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» Hyacinth flower what does it mean. PR in ancient mythology Hyacinth which means in the language of flowers

Hyacinth flower what does it mean. PR in ancient mythology Hyacinth which means in the language of flowers

Hyacinth has been known as an ornamental crop since early antiquity. The homeland of this flower is considered to be the territory of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, where it was domesticated. Hyacinths were grown in the luxurious gardens of the Byzantine rulers, where the intoxicating aroma of a thousand inflorescences made them forget about the burden of power.

Hyacinth, interesting plant in every sense, but is it possible to keep it at home, what are the signs related to the flower, what does it symbolize and what does it mean?

Let's start with what a flower means in ancient Greek: "hyacinth" - hyakinth or iakinth, literally - "rain flower". In their homeland, in the countries of Asia Minor and the Balkans, hyacinths bloom with the beginning of the spring rainy season.

Why is hyacinth called hyacinth? According to ancient legend, this flower grew on the site of the death of the beautiful young man Hyacinthus (Hyacinth), the favorite of the god Apollo. His tragically cut short young life seemed to be reborn in blossoming in the spring fragrant flowers, which have become a symbol of sorrow, sadness and immortality.

IN Ancient Rome On the contrary, hyacinth was considered a flower of joy, fun and youth. This was connected with the celebrations in honor of the goddess of spring Flora, when everyone had fun and glorified the annual renewal of nature. Miniature statues of Flora in every house were decorated with primroses, the brightest and most fragrant of which was hyacinth. Young girls and women wove hyacinth flowers into their hair, using their intoxicating fragrance to attract male attention. "Florals" were also a time when lovers could express their feelings to each other, so the hyacinth was also considered a symbol of love and fidelity.

In the Middle Ages, when the hyacinth is out of bounds Ottoman Empire gradually began to spread in Europe, this flower was associated with wealth, luxury and power. Only noble and wealthy people could afford to breed hyacinths that cost fabulous money. This state of affairs continued until the 18th century. In Holland, the "second home" of this flower, which made it famous and popular all over the world, hyacinth flowers on ladies' clothes spoke of high social status and abundance.

Hyacinth: what does it mean in the language of flowers

The "language of flowers" that developed in the era of romanticism actively used the color of hyacinths, which had expanded significantly by that time, as a cipher for love messages. White hyacinth testified to the admiration for the purity and beauty of the woman she liked, and could also be presented as a sign of recognition or mean the joy of meeting. Pink or red hyacinth served to express a bright palette of love feelings - from nascent passion to farewell tenderness. hyacinths yellow shade meant jealousy, resentment or bewilderment. blue hyacinths as a sign of respect, devotion and gratitude for the lived happy years spouses gave to each other. In addition, the number of flowers on the hyacinth brush could mean the date of the date.

Today, hyacinths are becoming more and more popular as a gift for March 8, displacing mimosa and familiar roses from the first positions. Many women associate hyacinths with spring, freshness, new discoveries and, of course, love.

The magical properties of hyacinth

Hyacinth is a plant that has often been used in various medicines, due to the fact that it carries certain magical properties. In the Middle Ages, girls used to make love potions to forever bind the heart of a lover. It was believed that dried hyacinth flowers relieve bad dreams and unkind people.

Women, whose bedrooms and boudoirs were decorated with blooming hyacinths, became subtly attractive, their movements were filled with dignity and grace, and their mood was always good. The aroma of hyacinths has aphrodisiac properties, which were skillfully used by sophisticated lovers to reveal the sensuality of a partner.

Hyacinth flowers are also used by individuals striving for spiritual growth and self-improvement. Inhaling the aroma of hyacinth promotes self-knowledge and the search for answers to questions about the meaning of life and one's life purpose.

The hyacinth flower especially patronizes writers, poets, artists and people of creative professions in general, since the inhalation of its aroma contributes to the disclosure creativity. The aroma of hyacinth is able to cleanse the energy of a person, give strength to creative activity and protect from ill-wishers.

In our time, science has proven that the energy of a flower is positive in every sense, which is due not only to its magical properties, but also to its biochemical composition. Hyacinth is an essential oil plant that, when flowering, releases a lot of phytoncides and hormone-like substances, which explains its true magical effect which has not lost its power even today. Harmonizing the psycho-emotional state of a person, hyacinth makes him open to joy and creativity and invulnerable to negativity.

Hyacinth: the meaning of a flower for the home

In all countries where this flower is cultivated, it symbolizes happiness and joy. In addition, there are other meanings and signs attributed to hyacinth:

  • Growing hyacinths at home - to peace and harmony. There is a belief that in a house where hyacinth blooms, there will be no quarrels and disagreements.
  • It is recommended to purchase a hyacinth before starting any new activity - its presence will inspire and give strength.
  • If the purchased hyacinth has released a double peduncle, this promises joyful events or unforeseen expenses and chores that will turn into joy in the future.
  • Dried brushes of hyacinths or an onion give self-confidence and help to resist aggressive third-party energy.

Why do hyacinths dream

Each dream book interprets dreams about hyacinths in its own way. Sometimes these interpretations are similar, sometimes they completely contradict each other, so you should not take them too seriously. Here are just the most interesting of them:

  • To see a hyacinth in a dream means the imminent betrayal of a close friend. (French dream book).
  • If you dreamed of chic, fragrant hyacinths, your spouse is cheating on you. (Family dream book).
  • Hyacinth dreams of unforeseen expenses. (Dream Interpretation of Thirps).
  • Collect a bouquet of hyacinths, cut it or, conversely, plant it - to separation from loved ones. (Dream book Adams).
  • Hyacinths in a dream portend an unexpected large purchase, which will entail unsustainable debts and regrets about spending. (Big dream book).

Hyacinth: interesting facts

There are three main types of hyacinth: eastern, Litvinov and transcaspian, but all decorative varieties withdrawn from the oriental view.

Hyacinth's natural color is blue and white.

If hyacinth bulbs different colors cut and fold in half, flowers of both colors will appear on the peduncle.

In Europe, hyacinths appeared due to ... a shipwreck. A box of hyacinth bulbs washed up on the shore, where they sprouted and were noticed by the locals.

Hyacinth is the favorite flower of Peter I, who in general was a fan of everything related to Holland.

On an industrial scale, hyacinths in the USSR began to be grown on Black Sea coast Caucasus at the state farm Southern cultures» near Adler.

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A flower with lilac curls,
Why are you so puzzled?
About what day and night
Does the rain cry bitterly over you?

On one sunny day in 1734, Dutch children, playing on the seashore, noticed a flower that had never been seen before by the very water. Its leaves looked like those of a tulip, and the stem was planted with many red flowers.
The adults who came running to the cries of the children wondered where this amazing plant. But when we went further along the shore, we found several more sprouted bulbs. They began to wonder how they got ashore, and remembered that a month ago, during a storm, a Genoese ship sank nearby, the main cargo of which were flower bulbs.
The inhabitants dug them up and began to plant them in their gardens. Plants accidentally brought by the sea turned out to be hyacinths.

Hyacinth is one of the most original plants. Gardeners know that in the color of the petals of plants of the same species saturated shades pink, blue and yellow are almost never found together, some color of these three will necessarily be unrealistic for this plant, such as, blue Rose or yellow lilac. And hyacinths come in yellow, blue and pink. And also purple, blue, white, purple. Moreover, if you combine two cut hyacinth bulbs different color, they will grow together and give flowers of different colors on a common stem. These original flowers can grow up roots. Such a non-standard method of growing was invented in France, accidentally discovering how hyacinths from an overturned pot sprouted "head" into the water poured below. After that, the French came up with a glass vessel in which they planted two hyacinth bulbs, one flower grew up, and the second down, plunging its top into the water. And it seemed that the lower flower was a reflection of the upper one.

When the snowdrops break through
Through the melted snow from under the ground,
I will go out into the garden towards the morning
And I will wait for the coming of spring.
She accidentally breaks in
All in emeralds and silks,
The rays of the festive sun
On faces, in the sky and in verses.
And in the depths of the paths of the garden,
Suddenly the hyacinths will bloom.
Purple, pink and white
The satin lawn will be embroidered.
The leaves of the spear will lift up:
The parade guard is ready!
And hyacinths minuet
Open spring ball of flowers!

Galina Abdelaziz

The name of the flower "hyacinth" in Greek means "flower of the rains", but the Greeks at the same time called it the flower of sadness and also the flower of memory of Hyacinth.
There is a Greek legend associated with the name of this plant.
IN Ancient Sparta Hyacinth was for some time one of the most significant gods, but gradually his fame faded and his place in mythology was taken by the god of beauty and the sun Phoebus or Apollo.
The legend of Hyacinth and Apollo has remained one of the most famous stories about the origin of flowers.

It seemed that there was no such force in the world that could sow discord between the god Apollo and the son of the king of Sparta, Hyacinth. Apollo loved Hyacinth like a brother and everyone considered them inseparable. The son of Zeus was a fan of the beautiful, and every morning he went up to the top of the mountain to greet the sun, which, having rested after a long journey around the earth, got up from its sea bed. Apollo was invariably accompanied by Hyacinth on his walks. After seeing the sun on his journey, the young men went to inspect the herds grazing in the dewy meadows, and the herdsman was happy, whose flocks were blessed by Apollo. They walked past the ripening fields, and the cornfields, along which Apollo's gaze glided, gave bountiful harvest. In the afternoon, Apollo and Hyacinth rested in the oak forest, listening to Eol's harp, and in the evenings Apollo gathered poets who read him odes that sang beauty, friendship, love.

My divine friend, I am grateful to you that I am the happiest person on earth, - Hyacinth Apollo assured every day, and in these words there was not a shadow of flattery or insincerity.

Once, both handsome men, god and man, remained for a long time on the banks of the river. They swam, caught blue dragonflies in the reeds, competed in discus throwing. Their friendship was wonderful and they felt so good with each other. They must have made too much noise, for a nymph emerged from the water and called out to them.

Hey, you mischievous people, can't you be quieter? My father lay down to rest after dinner.

Apollo, turning to the river, lowered his hand with the disk raised for a throw. And he saw a beauty not seen even among the daughters of the gods: a face as white as milk, hair green like water grasses, and breasts full of ripe apples. In amazement, he released the disk and it rolled into the water.

Beauty, who are you? And who is your father? Apollo asked.

My father is a river god, and I am his daughter Daphne, the nymph answered proudly.

Even gods can fall in love at first sight. This happened with Apollo. It seemed to him that the air was hot and only the waters of the river could cool the body. If the daughter of the river god had not agreed to go out to him, he would have refused the beautiful morning dawns, poetry, even the friendship of Hyacinth, just to share his fate with Daphne and stay with her, even as a slave in the water kingdom of his father-in-law.

Daphne, the most beautiful of the beautiful, I am the god of light Apollo. Come out to me and share with me my love and kingdom, - Apollo suggested to the nymph.

Daphne shook her wet head, and her head was adorned with a crown of sparkling drops.

You, born sovereign, even the beautiful Elena cannot compete with you! Apollo exclaimed in delight, holding out his hands to Daphne.

You are hot as your sun, - the Nymph sank into the water, only her white face swayed above the stream, as if water lily.

Daphne, if you don't come to me, I'll rush to you! - Inflamed with passion, Apollo wanted to throw himself into the river.

Wait, do not disturb the water, father is sleeping, wake him up ahead of time, he will get angry and raise such waves on the river that all boats will capsize, - Daphne stopped Apollo, deciding to cool the fiery passion of God.

Raising a disk from the bottom of the river, she threw it to the young man with the words: - Let the gods decide our fate. I will love the one of you who, having thrown the disk three times, will throw it further.

Poor Hyacinth! He sincerely wished his friend victory, but Apollo's hand was trembling from excitement and the first two throws were unsuccessful ...
And Hyacinth, no matter how succumbing to his friend, threw both times further than Apollo.
The third time, Hyacinth did not have to be thrown. The enraged Apollo swung
and, aiming accurately, threw the disk at his head. Hyacinth fell and fell into an eternal sleep.

When the royal servants carried away his lifeless body, a pool of blood remained on the grass. Daphne was shocked.
A noble young man died through her fault. She frivolously inflamed in God the jealousy of which man became a victim.
Towards the night, when the whole moon rose above the cypresses, Daphne and her friends came out of the river. Nymphs with candles in their hands moved to the place of misfortune, to see the soul of Hyacinth into eternity. From the rays of the moon, they lit white, red, blue, pink and yellow candles and stuck them in the ground moistened with the blood of Hyacinth.
Suddenly, a fiery figure appeared from a nearby grove, still burning with heat from afar.

Run, nymphs, this is Apollo! Daphne screamed and started to run.

Poor daughter of the river! The gods took revenge on her, they clouded her mind and showed her the wrong direction: not to the river, but to the open field.
The hot wind was already burning her legs, passionate breath was blowing around her neck. Where to run from the distraught god of light?
Desperate Daphne uttered three words, called on the goddess of fate and asked to be turned into a laurel.
Daphne's wish was instantly fulfilled and a tree grew in front of Apollo.

And the candles turned into beautiful flowers that grew out of the blood of Hyacinth, and a sorrowful exclamation was inscribed on their petals, like the dying cry of youth about unfulfilled happiness.

In the same ancient Greece, hyacinth was considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature.
On the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amikli, the procession of Hyacinth to Olympus was depicted; according to legend, the base of the statue of Apollo, seated on the throne, is an altar in which the deceased youth is buried.

Achaean tales. Hyacinth.

Spartan. young Hyacinth,
There was a child prodigy in athleticism.
And outwardly he was beautiful.
No wonder the great Apollo

Spartan signed up as a friend.
Hardly, for example, you or I,
Could be so friendly with God
With him to spend days in occupations,

Worthy gods and fighters:
Ristanyah archers, shooters,
Wrestling and racing chariots...
Was from the soles to the eyelashes

Friend Hyacinth is as handsome as a god,
Not yielding to God, could
Run through the woods all day
Indulging in hunting ... Himself

He challenged God
Who, they say, is stronger, faster ... In enthusiasm
The crystal Apollo entered -
And he tried to prove

Seriously: the god of mortal is stronger...
One of the hot summer days
There was a dispute: who will throw the disk further ...
Cutting through the air, a sharp screech

Fired a projectile...
God threw into the clouds - and glad:
Try the same, Hyacinth...
A projectile flies ... In excitement - in a sprint

A teenager rushed after him ... He
Shouted: - You'll see. Apollo,
And I'm no worse than throwing a disc,
Just let it land... Well...

The disc fell like lightning from heaven...
- Stand aside! Where did you go?...
God wanted to protect his friend...
But it's too late ... Sharply above the shoulders

A projectile bounced off a stone -
And a friend in the head ... Not happy
Such a victory for Apollo...
A friend fell ... A quiet moan -

And the blood poured on the curls -
Life is leaving clear eyes.
God in despair: - Why
Given immortality to me? At all

It's useless to me now
If I could, I would give it to him...
But what is lamentation? Votshe -
He is no longer here at all.

The soul went to Hades...
And bitter tears from the eyes
The brightest poured, poured,
Merging with blood... Rise

From the bitter mixture of those flowers
Extraordinary beauty...
- O beautiful friend! You are in flowers
Resurrection - and you will live forever

You will be universally honored
And unspent by them,
Give young love
Lovers - and holy blood

Your feeling will sanctify them...
Fate... Hardly anticipates
Her seer Apollo:
Above all, her law...

Huriya curls. So called hyacinth in the countries of the East.
"The plexus of black curls will only scatter the scallop - And the hyacinths will fall in a stream on the roses of the cheeks,"- these lines belong to the 15th century Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi.
True, the assertion that beauties learned to curl their hair from hyacinths appeared in ancient Greece. About three millennia ago, Hellenic girls decorated their hairdos with "wild" hyacinths on their friends' wedding day.

The Persian poet Ferdowsi constantly compared the hair of beauties to swirling hyacinth petals and highly appreciated the fragrance of the flower: Her lips were fragrant better than a light breeze, and hyacinth-like hair is more pleasant than Scythian musk.

Gone. But the hyacinths were waiting
And the day did not wake up the windows,
And in the light folds of a woman's shawl
There was silence in the night.

In the slanting rays of evening dust,
I know you will come again
The fragrance of the Nile lilies
To captivate and intoxicate me.

I know the weakness of these hands,
And this whispered speech
And a slender waist of languor,
And the dullness of sloping shoulders.

But in your name - immensity,
And the red dusk of your eyes
Conceals snake infidelity
And the night of thunderous legends.

And, subservient to the world of the valley,
Among all - you do not know alone,
What joys are you involved in
What faith baptized.

Come in, not knowing your will,
And, kindly, look into the eyes,
And with the dark gaze of sharp pain
Strip the living heart.

Crawl to me like a snake,
In the dead of midnight deafen,
Torment with languid lips,
Oblique black soul.

Alexander Blok

Hyacinth lives in Greece, Turkey and the Balkans. It was popular in the Ottoman Empire, from where it penetrated into Austria, Holland and spread throughout Europe.
IN Western Europe the charming hyacinth came in the second half of the 17th century, primarily to Vienna.
So he became a source of great income, especially when he managed to accidentally breed a terry hyacinth.
And in France in the 18th century, hyacinth was used to stupefy and poison those people they were trying to get rid of. Usually, the bouquet intended for this purpose was sprayed with something poisonous, and the flowers intended for poisoning were placed in the boudoir or bedroom of the victim.
And the victim died in a dream, not even suspecting that the killers were these lovely delicate flowers.

In Russia, the first hyacinths appeared in 1730. 16 varieties for the Annenhof Garden in Lefortovo were ordered from Holland by the gardener Branthof. They would have been ordered from abroad if the botanist A.I. Resler had not grown hyacinth bulbs in Batumi in 1884 and proved own experiences that this plant may well grow on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea. Since then, domestic varieties of hyacinths have not been inferior to foreign ones either in beauty or in the duration of flowering.

The magic of plants was familiar to the ancient Greeks: hyacinths symbolized sadness, grief and even death. According to ancient Greek legend, Hyacinth, the favorite of the god Apollo, died from the heavy hand of the enemy, and the gods turned his body into a fragrant flower.
In ancient Rome, it was the opposite: hyacinth was considered a flower of joy and fun. The girls curled their hair with them - thus, they dressed up for the weddings of their friends.
Hyacinth has some magical properties: great bright love, passion, protection from evil, dark forces. This is a kind of amulet of the house or a talisman. Its magical effect was used during childbirth: in order to facilitate the upcoming birth, the woman in labor was given a specially sewn bag with dried inflorescences of the plant. They kept it in the same bag from the evil eye, from evil spirits, and also, putting it under the pillow at night, or sewing it into a pillowcase, got rid of disturbing and nightmares. intoxicating smell fresh flowers hyacinth destroyed for a long time Bad mood and sadness.

Lilies, white daffodils and hyacinths are very often used to love loved ones. They take the land that the person has passed through, in whose heart love needs to be engendered. This earth is mixed with the earth from under the threshold of the house where the person who yearns for love lives. Then the bulb is planted on the first day of the moon. She must be carefully looked after, affectionately called her by the name of her beloved. The night following the opening of the bud is always favorable for love. In this way, you can only attract a person with a "free heart", otherwise you will have to resort to the methods of black magic, but believe me, it is dangerous to get involved in this business.
Since ancient times, people have believed in the renewing properties of hyacinth. Aromatic oil from it is used in meditations on past life to liquidate Negative consequences karma. An alcoholic infusion of flowers is considered a rejuvenating agent that smoothes wrinkles.

Cute, delicate flower Hyacinth is one of the most beautiful and fragrant spring flowers.
Like all spring flowers, it is a symbol of the resurgent nature.

Chilled Hyacinth froze
In a heavenly home
Leaving your petals
in the white field.
They opened up, blossomed
For you and me
With warmth absorbing the warmth of the soul
With loss of pain!
God's Favorite - Hyacinth
Woven from lilies...
Now it blooms in the silence of ice floes,
They are like a godsend.

The material is taken from the Internet.

Elizarova Svetlana


Summary of the myth

A. A. Ivanov. "Apollo, Hyacinth and Cypress"

Hyacinth (Hyakinth) - son of the Spartan king Amykla and great-grandson of Zeus. According to another version of the myth, his parents are the muse Clio and Pier.

The young son of the king of Sparta was so handsome that even the Olympian gods considered him worthy of their company.

Hyacinth was the favorite of the god Apollo. And one day, when both competed in discus throwing, Zephyr, the god of the western wind, watched them from heaven. He had tender feelings for Apollo, so he changed the flight of his disk and Hyacinth was mortally wounded in the head.

Apollo held his dying friend tightly in his arms, and his tears fell on Hyacinth's bloodied curls. Hyacinth died, his soul flew off to the kingdom of Hades. Standing over the body of the deceased, Apollo whispered softly: “You will always live in my heart, beautiful Hyacinth. May your memory live forever among people.” And at his word, scarlet grew from the blood of Hyacinth, fragrant flower, as if stained with blood, and on its petals was imprinted the groan of sorrow of the god Apollo.

Images and symbols of myth

Wind personifies something intangible, transient. Because of this, Apollo accidentally killed Hyacinthus.

Image of Hyacinth associated with sacrifice because of love. He fell as a result of jealousy. But at the same time, we can say that this is a retribution for traction ordinary person to the divine.

Flower (heyday)- a symbol of young life, widespread throughout the world, indicating the impermanence of any earthly beauty, which can only be durable in heavenly gardens.

The symbolism of flowers emphasizes their connection with the cycle of life and death, as a symbol of transience, brevity of being, spring, beauty, perfection, innocence, youth, soul.

Hyacinth- a flower that, according to myth, was previously a person or could only grow due to the death of a person.

The name of the flower in Greek means "flower of the rains", but the Greeks simultaneously called it the "flower of sorrow" and also the "flower of memory" of Hyacinth. The Greeks believed that on the petals of a wild hyacinth you can read the word "ah-ah", which means "woe, woe!".

Also in ancient Greece, it was considered a symbol of dying and resurrecting nature. A flower that arose from the blood, personifies the resurrection in the spring, the greenery burned by the heat of the sun.

Flower of love, happiness, fidelity and sorrow.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Death of Hyacinth. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1752-53

At the burial place of Hyacinth, in Amikla, hyacinthia (hyacinthia) were held annually - festivities in honor of Hyacinth, the biggest holiday of the Spartans, which was celebrated in July in the Peloponnese, in Asia Minor, in southern Italy, in Sicily, in Syracuse.

Over time, the cult of Hyacinth was supplanted by the cult of Apollo, and the feast of hyacinthia began to be celebrated as the feast of Apollo.

On the throne of Apollo, the ascent of Hyacinth to Olympus was depicted; According to legend, the base of the statue of Apollo, seated on the throne, was an altar in which Hyacinth was buried.

The myth of Hyacinth in painting served as the subject of a few works, including the frescoes "Apollo and Hyacinth" by Annibale Carracci and Domenichino, the painting "Hyacinth" by G. B. Tiepolo, etc.

The marble composition of B. Cellini "Apollo mourns Hyacinth" has not survived to the present. However this plot attracted Mozart, his musical work "Apollo and Hyakinthus" is dedicated to this episode.

But in addition to the works and the celebration in memory of Hyacinth, in our present there is a flower named after him and a hyacinth stone, a reddish hue.

The social significance of the myth

Myths about the transformation of people into plants are known to all peoples. the globe. And the myth of Hyacinth is one of them. But he was remembered not only by the image of spiritual love. The myth has remained one of the most famous and beautiful legends about the origin of flowers.

The name of Hyacinth is captured in the history of religions, where it is customary to consider him a pre-Greek plant god, who was revered as a deity of shepherds or one of the deities of Ancient Greece, personifying a dying and resurrecting nature, whose significance was subsequently overshadowed by Apollo, and she was reduced only to the role of a hero of tragic-lyrical legends .

But the memory of Hyacinth lives on among people. This is confirmed by the festivities in which this hero was honored and by the fact that today, as an echo from a beautiful legend, there is a hyacinth - a flower of love, fidelity and sorrow. And don't forget about this truly sad beautiful story gives hyacinth - a stone of sadness and sorrow, of a crimson or reddish hue, shimmering like dewdrops of Apollo's tears, falling on Hyacinth's blood-drenched wound.

Hyacinth, like many precious stones, has its own magical properties. So, this stone guarantees its owner an increase in the level mental activity and the development of a craving for various kinds of sciences.

Calming effects are also attributed to hyacinth: it is believed that it relieves melancholy, softens sadness and grief, gives hope, it can be worn during depression. But, despite all the advantages, hyacinth brings loneliness and unhappiness in love. Therefore, it is believed that it can only be worn temporarily - during the period of depression.

A hundred years after the "tulip madness", off the coast of the same Holland, during a storm, a Genoese merchant ship was wrecked. One of the boxes from the sunken ship washed up on the shore, where it opened, I don’t understand how. Bulbs spilled out from there, which soon took root and sprouted.

What does the word hyacinth mean?

So on Dutch lands a wonderful flower appeared hitherto unseen. Thus began the European history of the hyacinth. Although biologists say that this plant comes from the Balkans, Asia Minor and Mesopotamia. Right there in wild nature a wonderful flower grew, which, for its beauty and fragrance, was transferred to gardens and cultivated.

Word " hyacinth appeared in our language only in early XVIII century. Until then, this flower was called so in Germany. Interestingly, the Germans learned this word from the Romans, where it was called hyacinthus.

But even in Latin you need to look for the first name of the plant. It was the Greeks who called the flower "purple cinquefoil" for the natural (and then the only color), and the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of this military weapon.

In India, the word hyacinth means "flower of the rains", because it bloomed just at that time. Until now, local beauties adorn black braids with such fragrant arrows on special days. According to Indian tradition, this fragrant flower is also necessarily woven into the groom's wreath, and only white.

In the countries of the East, the word hyacinth means “curls of the houris. The great Uzbek poet of the 15th century, Alisher Navoi, wrote:

“The plexus of black curls will only scatter the scallop,
And a stream of hyacinths will fall on the roses of the cheeks.

Although even the ancient Greek girls wove these flowers into their hair, and the hair had to be matched by all means. The ancient Hellenes used to tie wild hyacinths into their hair three thousand years ago when they married their girlfriends. Therefore, the word hyacinth also meant among the Hellenes "enjoyment of love."

Hyacinth Legends

ancient greek the legend of the hyacinth tells that the young man Hyacinth was the favorite of Apollo. Once, during the competition, the god habitually threw a disk and accidentally hit a guy. He fell dead to the ground, and a fragrant and delicate purple-lilac flower soon grew on the drops of his blood. The ancient Greeks called it hyacinth, in memory of the favorite of the handsome Apollo.

It was from there that the hyacinth symbolizes the resurrection of a dead nature. And on the famous throne of Apollo in the city of Amikli, Hyacinth's ascent to Olympus is depicted. Tradition says that the base of the statue of Apollo sitting on the throne is actually an altar with the remains of an innocently murdered youth.

The Mouse Myth and Dutch Achievements

Usually the plant produced 5 arrows, which, growing up, were decorated with delicate tiny lily-like peduncles. But today, breeders have bred varieties that give ... up to 100 branches of flowers!

And the struggle for such "kinship" also began in Holland. After the "tulip" calm, the inhabitants of this country, apparently, lacked a new flower favorite. They became hyacinth. It was there that they took terry variety, which also brought fabulous incomes to flower growers. Although, in fairness, we note that for his onions, nevertheless, houses and all fortunes were not given away.

Most Incredible myths about hyacinth flora lovers tell today. How do you like, for example, the story of a mouse that helped a descendant of the Huguenots, the gardener Bush, in breeding a plant? They say that this florist didn’t come up with anything, but it didn’t work out to quickly propagate hyacinth. But the little mouse got to the onion, and ... gnawed out the bottom in it.

And about a miracle! On the “disabled bulb”, which accidentally reached the landing, children appeared. And not just one, but a great many. Since then, they began to cut the bottom or cut it crosswise planting material. True, you have to grow children for 3-4 years, because they are very small. But still, “the ice has broken” - the myth claims that it is thanks to the gray rodent that today we are able to propagate hyacinth.

What does hyacinth mean

The meaning of the hyacinth flower is different for each nation. And this name has long become a household name. Suffice it to recall that only in Greek mythology there were 3 known Hyacinths, except for the favorite of the god Apollo:

  • Hyacinth from Amikl - a handsome young man, the son of the Spartan king Amikl;
  • Hyacinth from Athens - a hero-migrant from the Peloponnese to Athens;
  • Hyacinth Dolion is a hero mentioned by Apollonius of Rhodes.

Nowadays meaning of hyacinth flowers also varied. Depending on the color, it means jealousy, and the recognition of the girl as the most beautiful, and the promise to pray for someone, and even a call to forget.

A presented bouquet of these flowers promises victories and achievements. It is a symbol of rebirth and incredible joy. You will be able to purchase hyacinths wholesale in our floristic salon or to please someone with a small bouquet. Flower girls will select the color that suits the occasion and create a charming, fragrant composition.

It is enough for you once in the spring to present your beloved with a hyacinth mono-bouquet or in a mix with other flowers, as joy and tenderness will settle in the heart of the most restrained girl.

With us you can arrange hyacinths with delivery in Rostov-on-Don or buy fresh cut flowers directly from the store. And if you want to give a gift to a person whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, then feel free to complete our bouquet precious stone- hyacinth, invigorating, amusing and giving patience and determination.

Stop your choice on the magical gift of spring - hyacinth flowers.
After all, at other times they simply can not be found!

When the tulip frenzy began to decline in Holland many years ago, a Genoese merchant ship was wrecked off the coast of that country. One of the boxes from the ship hit the ground, breaking on the coastal rocks. Many small bulbs spilled out of it, which very soon took root in the ground and sprouted. Since then, a bouquet of hyacinths from local residents has been considered a sign of unexpected good luck, new victories and achievements.

The meaning of the word "hyacinth"

Since that time, the solemn procession of hyacinth through European lands begins. Biologists are sure that in fact this beautiful flower began his journey around the world from Asia Minor, the Balkans and Mesopotamia. It is there that the original habitat of the hyacinth, which subsequently spread throughout the world.

Only at the beginning of the 18th century did the word "hyacinth" appear in the Russian language, the roots of this name come from Germany. An interesting fact is that the Germans took this word from the ancient Greek "hyacinthus". But this is not the original source of the name of the flower. The ancient Greeks called this plant "purple cinquefoil" for the only natural color and characteristic shape of the leaves at that time. For the Indians, this word was consonant with the phrase "rainy season", it is noteworthy that the hyacinth bloomed at this time of the year. Interestingly, in this country it is not customary to give a hyacinth for a wedding, young grooms pin one white flower to their hair.

It is known that even in ancient Greece, young girls wove hyacinth flowers into their braids to show that they were ready to get married. This was especially true of the bridesmaids at the wedding. Therefore, the word "hyacinth" among this people meant admiration from love.

Hyacinth symbolism

To date, breeders have bred many colors of hyacinth. The true natural color of this plant is violet-blue. Over time, people began to interpret the shades of the flower as follows:

  • White hyacinth. A beautiful, delicate, charming flower, which is a symbol of purity, openness. Presenting a girl with a bouquet of hyacinths, the young man speaks of his love, that his chosen one is pure, open and charming. The same composition expresses the joy of meeting, affection, admiration.
  • Yellow hyacinth. This flower, presented by a man, indicates that he is jealous of you. This is where a sizzling sense of ambiguity and misunderstanding comes into play.
  • Red or pink hyacinth. This flower has ambiguous symbolism. It is given when they want to talk about soul-searing feelings, passion and love. Sometimes he says that the relationship has already become obsolete, and their final is nearing. A red hyacinth given to an unfamiliar woman may mean that a man wants to continue his acquaintance and get to know the person he likes better.
  • Blue hyacinth. This flower symbolizes reconciliation, peace and bliss. He says that the relationship in a couple is developing quite harmoniously, and both partners are immensely happy about this. Also, donate hyacinth blue color is a sign of loyalty and devotion.

Each nation has a hyacinth has its own symbolism. In Greek mythology, the name of this flower has long become a household name. Here, in addition to the favorite of Apollo, there were three more characters with the name Hyacinth:

  • son of the king of Sparta Amikla;
  • the legendary settler from Pompeii;
  • hero Apollonius of Rhodes Dolion.

Today, a bouquet of hyacinths presented to a person symbolizes prosperity, victory and rebirth. Girls are especially fond of the aroma of these flowers, its sweetish spring smell resembles the arrival of spring and abundant flowering.

Hyacinths can be given for different holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • March 8;
  • Valentine's Day.

In addition, these beautiful flowers can be presented just like that, for no reason, or presented to a girl for the first or subsequent dates. But for especially solemn occasions, this floral present is not suitable. If you come to an anniversary or wedding to a person with a bouquet of hyacinths, you will be misunderstood. However, these flowers can be used as a floristic design of the composition. True, before giving a bouquet of hyacinths, make sure that the recipient of the gift does not suffer allergic reactions, because the aroma of these flowers is quite strong.

Give women flowers! About, without him and just passing by flower shop, remember the one that appreciates you, loves and waits. Buy a small bouquet of hyacinths and please your dear person - mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend.