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» Games for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Useful games for hyperactive children

Games for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Useful games for hyperactive children

Games for hyperactive children

How to play with hyperactive children

When choosing games (especially active ones) for hyperactive children, it is necessary to take into account following features such children: attention deficit, impulsiveness, very high activity, as well as the inability to obey group rules for a long time, listen and follow instructions (focus on details), and rapid fatigue. In the game, it is difficult for them to wait their turn and take into account the interests of others. Therefore, it is advisable to include such children in collective work in stages. You can start with individual work, then involve the child in games in small subgroups and only after that move on to collective games. It is advisable to use games with clear rules that promote attention development.

"Where was it"

The child is shown several objects lying on the table. When he turns away, one of the objects is removed or rearranged. The child is required to indicate what has changed. You should start with small quantity items, then the number of items gradually increases.


Before the game starts, hands are on the edge of the desk. At the teacher's signal, the centipedes begin to move to the opposite edge of the desk or in any other direction specified by the teacher. All five fingers take part in the movement.

"Find the Difference" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Goal: developing the ability to concentrate on details.

The child draws any simple picture (a cat, a house, etc.) and passes it to an adult, but turns away. The adult completes a few details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in the drawing. Then the adult and child can switch roles.

The game can also be played with a group of children. In this case, the children take turns drawing a picture on the board and turning away (the possibility of movement is not limited). The adult completes a few details. Children, looking at the drawing, must say what changes have occurred.

“Conversation with hands” (Shevtsova I.V.)

Goal: to teach children to control their actions.

If a child gets into a fight, breaks something, or hurts someone, you can offer him the following game: trace the silhouette of your palms on a piece of paper. Then invite him to animate his palms - draw eyes, a mouth, and color his fingers with colored pencils. After this, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: “Who are you, what is your name?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What don’t you like?”, “What are you like?” If the child does not join the conversation, speak the dialogue yourself. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly), but sometimes they do not obey their master. You need to end the game by “concluding a contract” between the hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that for 2-3 days (tonight or, in the case of working with hyperactive children, an even shorter period of time) they will try to do only good things: make crafts, say hello, play and will not offend anyone.

If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a pre-agreed period of time it is necessary to play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner

“Speak!” (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Goal: developing the ability to control impulsive actions.

Tell the children the following: “Guys, I will ask you simple and difficult questions. But it will be possible to answer them only when I give the command: “Speak!” Let's practice: “What time of year is it now?”

“Shouting-whispering-silent” (Shevtsova I.V.)

Goal: development of observation, ability to act according to the rule, volitional regulation.

You need to make 3 silhouettes of a palm from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm - a “chant” - you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow palm - “whisper” - you can move quietly and whisper, when the signal “silent” - blue palm - children should freeze in place or lie down on the floor and not move. The game should be ended with silence.

“Ught” (Korotaeva E.V., 1997)

Goal: development of concentration.

One of the participants (optional) becomes the driver and goes out the door. The group chooses a phrase or line from a song known to everyone, which is distributed as follows: each participant has one word. Then the driver enters, and the players all at the same time, in chorus, begin to loudly repeat each of their words. The driver must guess what kind of song it is by collecting it word by word.

It is advisable that before the driver enters, each child repeats the word given to him out loud.

"Sea waves" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Goal: to teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, to help reduce muscle tension.

At the signal from the teacher “Calm,” all the children in the class “freeze.” At the “Wave” signal, the children take turns standing at their desks. The students sitting at the first desks stand up first. After 2-3 seconds, those sitting at the second desks rise, etc. As soon as the turn comes to the inhabitants of the last desks, they stand up and all clap their hands together, after which the children who stood up first (at the first desks) sit down, etc. At the signal from the “Storm” teacher, the nature of the actions and the sequence of their implementation is repeated, with the only difference being that the children do not wait 2-3 seconds, but stand up one after another at once. You need to end the game with the “Calm” command.

“Tender paws”

Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, harmonizing relationships between a child and an adult.

An adult selects 6-7 small objects of different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow; The teacher explains that an “animal” will walk along your hand and touch you with its affectionate paws. You need to guess with your eyes closed which “animal” is touching your hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant.

Game option: the “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change places with your child.

"Brownian motion"

Goal: development of the ability to distribute attention.

All children stand in a circle. The leader rolls tennis balls into the center of the circle one after another. Children are told the rules of the game: the balls should not stop and roll out of the circle; they can be pushed with their feet or hands. If the participants successfully follow the rules of the game, the presenter rolls in an additional number of balls. The point of the game is to set a team record for the number of balls in a circle.

“Pass the ball”

Goal: remove excessive physical activity.

Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. Make it more difficult exercise is possible by asking children to play with their eyes closed or using several balls at a time.

“Prohibited movement”

Goal: a game with clear rules organizes, disciplines children, unites the players, develops reaction speed and causes a healthy emotional upsurge.

Children stand facing the leader. To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the presenter. Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The one who repeats the prohibited movement leaves the game.

Instead of showing the movement, you can say the numbers out loud. The participants of the game repeat in chorus all the numbers except one, which is forbidden, for example, the number “five”. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin around in place).

Finger games for hyperactive children

A teacher or parent can start the games with the message that now the children’s fingers will begin to “turn” into fairy-tale characters, funny animals, or exotic animals. Then you should suggest some games like the ones below.


The game is played similarly to the previous one, but only 2 fingers participate in the races: the index and middle. The rest are pressed to the palm. You can arrange races between the “two-legs” of your left and right hands, and between the “two-legs” of your desk neighbors.


The middle finger of the right or left hand turns into a “trunk”, the rest - into “elephant legs”. The elephant is prohibited from jumping and touching the ground with its trunk; when walking, it must rest on all 4 paws. Elephant racing is also possible.


Goal: to develop attention, reaction speed, the ability to follow an adult’s instructions, and teach interaction skills with children.
The teacher puts on a chicken hat and says that all the children - “chickens” - live with their chicken mother in a chicken coop. The chicken coop can be designated soft blocks or chairs. Then the “hen” and the “chicks” take a walk (walk around the room). As soon as the teacher says: “Kite” (preliminary a conversation is held with the children, during which it is explained to them who the kite is and why chickens should avoid it), all the children run back to the “chicken coop”. After this, the teacher chooses another “chicken” from among the playing children. The game repeats itself.
In conclusion, the teacher invites all children to leave the “chicken coop” and take a walk, quietly waving their arms like wings, dance together, and jump. You can invite the children to look for the “chicken” that is lost. Children, together with the teacher, are looking for a previously hidden toy - a fluffy chicken. The kids, together with the teacher, look at the toy, stroke it, feel sorry for it and take it to its place.
In order to develop motor skills, you can complicate the game as follows. In order to get into the chicken coop, children must not just run into it, but crawl under the rail, which lies at a height of 60- 70 centimeters.

“Gawkers” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of voluntary attention, reaction speed, learning the ability to control your body and follow instructions.

All players walk in a circle, holding hands. At the leader’s signal (this could be the sound of a bell, a rattle, clapping hands, or some word), the children stop, clap their hands 4 times, turn around and walk in the other direction. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game. The game can be played to music or a group song. In this case, children should clap their hands when they hear a certain word of the song (agreed in advance).

“My triangular cap” (Ancient game) Purpose: to teach concentration, to promote the child’s awareness of his body, to teach him to control movements and control his behavior. The players sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns, starting with the leader, and says one word from the phrase: “My cap is triangular, my cap is triangular.” And if it’s not triangular, then it’s not my cap. After this, the phrase is repeated again, but the children who get to say the word “cap” replace it with a gesture (for example, 2 light claps on their head with their palm). Next time, 2 words are replaced: the word “cap” and the word “mine” (point to yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players say one word less, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children depict the entire phrase using gestures only.

If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, it can be shortened.

“Listen to the command” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of attention, arbitrariness of behavior. The music is calm, but not too slow. Children walk in a column one after another. Suddenly the music stops. Everyone stops, listens to the leader’s whispered command (for example: “Put down right hand on the neighbor’s shoulder”) and it is immediately performed. Then the music starts again and everyone continues walking. Commands are given only to perform calm movements. The game continues until the group is able to listen well and complete the task. The game will help the teacher change the rhythm of the action of the naughty children, and the children will calm down and easily switch to another, calmer type of activity.

Set up posts” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of volitional regulation skills, the ability to concentrate attention on a specific signal. Children march to the music one after another. The commander walks ahead and chooses the direction of movement. As soon as the leader claps his hands, the child running last must stop immediately. Everyone else continues to march and listen to commands. Thus, the commander arranges all the children in the order he has planned (in a line, in a circle, in corners, etc.). Children must move silently to hear commands.

“The king said...” (Famous children's game)

Goal: switching attention from one type of activity to another, overcoming motor automatisms. All participants in the game, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The presenter says that he will show different movements (physical education, dance, comic), and the players should repeat them only if he adds the words “The King said. Whoever makes a mistake goes to the middle of the circle and performs some task for the participants in the game, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc. Instead of the words “The King said,” you can add others, for example, “Please” or “The commander ordered.”

“Listen to the clapping” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: training attention and control of motor activity.

Everyone walks in a circle or moves around the room in a free direction. When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides) or some other pose. If the leader claps twice, the players should take the “frog” pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between the feet on the floor). After three claps, the players resume walking.

“Freeze” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of attention and memory. Children jump to the beat of the music (legs to the sides - together, accompanying the jumps with clapping overhead and on the hips). Suddenly the music stops. The players must freeze in the position at which the music stopped. If one of the participants fails to do this, he is eliminated from the game. The music sounds again - those remaining continue to perform the movements. They play until there is only one player left in the circle.

“Let's say hello” (Author unknown)

Purpose: relieving muscle tension, switching attention.

Children, at the leader’s signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and say hello to everyone who meets on their way (and it is possible that one of the children will specifically try to say hello to someone who usually does not pay attention to him). You have to greet yourself in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with hangers;

3 claps - we greet with our backs. The variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will give a hyperactive child the opportunity to feel his body and relieve muscle tension. Changing playing partners will help get rid of the feeling of alienation. To ensure complete tactile sensations, it is advisable to introduce a ban on talking during this game.

“A fun game with a bell” (Karpova E.V., Lyutova E.K., 1999)

Goal: development of auditory perception. Everyone sits in a circle; at the request of the group, a driver is selected, however, if there are no people willing to drive, then the role of driver is assigned to the coach. The driver is blindfolded, and the bell is passed around in a circle; the driver’s task is to catch the person with the bell. You cannot throw the bell to each other.

Corrective games for hyperactive children
Games for developing attention

"The Last of the Mohicans"

This game is good to play after a story about the Indians, or even better after the child has watched a movie or read a book about the Indians. Discuss the main characteristics of Indians: closeness to nature, ability to hear and see everything that happens around. Indians who went hunting or “dug up the hatchet” should be especially careful. Their well-being may depend on whether they notice various noises in time. Now that the play motivation has been created, invite the child to be such an Indian. Have him close his eyes and try to hear all the sounds in and outside the room. Ask him about the origin of these sounds.

Note. To make it more interesting, you can specially organize some noises and sounds. Knock on various objects in the room, slam a door, rustle a newspaper, etc.


Children usually love this game because it makes them feel like adults and important. First you need to explain to them the meaning of the incomprehensible word “proofreader”. Talk to your child about his favorite books and children's magazines. Has he ever encountered any errors or typos in them? Of course not, if we are talking about a good publishing house. But authors can also make mistakes. Who is responsible for correcting them and not letting various “misprints” get into print? This important person and there is a proofreader. Invite your child to work in such a responsible position.
Take an old book or magazine with large texts. Agree with your child about which letter will be conditionally “incorrect” today, that is, which letter he will cross out. Then select a piece of text or time your work (no more than ten minutes). When this time has passed or the entire selected passage has been checked, check the text yourself. If your son or daughter really found all the right letters, then be sure to praise them. Such a proofreader can even be given a bonus (for example, in the form of sweets or little surprises)!
If your proofreader made omissions or mistakes, then don’t be upset either - he has room for improvement! Take a piece of paper in a box and draw a coordinate system on it. Up the vertical axis, place as many cells as the number of mistakes the child made. When you play this game again, put the next number of errors on the same drawing to the right. Connect the resulting dots. If the curve has gone down, it means that your child is working more carefully today than before. Rejoice in this event with him!
Note. It is advisable to carry out the described game systematically with inattentive children. Then she will become effective tool that can correct this shortcoming. If your child already copes with the task without difficulty, then you can complicate it in the following ways. Firstly, you can suggest that the proofreader cross out not one letter, but three, and different ways. So, for example, the letter “M” should be crossed out, the letter “S” should be underlined, and the “I” should be circled. Secondly, you can introduce noise interference that will distract the child from working on the task. That is, during the time allotted for “proofreading”, instead of remaining silent and helping the child concentrate, you will play the role of a “harmful” parent: make noise, rustle, tell stories, drop objects, turn on and off the tape recorder and perform other actions in the style of an old woman Shapoklyak.

This game will surely appeal to those who are already in school, especially in primary school. At this age, children easily identify themselves with the teacher and will be happy to be in his place.
But you, on the contrary, will have to imagine yourself as a careless schoolboy and prepare for the lesson by copying a few sentences from the book. At the same time, you must make several mistakes in your text. It's better not to make spelling or punctuation errors, because the child may not know some of the rules. But you can allow omissions of letters, changes in endings, and inconsistency of words in person and case. Let your child take on the role of teacher and check your work. When all the errors are found, invite him to give a grade for such cheating. Be mentally prepared that your son or daughter will put a bad mark in your imaginary diary with undisguised joy. It will be good if parents are not required to go to school!
Note. If your handwriting is illegible, it is better to type the text with errors or write in block letters.
"Only one thing"

This game may seem boring to adults. However, for some reason the children love her very much.

Invite your child to choose any one toy. Now explain the rules. In this game you can only talk about one thing - the chosen toy. Moreover, only the one who has the toy in his hands speaks. You need to say one sentence describing this toy as a whole or some of its details. After this, you should transfer it to another player. Then he will say his proposal about the same subject. Please note that you cannot repeat answers that have already been said or make abstract statements. So phrases like: “I saw something similar at my grandmother’s...” will be punishable by a penalty point. And the player who scores three such points is considered a loser! Penalties are also applied here for repeating what was said and answering out of turn.
Note. It is better to limit the time of this game. For example, if after ten minutes none of the participants has scored three penalty points, then both win. Gradually, this game can be complicated by choosing not a toy as its object, but simpler objects that do not have so many characteristics. If, as a result, you can describe objects like a pencil for a long enough time, then feel free to consider that you have reached certain heights with your child!

"Catch - don't catch"

The rules of this game are the same known method play "Edible - Inedible". Only the condition of when the child catches the ball and when not can change in each game. For example, now you agree with him that if the driver throws the ball, saying a word related to plants, then the player catches it. If the word is not a plant, then it hits the ball. For example, one game con might be called "Furniture is not furniture." Similarly, you can play such variants as “Fish is not a fish”, “Transport is not transport”, “Flies - does not fly” and many others. The number of selectable game conditions depends only on your imagination. If it suddenly runs out, invite the child to choose the conditions of the game himself, that is, the category of words that he will catch. Children sometimes come up with completely fresh and creative ideas!
Note. As you probably noticed, this game develops not only attention, but also the ability to generalize, as well as the speed of processing heard information. Therefore, in order to intellectual development child, try to ensure that the categories of these generalized concepts are diverse and affect different areas, and not limited to everyday and frequently used words.

"Trained Fly"

For this game you will need to take a piece of paper and draw it into 16 cells (a square of four vertical cells and four horizontal cells). You can make an image of a fly yourself on a separate small piece of paper or take a button (game chip) that will simply symbolize this insect. You can also use ourwith a form , however, instead of a fly it depicts ladybug, and in any case you will need some kind of piece that you can then move around the field.

Place your “fly” on any cell of the playing field (on our form the initial position of the insect is indicated by a picture). Now you will order her how many cells and in what direction she needs to move. The child must mentally imagine these movements. After you have given the fly several orders (for example, one square up, two to the right, one down), ask your son (daughter) to show the place where the well-trained fly should now be. If the location is indicated correctly, then move the fly to the appropriate cell. Continue to be Lord of the Flies.
Note. If, following the movements of the fly with his mind's eye, your child sees that, following your instructions, it has crawled outside the cell field, then let him immediately let you know about it. Agree on how he can do this: for some, it is enough to stand up or raise their hand, while others prefer more expressive actions, such as screaming or jumping, which helps relieve tension and fatigue from close attention.
"I'm all ears"

In this game, your child will need all his acting talent, and you will need all your ingenuity. You can introduce participants to the game with a performance that takes place during a screen test. Young actors are asked to portray a person who is “all in attention,” that is, completely absorbed in his thoughts and feelings, so he is completely unaware of what is happening around him. Tell the aspiring actor that he will be able to concentrate better if he imagines that he is watching a very interesting film or reading a book. But the role is not limited to this. The aspiring screen star has competition. They will do their best to prevent him from playing his role well. To do this, they (that is, again, you in such a “harmful” role) can tell jokes, turn to the actor for help, try to surprise or make him laugh in order to attract attention to themselves. The only thing they are not allowed to do is touch the actor. But the actor also has restrictions on his rights: he cannot close his eyes or ears.
After the director (that is, you or another family member) says “Stop,” all participants stop playing. You can even interview an aspiring artist, let him tell you how he managed to be attentive and not be distracted by specially created interference.
Note. Of course, this game will be even more fun if you get a few kids involved. True, then it will be necessary to maintain order so that the “competitors” do not overdo it in an effort to distract the “actor”. Also, the participation of an adult can show children unexpected and interesting moves that they can use. If you notice that attempts to distract the actor are limited to shouting and antics, then suggest more original ways to the players. This way you can communicate personal news (“Grandma has arrived!”), show new toy, pretend that everyone is leaving, etc.
"Keen Eye"

In order to become a winner in this game, a child needs to be very attentive and be able not to be distracted by foreign objects.
Choose a small toy or object for your child to find. Give him the opportunity to remember what it is, especially if it new thing in the house. Ask your child to leave the room. When he fulfills this request, place the selected item in a visible place, but so that it is not immediately noticeable. In this game, you cannot hide objects in desk drawers, behind closets, or similar places. The toy should be positioned so that the player can find it without touching the objects in the room, but simply looking at them carefully.
Note. If your son or daughter managed to find a toy, then they deserve praise. You can even tell them that if they were born into an Indian tribe, they might have been called a proud name like Sharp Eye.

"Ears on top of your head"

Before you start playing “Ears on Top of the Head” with your child, find out how he understands the meaning of this expression in relation to people. If it turns out that the figurative meaning of this phrase remains unclear to the child, explain to him the figurative expression yourself: this is what they say about people when they listen carefully. And when applied to animals, this phrase has a direct meaning, since when listening, animals usually raise their ears.
Now you can explain the rules of the game. You will pronounce the most different words. If a certain sound is heard in them, for example [s], or the same sound, but soft, then the child should stand up immediately. If you pronounce a word where this sound is absent, then the child should remain in his place.

Note. This game develops auditory attention, that is, attention to sounds. Therefore, it will be very useful for those children who are preparing to enter school and are just beginning to learn to read and write. For children who have any speech therapy difficulties, especially phonemic hearing disorders (which should be determined by a speech therapist), such a game can not only develop attention, but also correct some developmental deficiencies.

"The Magic Number"

This game can be played by children who can count and divide well in their heads, that is, no younger than third grade.
Several game participants are required. They will count in a circle from one to thirty. To focus attention on who should respond, you can throw the ball. Each player must simply name the number next to the one the previous player called. But if this number contains the number three or is divisible by three without a remainder, then it cannot be pronounced. In this case, you need to say some kind of magic spell (for example, “abracadabra”) and throw the ball to the next person.
The difficulty of the game is to not lose count by continuing to clearly name the numbers, even after the previous player has said a “spell” rather than a number.

Note. You can make any number “magic” in this game, but it’s better to start with three, since this is truly the magic number of all Russian fairy tales (which can be discussed with your child).

This game makes sense to play if you have several children in your house (permanently or temporarily) who can read. Have them imagine themselves using the keys of a typewriter and “type” the sentence you tell them. Participants in the game must take turns standing up and calling out one letter at a time. They will have to be very careful not to make a mistake in choosing a letter and not miss their turn!
When the "printed" word ends, all "keys" should stand up. When a punctuation mark is needed, everyone stamps their feet, and at the end of a sentence, a period is indicated by clapping their hands.
Keys that are typed incorrectly will be sent to the workshop, that is, children who make three mistakes will leave the game. Those who remain, on the contrary, are considered winners. You can even give a guarantee on such children-keys without fear of going broke on repairs!
Note. If the players of different ages, then it is better to give a phrase for printing that even the youngest of them can handle. Then all players will be on equal terms and will not lose just because they have not yet learned certain rules of the Russian language at school.
"It's the other way around"

This game will surely appeal to stubborn little ones who like to do everything the other way around. Try to “legalize” their passion to contradict. The adult will be the leader in this game. He must demonstrate a variety of movements, and the child must also perform movements, only completely opposite to those shown to him. So, if an adult raised his hands, the child should lower them, if he jumped, he should sit down, if he stretched his leg forward, he should move it back, etc.
Note. As you probably noticed, the player will need not only the desire to argue, but also the ability to think quickly, choosing the opposite movement. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the opposite is not just different, but somewhat similar, but different in direction. This game can be supplemented with periodic statements by the presenter, for which the player will select antonyms. For example, the presenter will say “warm”, the player must immediately answer “cold” (you can use words from different parts of speech that have opposite meanings: run - stand, dry - wet, good - evil, fast - slow, much - little, etc.).

"Magic word"

Children usually love this game very much, since it puts an adult in the position of a child who is taught to be polite.
Ask your child what “magic” words he knows and why they are called that. If he has already mastered enough etiquette norms, he will be able to answer that without these words, requests can look like a rude order, so people will not want to fulfill them. “Magic” words show respect for a person and endear him to the speaker. Now you will play the role of such a speaker, trying to achieve the fulfillment of your wishes. And the child will be an attentive interlocutor, sensitive to whether you said the word “please”. If you say it in a phrase (for example, say: “Please raise your hands up!”), then the child fulfills your request. If you simply say your request (for example, “Clap your hands three times!”), then the child teaching you politeness should never perform this action.
Note. This game develops not only attention, but also children’s ability to be voluntarily (performing actions not impulsively, simply because they want it now, but in connection with certain rules and goals). This important characteristic is considered by many psychologists to be one of the leading ones in determining whether a child is ready for school.
"Finishing touch"

If your child likes to draw and you like to do things with him, then this game will be fun for both of you.
Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to draw any picture. It can be a separate object, a person, an animal, or it can be a whole picture. When the drawing is ready, ask your son or daughter to turn away, and in the meantime add the “finishing touches” to the drawing, that is, add some small details to those already drawn or draw something completely new. After this, the child can turn around. Let him, looking once again at the creation of his hands, say what has changed here. What details were not drawn by the hand of the “master”? If he managed to do this, then he is considered to have won. Now you can change roles with your child: you will draw, and he will add the “finishing touch”.
Note. This game is almost universal - it can be used to develop the attention of children of any age. At the same time, you must regulate the complexity of the drawing itself and the degree of “visibility” of the changes made to it. So, in a game with a three-year-old child, a sun can be drawn, and as a finishing touch, eyes and a smile are added to him. When playing with younger teenagers, you can reflect on paper the most complex abstract patterns or draw diagrams to which subtle additions are made. It is also good if you involve two children in the game, this will maintain the excitement of the game and add healthy competition.

Games for relaxation


This game will help the child relax, relieve tension, and increase his tactile sensitivity.

Prepare items made from various materials. These could be pieces of fur, glass items, wooden items, cotton wool, something made of paper, etc. Place them on the table in front of the child. When he looks at them, invite him to close his eyes and try to guess what you are touching his hand with.

Note. You can also touch your cheek, neck, knee. In any case, your touches should be gentle, leisurely, and pleasant.
"The Soldier and the Rag Doll"

The easiest and most reliable way to teach children to relax is to teach them to alternate between strong muscle tension and subsequent relaxation. Therefore, this and the following game will help you do this in game form.

So, invite your child to imagine that he is a soldier. Remember with him how to stand on the parade ground - standing at attention and standing still. Have the player pretend to be such a military man as soon as you say the word "soldier". After the child stands in such a tense position, say another command - “rag doll”. When performing it, a boy or girl should relax as much as possible, lean forward slightly so that their arms dangle as if they were made of fabric and cotton wool. Help them imagine that their whole body is soft and pliable. The player must then become a soldier again, etc.

Note. Such games should be completed at the relaxation stage, when you feel that the child has had enough rest.
"Pump and Ball"

If your child has ever seen a deflated ball being inflated with a pump, then it will be easy for him to get into the image and depict the changes occurring at that moment with the ball. So, stand opposite each other. The player representing the ball should stand with his head down, his arms hanging limply, his knees bent (that is, look like an uninflated shell of the ball). The adult, meanwhile, is going to correct this situation and begins to make movements as if he were holding a pump in his hands. As the intensity of the pump movements increases, the “ball” becomes more and more inflated. When the child’s cheeks are already puffed out and his arms are stretched out to the sides with tension, pretend that you are looking critically at your work. Touch his muscles and complain that you overdid it and now you have to deflate the ball. After this, pretend to pull out the pump hose. When you do this, the “ball” will deflate so much that it will even fall to the floor.
Note. To show your child an example of how to play an inflating ball, it is better to first invite him to play the role of a pump. You will tense and relax, which will help you relax, and at the same time understand how this method works.

"Humpty Dumpty"

The character of this game will surely appeal to a hyperactive child, since their behavior is very similar. To help your son or daughter fit into the role better, remember if he read S. Marshak’s poem about Humpty Dumpty. Or maybe he saw a cartoon about him? If this is the case, then let the child talk about who Humpty Dumpty is, why he is called that and how he behaves. Now you can start the game. You will read an excerpt from Marshak’s poem, and the child will begin to portray the hero. To do this, he will turn his torso to the right and left, swinging his soft, relaxed arms freely. For those who are not satisfied with this, they may also turn their heads.
So, an adult in this game must read a poem:

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Fell in his sleep.

When you say the last line, the child should sharply tilt his body forward and down, stop swinging his arms and relax. You can let the child fall on the floor to illustrate this part of the poem, however, then you should take care of its cleanliness and carpeting.
Note. Alternating fast, energetic movements with relaxation and rest is very beneficial for hyperactive child, since in this game he gets a certain pleasure from falling relaxed on the floor, and therefore from peace. To achieve maximum relaxation, repeat the game several times in a row. To avoid getting bored, you can read the poem at a different pace, and the child will slow down or speed up his movements accordingly.

Games that develop volitional regulation

"I'm silent - I whisper - I scream"

As you have probably noticed, hyperactive children have difficulty regulating their speech - they often speak in a raised voice. This game develops the ability to consciously regulate the volume of one’s statements, stimulating the child to speak either quietly, then loudly, or be completely silent. He will have to choose one of these actions, focusing on the sign that you show him. Agree on these signs in advance. For example, when you put your finger to your lips, the child should speak in a whisper and move very slowly. If you put your hands under your head, as you would during sleep, your child should shut up and freeze in place. And when you raise your hands up, you can talk loudly, scream and run.
Note. It is better to end this game at the “silent” or “whisper” stage in order to reduce gaming excitement when moving on to other activities.

"Speak on signal"

Now you will simply communicate with the child, asking him any questions. But he should not answer you right away, but only when he sees a conditioned signal, for example, arms folded on his chest or scratching the back of his head. If you asked your question, but did not make the agreed-upon movement, the child should remain silent, as if he were not being addressed, even if the answer is on his tongue.
Note. During this conversation game, you can achieve additional goals depending on the nature of the questions asked. So, by asking your child with interest about his desires, inclinations, interests, and affections, you increase your son’s (daughter’s) self-esteem and help him pay attention to his “I.” By asking questions about the content of a topic covered at school (you can rely on a textbook), you will, in parallel with the development of volitional regulation, consolidate certain knowledge.

"Hour of silence" and "hour of silence"

This game allows the child, as a reward for his volitional efforts, to relieve accumulated tension in the way he likes, and the adult - to control his behavior and sometimes get the “hour of silence” that is so desired when communicating with hyperactive children. Agree with your child that when he is doing something important matter(or you need to work quietly), then there will be an “hour of silence” in your home. At this time, the child can read, draw, play, listen to the player or do something else very quietly. But then the “permissible hour” will come, when he will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Promise not to scold your child if his behavior is not dangerous to his health or to others.
Note. The described game hours can be alternated during one day, or postponed until another day. To prevent your neighbors from going crazy over the “permissible hour,” it is better to organize it in the forest or at the dacha, where you will not feel guilty for disturbing other people.

In this game, the child needs to be attentive and be able to overcome motor automatism by controlling his actions.
Play some dance music. While it sounds, the child can jump, spin, and dance. But as soon as you turn off the sound, the player must freeze in place in the position in which the silence caught him.
Note. This game is especially fun to play at a children's party. Take advantage of this to train your child and at the same time create an atmosphere of relaxedness, since children are often embarrassed to dance seriously, and you invite them to do it in a game, as if as a joke. You can also introduce a competitive motive: those who did not have time to freeze after the end of the music are eliminated from the game or are subject to some kind of comic punishment (for example, saying a toast to the birthday boy or helping to set the table).
"Princess Nesmeyana"

Everyone is familiar with children's complaints that someone else is disturbing their concentration and making them laugh. In this game they will have to overcome precisely this unfortunate circumstance.

Remember such a cartoon character as Princess Nesmeyana. It was almost impossible to cheer her up; she paid no attention to anyone and shed tears day and night. Now the child will be such a princess. Of course, he shouldn’t cry, but he is strictly forbidden to laugh (otherwise, what kind of Nesmeyana is this?). In the same cartoon, as you know, there was a worried father who promised the princess as a wife and half a kingdom in addition to the one who would cheer her up. Such potential suitors, eager for the royal treasury, can be other children or, initially, adults in the family. They surround the princess (who can be played by either a boy or a girl) and try with all their might to make her smile. The one who is so successful in this matter that he makes Nesmeyana smile broadly (his teeth will be visible) is considered to have won this competition of grooms. In the next round, this person changes places with the princess.
Note. It is better to set some restrictions among the “suitors” (they do not have the right to touch the princess) and for Nesmeyana (she should not turn away or close her eyes or ears).

Communication games

"Toys Alive"

Ask your child what he thinks happens at night in a toy store. Listen to his versions and ask him to imagine that at night, when there are no buyers, the toys come to life. They begin to move, but very quietly, without saying a word, so as not to wake up the watchman. Now imagine some toy yourself, for example a teddy bear. Let the child try to guess who it is. But he should not shout out the answer, but write it down (or draw it) on a piece of paper, so as not to give away the toys by noise. Then let the child show any toy himself, and you try to guess its name. Please note that the entire game must be played in absolute silence. When you sense a decline in your child’s interest, announce that it is getting light. Then the toys should fall back into place, thus the game will be over.
Note. In this game, the child acquires the skills of non-verbal (without the use of speech) communication, and also develops self-control, because when he guessed what kind of toy you are depicting, he so wants to immediately say about it (or better yet, shout), but the rules of the game do not allow do this. When he himself pretends to be a toy, you also need to make an effort not to make sounds and not to prompt the adult.
"Talking Through Glass"

This game is similar to the previous one, but in it you will no longer have to depict individual words, but sentences.
Help your child imagine that he is on the fifth floor of the house. The windows are tightly closed, no sound penetrates through them. Suddenly he sees his classmate on the street below. He is trying to convey something to him and is gesticulating desperately. Let the child try to understand what information they are trying to convey to him. When you, in the role of a classmate, try to portray the sentence you have made, you can use not only facial expressions, gestures and movements, but also improvised means. For example, if you want to convey to the student behind the glass that there will be no lessons today, then you can portray this not only with joy, but also by pretending to throw away your briefcase. If the child cannot guess what you are showing, then let him shrug his shoulders. Then try to show the same thing in some other way. If he has some answer ready, then in this game you can say it out loud. If the child correctly guessed only part of the sentence, then you can repeat the correct part, and let him guess the rest again. Next time, switch roles with him. The characters who are trying to tell you something from the earth can also change: imagine a grandmother, a neighbor, a teacher, etc.
Note. This game, like the previous one, trains non-verbal thinking, and also focuses the child’s attention on the other person, on what he wants to convey to him. In this way, the ability to understand other people and be attentive to their various behavioral manifestations develops.
"Siamese twins"

Ask your child if he knows who Siamese twins are. If he has not heard about this, tell him that it is very rare, but still happens, that not just two children are born at once, but children fused together. So that the child’s imagination does not paint him a terrible picture on this topic, console him that modern medicine is able to separate them and they live like everyone else. But in ancient times, doctors did not yet know how to perform such operations. Therefore, Siamese twins lived their whole lives not only in perfect harmony, but also having almost a common body. Find out your child's opinion about whether it is difficult to live like this. In what situations did they need to show consistency in joint actions?

After the emotional attitude to the problem has been expressed, get down to business. Tell your child that such brothers or sisters must have become geniuses of communication, because in order to do anything, they had to coordinate everything and adapt to each other. Therefore, you will now play Siamese twins to learn how to communicate well.
Take a thin scarf or handkerchief and tie the children’s hands with it, standing nearby each other facing you. Leave your hands free, the children will need them. Now tell the players that they will have to draw a general design on one sheet of paper. You can only draw with that hand, which is attached to a partner. Give children pencils or markers different color, one at a time in the non-free hand. Set the theme of the drawing yourself or invite the children to choose.

Warn the players that the jury (that is, you or other adults) will evaluate not only the quality of the resulting picture, but also the progress of the work itself: were there any disputes and conflicts between the players, did they take equal part in the work (which can be easily assessed by the number in the picture the colors the child used to draw), whether the children discussed the plot of the drawing, the order of drawing, etc.
Note. After the drawing is completed, discuss with the artists whether they found it difficult to work with and whether they enjoyed creating the painting together. You can unobtrusively dwell on the mistakes in cooperation made by children. However, do not forget to note before this positive sides their communication.
"Through Other People's Eyes"

In this game, in order to be successful, the child will have to take into account the pace and nature of the other person's movements. In general, his usual impulsiveness will not help matters.
It's good if you involve a few more children in this game. Firstly, it is with peers that the child most of all needs to learn to get along well, and secondly, it is, of course, possible to carry out these game tasks with an adult, but it is not very convenient. So, let your child, along with his partner, stand at the line below code name"start" Place a pencil on this line. The players' task is to take this pencil from both sides so that each of them touches its tip only index finger. Using these two fingers between them, they should be able to pick up a pencil, carry it to the end of the room and return back. If during this time they did not drop what they were carrying and did not help themselves with the other hand, then the couple can be congratulated on successfully completing the task. This means that they are capable of being friends since they have shown such good cooperation skills with each other.

As a next task, you can take a piece of paper, which the players must carry by holding it with their shoulders. Then offer them a soft toy to carry using only their ears and cheeks.
And finally, offer a more difficult task - a ball that they must carry using only their heads (literally and figuratively). This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the ball, due to its shape, will tend to slip. If you are playing a game with more than two children, then after this round offer them the same task, which they will now all do together (that is, three or five of them). This really brings children together and creates a friendly, joyful atmosphere. When trying to complete a task, they usually realize quite quickly that they can do it better if they hug each other's shoulders and walk together in small steps, discussing when to turn or stop.
Note. If your child is not immediately able to cooperate with other children, then (when his peers begin to complete the task) pay attention to how a pair of players coordinate their actions: talking to each other, the quick one adjusting to the slower one, holding hands to better feel the movements of the other , and so on.

with hyperactive children

1 . Work with hyperactive children should be done individually. Optimal place for such a child - in the center of the group. It should always be in front of the teacher’s eyes. He must be given the opportunity to quickly contactteacher for help in case of difficulties.

2 .The activity should include minutes of active rest with light exercise and relaxation.

3 . Direct the excess energy of hyperactive children into useful channels - during the lesson, ask them to hand out pictures, collect pencils...

4 . Introduce a sign grading system. Encourage and reward good behavior and success in class. Do not skimp on verbal praise if he has completed even a small task.

5 . Give only one task for a certain period of time. If a child has to complete a voluminous task, then it is presented to him in the form of successive parts, and the teacher periodically monitors the progress of work on each part, making the necessary adjustments.

6 . Give tasks in accordance with the child’s work pace and abilities. Avoid placing too high or too low demands on a hyperactive child.

7 . Introduce problem-based learning, increase motivation, use elements of games and competition in the learning process. Give more creative tasks, avoiding monotonous activities. Frequent changes of tasks with a small number of questions are recommended.

8 . Create situations of success in which the child would have the opportunity to demonstrate his strengths. Let him become an expert in some areas of knowledge.

9 . Use a “positive model” of correction: praise your child whenever he deserves it.

10 . It is necessary to learn to negotiate with a child, and not try to break him.

11 . Remember: touch is a powerful stimulant for shaping behavior and developing learning skills. Touch the child’s shoulder, stroke his head, take his hand...

12 . When talking to a child, go down to his eye level (sit down), look into his eyes, take his hands.

13 . Remember, hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor parenting, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis. The problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved through willful efforts, authoritarian instructions and beliefs.

Usually, parents of hyperactive children have already heard a lot from caregivers and teachers about the characteristics of their child. Nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to once again describe the portrait of such a child.

So, a hyperactive child is constantly active, impulsive, and his movements can be chaotic. He constantly fidgets in his chair, talks a lot, often does not finish the work he has started, forgets about assignments, hates boring and long tasks and is not able to complete them. It is difficult for him to be consistent and maintain attention on one thing for a long time. He interrupts his interlocutors in conversation and answers without listening to the end. Unable to control his behavior for a long time and subject it to rules.

If this portrait is familiar to you, then you are really dealing with hyperactive child and you are well aware of all the difficulties that adults face when raising him. But the child himself suffers almost more from his own characteristics. Indeed, the basis of hyperactivity syndrome, as a rule, is minimal brain dysfunction. Therefore, such children should not be treated as disobedient, capricious or stubborn. They simply cannot control some of their manifestations.

In order for help for hyperactive children to be effective, it is better to tackle it “with the whole world.” This means that every professional working with a child can contribute. Thus, a neurologist will prescribe medication support, educators and teachers can take care of adapting the requirements to the child’s capabilities, using the right methods to encourage and suppress certain behavioral manifestations. But in addition to the above, the child needs to train the skills of managing his attention and behavior. This is where the game can best help!

But before we move on to the description of the games, we will stipulate the rules that a parent must follow both in the game and in everyday life when communicating with a hyperactive child.

Rule 1. Don't expect everything at once. You need to start by training only one function(for example, only attention, but you must be tolerant of fidgeting in your chair or moving all the objects on the table in the process of this work). Remember that if you pull a child back, then his efforts will immediately switch to controlling his actions, and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on the task. Only after a long period of your joint efforts can you begin to demand not only attention, but also generally accepted behavior during your play activities.

Rule 2. Prevent your child from becoming overtired and overstimulated: switch him to other types of games and activities in time, but not too often. It is also important to maintain a daily routine, provide the child with adequate sleep and a calm environment.

Rule 3. Since it is difficult for a hyperactive child to control himself, then he needs external control. It is very important that adults be consistent when setting external boundaries of “dos” and “don’ts.” It is also necessary to take into account that the child is not able to wait for a long time, therefore all punishments and rewards must appear on time. Let it be kind word, a small souvenir or a token (the amount of which you will exchange for something pleasant), but giving them to the child should be a fairly quick manifestation of your approval of his actions.

Rule 4. It is better to start working with a hyperactive child individually and only then gradually introduce him into group games, since the individual characteristics of such children prevent them from focusing on what an adult offers if there are peers nearby. In addition, the child’s lack of self-control and his inability to adhere to the rules of group play can provoke conflicts among the players.

Rule 5. Used in your correctional work games must be selected according to the following directions:

Games to develop attention;
- games and exercises to relieve muscle and emotional tension (relaxation);
- games that develop volitional regulation (control) skills;
- games that help strengthen communication skills.

All of them will be discussed below.

Games for developing attention

"The Last of the Mohicans"

This game is good to play after a story about the Indians, or even better after the child has watched a movie or read a book about the Indians. Discuss the main characteristics of Indians: closeness to nature, ability to hear and see everything that happens around. Indians who went hunting or “dug up the hatchet” should be especially careful. Their well-being may depend on whether they notice various noises in time. Now that the play motivation has been created, invite the child to be such an Indian. Have him close his eyes and try to hear all the sounds in and outside the room. Ask him about the origin of these sounds.

Note. To make it more interesting, you can specially organize some noises and sounds. Knock on various objects in the room, slam a door, rustle a newspaper, etc.


Children usually love this game because it makes them feel like adults and important. First you need to explain to them the meaning of the incomprehensible word “proofreader”. Talk to your child about his favorite books and children's magazines. Has he ever encountered any errors or typos in them? Of course not, if we're talking about about good publishing. But authors can also make mistakes. Who is responsible for correcting them and not letting various “misprints” get into print? This important person is the proofreader. Invite your child to work in such a responsible position.

Take an old book or magazine with large texts. Agree with your child about which letter will be conditionally “incorrect” today, that is, which letter he will cross out. Then select a piece of text or time your work (no more than ten minutes). When this time has passed or the entire selected passage has been checked, check the text yourself. If your son or daughter really found all the right letters, then be sure to praise them. Such a proofreader can even be given a bonus (for example, in the form of sweets or little surprises)!

If your proofreader made omissions or mistakes, then don’t be upset either - he has room for improvement! Take a piece of paper in a box and draw a coordinate system on it. Up the vertical axis, place as many cells as the number of mistakes the child made. When you play this game again, put the next number of errors on the same drawing to the right. Connect the resulting dots. If the curve has gone down, it means that your child is working more carefully today than before. Rejoice in this event with him!

Note. It is advisable to carry out the described game systematically with inattentive children. Then it will become an effective tool that can correct this shortcoming. If your child already copes with the task without difficulty, then you can complicate it in the following ways. Firstly, you can invite the proofreader to cross out not one letter, but three, and in different ways. So, for example, the letter “M” should be crossed out, the letter “S” should be underlined, and the “I” should be circled. Secondly, you can introduce noise interference that will distract the child from working on the task. That is, during the time allotted for “proofreading”, instead of remaining silent and helping the child concentrate, you will play the role of a “harmful” parent: make noise, rustle, tell stories, drop objects, turn on and off the tape recorder and perform other actions in the style of an old woman Shapoklyak.


This game will surely appeal to those who are already in school, especially in primary school. At this age, children easily identify themselves with the teacher and will be happy to be in his place.

But you, on the contrary, will have to imagine yourself as a careless schoolboy and prepare for the lesson by copying a few sentences from the book. At the same time, you must make several mistakes in your text. It is better not to make spelling or punctuation mistakes, because the child may not know some of the rules. But you can allow omissions of letters, changes in endings, and inconsistency of words in person and case. Let your child take on the role of teacher and check your work. When all the errors are found, invite him to give a grade for such cheating. Be mentally prepared that your son or daughter will put a bad mark in your imaginary diary with undisguised joy. It will be good if parents are not required to go to school!

Note. If your handwriting is illegible, it is better to type the text with errors or write in block letters.

"Only one thing"

This game may seem boring to adults. However, for some reason the children love her very much.

Invite your child to choose any one toy. Now explain the rules. In this game you can only talk about one thing - the chosen toy. Moreover, only the one who has the toy in his hands speaks. You need to say one sentence describing this toy as a whole or some of its details. After this, you should transfer it to another player. Then he will say his proposal about the same subject. Please note that you cannot repeat answers that have already been said or make abstract statements. So phrases like: “I saw something similar at my grandmother’s...” will be punishable by a penalty point. And the player who scores three such points is considered a loser! Penalties are also applied here for repeating what was said and answering out of turn.

Note. It is better to limit the time of this game. For example, if after ten minutes none of the participants has scored three penalty points, then both win. Gradually, this game can be complicated by choosing not a toy as its object, but simpler objects that do not have so many characteristics. If, as a result, you can describe objects like a pencil for a long enough time, then feel free to consider that you have reached certain heights with your child!

"Catch - don't catch"

The rules of this game are similar to the well-known way to play “Edible - Inedible”. Only the condition when the child catches the ball and when not can change in each game. For example, now you agree with him that if the driver throws the ball, pronouncing a word related to plants, then the player catches it. If the word is not a plant, then it hits the ball. For example, one game con might be called "Furniture is not furniture." Similarly, you can play such variants as “Fish is not a fish”, “Transport is not transport”, “Flies - does not fly” and many others. The number of selectable game conditions depends only on your imagination. If it suddenly runs out, invite the child to choose the conditions of the game himself, that is, the category of words that he will catch. Children sometimes come up with completely fresh and creative ideas!

Note. As you probably noticed, this game develops not only attention, but also the ability to generalize, as well as the speed of processing heard information. Therefore, for the purpose of the child’s intellectual development, try to ensure that the categories of these generalized concepts are diverse and affect different areas, and not limited to everyday and frequently used words.

"Trained Fly"

For this game you will need to take a piece of paper and draw it into 16 cells (a square of four vertical cells and four horizontal cells). You can make an image of a fly yourself on a separate small piece of paper or take a button (game chip) that will simply symbolize this insect. You can also use our form, however, instead of a fly, it shows a ladybug, and in any case you will need some kind of chip that you can then move around the field.

Place your “fly” on any cell of the playing field (on our form the initial position of the insect is indicated by a picture). Now you will order her how many cells and in what direction she needs to move. The child must mentally imagine these movements. After you have given the fly several orders (for example, one square up, two to the right, one down), ask your son (daughter) to show the place where the well-trained fly should now be. If the location is indicated correctly, then move the fly to the appropriate cell. Continue to be Lord of the Flies.

Note. If, following the movements of the fly with his mind's eye, your child sees that, following your instructions, it has crawled outside the cell field, then let him immediately let you know about it. Agree on how he can do this: for some, it is enough to stand up or raise their hand, while others prefer more expressive actions, such as screaming or jumping, which helps relieve tension and fatigue from close attention.

"I'm all ears"

In this game, your child will need all his acting talent, and you will need all your ingenuity. You can introduce participants to the game with a performance that takes place during a screen test. Young actors are asked to portray a person who is “all in attention,” that is, completely absorbed in his thoughts and feelings, so he is completely unaware of what is happening around him. Tell the aspiring actor that he will be able to concentrate better if he imagines that he is watching a very interesting film or reading a book. But the role is not limited to this. The aspiring screen star has competition. They will do their best to prevent him from playing his role well. To do this, they (that is, again, you in such a “harmful” role) can tell jokes, turn to the actor for help, try to surprise or make him laugh in order to attract attention. The only thing they are not allowed to do is touch the actor. But the actor also has restrictions on his rights: he cannot close his eyes or ears.

After the director (that is, you or another family member) says “Stop,” all participants stop playing. You can even interview an aspiring artist, let him tell you how he managed to be attentive and not be distracted by specially created interference.

Note. Of course, this game will be even more fun if you get a few kids involved. True, then it will be necessary to maintain order so that the “competitors” do not overdo it in an attempt to distract the “actor”. Also, the participation of an adult can show children unexpected and interesting moves that they can use. If you notice that attempts to distract the actor are limited to shouting and antics, then suggest more original ways to the players. This way you can communicate personal news (“Grandma has arrived!”), show a new toy, pretend that everyone is leaving, etc.

"Keen Eye"

In order to become a winner in this game, a child needs to be very attentive and be able not to be distracted by foreign objects.

Choose a small toy or object for your child to find. Give him a chance to remember what it is, especially if it's a new thing in the house. Ask your child to leave the room. When he fulfills this request, place the selected item in a visible place, but so that it is not immediately noticeable. In this game, you cannot hide objects in desk drawers, behind closets, or similar places. The toy should be positioned so that the player can find it without touching the objects in the room, but simply looking at them carefully.

Note. If your son or daughter managed to find a toy, then they deserve praise. You can even tell them that if they were born into an Indian tribe, they might have been called a proud name like Sharp Eye.

"Ears on top of your head"

Before you start playing “Ears on Top of the Head” with your child, find out how he understands the meaning of this expression in relation to people. If it turns out that the figurative meaning of this phrase remains unclear to the child, explain to him the figurative expression yourself: this is what they say about people when they listen carefully. And when applied to animals, this phrase has a direct meaning, since when listening, animals usually raise their ears.

Now you can explain the rules of the game. You will pronounce a variety of words. If a certain sound is heard in them, for example [s], or the same sound, but soft, then the child should stand up immediately. If you pronounce a word where this sound is absent, then the child should remain in his place.

Note. This game develops auditory attention, that is, attention to sounds. Therefore, it will be very useful for those children who are preparing to enter school and are just beginning to learn to read and write. For children who have any speech therapy difficulties, especially phonemic hearing disorders (which should be determined by a speech therapist), such a game can not only develop attention, but also correct some developmental deficiencies.

"The Magic Number"

This game can be played by children who can count and divide well in their heads, that is, no younger than third grade.

Several game participants are required. They will count in a circle from one to thirty. To focus attention on who should respond, you can throw the ball. Each player must simply name the number next to the one the previous player called. But if this number contains the number three or is divisible by three without a remainder, then it cannot be pronounced. In this case, you need to say some kind of magic spell (for example, “abracadabra”) and throw the ball to the next person.

The difficulty of the game is to not lose count by continuing to clearly name the numbers, even after the previous player has said a “spell” rather than a number.

Note. You can make any number “magic” in this game, but it’s better to start with three, since this is truly the magic number of all Russian fairy tales (which can be discussed with your child).


This game makes sense to play if you have several children in your house (permanently or temporarily) who can read. Have them imagine themselves using the keys of a typewriter and “type” the sentence you tell them. Participants in the game must take turns standing up and calling out one letter at a time. They will have to be very careful not to make a mistake in choosing a letter and not miss their turn!

When the "printed" word ends, all "keys" should stand up. When a punctuation mark is needed, everyone stamps their feet, and at the end of a sentence, a period is indicated by clapping their hands.

Keys that are typed incorrectly will be sent to the workshop, that is, children who make three mistakes will leave the game. Those who remain, on the contrary, are considered winners. You can even give a guarantee on such children-keys without fear of going broke on repairs!

Note. If the players are of different ages, then it is better to give a phrase for printing that even the youngest of them can handle. Then all players will be on equal terms and will not lose just because they have not yet learned certain rules of the Russian language at school.

"It's the other way around"

This game will surely appeal to stubborn little ones who like to do everything the other way around. Try to “legalize” their passion to contradict. The adult will be the leader in this game. He must demonstrate a variety of movements, and the child must also perform movements, only completely opposite to those shown to him. So, if an adult raised his hands, the child should lower them, if he jumped, he should sit down, if he stretched his leg forward, he should move it back, etc.

Note. As you probably noticed, the player will need not only the desire to argue, but also the ability to think quickly, choosing the opposite movement. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the opposite is not just different, but somewhat similar, but different in direction. This game can be supplemented with periodic statements by the presenter, for which the player will select antonyms. For example, the presenter will say “warm”, the player must immediately answer “cold” (you can use words from different parts of speech that have opposite meanings: run - stand, dry - wet, good - evil, fast - slow, much - little, etc.).

"Magic word"

Children usually love this game very much, since it puts an adult in the position of a child who is taught to be polite.

Ask your child what “magic” words he knows and why they are called that. If he has already mastered enough etiquette norms, he will be able to answer that without these words, requests can look like a rude order, so people will not want to fulfill them. “Magic” words show respect for a person and endear him to the speaker. Now you will play the role of such a speaker, trying to achieve the fulfillment of your wishes. And the child will be an attentive interlocutor, sensitive to whether you said the word “please”. If you say it in a phrase (for example, say: “Please raise your hands up!”), then the child fulfills your request. If you simply say your request (for example, “Clap your hands three times!”), then the child teaching you politeness should never perform this action.

Note. This game develops not only attention, but also children’s ability to be voluntarily (performing actions not impulsively, simply because they want it now, but in connection with certain rules and goals). This important characteristic is considered by many psychologists to be one of the leading ones in determining whether a child is ready for school.

"Finishing touch"

If your child likes to draw and you like to do things with him, then this game will be fun for both of you.

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask your child to draw any picture. It can be a separate object, a person, an animal, or it can be a whole picture. When the drawing is ready, ask your son or daughter to turn away, and in the meantime add the “finishing touches” to the drawing, that is, add some small details to those already drawn or draw something completely new. After this, the child can turn around. Let him, looking once again at the creation of his hands, say what has changed here. What details were not drawn by the hand of the “master”? If he managed to do this, then he is considered to have won. Now you can change roles with your child: you will draw, and he will add the “finishing touch”.

Note. This game is almost universal - it can be used to develop the attention of children of any age. At the same time, you must regulate the complexity of the drawing itself and the degree of “visibility” of the changes made to it. So, in a game with a three-year-old child, a sun can be drawn, and as a finishing touch, eyes and a smile are added to him. When playing with younger teenagers, you can reflect on paper the most complex abstract patterns or draw diagrams to which subtle additions are made. It is also good if you involve two children in the game, this will maintain the excitement of the game and add healthy competition.

Games for relaxation


This game will help the child relax, relieve tension, and increase his tactile sensitivity.

Prepare items made from various materials. These could be pieces of fur, glass items, wooden items, cotton wool, something made of paper, etc. Place them on the table in front of the child. When he looks at them, invite him to close his eyes and try to guess what you are touching his hand with.

Note. You can also touch your cheek, neck, knee. In any case, your touches should be gentle, leisurely, and pleasant.

"The Soldier and the Rag Doll"

The easiest and most reliable way to teach children to relax is to teach them to alternate between strong muscle tension and subsequent relaxation. Therefore, this and the following game will help you do this in a playful way.

So, invite your child to imagine that he is a soldier. Remember with him how to stand on the parade ground - standing at attention and standing still. Have the player pretend to be such a military man as soon as you say the word "soldier". After the child stands in such a tense position, say another command - “rag doll”. When performing it, a boy or girl should relax as much as possible, lean forward slightly so that their arms dangle as if they were made of fabric and cotton wool. Help them imagine that their whole body is soft and pliable. The player must then become a soldier again, etc.

Note. Such games should be completed at the relaxation stage, when you feel that the child has had enough rest.

"Pump and Ball"

If your child has ever seen a deflated ball being inflated with a pump, then it will be easy for him to get into the image and depict the changes occurring at that moment with the ball. So, stand opposite each other. The player representing the ball should stand with his head down, his arms hanging limply, his knees bent (that is, look like an uninflated shell of the ball). The adult, meanwhile, is going to correct this situation and begins to make movements as if he were holding a pump in his hands. As the intensity of the pump movements increases, the “ball” becomes more and more inflated. When the child’s cheeks are already puffed out and his arms are stretched out to the sides with tension, pretend that you are looking critically at your work. Touch his muscles and complain that you overdid it and now you have to deflate the ball. After this, pretend to pull out the pump hose. When you do this, the “ball” will deflate so much that it will even fall to the floor.

Note. To show your child an example of how to play an inflating ball, it is better to first invite him to play the role of a pump. You will tense and relax, which will help you relax, and at the same time understand how this method works.

"Humpty Dumpty"

The character of this game will surely appeal to a hyperactive child, since their behavior is very similar. To help your son or daughter fit into the role better, remember if he read S. Marshak’s poem about Humpty Dumpty. Or maybe he saw a cartoon about him? If this is the case, then let the child talk about who Humpty Dumpty is, why he is called that and how he behaves. Now you can start the game. You will read an excerpt from Marshak’s poem, and the child will begin to portray the hero. To do this, he will turn his torso to the right and left, swinging his soft, relaxed arms freely. For those who are not satisfied with this, they may also turn their heads.

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Fell in his sleep.

When you say the last line, the child should sharply tilt his body forward and down, stop swinging his arms and relax. You can let the child fall on the floor to illustrate this part of the poem, however, then you should take care of its cleanliness and carpeting.

Note. Alternating fast, energetic movements with relaxation and rest is very useful for a hyperactive child, since in this game he gets a certain pleasure from a relaxed fall to the floor, and therefore from rest. To achieve maximum relaxation, repeat the game several times in a row. To avoid getting bored, you can read the poem at a different pace, and the child will slow down or speed up his movements accordingly.

Games that develop volitional regulation

"I'm silent - I whisper - I scream"

As you have probably noticed, hyperactive children have difficulty regulating their speech - they often speak in a raised voice. This game develops the ability to consciously regulate the volume of one’s statements, stimulating the child to speak either quietly, then loudly, or be completely silent. He will have to choose one of these actions, focusing on the sign that you show him. Agree on these signs in advance. For example, when you put your finger to your lips, the child should speak in a whisper and move very slowly. If you put your hands under your head, as you would during sleep, your child should shut up and freeze in place. And when you raise your hands up, you can talk loudly, scream and run.

Note. It is better to end this game at the “silent” or “whisper” stage in order to reduce gaming excitement when moving on to other activities.

"Speak on signal"

Now you will simply communicate with the child, asking him any questions. But he should not answer you right away, but only when he sees a conditioned signal, for example, arms folded on his chest or scratching the back of his head. If you asked your question, but did not make the agreed-upon movement, the child should remain silent, as if he were not being addressed, even if the answer is on his tongue.

Note. During this conversation game, you can achieve additional goals depending on the nature of the questions asked. So, by asking your child with interest about his desires, inclinations, interests, and affections, you increase your son’s (daughter’s) self-esteem and help him pay attention to his “I.” By asking questions about the content of a topic covered at school (you can rely on a textbook), you will, in parallel with the development of volitional regulation, consolidate certain knowledge.

"Hour of silence" and "hour of silence"

This game allows the child, as a reward for his volitional efforts, to relieve accumulated tension in the way he likes, and the adult - to control his behavior and sometimes get the “hour of silence” that is so desired when communicating with hyperactive children. Agree with your child that when he is doing something important (or you need to work quietly), there will be a “quiet hour” in your house. At this time, the child can read, draw, play, listen to the player or do something else very quietly. But then the “permissible hour” will come, when he will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Promise not to scold your child if his behavior is not dangerous to his health or to others.

Note. The described game hours can be alternated during one day, or postponed until another day. To prevent your neighbors from going crazy over the “permissible hour,” it is better to organize it in the forest or at the dacha, where you will not feel guilty for disturbing other people.


In this game, the child needs to be attentive and be able to overcome motor automatism by controlling his actions.

Play some dance music. While it sounds, the child can jump, spin, and dance. But as soon as you turn off the sound, the player must freeze in place in the position in which the silence caught him.

Note. This game is especially fun to play at a children's party. Take advantage of this to train your child and at the same time create an atmosphere of relaxedness, since children are often embarrassed to dance seriously, and you invite them to do it in a game, as if as a joke. You can also introduce a competitive motive: those who did not have time to freeze after the end of the music are eliminated from the game or are subject to some kind of comic punishment (for example, saying a toast to the birthday boy or helping to set the table).

"Princess Nesmeyana"

Everyone is familiar with children's complaints that someone else is disturbing their concentration and making them laugh. In this game they will have to overcome precisely this unfortunate circumstance.

Remember such a cartoon character as Princess Nesmeyana. It was almost impossible to cheer her up; she paid no attention to anyone and shed tears day and night. Now the child will be such a princess. Of course, he shouldn’t cry, but he is strictly forbidden to laugh (otherwise, what kind of Nesmeyana is this?). In the same cartoon, as you know, there was a worried father who promised the princess as a wife and half a kingdom in addition to the one who would cheer her up. Such potential suitors, eager for the royal treasury, can be other children or, initially, adults in the family. They surround the princess (who can be played by either a boy or a girl) and try with all their might to make her smile. The one who is so successful in this matter that he makes Nesmeyana smile broadly (his teeth will be visible) is considered to have won this competition of grooms. In the next round, this person changes places with the princess.

Note. It is better to set some restrictions among the “suitors” (they do not have the right to touch the princess) and for Nesmeyana (she should not turn away or close her eyes or ears).

Communication games

"Toys Alive"

Ask your child what he thinks happens at night in a toy store. Listen to his versions and ask him to imagine that at night, when there are no buyers, the toys come to life. They begin to move, but very quietly, without saying a word, so as not to wake up the watchman. Now imagine some toy yourself, for example a teddy bear. Let the child try to guess who it is. But he should not shout out the answer, but write it down (or draw it) on a piece of paper, so as not to give away the toys by noise. Then let the child show any toy himself, and you try to guess its name. Please note that the entire game must be played in absolute silence. When you sense a decline in your child’s interest, announce that it is getting light. Then the toys should fall back into place, thus the game will be over.

Note. In this game, the child acquires the skills of non-verbal (without the use of speech) communication, and also develops self-control, because when he guessed what kind of toy you are depicting, he so wants to immediately say about it (or better yet, shout), but the rules of the game do not allow do this. When he himself pretends to be a toy, you also need to make an effort not to make sounds and not to prompt the adult.

"Talking Through Glass"

This game is similar to the previous one, but in it you will no longer have to depict individual words, but sentences.

Help your child imagine that he is on the fifth floor of the house. The windows are tightly closed, no sound penetrates through them. Suddenly he sees his classmate on the street below. He is trying to convey something to him and is gesticulating desperately. Let the child try to understand what information they are trying to convey to him. When you, as a classmate, try to portray the sentence you have made, you can use not only facial expressions, gestures and movements, but also improvised means. For example, if you want to convey to the student behind the glass that there will be no lessons today, then you can portray this not only with joy, but also by pretending to throw away your briefcase. If the child cannot guess what you are showing, then let him shrug his shoulders. Then try to show the same thing in some other way. If he has some answer ready, then in this game you can say it out loud. If the child correctly guessed only part of the sentence, then you can repeat the correct part, and let him guess the rest again. Next time, switch roles with him. The characters who are trying to tell you something from the earth can also change: imagine a grandmother, a neighbor, a teacher, etc.

Note. This game, like the previous one, trains non-verbal thinking, and also focuses the child’s attention on the other person, on what he wants to convey to him. In this way, the ability to understand other people and be attentive to their various behavioral manifestations develops.

"Siamese twins"

Ask your child if he knows who Siamese twins are. If he has not heard about this, tell him that it is very rare, but still happens, that not just two children are born at once, but children fused together. So that the child’s imagination does not paint him a terrible picture on this topic, console him that modern medicine is able to separate them and they live like everyone else. But in ancient times, doctors did not yet know how to perform such operations. Therefore, Siamese twins lived their whole lives not only in perfect harmony, but also having almost a common body. Find out your child's opinion about whether it is difficult to live like this. In what situations did they need to show consistency in joint actions?

After the emotional attitude to the problem has been expressed, get down to business. Tell your child that such brothers or sisters must have become geniuses of communication, because in order to do anything, they had to coordinate everything and adapt to each other. Therefore, you will now play Siamese twins to learn how to communicate well.

Take a thin scarf or handkerchief and tie it around the hands of the children standing next to each other facing you. Leave your hands free, the children will need them. Now tell the players that they will have to draw a general design on one sheet of paper. You can only draw with the hand that is attached to your partner. Give children pencils or markers of different colors, one in their non-free hand. Set the theme of the drawing yourself or invite the children to choose.

Warn the players that the jury (that is, you or other adults) will evaluate not only the quality of the resulting picture, but also the progress of the work itself: were there any disputes and conflicts between the players, did they take equal part in the work (which can be easily assessed by the number in the picture the colors the child used to draw), whether the children discussed the plot of the drawing, the order of drawing, etc.

Note. After the drawing is completed, discuss with the artists whether they found it difficult to work with and whether they enjoyed creating the painting together. You can unobtrusively dwell on the mistakes in cooperation made by children. However, do not forget to note the positive aspects of their communication before doing this.

"Through Other People's Eyes"

In this game, children must also create big picture. But at the same time, their cooperation will not be equal, as in the previous game.

Note. After finishing the drawing, as in the previous game, discuss with the children not only the result obtained, but also the drawing process itself.


In this game, in order to be successful, the child will have to take into account the pace and nature of the other person's movements. In general, his usual impulsiveness will not help matters.

It's good if you involve a few more children in this game. Firstly, it is with peers that the child most of all needs to learn to get along well, and secondly, it is, of course, possible to carry out these game tasks with an adult, but it is not very convenient. So, let your child, together with his partner, stand at the line called “start.” Place a pencil on this line. The players' task is to take this pencil from both sides so that each of them touches its tip with only their index finger. Using these two fingers between them, they should be able to pick up a pencil, carry it to the end of the room and return back. If during this time they did not drop what they were carrying and did not help themselves with the other hand, then the couple can be congratulated on successfully completing the task. This means that they are capable of being friends since they have shown such good cooperation skills with each other.

As a next task, you can take a piece of paper, which the players must carry by holding it with their shoulders. Then offer them a soft toy to carry using only their ears and cheeks.

And finally, offer a more difficult task - a ball that they must carry using only their heads (literally and figuratively). This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because the ball, due to its shape, will tend to slip. If you are playing a game with more than two children, then after this round offer them the same task, which they will now all do together (that is, three or five of them). This really brings children together and creates a friendly, joyful atmosphere. When trying to complete a task, they usually realize quite quickly that they can do it better if they hug each other's shoulders and walk together in small steps, discussing when to turn or stop.

Note. If your child is not immediately able to cooperate with other children, then (when his peers begin to complete the task) pay attention to how a pair of players coordinate their actions: talking to each other, the quick one adjusting to the slower one, holding hands to better feel the movements of the other , and so on.

Other publications on the topic of this article:

"Find the Difference"

Goal: develop the ability to concentrate on details.

Description of the game: the child draws any simple picture (cat, house, etc.) and hands it over to an adult, while he turns away. The adult completes a few details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in the drawing. Then they change roles.

The game can also be played with a group of children. In this case, preschoolers take turns drawing a picture on the board and turn away. (the possibility of movement is not limited). The adult completes a few details. Children, looking at the drawing, must say what has changed.

"Tender Paws"

Goal: relieve tension, muscle tension, reduce aggressiveness, develop sensory perception, harmonize relationships between a child and an adult.

Description of the game: an adult selects 6-7 small objects of different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow.

The teacher explains that he will walk on his hand "animal" and touch with tender paws. You have to guess which one with your eyes closed. "animal" touches the hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant. Game option: "animal" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change places with your child.

"Brownian motion"

Goal: develop the ability to distribute attention.

Description of the game: all children stand in a circle, the leader rolls tennis balls into the center of the circle one after another. Pupils are informed of the rules of the game: the balls should not stop and roll out of the circle, they can be pushed with a foot or hand. If the participants successfully follow the rules of the game, the presenter rolls in an additional number of balls. The point of the game is to set a record for the number of balls in a circle.

"Pass the ball"

Goal: remove excessive physical activity.

Description of the game: sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You need to throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with their eyes closed, or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

"Prohibited Movement"

Goal: playing according to clear rules organizes, disciplines and unites children, develops reaction speed and causes a healthy emotional upsurge.

Description of the game: children stand facing the leader. To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the presenter. Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The one who repeats the prohibited movement leaves the game.

Instead of showing the movement, you can say the numbers out loud. Participants repeat all numbers except one, which is prohibited, for example, the number "five" . When the children hear it, they should clap their hands (or spin around in place).


Goal: to develop attention, reaction speed, the ability to follow an adult’s instructions, and teach interaction skills with children.

Description of the game: the teacher puts on a chicken hat and says that all children are "chickens" - live with their mother chicken in a chicken coop. The chicken coop can be marked with soft blocks or chairs. Then "hen" With "chickens" walking (walk around the room). As soon as the teacher speaks "kite" (preliminarily, a conversation is held with the pupils, during which it is explained to them who the kite is and why chickens should avoid it), all the children run back to "chicken coop" .

After this, the teacher chooses another "chicken" from among the children playing. The game repeats itself. In conclusion, the teacher invites everyone to leave "chicken coop" and take a walk, quietly waving your arms like wings, dance together, jump. You can invite children to look "Chicken" who got lost. Pupils together with the teacher look for a previously hidden toy (for example, a fluffy chicken). Then they examine it, stroke it, feel sorry for it and take it to its place.

In order to develop motor skills, you can complicate the game as follows. In order to get into the house - "chicken coop" , children should not just run into it, but crawl under the rail installed at a height of 60-70 cm.

Exercise to relax specific parts of the body

and the whole body.

For ease of use of these exercises, we have classified them into the following areas:

  • Relaxation exercises focusing on breathing:

- "Blow out the candle" . Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound for a long time "y" .

- "Lazy Kitty" . Raise your arms up, then stretch them forward, stretching like a cat. Feel the body stretch. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound "A" .

  • Facial muscle relaxation exercise:

- "Naughty cheeks" . Take in air, puffing out your cheeks strongly. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, sucking it in. The cheeks are drawn in. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

- "Mouth shut" . Purse your lips so that they are not visible at all. Close your mouth on "lock" , squeezing his lips very, very tightly. Then relax them:

I have my own secret, I won't tell it to you, no (purse lips).

Oh, how hard it is to resist saying nothing (4-5 s).

I will still relax my lips and leave the secret to myself.

- “The evil one has calmed down” . Tighten your jaw, stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Growl as much as you can. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, opening your mouth wide, yawn:

And when I get really angry, I tense up, but I hold on.
I squeeze my jaw tightly and scare everyone with my growl. (growl).
So that the anger flies away and the whole body relaxes,
You need to take a deep breath, stretch, smile,

Maybe even yawn (open your mouth wide and yawn).

  • Neck muscle relaxation exercise:

- "Curious Barabara" . Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale and exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara looks left, looks right.

And then forward again - here he will rest a little.

Raise your head up and look at the ceiling for as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Coming back – relaxation is nice!

Slowly lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Now let's look down - the neck muscles have tensed!

Let's go back - relaxation is nice!

  • Exercise to relax arm muscles:

- "Lemon" . Put your hands down and imagine that in your right hand there is a lemon from which you need to squeeze the juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as tightly as possible. Feel how tense your right arm is. Then quit "lemon" and relax your hand:

I will take a lemon in my palm.
I feel like it's round.
I squeeze it slightly -
I squeeze out lemon juice.

Everything is fine, the juice is ready.
I throw in the lemon and relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

- "Pair" (alternating movement with tension and relaxation of the arms.)

Standing opposite each other and touching your partner’s palms forward, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending your partner’s left arm at the elbow. Left hand at the same time, it bends at the elbow, and straightens at the partner’s.

- "Vibration" .

What a wonderful day today!
We will drive away melancholy and laziness.
They shook their hands.
Here we are healthy and cheerful.

  • Leg muscle relaxation exercise:

- "Deck" . Imagine yourself on a ship. Rocks. To avoid falling, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck rocked - transfer your body weight to your right leg, press it to the floor (right leg is tense, left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, toe touching the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. It swayed in the other direction - I pressed my left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale-exhale!

The deck began to rock! Press your foot to the deck!

We press our leg tighter and relax the other.

- "Horses" .

Our legs flashed
We'll gallop along the path.
But be careful
Don't forget what to do!

- "Elephant" . Place your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer your body weight to one leg, and raise the other high and with "roar" lower to the floor. Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with the foot hitting the floor. Say as you exhale "Ugh!" .

  • Exercises to relax the whole body:

- "Snow Woman" . Children imagine that each of them is a snow woman. Huge, beautiful, sculpted from snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Now it starts to get hot, and the snow woman begins to melt. Next, the children depict how the snow woman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, then the other. Gradually, little by little, the torso begins to melt. The snow woman turns into a puddle that spreads across the ground.

- "Birds" . Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. Here they sat down on a beautiful wild flower and inhaled its light aroma, and now flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet smell flowering tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the babbling forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beaks, drank clean, cool water, splashed around and rose up again. Now let’s land in the coziest nest in a forest clearing.

- "Bell" . Children lie on their backs. Close your eyes and relax to the sound of a lullaby "Fluffy clouds" . "Awakening" occurs to the sound of a bell.

- "Summer Day" . Children lie on their backs, relaxing all their muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,
But I don’t look at the sun.
We close our eyes and rest.
The sun strokes our faces

May we have a good dream.
Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!
Thunder came out for a walk.
Thunder rolls like a drum.

- "Slow motion" . Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, place their hands loosely on their knees, legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, and draw.
But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.
We have a game like this - very easy, simple.
Movement slows down and tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!

- "Silence" .

Hush, hush, silence!

You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - let's lie down quietly on the bed

And we will sleep quietly.

Children really like doing such exercises, because they have elements of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.

Having learned to relax, each child receives what he previously lacked. This is in equally applies to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

By relaxing, excited, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, cheerfulness, and freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Such systematic work allows the child’s body to relieve excess tension and restore balance, thereby maintaining mental health.

A set of games to overcome neuroses

in preschoolers

A game "Hide and Seek"

Goal: overcoming fears of darkness, loneliness and confined space.

Preparation: the participants of the game go to the playground.


  1. You need to have time to hide before the driver starts looking.
  2. You can only hide one at a time.
  3. You can't hide in the same place twice.
  4. You need to keep your whereabouts secret.
  5. The discovered participants must follow on the heels of the driver and hurry him up.
  6. Only the leader can search; the others, following him like a snake, create an atmosphere of excitement and passion.
  7. The driver who finds the large quantity participants, and those who could not be found several times.

Progress of the game:

A teacher-psychologist is selected as the driver. The players go out to the playground and play hide and seek. At the end of the game, the discovered participants, together with the driver, return to the porch and synchronously say: “Whoever is not found, come out!” . The number of players not found is counted and they are awarded a title "invisible" . Children are especially happy about this award.

Game duration: just over 1 hour.

A game "Who is first?"

Goal: eliminating inhibition in unexpected, unpredictable communication situations, when in response to a signal you need to immediately act, act in a certain and most appropriate way (i.e., the skill of quick reaction in unexpected communication situations is developed).

Preparation: place two chairs so that one adult can run between them. Behind the participants, outside the playing area, there is a table with three prizes - pins.


  1. You should move forward by jumping.
  2. The movement begins after the driver pronounces the key word. Different drivers choose different keywords, which should not be from the same class.
  3. At the starting position, the child stands separately from the parents. This condition helps to increase the preschooler’s independence and sense of personal responsibility.
  4. The participant who reaches the finish line and grabs the prize first receives the right to be a driver, which emphasizes his "outstanding achievements" .

Progress of the game:

Several people sit on chairs, holding plastic swords and skittles. The driver announces the key word, for example "apple" . He then lulls the players' guard by listing other fruits. At some point he says "apple" , the players must immediately start moving. The task is to jump between the chairs, return in the same way and grab the prize. At the same time, the participants sitting on the chairs ensure that the players follow the rules (jumped between chairs rather than running after them).

Game duration: 30 min.

Note: Greater effectiveness can be achieved in the first half of the day, when the child is not yet tired or overexcited.

A game "Quick Answers"


  • removing inhibitions when answering sudden questions;
  • training attention, intelligence and resourcefulness.


  1. Everyone lines up. Pins are placed symmetrically in front, at a child's step distance. Usually there are no more than 5-6.
  2. You must answer quickly, within three seconds.
  3. If someone did not have time to answer in the allotted time, the question automatically goes to the next participant in the game, if he does not find an answer, then to the next participant, etc.
  4. You can't give advice, everyone is responsible for themselves.
  5. Repeating answers and questions is prohibited.
  6. The answers themselves can be both serious and humorous. Their loyalty is assessed by the driver, and his decision is not subject to discussion.
  7. The participants in the game who cover the distance the fastest receive congratulations and also ask questions, helping the driver.

Unspoken rules:

  1. The first part of the game asks questions tailored to the age and development of the children.
  2. The second part of the game asks very difficult questions for adults that are not expected to be answered correctly.

Progress of the game:

The driver - an educational psychologist - sits at the far end of the room and asks questions, which the players quickly answer. With each correct answer, the player takes a step forward - towards the pin. No one can predict the result, since the former can hopelessly "get stuck" somewhere halfway, and those lagging behind, including the child, not only catch up with them, but also overtake them. Those who have completed the distance and received congratulations begin to ask questions themselves, helping the driver.

In the second half of the game, the children ask questions (and then adults who reach the end join them). The educational psychologist is among the responding participants in the game and demonstrates an inability to immediately answer questions: he scratches the back of his head, hums, shifts from foot to foot, then insight follows, then inhibition again. Thus, the child, as in a mirror, sees his previous behavior and, since he has already won, discards the previous unsuccessful behavior patterns. Here the mechanism of anti-imitation or refusal to perceive oneself in the previous role is triggered.

Game duration: 30 min.

A game "Ball in a Circle"

Goal: eliminate inhibition and fear, if necessary, respond immediately to calls from others.


  1. The ball should not be thrown from above, swinging, but as if tossing, from below.
  2. Before throwing the ball, you need to catch the eye of one of the participants.
  3. The person who receives the ball immediately throws it to whoever looks at it.
  4. Those who do not follow the rules and throw the ball anywhere are punished - the controller lightly hits them on the head with the ball.

Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle and begin to throw the ball to each other in accordance with the rules. After five minutes, movement begins in a circle, and the game does not stop. The game can be complicated by the fact that now you have to catch not only the eye, but also say a word before throwing the ball. A little later, make another restriction: name words only of a certain class.

Duration of the game: no more than 20 minutes.

A game "Penetrating the Circle"

Goal: overcoming the fear of closed spaces, as well as fears of threats, prohibitions and punishments.

Rule: All players, except the participant trying to enter the circle, must have their eyes closed.

Progress of the game:

Participants holding hands form a circle. The distance between them is one meter, so that both a child and an adult can enter the circle. The players making up the circle pronounce threats and warnings: “No one will enter our kingdom!” , “Just try to penetrate our kingdom!” etc. A participant in the game who wants to penetrate the center of the circle silently walks around and, seizing the right moment, quickly crawls between the two participants in the game. There may be several such attempts, because it is quite difficult to get into the circle at once. Hearing a suspicious noise, several players standing in a circle shouted "Ugh!" They must sit down together and, in case of a mistake, stand up immediately. Those who successfully get inside say out loud: “And I’m already here!” . Everyone opens their eyes in surprise, then closes them again and begins to mutter: “Well, now we’ll show you!” , “We will never let you out of here!” etc.

Next, you need to try to get out of the circle, and the task is complicated by the fact that everyone begins to move, holding hands, as before. However, if you still manage to get out of the circle, the winner "rewards" those who blundered playing with their lungs hitting balls (or balloon) on the head.

Game duration: 20 min.

A game "Lemon juice"


  • elimination of excess fear during compression, constriction, squeezing as analogues of a closed space;
  • development of quick and adequate defensive reactions when a physical threat arises, including more active expression of emotions of anger when circumstances require it.


  1. You cannot touch someone standing in the center of the circle with your hands. They are laid back so that only the chest can be used.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to approach too quickly.

Progress of the game:

The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle, in the center of which a red hoop is placed. One of the players is inside it. An educational psychologist is chosen as the first defender.

At first, the circle is as large as possible, everyone looks intently at standing player in the center of the circle and decide what juice to make from it (Lemon, orange, raspberry, kiwi, carrot, etc.).

After making a decision, the game participants forming a circle make scary faces (appropriate masks may be worn) and with threatening shouts "Ugh!" slowly shrink the circle. Having come close to the person standing in the center of the hoop, the players receive a rebuff: he pushes them away with his hands. The one who is touched by the palm of the participant standing in the center of the hoop must move back, usually one or two steps, without letting go of the hands of his neighbors. After this, everyone again tries to squeeze the hoop standing in the center.

Game duration: 20 min.

A game "Football"

Progress of the game:

The group is divided in half so that children and parents are on different teams. The educational psychologist acts as a judge. The ball is placed in the middle of the playing field and after the whistle the game begins. There are no goalkeepers, the goals are marked with chairs. The ball is real. It's a normal game of football. When you touch the ball with your hands, a penalty kick is awarded, in which, as expected, the team lines up in front of the goal: the educational psychologist, already as a participant, runs up and imitates hitting the ball. All the goal defenders jump up to hit the ball, to which the attacker exclaims: “I have never seen more nervous players!” . Then comes a real shot, but the ball flies past the goal. Next time the child repeats everything and scores a goal. The whole team hugs him.

Game duration: no more than 15 minutes.

A game "Angry Dogs"


  • overcoming fear of dogs;
  • eliminating the fear of unexpected impact and pain.


  1. "Dogs" are on a chain and can only jump 30-45 cm forward.
  2. "Stranglehold" prohibited, i.e. you can grab someone passing by "paws" and immediately let go. You can simply jump out of impatience and anger when you hear a suspicious noise, but immediately return to your starting position.
  3. The child must be opposite the parent.
  4. U "dogs" eyes closed.

Progress of the game:

The players get on all fours, pretending to be dogs, and position themselves opposite each other so that there is a distance of at least 1.5 m between them. The result is a kind of corridor 5-7 m long.

To get really angry "dogs" , players "bark" sitting opposite. (For parents and children standing opposite each other, this will help eliminate mutual negative feelings, if they exist in real life.)

After "dogs" When they got angry enough, the educational psychologist announced that their grandmother, who lives in a neighboring village, had fallen ill. She needs to take hot pies to strengthen her strength, for which she will have to go through all the yards with angry dogs. "Dogs" they close their eyes and begin to grumble in anger, but at the same time remain vigilant so that no one passes by. Driver's task (the first should be an educational psychologist) walk between them and at the end of the path shout: “Grandma, here are the pies, get better!” . The drivers are constantly changing.

Game duration: on average 20 minutes.

A game "Bumps"

Goal: overcoming fear.

Preparation: chairs, stools, trestle beds, tables, etc. are placed at a child’s step distance. They will be bumps in the swamp.


  1. You can only move over bumps without touching the floor with your hands.
  2. The rest of the players are not allowed to touch the person walking over the bumps with their hands. It is only allowed to unexpectedly jump up next to you, threaten, beat the drum and throw a hoop.
  3. If a player walking through a swamp falls (or touches the floor with your foot), the inhabitants of the swamp are trying to drag him away with them. Having met resistance, everyone retreats, and the player must start his path over again.

Progress of the game:

The child is the pioneer of the swamp. Everyone else depicts the inhabitants of the swamps; they are given images of a frog, snake, spider, as well as a bugle, drum or hula hoop. Inhabitants are located along the entire route. The child begins to move, and everyone in chorus expresses doubts that he will be able to reach the end. As soon as he jumps off the last bump and walks proud "home" , applause and congratulations are heard.

Duration of the game: no more than 30 minutes.

A game "Rugby"

Goal: overcoming the fear of unexpected impact and pain.


  1. You can not only hit the ball, but also grab it with your hands and, pressing it to yourself, run headlong towards the opponent’s goal.
  2. You can put up footrests.
  3. You can take the ball in different ways - by grabbing, pushing, tickling so that the person holding the ball releases it, etc.

Progress of the game:

Players are divided into two teams and begin "threaten" each other, inviting opponents to surrender immediately. The game is played using an oblong ball. Then the game starts like "Football" , but using new, permitted techniques (see Rules). Touchy children are even more painful than in the game "Football" , react to pressure and physical discomfort, but they get used to it and take part in the game together with everyone else.

Duration: no more than 15 minutes.

Exercises for health

children 6-7 years old.

Purpose: have a beneficial effect on the body of children; create a positive emotional mood; relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Exercises for physical education minutes


Clench your fingers into a fist. In turn, straighten the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, and make a ring with the thumb and index finger. Make quick movements with straightened fingers - "flutter of wings" . Perform the exercise first with your right hand, then with your left hand, then with both hands at the same time. (10-15 seconds). (This instruction applies to all exercises described below, except for those cases when the movements are performed with both hands at once.)


Place your hand on the table with your palm facing you. Make wave-like movements with the entire brush. Move the brush in all directions - left-right, forward-backward, up-down (15-20 seconds).


Cross your arms at wrist level, place your elbows on the table. Connect the brushes with the back side. Bend your arms (movement down), then "with a wave" return them to their original position (6-8 times).


Place your hand on the table, palm up. Take turns gathering your fingers into a fist and straightening them again (6-8 times).


Quickly hit the table with your fingers, changing the tempo and intensity of the blows (10-15 seconds).

"Theater in Hand"

The teacher invites the children to act out a fairy tale using their fingers. He gives his fingers the names of her possible characters. Children themselves make up different stories and act them out on their fingers.


The thumb is touched in turn by the other fingers. Each of them can make several tangential movements, as well as change the tempo (from slow to fast).

"Hide and Seek"

Fingers clenched into a fist. The teacher names one of the heroes of the fairy tale - the children straighten the corresponding finger (which finger bears whose name is agreed upon in advance). You can name two or more characters at the same time.

"Silent Poems"

The teacher offers the children silently "read" fingers poems that he will read aloud (children come up with movements themselves), For example:

One two three four five,
Let's count fingers
Strong, friendly,
Everyone is so necessary.

On the other hand again:
One two three four five.

Dynamic exercises

"Head is a ball"

Place your head on your right shoulder. Push with your shoulder - "throw" head on left shoulder (6-8 times). Can "throw" head from shoulder to hand and back.

"Curious Nose"

Move your nose in different directions: forward-backward, up-down, right-left (15-20 seconds).

"Uncooperative Ears"

As if listening to something with your right ear, first move your head, and then your entire body to the left ("I don't want to hear" ) , then the same with the left ear to the right (15-20 seconds).

"Impatient Feet"

"Tear off" the toes of either the left or right foot are off the floor, the heels remain pressed to the floor. Then "tear off" Heels off the floor, toes in place. You can change the pace and intensity of movements (10-15 seconds).


Relax ("cotton body" ) . Perform movements, imagining that ropes are pulling your head, right and left shoulders, chest, shoulder blades, first up, then down, etc. (15-20 seconds).

Note. These exercises can be performed in a sitting position, i.e. directly at the table.

Games and exercises

for dynamic change


Suggested with imaginary chalk vertically "draw" a simple drawing, such as a flower. After "draw" the same drawing with the tip of the nose, chin, ear, shoulder, etc. Imaginary lines "show" slowly, without jerking, maintaining balance.

“I want - I don’t want”

All parts of the body move individually in a forward-backward direction. "I want to take (toy)» - this is a movement of any part of the body forward towards an object, "Don't want" - moving backwards.


Children are divided into pairs: one - "sculptor" , second - "plasticine" . First everyone is given a common task, for example "to fashion" cat. "Sculpt" you need to carefully touch different parts of the body, "moving" them in space. When "cat" will "fashioned" , "to fashion" any "sculpture" at will.


One child ("blind" ) puts a hand on another's shoulder ("guide" ) and closes his eyes. "Guide" makes various movements at a slow pace, including moving in space. "Blind" must follow him with closed eyes. Then you can switch roles.


Children stand in pairs facing each other and look into their eyes. One of them "hypnotist" . When he starts to move, the second one seems to "under hypnosis" , follows him, keeping the distance between them. Children perform movements slowly and in different directions: forward, backward, to the side, down, etc., then change roles.


This exercise is similar to the previous one, but with more accurate reproduction of the movements. One child from a couple - "mirror" , the other looks at it and makes various movements or playful actions with imaginary objects (combs hair, brushes teeth, etc.). "Mirror" repeats them exactly, but maintaining the specularity of the reflection.


Children stand in pairs facing each other. One child - "puppet doll" , To different parts whose body has imaginary strings attached. To "puppet" starts to move, the other child needs to lightly touch some part of the body and pull an imaginary string. "Puppet" can make various movements.

"Water Hunt"

The game involves 10-12 children, who are divided into two groups: first - "crucian carp" (moving very quickly), second – "Pikes" (move slowly). For cotton "pike" start hunting for "crucian carp" . Caught "crucian carp" is eliminated from the game. At the next clap, the children who were "Pikes" , become "crucian carp" , and vice versa. Each new clap means a change of roles. The intervals between claps can be long or short - children must be able to switch from slow to fast movements.


10-20 children participate in the game. One child is chosen to be the Wolf. According to the rules of the game, he can catch a child if he is alone; if the children are in pairs, he is powerless. However, children pair up when the Wolf is nearby; as soon as he runs away, the children must disperse.

There are two options in the game:

  1. children see the wolf ("danger is near" ) and pair up;
  2. appear "rescuers" - children who come to the rescue (form a pair) someone who is in danger.


Floor (Earth) turns into "magnet" , which attracts the stronger the closer your legs are to it.


Floor (Earth) turns into "swamp" . Children move from an upright position to a sitting position ("The swamp is sucking in" ) .


On the floor (ground) numerous imaginary springs. Children make springing movements, trying to maintain balance.

"Mountain River"

Floor (Earth) turns into a mountain river" with many stones. The task is to cross the river on pebbles (carefully, quickly, slowly, etc.).

Breathing exercises


Shaking your head back and forth.

"Chinese bobblehead"

Shaking your head left and right.

"Look Around"

Turn your body left and right.

For every turn or sway, take an energetic and impetuous breath. Perform exercises for 10 seconds.

Ophthalmic training


On the count of 1-4, close your eyes, on the count of 5-6, open your eyes wide and look into the distance. (4-5 times).


Children blink frequently, without straining their eyes, on a count of 1-5. (4-5 times). You can accompany blinking by pronouncing the text:

You, panicles, will sweep away fatigue,

Give us a good refreshment for our eyes.

"Blind Man's Bluff"

There are small toys or colored chips on the board. Children close their eyes at the count of 1-4. During this time, the presenter changes the arrangement of objects on the board. Opening their eyes, children try to determine the changes that have occurred. (4-5 times).

"Far close"

Children look out the window. The teacher first names an object that is far away, and after 2-3 seconds - a nearby one. Children must quickly find with their eyes the objects that the presenter calls (6-8 times).

"Catch the Bunny"

The teacher turns on the flashlights and starts "sunny bunny" for a walk. Children catching their eyes "bunny" , accompany him without turning their heads (45 seconds).

Psychologists hear complaints that a preschooler is behaving aggressively more often than any other. However, attempts to clarify how exactly children’s aggressiveness is expressed sometimes lead to unexpected answers. “I stole my grandmother’s glasses” . “Played a computer game without permission and refused to stop” .

None of the listed examples fits the definition of aggressive behavior, which we understand as unmotivated damage to the social and objective world. The child tends to break objects, spoil things, quarrels with others not because he has suffered an offense associated with them, but for purely internal reasons, with these people and objects not related.

As a person grows, the destructive power of his aggressiveness also increases, "feeding off" opportunities for prosperity and social status. But even in preschool age, a person has the opportunity to have a destructive impact on the environment.

Where does aggression in children come from?

First of all, let's separate out the kind of aggressiveness that is the norm for some. There are children who, from a very early age, are very active, persistent in achieving goals and, naturally, protest violently if they are obstructed. They can say about these: “like a tank!” , because when defending his interests, such a child is ready for a fight, fearless and decisive. Professor Garbuzov, a child psychotherapist, believes that such people, as a rule, achieve a lot. And there is no need to re-educate these children. They just need to constantly instill a sense of proportion in everything, the habit of taking into account the interests of other people, kindness, so that their activity does not bring pain and damage to others. You can start to worry when aggressiveness becomes malicious and deliberate. Professor Garbuzov suggests several options for the occurrence of such behavior.

First. The child could have suffered microtrauma to the brain during childbirth. Such a child is very hot-tempered and can hit someone who is stronger without thinking about the consequences. You will always find him in the very center of the conflict, he screams, fights, often harming himself. But if he hits, then without cruelty, without trying to hit where it hurts the most. He got angry - he hit, threw something and immediately cooled down.

If your child fits this description, it is best to take him to a neurologist. However, there are some things you can do yourself. Firstly, over time, the child becomes smarter and begins to understand how to control his anger.

Second. If a child doesn’t just fight, but actually beats another without a serious reason, so much so that you have to literally drag him away, and he breaks free from your hands, if he doesn’t get over his anger for a long time, and tortures animals, it is likely that he has a pathology that doctors call "convulsive readiness of the brain" .

Such disorders can be detected by electroencephalographic examination. However, if a child speaks, walks in his sleep, if he wakes up at night in horror, pushes someone away, does not recognize his relatives, and in the morning does not remember anything - these are also indirect signs of such a pathology. Then you need to go to a child psychiatrist who will prescribe mild anticonvulsants. And, of course, talk all the time about kindness, about pity, and also about the fact that cruelty is always punished cruelly.

If aggressiveness is completely unpleasant and destructive, then this is an innate pathology of character - psychopathy. In this case, the child is vindictive. When he is offended, it is as if he will not react, he will only look. And after a few days, he will suddenly come up from behind and hit or bite. Moreover, such children strive to hurt as much as possible - hit the eye, the shin, the groin. They can be cunning and resourceful; they will wait until the adult turns away, then they will strike. If, sad as it may be, you observe such signs in a child, then you cannot do without a child psychiatrist.

However, aggressiveness is not always given to a child from birth. Very often he acquires this character trait not just anywhere, but in the family. And if you are worried about whether your child’s cruel, evil attitude towards others will become stronger, turn first of all to yourself, to your attitude towards both the child and adults.

Psychologists do not recommend scolding aggressive children. If we put him in a corner and spank him, the child will not get any better. He may have a feeling that the world is hostile. There is no peace, no confidence. Today you can do something, tomorrow you can’t, dad allows it, mom forbids it. In addition, if a child often hears how bad he is, he sees himself that way. And he begins to behave accordingly, confirming the statements of his parents.

Moralizing and educational conversations in cases of aggression acquired in the family are most often useless. It is much better to use other methods. For example, ignore aggression. And at the same time offer alternative ways get your way. Or transfer aggression into a game. If a child fights, let him play pirates, throwing out negative emotions. Well, for some children it can be useful to openly prohibit them from showing cruelty and anger. And one more very simple piece of advice. It is offered by the German healer Kurt Tepperwein, who wrote the book "How to face the vicissitudes of fate" . Try to teach your child to cope with aggression with the help of fairy tales. Let the baby experience again and again different situations, in which the heroes find a solution to a seemingly hopeless situation. And let the matter take a fabulous turn, but aggression is excluded.

So the child, while still completely open, learns to understand that there is always another, "peaceful" way out of any situation. After thinking, you will definitely find fairy tales with such a plot, and if you don’t find them, invent them yourself!

Does the preschooler’s behavior contain

aggressive actions?

We propose to evaluate this using a special questionnaire. Answer questions "Yes" or "No" . If it is difficult to make a choice, answer as happens more often, which is more typical for your child. Be careful: if the question is written in a negative form, mentally put before the answer "right" or "wrong" , and then you won't have logical errors.

  1. Can you say that your child is not more aggressive than other children?
  2. Is it true that your child does not break toys?
  3. Is it true that your child does not break things? (he explores them, not spoils them)?
  4. Is it true that even in bad mood your child does not throw an object?
  5. Does it happen that, out of irritation, your child may swing and hit someone?
  6. Is it true that your child will never tear off a leaf or flower from a houseplant?
  7. Can you be sure that on the street, when approaching a dog or cat, your child will not deliberately step on it or pinch it?
  8. Is it true that he will never harm an insect?
  9. Have you noticed that when playing with a loved one (grandmother, sister), the child can cause him unexpected pain?
  10. When playing with weaker children, does your child always balance his strength?
  11. Is it true that when playing with dolls, your child can gouge out their eyes, tear off their arms or legs?
  12. Is it true that your child’s characteristic play technique is "a haircut" hair, ears, "extra" parts for dolls and other toys?
  13. Is it true that your child does not break dishes even when angry or irritated?
  14. Does your child ever pinch, pull hair, or bite another child when no one is looking?
  15. Is it true that while looking at a book, he can tear out a page?
  16. Is it true that while drawing, your child often breaks the lead of a pencil by pressing hard?
  17. Does your child sometimes push or shove you when being around another child?
  18. Does it happen that your child uses swear words in response to an adult’s remark?
  19. Does it happen that he uses profanity in quarrels with others.
  20. Does it happen that out of resentment your child often goes into another room and hits pillows, walls, furniture?

Now compare the answers with the key ones and count the number of matches.

1. no 2. no 3. no 4. no 5. yes

6. no 7. no 8. no 9. yes 10. no

11. yes 12. yes 13. no 14. yes 15. yes

16. yes 17. yes 18. yes 19. yes 20. yes


If the result obtained is 0-5 points, you have nothing to worry about - think better about whether your child can always protect himself in difficult situations whether he is the target of other children’s aggression.

If the result is 6-12 points, then this is the average indicator of aggressiveness inherent in most children before school age. Try to understand in what situations it begins to manifest itself, and eliminate or modify these situations.

If the result exceeds 13 points, then most likely you are not treating your child correctly. If you cannot immediately understand what causes his aggressiveness, it is better to figure it out together with a professional psychologist.

What is hyperactivity?

"Active"- active, effective.
« Hyper"-indicates that the norm is exceeded.
Hyperactivity in children it manifests itself as inattentiveness, distractibility, and impulsiveness that are unusual for normal, age-appropriate development of a child.
This is a neurological-behavioral disorder characterized by excessive activity and excitability of the child.
To put it simply, such a baby cannot sit still, is constantly on the move, and all his actions are spontaneous and inconsistent. Often this condition is accompanied by attention deficit. This syndrome begins to manifest itself clearly at the age of 2 years, gaining momentum by school years.
Causes of hyperactivity
There are three groups of reasons:
The first includes the assumption that hyperactivity is caused by a disruption in the functioning of the brain associated with its organic damage during the period of intrauterine development, childbirth, and the first months of life. During perinatal development, the formation of the baby’s brain can be affected by: pronounced toxicosis (especially late), infectious and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pregnant woman, abdominal bruises, smoking and drinking alcohol, the threat of miscarriage, stress. The cause of hyperactivity can be rapid or very painful childbirth, bruises and head concussions in infancy.
Genetic factors suggest “inheritance” of the syndrome from older generations. Many studies are being conducted, but it has not yet been possible to find a separate gene responsible for hyperactivity.
This group of reasons is based on factors associated with a violation of the psycho-emotional state and some features of the social sphere.

How to understand what kind of child - active or hyperactive child?
Only a doctor can accurately diagnose hyperactivity based on diagnostic results and symptoms. But, if you know the difference between a disease and a norm, you can quite accurately determine the child’s condition.

Features of active children:
They can be active, even excessively, this is the normal state of children who learn about the world and enjoy every day. Distinctive feature This behavior is inconsistent, which means that the child can give free rein to his emotions, for example, once or twice a day. Such a surge is most likely in the evening. This is a protective function of the body that allows you to get rid of accumulated energy. After such a release, the child calms down.
Excessive mobility of the baby is observed only in one place, for example, at home. In kindergarten he behaves quite calmly or vice versa.
Non-conflict, that is, he can stand up for himself, fight back, but he himself does not provoke such situations.
Almost always cheerful, cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm.
No sleep disturbance is observed.

Features of hyperactive children:
Children are excessively active almost constantly; there is a period of calm, but its duration is too short, from 2 to 10 minutes. During the selected period of time, you can observe a certain cyclical behavior: activity - calmness - activity, etc. The time of activity always exceeds the time of calm.
Activity manifests itself wherever the child is. The environment does not affect his behavior. Whether he is at home with his parents, visiting, kindergarten, public place– he is always active.
He speaks very quickly, often “eating” the endings of words. Moves from one topic to another, forgetting to finish the previous thought. Asks a lot of questions, does not give time to think and formulate an answer. It seems that he is asking questions just like that, without the goal of getting an answer to them.
The sleep of a hyperactive child is restless and anxious. At night he often wakes up, tosses and turns, and cries.
Unable to concentrate, he is distracted by any extraneous noise. Due to its activity during execution school assignments makes a lot of mistakes.
Cannot control his behavior or emotions. Impulsive. Can act as an initiator of quarrels and fights.

How to deal with an active child:
Excessive activity of an absolutely healthy child causes a lot of trouble for his parents. This requires increased control, attention and patience from adults. To smooth out the rough edges in your relationship with an active child, you need to offer him your own, more meaningful options. active games. For example, not mindlessly throwing a ball, but table tennis; not just running back and forth, but exercises, dancing to music, physical exercise. Active children should also be interested in quiet activities: reading books, drawing. The child himself will help with this, you just need to always give him a choice. Let him choose the genre of the book: poetry, fairy tales.
Let him decide what he will use to draw with: felt-tip pens, pencils, paints.

How to deal with a hyperactive child:
A hyperactive child should be surrounded by attention and love. Like ordinary children of his age, such children should be taken to clubs, sports clubs, and developmental activities. With proper interaction, you can get good results, teach the child perseverance, self-control, self-organization, improve memory and attention. To achieve these goals, psychocorrectional classes are conducted in an interesting game form. The principles of communicating with hyperactive children are the same as with ordinary children, only multiplied by at least two.

Memo to the teacher:
Remember that touch is a powerful stimulant for shaping behavior and developing learning skills. By encouragingly touching your child and accompanying this with friendly words, you can achieve positive results from the child. Try to ignore his unwanted behavior.
Remember that hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor upbringing, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics.
Remember that the problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved by willful efforts, authoritarian instructions and verbal persuasion. A child with neurophysiological problems will not be able to cope with them on his own.
Disciplinary measures in the form of constant punishments, shouts, comments, and lectures will not lead to an improvement in the child’s behavior, but rather will worsen it.
Effective results in the correction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are achieved with an optimal combination of medicinal and non-medicinal methods, which include psychological and neuropsychological correction programs.
Rules for working with hyperactive children:
- Work with the child at the beginning of the day, not in the evening.
- Reduce the child's workload.
- Divide work into shorter but more frequent periods. Use physical education minutes.
- Be a dramatic, expressive teacher.
- Reduce the requirements for accuracy at the beginning of work to create a sense of success.
- Place the child next to an adult during classes.
- Use tactile contact (elements of massage, touching, stroking)
- Agree with your child about certain actions in advance.
- Give short, clear and specific instructions.
- Use a flexible system of rewards and punishments.
- Encourage the child immediately, without delaying it for the future.
- Give the child the opportunity to choose.
- Keep calm. No composure - no advantage!

Games with hyperactive children.

"Let's say hello". At the leader’s signal, the children move chaotically around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way. You need to greet in a certain way: 1 clap - shake hands; 2 claps - greet with hangers; 3 claps - greet the backs. To ensure complete tactile sensations, you can introduce a ban on talking during this game.

"Don't say 'Yes' or 'No'." Children sit in a circle. The driver, handing the object to one of the children, asks a question that his friend must answer. The answers should not contain the words “yes”, “no”, “black”, “white”. The trickier the questions, the more interesting the game. The losers give away forfeits. At the end of the game, these “forfeits” are redeemed (children read poetry, sing songs, etc.)

"Shouters, whisperers, silencers" . Make three palm silhouettes from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm - a “chant”, you can run, shout and make a lot of noise; a yellow palm – “whisperer” – means that you can move quietly and whisper; When the signal “silence” is given - a blue palm - children should freeze in place or lie down on the floor and not move. The game should end in silence.

Goal: Teaching the child one of the techniques of self-regulation.
Contents: A naughty child can be asked to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the ball can become larger and larger each time.
The adult tells the child that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl begins to reel it in, he immediately calms down.
When such a game becomes familiar to a child, he himself will definitely ask an adult to give him “magic threads” every time he feels that he is upset, tired or “wound up.”

"Games with sand and water."
Experts believe that playing with sand and water is essential for hyperactive children. These games don't have to be played only in the summer by the lake. You can organize them at home too. Such games calm the child.
At first, adults should help the child organize the game. It is advisable that they select appropriate toys: boats, rags, small items, balls, tubes, etc.
If one of the parents does not want to bring sand into the house (and then clean the apartment), you can replace it with cereal, after placing it in a hot oven.

“An hour of silence and an hour of “maybe.”
Agree with your child that when he is tired or busy with an important task, there will be an hour of silence. He should behave quietly, play calmly, draw. But as a reward for this, sometimes he will have an “okay” hour, when he is allowed to jump, scream, and run. “Hours” can be alternated throughout the day, or they can be arranged on different days. It is better to stipulate in advance which specific actions are allowed and which are prohibited. With this game you can avoid the endless stream of comments that an adult addresses to a child.

To ensure timely help for hyperactive children, experts advise using play therapy - game treatment - for their correction. After all, children at any age primarily love to play.

Types of correction games

Corrective-developmental games for hyperactive children are divided into several types:

  • Games to develop attention.
  • Games to relieve muscle and emotional tension.
  • Games that develop management skills.
  • Games that can strengthen communication skills.

There are 4 types of correctional and educational games for hyperactive children

There are several requirements for them that everyone must comply with:

  1. Parents begin to introduce all games in stages; first they begin to train one function. If the results of the games are visible, then games from the next group are selected further.
  2. Play activities are carried out both individually with the child and with the whole family.
  3. Try to predict the child’s overtiredness; to do this, switch attention to other objects during the task.
  4. A hyperactive child needs control from an adult, so try to introduce rewards and punishment in games in a timely manner.

All play activities develop with the child. At 2-3 years old, a baby can be very active, because during the day he accumulates so much energy that he needs to splash it out somewhere. Here you just need to run and jump.

When conducting classes with a hyperactive child, maintain consistency, restraint and moderation in punishments

What should parents do to properly organize their child’s play activities:

Try to play along with him. If a child dances and sings, then you can turn on the music and say that he is an artist performing for toys. Or if children are running and jumping all over the apartment, then you can play with them, imagining yourself as a hunter and them as hares. The main task of the mother is to direct and organize activities in a timely manner so that they are not aimless. At this age, playing with plasticine, various cereals and water will be useful, of course, under the supervision of an adult.

During independent play, the child’s activities should be organized

Games for preschool children (4-5 years old)

Game "Say one, two, three!" The adult asks the children simple questions, but they can only be answered when they hear the command: “One, two, three - speak!” Questions could be: “Name your pet”; "What is color"; “What kind of toy is this?”

Study games are a very good way to relieve stress.

Game "Snowman". The child pretends to be a snowman - spreads his tense arms to the side, puffs out his cheeks. The adult portrays the sun, which warms and strokes the child. The snowman melts and slowly falls to the floor.

Game "Ball". Children imagine themselves as colorful balloons. An adult depicts a pump, whose movements inflate the balls. Then comes the clapping of hands, the balls burst and slowly fall to the floor.

Various games and exercises for attention “This is unnecessary”; “Find the differences in the picture”; “Touch a color or an object.”

For hyperactive children 4-5 years old, games are good for developing attention and relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Games for children of primary school age (6-7 years old)

Exercise “Magic Ball”. Trains self-regulation. While playing, the child needs to wrap a ball of bright yarn around his hand. Children are told that the ball has extraordinary power, and whoever wraps it around their hand quickly calms down.

Game "Complete the picture." An adult draws any part of the picture on the board. After this, the children take turns coming to the board and completing the part that is missing in the picture. This way you will get a joint picture.

"Bird". Any fluffy and soft object is given to the child and a fairy tale is told. The child’s task is to warm the bird with his warmth and breath.

Game “Scream - Whisper - Silence”. You need to cut out 3 handprints from different colored cardboard: red, yellow and blue. They will represent command-signals. An adult will raise a red palm - you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow - you can move quietly and whisper; blue - children must freeze in place.

Here are a few more interesting games and exercises: “Listen to the clapping”, “Let’s say hello”, “Waves”, “Talking with hands”, “Games at the desks”.

Hyperactive children all love to play with bulk materials, it develops fine motor skills and calms nervous system. Now there are many different sets for playing with sand and water, any of them can be bought in a store or made by yourself at home.

Exercises and games with sand

Playing with sand relieves stress, develops psycho-emotional state, and develops fine motor skills.

Younger children can draw pictures and shapes on the sand, and older children can write the letters of words with a stick or finger.

Drawing in the sand develops perseverance and motor skills

How are sand games played?

At the first stage, children are introduced to the possibilities of sand, that it can be dry, and if you add water, it can be wet. You can rub it between your palms, squeeze it, sift it, make snakes and handprints, or depict animal tracks.

Children really love the game “Secret”; "Find the treasure." The presenter buries toys, shells, pebbles in the sand, and the child, with his eyes closed, touching the object, tries to find out what it is and where it is, without opening his fist, or simply digs it up.

Play tables with sand or water will be very exciting for hyperactive children

Recommendations for play activities for parents or what to do with your baby

If a child runs around the apartment without stopping, screams loudly, jumps on the floor, makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs and does not hear you at all, then catch him, hug him and in a quiet voice offer to play.

You can ask them to remember how a horse, cat, or dog screams. Offer to show your hand, nose, knee. For an older child, ask them to count from 1 to 20.

Play “Freeze and Die,” there are many variations of this game. For example, on the command “morning” the child yawns and stretches, “day” - jumps, runs, “night” - pretends to be asleep.

All children like the game "Robot": there are only two players, the first driver portrays a robot that carries out all the directions and instructions, and the second - the owner - gives them. Agree with your baby that as soon as you press on his nose, he will immediately “turn off.” You can expand on this idea by drawing a remote control (or use an unwanted TV remote). Press the button on the remote control and say: “reducing the volume (turning off the sound, turning on slow motion).” Let the child follow commands.

Attracting a child's attention with the help of a game is very simple and very useful.

Invite your child to imagine that he is a lion on the hunt. At first he sits motionless in ambush, and then jumps and catches someone.

Ask your child to close his eyes and sit still, waiting for a specific signal. For example, when the bell rings for the second time, he must get up and put the toy on the shelf or collect the blocks from the floor.

Suggest the game “Hour of Silence.” During this hour, all family members can speak only in a whisper. You can get a reward for this, because it is very difficult to do, especially for such a child.

Take a napkin (or a piece of wood) and throw it up. Tell your child that while the napkin falls, you need to laugh as loudly as possible. But as soon as it falls, you should immediately shut up. Play together with your child.

It’s better to teach your child when he’s still a baby, so that when you open your arms, he’ll run into your arms (I know, many parents do this). If this hug is pleasant, by 3-5 years the habit will remain. Therefore, spread your arms and, when the child comes running to you, hug him tightly and hold the hug for a few seconds.

Suggest the game "Captain and the Ship". The captain gives commands (“Right”, “Left”, “Straight”), and the ship strictly follows them. For an older child, you can choose a goal (for example, swim to the hallway) and place obstacles in the room (skittles, Stuffed Toys). The child can choose any of the roles.

Block the road or grab a child running around the apartment. To pass (be free), he must answer a question that requires concentration (for example, name a sea animal, count the number of windows in an apartment, or come up with five words starting with the letter “A”).

Ask the baby running around the apartment to carry out your tasks(jump three times, run to the kitchen and back twice, jump off the couch four times). It is important that the active task is combined with the need to keep count of actions. For each completed task, draw a flower or a car in your child’s album.

Invite your child to repeat all your words and actions. Start showing fast, jerky movements or shout loudly. Gradually move to calmer, smoother movements and quiet speech.

In addition to achieving an immediate effect, these games will also help the baby learn to control himself. Do not forget that it is also important for parents to be patient and not lose composure, since the child takes an example from you, feels and reflects your own state.

Involve your hyperactive child as often as possible in various games and exercises

You will learn more about hyperactivity by watching the following video.

How to behave as parents of a child with ADHD, watch the following video by clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.