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» French curtains: history, application, DIY sewing. How to sew French curtains? (7 photos) What kind of curtains are loved in France?

French curtains: history, application, DIY sewing. How to sew French curtains? (7 photos) What kind of curtains are loved in France?

Luxurious, rich, stylish, solemn - any of these epithets can describe french curtains. Smooth lines, lush arched draperies, flowing vertical rows soft scalloped folds combined with the light texture of delicate fabric and magnificent curtain accessories will not leave anyone indifferent. Looking at them, even the most staunch adherents of laconic interiors begin to think about decorating at least one window in the house with beautiful “French” designs. What is the secret of the centuries-old attractiveness of such a phenomenon as French curtains and how they differ from other lifting curtains, we will look into this article.

History of appearance

It is believed that the description of the first curtains with scalloped folds laid along the entire length appeared in the 17th century in France during the reign of Louis XIV― King - the Sun in the heyday of Baroque and Classicism. Who exactly came up with the idea of ​​decorating windows not with straight lines, but with canvases assembled along the entire length in cascading rows of festoons, history is silent. Nose light hand unknown designer, such window curtains quickly gained popularity among the nobility and became the personification of wealth and luxury. They were sewn from natural Chinese silk and decorated with fringe and tassels.

For “French curtains,” fabric is required several times more than for straight curtains; in addition, numerous scalloped folds do not look good on cheap textiles and small windows. Therefore, it is quite clear that ordinary people they were inaccessible, and the people called them “marquises” - by analogy with one of the highest European noble titles.

Officially, an “awning” is a fabric canopy for protection from the sun and rain.

The second unofficial name was preserved behind the curtains of aristocrats until today and leads to confusion of concepts. The fact is that officially awnings are fabric awnings over windows used to create a comfortable shaded area on the street in front of houses, cafes and restaurants.

In their original form, awning curtains are stationary (they do not move apart, do not rise, but simply hang motionless to the floor), look very solemn and pompous and look best in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Therefore, nowadays they are used mainly on stage, in concert and banquet halls, restaurants, and spacious halls of country houses.

For owners of average apartments, options for French curtains have appeared, sometimes they are called French blinds, adapted to modern realities:

  • Firstly, the length of the curtains has been significantly shortened and, for example, in the kitchen you can hang a French curtain up to the windowsill.
  • Secondly, in addition to natural silk, today there are many high-quality, but not so expensive fabrics on which scalloped folds also look attractive: organza, chiffon, cambric, moire.
  • Thirdly, cornices for French curtains began to be equipped with lifting mechanisms, both manually and electrically controlled, which can be mounted on casement windows, which significantly increased their functionality and expanded their scope of application.

What are modern French curtains?

French curtains (awnings) are a cascading type of lifting curtains. But unlike other lifting models, what comes first for them is not practicality and functionality, but beauty and the difference in their appearance obvious. At the same time, French blinds cannot be confused with strict frames with their characteristic smooth linear folds and laconic rolls, on which there are no folds at all. But they have a lot in common with Austrian models: the canvases are divided into vertical sections and assembled into arched folds. French and Austrian curtains The photos below clearly demonstrate the difference between these two types.

The difference is that among Austrians the draperies are not so abundant: they are formed only in the lower part and are much wider. When unfolded, they extend completely and their length never falls below the window sill. Awnings are curtains, even when lowered, consisting of large quantity, divided along the entire length into vertical segments of cascading festoons (sagging towards the center of the assemblies). When the curtain is raised, they become even deeper and more expressive.

French curtains can be set to any length, up to the window sill or just below it, or to the floor. In addition, they are divided into stationary (fixed) and lifting:

Cornice for French curtains

The cornice for French curtains can be the same as. Depending on the model, it is equipped with a lifting mechanism or a simplified version is used. The fabric can be fastened with Velcro tape or hooks. The photo below shows standard cornices for French curtains with an open and closed curtain lifting mechanism.

It is worth noting that regardless of what fabric (thick or transparent) was used for sewing, thanks to the abundant and complex drapery, the awning is able to completely protect the interior space of the room from views from the street.

What fabrics are suitable for French curtains

French curtains in the interior are far from the best economical way window decoration. They will require several times more fabric than regular curtains. In addition, scallop folds on cheap fabrics look ugly and primitive and, despite the fact that modern awnings do not have to be sewn as they once were from expensive natural silk, you won’t be able to save significantly on textiles either.

Before choosing the French version of curtains, it is advisable to carefully weigh the costs of their production and make sure that they fit well into the interior and the money spent on them will be compensated by the beauty and harmony of the environment.

In order for the folds to look impressive, even and smooth, you need to choose a well-draped, light and soft cloth. These conditions are best met by natural or mixed, with a small addition polyester fibers, textiles:

  • tulle;
  • fine silk;
  • chiffon;
  • batiste;
  • moire;
  • muslin;
  • veil;
  • organza.

Such curtains look light and delicate and are used as curtains, both independently and together with curtains made of taffeta, satin, velvet, and brocade. At the same time, the curtains should also look luxurious and not get lost in the splendor of French curtains.

French curtains made of satin fabric

Sometimes awnings are sewn from dense, but thin, soft and well-draped fabrics. It could be:

  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • curtain wool.

Such curtains do not need partners and look elegant and respectable. Any curtains hung with them will be unnecessary. But you need to keep in mind that windows with thick opaque awnings look “deaf” and they are suitable only for spacious rooms and classic interiors corresponding to their status with massive furniture made of natural wood and gilded or bronze accessories.

French velvet curtains

The appearance of the folds depends entirely on the texture of the fabric: the softer and heavier it is, the more laconic and smooth the scallops are. And, conversely, the stiffer and lighter the material, the more magnificent and prominent they are.

As for the colors, only plain fabrics are suitable for curtains of this type. Any pattern will be lost in numerous festoons, it will look broken, and the curtain will be untidy.

What rooms and interiors are awnings suitable for?

French curtains in the bathroom

Pompous and aristocratic French curtains will not fit into every room. Vertical rows of festoons cascading down, expensive fabrics, accessories in the form of fringe, tassels, flowers and beads will look awkward and cumbersome on small windows outside. large rooms and modest interiors. “French women” look best in an elegant romantic setting of Rococo and Baroque in the spirit of the 17th-18th centuries with elaborate, smoothly curved furniture, crystal chandeliers and bronze figurines.

French curtains in the living room interior

Of course, few people today would think of creating an interior in their home that completely copies the decor of past centuries, but its main features and general style must be respected. If you want to decorate a small room with awnings, use options adapted to modern times and performing the function of tulle - made of transparent white or pastel shades of fabric, length up to the window sill, without additional decorations.

French curtains in the study

To prevent a light tulle French curtain from “playing” from a draft and hanging statically, special weights can be sewn to its lower edge.

A short French curtain complemented by an original lambrequin on the kitchen window

Concerning functional purpose rooms in which it is planned to hang curtains of this type, it can be anything - the main thing, as already mentioned, is the surroundings corresponding to the awning. Of course, French curtains look best in the living room or study, but they are no less often used in non-residential rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen (as in the photo above). The only room where their use is undesirable is the children's room. No matter how attractive the “French curtains” are, dust inevitably accumulates in numerous festoons and they have to be washed frequently, so curtains that are more functional and simpler in shape are appropriate for a room where children live.

Despite their aristocracy and sophistication, French curtains can make the interior not only elegant, but also cozy and peaceful. The main thing is that they must match the interior and look, and a modern mechanism with a lifting block will help improve their functionality.

Video: French curtains in the interior

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Luxurious, chic, rich, stylish, palace, solemn, enchanting - these are all epithets that characterize French curtains (awnings). The interior, which is crowned with them, becomes truly royal. Smooth lines, soft arched draperies combined with light texture of fabrics and various finishes few will be left indifferent. Unlike more practical models of curtains and drapes, such as Roman or roller blinds, among the French, beauty comes first, and only then functionality.

They look especially impressive when framed classic style, or Provence style. Sewing an awning for your living room, bedroom or kitchen yourself is a labor-intensive task. But if you are patient and friendly with sewing machine– you will be able to sew French curtains. You just need to remember that this model of blinds requires strict adherence to proportions in the interior, otherwise it will look heavy and heavy, which is not far from dissonance.

In general, the awning is a cascade-lifting model. This is its similarity with Roman and Austrian curtains: all of these are types of blinds. But the first ones have no draperies at all (only horizontal folds), while the second ones have the drapery of the lower part formed when the product is lifted up, and when lowered they look even.

The awning consists entirely of festoons (sagging gathers) when lowered. As they rise, they become deeper and more expressive.

Awning curtains for formal interiors

French curtains in the interior of a room can cover only the window opening (for example, tulle in a Provence style kitchen), often combined with curtains or lambrequins, or they can play first fiddle, occupying the entire width of the wall. Here the presence of upper curtains depends on the general stylistic design space and the need to create complete darkness (if it is a bedroom or home theater).

Special cut – special textiles

To begin with, let’s make a reservation that awning blinds are far from the most economical option for window decoration: it will take several times more fabric to sew French curtains than regular curtains Moreover, expensive, high-quality materials and rich (and therefore also expensive) finishes are preferred here. Therefore, before sewing such curtains, you need to make sure that they are ideal for a specific environment, and the cost of them will be justified by the beauty of the product and harmony with the surrounding space.

French curtain in the kitchen - one wonders why?

In order for the gathers to be smooth and beautiful, the fabric chosen for these blinds must drape well. Light, soft textiles are suitable: tulle, thin satin, silk, voile, chiffon, moire, organza. But if you sew French curtains from hard, dense, heavy fabrics with a pronounced rough texture, they can distort your entire Provence-style interior beyond recognition, because they will have a completely different appearance when assembled.

Organza awning curtains, interesting pattern vertical stripes V assembled form

How to sew an awning

In principle, sewing it is quite simple: the side and bottom seams are sewn in a straight line, and the top braid and curtain tape are sewn in a straight line in the center of each scallop. The work of carefully gathering the fabric and installing the lifting device is much more difficult and painstaking.

Let's figure it out in order.

How much fabric to take so as not to make a mistake

Calculation of the required width depends on the desired depth of the festoons: the more the width of the material exceeds the length of the cornice, the deeper the cascades of draperies will fall. On average this value is 1.5. That is, for a window with a cornice length of 2 m you need to take tulle 3 m wide.
The cut length for French curtains is calculated based on the thickness of the selected materials and the desired depth of assembly. For example, for deep assembly of organza, the estimated length of the curtain should be multiplied by 3, for tulle - by 2, for a veil - by 2.5. For more easy assembly these numbers can be reduced. For example, let’s take a height of 2.5 m. To sew an awning with beautiful assembly, the tulle needs to be 5 m long.

Calculation of the number of festoons: what to consider

When calculating the number of draperies, you need to proceed from the size of the window and the selected fabric. For narrow and tall ones (for example, in a Provence style kitchen) it is better to choose a small step - 25-35 cm, for wide ones - up to 50-60 cm and even more. The thinner and lighter the material from which these draped blinds will be sewn, the smaller the size of the scallops the French curtain can have.

The required blade width is another factor that influences the number of scallops. Do not forget that the awning is several meters wide before assembly. And here you can’t do without sewing several canvases together. Therefore, it is necessary that each such seam falls in the middle of the scallop, where the curtain (gathering) tape will be located. In this case, you need to leave allowances on the sides for processing the seams.

Sewing technology

Lay out on flat surface future French curtains, but for now just pieces of tulle stitched together to obtain the required width. Use chalk or pins to mark the central lines of the festoons, leaving allowances for processing: 5 cm on the sides and bottom of the curtain, 2 cm on the top.

Fold and stitch the side seams twice. Use a needle or pins to mark the collecting tape along the markings. At the same time, it should not reach the bottom edge of the material by 5 cm, and by 2 cm to the top. Sew each tape on both edges.

If the top edge of your blinds will also be gathered, just bend it 2 cm and sew on a fastening tape, which will adjust the width of the gathering. If you want your French curtains to have a smooth top, first divide the difference between the width of the tulle and the length of the curtain rod by the number of scallops. Either stitch the resulting value into a dart (30-50 cm deep) in the center of each scallop, or fold it with a bow fold and stitch horizontally. After this, attach the fastening tape. Now fold and stitch the bottom of your blinds twice.

If you were going to sew them on a window in a romantic kitchen with a touch of Provence, where the curtains are not supposed to be raised and lowered, then everything is almost ready. All that remains is to pull the curtain tape to the required size, secure it with knots, straighten the assembly and hang the awning on the cornice. You can decorate the kitchen.

French awning curtains may look heavy in the interior of a small kitchen, be careful in your experiments

When is a lifting mechanism needed?

If the romanticism of Provence has enveloped your bedroom or living room, we haven’t finished sewing French curtains for them yet. In these rooms, the scalloped curtain must rise, therefore, before retracting it, it is necessary to assemble the lifting mechanism.

Special rings must be sewn in the center of each collecting tape. In this case, we retreat from the bottom edge at least 5 cm, from the top - at least 12 cm. The distance between the rings is about 30 cm (for small scallops - less, for wide ones, respectively, more).

Special weights must be attached to the bottom of each collecting tape to keep the fabric in a vertical position. Now we tighten the scallops, straighten the assembly so that it is uniform, and tie the ends of the curtain tape cords.

Next you will need nylon cords. They need to be secured to each bottom ring and threaded up through all the rings. Then pass along the top row of rings in one direction, gathering them together, and tie all the ends in one knot. With the help of such a control system, the structure will change its height.

Now you can attach the tulle to the fastening hooks of the cornice.

French curtains in an interior decorated in the Provence style or similar design styles look especially impressive if you sew them using suitable decor: ruffles, tassels, fringe, decorative braid.

Vintage style in the interior of a private house, awning curtains in Provence style
Decor for awning curtains - tassels, beads, glass When you need high taste and a sense of beauty, curtains that emphasize status and belonging to a certain type of activity
Combination of French curtains and drapes, original decor
Lambrequin similar to French Marquise curtains
A gentle version of the French curtain, combined with transparent curtains and decor
A prototype of French Marquise curtains, embodied horizontally, in a lambrequin
With taste and some kind naivety - black trim of French-type curtains made of white voile
French awning curtains look beautiful in the kitchen interior, provided that the space is minimally filled with kitchen attributes
Marquise curtains as tulle for Baroque, Rococo furnishings
Awning curtains with glass beads for a loggia or balcony

It’s very easy to add some flair to a room, because the variety of modern decorative and functional elements allows you to implement any design solutions in your apartment or house. For example, French curtains are ideal for setting accents and protecting a room from bright light, making it more cozy and comfortable.

A little history

A French curtain or, as it is also called, an awning, consists of several separate sections that have many lush folds of fabric falling down. Such curtains will allow you to decorate window openings with chic and luxury, because the folds of the fabric are distributed over the entire height of the canvases. By the way, these features are characteristic of awnings not by chance, because such curtains were invented in the era of classicism. As a result, they are distinguished by pomp, emphasized by luxury, and therefore you can safely decorate a living room in the style of a royal apartment of the 18th century.

In the photo there are French curtains in classic interior spacious living room.

In those days, such curtains were used to decorate guest rooms and state rooms to give them even greater solemnity. These qualities were achieved through rich decoration with lace and ruffles, while today they have been replaced by transparent elastic fabrics that fit well into draperies. Moreover, they were popular both in huge palaces and in the private interiors of aristocratic houses. Today, when designers often return to the traditions of the past and recall retro style, French curtains can become decorative element for apartments and country houses.

Device Features

An awning is a series of elements that create a holistic composition:

  • The fabric itself. The more elastic it is, the more elegant the curtain will look. Decor window openings with such curtains is more of a decorative than a practical process. Most often, multi-layer window interiors are created on the basis of canvases, so you need to choose the appropriate fabric - light and giving splendor.
  • Textile braid is a vertical decoration in the form of scallops and flounces. The tighter it is, the more folds there will be in the curtain.
  • Balancing elements help keep the curtain straight so it hangs beautifully.
  • Additional decorations in the form of fringe, lace, beads or tassels can decorate the canvas on the lower edges.

Mechanism and principle of operation

French curtains are easy-to-use fabrics that are decorated with airy, flowing folds. At the bottom of the canvases, cords are threaded through rows of loops, which are pulled together to form scallops. The peculiarity of these products is that the folds are preserved along the entire length in any position - raised or lowered. Curtains can be lifting or in a static position. In the second case, it will be impossible to move them to the side or lift them. Static awnings are sewn from light translucent fabrics, for example, chiffon, organza, and can be used as tulle.

The photo shows exquisite French curtains made of light translucent organza.

More common are lifting curtains that have a lifting rotor-chain mechanism: it is this that allows you to regulate the level of light entering the room. The canvases are simply lifted to the top of the window and secured with a special fixing element. If you lift the curtain up, more folds will form, and the curtains will look more voluminous in the form of beautiful clusters. The length of the canvas can be different - up to the floor or only to the height of the window opening.

The assembly technology is a cascade reminiscent of flowing water. Accordingly, the folds look picturesque, bright, beautiful, giving the room an aristocratic and romantic spirit. But it is worth remembering that this option is not the most convenient for opening windows, because it is unlikely that you will be able to raise the curtains completely.

Fabrics and patterns: what to choose?

The awning is sewn from silk, polyester and translucent tulle; cambric, wool, moiré, satin, and muslin are often used. The main requirement is that the curtains be translucent in light colors. pastel shades. Thanks to this combination, curtains look harmonious both as an independent attribute of the room and in combination with curtains and lambrequins.

The illusion of volume is achieved through the use of frills, ruffles and ribbons, which also create an atmosphere of comfort and elegance. All these decorations are ideal for rooms decorated in classic or Empire style, baroque or neoclassicism.

These curtains are ideal for decorating a living room or where they will look stylish, appropriate, presentable, but they are luxurious. When choosing curtains for individual rooms, pay attention to the choice of fabric.

They are lush, flowing draperies formed from even semicircular folds of fabric (festoons) laid along the entire height. French curtains will perfectly decorate a window opening, which together with them will be distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Traditionally, French curtains are used to give the room greater solemnity and splendor, both in public and private interiors. French curtains originated in the 18th century, when solemnity, luxury and pomp were in fashion. Much time has passed since then, but these curtains continue to fit well into almost any interior.

French curtains, together with are classified as lifting curtains. The basic principle by which they are used is a lifting mechanism that allows you not to move the canvases to the sides, but to lift them at the top of the window. At the same time, beautiful wavy folds are preserved along the entire length. The main difference between these two types of curtains is that French curtains always retain folds along the entire length, whether they are raised or lowered, while Austrian curtains retain soft folds only on the lower edge of the curtain.

Typically, when making French curtains, thin and light curtains are used. fabrics– cambric, silk, other materials in pastel and light colors. Also, some use transparent tulle of any colors and shades, veil, organza. At the same time, the main requirement for fabrics is elasticity, which provides drapery with soft folds. IN Lately when sewing French curtains they use modern fabrics, for example, polyester, which is superior to silk in practicality, is easy to wash, does not fade, does not shrink, but at the same time it gives the appearance of rigidity and creates lush folds.

French curtains are often combined with classic curtains with tassels and lambrequins.


Since their introduction, French curtains have been used to drape the windows of royal banquet and ballrooms, reception rooms and bedrooms. Very often, when sewing them, they used the same fabric that was used to cover the walls of the room. Also, many people associate French curtains with theaters, offices, restaurants, and assembly halls. Nowadays, French curtains have found their use not only for decorating the interiors of the Kremlin, but also for luxurious mansions and stylish apartments.

If you hang such a curtain in the hall, then at the entrance to the house an elegant atmosphere will be created.

At the same time, French curtains can be used to decorate a window opening in the bedroom, giving a casual and romantic look to the interior, and at the same time a kind of privacy. In a room with wide windows, you can use the simplest option for placing French curtains in the interior. To do this, hang 2-3 narrow French curtains of varying lengths on the window (for example, to the middle of the window, to the window sill, to the floor). This option looks good on its own, without additional curtains.

There is a classification of French curtains, according to which they are divided into two categories:

  • decorative– when the folds on the curtains are fixed and cannot be changed. In this case, the curtains can only be raised manually.
  • workers– free control of the curtain, you can already use it here modern systems And lifting mechanisms, which easily allow you to open and close the window opening.

You can make French strength on your own, because the method of sewing them is very simple. The fabric consumption for these curtains is one and a half times more in width and 2 times more in height from the dimensions finished product. Maximum width and length allows for rich and luxurious assemblies. The panel of the future curtain is divided by cords into symmetrical vertical sections. The maximum area of ​​finished French curtains is 8 sq.m. larger area Difficulties may arise during installation and operation.

So, French curtains are a classic, noble, luxurious beauty that will fill your home with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and, in addition, will enliven and ennoble it.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of French curtains in creating beautiful design interior They represent best combination simplicity and sophistication, which, in fact, attracts the attention of a large number of consumers. Such products differ from analogues in lush draperies, which are formed along the entire length of the fabric due to even scallops. Due to such an elegant appearance, French curtains have found application not only in houses and apartments, but also public interiors, giving each room solemnity and comfort.

The history of French curtains

The first mention of French curtains comes from beginning of XVIII century. They began to be made for decorating the royal baroque. Later they found application in classicism. They were made from thin fabrics, mainly silk. In large rooms, the windows were covered with light French curtains. In homes, it was preferable to use thick silk curtains.

Modern collections of French curtains 2015-2016

Today's French curtains are distinguished by the content of modern dense fabrics of various tones. The latest collections are attractive due to the presence of rigid, lush folds made in pastel colors. Also, a new trend involves the use of polyester, which is not inferior in its softness even to silk. Besides, this material very practical and does not lose its properties during washing. Such curtains are great for transforming not only interiors banquet halls, but also stylish apartments. Thanks to the wide variety of textures and colors, modern collections of small curtains can even be used in small rooms. Light French curtains allow you to visually increase the window space and give the room uniqueness.

French curtains on original fabrics from Europe

The ArtService curtain salon offers everyone a wide range of amazing French curtains for every taste. In our company you can save a lot, as we cooperate with fabric manufacturers directly. In addition, we are not chasing large fees, because we are interested in a wide audience of potential clients. Also, the advantages of purchasing French curtains from us include the quality of the products. We employ only experienced specialists who are ready to take on even the most complex orders. Individual curtains will allow you to more effectively decorate any room, giving it a solemn atmosphere. We use only high-quality products in the production of products. At the same time, the company does not stop there, but continues to develop its production capacity, regularly adding new French curtains to its collections.

At ArtService you can purchase French curtains for:

  • Bedrooms;
  • Hall;
  • Hall;
  • Kitchens;

Our custom-made French curtains are 2-3 times cheaper than our competitors for the reasons already stated above. At the same time, they are distinguished by even greater sophistication and beauty. Such products will be an excellent decoration for any room in the house or apartment. At the same time, they will be able to give each office more solidity.

In assortment finished products There are unique French curtains with drapes for bedrooms. These curtains are perfect for decorating windows in bedrooms, adding ease and romance to the room. If desired, we can transform ready-made collections with various accessories such as tassels and lambrequins. Such solutions look very interesting on arched windows.

We offer a guarantee on all our products. If you doubt the quality or appearance of the goods, you can return them and get your money back.

The best deals!

The ArtService company constantly holds promotions and provides discounts on remaining types of fabrics, accessories and other items. You can take advantage of one of the company's hot offers and we will offer curtains at a significant discount.