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» Icon of the Holy Trinity. Icon of all saints, photos and their meaning

Icon of the Holy Trinity. Icon of all saints, photos and their meaning

For everyone who sees the icon of all saints for the first time, it makes a great impression. The significance of this kind of universal image for offering prayers is extremely great, for here the entire Army of the Lord is represented, about which in the “Revelation of John the Theologian” (Apocalypse) it is said that when all the saints (both canonized by the church and those whose feats in the name of faith remained unknown) will worship the Lamb of God (the symbol of Jesus Christ), then the seventh seal will be opened, and the Last Judgment will come.

Most believers are well familiar with the individual icons of all the saints, to each of which we offer prayers, but here you can pray to all of them at once. Moreover, the icon depicts the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, as well as the Mother of God, archangels, biblical patriarchs, holy passion-bearers and teachers of the church. Each of them is the patron of the person who bears his name, so the prayer to the icon of all the saints will be simultaneously addressed to the Lord, to the Mother of God, and to one’s own heavenly patron.

From the history of the icon of all saints

In Orthodoxy, a special holiday has been established - All Saints' Day, which is celebrated a week after Trinity, and the holiday of Trinity, as is known, is associated with the establishment of the Church. All Saints' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost and serves as a kind of milestone, the completion of the annual liturgical cycle, when the period of chants of the Colored Triodion ends, and the period of Octoechos begins instead.

All Saints Day is also the day of celebration of the icon of all saints

The earliest known icon on this topic dates back to the 10th century. According to the Apostle Paul, the Church of God honors all who have been granted the gift of the Holy Spirit by their life or death for the glory of the Lord. This means that we need to glorify not only the saints we know, but also the unknown ascetics and passion-bearers who remained faithful to Christ even in the face of death.

Christians have revered saints since the earliest period of the spread of Christ's Teachings: apostles, martyrs for the faith, saints, ascetics, rulers who contributed to its establishment.

There is evidence that the Feast of All Saints was celebrated already at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th centuries

Apparently, this is connected with the sermon of John Chrysostom in memory of “all the saints who suffered throughout the world.” It is characteristic that the day of celebration was also established by this sermon.

Over the long centuries of Christianity, the number of saints has constantly grown; it also grew in Rus', where its Orthodox saints appeared. Therefore, in the middle of the 16th century, the celebration of the Council of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land, was established, timed to coincide with the second week after Pentecost. During the synodal period it was forgotten and restored only in 1918, when the period of persecution of the church began. Since 1946, it has been solemnly celebrated again, as is the icon dedicated to the saints of the Russian Land.

How does the icon of all saints help?

Every Orthodox family has icons of saints along with images of the Savior and the Mother of God. They often exist in places where they have not yet arrived. Orthodox faith, but “just in case” they keep icons of saints as their heavenly intercessors. People pray in front of such icons in difficult life situations, turning their prayers to the Lord through them.

Imagine what power the icon of all saints must have!

But before you make your requests, begin your prayer with glorification, because here are collected images of all the martyrs who suffered for the Faith of Christ, but did not renounce it

Prayer to the icon of all saints helps strengthen faith, gain perseverance in the face of enemies and during periods of difficult life trials.

If you do not have an icon of the saint whose name you bear, you can turn to him in front of the icon of all saints, since he is among them, tell him your needs for healing, family problems associated with the birth and raising of children.

All Saints' Day is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost

Prayer to the icon

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the angels with a thrice-holy voice in heaven, praised on earth by man in His saints, giving grace to each by Your Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining to the Church of Your Holy Ones apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, whose word of preaching, to You who acts all in all, has been accomplished in many ways, saints in every generation and generation, having pleased You with various benefactors, and to You, having left us the image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in He himself was tempted, and he helped us those who were attacked. All these saints and (the name of the saint) remembering and praising their godly lives, I praise You Samago, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, life, love, faith, long-suffering, and their prayerful help, and moreover Your all-effective grace, the heavenly ones with them were honored with glory, praising the Most Holy your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

    I came across the expression “a real icon” on the Internet. I would like to clarify what this means. I see the following signs:

    • canonicity (I would like to clarify in more detail what this means)
    • dispassion (not expressing the personal sins and passions of the icon painter through the icon)
    • Is it possible to technically meet some criteria?
    I would like to hear the opinion of experts.
  1. Mikhail, this is what the whole portal is about) Opinions differ. After some time, I will prepare an answer to your questions in accordance with my vision. It won't happen quickly. The questions are serious. And the answers must be appropriate.
    And someone can answer in their own way.

    It is clear that there are different opinions. And it’s clear that this is what the whole portal is about. But there is a main thing on which the majority agrees and a secondary thing that is important only for specialists. For example, everyone agrees that Rublev’s Trinity is an icon. And the sticks of Mary of Egypt, folded in a cross? Is the pious picture of a penitent prisoner an icon or not? And what about my child’s drawing, which depicts Seraphim of Sarov? What is important for an icon - the technique of execution, the skill of the icon painter, his holiness?

    In my opinion, the key word to achieve a genuine icon is Holiness.

    Firstly, only Holiness provides the most important thing for an artist - vision.

    A vision of what is not seen only with the eyes, but what needs to be conveyed in the icon about the world, about God, about the saints, about man. It gives a real, primary vision, and not reflected in words or the iconic image of others (probably this is where we now draw our inspiration from).

    After all, the life of a saint (although this definition is quite loose (in terms of degrees)) is life in unity with the Source of Life, and Beauty in the universe - with God. That is, all the deeds of such a person are filled with light, permeated with Divine energy, which always remains in all deeds, words, even things, the bearer of Truth.

    It seems to me that this is what first of all shocks you when you approach the icons of, for example, A. Rublev, and other unknown icon painters of antiquity.

    If we take the talent and skill of the artist (to which all teaching of icon painting now comes down), which are absolutely necessary for conveying the above, the same Source is invaluable and important, in addition to human hard work. That is, the entire process of formation occurs under the direct guidance of the Spirit - a meeting with a teacher (master), work, development of ability... (in the lives of the Saints there are miraculous increases in the ability to learn, for example, St. Sergius of Radonezh, right. John Krondsht) .

    Christ says that each person, among other things, is also, as it were, a vessel, a temple in which he can dwell (and dwells): both God and the unclean spirit.

    The ancient icon painters believed (I think they knew) that in every action, especially in icon painting, a person is assisted by the spirit. The result of the work will depend on what the spirit is. The bar for spiritual and moral state and prayer has been set before icon painters by the Church, which is always quite high, I think, and largely determines the depth of the icon.

    Of course highest level, and a few reached the peaks, and left Revelations to their descendants. But it is important to understand that this is a “ladder” in which there are many steps, and it is important, at least, to step on it, that is, to begin to live a real spiritual life, let everyone - to their own extent. It depends on the person, and this is the most important matter for the icon painter. This is the direction that lays the seed. How it sprouts and whether it will grow depends on many things.

    The degree or step of the “ladder” often depends on many circumstances, but it will nevertheless be genuine, and if this degree is genuine, i.e. If it is not beautiful, then the icon will also be genuine.

This icon is very strong. She helps in various, often very complex matters. It is advisable to have an icon of All Saints, photos and their meaning in every home in order to read various prayers in front of it. But, if it is not possible to purchase a large and high-quality icon, . This is where the saints depicted on the icon help.

Who and when to pray

There is a . He is considered the most important above all angels, so you need to pray to him if you want your own guardian angel to become stronger and stronger. Also, Archangel Michael is the guardian of paradise, not allowing anyone into it who could harm human soul. It is believed that on the Last Judgment he will be one of God's main assistants, dividing people into good and fallen. Therefore, those who want to go to heaven should pray to him. It is believed that Archangel Michael helps to overcome the passions that prevent the soul from getting to heaven, be it drunkenness, drug addiction, or the destructive passion of a woman for a man who takes advantage of her.

Also on the icon of All Saints is. This saint helps with various female diseases, promotes happy family life. Her days are celebrated on November 22 and May 2. During her lifetime, she possessed a prophetic gift and could predict events without physical vision. People turn to her in prayers to shed light on some life situation, to get married successfully, as well as for the well-being of children. Saint Matrona helps with illnesses and solving various everyday issues.

Also on the icon there is the face of the venerable John the Baptist. This saint is considered one of the most powerful, as he baptized Jesus Christ himself. He is the patron of the water element, helps with mental and physical ailments, and cures drunkenness and passions. Its day is celebrated on July 7th. It is also called the day of John Kupala. It is believed that after this holiday the opening begins swimming season. They pray to John the Baptist in difficult situations, mental illness and for deliverance from drunkenness or drug addiction, and various emotional experiences.

Patron of peasants and Agriculture, as well as a protector from wars and various conflicts, is considered a saint. It is customary to pray to him against the invasion of enemies, for good harvest, and also for good luck when traveling overland. The days of celebrating the memory of this saint are September 12 and December 6. You can pray to him in various difficult situations related to agriculture and military service.

If you suffer from overeating, drinking and cannot get rid of greed and... various forms material dependence, it is worth praying to the holy martyr Boniface. His day is January 1st, just after the New Year. This saint helps many in getting rid of the sin of drunkenness, as well as overeating, gluttony, dependence on material goods and greed, and gambling.

If you look at the icon of All Saints, in the photo and their meaning, then you can find the saint there Anastasia the Pattern Maker, which is prayed against the danger of imprisonment or for those who are currently there. The church celebrates her memory on January 4. During her life, she helped Christians who were imprisoned, for which she herself was brutally executed. However, she is considered the patroness of people who are facing trial, prison and who are sitting there, even for just sins.

If you need victory in an exam, in court, in various circumstances, you should turn to the icon St. George the Victorious. His face is also on the icon of All Saints. George defeated a dangerous adder, which terrified various people. The name of this saint is very famous. It is believed that it helps in various unfavorable circumstances, illnesses, victories not only in the race for survival, but also over one’s own passions and vices. The church celebrates his memory on November 23 and April 6. The saint promotes victories in various areas of life. Soldiers prayed to him both before being sent to hot spots and ordinary people before exams, court proceedings and in many other situations.

If you want peace in the family, good relations without quarrels and scandals, it is best to pray Guria, Samon And Avawu. These martyrs are depicted in the icon and they help in various difficult situations. Their memorial day falls on November 28th. They are believed to help with various everyday needs, and also contribute to family well-being in the house.

Considered one of the most revered Russian saints. His holiday is usually celebrated on June 14 and January 2. During his life, he helped in various problems, had the gift of foresight, saw the future and received many letters, to which he gave advice and answers that would help each recipient in life. Therefore they pray to him various ailments, illnesses in the family. The saint also helps in solving everyday issues, he can tell you which one to take correct solution. You can pray to him on any issue, and he always helps, even if not right away.

In case of love failures, when adultery and various troubles occur on the personal front, it is worth turning to the image Ksenia of Petersburg, whose memorial days fall on February 6 and June 6. She helps in various matters that relate to family life, children's well-being and much more. It also helps to get rid of alcoholism, drug addiction and love addiction.

He is considered one of the most beloved saints among the people. His memorial days fall on December 19 and May 6. There is Nikolai Veshny and Winter. The prototype of the American Santa Claus was this saint, who is equally revered by both the Orthodox and catholic church. Travelers, those who serve in the army, are at sea, on an airplane, as well as during various everyday difficulties, financial failures and debts, should pray to Nicholas. It is believed that this saint gives people joy and helps everyone who sincerely asks him in various matters and endeavors.

Also depicted on the icon of All Saints is the feast day of which the church celebrates on July 18. This saint helps children in learning and adults in acquiring life knowledge, worldly wisdom, as well as in various issues. They pray to him in legal proceedings, also in family conflicts, situations where someone behaves very arrogantly and proudly.

August 9 begins to celebrate the day Panteleimon the Healer– it helps against various diseases, contributes to the acquisition of physical and mental health. His face is also on the icon of All Saints.

August 2 – Memorial Day Elijah the Prophet. It helps against floods natural Disasters And various troubles related to water. However, on this day it is no longer advisable to swim, as there is a danger of catching a cold. Elijah the Prophet also helps in solving difficult life situations, conflicts and quarrels, and also if it is difficult to find a way out.

The icon also contains images Seraphim of Sarov, Martyr Varvara, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky who helps in solving financial issues and business. The day of celebration of Seraphim of Sarov falls on August 1. It helps in solving many life issues and healing diseases. Barbara's Day is celebrated on December 17, and the Feast of Spyridon is celebrated on December 25. These days it is customary to pray to him to attract financial luck and make the right decision.

Well, the day of the icon of All Saints is celebrated on July 12. On this day, a person with any baptismal name can ask for anything in front of the icon. True, there are restrictions on this too.

What not to pray for

The icon of All Saints, photos and their meaning help in various matters - from an unpleasant everyday situation to the cure of a serious illness. However, remember that you should not make a request that is contrary to Christian laws and principles. For example, beat off someone else's husband, remove a person from a position, break up a couple, wish someone harm. All this harms the human soul and can lead you to trouble. Also, the icon may not help if he is destined to go through some kind of crisis. Or so that he will eventually take the bright path.

Last update:
27.March.2018, 16:33

Saints are people who have acquired special grace, cleansed from sin. When canonization occurs, that is, the glorification of a saint by the entire church, his image is necessarily painted.

The icons depict: forefathers, prophets, martyrs, saints, saints, blessed ones (fools), the righteous, the silverless, the faithful, etc.

People please God in different ways: the Heavenly Father endows everyone with talents in due measure and accepts labors from everyone for His glory, therefore the Church glorifies the saints of God in different faces.

Holy forefathers

The first righteous people in human history. On icons they are depicted with scrolls containing texts from the Holy Scriptures; the forefather Noah is sometimes depicted with the ark in his hands.

Holy prophets

Prophets include holy people who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, predicted future events and especially the appearance of the promised Messiah. In the iconography of the prophets there is always an image of a halo as a symbol of holiness and special chosenness of God; on their heads there are prophetic caps or a crown, sometimes they are also depicted with their heads uncovered. The scrolls in the hands contain excerpts from the texts of their prophecies. They are dressed in a chiton and himation, on the shoulders of some there is a mantle - a sheepskin cape

Prophets include holy people who received from God the gift of insight into the future, who proclaimed to the world the ways of His Providence; at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they predicted future events, especially about the promised Savior.
The most revered prophets: Elijah (August 2), John the Baptist (July 7, September 11). There are well-known prophetesses, for example righteous Anna(February 16).
In the iconography of the prophets there is always an image of a halo as a symbol of holiness and special chosenness of God; on their heads there are prophetic caps (for example, the prophet Daniel) or a crown, like the kings David and Solomon; Prophets are also depicted with their heads uncovered; the scrolls in their hands contain excerpts from the texts of their prophecies.

Holy Apostles

The righteous harbingers of the word of God, sent by Jesus Christ Himself to all the ends of the earth. They are traditionally depicted holding scrolls or a book in the form of a codex, with halos around their heads; the clothing of the apostles is a tunic and himation. The Apostle Peter is depicted with a bunch of keys. Four icons of the holy evangelists are always placed on the Royal Doors.

Apostles (in Greek - messengers) are disciples of Christ who accompanied Him during public service, and subsequently sent by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to all ends of the earth, spreading faith throughout the world. The apostles Peter and Paul (July 12) are called supreme.

Traditionally, the holy apostles are depicted with scrolls or a book in the form of a codex, with halos around their heads; the clothing of the apostles - tunic and himation.

On icons, the Chief Apostle Peter is usually depicted with a bunch of keys, which means a set of church Sacraments, which are symbolic keys to the Kingdom of Heaven: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it; and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:18-19).

Four icons of the holy evangelists are always placed on Royal Doors. The evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke are depicted while working on the Gospels, sitting indoors behind open books, and the holy evangelist John is among the mountains on the island of Patmos, where, according to Tradition, he dictated the inspired text to his disciple Prochorus.

Equal to the Apostles

Saints, especially famous for converting peoples to the Christian faith and who lived in the times following the first apostles. Differences may be in the depiction of clothing that is characteristic of their time and people. They are also depicted with a cross in their hands - a symbol of baptism and salvation from eternal death.


Saints are patriarchs, metropolitans, archbishops and bishops who achieved holiness through the purity of their personal lives and became famous for their tireless care for their flock and for preserving Orthodoxy from heresies and schisms. Among their great host, the most revered saints among the Russian people are: Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19 and May 22), Ecumenical teachers Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom (common memory February 12); Moscow saints Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip, Job, Ermogen and Tikhon (common memory October 18).

Only bishops can be counted among the saints, since they, leading the community, receive the gift of teaching and continue the continuity of apostolic succession through the ordination of new bishops.

On the icons the saints are depicted in their liturgical episcopal vestments. On their head they may have a miter - a special headdress decorated with small icons and precious stones, symbolizing the Savior’s crown of thorns (but more often the saints are depicted with their heads uncovered); they are dressed in sakkos - outerwear, signifying the scarlet robe of the Savior; on the shoulders there is an omophorion - a long ribbon-shaped cloth, decorated with crosses, which is an obligatory part of the bishop’s vestment. The omophorion symbolizes the lost sheep that the gospel good shepherd carries home on his shoulders.

Miracle Workers

(literally: one who performs miracles, Greek θαυματουργός) - an epithet of saints, especially famous for the gift of miracles and intercession in response to prayer to them.

Among miracle workers, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is especially revered. Miracle workers are not a special category of saints, since in principle all saints have the gift of working miracles, and witnessed miracles are the main condition for canonization.

Holy Martyrs

Holy martyrs are saints glorified by the Church for their martyrdom accepted for the faith. The martyrs up to the new martyrs of our time are continuers of the apostolic ministry, and therefore there is a cross on their icons. Their iconography actively uses the color red as a symbol of shed blood for the faith.

Hieromartyrs accepted death in holy orders, and venerable martyrs- in monastic vows.


Confessors The Church refers to those who suffered a lot for Christ, openly professing their faith, endured persecution, torment and torture for this, but survived, avoiding martyrdom. Since the 6th century, confessors have been called saints who have attested to the Christian faith through the special righteousness of their lives.


Stylite (Greek στυλίτης, lat. stylita) - a Christian saint from among the saints who chose special kind feat - continuous prayer on a “pillar” (an open elevated platform, stone, tower, etc.)


Unmercenary (Greek ἀνάργυροι) - the face of saints in Orthodox Church, especially famous for their unselfishness, non-covetousness, renunciation of wealth, generosity for the sake of their Christian faith. The idea of ​​the virtue of unmercenary inherent holiness is based on the unmercenary nature of Jesus Christ. Those without money had the gift of healing and used it free of charge, healing illnesses both physical and mental. Such doctors were, for example, Saints Cosmas and Damian (July 14), the great martyr and healer Panteleimon (August 9), etc.

Blessed (foolish)

Fools for Christ's sake, taking on the guise of madness, enduring reproaches from those around them, exposed human vices, admonished those in power, and consoled the suffering. Among them are St. Basil the Blessed (Aug. 2), Xenia of Petersburg (February 6) and other saints.

External madness, combined with the gift of foresight, behavior that goes against the generally accepted, but allows, regardless of their faces, to expose sinners and call for salvation through awareness of one’s own imperfection and repentance - these are the main features of the feat of foolishness.

The blessed ones are depicted on the icons in the form in which they accomplished their feat: naked or with a light bandage around their loins, in shabby clothes, with chains on their shoulders.

Holy saints

Being family people and living in the world, the righteous saints were awarded holiness for a particularly pious and pleasing way of life to God.

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