly)3,5–5 40–50 LowEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsEasy, replacing the damaged areaLarge waste of material when installing a complex roof. Subject to corrosion.
Soft (bitumen) tilesfrom 15 oHighGood3–4 30–40 AverageEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsEasy, replacing the damaged areaThe composition contains bitumen, a carcinogenic substance.

In addition, when constructing roofs, non-standard types of coverings such as straw, reeds or turf are sometimes used. But this phenomenon can rather be called an exception to the rule and a tribute to ancient traditions; these materials are not widely used.

Laying a reed roof requires a lot of painstaking work and is more of an exotic option.

Projects of houses with a gable roof

Most developers, when choosing a ready-made house or cottage project, pay attention to the functional features of the structure and the shape of the roof. And this is no coincidence. The cost of the roof can be up to 30% of the total estimate. But the budget can be significantly reduced if you change the shape and choose inexpensive ones roofing materials. In this regard, the gable roof has a clear advantage over the others. And that is why today it is the most popular. Here is a far from complete list of the advantages of a gable roof:

  • any building, including complex multi-level buildings, can be covered with a roof with two slopes (without compromising appearance and internal comfort);
  • roof installation work will cost much less due to the ease of installation and availability of materials (without compromising strength and reliability);
  • when covered with metal tiles, the amount of waste will be minimal (for example, in a hip roof, waste can be up to 30%).

Architectural and construction organizations They have a huge number of ready-made projects, and for little money they modify them to suit the customers’ conditions.

Photo gallery: ready-made designs for houses with a gable roof

A one-story economy-class house, covered with a gable roof, is one of the most inexpensive and popular options for country housing
Roof windows are partially replaced artificial lighting on the attic floor
IN two-story house you can make a low ridge and a small attic room
The high gable roof allows you to organize full-fledged living quarters on the attic floor

Individual design (including independent design) is mainly carried out for the construction of houses with gable roofs and an improved layout, such as:

  • one-story residential buildings with increased dimensions of the roof space;
  • attic houses with and without hatches;
  • two-story houses with attic and attic spaces.

Having decided on the necessary housing parameters and financial capabilities, you can independently or with the help of specialists create your own project for your dream home.

Gable roof for gazebo

A wonderful invention of our ancestors is the gazebo. Rest outside the city, family celebrations, meeting guests at summer cottage and picnics - this is just a short listing of those functions that are associated with the gazebo. Perhaps that is why such a structure is present on almost every suburban area. One of the main components of a gazebo is the roof.

The gable roof reliably protects the gazebo from rain, dust and falling leaves and gives it the appearance of a fairy-tale tower.

Gazebos are built with various types roofs, but the most popular are gable roofs.

Photo gallery: gazebos with gable roofs

The gable roof of the summer gazebo will reliably protect camping visitors from rain or direct rain. sun rays
The offset of the ridge is used so that additional supports can be installed under the rafters, which will not interfere with the entrance and exit
The stove built into the gazebo turns it into a small summer cafe
Gazebos can be used in parks and recreation areas to shelter visitors from snow, rain or heat

The principles of constructing a roof over a gazebo are in many ways identical to those used in the construction of residential buildings. The only difference is in the structure of the supports: the roof does not stand on the walls, but on columns or vertically installed bars.

Types of gable roofs for gazebos are identical in design to the roofs of ordinary houses

Building a gazebo can serve as a good experience before building a large gable roof on our own.

Assembling a pitched roof is, of course, faster and easier. But by giving preference to a classic gable roof, the owner of the building simultaneously acquires a more durable covering and an attic space, which over time can be turned into a residential attic. The initial costs will more than pay off, and the house will acquire a distinctive and at the same time attractive appearance.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and face, which reflects their internal way of life. And this affects roofs the most. They are the first to catch your eye, so they are the calling card of the house and its owners. If the roof is well-groomed and elegant, made with love, it means that peace and prosperity reign in the house, and its inhabitants live in comfort and coziness. Roofs for small houses, thanks to newfangled trends and modern technologies, have become real masterpieces of design art.

Features of one-story buildings

Before we talk about roofs one-story houses and their structure, we will find out the essence and features of low buildings. IN last years the construction of low-rise cottages is becoming the most popular option for private housing construction, due to many advantages:

Video: projects of small private houses

Roof options for one-story houses and their arrangement

Based on the features low-rise buildings, roofs for them are selected accordingly. They should be light so as not to weigh down the shallow foundation. Simple in shape, complex broken structures will not fit into the architectural appearance of a low-rise building, unless it is a roof with an attic.

A one-story house with an attic and two garages are located under one roof.

But at the same time, roofs must be beautiful, stylish, durable and, most importantly, perform their assigned functions perfectly:

  • protect the house from bad weather;
  • withstand snow and wind loads;
  • resist sudden temperature changes, solar radiation, chemical influences and combustion.

The structure of the roofs of one-story buildings does not differ from the structure of the roofs of high-rise private houses. They also consist of two blocks:

  • load-bearing part - rafter system;
  • enclosing structure - roofing.

These components of the roof are dependent on each other. If the rafter system is installed incorrectly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to lay the covering material correctly. And this is fraught with big problems, including failure of the supporting structure. And vice versa - with poor installation of roofing decking and the use of low-quality materials, at least roof leaks are inevitable. Which will entail dampness in the under-roof space, rotting of the rafters, the appearance of mold, mildew, etc. That is, repairs are inevitable and they will cost a considerable amount.

For one-story buildings, conventional gable roofs are preferable - they are the most reliable due to their design, since they have only two planes and one joint. However, many developers are not satisfied with the simplicity of the forms. I want something special, original even for small house. And here architects came to their aid. They introduced into the structure of roofs for one-story houses stylish elements, making them worthy of admiration.

Powerful rafter legs are extended far beyond the walls and rest against a monolithic fence; the slope simultaneously serves as a canopy for a large terrace

The basis of any roof is the rafter system. It is individual for each form and has its own design features. It will be much easier to choose a suitable roof frame if you have an idea in advance about what types of load-bearing roofing systems are used in the construction of one-story houses. Especially when they plan to build the roof on their own.

Shed roofs

Roofs with one slope are simple and economical designs. They attract with the ease and speed of construction, as well as minimal consumption building materials. If previously such roofs were the lot of outbuildings, garages, verandas, today they can often be seen above residential buildings lovers of modernism, minimalism and hi-tech.

A pitched roof can add expressive dynamics to the architecture of high-tech houses

Despite the simplicity of the upper structure of buildings, there are many more options for constructing such roofs than it seems. This can be a classic rafter system - the rafter legs rest on two opposite walls of the building of different heights through the mauerlat. The support can also be concrete reinforced belt, arranged in advance during the construction of walls or the top rows of log (wooden) boxes.

The rafter system for a pitched roof has several design options

An interesting system is based on one side on the wall, and the other on a support in the form of beams. The upper parts of the rafters are attached to the load-bearing wall or through steel brackets to the wall itself, and the lower parts are attached to the frame of the beams. This is exactly what they do when they build sheds or extensions. Roofs can cover the extension together with the main building, or they can look like separate roofs.

When constructing single-pitched roofs of extensions and sheds, the upper parts of the rafters are attached to the wall

As a variation of this option, both sides of the rafter legs rest on the frame of the beams.

In another version of the construction of the rafter system, both sides of the rafter legs rest on the strapping of the installed beams

When the walls are the same height, to build a pitched roof, one wall is built up. But it will be faster and more reliable to use in this case construction trusses from wood or metal, factory-produced or made independently.

The use of construction trusses greatly simplifies the construction of a pitched roof

It is necessary to note another type of rafter system, which is used to transfer the load from the walls to the floors. In this case, support posts are installed that support the rafters and rafter legs.

To reduce the load-bearing load on the walls of the house, support posts are used

And the latest architectural fashion for pitched roofs of low-rise buildings - the rafter system rests directly on the ground - a bright and bold design. Such a roof will certainly not go unnoticed.

Catchy design element one-story house became dynamic pitched roof, which rests the rafter system on the ground

Video: DIY pitched roof

If we talk about unusual pitched roofs, then there are:

  • wavy roof shapes;

    Roof one-story cottage has a non-trivial shape of a wave running onto the shore - this emphasizes the ultra-modern design style

  • arcuate;

    Beautiful small house with an arched wooden roof and spectacularly curved beams - an example of what can be done with wood as a building material - no limits to your imagination

  • sawtooth structures - for those who are looking for a way to fill their home with warmth and light, as well as visually increase the interior space;

    A sawtooth pitched roof is an excellent option to fill the house with natural light and visually expand its interior space

  • green pitched roofs, especially relevant for buildings near highways or large industrial enterprises, since they not only look picturesque, but purify the air and absorb noise;

    A green pitched roof will give an additional boost of energy and will add vitality, will increase stress resistance and improve heart function

  • roof staircases for one-story long buildings;

    The house in the UK fits harmoniously into its surroundings, thanks to the natural forms and smooth tonal transitions of the color scheme

  • canopy roofs are very practical - the curvature of the slope can be bent taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular area;

    The curvature of a shed roof can easily adapt to the weather conditions of any region and architectural style Houses

  • refracting roofs that merge into the façade.

    A pitched roof that refracts and extends onto the façade is a stylish trend that came from Europe

Of course, so far many of them look exotic due to their unusual, ultra-modern shape. But time will pass, new lean-to structures will appear, more unusual, and the current ones will already be decorating private houses with might and main.

Video: unusual roofs of private houses - ideas for construction

Gable roofs

Despite the many options, gable roofs for low-rise buildings remain the most popular because:

  • such designs look expressive and neat;

    A special highlight is the external chimney, typical of Victorian style houses.

  • have a clear and uncomplicated rafter system;

    The gable roof rafter system is simple and easy to install

  • are distinguished by simplicity and thriftiness in arrangement, as well as reliability in operation;
  • provide good ventilation, uniform heating of the attic space and rapid melting of snow, which is especially valuable for buildings in the northern regions;
  • make it possible to use any materials and, if desired, equip the under-roof space relative to the angle of inclination into a utility room or into a full-fledged residential attic.

    A one-story cottage with an attic and a multi-level gable roof looks impressive and solid

In addition, gable rafter systems are quite diverse, due to which the shapes of gable roofs sometimes turn out simply fantastic.

Surprising and wonderfully shaped roofs are obtained thanks to unusual options rafter system devices

Photo gallery: houses with gable roofs - a fairy tale in reality

The gable hip roof of a one-story cottage is decorated with various stylish elements Modern execution has created a charming Tudor one-story house with a gable roof A thatched roof can be given any look, even the most intricate and fantastic. The Japanese often create original, witty, and sometimes bizarre shapes of houses and roofs that captivate with their simplicity and intricacy. Distinctive feature English houses with an attic - a large slope of the roof slopes and several asymmetrically located gables

Nuances of one-story houses with a gable roof:

  • the arrangement of the under-roof room affects the height of the rafter system, which requires strengthening the rafters, which means higher construction costs;

    Under a gable roof you can arrange a residential or non-residential attic space

  • the slope angle of the slopes depends on the size of the house itself and also affects the height of the structure;
  • the presence of gable windows complicates the structure of the roof and increases the costs of its construction;
  • when installing the roof, special care is required in the calculations roofing units- chimneys and ventilation shafts.

    The arrangement of the rafter system of a gable roof has various options

Video: original house design using a roof

Hip roofs

Roofs with four slopes are characterized by increased reliability. They are stable and can withstand winds very well.

One-story house with a hip roof and a large open veranda is distinguished by its stability and original appearance

Hip-slope roofs are made in the form of:

  • tent structure, where all 4 slopes are combined at one point;

    Hip roof is suitable for houses in the form of a square or regular polygon

  • and hip (half-hip), consisting of two slopes in the form of a trapezoid and two triangular in shape, connected by a ridge beam.

    Interesting idea for modern country house- asymmetrical hipped roof made of reed in tandem with a corrugated wooden facade

Hip hip roofs are economical in consumption wall materials due to the absence of gables (gables). However, they have a complex load-bearing system and problems with fitting roof decks. Hip roofs look most successful, especially on one-story houses, large in area. Such designs give the buildings solidity. In addition, hip roofs are more profitable than hip roofs in terms of the use of roofing materials. Their only drawback, like half-hip structures, is the complexity of roofing work.

The rafter system of a hipped roof is more complex than that of a gable roof

When choosing a hipped version, you need to pay attention to such a factor as the slope of the roof. The angle of inclination of the slopes allows precipitation to be freely removed from the roof, therefore it is a significant criterion aesthetically pleasing roof, its safety and strength. Its permissible value is from 15 to 65° and depends on:

  1. From the climate of a particular area. If the house is located in a region with heavy rainfall and snow, then it is advisable to make the roof slope at least 45°. A lower roof slope is suitable for houses located in dry areas. A flat roof with a slope angle of up to 30° is suitable for areas with frequent gusty winds.
  2. From covering material. For roll roofing, the angle of inclination is provided in the range of 5–25°, for piece roofing - at least 15°, and dimensional roofing materials such as metal tiles and slate are laid on roofs with a slope of 25° or more.
  3. From the presence of an attic room. Here it is especially necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so as not to underestimate the usable area and, conversely, not to overestimate it and get unused space under the ridge. Optimal angle tilt 38–45°. If the slope is less than 30°, it is better to make an attic space.

Increasing the angle of the roof means increasing the length of the rafters and the area of ​​the rafter system. That is, greater consumption of materials and more expensive construction.

Video: finished hipped roof - review

Chalet roofs

The distinctive properties of chalet structures are high reliability, the use of exclusively natural materials and large sizes.

The chalet roofs have large overhangs

You need to understand right away that such a roof cannot be cheap. This is a wide gable structure, most often wooden, with large overhangs, powerful rafters and roof beams extending 1.5–3 m beyond the surface of the walls. It is also gently sloping, with a wide opening angle and a short distance to the ground. Due to this, drainage is not installed under such a roof. Thanks to this structure, it performed well in the most extreme conditions.

The massive wooden beams supporting the roof attract attention - the structure looks unusual and tempting

Advantages of a chalet roof:

Although the chalet roof looks impressive and heavy, it does not create particularly strong pressure on the foundation.

Therefore, this design is well suited to low-rise buildings with shallow foundations and is easy to make on your own. It is only necessary to observe the traditional size of the slopes. The easiest way to arrange a chalet:

  1. A strapping is attached to the ends of the beams, which will hold the bottom row of roofing.

    The rafters are placed far beyond the walls - this is the peculiarity of chalet-style roofs

  2. Consoles are installed on the side walls. They perform a supporting function and are also decorative.

    For chalet-style roofs, powerful consoles are installed around the perimeter of the side walls to support the rafters

An architectural feature of a chalet-style house is the roof overhanging the walls, which gives the appearance of the house extraordinary beauty.

Chalet style is a brand that has passed through time and won the hearts of many today's homeowners

Video: chalet-style houses and roofs

Hip roof

The key features of hip roofs are the presence of dormer and dormer windows. They provide natural ventilation under-roof space and high level of illumination. However, you need to understand that with the same size of the house, the area of ​​the hip structure will be larger than the area of ​​the gable roof - construction will cost more, but the result is much more impressive than the gable version.

If we compare the types of roofs of one-story houses, then buildings with a hip roof are among the first - even small houses under hip roof looks much more expensive and more impressive than the gable version

The most common options for hip roofs:

  • half-hip (Dutch) design - built on the principle of a broken mansard with the only difference being that the lower half-hip roof has 4 slopes;

    The hip roof can have hanging or layered rafters

    Pros of a hip roof:

    • has a rigid structure, which is why its deformation is unlikely;
    • resists gusty winds well;
    • large eaves overhangs protect the foundation and walls from flooding and are often used as awnings over terraces;
    • visually makes the facade attic house lower.

    Disadvantages of the hip design:

    • complexity and high cost;
    • reduction of attic space, which is especially inconvenient if you want to equip an attic;
    • Dormer and dormer windows, on the one hand, provide additional lighting, and on the other hand, if the tightness is insufficient, they can allow moisture to pass through.

    The hip roof for one-story houses has become a kind of standard, especially in steppe, forest-steppe zones and hilly areas with an abundance of strong winds.

    Sometimes a structure with a bay window is deliberately increased to the second floor, but the roof of the extension with the hip roof of the house is not broken

    This roofing option will not be cheap, but it will also last for decades, perfectly protecting the house from natural negatives.

    Video: hip roof made of metal tiles

    Multi-gable roofs

    In recent years, multi-gable structures crowning one-story buildings have become increasingly common. The difference between such roofs is the complexity of their construction, which entails significant financial costs, but houses with multi-gable roofs look graceful and eccentric.

    Among the variety of roofs, the multi-gable roof is considered the most complex and expensive design, but this does not stop those who want to decorate their home with a graceful, impressive roof

    Any configuration and size of buildings are suitable for the multi-gable option, however, it is easier to construct such roofs on rectangular and square buildings.

    Video: roofs of houses

    Multi-gable roofs are made not only to protect the building from bad weather, but also for the sake of their beauty and original catchy design. Often such structures are used as part of combined complex roofs, for example, installed on attics to obtain additional lighting.

    Such a roof requires a lot of expense and effort, but it will greatly decorate a private home and make it stunningly attractive in appearance.

    Multi-gable roofs can be gable or multi-pitch with different slopes. The latter create a cross-shaped shape on the surface of the house.

    Advantages of multi-gable roofs:

    • strength, reliability and long service life;
    • volume and beauty due to increased design potential;
    • additional living space, well lit and ventilated.

    Disadvantages include:

    Before creating a multi-gable roof, you should initially calculate your own financial capabilities, since this design is the most expensive.

    Video: installing a house roof - what you need to know

    It is impossible to predict in advance what type of roof will suit your specific house, just as there is no universal project. Developers put forward their own requirements, desires and preferences. We can only say that when designing a roof yourself, look at all the options. Take into account the nuances in order to choose a high-quality, aesthetic and stylish roof in accordance with your capabilities.

The most popular type of roof is the classic roof with two slopes. It is widespread in construction due to its practicality, durability and ease of installation. A gable roof is an engineering solution in which the rafters are installed in separate pairs and joined to each other, and the walls at the ends are triangular in shape and are called gables. Hence the second name - gable roof. An attic or attic is installed under the roof. Our catalog contains a variety of houses with a gable roof; select projects using sorting by parameters.

What you should pay attention to when choosing houses with a gable roof

This type of roofing frame is not only quickly installed, but also allows you to effectively use the under-roof area to accommodate living rooms or other domestic premises. The absence of a large number of joints eliminates the additional costs of more thorough insulation and simplifies assembly.

The choice of roof shape is primarily influenced by the purpose of the attic space, whether it will be residential or commercial. Depending on the budget, operating mode, and building materials, the slope of the slopes is selected. Projects of houses with a high gable roof shape are intended to organize living areas and recreation areas for owners and guests. Cottages with a small slope of slopes - for storing storage rooms. Attic floor- the optimal solution for building a family cottage, in which each resident will have their own space for relaxation and work.

Advantages of a gable design

The advantage of this type of roof is its organic combination with any rectangular building. Other advantages of gable frames are:

  • good ventilation of the attic or attic space;
  • simplicity and ease of assembly of the rafter system;
  • increased endurance, thanks to which any roof can be used;
  • slope of the slopes, preventing the accumulation of sediments;
  • accessibility of production in comparison with complex roofs.

If you are constrained by budget or construction time, but want to build a warm and cozy family cottage, look at the projects of houses with a gable roof

Houses topped with gable roofs are very functional, simple in design and cheap to build. Moreover, such houses are traditionally associated with coziness, warmth and comfort. In recent years, it is cottages with gable roofs that are most often built by our compatriots.


The most economical houses in all respects are considered to be residential buildings with a gable roof and a square-shaped frame. The size of the dwelling in each individual case depends on the needs of the residents. Typically, the area of ​​cottages in this category ranges from 100 to 110 m2. This is if a small family lives in the house. But you can build a simple two-story house with an attic. In this case, the house can easily accommodate additional bedrooms, as well as luxury rooms - a library, gym, gallery, etc.


The compact architectural design with a gable roof allows you to minimize the cost of building a house. Cost reduction is influenced by both the economical design without additional architectural details, as well as the simple roof format, which makes it possible to use any covering. The construction of gable roofs is also economical in terms of insulation, which is especially important in cases where the roof space is an attic floor.

Having a house with a fairly simple configuration, you can play with the design of the facades in a very original and interesting way. As a result, the structure will become bright and expressive against the background of the surrounding landscape. Most effective method is the use of bold combinations of contrasting finishing materials. For example, wood that is warm in perception can be combined into a single composition with cold stone or clinker; natural materials can be combined with metal, plastic, and glass. If plastering of facades is used, it is worth experimenting with the color scheme.

Geometrically correct houses with a pointed roof allow for competent and high-quality zoning, in which the day, night and utility parts occupy their specific place and are conveniently connected. In one-story houses, zones are divided according to cardinal directions; in houses with an attic, the main line of division runs horizontally - the living area is located below, and the cozy night zone upstairs.


Houses with an attic covered with a gable roof are characterized by unique functionality. Due to the high angle of inclination of the slopes, you can get a large and comfortable space in the center of the attic. The main advantage here is the peak of the roof, which provides freedom in the design of the premises. An additional advantage is the possibility of using vertical windows and balconies in the end walls. If possible, it is worth installing a couple of attic windows, which will serve as an excellent decoration for the building, provide the attic with good sunlight, and create a cozy atmosphere in the attic rooms.

Compact and simple form roofs in combination with reliable insulation reduces the risk of cold bridges and helps achieve an increased level of heat conservation. If you apply all the important energy-saving conditions in the arrangement of the attic, you can achieve noticeable savings on heating and maintenance of the cottage. To such conditions, in addition to a well-designed thermal insulation system and correct form roofing includes the installation of mechanical ventilation with heat recovery and the use of a heat pump.

A house with a gable, gabled roof is an ideal solution for private developers who want to build a comfortable and functional home that will provide comfort and space for all family members.

A modern house with a gable roof is the most popular type of low-rise country dwelling. It is easy to build, practical to use, and suitable for harsh climates. The slope prevents snow and rainwater from lingering on the slopes and increases the shelf life of the coating. Compared to cottages equipped with flat roofs, a gable structure can significantly reduce the cost of heat and waterproofing.

"HOUSE SEASON" offers finished projects houses with a gable roof. On the website you can look at photos, find out preliminary prices and request a calculation of the cost of future construction.

Types of gable roofs

The standard roof consists of two inclined planes, which are limited by triangular gables. Options for this roof:

  • symmetrical - the slopes are the same in area, characterized by equal angle tilt;
  • with an attic - houses with gables broken roofs, in the attic of which you can equip living rooms;
  • asymmetrical - a roof whose inclined surfaces have different area and slope.