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» Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise. oak flowers

Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise. oak flowers

To properly transplant an oak tree, you need to take into account factors such as the place where the oak tree grows, age, season, and assess the root system. And also where you want to transplant oak.

Let's take a look at how oak develops on initial stage. Growing from an acorn, at the beginning it develops taproot oak, sprouting several tens of centimeters, and only then the growth of the stem begins. Therefore, the older your oak, the higher the probability of damaging its root system during transplantation.

It is best to transplant oak at the age of 1.2-5 years, until its root system has grown widely.

If the oak is wild, growing in open areas, then already at the age of one year its roots can reach a length of a meter or more. It is very difficult to transplant such oaks without damaging the root system. Therefore, I recommend the following ways to transplant an oak tree:

  • grow an oak tree yourself from an acorn at home. You can read in the article "". And then transplant it to the planned place;
  • digging and transplanting a wild oak, given its age of 1-2 years, can be higher, for example, up to 5 years, but then you can’t do without damage to the roots. When digging, take a distance from the trunk of 50 cm and above;
  • buy oak in the nursery;

Now let's figure out where to transplant the oak.

Rational, it will be transplanted oak into a place with a perspective. By perspective I mean a place where he will be comfortable throughout his long life, that is, a spacious place. For example, if you transplant an oak near the house, then it is better to do it at a distance of 20-40 meters from the house. Why? Because this is the approximate height of an adult oak tree. This is a safe distance in case the oak branches break off when strong winds, storm weather conditions or other circumstances that are unlikely to happen. And the tree itself will feel better, the roots of which can afford to grow.

Another reason to transplant oak at a distance from home

So, transplanting an oak next to your house is at a distance of 20-40 meters, for its safety and comfort for the tree.

Where else can an oak tree be transplanted?

  • to local city parks. Usually parks only "FOR!" such proposals, tested on own experience. At the same time, you contribute to the greening of the city and fall positive example others. For maximum efficiency, take a few pictures of your event and share it around social networks so that as many people as possible see your work!
  • fields. Great idea with scattering or transplanting oaks on no-man's fields. In the form of alleys or in its arbitrary form. Imagine how beautiful it will be!
  • suggest to one of your friends;
  • Housing and communal services or UK. They willingly respond to such proposals, and they will also say to You: “Thank you, come to us again!” (checked on personal experience);
  • sanatoriums, health camps;

When is the best time of year to transplant an oak tree?

  • from the nursery, the best time to transplant it will be autumn. About one month before frost. Or in the spring, before the sap flow starts;
  • wild seedlings from the forest can be dug up and transplanted in the spring, until about the middle of the month of May. They perfectly take root in a new place, despite the fact that the leaves may already bloom. Don't let that scare you;
  • if the seedling is home, then it is also worth replanting it either in autumn or in early spring;
  • try to replant the oak in a new place with a part old earth in which he grew up, this will allow the tree to take root better;
  • when transplanting, it is important to choose the right place so that the soil is fertile and acidic;
  • oaks the plant is not capricious, it tolerates drought well. However, at a relatively young age of 1 to 2 years, it would be better to protect him from sun rays otherwise the oak may burn. You can cover with something or put something that will create a shadow.
  • by the middle of summer, an infection can affect the oak, called powdery mildew. How to eliminate the infection is written in the article "

Oaks are perhaps one of the most beloved and common flowers that are grown in flower beds and on garden plots. They are simply mesmerizing with their colorful colors and variety. Oak trees are often called Chinese chrysanthemum, since China is the birthplace of this plant. After some time, oak flowers began to be grown in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all types of oak trees have very delicate and bright flowers. This perennial shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to cover it for the winter. The Chinese have been doing this for years.

Growing and planting oak trees is a simple matter, because these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons why gardeners choose them to decorate their garden.

That's the whole care for oak trees, which will not be difficult even for beginner growers.

How to propagate oak trees yourself?

Reproduction of oak trees occurs with the help of seeds. For cultivation to be successful, you need to know some rules in this process. Planting seeds should be carried out one year after they are collected, since it is these seeds that have almost 100% germination. planting material, sown a month after collection, may practically not sprout. The germination rate of such seeds is no more than 10%. Planted seeds should be watered periodically and shaded from the sun at noon. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, they should be cared for in the same way as for adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oak trees is carried out using cuttings. The cutting process is carried out in the spring. Young, well-ripened shoots are cut about 15 cm long, then lowered into the Kornevin growth stimulator and planted in the ground. Further care behind the shoots is regular and moderate watering of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplantation can also be divided and propagated. It's pretty successful cultivation oak trees according to the method of dividing the bush. The bush is divided into two parts and planted separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two wildly and brightly flowering plants from one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oak trees can be affected by pests and diseases. The most common enemy of this plant is aphids. Feeding on the juice of the stems and leaves of oak trees, the insect thereby slows down their growth and development. In addition, aphids infect flower buds. Ticks, snails, thrips, leafworms and caterpillars - they all love to feast on juicy oak leaves. Also, flowers can be affected by gray mold, ring spot, rust and verticile wilt.

Since most varieties of oak trees do not tolerate wintering well and may die, it is recommended to cover them for the winter. Chamomile oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frost. But hybrid species are best transplanted into a greenhouse as soon as the cold comes. If oak trees are properly cared for, they will delight with their beauty for many years.

You can find out more information about how oak trees are grown, planted, and what kind of care they need by watching the video.

This photo shows a close-up of a Korean chrysanthemum flower in early summer. At the beginning of flowering, the chrysanthemum has a small flower, but closer to the middle of summer, the size of the flower will be larger, and the flowers themselves on a small chrysanthemum bush will be more than a hundred.

The perennial plant chrysanthemum has many varieties. On this page you see a photo of Korean chrysanthemum (oak) of two types. The upper part shows a photo of a pink chrysanthemum, the lower part shows a yellow one.

If you buy a chrysanthemum seedling from our plant and seed nursery, we will include recommendations for planting it outdoors in the package. In addition, you can read the detailed article: tips for growing and caring for Korean chrysanthemum. In the "Descriptions" section, there are recommendations for planting any plants that you choose to send by mail.

This photo shows an oak chrysanthemum at the beginning of flowering. Even without flowers, chrysanthemum bushes look very decorative. Especially when the freshness of green leaves is emphasized by rare rose buds.

The Korean chrysanthemum is sometimes called "oak" or "oak" because of the shape of its leaves, which are shaped like oak leaves. With this feature, it is easy to distinguish this type of chrysanthemum from others.

In our nursery you can buy a seedling of Korean winter-hardy chrysanthemum with ZKS, that is, its root is in the ground, in a pot. This allows for a long time to transport such a plant and with a high degree of survival when transplanting it into open ground.

Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubki) yellow

Chrysanthemum Korean oak has many varieties, varieties. This photo shows one such example. This variety of chrysanthemum oak has the same flower, the same leaves and the height of the bushes, only the flower petals of a different color.
Its delicate yellow hue looks very attractive all summer and even retains its fresh look until mid-autumn.

This is how pretty a chrysanthemum bush looks at the beginning of flowering, at the beginning of summer. Judging by the number of buds, there will be a lot of flowers on this chrysanthemum bush, but you need to wait a bit, at least two weeks.

Abundant flowering of chrysanthemum of this variety begins in mid-summer. Unlike the first variety of chrysanthemum, this variety has larger size flower, which noticeably distinguishes it from the previous variety.

Sometimes the oak chrysanthemum is called a terry chrysanthemum, and in fact its petals are like velvet, especially closer to autumn. This photo was taken already in September and this effect is clearly visible.

This is what chrysanthemum flowers look like in early October. Despite the fact that some petals have already begun to fade, and the stems bend down, the flower still looks quite attractive.
You can even say that the flowers have become even more beautiful, instead of yellow shades, appeared red, coinciding with colors setting sun.

it last photo done at the end of the season. Many flowers have withered long ago, and their stems are cut and covered for the winter. And cut off the chrysanthemum until the hand rises.
The branches of the plant have already fallen to the ground, and the flowers of the chrysanthemum are still stretching towards the sun, retaining their freshness and attractiveness.
This photo was taken at the end of October.

Brief description of the plant:

Chrysanthemum Korean (oaks) - unpretentious, resistant to frost and high temperatures variety of chrysanthemums up to 80 cm high.
Blooms profusely from late July to November.
Small crimson flowers Pink colour, up to 4 cm in diameter.
Long familiar to gardeners unpretentious perennial that does not require any attention.
Planted in flower beds with other perennials.

How to buy Korean chrysanthemum seedlings

Buy one the Korean Chrysanthemum plant can be purchased for 250 rubles.
The minimum order amount can be 1500 rubles, but the cost of delivery by mail (or PEK) in this case is paid by you.
Delivery by post is free if the cost of plants (set) is 3000 rubles.
The maximum weight of one parcel is no more than 5 kg.
The parcel is sent by Russian Post 1st class or transport company PEC.

Other plants:

Any varieties of chamomile, as well as chrysanthemums, are indispensable in any garden. They bloom for a long time, are winter-hardy, their cultivation is simple and they can perfectly act as a tapeworm or in compositions with other tall flowers.

Gaillardia requires certain conditions when planting. Here you will find recommendations for planting, growing and caring for Gaillardia.

Ratibida "Sombrero" - perennial flowering plant up to 70 cm high, originally from North America. We send the seedling of this plant by mail, with a closed root system.

Iris bearded hybrid - powerful perennial, not afraid of waterlogging, drought or frost. Will grow in any corner of the garden - even in the sun, even in partial shade. The most unpretentious and very beautiful plant your garden.

The fern, which has the additional name "Ostrich" is a shade-tolerant perennial plant. Ideal for decorating your garden along paths or fences.

A plant of such beauty as Echinacea purpurea is rarely found in our latitudes. Therefore, every gardener should grow such flowers.

Oak trees are wonderful flowers for any garden. If you provide them with proper care, then during the flowering period, oak trees will simply fascinate with their beauty. They are also called Chinese chrysanthemums, and quite rightly, because it was from there that this wonderful flower, along with Buddhism, migrated to Japan, and only then to us. The Japanese call this flower kotengiku (kotenjiku), which means "ancient chrysanthemum". Wonderful oak garden flowers symbolize longevity, but the flower itself is quite delicate. Although they tolerate the winter climate of our latitudes relatively well, it is better to transplant them into greenhouses for the winter. The Chinese have been doing this for centuries.

Oak flowers - cultivation

Garden oaks are unpretentious flowers for planting and growing on suburban area. Gardeners will like them very much for a number of reasons.

Regardless of the variety of oak trees, these flowers are completely unpretentious to the composition of the land where they are planted. This flower likes when the soil has good drainage and good lighting in the place where they are planted. Fertilizers that are most suitable for these flowers are among the cheapest. It can be litter, mullein infusion, biohumus.

With the timely introduction of nitrogen as a bait during the formation of inflorescences, the stems and leaves are much stronger and an order of magnitude larger than in the case when the bait was not used.

The only period when oak trees require the attention of a gardener is the period of bush growth. At this time it is necessary to cut off lower leaves. By this procedure, you will also protect the flower from diseases, because it is through the lower leaves that the flower most often becomes infected with diseases. After the end of flowering, the flower is cut off, only small stumps no more than 15 centimeters high are left.

Reproduction of oak trees

In order to know how to plant oak flowers from seeds for the next year, it is important to follow some rules. If you plant fresh seeds that were collected just a month ago, then their germination will disappoint you. This figure, unfortunately, will not exceed 10%. The seeds that were collected a year and a half ago will not germinate well (95%). The thing is that only by this time everything inside the seeds is completed. chemical processes. In addition, oak trees are planted by cuttings. best time in order to cut and plant new plants - spring. At this time, young shoots no longer than 15 centimeters long are cut off, and after treatment with the Kornevin preparation, they are planted. If your oak flowers need repotting, then there is another great way to propagate them - dividing the bush. In this case, the bush is divided in half, and part of it is planted. This procedure is of exceptional benefit, because as a result you get rejuvenated bushes, the flowering of which will be more violent and bright.

Diseases and pests

Aphids cause the greatest damage to oak trees. It feeds on the juice of this plant, thereby slowing down its growth. In addition, aphids also spoil the buds. This flower is not averse to enjoy , mites, caterpillars, thrips and snails. Most often, oaks are prone to rust, gray rot, ring spot, and verticile wilt.


Unfortunately, not all varieties of oak trees withstand wintering on open field. Most of them die in severe frosts, so we recommend transplanting them into a greenhouse for winter period. Chamomile-shaped oaks are the most resistant to cold weather. Hybrid varieties are especially demanding on heat; it is advisable to transplant them into a greenhouse with the first cold weather. With proper care, this wonderful flower will delight its owners for many years.

If you want to be happy, grow chrysanthemums. So they say in the Land of the Rising Sun. Beautiful and sad autumn flowers can also please at other times of the year if you try to grow them. Caring for them is an art worthy of a whole study.

Once the Greeks called this flower "golden" ("χρῡσανθής"). Probably, it was a very long time ago, because today the plant has about one and a half hundred species and up to two thousand varieties of all imaginable and unimaginable colors. The chrysanthemum came to us from the East, China and Japan compete for the right to be called its homeland.

In both countries, this flower is considered a national treasure; special days festivals are held. In Japan, the chrysanthemum is generally considered a symbol of imperial power. The practice of presenting the highest award - the Order of the Chrysanthemum - also exists in Japan.

Chrysanthemum is a perennial ornamental crop. It is a semi-shrub with a height of 20 to 80 centimeters, depending on the variety. The flower invariably evokes a landscape, but you can see it at flower growers and sellers at any time of the year: they have long learned to grow chrysanthemums in a pot.

Of course, they need special care. First of all, it should be borne in mind that this is a flower short day. Receiving light for more than ten hours during the day, the plant will not bloom or will produce single flowers. And therefore, deciding to plant this spoiled one in a pot, one must be able to provide her with a favorable lighting regime. And temperature regime should be no higher than 17-18 degrees for a chrysanthemum in a pot.

Leaf care - protection from dust, spraying - is very important. They are even more sensitive to changes in conditions than flowers. If something is not to the liking of the plant, the lower leaves begin to wilt and fall off - a familiar sight to growers. street varieties chrysanthemums "oaks". For small-flowered varieties, it is enough to pinch the tops to get a dense bush. And if you need large flowers, they can be grown only with a single stem method.

Watering also has its own characteristics. These flowers remain true to their whims: they cannot stand either dryness or waterlogging of the soil or air - these are chrysanthemums! In a pot, caring for them is much more troublesome than in natural conditions. In the open air, for example, they more easily tolerate elevated temperatures, even the sun. They can more easily survive the rain that floods the roots, and then the dryness of the soil. Naturally, within reasonable limits.

Indoors - in a room or a greenhouse - of course, is different from keeping them in open flower garden. If only because on the street root system persists, winters and gives new flowers year after year, while in room conditions they are grown as annuals.

And this is from ignorance. Chrysanthemums after flowering can be cut off at the root and put in a dark, cool place - for the winter. In the spring, take it out into the light, start watering - and wait for a new flowering.

But what many probably do not know about is that the chrysanthemum - medicinal plant. Not only is the very presence of these flowers indoors, admiring them, inhaling a fresh tart aroma can give a complete feeling of happiness and peace - tea from their petals has a tonic effect, improves mood, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and is also recommended for colds. as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

And after that, how not to love chrysanthemums - autumn flowers?