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» Lubricant which is better for an interior door. How to lubricate a squeaking door: lubricate the hinges correctly

Lubricant which is better for an interior door. How to lubricate a squeaking door: lubricate the hinges correctly

Every owner of his home should know how best to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. If you care for it correctly door fittings, the design will be suitable for use longer. If you use the wrong approach to eliminate squeaking, you risk accelerating the process of hinge wear. Let's take a closer look at what the features of this work are.

Lubricating the hinges will help eliminate door squeaks.

Why do doors creak?

Usually the question How to lubricate doors to prevent them from squeaking occurs when the problem already exists. To better understand its essence, you should consider the main causes of squeaks.

It is important not only to identify the cause and eliminate it, but also to prevent the situation from reoccurring in the future.

So, why can doors squeak:

  • Lubrication deficiency. Over time, the lubricant spreads, dries out, and may thicken excessively. If the quantity is insufficient, the parts stop moving normally and gradually become worn out, which leads to their breakage and blocking of the mechanism as a whole.
  • Corrosion. One of the most common problems in outdoor door structures. At high humidity metal elements may be subject to corrosion. Rust not only leads to squeaking and difficulty moving the blade, but also gradually destroys the iron.
  • Part wear. With prolonged use, any item wears out and may subsequently break. If the situation cannot be corrected, the part will have to be replaced completely.
  • Garbage. Sometimes all kinds of debris and dust get stuck in the hinges. This debris absorbs lubricant, clogs the hinges and acts as an abrasive, grinding down the metal.
  • Skew. If the door is heavy or the structure is not installed quite correctly, distortions may occur. This not only harms the fittings, but can also further weaken the box itself and change the contours of the canvas.

A common cause of door squeaks is worn hinges.

There is only one conclusion: if the door creaks, it means that something is clearly wrong. The faster you solve the problem, the better for the structure.

Materials used

In order to establish normal operation door hinges you need to know how to lubricate them. Today there are many special formulations on sale, the most popular are:

  • WD 40- this is popular and very effective remedy, which allows not only to improve sliding in parts, but also to cope with main problem metal - corrosion. The composition removes rust and creates protective film on the surface, which prevents its further spread.
  • Litol– effective waterproof and frost-resistant lubricant. This is an excellent option for treating street structures, including wickets and gates.
  • Solid oil– a viscous oily mass, the most popular material for processing moving mechanisms.
  • Tsiatim– thickened oil with an antioxidant additive, which is a universal remedy.

Varieties of special compounds used to lubricate the door

Also, in order to urgently resolve the issue of how to lubricate creaking door hinges at home, you can use products available in almost every household. The first of these is the so-called mining. This is the engine oil that remains after replacing it with new one. Car owners often have a considerable supply of this substance.

In addition, needlewomen may have special oil for processing parts. sewing machine. The advantage is that it is convenient to apply it to the hinges and it practically does not leave dirty marks. Dry substances are also used. The most available material is graphite shavings prepared from the lead of a simple pencil.

If your door creaks and you don’t have it at hand suitable remedy to lubricate her, on a short time can help out vegetable oil, which is in every kitchen. Of course, it is better to avoid such emergency measures, because the effect of such a lubricant is insignificant and only lasts for a few days.

Thick products are more preferable, as they can provide lubrication of parts for a longer period. Liquid oils spread, are easily absorbed and dry quickly.

The second question, which is also of considerable importance how to properly lubricate hinges on iron or wooden door? The quality of the final result also depends on the application technique.

How to Apply Lubricant

So, in addition to choosing a product, an important question remains how to properly lubricate the door so that it no longer creaks. If you apply the composition to required area you will solve the problem with minimal costs material and also prevent contamination of the door itself and the hatch.

There are several rules regarding how to lubricate any door hinges:

  • It is best to apply the product using a special oil can or a nozzle with a thin tube. You can use a syringe for this purpose.
  • When disassembled, the hinges can be treated with a brush or a cotton swab dipped in lubricant, a cloth, etc.
  • Any leaking excess should be removed with a clean, dry cloth.
  • If a door creaks in a certain place, this area can be easily identified by appearance details, that is, according to areas of abrasion. These areas require more careful treatment.
  • It is best to coat the inside of the hinges, since the main operating part of the mechanism is located there.

Correct application of lubricant for door hardware

Now you know how and with what you can lubricate the door to eliminate squeaking and prolong its life. Carry out this procedure regularly to prevent problems and protect the main parts of the fittings.

The question of how to lubricate the hinges and locks of car doors worries many car owners, especially in anticipation of the coming cold weather. Therefore, we will discuss measures that will keep these units operational even in severe frost.

Lubricant for car door hinges and locks - taking care of your car

Unfortunately, most of us run to a service center or to specialized stores for aerosols, lubricants and other car care products only after some problem has arisen. And only a few prevent these complications by properly caring for their car. After all, even a non-specialist knows that rubbing parts are subject to more intense wear, and the hinge mechanism consists of precisely such elements.

So why wait for a creaking or jamming to appear and then try in every possible way to eliminate these breakdowns, if you can simply process the parts regularly, at least once a year? special means and never face the above mentioned problems. In addition, the condition of locks and hinges is also negatively affected by weather. Rain, snow, high humidity, temperature changes - all this contributes to corrosion and more intense wear. And, as a result, the doors do not close tightly enough, and after a while they begin to sag.

Also, probably everyone, even if they haven’t encountered it themselves, has heard about how locks refuse to work, especially at very low temperatures. The problem arises due to liquid that somehow gets inside and then freezes, tightly binding rotary mechanisms. High-quality lubricant for car hinges and locks will help avoid all these troubles..

How to lubricate car door hinges and locks - choose a product

Just some twenty years ago, a variety of available means were used as lubricants, including kerosene and acetic acid, and even iodine available in every first aid kit. But these times are far behind us, and today there is a choice of special chemicals quite wide. Let us consider what properties they should have for each element separately. If your car door creaks, you urgently need to lubricate the hinges. Materials used for these purposes must be able to easily penetrate the gaps formed between two rubbing elements and create a protective film on their surface.

Lubricants for locks should not be afraid of low temperatures, have excellent anti-corrosion properties and a minimum coefficient of friction. It is also very important that they are resistant to washing off, do not separate with subsequent oily discharge and, of course, have a long-lasting effect. Also, despite the fact that today there are many options for lubricating car doors, you need to choose a product based on pricing policy, but the quality of the product. So, silicone lubricants for locks have proven themselves to be good, and hinges can be treated with a special spray Liqui Moly or well known WD-40.

How to eliminate creaking car doors, lubricate the locks and seal contour?

When the lubricant for car doors has been selected and purchased, we proceed directly to the work process. Of course, you can take the path of least resistance and simply spray the keyhole with aerosol, but such an action will not give the maximum result. So you will have to disassemble the entire lock drive. To do this, of course, you need to remove the locks. Taking an open-end wrench, unscrew the bolt by which they are attached. Then you need to move the door handle in the direction opposite from keyhole, and dismantle it.

It is quite possible that it will not come off immediately, then you need to rock it a little different sides. There are two levers inside the door, so they need to be thoroughly lubricated, in addition, all moving elements of the handle and the lock from the inside are subject to treatment. You can get to it by removing the protective plastic cover. But in order to know the answer to the question of how to eliminate the squeaking of car doors, you should familiarize yourself with the method of lubricating the hinges, since it is often problems with them that contribute to the appearance of this unpleasant sound.

This procedure is much simpler than the one described above, since you don’t have to disassemble anything. You just need to thoroughly clean and degrease their surface first. Gasoline is suitable for these purposes, so take a brush and carefully wash off all the dirt from the hinges. Then we use the same brush (just washed) or a syringe to treat their joints. If the product is in an aerosol can, then the task is simplified even more; you just need to spray the hinges.

It is important to carry out all the above procedures before the winter season, as well as after each one, because this is how water gets back into the locks and hinges.

In order not to disassemble the lock every time, get a spray with a special tube, which is inserted into the sprayer at one end and into the lock at the other. In addition, it will not hurt you to ensure that the doors can be opened in cold weather, because the locking mechanisms can work after proper care, but along the contour of the seal, especially after washing or a thaw. Then you risk tearing off the seals if you are strong enough, or not getting inside the car. You can ask the store how to glue car doors in such a case, but it is better to use silicone lubricant for rubber products.

The creaking of a door is terribly unpleasant. . But eliminating the squeak is quite easy. You just need to lubricate the hinges. Today we will talk about 4 quick and effective ways combating creaking door hinges.

1 way. Aerosol WD
Every motorist has this product in his car. A universal lubricant based on white spirit with a convenient dispenser can save you from squeaking. However, the effect will not last long. The fact is that the product is not intended to be a lubricant, it helps to clean and dehydrate the surface before applying real lubricant. WD contains oil, but it is no more than 20% of the total composition of the aerosol.

2 way Machine oil
Any oil that is used to lubricate car parts is suitable here. Choose the one with the highest viscosity. Engine oil is ideal, and if you find a lubricant called “Litol”, you will forget about creaking in door hinges for a long time.

To apply the oil, you can use a regular syringe or pipette. Generously lubricate all moving parts of the hinge and wipe off any excess with a dry cloth. Before oiling, clean the surface thoroughly with WD spray

3 way. Pencil
Our grandmothers did not have WD, Litol and other joys of civilization, so they used a simple pencil lead. It can be crumbled and poured into the cracks of the hinges, or you can lift the door and directly crumble a piece inside the mechanism with the hinge. The lead contains oil and wax, so it can really get rid of squeaking.

4 way. Liquid soap, wax or sunflower oil
If you don’t have any of the above at hand, then use improvised means. Any liquid and viscous product will do here. But remember that using sunflower oil can lead to dust and dirt sticking to the hinges, and this will subsequently lead to rapid wear of the mechanism. And the effect of such treatment will be short-lived.

A squeaky door will get on anyone’s nerves, so I want to get rid of the grinding noise and find something to lubricate the doors so they don’t creak.

We will also consider what to do if the lock does not open well and give advice on caring for the keyhole.

First, let's get acquainted with the types of doors. They are divided into types depending on their location, the material from which they are made and the opening mechanism.

Based on the first feature, door structures are divided into:

  • balcony;
  • kitchen
  • bellhops;
  • living rooms.

Others lead to stairs upstairs or to the attic of the house.

Depending on what the doors are made of, they can be wooden, plastic, laminated or glass.

And even this is not the end of the list of door types.

If we talk about the opening method, doors can be sliding or folding.

Why does the squeak appear?

An unpleasant grinding noise when opening interior and other doors in the house can occur for the following reasons:

  • In case of deviation from the manufacturing rules. If, while producing the door structure, you made a mistake, for example, you welded the hinges incorrectly, then squeaks will certainly appear during operation. And to get rid of uncomfortable sounds, you will need to dismantle the entrance group;
  • If the structure is not specially lubricated. Hinges that are not lubricated with a special compound move with a characteristic squeak. The situation will be improved by a simple lubricant;
  • Incorrectly chosen composition for lubricating the hinge. The wrong component can be grease, which becomes thick and turns into an abrasive. It will need to be removed and another means used;
  • There are no balls in the loops. Then door leaf lift it from its place, insert balls into the hinges and put the door back;
  • The squeaking can be caused by the covering material in contact with the door when it is opened. To eliminate unpleasant sounds, you can only subtract centimeters of the sheathing using scissors. If even after these actions everything remains the same, then it is better to completely replace it;
  • If the canvas rubs against the box. This may be a consequence of incorrect positioning of the door and its swelling due to dampness. If the first cause needs to be eliminated, the door only needs to be reinstalled. But to get rid of the second reason, you will have to dry the room;
  • The ends of the canvas touch the platband. Then the grooves where the fasteners are located need to be enlarged;
  • Loose and time-damaged hinges. The most reasonable solution in this case is to supply other parts;
  • Poor fixation of loops door design. To understand whether there really is such a problem, you can place something underneath, for example, an ax, with which you need to slightly lift the door leaf. Weak screws need to be replaced.

Operations to eliminate entrance door squeaks

Wanting to prevent doors from creaking in the future, they are looking for the reason for this. If the design of the door leaf stood in the apartment for a long time, then unwanted sounds could arise due to sudden changes in temperature.

This is especially true in autumn and winter. During these seasons, you won’t be able to get rid of the cause of the squeaks, but you can get rid of the consequences themselves. It is enough to take graphite powder or an ordinary pencil.

But home owners who have just recently installed new door. Very often, creaks appear due to the fact that the hinges hidden in the screws do not adhere closely to the jamb.

To stop unpleasant sounds from bothering you, you need matches and a screwdriver. You will also need PVA glue or regular wood glue.

You need to tighten the screws with a screwdriver, there is nothing difficult about it.

True, it is possible that the screws will turn. In order not to suffer with this, you need to pick up glue and matches.

The matches will play the role of a fastener that needs to be made by gluing them together.

Another reason for the appearance of squeaks is rust. It forms on the hinges if the house is damp. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is remove the rust.

Steps to get rid of squeaks in metal structures

The root cause of the iron door structure starting to squeak may be that the door leaf is sagging.

Metal is heavy, so its heaviness can lead to squeaks.

Special lubricating oil will help you no longer hear squeaking sounds. The reason for their occurrence may be incorrect installation awnings

In this case, you need to invite a specialist installation work. He is obliged to eliminate the malfunction, otherwise the door leaf may be deformed.

If, in addition to creaking, you feel that the door closes tightly, then this indicates that something has gotten into the grooves of the canopy. metal shavings silt other garbage.

You will need to dismantle the canvas and clean it, and then insert it back.

What to do if the plastic door on the balcony creaks?

The grinding noise can be caused by worn hinges or rust that has covered them.

Getting rid of rust is easy, you just need to open it balcony door and coat the fasteners with machine oil on the balcony side.

Hinges should be lubricated as follows:

  • Open the plastic balcony door structure and place a wedge under it;
  • Using the lever, you need to lift the blade up a little;
  • Opened rods and other elements of the plastic door structure should be lubricated with an oil composition. You don’t need to pour a lot of it, you just need a few drops, so it’s easier to use a syringe;
  • After this, it’s time to lower the canvas into place;
  • Remaining oil is removed with a cloth.

If attempts to eliminate squeaks plastic construction did not lead to anything, which means that the fittings have served their purpose.

What means to eliminate squeaking?

The operation of eliminating squeaks is not at all difficult; thanks to machine oil, you can get rid of the squeaking forever. This is the most popular product and can be purchased at an auto parts store.

But there are other oils that can eliminate noise. You can simply use sunflower or olive oil.

True, the result will not last long, since such a product does not particularly clean the surface and contributes to clogging. Perhaps after a couple of days the already annoying squeak will appear again.

Therefore, experts do not recommend using oils; they can shorten the shelf life of fasteners.

There are options to do without oil. You can use solid oil. It should not be poured, it is better to apply it.

This will help wooden stick. If you have to smear the loops with your finger, be careful not to pinch your hand.

Graphite from a soft pencil will eliminate problems. The easiest way to extract graphite is to set the wood on fire.

The rod must be crushed and the grains poured into the hinge slots formed as a result of lifting the door structure.

When the blade is put into place, the graphite is crushed, turning into a lubricant to combat friction.

The slate chips will be completely crushed if you open and close the doors several times. This product provides excellent protection against rust.

The store sells special sprays suitable for lubricating various parts and mechanisms.

The most common is WD-40 aerosol. They need to spray the areas that are causing the squeaking. It will also come in handy when you need to lubricate the door lock.

The product must be applied locally and precisely, without leaving marks on the entire surface.

Wax or drops of paraffin from a candle can eliminate creaking sounds. In this case, you need to act carefully.

Additionally, you can treat it with a special agent and door lock, because it can also cause problems.

Special care and periodic removal of dust from the lock mechanism will help you not to be afraid that one day the door lock will not let you into the house.

Steps to take care of the lock well:

  • Spray a cleaning spray into the lock hole, which will flow out from the inside;
  • Dampen the lock cylinder with a cloth, place it there and immediately remove the key. This way the mechanism will not jam and dust will not spread inside;
  • After the key is pulled out, the larva is wiped again;
  • The pattern is repeated until dirt stops sticking to the key being removed;
  • After cleaning, you need to spray a couple of drops of oil into the well and turn the key.

As for the choice of lubricant, machine oil is also applied to the lock. But here it is important to consider the type of lock.

Lever or safe locks are lubricated with graphite dust. It is better not to use conventional lubricants, otherwise the key may get stuck without opening the lock.

Surely, everyone has at least once encountered a situation when the door in a house began to creak, disturbing the peace of its residents. This problem affects not only heavy entrance and interior doors, but also ordinary cabinet doors.

Getting rid of the unpleasant creaking of hinges is quite simple, but to prevent its occurrence again, it is better to find out possible reason occurrence of a disturbing sound.

The main reasons for squeaking doors have long been known.

  1. Hinge corrosion is one of the most common causes of door squeaks. This is especially true for street entrance structures made of metal. Dampness and adverse weather conditions can, over time, cause the hinges to rust. This, in turn, gradually destroys the iron, impedes the movement of elements and, as a result, leads to creaking.
  2. Insufficient amount of special lubricant is another common cause of door squeaking. To ensure easy movement of the door leaf, it is necessary to additionally lubricate the door hinges. However, over time, the lubricant tends to thicken. It may also spread or simply dry out. The result is the appearance of friction between the hinge elements during movement and a creaking mechanism. Over time, the problem may worsen even more: prolonged rubbing of parts can lead to blocking of the mechanism, or even to its breakdown.
  3. Using the wrong lubricant. If the hinges are treated with a lubricant that is not suitable for its intended purpose, then it is likely that its action will not be effective and will not be able to ensure the necessary ease of operation of the mechanism. The consequence is the same outcome described above.
  4. Wear of parts. Typically, the hinge mechanism serves faithfully for many years. However, over time it may break. Especially if during operation the rules for preventing wear were not followed. IN in this case, the problem in the operation of the mechanism is eliminated by replacing the mechanism itself.
  5. Clogged hinges are also not a rare cause of squeaking. Dust, rust and other debris - all this can clog the mechanism or absorb lubricant, and, as a result, a squeaky door.
  6. The loops are not equipped with a special ball. When setting the input metal doors or gates, ordinary loops are used, inside of which a ball of the required diameter is placed. The absence of this element may cause squeaking. To eliminate it, it is enough to complete the mechanism with the missing part, having first removed the door from its hinges, and then install it back.
  7. Structural flaws or errors made when installing a doorway are the most time-consuming problem to solve. Usually, the consequences of improper installation appear immediately or make themselves felt from the first days of operation. The most common installation errors resulting in unpleasant consequences, are described below:
  • distortion of the structure - can occur if the door is very heavy (the outcome of such a situation is not only damage to the hinges and a creaky door, but also a loose door frame);
  • incorrectly or poorly installed hinges;
  • contact of the fabric with the covering, door frame and platband.

How to lubricate a door so it doesn't squeak

As previously mentioned, often the reason for squeaking door hinges lies in a lack of lubrication. You can replenish it with special lubricants; fortunately, there are a great many of them in stores.

The following lubricants can be considered the most effective.

  1. WD-40 is a universal lubricant, available in the form of a spray and oil. It copes with the task perfectly: it ensures ease of movement of elements, cleans the mechanism of dirt and prevents the formation of corrosion.
  2. Solidol is a high-density grease. Very popular for processing any moving mechanisms.
  3. Litol is a lubricant known for its frost resistance and waterproof quality. Often used in outdoor work.
  4. Cyatim is another effective multi-purpose lubricant that can help if you have a squeaky door in your home.

What else can you lubricate door hinges to make them squeak?

In addition to special industrial lubricants, other methods for processing hinges using available household products are known.

Among them:

  • vegetable oils;
  • petrolatum;
  • wax, paraffin;
  • pencil lead.

However, it is worth noting that these funds are ineffective. Usually, after a few days the squeak returns again. In addition, dietary fats such as petroleum jelly attract dust and contaminate the lubricated mechanism, which contributes to the formation of rust.

The process of treating the hinge mechanism with a lubricant is very simple. Although a beginner might still need a few tips on how to lubricate door hinges.

  1. The most convenient way is to lubricate door hinges with a special nozzle with a tube, like the WD-40 spray discussed above. If you don’t have one, then a simple syringe will do the job.
  2. Excess lubricant should be removed with a dry cloth.
  3. Parts that show abrasion require increased attention. They should be cleaned of dirt and thoroughly treated with lubricant.
  4. The main hinge mechanism is located inside, so this part needs to be lubricated especially well.

How to lubricate hinges of interior doors and more

It should be said that the process of applying lubricant to the hinges is the same for any door, be it interior, metal or balcony. The processing progress may vary only depending on the type of loops installed.

Processing split hinges

Processing the hinges will be most effective if the door is removed. To do this, the door needs to be lifted, for example, using a crowbar. Then apply lubricant to all elements of the hinge mechanism, both on the leaf and on the door frame.

After this, the door is hung back. In order for the product to be distributed evenly in the mechanism, the door must be opened and closed several times. Wipe off excess lubricant with a dry cloth.

Processing of permanent hinges

If the door is installed on permanent hinges (also called universal hinges), then the lubricating compound is applied to the gaps between the hinges.

Caring for fittings

The occurrence of squeaking door hinges can be avoided if they are periodically cleaned of dirt and treated. This will prevent abrasion of parts and corrosion. If the hinges are already susceptible to corrosion, they should be cleaned with a special rust-corroding agent.