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» Why do you dream about old photographs of your little son? How the symbol is interpreted by various dream books. Dream Interpretation - Overall dead

Why do you dream about old photographs of your little son? How the symbol is interpreted by various dream books. Dream Interpretation - Overall dead

In a dream, deceased relatives, old acquaintances, or strangers may appear to a person.

But why do you dream about photography? Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about photography - basic interpretation

If in a dream you dream of someone’s photograph - it is important to remember all the details of the dream:

Where did the photograph come from in your dream?

Who is shown in the photo;

What is the quality of the photo;

This is what happens in the photograph;

What emotions does the dream evoke in you?

It is important to interpret the dream as a whole in order to understand what hidden meaning is stored in it. It is important to remember exactly who you met in your dream, who exactly is depicted in the photo. If this is you, a successful and long life awaits you. If you are alone in the photo, you will achieve everything in life on your own.

If in the photo you see yourself as a child, you will have to fight your old fears and experiences. If you cannot overcome your phobias, they will control your life in reality.

If you dream that you find old photos in your desk, memories are gnawing at you. It is important to remember where the photos could have appeared there. If they can’t come from anywhere, remember what emotions the dream evokes in you. If old photos make you happy, your old achievements and victories will make themselves felt. You will experience happiness and joy because of your past successes. Perhaps one of your long-forgotten friends will remind you of themselves.

If in a dream you experience grief and disappointment when you look at an old photo, you will also be disappointed in reality because of your past defeats. Perhaps your long-time friend will leave you, betray you. If you have a dream in which someone disappears from a photo with you, this person will disappear from your waking life.

If your image disappears from the photo, this is a very alarming sign. You will plunge into problems and sorrows, you will be overwhelmed by routine. The dream book advises not to be discouraged, otherwise you will not be able to avoid depression. You must try to keep a cool mind when making important decisions, otherwise they will fail.

Tearing a photo into pieces is an attempt to hide your true feelings. If you dream that you are tearing up your own photo, you are experiencing some kind of hostility towards yourself. You do not accept your shortcomings and are not proud of your strengths. If you tear someone else's photo to pieces, this person will bring you a lot of grief and disappointments that you do not deserve. You will have to say goodbye to him in reality.

If you break up your photo with your lover, lover, in reality you will really think about ending the relationship. The dream book advises not to get excited and not to take hasty actions. You still have to look at this relationship from the other side and understand it. The best option Now it will not be a break in relations, but a search for common ground of interests with a partner.

To see in a dream how your partner tears up your joint photo - he is tired of endless quarrels and clarifications, he is burdened by the situation, he is no longer looking for reciprocity in a relationship, he no longer wants it. If you dream that the photo of you and your partner has faded and become dull, such a dream means that your relationship will become colder and less sincere.

To see someone else appear in a photo in a dream means to feel rivalry, to feel that someone is stepping on your heels. Perhaps you are not mistaken, and you really have an enemy. But perhaps this is just a figment of your wild imagination. The dream book advises to understand the situation and not speculate.

If you develop a photo in your dream, in reality you will try to get to the bottom of the truth, find the truth. You will succeed if the photo appears in a dream. If in a dream you do not succeed, then in reality your desire to learn more will not be crowned with success. If in a dream you play the role of a photographer, in reality you will become an observer of someone’s life. It is important to understand that in the near future you can really influence someone’s destiny.

Becoming a model for a photo in a dream means being in the crosshairs of prying eyes in reality. Your life will be evaluated and discussed. It's time for you to prepare for gossip and intrigue, although such behavior is not typical for you, it's time to show character.

Giving a photo album with photographs means you will let into your life someone who is very important to you and valuable person. Giving a photo album as a gift means someone values ​​you very much and does not want to ruin their relationship with you.

If you try to find a photo in a dream and don’t find it, in reality you will miss important information, important meeting. The dream book advises avoiding fuss in this matter and advises concentrating on such an important result.

Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream according to Freud’s dream book

If you dream about your photograph, you are too selfish. You devote too much time and attention to yourself, completely forgetting about the needs and desires of your partner. This applies not only to communication, but also to sexual life.

The dream book advises you to change your attitude towards your lover, otherwise you will be disappointed in the relationship. If in a dream you see a photograph of yourself with your lover, an unpleasant showdown awaits you. No one will be right, it will be an empty quarrel that can lead to a crisis in the relationship. The dream book advises to prepare for clarification, not to escalate the situation and not to intensify the conflict. You can emerge victorious from this situation if you act wisely.

To see a dream in which you are trying to throw away the photo you shared with your loved ones - in reality you will try to free yourself from this relationship, free yourself from this connection. If in a dream you suddenly find a photo of you together, memories will come flooding back to you. A repetition of pleasant joint situations and travel awaits you.

Printing photographs in a dream means that the secret will become clear, and very soon. If you have secrets from your significant other, they will become public knowledge. You can't hide the secret. If you are leafing through photographs in an album, it’s time for you to prepare for a meeting with a wonderful person, your future loved one. There will be a certain uniqueness and originality in it that will attract you.

Retouch photos - you will try to adapt to your partner. The dream book warns you against drastic changes, because they can cause conflicts and disappointments. If you can’t process the photo in any way, you will try to change your partner, to adjust him to yourself. You won't succeed. It's not worth wasting your time.

Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why the photograph is dreamed of. Such a dream carries a clear negative connotation, since through a photograph of a person dark forces may harm him. If a woman sees her photo in a dream in which she is expecting a child, such a dream means that she has health problems. She won't be able to get pregnant anytime soon.

Seeing your lover in a photo means fearing for his health in reality. And these fears will not be in vain. Chronic illness will overcome him. If you see a faded photo of yourself, something awaits you. nervous tension and a nervous breakdown. The reason for this will be the piled-up chores and petty problems that will lead to nervous overstrain.

The dream book advises not to overexert yourself in advance, not to shoulder too many responsibilities, otherwise all your work and efforts will go down the drain. Looking for your own among other people's photographs is trying to milk justice and truth. You are unlikely to succeed. If you do find your photo in a dream, in reality you will have a chance to defend your interests.

Why do you dream about photography according to other dream books?

In the summer dream book It is said that seeing your photograph in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction with yourself. Your complexes and fears control your reality. The dream book advises you not to take criticism from others personally. You better establish yourself in your uniqueness and exclusivity, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals.

IN Women's dream book It is said that if you look at your photo in a dream, you do not experience pleasure either from work or from personal relationships. It's time for you to take a break, throw off the burden of responsibility. If your job continues to dissatisfy you, it’s time to change it. Life has prepared a wonderful replacement for you.

To see a dream in which you are trying to restore a torn photo means trying to restore old connections that have long since become obsolete. The dream book advises you to give up this idea and only move forward in life. Dreams only suggest the right decision, but it's up to you to accept it.

Each person keeps memorable photographs. Many of them are depicted happy moments life or faces of loved ones. Therefore, the question of why photographs appear in dreams is very relevant. The interpretation of dreams in which photographs appeared is quite complex. To obtain a reliable decoding of night dreams in this case, it is necessary to take into account the smallest dreamed details of the plot.

It is very important, when you dream of photographs, to wake up and remember what feelings and emotions the dream evoked in you. In addition, it is important to analyze the situation in the real world and try to intuitively find connections with certain events. It is probably unlikely that you should pay attention to the dream if you were actually looking at photographs earlier in the evening. It is most likely a subconscious game on precisely this fact.

Looking at photographs - interpretation of dreams

Looking at photographs in dreams can have different interpretations. So, if you dream that you are considering own photo and are very passionate about this activity, this means that you really like to delve into yourself in reality. This is not always good, as you often become fixated on your shortcomings and significantly reduce your self-esteem. And such a passion for self-flagellation prevents you from becoming successful person. For a family man, such a dream often indicates selfishness and indicates that the dreamer pays little attention to his partner.

Photos of other people

When you dream of photographs of other people that you look at in a dream, this may mean the following:
    Old photographs warn that you will be able to uncover a long-standing conspiracy against you. But no matter what happens, it is unlikely that you should pay much attention to past events; it is better to live for today. A photograph of your loved one indicates that perhaps he is dishonest with you and his feelings are insincere. After such a dream, you need to take a closer look at your partner and make the right decision. Photos of children foreshadow a pleasant meeting in reality. In some dream books, such a dream is interpreted as a meeting with a childhood friend. Photos of close relatives symbolize your care for them. You need to try to offer help in reality. Photos of complete strangers indicate that you will have to keep someone else's secret.

Dreaming of a photograph of a deceased relative

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream of a photograph of a deceased relative. First of all, such dreams occur because real life for some reason you remembered these people. Also, when you dream of a photograph of a deceased person, then in reality you can expect to receive news in a letter. Moreover, the news received in this case will be very pleasant. In addition, such a dream can focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that a period of life has come in which it is important to take advantage of the experience of a deceased relative, gained during his lifetime and passed on to you. When you dream of a photograph of a deceased person in a dream, this indicates that changes will definitely come in life. Moreover, they can affect a variety of spheres of life.

If you flip through an album with photographs in a dream, then this is a positive sign. It portends new acquaintances and the establishment of useful connections. After such a dream, be more open in communicating with people and do not miss your chance.

Look at unclear photos

If you woke up and realized that the photographs in question were unclear, then this signals that you do not fully understand the situation around you in the real world. You definitely need to take a closer look at the people around you so as not to miss something important that could negatively affect your life.

Why do you dream about an event captured in a photo?

If the dream focuses on the fact that you are holding in your hands a photograph that depicts some event from the past, then this indicates that you are unable to let go of the past. This is very bad. The dream focuses your attention on the fact that you should start living today and moving forward.

Tear photos - dream meanings

If, according to the plot of the dream, you tear up photographs, then this indicates a break in ties with someone close to you. Such a dream indicates that in reality you will decide to take an important step and end your relationship with your partner. Moreover, such a decision can be made both in the personal and business spheres. And if in a dream you dreamed of scraps of photographs, then this is an unkind sign. It portends the loss of someone close to you.

Throw away old photos as unnecessary

When you dream that you are throwing away old photographs as unnecessary, this is a warning that there is a high probability that in real life you will take the wrong step. Be careful and analyze your actions in reality, because if you accept wrong decision, then most likely you will choose a life path that is detrimental to you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you are busy looking for photographs, then this indicates that in real life you do not always act decently. In this case, prepare for the fact that you will be tormented by remorse in the future. In addition, because of your actions, you may lose loved ones.

Why do you dream of doing magic over a photo?

If you had a magical dream in which you cast a spell over a photograph, then this symbolizes your trust in people in real life. Most likely, in reality, people around you take advantage of your naivety for their own selfish purposes. Try to be reasonable to avoid life's disappointments.

Photo printing - dream book

According to Freud's dream book, night dreams in which you are engaged in photo printing indicate that a serious offense has been committed in real life. Be prepared that soon the secret will become apparent, that is, exposure will follow. And when you dream that you are printing your photograph, then there is a high probability that in the dream you will harm not only other people, but also yourself. Taking into account all of the above, it can be unequivocally stated that a photograph is an ambiguous symbol in a dream. That is why deciphering such a dream is not an easy task. But in most cases, night dreams are positive character, so don’t worry if you weren’t able to fully understand why certain photos are in your dreams.

Photography - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st Century)

Seeing a photograph - Watching slides in a dream - means receiving the news that you have been waiting for a long time.

Why do you dream about Photography?

Photography - memories or unexpected circumstances from the past await you.

Why does a woman dream about Photography (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Photography – Looking at your photograph in a dream is a bad omen. The dream indicates that you do not experience any joy from work, are unhappy with your family life and even his appearance. It seems to you that evil fate is pursuing you. If you continue to be visited by such thoughts, then your life will pass unnoticed and aimless. To dream that you are taking your own photographs means you may unwittingly cause grief to yourself and other people. Looking at a photograph of a loved one in a dream means that in reality you will be seriously concerned about his fate. Seeing a photograph of your lover is a sign of his false devotion, his desire to just make an appropriate impression on you. For family people, owning someone’s photograph in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent exposure of some inappropriate actions. Tearing a photograph in a dream means great misfortune, tragic news. You have lost a photograph - in reality you should be more careful in your affairs and actions. Too often you do not act in the best way, sometimes forgetting about such concepts as honor and conscience.

I had a dream about Photography (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

Photography – Seeing a photograph of a friend in a dream means your desire to strengthen your relationship with him, to make it more stable and stable. Most likely - this does not apply to the intimate sphere - he is interested in you solely as a friend. If you see a photo of yourself, in the near future your partner will tell you everything he thinks about you. You will get a complete picture of how you look in his eyes. Tearing a photograph in a dream means breaking off relations with someone dear to you.

Analysis of a dream in which a Photograph was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist Z. Freud)

Photography – If you dream of your own photograph, you are paying too much attention to yourself, forgetting about your other half. It's about not only about life, but also about sex - you are so passionate about getting pleasure that you completely forget that there is another person in bed besides you. In a dream, you dreamed about printing photographs - the secret will soon become apparent; Despite your strenuous attempts to hide your wrongdoing, somehow the person who is directly affected by the incident finds out about it. Looking at photographs in a photo album means an interesting acquaintance awaits you. However, there will be a certain zest in the new person that you definitely need to discern, otherwise you simply will not understand who you are dealing with.

Why do you dream about Photography in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Photograph - If you see a photograph, expect a deception soon. If in a dream you receive a photograph of your lover, know that he is not completely devoted to you, but is only trying to impress you. For family people, owning someone’s photograph in a dream means exposing someone’s actions. To dream that you took your own photograph means you will inadvertently cause grief to yourself and others.

Why did you dream about it according to spiritual sources? Photography ( Biblical dream book Azara)

Photography – I dreamed about my own – flattering speeches, someone else’s – deception.

The meaning of a dream about a Photograph (Vanga’s Dream Book)

Why do you dream about Photography? Looking at your photograph in a dream is a bad omen. The dream indicates that you do not experience any joy from work, are unhappy with your family life and even with your appearance. It seems to you that evil fate is pursuing you. If you continue to be visited by such thoughts, then your life will pass unnoticed and aimless. Looking at a photograph of a loved one in a dream means that in reality you will be seriously concerned about the fate of this person. Tearing a photograph in a dream is a great misfortune. Tragic news awaits you. Most likely, this dream foreshadows the disappearance of a loved one, who is unlikely to be found. If you have lost a photograph, then in reality you should be more careful in your affairs. You do not act in the best way, sometimes completely forgetting about such concepts as honor and conscience. Stop, for for all worldly affairs we will answer before the judgment of the Lord. Going to a fortune teller in a dream with a photograph to find out the future is evidence that you are a very trusting, naive person. And although in principle this is not such a bad trait, the trouble is that you very often trust your secrets to the wrong people. You should open your thoughts and ask for advice from pious, wise people.

Photography in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Photography – Seeing your illness in a dream, changing your appearance. Consider one or more strangers F. - beware of epidemics, take measures in advance: vaccinations, etc.

To dream about Photography, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Photo – Taking photographs in a dream or photographs encourages you to better keep your secrets. Seeing photographs of acquaintances in a dream means a deterioration in relations with them. Taking photographs yourself means finding out the news.

The meaning of sleep about Photographs (Modern dream book)

Your photographs - Flattering speeches; strangers - deception

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Photography – Wait for the meeting.

Taking photographs – of yourself or others – has a clear future.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Photograph from the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

Photography – Expect to meet

Photo – One’s own – flattering speeches – someone else’s – deception.

If you dream about Photo Cards (by Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Photo card - as you see photo cards in a dream, there will soon be a surprise.

What does a dream with a Photograph mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream about your own photograph? It means longevity, and someone else’s – it means a slander.

If in the summer you dreamed of seeing your own photograph - to dissatisfaction with yourself: someone else's - to get acquainted - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, what does it mean to dream of seeing your photograph - to flattering speeches, to someone else's - to deception.

In winter, why dream that the person in the photograph is winking, smiling or moving - this is a new test of fate.

In a dream, deceased relatives, old acquaintances, or strangers may appear to a person.

But why do you dream about photography? Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about photography - basic interpretation

If in a dream you dream of someone’s photograph - it is important to remember all the details of the dream:

Where did the photograph come from in your dream?

Who is shown in the photo;

What is the quality of the photo;

This is what happens in the photograph;

What emotions does the dream evoke in you?

It is important to interpret the dream as a whole in order to understand what hidden meaning is stored in it. It is important to remember exactly who you met in your dream, who exactly is depicted in the photo. If this is you, a successful and long life awaits you. If you are alone in the photo, you will achieve everything in life on your own.

If in the photo you see yourself as a child, you will have to fight your old fears and experiences. If you cannot overcome your phobias, they will control your life in reality.

If you dream that you find old photos in your desk, memories are gnawing at you. It is important to remember where the photos could have appeared there. If they have nowhere to come from, remember what emotions the dream evokes in you. If old photos make you happy, your old achievements and victories will make themselves felt. You will experience happiness and joy because of your past successes. Perhaps one of your long-forgotten friends will remind you of themselves.

If in a dream you experience grief and disappointment when you look at an old photo, you will also be disappointed in reality because of your past defeats. Perhaps your long-time friend will leave you, betray you. If you have a dream in which someone disappears from a photo with you, this person will disappear from your waking life.

If your image disappears from the photo, this is a very alarming sign. You will plunge into problems and sorrows, you will be overwhelmed by routine. The dream book advises not to be discouraged, otherwise you will not be able to avoid depression. You must try to keep a cool mind when making important decisions, otherwise they will fail.

Tearing a photo into pieces is an attempt to hide your true feelings. If you dream that you are tearing up your own photo, you are experiencing some kind of hostility towards yourself. You do not accept your shortcomings and are not proud of your strengths. If you tear someone else's photo to pieces, this person will bring you a lot of grief and disappointments that you do not deserve. You will have to say goodbye to him in reality.

If you break up your photo with your lover, lover, in reality you will really think about ending the relationship. The dream book advises not to get excited and not to take hasty actions. You still have to look at this relationship from the other side and understand it. The best option now is not to break off the relationship, but to find a point of common interest with your partner.

To see in a dream how your partner tears up your joint photo - he is tired of endless quarrels and clarifications, he is burdened by the situation, he is no longer looking for reciprocity in a relationship, he no longer wants it. If you dream that the photo you shared with your partner has faded and become dull, such a dream means that your relationship will become colder and less sincere.

To see someone else appearing in a photo in a dream means to feel rivalry, to feel that someone is stepping on your heels. Perhaps you are not mistaken, and you really have an enemy. But perhaps this is just a figment of your wild imagination. The dream book advises to understand the situation and not speculate.

If you develop a photo in your dream, in reality you will try to get to the bottom of the truth, find the truth. You will succeed if the photo appears in a dream. If in a dream you do not succeed, then in reality your desire to learn more will not be crowned with success. If in a dream you play the role of a photographer, in reality you will become an observer of someone's life. It is important to understand that in the near future you can really influence someone's destiny.

Becoming a model for a photo in a dream means being in the crosshairs of prying eyes in reality. Your life will be evaluated and discussed. It's time for you to prepare for gossip and intrigue, although such behavior is not typical for you, it's time to show character.

Giving a photo album with photographs means you will let a very important and valuable person into your life. Giving an album with photographs as a gift means someone values ​​you very much and does not want to ruin their relationship with you.

If you try to find a photo in a dream and don’t find it, in reality you will miss important information, an important meeting. The dream book advises avoiding fuss in this matter and advises concentrating on such an important result.

Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream according to Freud’s dream book

If you dream about your photograph, you are too selfish. You devote too much time and attention to yourself, completely forgetting about the needs and desires of your partner. This applies not only to communication, but also to sexual life.

The dream book advises you to change your attitude towards your lover, otherwise you will be disappointed in the relationship. If in a dream you see a photograph of yourself with your lover, an unpleasant showdown awaits you. No one will be right, it will be an empty quarrel that can lead to a crisis in the relationship. The dream book advises to prepare for clarification, not to escalate the situation and not to intensify the conflict. You can emerge victorious from this situation if you act wisely.

To see a dream in which you are trying to throw away the photo you shared with your loved one - in reality you will try to free yourself from this relationship, free yourself from this connection. If in a dream you suddenly find a photo of you together, memories will come flooding back to you. A repetition of pleasant joint situations and travel awaits you.

Printing photographs in a dream - the secret will become apparent, and very soon. If you have secrets from your other half, they will become public knowledge. You can't hide the secret. If you are leafing through photographs in an album, it’s time for you to prepare for a meeting with a wonderful person, your future loved one. There will be a certain uniqueness and originality in it that will attract you.

Retouch photos - you will try to adapt to your partner. The dream book warns you against drastic changes, because they can cause conflicts and disappointments. If you can’t process a photo in any way, you will try to change your partner, to adjust him to yourself. You won't succeed. It's not worth wasting your time.

Why dream of looking at photographs in a dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The Esoteric Dream Book says why you dream about photography. Such a dream carries a clear negative connotation, since through a photograph of a person dark forces can harm him. If a woman sees her photo in a dream in which she is expecting a child, such a dream means that she has health problems. She won't be able to get pregnant anytime soon.

Seeing your lover in a photo means fearing for his health in reality. And these fears will not be in vain. Chronic illness will overcome him. If you see a faded photo of yourself, you will experience nervous tension and a nervous breakdown. The reason for this will be the piled-up chores and petty problems that will lead to nervous overstrain.

The dream book advises not to overexert yourself in advance, not to shoulder too many responsibilities, otherwise all your work and efforts will go down the drain. Looking for your own among other people's photographs is trying to milk justice and truth. You are unlikely to succeed. If in a dream you still find your photo, in reality you will have a chance to defend your interests.

Why do you dream about photography according to other dream books?

In the summer dream book It is said that seeing your photograph in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction with yourself. Your complexes and fears control your reality. The dream book advises you not to take criticism from others personally. You better establish yourself in your uniqueness and exclusivity, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals.

In the Women's Dream Book It is said that if you look at your photo in a dream, you do not experience pleasure either from work or from personal relationships. It's time for you to take a break, throw off the burden of responsibility. If your job continues to dissatisfy you, it’s time to change it. Life has prepared a wonderful replacement for you.

To see a dream in which you are trying to restore a torn photo means trying to restore old connections that have long since become obsolete. The dream book advises you to give up this idea and only move forward in life. Dreams only suggest the right decision, but it’s up to you to make it.

Absolutely every person has more than one hundred, or even a thousand photographs in his arsenal. In them we will capture the brightest moments of our lives and our loved ones. Some people like to be photographed, while others like to take photographs. But what does it mean if you dreamed about a photograph? How to interpret this dream? We have collected only the most reliable dream books that will help you in this matter.

Freud's Dream Book

  • If in a dream you see a photograph of yourself, this means that you are too selfish and pay all your attention to yourself, and practically don’t think about your partner. Here we mean not only and not so much everyday life, but also sexual life - in bed you pay more attention to your desires and inclinations, think about your own pleasure, forgetting about your soul mate.
  • If in a dream you are engaged in photo printing, perhaps you realize that you have committed an offense. Printing photographs in a dream means exposure. Most likely, the person you harmed will soon find out about your guilt, despite all your efforts to hide it.
  • Looking at photographs in a dream is a sign of an interesting acquaintance in the near future. But you need to be careful, since the person you will soon meet will have hidden features, which you need to consider. Take a closer look at your surroundings, otherwise you might just pass by.

Spring dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which you see your own photograph as an omen of flattery; if you dream of someone else’s photograph, you will be deceived; if the picture shows a smiling or winking person, a new round of share awaits you; perhaps fate will test your strength.

Miller's Dream Book

Jewish dream book of Azar

  • If you dream about your own photo, someone will flatter you.
  • If you dream of someone else's photograph, you will be deceived.
  • Also, seeing a photograph in a dream may mean that you need to look around your life, so to speak - look at everything from the outside, objectively assess the real situation. Perhaps you should get away from the thick of things, distract yourself and reflect so that nothing distracts you.
  • Seeing a photo in a dream can also mean memories of the past that won't let you go.

Vanga's Dream Book

Esoteric dream book

  • Looking at your own photograph in a dream is a sign of imminent illness; perhaps your appearance will soon change precisely because of this.
  • Seeing other people's photographs in a dream foretells the approach of epidemics. In this case, you should play it safe and pay more attention to your health.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • If you dream about a photo, you should better guard your secrets.
  • Dreaming of photographs of people you know symbolizes the speedy deterioration of relationships with them.
  • If you take photographs in your sleep, practice photography, take pictures, you will soon find out the news.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

This dream book also interprets dreams in which a photograph appears as an omen of a lie, and seeing your own photo in a dream is a sign that you will soon hurt yourself or your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Looking at photographs or simply seeing photos in a dream means a meeting soon.
  • Taking a photograph symbolizes clarity of the future.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • A photograph of a friend or loved one means separation.
  • Seeing a photograph of a person who is far from you, for example, in another city or even abroad, is a sign that you will soon be reminded of him.
  • If you see a photo of a person who is nearby, you will soon have to part.
  • Seeing a black and white photograph in a dream means you will encounter something that will remind you of the past. It is possible to meet or participate in an event with older people.

Dream book of the future

  • A friend in a photo in a dream symbolizes your desire to strengthen your relationship with him. Perhaps you want to make your relationship with an acquaintance stronger, but this does not apply sexual relations, you treat him exclusively as a friend.
  • Seeing your own photograph in a dream means that very soon your close person, most likely, your soulmate will show you his true attitude towards you. And then you will see yourself from his point of view, knowing everything that he thinks about you.
  • If you have a dream in which you tear up photographs, this is a sign of separation from a loved one.

Erotic dream book

  • Seeing a photo in a dream means forgiveness or repentance.
  • Perhaps the image in the photo is somehow related to your work.

Family dream book

Seeing a photograph means a pleasant meeting.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • What does it mean to see your photograph in a dream? The dream book interprets this as your inattention to your loved one. This applies to all areas of life. Including the sexual one. You are so preoccupied with yourself that you don’t even think about your partner, caring only about your own pleasure.
  • A dream in which you are printing photographs is a symbol of your secret desire to hide your own misconduct. But, no matter what, the people whom you have harmed in one way or another will find out everything.
  • If in a dream you look at photographs, then soon you will meet an unusual person.

Dream book of names

  • Seeing a photo of a stranger is a symbol of good luck in your career.
  • If you look at photographs, you will soon be lucky in your affairs.

Dream interpretation horoscope

  • If you dream of a photograph, pay attention to its content. Perhaps this is what you want to hold on to in your life right now.
  • Seeing fuzzy photographs in a dream is a sign of your lack of understanding of your circumstances.
  • Seeing your loved ones or other countries in a dream means your desire to leave and go on a trip.

Gypsy dream book

This dream book also interprets dreams about photographs as a sign of an upcoming meeting.

Newest dream book

  • Seeing a photo in a dream is a symbol of your distrust of others. Perhaps with good reason. Most likely, someone close to you is not telling you or is lying to you.
  • If you see yourself in a photo, trouble awaits you, and in this situation you will be to blame. Be careful.
  • If you see photos of acquaintances or friends in a dream, you will be disappointed in the near future. Perhaps they will let you down in some way.


A dream about photography is often good sign. But it is important to try to remember all the details, because they are very important. So, for example, if you look at photographs, you will soon meet an unusual person. If you dream about your photograph, then this indicates inattention to your loved one. A black and white photograph in a dream promises an event that will confront you with the past. Try to think positively and believe that only good dreams will come true. Good dreams to you!