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» Interesting facts and useful tips. Microsoft Windows: history of creation and interesting facts Interesting facts of windows 7

Interesting facts and useful tips. Microsoft Windows: history of creation and interesting facts Interesting facts of windows 7

Time is rapidly moving forward, and the Windows 7 operating system is still very popular; today this system has occupied more than half of the market modern systems. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the most interesting features Windows 7.

1. Using the function for adjusting ClearType text, you can achieve an improved, high-quality image of the text on your computer monitor, and this function also has built-in font adjustment. To open the tool with which you can configure ClearType, you need to press start, and enter “cleartype” into the search engine, then press enter on your keyboard. Next, you need to do everything as indicated by the ClearType configuration system.

2. In Windows 7, after opening the “Start” button, the items are shortcuts, which means that when you open the “Control Panel” link, the window of the same name opens. There is a way to do this in another way that is convenient for you. You need to press the “start” key with the mouse, press the settings key in the settings system, then find the “control panel”, select the method - display everything as a menu, then the control panel utilities are shown in the “start” system, this speeds up access to them.

3. By pressing and holding the Shift button on the keyboard on the desktop, you need to click the button on the right side of the mouse on the file and in the context menu, functions that complement it will appear.

4. When you click the button on the right side of the mouse on an enabled program in the task system, while simultaneously pressing the Shift button and holding it in this position, you can open the menu that was used in earlier versions of Windows, and not the one that is used in the Windows operating system 7.

6. Using Windows 7, it is possible to change the name of all several files at once. Carrying out this action, select the necessary files, by pressing the F2 button we set the name of the first file document, after which all selected files will have the same name, as well as a serial number.

7. For persons using Windows system 7 and which work with two monitors, it is possible to use the desired keyboard connection: Windows key, plus Shift key, plus left arrow key and Windows key, plus Shift key, plus right arrow key, thanks to such combinations it is possible to move from one to another monitor .

8. The Windows 7 operating system has resources for setting different volumes for various programs. For example, Opera works, in which open window with any type of animated Flash player that has sound, plus the Media Player window is open, by clicking on the speakers button in the system and the mixer link, you can adjust the sound or overall sound volume from the window.

9. If you decide to go somewhere for a few minutes, but don’t want to turn off your computer, or you decide to instantly limit viewing of your actions on the monitor, use the Win-L combination, and using this connection, the desktop on your monitor will be blocked .

10. Place shortcuts to the programs you most often use in the task system. From this moment on, all the necessary programs for work can be quickly launched.

Carefully: using Windows 10 may not be safe for your privacy!
Researchers armed themselves with network monitors, debugging tools and other professional tools and looked inside the new OS to understand what exactly “Windows” was stealing from the user’s computer.

1. All printed text

It doesn't matter what application you use. Keystrokes are intercepted at level operating system, the data is collected in packets and sent once every 30 minutes to Microsoft servers.
Formal explanation from Microsoft: needed to improve the performance of the predictive input system (faster text typing).

2. Geolocation data

And names Wi-Fi networks nearby. They accumulate and are transmitted every 30 minutes. Allows you to track the user’s physical movements with an accuracy of several meters.
Microsoft's explanation: The data is needed to search engine Bing so it can provide more relevant answers.
What this means for the user: Microsoft knows your home address. If you have mobile device with Windows 10, Microsoft knows every place you go.

3. Record from a microphone

The microphone in Windows 10 is always on. At first it was suggested that this was necessary for the operation of the Cortana service (voice assistant), but a little later it became known that disabling Cortana does not solve the problem. User voice recordings can accumulate, some of them are sent to Microsoft servers.

4. Telemetry

A fantastic feature in its potential unsafety, which is not even hidden by the developer company. Telemetry is the transmission of data to Microsoft about the state of your computer and your activity. Literally everything is collected: which programs are installed, which ones are running, the amount of occupied memory, application logs, fragments random access memory and so on.
Considering that anything can be in RAM - from data for official use to credit card numbers - such transfer to other people's servers is a potential vulnerability.

5. Fight against piracy

Windows 10 looks at the names of user files and checks them against a constantly updated list of pirated new products. If matches are found, user directory listings are sent to Microsoft. In fact, the computer denounces its own owner.
Let us remind you that data on the anti-piracy activity of Windows 10 has been known for a long time. But it was assumed that the emphasis would be on combating counterfeit games. It is now becoming clear that the main goal is to deprive users of the ability to download pirated copies of American films and TV series from torrents.

6. Portrait for memory

Some users have noticed that after the first activation of Windows 10, the webcam turns on for a short period. Research confirms this - 35 MB of data is transferred to Microsoft immediately after activating and turning on the built-in camera. Presumably, the data is tied to the user's Microsoft account.

Behind last years Microsoft has constantly tried to please its users with new versions of the most popular operating system. Users really liked 7th Windows version, but very soon the 8th appeared, then 8.1, and just recently Windows 10 was released.

According to the developers, this will be the latest version of the well-known operating system, after which there will only be updates to some programs. But perhaps we should not rush into such statements, because nothing is perfect, and this version may also need further updates. We will try to figure this out now.

Pros of Windows 10

The developers have worked hard on this operating system, so you need to start with its advantages.

So, what will Windows 10 bring you?

  1. Free and discreet update. After Microsoft realized that it was useless to fight piracy, they decided to make their latest product completely free, if, of course, earlier versions were already available.
  2. Significant increase in performance. Many users note the fact that after switching to Windows 10 from such controversial versions as 8 and 8.1, their software started working significantly faster. This is especially noticeable in modern games, which consume a lot of resources.
  3. Enhanced protection. Almost all Windows operating systems have problems with viruses, but in latest version security has been significantly improved. Moreover, the system receives information about new malicious agents through the cloud and thus constantly updates its level of protection.
  4. Saving settings to different devices. Since we remember the increasingly popular cloud, with its help the new version is able to remember the user’s settings on one device, and then resume them on another. Therefore, when moving from an office computer to a home PC, any work can be continued comfortably.

Under the control of the system

Despite the fact that there are many advantages, there will always be some shortcomings that will not allow you to safely use the system.

Windows 10 collects almost all information about the user and sends it to its database. Thus, the following become known:

In fact, one system accumulates almost all the information about a person that can be collected. The legislation of many countries provides for the possibility of using this information, if necessary, and the user becomes quite vulnerable.

There is also a possibility that attackers could break your Microsoft account password and gain access to everything at the same time.

If you want to know more facts about Windows 10, we advise you to watch the following video:

There are many more interesting details that cannot be ignored by the next update of the famous operating system. You may like some things, but on the contrary, upset others:

  • the return of the good old Start button;
  • DirectX 12, which can use all cores in the processor simultaneously, as well as a video card with motherboard together with the main one, but does not always work with all games;
  • instead of the old one Internet Explorer new Edge browser;
  • some programs from the Windows 10 package have become paid, a trend that may not please everyone;
  • removing ads is no longer so easy.

Therefore, every user still needs to think carefully about whether it is worth updating to this version. If you do not foresee any problems with the use of personal data, then update without hesitation.


Isn't it great to learn about a new shortcut in town or discover a cool feature on a new gadget? Windows 7 is full of unexpected features. Let's take a look at a few small but amazing improvements to Windows 7 that you might not know about.

1. Complex math calculations

The Calculator has several new dynamic features. To view them, click View. The unit conversion feature converts degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, kilometers to miles, meters to feet, grams to ounces, joules to BTUs, and many other units of measurement. With new calculation sheets, you can quickly perform everyday calculations like fuel economy and car rental payments. Programming and statistical modes allow you to handle the most complex tasks.

2. Sending information to the service technical support

Next time you need to describe it to a friend or technical support specialist complex problem computer, try using the Action Recorder to reproduce the problem. You can record a series of screenshots, add notes, and email them directly to your assistant.

3. Moving the taskbar

Did you know that the taskbar can be moved to the top, right or left of the screen?
The taskbar usually appears at the bottom edge of the desktop, but you can move it to the top or sides of the desktop. Before you can move the taskbar, you need to unpin it.

Click an empty area of ​​the taskbar and, while holding down the mouse button, drag the taskbar to one of the four borders of the desktop. By installing the taskbar in Right place, release the mouse button.

4. Clock setting

Do your friends, family and colleagues live in different time zones around the world?
Add a clock to your taskbar to track the time in its region. You can also add a Clock gadget to your desktop to track the time in their region. You can also add a Clock gadget to your desktop. In addition, you can choose one of eight various options clock design. Learn more about adding and personalizing gadgets.

5. Create and share topics

Do you like variety? In Windows 7, you can design, save and quickly change computer themes (desktop background, window border color, sounds and screensaver). You can also create new themes, such as using your favorite photos as your desktop background, and easily share them with friends and family.

6. Drag and Drop Files from Jump Lists

The Jump List feature provides a list quick access to frequently used or recent open files. Simply hover your mouse over the right arrow next to Programs in the Start menu, or left-click a program in the taskbar. Jump lists let you open files and programs with just a few clicks. You can also drag items from Jump Lists into open folders or emails.

7. Preview files

Another great time-saver is the file view panel in a folder or library. With its help, you can view the contents of files without opening them in the program. You can open the view pane in a window by pressing the keyboard shortcut ALT+P. This area will display thumbnails of photos, PDFs, and other items when you click on them. Learn more about using files and folders, including the preview pane.

8. Reduce Eye Strain with ClearType

ClearType is a software tool that improves the readability of text on an LCD screen. If the text seems fuzzy, use ClearType. During the vision test, you will need to view multiple screens to achieve the clearest text display.

9. Easy customization of notes

Now sticky notes on your desktop can be made even more convenient. You can format text and change its color and size, collapse and scroll through multiple notes. If you have Tablet PC or touch screen, you can use multiple input methods (pen and touch) on a single note.

10. Introducing the new version of Paint

This classic program is enhanced in Windows 7 with new brush effects such as watercolor, pencil, and calligraphy. Now in Paint you will see a convenient ribbon for everyone useful functions which are used most often. And on the touch screen you can draw with your fingers, including creating individual strokes with two fingers simultaneously.

11. Quickly search data on your computer

Windows Search is the most quick way Find and open the files you need on your computer, including documents, email messages, music, photos, and other files. To use Windows Search, click the Start button, enter one or more keywords in the search field, and view search results that appear almost instantly.

Isn't it great to learn about a new shortcut in town or discover a cool feature on a new gadget? Windows 7 is full of unexpected features. Let's take a look at a few small but amazing improvements to Windows 7 that you might not know about.

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Every computer user remembers the beloved Windows XP OS, which was the perfect example of what a real operating system should be. Convenient, intuitive, fast, not overloaded with unnecessary and completely unnecessary functions. Unfortunately, today Microsoft has stopped supporting this version of the OS, since three more versions have already been released after it, but XP still has an impressive army of fans - this is an indisputable fact. As well as the fact that this operating system will go down in history as one of the best.

Using XP

You may be surprised, but today there are 500 million copies of this OS in active use - and these are only official licensed copies. There are likely even more pirated versions.

Just like XP

Those users who had to upgrade the system to the eighth version, or who have already bought a device with a pre-installed OS, are now actively looking for ways to make this operating system look as similar as possible to XP. To do this, you can even download a special program from the Internet.


Many government agencies, such as the IRS, still use Windows XP - in most cases this is due to the incompatibility of the software used with other versions, but it is also a sign of the reliability of this OS.


Everyone knows the original Windows XP screensaver, which depicts hills. This photograph sold for over a million dollars and is considered the second most valuable photograph in history.


PC users may well have changed their operating system, but most ATMs still use Windows XP.


Windows XP is an incredibly old operating system. You won't believe it, but it was released back in 2001.

Protection errors

Despite the fact that Windows XP is one of the most beloved operating systems, it has very serious security holes. If you use this OS, the likelihood of being hacked increases by about six times compared to modern systems.

IE Versions

The popular Internet Explorer browser of more modern versions simply will not run on XP - this operating system only supports IE 8 and lower.


Today, support and sales of Windows XP have been discontinued, but people continue to actively download and install pirated versions of this operating system.

CON folder or file

It's quite strange, but in Windows XP you cannot create a folder or file called CON - such a file already exists on the system, it is extremely important, and it cannot be accessed.

Upgrade speed

Many companies that are still using Windows XP report that they are not upgrading to new version not because of the cost, but because of the time it would take to migrate all the software to the new operating system.

XP is experience

Windows XP is one of the last systems to use letters rather than a serial number to designate versions. And behind the letters XP stands English word eXPerience, which translates as “experience”.

End of support

As mentioned earlier, support and sales of this OS have ended, and this was announced in 2014, that is, quite recently - Windows XP lived for 13 long years.


If you wish, you can decorate folders and replace icons with other pictures - this is a useless, but extremely nice feature.


Use TweakUI - this tool was designed specifically to personalize your version of the operating system.

Two versions

If you have two hard drives, then you can install two versions of the operating system at the same time - there are detailed instructions on the Internet step by step instructions, how to do it.

Limited cart

In this operating system, the “Trash” is limited in size - it can only hold 10% of the volume hard drive on which the system is installed.

Beta version

The beta version of the operating system, which was supposed to replace Windows 98, had Windows name Whistler - in honor ski resort in British Columbia, where many of Microsoft's top employees went on vacation.

Falling sales

XP support ended in 2014, but sales of the OS fell significantly and did not pick up again in 2008.

Number of security breaches

The number of problems with privacy protection of this operating system was accurately calculated - the total number exceeded seventy.