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» Ideas for the home: creating comfort with your own hands. DIY design: ideas for your home that are easy to implement Interesting little things for your apartment

Ideas for the home: creating comfort with your own hands. DIY design: ideas for your home that are easy to implement Interesting little things for your apartment

If you want to build a private house from scratch, then start reading from our previous article:.

The layout of the rooms is well thought out, but how do you make them look worthy of a glossy magazine? Speaking of magazines. If you are going to design a private house with your own hands, then you probably already have a collection of magazine clippings or saved photos of interiors from sites like Pinterest or maybe even Dekorin))) If not, then it’s time to start collecting them. Have you decided to decorate one of the rooms in a style, for example, Provence? Then select best photos interiors in this style and see which of these ideas you want to implement in your home.

Why make such collections? Everything is extremely simple - at subsequent stages of the project, it will be much easier for you to formulate the idea, the very concept of the living space of the house. Of course, you shouldn’t blindly copy these interiors, the task is to have a fulcrum, and you need to build on it.

Well, here we have prepared for you several secrets of interior design of a private house that will be useful to you on the way to making your dreams come true.

1. Drawing up a color scheme: use 3-4 main shades

When you create the design of a private home with your own hands, you must take into account how different tones and shades affect you. Color creates a mood within us, it has the ability to inspire or tire, whether you like it or not. Look at your collection of photos of private home interiors - what colors are most visible here?

We won’t tell you which colors to choose - this is a personal matter for everyone, but we advise you to try a mixture of 3-4 favorite shades. One of them will be the main color of your walls, the other will be the color for large elements such as curtains, an armchair or sofa, and the third and fourth will be the colors of small accessories such as pillows and other trinkets.

The most universal color schemes are those based on some neutral or pastel shade, and the brightest or favorite tone is chosen for large parts.

Your source of inspiration:

2. Add texture to smooth surfaces

If you don't want to focus on an interesting color scheme, then try creating an eye-catching DIY home design by juxtaposing smooth and textured surfaces. Your bedroom can be monochromatic but still look exciting with the contrast between the fur throw and mirrored nightstands. Bright living room in Scandinavian style can inspire with a combination of white linen curtains and sofa upholstery with wicker chairs and rough-knit ottomans. A single textural touch can liven up the most boring interior design.

Your source of inspiration:

3. Less is more

If you have a large room, this does not mean that it will need more furniture and decor. Simplicity is highest level difficulties. You can decorate the interior with decor, whatnots, side tables and indoor plants and it will seem cute. But for real stylish spaces surprise with their elegance and beauty with minimal use of objects. Therefore, it is recommended to use multifunctional furniture in small rooms, and large items in spacious rooms.

As for decor, the comparison of large and small elements works best here. This creates a cheerful and enlivening effect, while the use of exclusively large accessories can make the interior damp and uncomfortable, and only small ones - too flashy and inexpressive.

Your source of inspiration:

4. Create illusions with mirrors

Mirrors can add an unusual effect to any interior. Today it has become very fashionable to install tall floor mirrors to visually increase the size of the room, or hang them on the walls so that they beautifully reflect the ceiling and Wall lights. You can also find an original-shaped mirror or a mirror in an unusual frame when you don’t know how to decorate a dark corner, an empty section of the wall, or something else. comfortable spot.

5. Use dramatic lighting

Expressive shaped lamps and chandeliers can make the interior incredibly impressive and stylish. Is your room decorated in dark or bright colors? Add a sparkling chandelier for a glamorous effect! Is there a lot of wood in the interior? Emphasize its beauty with industrial lamps! And about decorative possibilities LED strip and there is nothing to say! Think of light fixtures as the finishing touch, designed to give a room exactly what it's missing.

Your sources of inspiration:

6. Organize your decor

Even if you like it when various furnishings look “accidentally” left behind. Trifles have an amazing ability to accumulate, even if you are not a shopaholic. Souvenirs brought from vacation, gifts from friends on New Year, books, etc. things should find their specific place in your already thought-out interior design. Use decorative shelves, trays, bowls and baskets to organize and organize all these decor collections. For greater effect, decorate them with strings of beads, photo frames, candles, stones and other pleasant little things.

Your source of inspiration:

7. Create a unique atmosphere

When creating a chic design for a private house with your own hands, do not forget that you still have to live here. Your home shouldn't feel cold and soulless. Exhibition Center, and for this you will need houseplants, fresh flowers in vases, romantic candles, aroma lamps and other items that help you relax and inspire you.

Your source of inspiration:

8. Keep it clean

This is our last and perhaps most important advice. You can spend a lot of time coming up with and creating a stylish design for a private home with your own hands, but if you don’t keep it looking fresh, it won’t be able to bring joy to you or your loved ones.

All of these little tips and tricks work great together and are sure to help you create a beautiful, cozy and well-designed home. If you are not sure about the final result you have achieved, then try taking a photo. Interior photos will allow you to see the design of a private home from a different point of view and consider where something went wrong.

Do-it-yourself private house design: design and decor of rooms updated: November 2, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

The renovations have been done, the rooms are clean and tidy, they smell fresh wallpaper and paint. The furniture is placed in its place, curtains and tulle are hung. The perfect picture after long and tiring days repair work. But something is still missing, the room is just asking to add a little life, comfort and warmth. Decor is responsible for this in room design. Funny trinkets on the shelves, handmade pillows, tablecloths and panels - these and many other details bring warmth and comfort to the interior. Reviving a cold interior with the help of improvised means is not so difficult. You just need to take advantage of the designers’ ideas and master the simplest decorative techniques.

A clock made from sea pebbles adds variety to your home decor

For those who have at least once covered walls with wallpaper, it is no secret that after renovation there is a whole heap of scraps left. They are no longer suitable for fully decorating a room. But they are quite suitable for interior decoration. We offer ideas on how colorful pieces of paper can become valuable design material. With its help you can create original interiors.

An old box will still serve if you cover it with beautiful wallpaper.

Idea No. 1. Decorating furniture

An old chest of drawers, bedside table, table or ordinary shelf will sparkle with new colors if you paste over the front parts with pieces of wallpaper. Although outside You don't have to limit yourself. Drawers covered with wallpaper from the inside look original.

You can take the same wallpaper for all surfaces to be pasted or make decor using the patchwork technique from different pieces

Advice. It is advisable to first sand the surface, paint it, and only then stick on the paper fragments. You can seal the result with varnish on top.

An excellent example of wallpaper decor is pasting back wall open shelving

Idea No. 2. We create an exclusive tray

Effective presentation of a dish is half the success. Why not make your food tray a piece of design art? The same wallpaper trims will help with this. All you need is to cover the bottom or sides (if present) with paper decor and an unremarkable tray will be transformed before your eyes.

Using an old suitcase lid and some wallpaper, you can make a cute tray.

Idea No. 3. Zoning the space

Using wallpaper it is easy to divide a room into functional parts. For example, you can organize a study in the living room. You don't need to build walls for this. It is enough to cover part of the wall with contrasting wallpaper. Often such inserts on the walls are decorated along the edges with moldings. It turns out to be a 2 in 1 room – comfortable and multifunctional.

The width of the moldings should be selected based on the style of the room

For classic interior It’s better to take relief moldings made of polyurethane

Idea No. 4. Original panel

The remains of beautiful embossed wallpaper can be used to decorate the wall. It’s easy to make a textured panel out of them, for example, above the head of the bed in the bedroom.

A panel made from pieces of wallpaper inserted into frames made from old wooden slats

Picture gallery from wallpaper scraps

Idea No. 5. Chair “from the past”

Gift an old chair new life and then from a “decrepit old man” it will turn into a vintage, almost collectible, piece of furniture. And the transformation is done simply - the chair is cleared of old paint, repainted, then pasted over and varnished. By the way, after such metamorphoses, the chair can be used for other purposes. Now it can easily become a stylish part of the decor or be used as a flower stand.

There can be a lot of options for decorating chairs, it all depends on your imagination and desire.

You can use a geographical map to cover children's highchairs.

DIY room decor techniques

You can create interior decor with your own hands using various techniques handmade. Throughout the history of its existence, humanity has come up with a lot of them. They are all different and vary in complexity. For example, not everyone can handle wood carving. But even schoolchildren can easily master quilling. Nevertheless, the result is very impressive.

Quilling is a type of needlework that does not take much time.

You can create a variety of compositions from paper mosaics

Many other techniques are used to decorate rooms:

  • Artistic painting of walls. If you have the ability to draw, then you can easily create a wall masterpiece using acrylic paints. You can also use ready-made stencils to apply the design. They are easy to find on the Internet and print on a printer.
  • Embroidery and cutwork technique. Embroidered pillows, napkins, paintings and panels are not a complete list of decorative items that can be created using satin stitch and cross stitch. Pillowcases embroidered using the Richelieu technique look luxurious. They are ideal for design in Provence style.
  • Knitting and crochet. Large knitting is a hit of recent years in interior decoration. It is used to create stylish bedspreads handmade, pillows, covers for poufs, armchairs and sofas. It is now fashionable to wear knitted cases with everything, even vases and mugs.
  • Quilling. The technique is as simple as “twice two.” Twisting colorful stripes paper, the master receives intricate and elegant ornaments. They look incredibly elegant, although they require modest financial costs, a minimum of effort and time.
  • Batik. The fabric is hand-painted and therefore becomes unique. From material made using the batik technique, you can sew anything - from a pillow to a lampshade.
  • Decoupage. A very simple way to decorate almost any surface. To do this, a cutting of colored paper (usually a napkin) is pasted onto various interior items - walls, furniture, vases, boxes.
  • Wallow. It’s easy to transform a child’s room with figurines made from wool using the felting technique. It can be Stuffed Toys or pendants made of miniature animals or birds.

Using the decoupage technique you can decorate furniture, glass and tiles

DIY bedroom decor

In the bedroom, the decor should be moderate, not too flashy. Its goal is to pacify and set one in a positive mood. To decorate the bedroom you can use ready-made design ideas or invent your own.

These simple frames can be purchased inexpensively or made from scraps of polyurethane skirting boards

Here are just a few creative ideas that can be brought to life without much difficulty:

  1. A panel of paintings above the head of the bed. Moreover, the pictures can be painted, embroidered or three-dimensional, made from polymer clay.
  2. Mirror or pictures with decorative frames. The option looks unusual when shaped pasta, coffee beans or cereals are used for framing. They are glued around the perimeter and painted over using spray paint with a bronze, gold or silver effect.
  3. Large fabric pillow as the head of the bed. It's easy to sew it yourself. It will perform two roles at once - decor and soft textiles. It can be attached by laces or loops to a shelf above the bed, and removed if necessary.

Beautiful headboard, made with soul by the owner of this room

Bathroom ideas

Ideal decor for the bathroom - on marine theme. Ideas may vary, but the most important thing is to make sure that all materials are waterproof and can withstand exposure to water. The decoupage technique will be appropriate here, but the applique must be secured on top acrylic varnish. Washbasin, walls, linen drawer - all this can become the basis for gluing paper cutouts with motifs of exotic islands.

Decoupage doors in the bathroom

And the “seascape” will be complemented by a rug made of flat round pebbles. To do this, you need to apply universal glue to a regular rubber mat and lay out the surface with large pebbles.

A real pebble mat looks good and can be used for foot massage

DIY children's room decor

The children's room is a real Klondike for creative children. There is no need to adhere to strict limits. On the contrary, you need to create a light, cheerful and joyful atmosphere. This will help:

Mega-economical ideas for luxury interiors

Sometimes decorating a room in style doesn't require a large investment at all. There are ideas for transforming the interior that are implemented in a matter of minutes and look luxurious:

Using tape you can add variety to monotonous wall surfaces.

Using the simplest materials and techniques, you can transform the environment beyond recognition, make it exclusive, and add a piece of your creativity.

Decor in the form of a world map made of twine, carnations and postcards

The space is being transformed before our eyes, going beyond the usual standards, clichés and templates. The interior acquires its own character, special flavor and style.

Every housewife and owner wants to make their home beautiful and comfortable. This article contains a variety of ideas for the home that allow you to achieve this result with little time, money and effort.

Decorating the walls

IN Lately Walls painted or covered with plain wallpaper have become very popular. Yes, they serve as an excellent backdrop for accessories, furniture, etc. But large empty spaces require some additions. How to decorate an empty wall? There are a lot of ways, you just need to choose the right one.

Geographic maps on the walls

An extremely simple and very effective idea for the home that helps solve a problem. empty walls- stick on a geographical map. It is not suitable for every room or every interior, but you can find options for a child’s room, office, balcony or loggia, and in some cases even for a bedroom or living room. It is important to choose the right map for the interior, and there are not only “ordinary” ones - geographical ones. There are vintage, navigational, stylized, etc.

Where can I look for similar cards? Geographic maps can be found in bookstores or stationery stores. You won’t find stylized or antique ones there. Some options can be found in wallpaper stores. There they come in the form of photo wallpapers. There are many different ones on the beloved Aliexpress, you can search in other online stores. But there is another option: find the card you like on the Internet, save it to a medium and print it out at a company that deals with outdoor advertising. The only requirement: a large format card. They, of course, will be able to increase it, but not indefinitely. So the initial image must be of high quality and large.

We make modular paintings

The idea for the home - paintings and photos on the walls - is not new and many people are tired of it. Yes, it's a classic, but I want something new and unusual. One option is modular paintings. This is one image split into different quantities fragments. Fragments can be different in size or the same. Often these “pieces of images” are called “modules”, hence the name “modular picture”.

You can take any poster, banner, or photo wallpaper as an object. You can, again, print the image you like in advertising agency. In this case, you can even take a photo of yourself or close friends, your favorite landscape, etc. Based on the composition of the drawing, it is divided into several parts and cut. Frames are made for the fragments. The dimensions of the frames should be 3-5 cm smaller than the fragments so that the module can be wrapped and secured on the back side.

Nature is one of the most popular motifs. Sunset on the sea - what could be more romantic? Beach, sun, summer...
And flowers again... Symmetrical division is also possible Fantasy - an option for teenagers

Frames can be made from wooden planks, cover with thin plywood or fiberboard. But the easiest way is to take foam plastic of sufficient density (300-350 g/m³) with a thickness of 4-5 mm or more. It doesn't cost much, you can cut it with any hacksaw, it won't damage the paper, it weighs a mere trifle, so you can even secure the modules with double-sided tape. You can attach images to the tablets using glue (find a suitable one), or using a construction stapler and staples.

Decorative mirrors

Ideas for the home using mirrors are not new. The first examples of this magical glass appeared before our era and were extremely expensive and rare. And no wonder. The mirror itself is an excellent accessory, and if it has an unusual shape or an amazing frame, it will definitely become an interior decoration.

It’s so simple - circles made of mirrors, and the interior is transformed Butterflies from the mirror - an interesting idea
If you decorate a shelf, chest of drawers, bedside table in the same style...

Such compositions can be made not only from an ordinary mirror - coated glass. There is an acrylic mirror on the market. This is a flexible and absolutely safe material. It does not give such an ideal reflection as a “normal” mirror, but for these conditions it is not required. You need a plastic material that is easy to work with. They sell sets of fragments of different shapes and sizes, at reverse side which are glued with double-sided tape. This mirror is easy to attach: just remove protective film from adhesive tape, apply and press. All.

We make accessories for home decoration

Many ideas for the home concern the creation of unique designer crafts that make our home memorable and cozy. These are the things that create the atmosphere of a home. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to spend an incredible amount of time and money on their creation. There are very simple ideas using the most ordinary, and sometimes even junk, things.

Ideas for your home are a whole sea of ​​possibilities for improving your interior or making your life more comfortable...and sometimes both

Decorating vases and bottles with lace

Amazing transformations can take very little time. For example, from an ordinary vase, bottle or jar you can make a uniquely beautiful vase. Moreover, the process itself will take 10-15 minutes. This is if you have everything at hand. And besides decoration objects, you only need lace, PVA glue, scissors and a brush.

Everything is exactly as you thought. We simply wrap the vessel in lace, cut it to size, glue it, and wait until it dries. This is all. But the result will please you.

Who said lace has to be white...

Lace can be bought or knitted. The second option allows you to decorate vases of complex shapes, which can be decorated with great difficulty with ordinary lace. If you don’t know how to knit, but want to decorate a vase unusual shape, look for stretch. There is such a thing, and in a fairly wide range. With the help of a stretchy openwork, most problems are removed.

Zen garden

If you are looking original ideas for your home, consider a miniature zen garden. It’s not difficult to do, it looks great, and it can also help you relax and calm down after a hard time. working day. Only this accessory is not for families with small children.... You will understand why.

The original Zen garden is a rather complex system, but stylizations can be made from a transparent round container or even from a glass candy bowl, vase, small aquarium. You will need more sand for landscape design, terrariums or aquariums and a crassula plant or cactus.

First, let's figure out what to do with the plant. it can be planted in a small pot and buried in the sand. Instead of a pot, you can use a sock with soil (tie the sock). Some plants (cacti) can be planted directly in the sand. In general, choose any method, but if direct disembarkation in the sand, you need to take care of normal drainage - put pebbles on the bottom.

Sand is poured into the container, a pot with a plant or its roots is installed, and the whole thing is covered with sand to a certain level. All is ready. Now the surface of the sand is leveled and drawings are applied to it. There is a special metal stick for drawing, but a wooden one is also suitable for starting.

If you want to get closer to the original, you can do desktop version Japanese garden from a small box. The frame of the box is assembled from wooden blocks or bamboo trunks, the bottom is usually made of plywood or well-fitted and treated wooden planks. You can also make legs.

The resulting container is also filled with fine sand, but what else to add there is up to you. You can plant several plants, lay stones, pebbles, put candles, a Buddha statue. In general, everyone here already creates their own zen))

Mini garden in the house

There are two types of miniature gardens that can be made to decorate the interior of a house or apartment: open and semi-closed. An open mini-garden is made in large flat pots and pallets. Can be used miniature plants bonsai type, succulents and small cacti.

When selecting plants, pay attention not only to size, but also to the soil in which the plants grow. If the mini-garden area is large enough, it can be divided into zones with different soil acidity, but this will require physical separation, as well as delimitation using physical plastic partitions so that the soils do not mix.

This interior decoration recreates a real garden. With paths, benches, rockeries, etc. You can put up a toy house or make a pond. Whatever your imagination tells you.

Semi-closed mini-gardens are made in glass containers. Round ones look very interesting: aquariums, vases. Soil or stones are poured into them and plants are planted. But in such a limited volume, it is necessary to select plants not only by soil type, but also by the degree of illumination, watering regime, etc. It will not be possible to care for plants in a jar differently.

The smallest gardens... And then - a garden of moss... a piece of a fairy tale

In such containers you can grow different varieties moss. In fact, they are very beautiful and only in such miniature gardens can you examine them down to the smallest detail. Some of them resemble trees or shrubs, others are more like herbaceous plants. A wide variety of compositions are created from pebbles and moss, reproducing real landscapes or transporting us to a fairyland.

DIY sofa pillows

If you look at the photos of interiors, you will notice that in most of them, pillows add zest to the interior. With their help, a boring interior turns into a lively and memorable one. In addition, a large number of pillows allows you to rest comfortably. Such home decor ideas allow you to quickly change the “mood of the interior,” adding home comfort.

In the case of using fabrics, everything is clear - we select the color and texture to match the interior. But there are homemade pillows that exude coziness. A striking example of this is knitted pillows. A variety of patterns, colors, shapes. But the result is the same - you really want to hug them and cuddle them. They look very unconventionally.

From old flannelette pajamas and a sweater And these old jeans turn into an original pillowcase...all you need is fabric with an adhesive base Knitted miracle - very cozy Lace for finishing pillows - you need to choose the style Fleecy fabrics - simple and effective

What to do if you don't know how to knit? It's no problem. There are old sweaters. Yours or children's. They make very interesting and neat pillows. Cut the old knitted items along the sleeves, put the pillow in the half-finished pillowcase, and sew it up on both sides. All, designer pillow ready.

You can also use lace, fleecy fabrics, old jeans, even pajamas. Everything is going well. And the stranger the coloring, the more interesting the result.

Ideas for the home: various little things with your own hands

The atmosphere and comfort in the house is created not only by global things. Many small things that can be made from scrap materials bring no less and, sometimes, more pleasure and benefit. You use them often. And after a month you don’t look at the same paintings or mirrors anymore. A number of ideas for turning your home into a cozy and comfortable place have been collected in this section.

Opportunities are a sea

Shoe tray with pebbles

Owners of private houses have to go out into the yard regardless of the weather. That’s why shoes don’t always shine clean. Many people get out of this situation by placing a rubber mat near the door or by placing a rubber tray. Yes, the dirt does not spread, but the view is not the most attractive. You can significantly improve the situation by simply pouring pebbles into the tray. The water will flow over the stones, the drips on them will not be visible, and neither will the dirt. Periodically, you will need to soak the pebbles in water and rinse them to remove accumulated dirt, but pebbles are a reusable material and they simply cannot be “erased off.”

If there is no rubber tray, you can knock down a wooden box with a side height of about 10 cm. Pebbles can be found on the banks of a river, sea, etc. As a last resort, you can find it in designer stores or where aquarium products are sold. But buying this “charm” is expensive.

Scarf storage

Scarves, neckerchiefs and others similar products Usually there are quite a few in every family. How to store them so that they don’t take up a lot of space, are always at hand, and don’t get wrinkled? There are several life hacks that you can easily do yourself.

First. We attach metal rings to a regular hanger. Rings can be plastic or metal. Both can be found in departments selling. There are all sorts of them, in shape, size and material. Rings can be nailed to wooden hangers/hangers/trempels, attached with staples, or glued or tied with thread to plastic hangers. And that’s it, you have a device for storing scarves.

The situation is a little more complicated with the second device. You will need a treated board and a dozen or two clothespins. We attach clothespins to the bar with one side. They can be nailed, screwed, or glued. You will also need hinges to secure the structure itself to the wall.

Both ideas for the home are practical, require a minimum of money and a little time. And evaluate the benefits yourself. Especially in the spring-autumn period, when there are a lot of scarves, scarves, and flowerpots on the shelf.

Instead of a bookshelf

- a good thing, but they are not appropriate everywhere, and good copies cost a lot of money. But books need to be stored somewhere. The solution is metal staples. When installing them, the lower book serves as a support for 4-5 pieces, which are simply stacked on it.

Book holder - everything ingenious is simple

The disadvantage is obvious - the lower book is inaccessible. The solution is to put the most unpopular or unnecessary one down.

Holders for keys and other small items

One of the most big problems- where to hang the keys so that they can be quickly found, and also instantly hung or removed. One of the good options is a magnetic board, but where to look for it is a question. But you can make funny holders from tennis balls. They are cut to about a third of the diameter. That's all. The holder is ready. It just needs to be secured somewhere. You can - on the wall using nails, you can attach several pieces on a separate board, and then attach the board itself to the wall, cabinet, etc.

Instead of a key holder - cute faces

You can make such a holder for small items in a matter of seconds. Look longer for tennis balls. And to make it even more interesting, eyes are glued to the ball. It turns out to be such a cheerful smiley.

Basket made of plastic bins and clothespins

Every household is full of plastic containers from food products, but ideas for the home with their participation are rare. We found one such option in which the hero is a liter mayonnaise container. In principle, any can of large diameter and small height can be used. Otherwise, the “basket” will be inconvenient to use.

Waste into income - a basket made from a plastic can

Using universal glue, we glue the containers with clothespins. When the glue has dried, coat the surface with varnish or wood oil. We cover the inside with a cover made of cotton or linen. We make it a little longer than necessary so that we can hide the unsightly edge behind the lapel.

We make the handle from steel wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. We bend an arc from it. We make a loop at one end, and in the side, using a nail heated over a fire, we make two diagonally located holes (one opposite the other). We thread the formed loop on the handle into one hole. We bend the wire on the second side, thread it through the second hole, and then form a loop. We decorate the handle with hemp rope. You can also make decorations for a basket from it. If you know how to weave macrame - great, no - a regular braid woven from several threads will do.

Stand for a sofa or chair for cups/glasses/newspapers

Drink some tea in your favorite chair - great idea. But there’s nowhere to put the cup, the phone always falls between the seat and the “bytsy”. Armrests modern models soft, you can't put anything on them. That's what we came up with smart people make a stand for cups/glasses (pictured). Extremely simple and very convenient thing. Few ideas for your home will bring you more pleasant moments.

You will need three boards with a width of at least 25 cm. They are knocked down in the shape of the letter “P” (the connection can be strengthened using carpentry corners). The height of the jumper is slightly greater than the height of the armrest; the table should protrude no more than 1/3 of the width of the seat, otherwise you simply will not sit in the chair. The structure is placed on its side, the lower part is pushed under the chair. It serves as a stop and prevents the structure from turning over. To be sure, make the lower part much longer than the “table”. Also, for mobility, you can install wheels, but do not forget that the legs of modern furniture are low and the wheels need small ones, and they will have to be attached from the side. Otherwise, the stand simply won’t fit under the chair.

Where to hide dog bowls

Dog owners know how difficult it is to find space for their dog bowls. Dogs living in an apartment or house are usually fed in the kitchen. There they are given bowls. But they are needed for half an hour a day, and then they get underfoot on the floor all day. The problem can be solved, and elegantly. Place the bowls in one of the drawers. If they were needed, they opened the box and poured in food. Feeding is over - the bowls have been washed, put back in place, and the drawer has been pushed back. Everything is perfect and does not bother anyone.

This idea will require a little modification to the drawer. A small section bar or corner is placed around the perimeter. From plywood or other sheet material a rectangle is cut out the right size. We cut holes in it for the bowls, then paint (if necessary). That's all, the idea has been implemented. All that remains is to train the pets.

Idea for storing slippers

In any house or apartment with two or more inhabitants, slippers always get lost, confused and disappear somewhere. One of the interesting ideas for solving the problem is such pipes/holders for slippers. Each pair has its own pipe. Order is guaranteed.

Pipes can be made from of stainless steel, you can cut them from plastic pipes large diameter. You just need to process the cut well - so that it is comfortable and beautiful.

The interior design ideas you see below contribute to more effective use space and reasonable storage of household items, and will also help hide unaesthetic elements and decorate your home.

1. Install drawers under the stairs

Design: Deriba Furniture

2. Hide the unaesthetic-looking router in a nice box

3. Turn cords into Bob Marley's hair

4. Store pet feeding bowls in a drawer

5. Use invisible bookshelves

"This shelf holds up to 15 pounds of books. Screw the frame directly into the wall and voila - you have an invisible bookshelf! Maximum height packs are 16 inches. The kit includes everything you need, you only need a screwdriver. The Conceal Book Shelf has already won design awards as an innovative, inspiring and creative product.". (Designer: Miron Lior)

6. Turn your headphone cord into a power line

7. Store your jewelry behind a picture.

8. Disguise your router as an old book

9. Hide the air conditioner behind a useful board with a list of important things to do

10. Transform your cable into a beautiful vine

Sold on Amazon

11. Hide wires behind a neat fence

Design: Karl Zahn

12. Install a ladder with drawers

13. Use ribbon to decorate your washer and dryer

14. Decorate light switches with stickers to remind kids to save energy

15. Hang a screen over your desk to hide wires from view.

16. Hide alarm buttons, thermostats, etc. behind artwork.

17. Disguise your garden water pipes with fake rocks.

18. Create a charging box for all your electronics

19. Decorate the refrigerator

Every person strives to make their home more comfortable. If you want to transform the design of your house or apartment into something unique, you can create interior items with your own hands. This will give the room a unique design. Creating decorative elements does not always require any special skills or materials. Sometimes decorations are made simply and from available materials. Next we will look at the most available methods creating designer items.

You can decorate the interior using improvised means

You don't need any skills to create jewelry.

You can create interior decoration items yourself

Let's consider several options for creating interior items with your own hands. To do this you will need a minimum set of materials and tools and a good mood.

Original tea table

The designer table will become chic decoration living room, winter garden, dining room. To create it you need to prepare the following items:

  • remnants of wallpaper, preferably washable;
  • wooden frame the size of the intended table;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic varnish to fix the coating;
  • caps from plastic bottles;
  • gold acrylic paint;
  • dark brown acrylic paint.

A table can be made from old wooden boxes

A designer table will perfectly decorate the interior of the room

The manufacturing process includes several main stages, each of which requires special attention.

  1. A piece is cut out (more precisely, sawed out) from fiberboard to the size of the purchased wooden frame.
  2. A piece with the desired pattern is cut out of the wallpaper and glued to the fiberboard. You can use the decoupage technique. It will be discussed in detail below.
  3. The frame and the upper surface of the bottle caps are painted with dark brown paint.
  4. After complete drying, strokes are made in some places with a golden color and rubbed with a dry flat brush to create a cobweb effect. The same should be done with the lids.
  5. All remaining parts are coated with acrylic varnish.
  6. The legs are securely glued to the bottom of the table.

An original piece of furniture with your own hands is ready and can take pride of place in the room.

It’s not difficult to make such a table yourself

The tea table will perfectly decorate the interior of the room

The process of creating a table includes several stages

Shelving, kitchen and bookshelves

Various types of racks and shelves can become a useful and important element of design decoration. The ways to create them can only be limited by your imagination. As a rule, old boxes, pallets, barrels and other spare parts are used. old furniture. Sometimes even from the most useless things in the household you can create a real miracle.

Most often, people are engaged in converting old items into new ones. This is also explained by the fact that it is a pity to throw it away, and the quality of products produced decades ago is sometimes much higher than modern products.

Now let's take a closer look at how you can use old wooden boxes? Furniture made from such elements certainly deserves special attention. Despite the budget cost, it helps to place the right accents in the interior. The photo shows several options for such designer furniture.

You can make shelves from old things, giving them new life.

Racks and shelves will perfectly decorate the design of the room

Variety of handmade tables

Not a single room in the house is complete without a table. This is a universal piece of furniture. They are:

  • kitchen;
  • written;
  • computer;
  • lunch;
  • coffee;
  • magazine;
  • bedside;
  • children's.

There are special techniques for decorating tables

The table is a universal furniture

No room is complete without a table

Modern decorators identify 12 main techniques for decorating various tables. Their detailed description shown in the table below.




The simplest and available method transformation. The main stage in in this case is surface preparation. The quality of coloring depends on this. If on metal elements If there is rust, remove it (Coca-Cola can help)

Acrylic putty, enamel, varnishes, paints, aerosols, brushes, rollers, sponges, sprayers. Designer painting may require stencils and masking tape.

Painting will help diversify an ordinary monochromatic surface. If you don’t have artistic skill, then don’t be upset. Stencils and templates will come to the rescue.

Stencils, acrylic paints, thin brushes.

The necessary images are cut out or carefully torn off. Using a brush and glue, apply evenly to a smooth surface. After complete drying, coat with varnish.

Soft brushes, special napkins or any designs on paper, PVA, transparent fixative varnish.


This type of varnish can give the product a cracked, aged look. There are different types of craquelure, it should be used in accordance with the attached instructions

Craquelure varnish, brushes, pigment for veins.

The tiles remaining after renovation can always be used to decorate surfaces. The technology used is the same as for laying on walls or floors. This method is perfect for a table located on the veranda or in the garden.

Ceramic tile

Compositions made from the smallest fragments always look elegant. There is a lot of room for imagination here. The main thing is to firmly secure all components.

Mosaic elements, broken tiles, colored glass, old CDs, pebbles, shells

Self-adhesive film

One of the fastest and easiest ways.

Decorative tape

This type of material can be purchased at any office supply store. Decorating the surface will take just a few minutes. The main thing is to glue the sticky strips evenly and neatly. If necessary, the tape is also quickly removed, and the sticky layer is removed with acetone.

Scissors, decorative tape.

Epoxy resin

This is the name of a liquid substance that quickly hardens in open air. Externally it looks like plastic. Excellent for filling cracks in old wood. Pigments can be added to the composition.

Epoxy resin, brushes, pigments.

Decor under glass

Original coffee or coffee table can be created by making a small recess in the tabletop. Various decorative elements are laid out in it, and everything is covered with glass on top.

Sand, shells, beautiful stones, dried flowers, beads, miniature toys, glass.

Dyeing through tulle

Initially, the base color of the paint is applied. After drying, the tulle is tightly attached to prevent slipping and smearing. Contrasting paint is applied on top. To ensure accuracy of work, it is recommended to use a spray bottle.

Base paint, pigment, tulle, brushes, aerosol.


Golden elements will perfectly complement the interior in classic style. You can use regular gold-colored acrylic paint, but the result will be much more impressive when using gold leaf. This is what is called ultra-thin foil.

Gold leaf, fixative varnish, brushes.

When creating a table, it is not necessary to use any one design method. They can be combined quite well. These decoration methods are perfect for transforming shelves, cabinets, chests of drawers, and bar counters.

You can stick a photo of nature or something else on the table

A table covered with mosaics will look elegant and beautiful.

We create designer decor

It is not necessary to create pieces of furniture with your own hands. Sometimes, in order to make the interior unique, only a few decorative elements are left. Let's look at several available options.

Flower pot from a teapot

Such a thing will become a chic decoration for the kitchen, dining room, living room, or veranda. For production you will need the following:

  • acrylic paints;
  • unnecessary kettle;
  • sponge;
  • small flower bowl;
  • shungite

It is better to paint the teapot with acrylic paints

This item would be a great decoration for any room.

You can decorate an old teapot and make a flower vase out of it

Making your own pot involves the following steps.

  1. Painting an old teapot with acrylic paint. The surface must first be cleaned. Afterwards, the product should be dried thoroughly and a second coat of paint should be applied so that the color is even.
  2. The bowl should fit the size of the kettle. You must first plant a flower in it and only then put it in the kettle. To absorb moisture, shungite is poured onto the bottom.
  3. If you wish, you can not only paint the teapot in one tone, but also drink it. You can actually use stencils for painting.

If you are satisfied with the original appearance of the kettle, you can leave everything as is

It is better to paint the teapot with acrylic paint first

Handmade candles

Candles always create a special atmosphere in a room. Especially if they are made with soul and with your own hands. The manufacturing process is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. To work, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • container for melting wax;
  • a saucepan or metal bowl for a water bath;
  • mold for creating a candle;
  • a pair of strong sticks (for stirring the wax, for attaching the wick);
  • wax crayons;
  • remnants of old candles;
  • natural cotton threads.

To create candles you will need a small set

The process of creating candles is not complicated

Candles can create a special atmosphere in a room

If everything is ready, then you can start the fun part: creating a candle with your own hands. The process consists of several interconnected stages.

  1. Making a wick. A cotton thread is useful for this. Material with synthetic additives will not work. A candle with a colored wick will look original. Its thickness will depend on the size of the candle itself and the materials from which it is made. The thread can be twisted into a rope, crocheted or braided. The wick must first be impregnated with liquid wax.
  2. Formation of a candle. The shape can be made of plastic or metal alloys; juice boxes, yoghurt boxes, and cookies can be suitable. For the first experiment, you can use simple smooth containers, and then any shaped ones. A hole is made in the middle two and a pre-prepared wick is inserted into it; it is better to tie a knot on the outside for security. The node is the top of the candle. A stick is placed across the mold, on which the other end of a cotton thread is tied. After this, pieces of wax are placed in a container. Then you can start melting in a water bath.
  3. Coloring the product. A colored candle looks much better than the standard gray or cream color. The easiest way to color it is with ordinary children's wax crayons. They are crushed into crumbs and poured into a container along with pieces of wax. You can also purchase special pigments in tablet form.

Finally, the candle is cooled. The main thing is not to forget to leave a “tail” on the wick for later ignition. To create a scented candle, you can add a few drops of your favorite scented oil to the wax.

For scent, you can add a few drops of scented oil to the candle.

The finished candle can be painted in the desired colors

Bedroom decor

People tend to spend most of their time in the bedroom. Naturally, this room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible. Coziness is often created with the help of charming decorative elements. The most commonly used items are the following.

  1. Family photos in homemade frames. They can be made using stained glass, shells, polymer clay, and durable cardboard. You can also do them with your children.
  2. Artificial flowers created from corrugated paper, fabric, hardening plastic.
  3. Designer textiles, which include beautiful pastels, bedspreads, pillows self made, creative lampshades. It is possible to make such decor even if you have basic sewing skills.