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» Proper watering of ficus at home. How to feed a ficus: microelements needed by the plant How to properly water a purchased ficus

Proper watering of ficus at home. How to feed a ficus: microelements needed by the plant How to properly water a purchased ficus

Ficus can be called the most favorite tropical plant of many gardeners. It can be found not only in apartments, but in offices, and even in stores. The flower has gained such popularity due to its unpretentiousness, noticeably differing in this quality from other exotic representatives. But with all this, the plant also needs some care. Therefore, gardeners should know what to feed the ficus and how to do it correctly.

What microelements are needed for ficus

Almost all plants that live at home need a number of useful substances and microelements.

If a ficus plant lacks microelements, its leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out.

If there is not enough of these, the ficus begins to hurt and dry out, thereby showing the owner that he needs help:

  1. Stopping or slowing growth indicates that the flower lacks nitrogen.
  2. The pale color of the plant's leaves indicates a lack of calcium and potassium.
  3. Stretching of stems is a sign of phosphorus deficiency.
  4. Pigmentation of leaves and shedding of leaves - iron deficiency of ficus.

Each of the above symptoms is a real problem that is most easily prevented. Therefore, it is best to fertilize the plant in a timely manner, without waiting for a fatal outcome.

Ficus feeding frequency

The ficus does not need frequent feeding, this is what distinguishes it from many indoor plants. However, feeding, especially if the flower has an extensive leafy crown, should be very plentiful.

The point is that what bigger plant, the faster it absorbs all useful microelements from the soil. Some novice gardeners consider replanting the plant to be the only way out. But this is not a solution to the problem. Considering that the soil is depleted after a couple of months, it needs to be fertilized at such intervals.

What types of fertilizers are there for ficuses?

Regardless of what type of ficus grows in your home, the fertilizers for all are almost the same. They are divided into organic and mineral supplements, all of which are equally necessary for this plant. However, novice gardeners are afraid to use this or that type of fertilizer without consulting with more experienced colleagues.

Mineral fertilizers

Fertilizers for ficus are available in the form of granules, solutions, and powder.

For successful growth, ficus benjamina and other species require all 13 macro- and microelements. However, such a balanced composition can be observed in use only in specialized flower farms.

Unfortunately, there is almost nowhere to get ideal food for houseplants. Therefore, you need to make every effort to ensure that the ficus receives at least the basic substances - phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

You can purchase such fertilizers at any flower shop. They are produced in different forms– granules, tablets, powder, solution, prolonged sticks.

Organic fertilizers

On the issue of using organic fertilizers, opinions among flower growers differ. Each of them chooses the most suitable look, fortunately, there is plenty to choose from.

Humus animal

A representative of classical organics is animal humus, which is considered the most effective supplier of nitrogen for plants. Ficus prefers to be enriched with nitrogen from humus, which is obtained as a result of rotting bird droppings, and the effect of its use is many times higher than that of mullein.

Important. When using bird droppings, you need to remember that it is extremely concentrated. Therefore, before applying such fertilizer, you need to dilute the humus in water at the rate of 3 grams of substance per 1 liter.

If you feed the ficus with humus from horse, goat, pig, cow or sheep manure, then there is also a need to dilute it. Only in in this case Take 10 grams of the substance per liter of water.

To fertilize ficus, you can use humus from manure or bird droppings.

Vegetable humus

This type of humus is more accessible to city residents, since it is obtained as a result of rotting various plants. When choosing between compost and leaf humus, it is better to give preference to the first option, since it contains not only nitrogenous compounds, but also other useful material. Such humus is also diluted in water, taking 100 grams per 1 liter of liquid. product.

Waste-free production

Many species, including, respond well to the application of fertilizers obtained as a result of human activity. Of course, you cannot use all waste to fertilize plants, since some substances can harm the ficus.

Eg, eggshell. The calcium it contains is completely unnecessary. this species plants, so watering it with water in which eggs were boiled or pouring crushed shells into the soil is not recommended. The ficus accepts the rest of human household waste normally.

The most popular and effective products used as fertilizer are the following:

To feed ficus, you can make a solution from wood ash.

In addition to the above remedies, you can fertilize the ficus with yeast, aquarium water and even toothpaste. All this will help activate the work of soil microorganisms and saturate the plant with all the essential microelements.

Root feeding

Almost all the fertilizers listed above are suitable for root feeding of ficus. It is the introduction nutrients at the root gives the greatest effect. One of the most common types of root feeding is an infusion of ash.

To prepare it, take a tablespoon of wood ash and pour a liter of boiling water. This mixture should sit for a week, after which it can be used as a fertilizer applied at the root.

Foliar feeding

In addition to root feeding, you can also use fertilizer that acts through the soil. This is especially useful during the period of rapid growth - from spring to mid-autumn. You can prepare such fertilizer for growth yourself.

To do this you will need:

  1. 2 liters of purified water (you can take rain or spring water).
  2. 0.2 grams of potassium salt.
  3. 0.8 grams of ammonium nitrate.
  4. 1 gram of superphosphate.

Such a nutrient mixture should be applied to moist soil, alternating with the application of organic fertilizers.

Fertilizer for feeding ficus can be prepared from potassium salt and superphosphate.

Important. You need to apply foliar feeding extremely carefully, trying not to get it on the leaves and trunk of the plant.

Many beginning flower growers cannot do without the advice of experienced comrades.

  1. Fertilizers should be applied no more than once every 2 weeks.
  2. In winter, ficus needs feeding only if it lives in conditions as close as possible to summer ( warm air, additional lighting, a certain level of humidity).
  3. After transplantation, you can start feeding the ficus after 2 months, since new soil and so contains all the useful substances.
  4. All fertilizers industrial production It is better to dilute it weaker than the concentration indicated on the package. This will help avoid an overdose of microelements, but will allow you to saturate the soil with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Ficuses are loved for their unpretentiousness, powerful foliage and presentable appearance. appearance. However, without proper care, they will very soon cease to please the eye. To prevent this from happening, you should pay attention Special attention feeding, after all evergreen needs them constantly.

Growing ficus

Like any other home plant, ficus has its own specifics and growing characteristics.

The evergreen plant does not tolerate frequent transplants and changes in location. Therefore, a ficus shoot that has taken root should be immediately planted on permanent place so as not to disturb him in the near future.

The soil must contain humus, sand, peat. Expanded clay is sometimes used to loosen the soil, charcoal. If the soil is taken from the garden, it is advisable to first check its pH. Add lime if necessary. To protect against pests, the ground is sprinkled with ash.

Ficus plants do not like frequent watering. Therefore, it is better to be guided by the principle of the golden mean: do not overwater in winter, and do not overdry in summer.

Important! Water standing in the pan indicates an excess of moisture. It should be drained to prevent root rotting. Water deficiency usually manifests itself in yellowing of leaves.

The air in the apartment should be humid. If there is no special floor humidifier, then it is worth purchasing at least a spray bottle. And do not forget to spray the plant daily.

Feeding frequency

The frequency of fertilization is low. However, the feeding itself is usually abundant in volume. If the ficus is large, it requires a lot of nutrients and vitamins, because the earth is quickly depleted. The transplant in this case is bad way out. It is much better to feed the plant once again with complex fertilizer.

If the ficus experiences a nutritional deficiency, it sends specific signals:

  • Stops growth and development.
  • Its stems lengthen and become thinner.
  • Spots appear on the leaves, they begin to dry out and fall off.
  • Gets sick (due to decreased immunity due to fasting).
  • Experiencing attack from pests and diseases.

Note. If the plant suddenly becomes ill, feeding is postponed. After all, the ficus will not be able to assimilate everything nutritional elements until he fully recovers.

After transplantation, fertilizers can be applied only after 3-4 weeks. At first, the rhizomes will find nutrition in the new soil, and the applied fertilizers can easily burn it.

Feeding ficus

An evergreen plant needs both mineral and organic elements. The use of each type has its own characteristics.

Mineral supplements

Macro- and microelements are necessary for the plant to correct height and development. Often, ficus experiences an acute shortage of 3 minerals: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, without which the growth of new leaves and shoots is impossible.

Mineral complexes can be:

  • Dry

Available in powder or granular form and also in tablet form. This fertilizing releases its beneficial substances gradually - with each watering, a small amount seeps into the soil.

  • Liquid

In the form of solutions. Liquid mineral complexes are used for root feeding. In addition, they are perfect for adding to water when spraying.

  • In the form of prolonged sticks

Such fertilizers are placed directly under the roots. Some types only need to be stuck into the ground. During the watering process, the prolonged sticks will gradually dissolve, saturating the soil with nutritional components.

Organic fertilizers

This concentrated organic contains a large number of nitrogen, which is especially important in spring summer period when the ficus is actively growing.

Note. Chicken manure is considered the best organic fertilizer for ficus.

Take 5 g of rotted droppings per liter of water. When stirred, a cloudy liquid of a pale green hue is obtained. Fertilizing is carried out only after abundant watering.

  • Mullein

Cattle manure should be composted first so that it goes through a thorough decomposition process. It is strictly forbidden to use fresh fertilizer due to the risk of burning the plant’s rhizomes.

Application dosage: per 1000 ml of water – 2 g of mullein. Before feeding, the plant is thoroughly watered so that the process of absorption of nutrients goes faster.

  • Humus

If it is not possible to add organic matter of animal origin, you can prepare fertilizer from rotted leaves. To do this, they are placed in a pile and periodically watered with water. After a year, the fertilizer will be ready for use.

Note. Plant humus contains not only nitrogen, but also other nutrients.

The frequency of fertilizing is once every 2 weeks. IN winter time Ficuses do not need to be fed. If, in winter, all conditions for growth are created for the plant (additional lighting, optimal humidity, warm environment), it is recommended to fertilize the plant no more than once every 1-1.5 months. In this case, the dose is reduced by half.

Homemade fertilizers

In addition to organic and mineral complexes, ficus plants are also fed with folk remedies, which are always at hand.

  • Coffee grounds

It suits ficus perfectly. Loosens the soil in the pot, ensuring unhindered air flow to the rhizomes of the flower. The coffee grounds are pre-dried and embedded in the soil - this way the nutrients will quickly pass into the soil. If you leave it on the surface, soon there will be a lot of midges near the flower.

  • Tea brewing

For feeding, take only spent tea, not fresh. Preferably natural black, without additives. Some gardeners use dried tea instead of water when watering. Others embed the dried tea leaves into the ground. Leaving tea on the surface will cause mold to form.

  • Fruit and vegetable waste

banana skins, potato peelings, onion peels and other waste biomaterial contain a lot of nutrients. That’s why they are also used to feed ficus. The skins are cut, dried or boiled, and the onion scales are infused. Banana peels are often simply embedded in the soil. By overheating, it will supply the plant with nutrients.

  • Sugar

Ficus plants respond favorably to watering with sweetened water. The glucose contained in the sand stimulates their growth and development. 40 g is enough for 1000 ml of water granulated sugar. Water the plant generously with this solution so that the nutrition reaches the rhizomes.

  • Nettle infusion

It will require 50 g of raw or 10 g of dry herb. Nettle is poured into 500 ml of water and infused for several days until the solution turns yellow-brown. Before use, this amount of fertilizer is diluted in 5000 ml of water. Ficus is watered with the solution at the end of summer in order to restore depleted soil after active plant growth.

  • Yeast

This remedy has a beneficial effect on the growth of ficus. It is recommended to apply yeast in spring and early summer, when the plant is rapidly developing and producing new shoots. This feeding promotes the mineralization of organic matter and stimulates the process of excretion. carbon dioxide in the ground. The solution is prepared as follows: 15 g of yeast are diluted in a liter of water, adding a large spoon of granulated sugar. Let it brew for 3 hours and start watering the plants.

This natural mineral fertilizer is also used to fertilize ficus plants. To ensure that all the beneficial substances are well absorbed by the plant, the ash is diluted in water (1 large spoon per liter of boiling water) and left for 7 days. After a week, the ficus is fed with this solution. In addition, it can also be used for spraying - the ash perfectly protects plants from pests and diseases.

  • succinic acid

Tablets of this acid are sold at any pharmacy. Few people know that this remedy stimulates the rapid delivery of nutrients, rapid growth, proper development, and makes the color of ficus leaves more saturated. In addition, succinic acid restores the plant’s immunity and relieves stress after transplanting or moving around the apartment.

Succinic acid (1 g) is diluted in water (1 large spoon). Then dilute with a liter of water.

Note. Solution succinic acid can be stored for no more than 3 days.

This product is used to water or spray ficus plants against harmful insects.

In addition to the above products, they are also used as fertilizers aquarium water and toothpaste.

Popular drugs

In specialized stores you can purchase a lot of complex flower fertilizers. There are also narrowly targeted ones, for example, only for ficuses. Both of them are quite suitable. Florists advise choosing compositions wide range actions that are also suitable for other house plants.

Among them:

Rainbow. Sold in small plastic bottles. average cost– 99 rubles for 500 ml.

Agricola. Universal fertilizer for all types of ficus. Sold in small bags or bottles. The average cost of dry fertilizer is 30 rubles (100 g), liquid fertilizer is 62 rubles. (250 ml).

Pokon. Liquid complex fertilizer, specially created for ficus. Produced in Holland, cost – 99 rubles. (250 ml).

Note. Fertilizer diluted in water is used immediately; it cannot be stored.


To grow a luxurious ficus at home, it is enough to provide it optimal conditions habitat, do not torment with frequent transplants and movements from place to place. Well, don’t forget to periodically feed it with complex fertilizers.

Houseplants are present in every home. Ficus stands out separately - evergreen representatives of pets. In this article we will tell you how and how much to water ficus at home, and answer questions from beginners and experienced gardeners.

Love for ficuses is due to:

  • variety of subspecies;
  • unpretentiousness and ease of care;
  • decorativeness;
  • unusualness.

Watering indoor plants at home

The issue of watering worries gardeners for good reason. Plants for normal development water and air are required. If watering is excessive, then moisture fills the voids that are intended for air. As a result, the plants rot and die. If there is not enough water, the plant suffers from lack of water and dries out.

Therefore, you need to water your indoor plants carefully. Small root system needs a competent approach. Moisture-loving plants require more water

, drought-resistant less. In summer, the need of plants increases, in winter it decreases. Watering requirement
What plants
  • Big
  • In the stage of active growth.
  • With developed numerous foliage.
  • Flowers with large, wide leaves that actively evaporate moisture.
  • Flowering phase (except for orchids).
  • With a powerful and branched root system.
  • With good drainage in a pot.
  • Growing in a clay pot.
  • Those who are in a room with warm, dry air in winter.
During summer dry and hot weather.
  • Small
  • In the resting phase.
  • With few leaves.
  • Bulbous, as well as species with fleshy, succulent leaves.
  • Sick, damaged by pests, suffering from illiterate care.
  • With a small root system.
  • Those that do not have drainage holes in the planting pot.
  • Planted in non-porous containers (metal, plastic).
  • Growing in a cool room or with high humidity.
During cloudy rainy summer weather.

Use devices at home that are convenient for watering ficus.

Types of proper watering of ficus plants in home growing conditions

For indoor plants (including ficus plants), differentiate between the types of watering so as not to cause harm. Type of irrigation
When to water and which plants Abundant

As soon as the upper third of the earthen lump in the pot dries (determined by immersing a stick or finger in the ground).

Necessary for tropical plants with delicate thin leaves - begonias, heliotropes, fittonias, allocasia. Required for species with leathery leaves in warm time

year - lemon, ficus, oleander, ivy. Moderate

Water 2-3 days after the top layer of soil dries.

  • This type of watering is intended for indoor plants:
  • bulbous;
  • with a pubescent aerial part (columnea, peperomia):
  • with fleshy stems and leaves;
  • having water-bearing tubers on the roots (arrowroot, chlorophytum, asparagus);
with thick powerful rhizomes and roots (palm, dracaena, aspiditra, aroid plants). Rare

Watering is repeated after a few days, weeks or months.

  • Required for:
  • deciduous bulbous and tuberous.

With this type of watering, the soil in the pot dries out completely, and the plant lives off its water-storing organs.

The regularity of watering depends on the temperature and the rate of drying of the soil.

Tip #1. Plants laying flower buds during the dormant period (clivia or zygocactus), water moderately at this time.

We study watering ficus under normal conditions

There is no strict regime for watering ficus plants.. Frequency depends on conditions external environmenttemperature regime, lighting quality, humidity indicators. These parameters affect the intensity of moisture consumption by the plant. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the earthen clod and the ficus itself, so as not to provoke the appearance of mold or brown rot.

Regularly check the moisture of the earthen ball by immersing the finger phalange in the container with the plant.

Basic rules for watering ficus at home:

  1. High humidity is created only in the air, not in the soil.
  2. Do not overwater the plant, water it moderately. In summer - 2 times a week, in winter once.
  3. Loosen the soil in the pot to dry.
  4. Water according to the season.
  5. Accustom your ficus to certain watering days.
  6. Cool shower for leaf hygiene - once a month.
  7. Drain excess water from the pan.
  8. Leave the water to settle and heat until room temperature.
  9. Spray the leaves.

Watering different types and varieties of ficus at home

The quality and quantity of watering ficus depends on several parameters. The main ones are:

  • time of year or seasons;
  • air humidity in the rooms where the ficus is located;
  • illumination;
  • temperature indicators;
  • the size of the pot in which the ficus grows;
  • variety or type of ficus.

General requirements for watering ficus trees, of course, exist, but only precise knowledge of the plant breed will help ensure optimal action. After all, a frivolous attitude to watering will lead to problems when growing ficus. A lack of water in the summer and an excess in the winter are equally undesirable.

Tip #2. Water the ficus plants when the soil in the pot is dry.

How to water different varieties ficus? Ampelous species require more moisture than tree-like ones. This is due to the close location of their root system to the soil surface. Therefore, hanging varieties absorb water immediately after watering. Tree varieties have buried roots, so moisture absorption occurs according to the degree of its distribution in the pot. If the soil is very dry, the pot is immersed in water and held until the air bubbles disappear. Then it is taken out of the water and allowed to drain.

If water quickly flows through the drainage when watering, this is a signal that the ficus is being replanted. The amount of water for the plant depends on the size of the planting container. If the ficus grows in a floor pot, then several liters will be needed.

Traditional methods of watering ficus at home

Irrigation options using compounds folk remedies at the same time serve as food for ficus plants. They contain beneficial components for plants and promote their growth and development.

Name of the product Action How to use
Nettle infusion Supplier of nitrogen, carbon and iron for the plant. Prepare the green mass before the seeds begin to form on the nettle.

Fill plastic bottle, carefully compacting the grass.

Fill with water, without adding up to 10 cm from the edge.

Close the bottle and infuse the nettle for 14 days.

Dilute the prepared infusion in a ratio of 1:10 with water and apply root feeding.

For foliar application (on leaves), the concentration is reduced to 1:20.

Infusion of bird droppings Source of a complex of nutritional components, minerals and acids For 1 liter of water, it is enough to take 4 g of fermented droppings and dilute it.

Before feeding, the ficus is watered with clean water.

Succinic acid It has a beneficial effect on growth processes, facilitates the absorption and assimilation of nutrients from the soil by ficus. It is applied for foliar feeding(spraying) and root (watering).

The solution is made from 150 ml of ordinary water and 1 g of succinic acid.

After stirring, add another 850 ml of water.

Now choose the type of feeding. For root 0.02% solution (water and solution in a 1:1 ratio) and foliar – 0.05% (0.8 l water and 0.2 l solution).

Spraying is carried out once a year.

Wood ash infusion Source of sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Used when replanting ficus, for root nutrition and protection from pests.

1. An infusion for irrigation is prepared within a week from 1 liter of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of ash. Leave in the dark and stir daily.

2. At the time of replanting, add 2 tablespoons of wood ash to 1 liter of soil.

Using hydrogels when watering ficus at home

Adding hydrogel to the soil will improve its structure and quality. It is convenient to use hydrogel, but you must not lose control of soil moisture when adding it. Popular types of hydrogels in indoor floriculture, which are used when growing ficus plants:

  1. "Stokosorb" (Germany). The drug complies with the standards recommended by environmentalists, without restrictions on doses and scope of application. Contains no acrylamide. Available in various fractions. Does not lose properties and qualities after freezing, is safe for plants and humans.
  2. "Aquasorb" (France). Suitable for soils of different fractions, has the property of easy moisture release. Suitable for treating the root system. Requires the use of protective equipment. Calculate the dose for different soils!
  3. Ecofloc. Hydrogel fine fraction, the advantage is the cyclical release of moisture. Service life – no more than 5 years.

When growing ficus, use high-quality hydrogels to retain moisture in the soil.

Mistakes gardeners make when watering ficus varieties

  • They adhere to the watering regime without checking the plant’s need for water.
  • Water with hard and cold water.
  • Plants are planted in containers without drainage, which leads to stagnation of moisture.
  • They use only root watering without spraying the leaves, which is not enough for the ficus to feel good.
  • They do not take into account the seasons of the year; they water the plants according to the same schedule.
  • Watering is carried out for different types ficus plants, without taking into account their characteristics.

Be sure to spray ficus leaves, not limited to root watering.

Questions from gardeners when watering ficus at home

Question No. 1. My ficus leaves turn yellow, but retain their elasticity. How does this relate to watering?

Question No. 2. The leaves of the hanging ficus shriveled and fell off. Sunburn has been ruled out, what is the reason?

The reason is the low humidity of the room in which the ficus grows. Help him:

  • spray the leaves with a spray bottle;
  • Place containers of water around the flowerpot;
  • purchase a humidifier for the room;
  • remove the ficus from heating devices further away;
  • water favorite plant using a pallet;
  • regularly monitor the dryness of the soil; the second reason for wrinkling of leaves is lack of watering.

Question No. 3. What manifestations on ficus are associated with waterlogging?

The leaves have yellow spots or edges and the plant drops its leaves prematurely. They look lifeless, the ficus drops them. Let the soil dry and moderate watering.

Replant the ficus in dry soil if waterlogging has caused the roots to rot.

Question No. 4. What watering is considered correct for ficus?

Immediately after planting or transplanting, water very sparingly. The procedure must be repeated after the soil has dried by 1/3 of the volume. Irrigation requires warm, soft water, which is left to stand for at least a day. It is good to use filtered water. Be sure to consider the season and the needs of the plant. To do this, the ficus is constantly monitored.

Question No. 5. Having no experience in growing ficus, we flooded the plant and the leaves fell off. How to help the plant?

Carefully remove the ficus from the pot, separate the soil from the roots and inspect them. If they are gray and thin, then these are signs of rotting.

  • Transplant the ficus into another pot with light, slightly moistened soil.
  • Spray the soil with Epin solution (one ampoule per liter of water).
  • Pour water into the pan, place activated carbon tablets on the soil, and first crumble them.
  • Leave the plant in partial shade and spray the leaves. Watering is rare, only around the perimeter of the pot.
  • Give the ficus time to recover.

Ficus is one of the evergreen plants from the Mulberry family that is popular in indoor floriculture. This crop does not need to provide any special care, and planting the “Mix” species allows you to get a gorgeous flower arrangement from different varieties.

It is best to purchase such an ornamental crop in spring or summer, which greatly facilitates the adaptation process. . Important to remember that too large specimens, as a rule, have a harder time adapting to a change in environment, and the adaptation period often drags on for several months.

When choosing a perennial, be sure to check its condition by lightly shaking the plant flower pot or by running your hand against the growth of the leaves. If the foliage falls and the plant does not look very healthy, then it is better not to purchase it. You should also not buy a plant that has rotting or dry roots sticking out through the drainage holes in the flower pot.

Important to remember, that unscrupulous sellers often rub the leathery foliage with special polishes, which give the leaves a very attractive glossy appearance. However, such compounds negatively affect the health of the plant, so they must be removed from the purchased plant. indoor flower V as soon as possible soft damp cloth. After purchasing, you need to place the flower in quarantine, separately from other indoor perennials.

Ficus is best purchased in spring or summer

Optimal conditions for growing plants

The decorative crop is quite stable and relatively undemanding in terms of lighting levels, so it can tolerate placement on northern window sills. However, about Very strong shading causes elongation of internodes and stretching branches towards the light. In this case, the above-ground part very often takes on a sparsely leafy appearance.

The optimal location is in a bright place without direct scorching heat. sun rays, but variegated forms will need to be provided with more bright lighting. In summer, you can take the flower pot with the plant to the balcony or veranda.

It is important to note, that ficuses are very sensitive to sudden changes in living conditions, including humidity and lighting, so it is advisable to immediately correctly determine its location. In winter, additional lighting may be required. In summer, it is desirable to provide the plant with a temperature regime of 25-30°C, and in autumn and winter – no lower than 12-15°C.

Gallery: types of ficus (25 photos)

Features of growing ficus (video)

Caring for ficus at home

Caring for indoor ficus plants is quite simple - you need to properly feed the plant, provide it with proper watering, and also periodically spray the ornamental crop for preventive purposes. Feeding plants has a positive effect on the appearance of the above-ground parts, but the composition of the fertilizers used must necessarily correspond to the time of year and the phase of development of the perennial.

How often to water a ficus

The correct watering regime is the key to maintaining the decorative appeal of a houseplant. Water for irrigation activities must be settled, at room temperature, without high content chlorine Insufficient watering, as well as excessive drying of the soil in a flower pot are the main reasons for wrinkling and falling leaves. No less Overwatering is harmful for such a highly decorative perennial, especially in low temperature indoor conditions. The ficus root system is very vulnerable to frequent drops in temperature, therefore high humidity soil provokes rotting of the roots and a fairly rapid death of the indoor flower.

By the next irrigation event, the soil substrate in the flower pot of young plants should have time to dry out by about a couple of centimeters. Adult specimens can be watered after the soil has dried out by about 5-6 cm. A tropical crop needs sufficiently humid air, so prerequisite indoor cultivation is the systematic spraying of the aboveground part with relatively warm and well-settled water. Periodically remove dust from the leaves using a damp cloth.

The correct watering regime is the key to preserving the decorative attractiveness of ficus

When and what to feed ficus

Fertilize or feed indoor ficus is required without fail. It is especially important to follow the feeding regime when growing species such as broadleaf and hanging forms of ornamental crops. In spring and summer, at the stage of activation of all growth processes , it is very important to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers for this purpose, which have a positive effect on the growth of green leaf mass. Very good result Fertilizing with an infusion of ordinary wood ash with the addition of mullein or nettle infusion is given.

It is advisable to use as mineral complexes “Gumisol”, “Ideal”, “Palma” And "Ficus". Feeding compositions should be applied approximately a couple of times a month. In winter, the plant is dormant, so fertilizing is not carried out. The dose should be calculated depending on the appearance of the plant, its age, varietal characteristics, as well as the condition of the soil substrate in the flower pot. In any case, the soil must be sufficiently moistened before applying fertilizer.

It is imperative to fertilize or feed indoor ficus plants.

Timing and features of transplantation

To obtain a highly decorative plant with dense foliage and a lush above-ground part, it is necessary to periodically replant. A young plant up to the age of four years must be replanted every year. Older and larger specimens are replanted no more than once every two years. Optimal timing– spring and summer, which facilitates the process of cultural adaptation.

Before replanting, the soil in the flower pot must be moistened abundantly. A drainage layer is poured into a new flower pot and the root system of the transplanted plant is placed along with a ball of earth. Topping up is done with a standard nutrient soil substrate. In the first days after transplantation, it is advisable to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

Ficus care technology in winter (video)

How to care for ficus in winter

In autumn and winter periods perennial care ornamental plant may be slightly complicated due to insufficient heat and lighting. IN autumn period Gradually, you need to minimize irrigation activities, as well as gradually lower the temperature in the room. Feeding is carried out only as needed, but not more than once a month.

The main diseases of ficus and their treatment

When provided with sufficient competent care, indoor ficus plants can feel quite comfortable and delight amateur gardeners with a strong and healthy, very attractive appearance for many years.

Yellowing of foliage is most often associated with dry indoor air and placing the plant close to heating radiators

The main mistakes when growing in home floriculture can be factors represented by improper lighting and temperature conditions in the room, insufficient humidity air, improper irrigation measures and fertilizing, unbalanced soil composition in a flower pot. In case of errors in care and insufficiently high immunity, decorative perennial can be affected by pathogenic microflora:

  • yellowing of foliage is most often associated with dry indoor air and placing the plant close to heating radiators;
  • shredding or falling leaves is a sign of a lack of nutrients in the soil or improper placement of the indoor flower;
  • appearance yellow spots and yellowness on the edges of the leaves, with their subsequent falling off, is most often associated with an excess amount of moisture in the planting substrate;
  • dry and wrinkled leaves may indicate overdrying nutrient soil in a flower pot;
  • appearance on the tips and edges of foliage brown spots very often it is triggered by high temperature conditions in the room, lack of watering and overfeeding with fertilizers;
  • The death of foliage is most often the result of damage to an ornamental crop by fungal diseases, including rot and sooty fungus.

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How should you water your ficus at home?

How to water ficus at home? Absolutely all owners of this unpretentious houseplant face this question. Being easy to care for, ficus has a quite presentable appearance and, with proper supervision, will delight its owners for a long time. Before learning about such an important part of care as watering, you need to understand the characteristics of the plant and the conditions under which it is kept.

Homemade ficus is unpretentious in care.

Plant care

Ficus is an evergreen plant from the mulberry family, very unpretentious in care. Feels great at home and has the ability to purify the air, removing harmful substances. This increases the oxygen content. This contributes to the great popularity of the flower among indoor plant lovers. Despite this, he does not like change, so it is advisable to immediately allocate a certain place for him, and if possible, then he should not be carried or moved. In hot weather, particularly in summer, it can be taken out to the balcony for fresh air.

Ficus loves diffused sunlight.

As for lighting, a bright place with protection from direct sunlight is ideal for the plant. Ficus plants with hard leaves can be kept in the sun, but plants with soft and delicate foliage will do better in a room with diffused light. It is worth noting that some types of plants are generally sensitive to light; this should be taken into account by producers and people growing flowers at home.

Regarding the temperature regime, it is worth saying the following. The best temperature for ficus in summer is from 25 to 30°C. In winter, this figure is about 16-20°C. The minimum temperature level for most species is 10°C. In the cold winter time It is best to store the plant in a dry and warm place. The room where the ficus is stored should be periodically ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed. Some ficus require additional lighting and even spraying. It is not advisable to place it on a cold floor or windowsill.

For the plant, soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH is suitable. Soil can be purchased from most large supermarkets or specialty garden stores.

You should also try to maintain the humidity level in the room.

For most plants, this figure should be no less than 50%, and preferably 70%. If the room is well heated, during hot summer and winter you need to periodically spray the leaves with warm and soft water. Some types will require high humidity air. This is important to consider when purchasing.

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ficus requires moderate watering without drying out or waterlogging the soil.

Following all care recommendations will help keep the plant healthy, and as a result, it will have a beautiful appearance. Among the care activities, watering should be highlighted. This is probably the most regular procedure, the correctness of which determines the condition of the ficus. How to water a ficus? Need to consider:

  • plant age;
  • state;
  • level (phase) of development;
  • season;
  • properties and characteristics of soil;
  • pot material.

Pots for ficus plants should be made of a material that will not cool the soil, such as plastic.

There is no need to organize a strict watering schedule, since many factors influence water consumption. These also include the nature of lighting, air humidity, temperature, which influence the need for watering. First of all, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and water as needed.

And yet, how often should this event be held? IN summer time You need to water often, but don’t forget to let the soil dry out. The frequency is determined by touch. You just need to bury your finger 2 cm into the ground. If the soil does not stain it and crumbles, then you can water it, but if, on the contrary, it sticks to your finger, then it is too early. Water the plant from above, pour water several times, covering the soil layer, until it flows out of the drainage hole. After half an hour, the water from the pan must be drained. In winter, you need to water your ficus less often. Excessive levels of soil moisture should not be allowed, as this is harmful to the root system. Winter watering will also have to be carefully monitored. For some plant species, the watering regime, like most other conditions, may have its own characteristics.

As a rule, the frequency of watering in the summer is 2 times a week. In winter, the plant will need to be watered approximately once every 7-10 days.