Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Outdoor games for a group of adults in winter. Fortune telling for the betrothed. Sports activities at a picnic for the whole family

Outdoor games for a group of adults in winter. Fortune telling for the betrothed. Sports activities at a picnic for the whole family

Have you noticed how much strength and energy appears when you get out of the city? The smells of pine needles in the forest, the sound of the sea surf, the hot sun. If you want your trip to be remembered for a long time, think about active, interesting entertainment. Quests diversify your vacation, make it more fun and interesting.

Do not forget that joint activities unite the team more strongly. This is especially true if there are strangers or unfamiliar people among those gathered. They will give you a good mood and a couple of hundred great photos. If the group gets together different ages, it will be fun for both the older generation and children.

Outdoor games for a group of adults: fun, active quests

Discus throw

Frisbee! A round piece of plastic with excellent aerodynamics - cheap, light, compact, fits in travel bag or a suitcase.

There are so many advantages, but the main one has not yet been named - the variety of entertainment that can be played with this simple equipment.

Ultimate is considered a popular, spectacular, dynamic direction. Participants are divided into two teams: attacking and defending. Field required rectangular shape. One half belongs to the first group, the rest to the second.

A member of the attacking team must pass the pass to his player located in the opponents' half of the field. Thus, the team earns a point. If such a pass is impossible, give a pass to any player on your team. You cannot hold the disc in your hands for more than 10-15 seconds, in which case the team loses.

The defending team must shoot down and catch the disc. It is allowed to interfere with a pass, but only one player must do so. You cannot attack a participant with a disk in a group, deliberately provoke physical contact, i.e. push, block. The philosophy of such a competition is: respect for the opponent.

This is one of the options for entertainment with a flying disc. There are guts, freestyle frisbee, flubber guts, and disc golf. Not to mention the fact that you can come up with your own rules and, for example, count points by the number of knocked down cones.

With a ball

If there is a ball, it won't be boring. Standard options entertainment: volleyball, football, basketball. Bouncers, familiar from school times, will amuse and unite vacationers.

Participants are divided into two equal teams. The right to first throw is played out before the start of the competition. A coin toss or traditional “rock, paper, scissors” is tossed. The task is simple: knock out as many opponents as possible. The team with remaining members wins.

Not everyone can play volleyball. If there is no net and the required skills, all you have to do is stand in a circle and toss the ball. Relaxing on sea ​​coast It is recommended to play in water.


Another option for an energetic holiday, especially since the weather often doesn’t mind joining in the fun. The wind will carry the shuttlecock to the neighboring team (why isn’t this a reason for a new acquaintance?), or too strong a blow will send the projectile into the bushy spruce paws, and now you are already climbing trees.

And if you spend time on the coast, complicate the task and hit the ball while standing in the water. Do you see how many options there are? All you need is to take your rackets and shuttlecock with you.

12 notes

The quest, which requires preliminary preparation, is suitable for relaxation during a picnic. The organizer prepares 12 notes, each describing the location of the next note. The goal is to find the hidden prize. If there are few places where there is a possibility of hiding a note, use the “exchange point”. To receive the next clue, the participant must complete the task.

For example:

  • do 30 push-ups;
  • solve the riddle;
  • admit to a ridiculous act;
  • Sing a song;
  • do a team dance.

To increase excitement and involvement, divide participants into two groups. The team that collects 12 notes faster and finds the prize wins the competition.

Twister on the grass

The rules for playing on grass are similar to those for playing at home. Take ready-made gear or spray paint different colors. In a sheet of A4 size, cut out round holes with a diameter of 20 cm. Using the resulting stencil, apply colored paint to the grass. After some time it will dry out. And you can start having fun, familiar entertainment.

Cool games in nature for a group of adults are different, and it is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the known. Make up your own rules, fantasize, enjoy your vacation!

Silent system

Fun with a trick. Participants stand in a row shoulder to shoulder. The leader from behind pats him on the back a number of times. The number of touches determines the serial number. After assigning numbers by whistle, the participants line up in order. It is forbidden to talk or gesture.

The catch is that the organizer is not prohibited from assigning the same numbers to several people.

The fun begins at the moment when the participants, not understanding the setup, moo and wink, try to take their place. It is recommended to film the event with a video camera. It's funnier to watch the resulting video.

Snake and chicken

The fun is suitable for both groups of young people and families with children. To begin with, a snake and a hen are selected, and the rest are assigned the role of chickens, after which the chicks hide behind the laying hen. Then the main characters stand opposite each other.

The snake's goal is to catch as many chickens as possible, and the chicken's goal is to keep it away from them. The chick is considered captured if it is caught with both hands. The round ends in two cases: the hen grabs the snake by the nose or all the chicks are caught.

Buffaloes in the corral

Another great option when your blood is boiling and you have more than enough strength! First, two buffalos are appointed. The rest of the players stand around them, forming a corral. And now the fun begins, because the task of the buffaloes is to get out of the pen.

Naturally, you need to behave like real bulls: don’t use your hands, don’t kick your legs, go for the break! The task of the other players is to form a circle as in a round dance and hold on tightly with their hands. This is a very active and contact fun, be sure to remember safety precautions.

Intellectual entertainment


When physical energy is wasted, but you don’t want to end the holiday, you can switch to calmer entertainment. Classic – “Crocodile”. The rules are simple and clear: one thinks of a word, the other shows it. The players' task is to guess.


Do you want to feel like Sherlock Holmes and solve a complicated case? “Danettes” will allow you to try on the role of detectives without getting up from your blanket in the park. The essence is this: the presenter tells the listeners part strange story with an unusual ending. The players' task is to find out what happened and why.

Important point. The presenter can only answer “yes”, “no” and “irrelevant”. Not easy? But very interesting!

“Danettes” will appeal to both the older generation and children, especially since there are many sets for a wide variety of audiences. You can purchase special cards, or download tasks from the Internet.

A cheerful company got together in nature... What was the reason for the meeting? A birthday, anniversary, alumni meeting, corporate holiday party or just a friendly picnic with friends - in any case, this event should not be boring and ordinary. Having taken care of a treat that will be especially appetizing outdoors, the organizer should not forget about entertainment for the guests.

There are different companies: both reckless youth and respectable colleagues, but any group will not refuse to have fun by participating in competitions or at least watching them. The main thing is to choose and organize these competitions correctly!

We bring to your attention large selection a variety of games and entertainment for adults to enjoy outdoors. Among them there are active ones, calmer ones, those that require brain work, as well as harmless prank competitions. Choose those that are more suitable for your guests; you can combine several different ones. A festive mood is guaranteed to you long before the meeting begins: while you are planning and preparing the props, you will involuntarily begin to tune in to a cheerful mood, and at the end of the holiday, the smiling faces of your friends in the photographs will remind you of your talent as an organizer.

Of course, you need to prepare memorable prizes and souvenirs for the winners.

And now - competitions for every taste!

Various relay races

One of the most common outdoor competitions. There are even more opportunities for them in the fresh air. Relay races can easily be adapted to any “story” if the party is themed, for example, pirate, beach, etc.

You can run in turns for anything and with any tasks and obstacles. Here are a few interesting options, different from the standard type of running in bags or with a ball between the knees.

“I poured it, drank it, ate it.”

On the table for each team is a glass, a full bottle and a sliced ​​lemon. Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, the first must, having reached the table, pour a glass, the second must drink, and the third must have a bite of lemon. The glass doesn't have to contain strong drinks!


You need to cover the distance wearing fins, looking through binoculars turned reverse side. The route will bring a lot of pleasure to the spectators!


For each team, a circle with a diameter of approximately 50 cm is drawn. Participants are blindfolded one by one and stand in the center of the circle. Task: take 8 steps out of the circle and return back. The team counts the steps out loud. The next participant can begin the task only if the previous one managed to return to the circle, and did not miss or stop on the border - in this case, he will have to repeat it! The team with the best eye, whose members completed the task faster than others, wins.


For those who don't know, it's a snake biting its own tail. Participants become a “train”, holding each other by the waist or placing their hand on the shoulder of the person in front. The first participant (the head of the snake) must try to catch the “tail” - the last participant. It's more interesting to play with big amount of people.


This is a type of relay race in which you need to pass one object to another in different in unusual ways. It is important not only that the object reaches the last participant faster, but also that the condition is met correctly and the object does not fall.

Different options for what and how you can transfer:

  • ball under chin;
  • a stick, holding it with your feet;
  • a book in the armpits;
  • a button on the index finger;
  • holding the egg between your backs or foreheads, lower it to the floor without breaking it (it’s better to play on the sand).

Another interesting “program” with a host is the game “Delicious Bagel”. The players stand in a circle, the leader is in the middle. In the hands of the players, hidden behind their backs, there is a bagel, which they pass around in a circle, and when they seize an opportune moment, they bite off a piece of it. The presenter must guess whose hands the bagel is in, or catch the violator “in the act” - while taking a bite.

If he fails to do this before the bagel is eaten, he will be charged a forfeit! Instead of a bagel, you can take a cucumber.

Team games

Participants can be divided into groups according to different signs: for example, captains take turns choosing team members, or boys versus girls. Here the winner will be not one person, but the whole team, so the prize for victory should be intended either for each participant, or be symbolic, for example, a diploma, pennant, ribbons, wreaths of winners, etc.

You can, of course, play any sports game - beach volleyball, football, mini-golf, etc. But comic competitions, and not only sports ones, can be no less interesting!

"Wet feed"

Teams are separated from each other by a line (if there is one, you can use a volleyball or tennis net). You need to prepare balloons in advance with some water poured into them (an odd amount, preferably 5-7). The balls are thrown into the game one by one.

Players must throw them to the opponent’s side, trying to ensure that the serve becomes “wet” not in their half. The game lasts until the last ball, and then the number of puddles is counted. You can play on the beach or just in hot weather. A cheerful squeal is guaranteed in the girls' team!


It is more effective if young men play this game against girls. The guys will be “rhinos”: a “horn” is attached to their forehead - a piece of adhesive plaster pierced with a pushpin. And girls need to tie it around their waist balloon so that it is located in the area of ​​the most piquant place.

The task is clear: the “rhinoceros” must pierce the balls; you cannot catch the girls with your hands. You can limit the location of the game and the time it lasts (for example, by playing music).

"Business Sharks"

A “poverty line” is drawn or marked on the ground with strings - two lines at a distance of approximately 2-2.5 m. “Sharks” will swim in this “river of business”: at first there are only two people in their team, they must hold hands. The task of the remaining participants is to overcome the “poverty line”. But while they are between the lines, the “sharks” can catch them, and then the participant will join them, lengthening the chain of “sharks”.


Each team has 5 people. On the count of “one, two, three,” they must, without agreeing, raise any number of fingers on one hand. And then the rule comes into play: you need to throw out your fingers until each team either has the same number, or different number each player, that is, from 1 to 5. We remind you that you cannot agree out loud! The team that manages to do this first will win.

A competition can unite a company and teach them to understand each other without words. Another variation of this game is to line up in a certain position in 10 seconds (the host counts loudly): by height, by hair color from light to dark, build a triangle, a figure eight, a circle within a circle...


Each team of 3-5 people, led by a captain, is given a melon and a knife. The task of each team is to cope with the treat as quickly as possible. The rules are as follows: the captain cuts and distributes, and he himself has the right to eat only the last slice. Instead of melon there can be a watermelon, a large apple, or a pie.

Karaoke conductor. We need a leader and two teams. Each team chooses a song that they know well. The presenter will conduct: thumbs up - singing out loud, down - silently. The teams begin to sing at the same time, and the leader gives them signals when to sing silently and when to turn on their voice again. Sometimes this may not happen at the same time. The player who fails is eliminated. In the end, the last "singer", the most attentive, will receive the main prize.

Doubles games

Of course, the game does not necessarily involve only two people. This means that competitions are based on the interaction or opposition of two participants. But who these two will be will be revealed during the game!


Couples participate - a guy and a girl. They lock elbows and hands free(one of them has the left one, the other has the right one) they must perform some action, for example, put on mittens, tear the newspaper into small pieces, unwrap 2 candies and treat each other!

“Who is in front of me?”

The host is in the center of the circle of guests, he is blindfolded. The circle begins to move around the leader until he says “stop.” Now he needs to approach the person opposite him and try to find out who is in front of him. You don’t have to introduce any restrictions; this is already quite a difficult task.

But if the company is close, it will be fun to identify a friend or girlfriend... by smell, without touching, or just by hand. If the guess is correct, the person recognized takes the place of the driver. If after 2 versions the friend is not identified, the circle rotates again.

The leader sits on the mat in the middle of the circle, and in the circle there are boys and girls mixed together. Everyone except the presenter is wearing a hat. Each girl tells one of the guys a color in her ear, and he tells her the name of the flower. The presenter announces, for example: “ White Rose! If these words are not assigned to anyone, nothing happens, and the leader tries again. If there is only a "White" guy or a "Rose" girl, then they must put the hat on the leader and take his place. But if both are available, then they should try to put their hat on the leader, and if that doesn’t work, then on the partner.

The one who is left with his hat on or without a hat at all drives. I missed it...


Young people are always happy to fight for the glory of beautiful ladies. The fight will take place on grass, sand or in a shallow pool. Each participant will have a long piece of fabric tucked into the back of their swimming trunks or trousers; each participant will have their own color. The rules are simple: you need to be the first to snatch the opponent’s piece, not allowing him to snatch his own, and victoriously throw the “pennant” up to the delight of the fans.

"Bottle Towns"

Teams of men participate in this competition, and girls will only have to be laughing spectators. First you need to build figures for knocking down from wooden blocks, boxes or empty plastic bottles and give them intriguing names. Each team must have the same number of pieces (one for each participant).

Then an empty bottle is tied on a string to the back of the participants' trouser belt. The length of the rope is about 50 cm; when hanging, the bottle should not reach the ground. Now you need to swing the bottle and knock down all the pieces without using your hands.

Water games

Very often, groups gather on the beach, by the river or near the pool, combining relaxation with swimming. Many games can be played with the expectation that it would be a good idea to take a dip right after!

"The Shell Princess."

This game must be played on sand. All together, rake up a large sandy mountain, on top of which place a large shell or pebble. Then all the participants, sitting around the mountain, begin to slowly rake up the sand in their direction until the “shell princess” slides right into the hands of... the loser.


One of the participants lies down on the sand, and around him the other players place a pebble. Condition: the pebbles should not touch the person lying down. He must get to his feet without hitting a single mine. Of course, friendly advice is welcome!

"T-shirt as a keepsake."

This is not a competition, but rather just fun entertainment. You will need spray paints in cans and white T-shirts - 1 for each participant. Paint a T-shirt as your imagination dictates, give it to one of the guests (and another participant will give it to you), put it on - and run to take pictures. And a wonderful souvenir will remain from the holiday!

"Face painting".

You can use ordinary gouache. Guests in swimsuits are divided into pairs and have a “simultaneous body art session.” After this - a fashion show for each participant, a photo shoot and immediate swimming!

For an intelligent company. It's not just sport that makes fun

Some people prefer not reckless fun, but games that force them to show ingenuity, logical thinking, mental alertness, and also enjoy developing these qualities in joint games. Well, we have something to offer the clever and clever!


Everyone stands in a circle. Each is a letter on the keyboard (any, in order). Clap your hands - press the letter. Everyone clap together twice - space. Punctuation marks are not printed. The presenter, standing in a circle (he will monitor the correctness), comes up with a phrase for printing (a proverb, a line from a song, etc.). He commands who will start the seal (“From Lena, clockwise – let’s start!”).

If someone clapped out of tune, the presenter asks again, “What word are you typing?”, giving them the opportunity to correct themselves. If the “seal” is broken, it will start again, but without the confused player. The most attentive people will be able to finish typing the phrase (sometimes there are only two of them left)…

“We throw balls and words.”

Everyone stands in a circle, passing each other a ball or other object. When giving the ball, everyone says any noun word, and the taker must respond with an appropriate adjective or verb. For example, “Butterfly” – “Bright!” or “It’s flying!” When passing the ball further, you need to say a new word. It seems easy, doesn’t it?

But the leader, standing in a circle, gradually increases the number of balls! So you will have to work with both your hands (passing the balls) and your head (thinking up words) at the same time, and do it quickly! An excellent training in thinking, and also very fun and exciting.

"What's on the back?"

One participant draws the contours of some simple object (house, apple, fish, etc.) on the other’s back with his finger. Depending on what he felt, the participant tries to show this object to other guests without using words, and they must guess what was depicted on the back.

"Ught - encryption."

One of the participants steps aside, and the others take out a card from the envelope, on each of which is written one of the words that makes up a well-known proverb or line from a song. Then the participant finds himself in a circle, where everyone begins to repeat only their word at the same time. In this hubbub, you need to try to make out all the words and put them into the desired line.

Prank games

Most often, the goal of these games is not victory, but a cheerful mood for spectators and participants. The only pity is that they cannot be repeated twice in the same company!


Longer strings are thrown over the bush, to the ends of which boxes with prizes are tied (as it seems at first glance). The presenter announces to the audience that they need to wind their string onto a stick as quickly as possible and get a prize.

The catch is that the guests will wind each other's ropes, only from different ends. And the prizes are tied with completely different ropes, the ends of which are securely hidden.


Several obstacles are placed on the path - a stool, a bowl of water, and a rope is pulled. The participant is asked to go through the maze - first, for training and memorization of the route, with with open eyes, then blindfolded.

Everything is quickly removed from the path, and the participant, under the advice of laughing spectators, overcomes non-existent obstacles.


Men are given a stick, the ends of which are covered with red paint for a length of 5 cm, and a piece sandpaper. The task is to clear the paint from the stick as quickly as possible. The game is especially popular after 5 drinks.

"Strong breathing."

A tennis ball is placed on the stool. Two people are called to participate. The presenter asks them to simultaneously blow on the ball with different sides. In which direction he slides, he loses - breathing must be strong.

After the participants have tried to do this a couple of times, the presenter complicates the task by blindfolding the blowers. While they are gaining more air, the tennis ball is quickly replaced... for example, with a plate of flour!

Some more fun competitions for everyone

These are competitive games in which there is no need to divide into teams: everyone can participate at the same time. In such games there may well be a winner who deserves the main prize. The rest are just having fun!

"Sweet Nothing".

You need to take turns telling your neighbor sweet Nothing. Anyone who could not select an option that has not yet been heard in 5 seconds is eliminated. The most affectionate one gets a prize and a kiss from the loser!

"Prize Ball"

You need to inflate a lot of balloons in advance, and hide a piece of paper with the word “prize” in one of them. The rest can be empty or with water, confetti, etc. Hang the balls all over the site. Guests will pierce them until the prize paper is found.

“To the piggy bank!”

Each player is given a bank - a piggy bank; you can stick identification stickers on them. Several handfuls of small change are scattered on the grass, stumps, and path. Participants must collect it with their bare feet and take it to their “piggy bank” - also, of course, without using their hands. Who will be “richer”? Shows the ending of the game.

Permanent hits

Simple and well-known games, loved by many companies, allowing the holiday to always go off with a bang. Although they are not original, many conservatives prefer them to new ideas. We will just remind you of some of them.

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.”

This game is always popular not only at adult parties. It can be safely included in the game program for open air for children.

Each participant receives a role (pulls it out by lot) and some element of the props. Then the presenter begins to read the text of the fairy tale, and everyone plays the role to the best of their imagination. You can come up with the texts yourself or find them on the Internet, the main thing is that the words-names of the roles in the fairy tale appear as often as possible.

It is especially interesting when there are many participants and the distribution of roles is non-standard. Let them be received not only by the prince and princess, but also by the “horse” on which the prince rode, or the “balcony” on which the princess dreamed.


Show a certain word, song, movie without using speech... What could be more exciting? It is better to play in teams, so that one comes up with a riddle for a player from the other team, and he plays a pantomime in front of “his own”. You can prepare riddles in advance by writing them on cards and pulling them out at random.

You can take a forfeit for losing in any previous competition or simply take one thing from the players. Often, a spun bottle is used to determine who should complete the task. Well, the tasks themselves are available in abundance on the Internet.

You can purchase ready-made “Fantas for Adults” sets on various themes, including frivolous ones, to suit every taste!

“Mafia” is a game for all times, suitable both for indoors and for a picnic.

You can come up with a lot of interesting things when going to an open-air meeting. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to turn it into an ordinary eating of kebab. Let it be fun and extraordinary.

To capture the most interesting moments as a memory, take care of photographs. It is best to invite a photographer - after all, any guest, even if he is a camera maestro, will also want to take part in competitions. Choose, organize and have fun to the fullest!

Have you decided to go to the country? Or just have a picnic with friends, somewhere near the city? Or maybe barbecues are planned for the weekend? To fully relax in nature, take with you not only delicious food and a variety of drinks, but also some fun games for the company!

Ready for a little physical activity?

Worth the company of adults, very cultured and probably drinking people to be in nature, how they immediately want to feel like children again! This includes being active. The patented tool is a fun and, importantly, compact game “Twister”. Spin the disk, see what you get, and strictly follow the instructions. Need to place your right foot on the yellow circle? Place your bet. And the left one - to green? A little dexterity and you will succeed. So what if you have to slightly lie down on another player - this is the most fun moment of the game!

How about throwing some balls?

Are you familiar with the word "Pétanque"? Then your hands are itching to pick up the ball and deftly throw it: so as to be closer to the target or, conversely, to throw the enemy’s ball away from it. Never played? Then take my word for it: “Pétanque” requires accuracy, like bowling, strategic thinking, like billiards, and seriously captivates both children and adults. Don't want to believe? Then try it: a set of 6 balls takes up very little space in the trunk, buy it and take it with you on a picnic!

Take the hit, you won't go wrong!

Any of the games where you need to explain words to your partner can be played easily and with pleasure both at home and outdoors. Moreover, in an open space it’s even better: you can make noise without being embarrassed by your neighbors. Take a closer look at “Activity”, “Elias” and “Crocodile” and “Boom” - any of these games will easily become the highlight of the party.

Civilians fall asleep...

Another great game for outdoor recreation big company- “Mafia”. After all, eight, ten, or even twenty players can play it with equal success. The more, the merrier. In this psychological game civilians during the day they communicate and try to figure out the mafia, and at night they sleep while the awake thugs choose their victims... In addition, the set contains many other interesting roles: for example, a commissioner, a doctor, a maniac, a lawyer and a werewolf. Plastic cards can be safely taken with you anywhere - they are difficult to get wet and almost impossible to tear or wrinkle.

A cheerful company in nature always needs alcohol. card game"Ruff". The small box is easy to throw into a glove compartment or a woman's bag, and if necessary, take it out and have fun playing with it. Essentially, this deck of cards is a set of fun tasks that you need to complete and, if you fail, drink. There’s even a little erotica there: for example, cards like “take your clothes off” and “swap clothes with your neighbor.”

Number of players: any
Optional: bananas
Two teams are participating. One participant from each team moves away at a distance of 5-7 m from the team and holds peeled bananas between their knees. Team members take turns running up to the participant with the “banana” and taking a bite. And so on, one by one, until the banana runs out.
The team with the most banana pieces wins.

Defense is a sport game

Number of players: any
Additionally: mace, ball
A mace is placed in the center of a small circle drawn on the ground or floor. A defender stands near the circle, holding the ball in his hands. The remaining participants in the game, holding hands, surround the defender with a wide ring. Then they lower their hands, one of the players receives the ball from the defender. Those standing in a circle throw the ball among themselves; Having seized an opportune moment, each player can throw the ball at the mace to knock it down. The defender covers the mace with himself and hits the ball in any way, without, however, kicking it.

Long jump - sports game

Number of players: even
Additional: no
The first team member stands on the starting line and performs a standing long jump. After landing, he does not move until the landing location is recorded by the judges (using a line drawn along the toes of the jumper's shoes). The next participant places his feet directly in front of the line, without stepping beyond it, and also makes a jump. Thus, the entire team performs one collective long jump. You must jump carefully and do not fall when landing - otherwise the result of the jump will be canceled.

Balance beam exercises - sports game

Number of players: any
Additionally: log no more than 1 meter long
The participant stands on a log and, moving his legs, rolls it along with him from start to finish and back. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Foot volleyball - floor game

Number of players: any
Extras: rope, balloon
The number of people depends on the size of the room.
Participants are divided into two teams. A rope is stretched across the room at a height of 0.5-1 m. A “field” is determined on both sides of the rope. Players sit (lie down) feet first. A balloon is used instead of a ball.
The rules of the game are the same as in regular volleyball.

Coin-2 - a game for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: newspaper, coin, water
The game is played outdoors in summer. A tube is rolled out of a newspaper and inserted into the front of the players' pants, and a coin is placed on the forehead.
The host explains to the players:
- The game is to get a coin from your forehead into a tube. And depending on which pant leg the coin gets into, the game will develop further.
The players are given several practice attempts (at this time, one of the spectators quietly brings a pan of water).
The presenter announces:
- That's it, the game begins.

Cymbals - a mystery game

Number of players: any
Extras: coins

The participant is blindfolded and seated on a chair. The leader glues two coins onto the big one with wax and forefinger and begins tapping to the right and left of the participant’s head. The participant guesses where there is a sound. It’s easy, but when they knock right in front of your face, it’s very difficult to guess, even if you know the essence of the joke.

Climb under the table - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no
When there is soft grass under your feet, it is a pleasure to crawl on it. All participants sit at the table, strictly put their elbows and do not look down! One reaches under the table and takes off the participants’ shoes, changes them, etc.
Meanwhile, the participants watch each other's stern faces. Whoever laughs first fulfills a wish that was previously thought up by everyone. Here you have room for imagination: approach strangers and offer them to buy kefir at a reduced price (while selflessly jabbering that today is International Kefir Day), climb on the table and shout at the top of your lungs to the Martians to take you home, run throughout the entire recreation center (naturally, in front of unfamiliar vacationers) and yell " They're robbing! Guard!"...


Outdoor fun

If you and your guests love Fresh air, and the weather is conducive to communicating with Mother Nature, feel free to take your friends and colleagues for a picnic outside the city!

Put up cozy tents (what if it does rain?), calculate the amount of meat for kebabs, barbecues for their preparation, vegetables, alcoholic and soft drinks. Be sure to decide in advance what your program will be - entertainment, sports or sports and entertainment.

In the first case, of course, light and sound technical support is necessary. In the second - a separate sports scenario, including team games and competitions and, accordingly, sports equipment.

Think about which sport games will your guests be able and willing to play? And will they even want to? Of course, it is better to discuss these issues with them in advance. It is known that team games unite the collective spirit, provided that the team is disposed to this and enthusiastically accepts your sports ideas.

Those entertainments and pranks that you cannot always use in urban conditions can give you pleasure in nature without the danger of running into an overly zealous and aggressive pensioner who will bring you to court; The number of patrolling policemen in places where wild vacationers are located is also very limited, so nothing will interfere with the flight of your creative hooligan imagination.

So, entertainment that you can easily afford while on vacation outside the city.

Where vacationers visit quite often, already developed places are used for meeting bonfires. As a rule, seats have already been prepared there in the form of logs lying on the ground; the ground in the place where the fire was made is black and covered with old coals and fuel residues. You can easily bury a couple of firecrackers on the fireplace, previously filled with wax to protect them from moisture. When the next campers light the fire again, they will have a few frightening seconds when the firecrackers go off and scare them! Please use only certified firecrackers with low power charge! If, as a result of your playfulness, you cause serious damage to someone, then God will punish you! And the police will punish you even earlier! Don't overuse jokes!

If on a weekend evening you are forced to leave a place you like with the expectation of returning here the next day, then you can try to stake out this place using a simple trick: leave a few rags stained with paint that resembles blood in color at the resting place, hang up the scraps of rags through the surrounding bushes. Leave a piece of an old knife on the ground, which you also stain with the same paint. Leave a couple of torn condoms in place - in short, create the impression that a crime occurred at this place. It is unlikely that people with “ordinary strength” nerves will be able to feel comfortable in such a place... You will have a chance to save this place for relaxation! Cleaning the area will take no more than a couple of minutes!

Attention! Remember that by preserving nature, you are preserving your own future and the future of your children! Do not leave empty bottles, cans or plastic bags at picnic sites! What can be burned, burn it, take the rest to the nearest landfill!

If you are interested in radio electronics, then using radio equipment can give you incomparable pleasure! The simplest generator with an FM modulator can help you drive away a company already located there from a vacation spot (if a VHF receiver is used at the vacation spot). Once you tune in to a radio station that your competitors are listening to, try broadcasting a message about an impending storm or typhoon in that area! If you do everything correctly and competently, then the vacationers frightened by this message will leave this place completely at your disposal quite quickly! Remember that the established permitted power of radio microphones should not exceed 10 milliwatts! Do not interfere with government services on their frequencies! Read not only the Criminal Code, but also the Administrative Code of our country!

If you can get glow in the dark ones chemical compositions, for example, fluorescent paints, then, having painted with almost invisible paint, for example, eyes on a tree near the proposed parking lot, at night you can feel the beauty of this idea when your clients discover in the moonlight that someone’s glowing eyes are watching them from the darkness, especially if you also take care to make them with vertical narrow pupils! Horror films have well prepared our fellow citizens to perceive this kind of influence! As an alternative, you can use previously found pieces of glowing rotten and lay out the planned figure. This will be a completely “environmentally friendly” draw! If there is a good echo in this wonderful place at night, then using a simple megaphone you can long distance create such acoustic effects in the area that it will not seem enough! “Mystical laughter” and howls coming from a great distance, enhanced by the natural reverberation of the place, can cause trembling and panic in many people at night. “Mow” under mermaids, goblin and aukalok! It's quite possible that this will work...

People almost always take their pets with them on nature trips, most often dogs, but some manage to take cats as well. If you have an ultrasonic whistle (they are sold in specialized stores), then you can influence the behavior of pets in such a way that their owners will lose their heads with anxiety and think many times whether they are staying in a “good” place to rest...

A laser spot pointed from a great distance out of the darkness at the genitals of vacationers can make a stunning impression on clients, especially if you pop a firecracker next to you the moment you spot the victim! If you run well, they won’t catch up with you, especially since you will have a big head start! A laser pointers are sold in almost all specialty stores and commercial stands. If you, out of stupidity or sluggishness, are unable to escape in time, then your health may suffer greatly, not to mention the fact that very serious people may well (if they catch up with you) call you to administrative responsibility!

Scenario for a birthday party in nature

The scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a team of 7-20 people, lasting 6-8 hours.

For the event you will need:

Gift for the birthday boy.

Equipment for the forest.

Equipment for barbecue.

Props for competitions.

Musical accompaniment.

Event plan

1. Congratulations.

2. Search for treasure.

3. Kebabs.

4. Forest gift.

5. Games and competitions.

6. Quiz of funny questions.

7. Forest wishes.


The birthday person should be congratulated at the very beginning - in the place where the guests gather for a picnic, so that he feels that this is his holiday. If the gathering takes place at the birthday person’s home, you can give him the most fragile gifts and Greeting Cards. At the same time, there should be one or more gifts that guests will take with them to the picnic and give them there in an original way.


The gift is presented at the picnic site some time after arriving at the clearing. The gift is hiding not far from the clearing. You can bury it in the ground, sand, or hide it right in the clearing in the things or car of one of the guests.

After this, a schematic map of the clearing is drawn indicating the place where the gift is hidden. It is best to draw a map on colored cardboard. The card is cut into approximately 12 pieces. All the pieces, except one, are laid out in the clearing. You don’t have to hide them; you can attach the leaves to tree trunks, to the handle of an ax lying by the fire, to the clothes of guests. One of the pieces is given to the birthday person (for a sample) with the task of collecting the entire card.

When all (or almost all) of the pieces are collected, the birthday person goes to look for a gift. A gift obtained with such difficulty (the organizers must try to make the search for a gift really difficult) will certainly bring joy not only to the birthday person, but also to all spectators of the “treasure search”.

3. BBQ

Normal holiday dish at a picnic - barbecue. However, you can come up with something original (fish or meat baked in coals, turkey roasted on a spit).


While cooking, the organizer of the holiday may announce a competition for the best forest gift for the birthday boy. Gifts can be: a bouquet of flowers; a handful of berries; mushroom; log (as the most needed item at the moment); cone (in memory of the holiday); tree leaf with a congratulatory inscription; a stick with a fork at the end (so that the birthday boy can make a slingshot out of it, which he has dreamed of since childhood); stick-staff (so that the birthday boy can confidently walk through life).

The winner of the competition is determined by the birthday boy.

To prevent guests from getting bored, you can play several games or organize competitions for the title of best guest.

The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes.

Examples of non-standard situations:

What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?

What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?

What to do if your beloved and your best friend Do they celebrate their birthday on the same day?

What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?

What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?

What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?

What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?

What to do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?

What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?

What to do the day after your birthday?


The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - the “non-laughing princesses” - sit on chairs and look as serious or sad as possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns or all together to make the “non-laughers” laugh. Every “non-laugher” who smiles joins the team of mixers. If within a certain period of time it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the team of “non-laughers” is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles. To make the “non-laughers” laugh, players can show pantomimes, tell jokes, make faces, but they are not allowed to touch the “non-laughers”.

Balloon battle

Each player has a balloon tied to their ankle. After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce other players’ balloons and protect their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. Last Man, remaining in the game is declared the winner. The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.


For entertainment you can spend fun quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions receives a prize.

Sample questions

When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign)

What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)

The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)

In which month does chatty Mashenka talk the least? (February is the shortest)

When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter "O")

What is yours, but others use it more than you? (Name)

In which year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

What rocks are not in the sea? (Dry)

What disease has no one on earth ever had? (Nautical)

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons)

Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)


Guests, especially those who sneered at the birthday boy’s attempts to find a gift, can be invited to find wishes for themselves. It’s better to do this when it starts to get dark. Wishes must be written on small pieces of paper and hung on trees and bushes in the forest, not far from the clearing. Wishes should be humorous, you can also write humorous advice.

Examples of inscriptions

Look for a friend... and don’t get lost in the forest.

Don't eat a lot of meat. Signature: hungry guest.

Put on your hat.

Don't forget to give a gift.

Enjoy life.

Remember only the good things, like today.

And you will have a birthday... Wait for your holiday.

Walk around this tree three times clockwise and make a wish. It will definitely come true.

If the participants of the holiday have a tape recorder or a guitar, you can arrange dancing in the dark by the light of a fire. In the absence of music, invite them to listen to the rustling sounds of the night, the singing of cicadas and the sound of the wind. To this extraordinary music, with a certain amount of imagination and Have a good mood You can even dance.

Star Fiesta

(Game program)

Presenter: Buenos tardes! Byembanida! Ke tal? That is, how do you feel? Let me introduce you. My name is Lucia. I direct the famous Spanish posca-cush frog troupe “Los sapos guapos”. Isn't it a piquant name? We are rich and very famous, si, si, we are very famous, mucho rich, we are original and unique! But that's in the past. Our troupe has become pretty worn out this winter. Some froze in the ice, some were eaten by a stork, some went on a trip with the ducks, not counting those who went to work as laboratory assistants, and some went to France to work as a delicacy worker. And here is the result - I was left alone. But talent alone, and I’m so talented, you can’t go far. A real star needs unusual costumes, bright scenery, fireworks, stars from heaven, felicita, bravo, belissimo, and much more. And therefore I announce recruitment to my troupe “Los sapos guapos”. On a competitive basis, the following are required (takes out a poster): cook, dresser, cashier, decorator, bodyguard. So, recruitment begins - after all, there are many specialists among you.

Presenter: It is very important for an artist to have a beautiful figure, but who should take care of this? My personal chef. I invite four candidates: two seniors with two assistants. Do you like to eat delicious food? Do you cook? Wear your work uniform. The gentlemen wear trousers, and the cooks wear caps. And now let's see: which of the seniors will become the most well-fed in just 30 seconds. The cooks have to feed them, that is, carry these balls of food in trousers until they are filled to the top.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: Stop. You did great. Now let’s count which of you is the most well-fed. Yes, the cooks did a great job, we welcome the well-fed signor and his assistant. Receive prizes, chef business cards and go to your place.

Presenter: For the performance we need bright costumes, but the costume designers can do real miracles. And now four of you will do this. After all, we will soon go on tour and begin the test with the most important part of the costume - the hat. So, you have to create an outfit for your partner from the material at hand for the stage.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: Congratulations on successful work. Receive business cards and prizes!

Presenter: Who would like to try themselves in the role of treasurer? Feel free to come forward with two candidates for the position of treasurer. My treasurer must be very clever, resourceful, sometimes even cunning and a very good accountant. Imagine that today everyone paid for our performance with whatever they can. You must very quickly collect the fee, calculate the revenue, comment on the cost of each item. The winner will be determined by the audience.

(The game is going on.)

Presenter: So, the luckiest treasurer receives the main prize and a business card, much applause.

Presenter: Our show is a complete celebration and pleasure. And our show really needs decorators who are able to create an amazing environment out of the most ordinary things. And I invite two people who are ready to become decorators in our troupe. So, your task is to create an environment in just 5 minutes paradise in this clearing, decorate these trees. You are ready? So, quickly get to work. Dear viewers, who completed the task faster and better?

(The winner is determined by applause.)

Congratulations to the winner.

Presenter: And our troupe also needs a bodyguard. In our time, alarming and dangerous, it is very important that the troupe is reliably protected, and the bodyguard must have a steady hand, a keen eye, and he must own any type of weapon. So, I ask the two most courageous and determined contenders to take the stage. Imagine that you are surrounded by mafia groups. Now I will give you combat helmets, put them on. And with this weapon you must hit as many criminals as possible. Yours are in green uniforms, and yours are in blue. Don't get confused. You are ready? The battle begins.

(A game is being played. Props for the game: helmets - caps with peaks-needles and criminals - Balloons two iretes suspended on a rope.)

Presenter: You did great in the test. All hail the winning bodyguard. Get prizes Business Cards, applause.

Presenter: So, the troupe has been replenished, I conclude a contract with those who received business cards, and from the business cards you will find out the terms of the employment agreement and the salary according to the staffing table. Wait for the call. Well, it seems that’s all, I’m tired, how difficult it is, I’m so tired. And now I propose to drink to the success of our troupe “Los sapos guapos”. For your happiness to be in full swing. Felicita, in short!