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» What does compost consist of? How to make high-quality compost at your dacha? rules for compost

What does compost consist of? How to make high-quality compost at your dacha? rules for compost

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are those, such as the Ramiro pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most vegetables on supermarket shelves are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their variety, then the name of this pepper “Ramiro” will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth letting other gardeners know about it. In connection with which this article was written.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, and heavy dew falls in the mornings. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a completely special microclimate in the ground layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if you haven’t introduced yourself to each other, get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms that look like coral.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub– karyopteris, or Nutwing. He is also “wing-hazel”, “blue fog” and “blue beard”. It truly fully combines unpretentiousness and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from bell pepper with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onion, tomatoes, eggplants. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite the simple names (“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight healthy looking greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves, any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care quickly appear. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

Zucchini fritters with Parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos of available products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes can be easily turned into a non-boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients to the dough. During the squash season, pamper your family with vegetable pancakes with wild mushrooms; it is not only very tasty, but also filling. Zucchini is a universal vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets. delicious recipes- compotes and jam are made from zucchini.

The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is scary at first, until you become imbued with the naturalness of the process: in nature, this is exactly how everything happens. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, and fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created over centuries. In addition, it requires a lot of labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not get sick and at the same time looks like a lawn... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the labor intensity of caring for it. I suggest you consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onions and sweet peppers - thick, aromatic, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and is thick because this recipe contains pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened in the sun in the garden beds. Bright, red tomatoes will make equally bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made dressing for spaghetti, and you can also simply spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often observed a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the bleached tops of shoots “burn.” This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And lightening of foliage does not always mean a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack during chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell you in the article.

Korean vegetables for the winter - delicious Korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy because it is prepared with Korean carrot seasoning. Be sure to prepare several jars for the winter, cold winter This healthy and flavorful snack will come in handy. You can use overripe cucumbers for the recipe; it is better to harvest vegetables in late summer or early autumn, when they are ripe in the open ground under the sun.

Autumn for me means dahlias. Mine begin to bloom as early as June, and all summer the neighbors peek at me over the fence, reminding them that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by the fall. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. This means it’s time to start preparing the plants for the long, cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees - large trees with a spreading crown, and you can’t grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. A distinctive feature of the dish is that the eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

Soil fertility is important parameter. It will determine how quickly and well the plants grow on plot of land. Therefore, owners of suburban areas pay special attention to the fertility of the soil. This property of the earth can be improved with the help of fertilizers. Today there is a wide range of such products on the market. But compost, which you can make at the dacha with your own hands, is especially popular.

Compost is an indispensable component fertile soil, which can be done at the dacha with minimal cash costs. It is mainly made from waste. With the help of such fertilizer, you can replenish the plants’ needs for certain nutrients, as well as improve soil structure. Therefore, the application of fertilizer is an important undertaking.

Preparing high-quality fertilizer at the dacha yourself

Some rules for making compost

Composting, like aeration, is a rather important and responsible process that must be approached very carefully. Many people think that such fertilizer is just a heap in the corner of the plot where you can throw anything you want. It's very easy and quick to do. But in order for it to be useful and safe for plants, you must follow some rules.

First of all, you should pay attention to what kind of waste you need to make fertilizer from. summer cottage with your own hands. So, for composting they use:

  • hay, straw and grass clippings;
  • weeds and green parts of a healthy plant;
  • sawdust, remains of wood and branches;
  • high-quality fertilizer is obtained from food waste of plant origin;
  • special composting accelerators;
  • coal and ash;
  • eggshells and others.

Composting is carried out on separately allocated land. Many people use the compost heap for other purposes, throwing various garbage there. This is absolutely impossible to do. If you want to get high-quality compost, then you need to know what waste you should discard:

  • from animal waste, which leads to rotting and persistent unpleasant odor;
  • feces of people and some animals, which may contain worm eggs;
  • bones, stones and other substances that do not decompose during the composting process;
  • plants that have been damaged by various viral and other diseases;
  • chemicals and disinfectants.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


As already mentioned, fertilizer needs to be made on specially separated land. For this purpose, a special compartment or hole in the ground can be constructed. If you choose the right place and set up a composting site, then the waste will not emit an unpleasant odor.

How to make a composter

To make high-quality fertilizer with your own hands, you need the right approach to arrangement compost heap. It is quite simple to carry out such a structure. The main thing here is to strictly follow some rules and recommendations of professionals:

  • Choose a place on your garden soil where you will make a compost heap. Often, a composting site is set up in a remote corner away from a residential building. The location should be in the shade to prevent the components from heating up.
    Level the area and fence it with boards, slate sheets and shields. A cushion is poured onto the bottom, which consists of sand, gravel and fairly large wood debris. Thanks to it, water will easily drain from the compost heap. You also need to put a layer ready-made fertilizer, which contains bacteria that ferment waste.
  • Before adding fertilizer components, they should be crushed. So, grass or straw can be chopped garden shovel, cut or break branches with your hands. The size of the components directly affects the ripening period of the fertilizer. If a large amount of sawdust and coniferous wood is used for composting, then you need to additionally apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizer. This is due to the fact that conifers wood reduce the concentration of potassium, which negatively affects the properties of natural fertilizer.
  • The components must be placed in several layers, the thickness of which does not exceed 15 cm. The best option would be to alternate food waste with wood. The amount of plant components should not exceed a third of the total volume. This is due to the fact that the remains of vegetation are difficult to ferment and rot. If a large number of plants and grass are used for composting, then they are first dried in the sun. This will significantly speed up the fermentation of the components.
  • Manure or droppings are placed between the layers of components. Also for this purpose, liquid fertilizer or composting accelerator is used, which can be found in specialized stores. For composting, it is best to use horse or cow manure. As for the litter, then the best option will become chicken feces. Before using such components, it is worth considering that they are concentrated fertilizers. This means that their number should not exceed 10% of the entire compost heap.
  • The compost heap must be laid in the form of a pyramid or cone. This arrangement of components increases the stability of the heap and improves air exchange in it. Boards, stems or straw are laid on top of it. Many people use plastic film as a cover. But in reality it is not advisable to do this. The film prevents air from entering the heap, which leads to a clayey odor.

Compliance with all these rules will allow you to create high-quality fertilizer with your own hands on your country land. It should be taken into account that the compost maturation period directly depends on the components used. So, in some cases, fertilizer can be obtained within a week after the start of composting.

Compost fermentation

Creating fertilizer at the dacha with your own hands, as well as aerating the site, is a very responsible process. Before you begin, you need to know how to place the components correctly. The maturation of the fertilizer will depend on this and other factors.

Maturation may continue for several months or years. It all depends on the size of the components, as well as the fermentation mode. Therefore, if you want to quickly prepare fertilizer, you need to use as few components as possible.
An important role in the fermentation of waste is played by temperature regime inside the heap. So, in order to make fertilizer in the country, it is necessary to raise the temperature to 60 degrees.

Thanks to this temperature, the components begin to decompose faster under the influence of certain bacteria. Also, this temperature regime prevents the germination of weed seeds and also kills insects.

When composting waste, you should seriously think about not only the temperature regime, but also the balance of air and moisture inside the heap. You can achieve optimal results thanks to simple advice from professionals:

  • If the weather outside is hot and dry, then the pile must be thoroughly moistened with water. It must go through all layers. It is best to carry out the wetting procedure using a hose, since this will require a fairly large amount of water. Watering is carried out in the morning, when the heap has not yet had time to warm up under the sun.
  • Before watering, a composting accelerator is added to the water. Also, water infused with fresh manure is used for this.
  • The pile is periodically shoveled, which speeds up the fermentation process. Thus, the top layers are transferred to the middle, which improves their processing. Shoveling also allows you to supply the pile with the necessary amount of air.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, the pile is insulated, which allows you to maintain the temperature regime inside it. This prolongs the period of active fermentation. Here the pyramid is covered with peat and covered with fresh straw or leaves.

Compost has quite wide application. It is used only when it acquires a homogeneous structure. Ripening is determined by smell. The fertilizer smells like rotten leaves and damp earth. At the same time, it should be free of fungus and mold. It is often used when planting trees and bushes in the country. It fits directly into the planting hole. Also, do not forget about such a concept as aeration, which plays an important role in soil fertility.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • unreasonable and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Oleg Gazmanov, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Attention, TODAY only!

One of the most common and affordable fertilizers for gardening is compost is a substrate obtained from organic waste and tops of cultivated plants. In fact, it is free, but preparing it will require time and effort.

Anyone can make compost with their own hands, because any household produces a lot of organic waste, and in any garden you can always collect a large amount of tops and weeds that will be recycled. Rational owners recycle all this through composting, obtaining natural organic fertilizer, rich in elements necessary for the quality development of plants.

The process of turning grass and household waste into useful fertilizer can be divided into three stages:

Decomposition. At this stage, the source material is actively heated inside the heap, gradually changing its structure and becoming enriched useful substances. Ultimately, the transformation leads to the appearance of various beneficial microorganisms in the compost, including fungi, as well as earthworms– the most important accelerator for processing organic residues into fertilizer.

Humus formation. At this stage, good aeration of the pile is very important, since without access to the required amount of oxygen, microorganisms die. For forced aeration, the compost can be mixed manually, using a fork or shovel.

Mineralization. At this stage, nitrogenous compounds are decomposed to bacterial protoplasm and nitrogen, and humic substances are converted into mineral forms. This is the final phase of waste composting. The mineralization of the entire volume of the substrate reaches maximum values ​​after 10-12 months of aging the pile under favorable conditions.

What is compost made from?

diagram and composition of a typical compost heap

There are a lot of recipes for making this fertilizer. There are both completely natural substrates and those with the addition of mineral fertilizers (agrochemicals), which compensate for the lack of various chemical elements. After all, organic waste contains nitrogen in large quantities, and potassium and phosphorus occupy only a small fraction of the total composition. To prepare proper compost, it is necessary that their quantities be balanced in the right proportions. Depending on the source material, the amount and composition of additives varies significantly. This has given rise to many compost recipes, and below are the most popular and effective ones.


This type of compost is very easy to make and quite effective when used. It consists of simple and affordable components. Its only disadvantage can be considered a long ripening period (1-2 years). So, it includes:

Green mass (branches, tops, algae) – first layer (20 cm);

Cow manure – second layer (10 cm);

Ground limestone (or dolomite flour) – third layer (0.5 cm).

The layers are alternated until the pile reaches a height of 1.5 m.


This compost is one of those whose composition is additionally enriched with chemicals. IN in this case superphosphate, which saturates the substrate with phosphorite compounds throughout the entire ripening period. Phosphorus also helps preserve nitrogen in the fertilizer, since it binds non-volatile forms of nitrogen from ammonium carbonate and free ammonia from manure, preventing their transformation into volatile ammonia, which removes nitrogen from the substrate. Making compost according to this recipe is not difficult.

The components are installed in the following order:

Garden soil - first layer (10 cm);

Manure mixed with simple superphosphate in a ratio (100:2) - second layer (10 cm).

This substrate belongs to fast composts, as it ripens in 2-3 months, and if you lay it in the spring, in the first warm days (when the night frosts stop), then at the end of June you can already feed potatoes with it and mulch tree trunk circles raspberries


Weeds without seeds – 100 kg;

Dried peat – 400 kg;

Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4) – 350 g;

Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) – 50-70 g;

Potassium phosphorus - 50 g.

When using this composting method, first of all, it is necessary to saturate the peat with mineral fertilizers, thoroughly mixing all the components. After this, a “layer cake” from organic matter is prepared as follows: a thin layer of garden soil is laid on a flat surface, on which 40 cm of peat is poured. A layer of finely chopped branches (no longer than 5-7 cm), grass and tops is laid on it. The layers should be thoroughly compacted so that part of the green mass is immersed in the peat cushion, then the composting process will go faster.

Fertilizer based on this component contains a large amount of nitrogen, which makes it an excellent pre-sowing premix. Also, peat manure compost perfectly restores the structure of the soil and normalizes its acidity.

Compost for champignons

Dry straw – 100 kg;

Water (as much as needed to thoroughly moisten the pile);

Mullein – 50 kg;

Plaster – 5 kg;

Chalk – 3 kg.

Liquid bird droppings – 100 kg;

This type of compost is not a plant food, and is used as an independent soil for growing mushrooms. It is produced traditionally by laying all the components in layers and pouring water, and then allowing it to ripen, stirring occasionally, until it becomes a homogeneous crumbly mass.

Different types of composts may require different amounts of time to mature – from 3 months to two years. The timing depends on the composition of the pile, on the conditions in which it is composted, and on the effect of various additives that are poured onto the pile to speed up the process of overheating.

Video: how to prepare the right compost?

What and why is compost watered?

Various liquids that are used to moisten and shed piles contribute to faster formation of compost and improve its properties. They come in both natural and artificial origin, and are a kind of catalysts that contribute to the rapid heating of this biological firebox. The most simple means, which is used to speed up composting is plain water. The pile is watered with it throughout the entire storage period. It helps to soften all the elements of the substrate, which helps accelerate the decay process, so it is advisable to water the pile at least once a week.

To quickly prepare compost, various organic catalysts are often used. For example, a solution of sugar and yeast, which is generously poured over a newly formed pile. This mixture helps to quickly warm up the compost heap and speed up the processing of organic matter.

A cheaper starting solution for the first stage of composting at home is nettle infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour ¾ of a bucket of nettles. warm water, add a packet of dry yeast to it, and leave this mash in a warm place for 3-5 days. After this, only the formed compost pile is watered with this composition.

The fastest acting accelerators allowing you to get mature compost in short time, are various biostimulants. For example, drugs such as Baikal-M (according to instructions), TAMIR (10 ml per 1 liter of water).


Compost as a fertilizer has a long history, so many methods and devices have been developed for its storage. Some gardeners compost in pits, others form piles and heaps, and there are those who prefer special containers, both homemade and purchased. The most popular of them will be discussed below.

Purchased composter

This is the simplest and most aesthetic solution to the problem of storing organic residues on the site. But not the cheapest - their cost ranges from 2,300 to 30,000 rubles. Modern industry offers gardeners many options for these designs to choose from. The simplest are boxes made of plastic, less often made of wood, the main function of which is to prevent organic compost from crumbling. But there are also entire local organic processing stations that can independently maintain the temperature inside the container and are equipped with a control panel.

DIY composter

To create the ideal substrate, it is not at all necessary to buy the wonders of modern technology. You can also make a composter yourself. It can be portable or stationary. In the second case, first they draw the perimeter of the future container, and drive high stakes into the corners, taking into account that part of the column rises above the ground at least 150 cm in height. Then the spans are clogged with flat boards, which should not fit tightly to each other; there should be a distance of at least 10 cm between their rows.

Video: DIY compost house

Video: a simple DIY mesh composter

Compost in bags

This method of composting waste is used when there is little space on the site. First you need to stock up on thick black plastic bags. Then the land being developed is removed upper layer turf, which is placed in bags. Add finely chopped weeds, water with bio-humus or any other bio-stimulant, and seal the bags tightly with tape. After this procedure, you can forget about them for several months. By opening the bags after the required amount of time has passed, you can see that you can make excellent garden compost this way.

10 rules for compost

Compost shouldn't smell bad. If a stench appears, then the decomposition processes are not going well, the whole mass is rotting, and organic compost becomes a pile of rotting residues, and not an excellent fertilizer. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to correctly alternate layers of organic matter when laying. A layer of tops or grass must be sprinkled with earth or manure, then the ammonia formed during fermentation will be processed into nitrogen, and not leave the pile in the form of a gas with an unpleasant odor.

Do not place composters in the garden. Practical experience Many amateur gardeners have proven that the roots of all nearby plants will quickly change the direction of their growth towards the pile with the nutrient mixture, and will struggle to pump out all the useful substances from it. If the container with recyclable garden compost is located under the canopy of trees, you can block the path of the roots by covering the bottom of the box with parchment paper, or more radically, concrete its base.

Making compost at the dacha- one of the smartest and easiest ways to dispose of a lot of unnecessary waste, including old clothes, fur, feathers, meat bones, fish scales, banana skins - everything that is organic in nature is suitable for making this fertilizer.

Compost must be covered Moreover, this must be done not only when winter comes, but throughout the year. In composters, a special lid is provided for this, and homemade heaps are covered with film, laying a fairly thick layer of insulation (from sawdust or leaves) under it.

Be sure to chop everything what you put into compost. This can be done with your own hands, using a knife or a special chopper in the form of a vertical cleaver with a long handle. There are also industrial options, for example, special drums that not only cut the raw material into small fragments, but also mix it well.

The right compost, when squeezed in the palm of your hand, acts like a sponge.– elastically restores its shape and does not release absorbed moisture. If water flows, then the substrate is oversaturated with liquid, and it must be opened to dry by removing the covering material and mixing thoroughly. You can also add dry fractions of manure, peat, or garden soil.

Greens must be slightly dried before preparing compost in the garden. This technique allows you to avoid souring of the compost, since fresh grass and tops in large quantities do not rot, but sour.

In the fall, it is necessary to completely shovel the compost. Moreover, the amount of work in this case will be serious - it is necessary to literally turn the pile upside down, making the bottom layer its “roof” and the top layer its “floor.”

Do you want to receive " quick compost"- make it from leaves, they are processed the fastest. A pile of this material laid in the fall with additions in the form of organic matter and garden soil, watered with biostimulants, sprinkled with a layer of soil and covered with a black film, manages to almost completely rot over the winter, and in the spring, in mid-May, it can already be partially used as a fertilizer. Also, to speed up the process, it is advisable to put a “starter” from the old compost into the young compost.

Dimensions of the collar, with any composting method they have great importance. The final height of the heap cannot be less than 1.5 meters, the width - 1-1.5 meters (otherwise it will be inconvenient to mix the contents), the length is not limited.

It is definitely worth paying attention to the fact that the final height of the heap is measured no earlier than 1-2 months after its laying, since throughout its formation it settles significantly.

How to use compost?

This excellent fertilizer will be used both in the garden and in the vegetable garden. Most often it is used immediately after ripening. Let's look at the rules for adding compost based on the season.

in spring

The following standards for applying compost exist:

Continuous application - 1 bucket (10 l) per 1 square meter.

Add to poor and depleted soils large quantity of this fertilizer, about 15 liters per 1 sq. m.

In the greenhouse - 1-1.5 buckets to fertilize the surface layer of the earth, or a layer of at least 25 cm as a warming bedding under the fertile soil layer.

In summer

At this time of year, it is time for planned fertilizing of plantings. Compost is good for fertilizing plants in summer. It can be used in in kind(as mulch, as a nutrient substrate), and in the form of “compost tea”.

Also, the use of compost in summer protects plants, especially bulbous ones, from various pests. It is enough to cover the bed with a thin layer, and the root part of the plants will not be damaged by pests. At the end of the season, when digging up the site, the remains of the substrate will go into the soil and significantly enrich its composition.

in autumn

End of the season - best time for adding fresh compost to the soil. Over the winter it will be completely processed, and by spring a high-quality fertile layer will ripen on the site. Compost is applied in the same doses as manure, about 1-2 buckets per 1 square meter.

A couple of bags of this humus can be put aside in a cold basement for planting seedlings in the spring. Before putting it into bags, the compost must be sifted to remove earthworms, whose mucus can have a suppressive effect on the seedlings.

Video: DIY compost heap

Any plant develops and bears fruit better in fertilized soil. One of the most affordable and widespread fertilizers for gardening is compost. We will tell you in our article what ingredients you can use to make compost, how to prepare compost at home or in the garden, what crops this fertilizer is used for, whether it is worth buying ready-made compost and which of the proposed compositions to prefer.

What is compost

Compost (lat. Compositus - composite) is a fertilizer that is formed during the decomposition of organic substances under the influence of microorganisms. Composting is a natural method of recycling and recycling organic waste, which improves soil structure and saturates poor or depleted soil with substances necessary for plants. But garden compost should not be confused with those soil mixtures, which are sold under this name in garden centers and pavilions. If you make your own compost, this best of all organic fertilizers will cost you free. There are many recipes for making compost, and we will introduce you to some of them.

What can and cannot be put into compost?


  • raw cereals, fruits, vegetables and their peelings and trimmings;
  • sunflower stems, corn cobs, garden and melon tops, dry leaves, mown hay;
  • drunken tea and coffee grounds;
  • leftover prepared food;
  • thin branches and shoots, untreated and unpainted wood, including sawdust and chips;
  • straw, seed husks, nut shells;
  • bird droppings and fresh manure from herbivores;
  • paper - napkins, packaging cardboard, photocopier paper and shredded newspapers;
  • peat;
  • crushed natural fabrics - flax, cotton, wool, silk, hemp and linen;
  • down and feathers of birds, animal hair.

It is forbidden:

  • large and hard meat bones;
  • ash from the stove or fireplace;
  • synthetic materials and fabrics;
  • peel from citrus plants;
  • perennial rhizomatous weeds, especially in flowering form or seeded;
  • plant residues affected by diseases or treated with herbicides;
  • insect pests and their larvae.

There is still no consensus among experts on whether it is possible to add human and carnivore feces to compost, as well as on the question of whether it is possible to add remains of milk, fat, meat and fish to compost.

The process of converting grass, food and household waste into organic fertilizer is divided into three parts:

  • decomposition: at this stage, the waste heats up inside the heap, changes its structure and is enriched with useful substances. As a result of transformation, beneficial microorganisms, fungi, and earthworms appear in the compost, which help speed up the processing of the mass into fertilizer.
  • humus formation: at this stage it is important to ensure aeration of the pile, since without oxygen the microorganisms that organize and carry out the process of compost maturation can die. To ensure air access, mix the mass with a pitchfork or shovel;
  • mineralization: at the mineralization stage, nitrogen compounds decompose, and humus turns into mineral forms. The process reaches its maximum after a year of compost aging.

What are the benefits of compost?

First of all, this is one of the best mineral fertilizers, filling the soil with a huge amount of important microelements.

Secondly, this is the cheapest means for structuring the soil, which is carried out by increasing moisture conservation.

Thirdly, compost is convenient to use as mulch, which slows down the evaporation of moisture from the soil and suppresses the growth of weeds.

Fourthly, you no longer have to remove or burn organic waste from the site, since it can be placed in a compost pit and turned into excellent fertilizer.

How to make compost yourself

How to make compost at the dacha

There are two ways to prepare compost - fast and slow, otherwise called cold and hot. But first, let's decide on the compost container and the location of this container in the garden. It is best to build a box from wooden planks or any boards that have not been in contact with toxic materials - stain, varnish, paint and the like. If you want the box to serve you for many years, make it from pine boards - it won't cost you much. Build four walls, keeping gaps between the prefabricated planks - these gaps will serve to aerate the compost.

It is better to place the box (hill) on a hill so that it is not washed away by water, and away from the garden, otherwise the roots of all plants will change direction and stretch towards the pile with compost. Choose a place, level the surface, dig in four supports and nail three walls to them. It is better to make the fourth wall removable or opening, so that it is convenient for you to stir up the compost or take it out to mulch the beds. It is better to concrete the bottom of the box, or you can cover it with thick plastic film or old linoleum.

If you don’t want to bother with hammering together boards, you can buy a ready-made plastic or metal composter at the store - a compost container with a lid, the main purpose of which is to prevent the compost from crumbling. The advantage of such containers is that you can add protein waste - meat, fish, milk - to them, since they are tightly closed with a lid and rodents do not get into them. In addition, they retain heat well and can be moved. And the lack of composters industrial production is that air does not enter them. If you are not short on funds, buy a local organics processing station that independently maintains the process temperature and is equipped with a control system. In the end, you can make a cylinder required height and width from a chain-link mesh and put waste for composting in it, but it will be inconvenient to take compost out of such a container and dig up the mass in it.

When can you compost? There is no strict framework on this issue: you can start laying layers in the spring, after pruning trees and shrubs, and replenish the layers as organic material arrives. In the fall, you can add fallen leaves, tops of vegetables and melons to the compost heap. Achievements modern science They even allow you to compost in winter. But first things first.

How to make compost? At the bottom of the composter or pile, place wood chips or cuttings of branches that will serve as drainage material, and then start filling the composter layer by layer, and the more types of organic matter you put in the compost, the higher its quality will be. Preparation of compost involves alternating dry waste with wet waste and green waste with brown waste (nitrogenous with carbonaceous). The so-called green layer contains waste that is a source of nitrogen - cuttings and peelings of vegetables, small twigs, green tops, and the brown layer contains carbon-containing torn newspapers and other paper, fallen leaves and dry twigs. You can enrich the compost composition with plants that promote the rapid formation of humus - yarrow, dandelion, chamomile, valerian. To speed up fermentation, water the compost heap with a solution of mullein or bird droppings. The consistency of the mass should resemble a damp sponge, but moderation should be observed in moistening the compost, since “flooded” microorganisms will not be able to produce heat, which promotes rotting.

To maintain the temperature and environment necessary for the process, a homemade composter must be covered with oilcloth, old carpet, linoleum or a lid made from tightly fitting boards. Once or twice a month, the layers of compost should be turned over with a pitchfork to loosen the mass, achieve uniform moisture and stimulate processes that are fading due to lack of ventilation. In hot weather, the compost is watered from time to time to maintain the required humidity.

Well, you have put compost in the box, now you need to wait until it rots. The finished compost looks like a dark, damp, crumbly mass that smells like forest soil.

Compost production requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Compost shouldn't smell bad. If the smell of ammonia appears, it means that the processes are not proceeding correctly, and the mass can turn into poison. In this case, add torn paper to the compost to level out the predominance of nitrogen components in it. To ensure that the ammonia formed during fermentation does not leave the pile in the form of a fetid gas, but is processed into nitrogen, the following procedure for filling the container should be followed: each layer of waste should be no more than 50 cm thick, and layers of organic matter should be interspersed with layers of soil or manure 5-10 cm thick;
  • everything that you put in the compost heap should first be crushed, and the greens should be slightly dried so that they do not become sour in the compost, but turn rotten;
  • before the onset of winter, you need to shovel the entire pile so that the bottom layer is at the top and the top is at the bottom;
  • The height of the pile should not be more than 1.5 m, and the width should not be less than 1 m, otherwise it will be difficult for you to shovel the mass. The height of the pile is measured a couple of months after the compost is laid, since it will settle significantly during this time.

Quick compost

Many gardeners prefer to make quick compost: in an elevated area, they dig a shallow (no more than 40 cm) but wide hole, which is filled with broken branches and chopped wood, and covered with earth on top. In a year or two, you will have an excellent fertilizer for your garden and vegetable garden.

The fastest compost is made from leaves: in the fall, fallen leaves are placed in a shallow hole, layered with garden soil, watered with biostimulants (EM preparations - Baikal-M1, Gumisol, Tamir, Urgasa or the like) and covered with black film, and in mid-May this compost can already be partially used for its intended purpose. To speed up the process, you can put a “starter” from already rotted compost into young compost. You can speed up the compost preparation process by such means as a solution of sugar and yeast, which should be poured generously over the plant residues placed in the composter, or nettle infusion: ¾ of a bucket of nettle is filled with warm water, a packet of dry yeast is added and placed in a warm place for 5 days, after which The infusion is filtered and poured over the compost.

Compost at home

You can make compost at home in winter.

It is not difficult to make compost with your own hands at home. For this you will need:

  • plastic bucket;
  • garbage bag;
  • several plastic half-liter bottles;
  • a bottle of EM liquid that speeds up the compost preparation process;
  • spray;
  • plastic bag of sugar;
  • a package of garden soil or purchased soil.

Make cylinders of equal height from plastic bottles by cutting off the bottom and neck, and place them on the bottom of the bucket. Place a garbage bag in a bucket with several small holes in the bottom to drain excess liquid and begin filling it with crushed plant debris, spraying each three-centimeter layer from a spray bottle with an accelerator solution prepared according to the instructions. After moistening the residue, squeeze the air out of the bag, tie it tightly and weigh it down with a weight - for example, a five-liter plastic bottle of water. Approximately every three days, empty a bucket of water that has drained from the compost - this liquid can be poured down the drain overnight to unclog sewer pipes and sink drains. And if you dilute this liquid with water in a ratio of 1:10, you can water your indoor plants with it.

As you fill the bag with organic residues, spray each layer with a fermentation stimulator, release the air from the bag and apply pressure to it - do this until the bag fits in the bucket. Once the bucket is full, place it and the compost in a warm place to ferment for a week, then mix the compost with a small amount garden or garden soil, put it in a sugar bag and take it out to the balcony or loggia, where it will now be stored.

Place a new garbage bag with drainage holes in the empty bin and begin the process of accumulating and turning waste into compost all over again. If you do everything correctly, you will not notice an unpleasant odor. A sour smell may occur simultaneously with the appearance of white mold on the surface of the compost - this is a sign that the process is not proceeding correctly. To correct the situation, add finely chopped newspaper or other paper to the bucket. Place the second portion of mature compost in the bag in which the first batch of fertilizer is stored. Ready homemade compost can be poured into pots indoor plants, add to the substrate for seedlings or take it to the country and use it as fertilizer or mulch.

Compost in bags

Growing champignons is now very profitable business, and many adapt to growing these mushrooms in their basements - this method is called intensive in contrast to extensive, when mushrooms are cultivated in natural conditions. Champignons are grown in different ways, but the most effective method is to grow them in bags: it does not require high financial costs, and mushrooms that are sick in one bag do not infect champignons in neighboring bags. The only drawback of this method is that putting the substrate into bags requires significant physical effort. Compost in bags is placed on the floor in parallel or in a checkerboard pattern, and the checkerboard arrangement saves production space.

A high yield of mushrooms can only be obtained on a nutrient medium, and this requires a compost-based substrate. Compost for growing champignons, like garden fertilizer, you can cook it yourself. For 100 kg of wheat or rye straw you will need 100 kg horse manure, 8 kg of gypsum, 5 kg of chalk, 2 kg of superphosphate and urea. The straw is cut 15-20 cm long, filled with water for 2-3 days so that it does not get wet, but is moistened, then three or four layers of straw are laid out in a pile or box in a row with layers of manure, adding compost fertilizer - all urea and part of superphosphate (500 g). Then the mass is thoroughly mixed, gypsum is added, then the rest of the superphosphate, then chalk, and after adding each ingredient, the compost is thoroughly mixed each time - a total of 4 times. The output is 300 kg of substrate - this amount should be enough to plant 3 m² of mycelium.

If you use bird droppings rather than horse droppings, then the proportions will be different: for 100 kg of droppings and 100 kg of straw you will need 300 liters of water, 8 kg of gypsum, and instead of superphosphate and chalk, use alabaster.

Compost for mushrooms should ripen in the open air in a place protected from the sun and rain for three weeks - during this time the components “burn out”, the ammonia completely evaporates, and the compost can be used: about 15 kg are placed in special perforated bags compost mass and plant mycelium in it.

Compost in boxes

The box system for growing mushrooms was developed in the USA in 1934 and is still popular today mostly in the United States, Canada and Australia. Growing champignons in boxes, as well as in bags, allows you to localize the damage to mushrooms by diseases and pests and provides the opportunity to keep mushrooms at different phases of development in different rooms.

Boxes are made from spruce, birch or alder boards. The volume of the boxes can be from 0.4 to 2 m², and the optimal depth of the containers is 12-15 cm. Before use, they are disinfected with a four percent formalin solution or a two percent Lysol solution. As for the substrate, the method of preparing it is the same as when growing champignons in bags.

Ready-made compost – is it worth buying?

If you don’t have time to prepare compost or are afraid of not being able to cope with this task, you can, of course, purchase ready-made compost. The product of the Biud company has proven itself well - a universal concentrated and environmentally friendly biocompost that can be used for both ornamental crops and fruit and berry crops. To create this biofertilizer, both traditional composting methods and the latest Finnish technologies. The basis for this brand of compost is high-moor and low-lying peat, cattle or horse manure, droppings of poultry and fur-bearing carnivorous animals. Chopped straw, sawdust from deciduous trees, dolomite flour, vermiculite and other natural preparations are used as additives. By the name of the compost you can determine what type of manure is used in it - “Cow”, “Horse”, “Chicken”. The series also includes biocompost, created to fertilize the soil in autumn time, it’s called “Autumn”.

The use of compost during planting has a beneficial effect on vegetable crops - the fertilizer is applied to the holes one tablespoon at a time. Into the pits berry bushes put 2-3 cups of fertilizer, and in the pits fruit trees– a liter jar of compost.

Compost for champignons is also not in short supply - you can purchase it both in loose form and in briquettes. However, it’s still worth trying to make compost yourself, because it will require very little effort, and all the necessary ingredients are your waste. Start collecting and layering organic waste at home as described in our article, and your first bucket of homemade compost will inspire you to both build a large garden fertilizer bin and start a compost pile. As a result, you will always have high-quality and free organic fertilizer in your garden.

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There are a large number of recipes for preparing compost: in a heap, in a hole, in beds, in a barrel, with the addition of preparations with effective microorganisms. Each summer resident has his own proven method that produces high-quality compost. We can discuss the choice of recipe for a long time, but still some issues require a separate discussion.

For example, the duration of compost maturation. Most farmers and summer residents do not make any special efforts for this. You just need to dump or pour into a compost pit or heap all organic waste and once a year transfer the accumulated mass from one side to the other. In three years, microorganisms will do their job, and you will get excellent compost. The effort is minimal, but a lot of time will pass.

If a summer resident needs compost very soon, then you can speed up the process of preparing it. True, you will have to work hard. The process will not end with waste collection alone. Now you will need to check the temperature, moisten, layer and turn over the compost heap.

Any organic waste (plant and animal) is suitable for compost, except animal bones and their hair. These two components can only rot within ten years. That is, they can be used, but the decomposition of bones and wool takes a rather long time.

To quickly prepare compost, you can use any organic matter, except:

  • Wooden waste (large chips, large pieces of wood and tree branches are not suitable).
  • Feces (animals and humans).
  • Food waste consisting of oils, fats, as well as fish and meat scraps.

It is very important that the fertilizer contains as many components as possible and that the nitrogen and carbon layers alternate with each other. The nitrogenous waste group includes all plant residues (grass, vegetable and fruit peelings, grain), food waste, cow manure and bird droppings. And carbon is waste paper, wood ash, pine needles and fallen leaves, small sawdust, dry grass and straw. The variety of compost composition makes it the most valuable.

An example of constructing a compost pit:

  • 1 layer (about 50 centimeters thick) – nitrogenous waste
  • 2nd layer (about 10 centimeters) – fertile soil
  • 3rd layer (about 50 centimeters) – carbon waste
  • The alternation of layers continues until the entire space of the pit is filled.

Aerobic and anaerobic compost

If there is access to air to the ingredients of the compost heap, then it is aerobic compost, and without it, it is anaerobic.

Aerobic species compost has one important advantage - it is prepared in just 20-30 days. Many summer residents often need quick compost. The construction of a compost heap begins with a drainage layer consisting of broken bricks, small branches and wooden sticks. Then you need to lay layers of organic matter without compaction. And the top of the pile must be covered with a thick film so that the moisture does not evaporate longer. Every 5-7 days the pile must be thoroughly mixed.

For compost anaerobic species You definitely need a compost pit about one and a half meters deep. This compost will be ready for use in 2-5 months, depending on the climate and weather in the area. The pit is filled with the same organic layers, one at a time, but always compacting them as much as possible. The filled pit is covered with plastic wrap and sprinkled with a small layer of earth. compost pit it must be compacted so that there is absolutely no access to air.

The preparation time for compost can be reduced a little further with the help of various preparations - accelerators, which need to be poured into each organic layer. Solutions with effective microorganisms significantly speed up the compost preparation process. Instead, you can use liquid manure or bird droppings, but not in pure form, but in the form of a solution.

The record-breaking speed of compost production belongs to Australian Geoff Lawton. He made it in just 18 days. True, the local rather hot climate helped him a lot in this. Since our summer cannot always please us with stable high temperatures, then it will take a little longer for the compost to mature.

There are necessary prerequisites in this recipe. First, you need to come up with a structure for the compost heap, which will consist of two compartments. From time to time, the contents of the heap will need to be moved from one part to another. Secondly, the size of the heap must be at least one meter in height and perimeter. Thirdly, cow manure must be present among the nitrogenous components. And the amount of carbonaceous organic waste should be twenty-five times greater than the amount of nitrogenous components.

The place for preparing compost should be in a well-lit area in direct sunlight. The construction of a heap begins with drainage, which is necessary for good ventilation and air exchange. You can put medium-sized tree branches and then alternate layers of waste containing nitrogen and carbon. To speed up chemical processes Fish waste should be placed approximately in the center of the pile.

Each subsequent layer should be slightly smaller than the previous one, so that the end result is a cone-shaped pile. On top is necessarily carbon waste. The finished “structure” must be thoroughly watered, covered with a thick opaque film and left for four days.

After four days, the most active compost-making activities begin. The pile must be thoroughly mixed with a shovel, transferred to a free adjacent compartment, watered and covered with film. This procedure must be repeated six more times (every other day).

It is very important that the temperature in the middle of the compost pile is always approximately 45-55 degrees Celsius. It can be checked by sticking your hand into the contents of the heap from time to time. If the temperature is much lower, then it is necessary to water the structure with urea. If, on the contrary, the temperature is high, then you need to add wood ash or straw.

If all requirements and recommendations are followed, after 3-4 weeks you should get slightly moist, dark-colored compost without an unpleasant odor. The mixture will be monotonous with a smell earthy dampness. This quick compost is no different in effectiveness from that prepared in the usual long way.

How to make good compost (video)