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» Why do you dream about wilted flowers in pots? Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots?

Why do you dream about wilted flowers in pots? Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots?

Dream books are identified primarily with home comfort and an object of care and love. Their appearance and the actions of the person sleeping in a dream will tell you in more detail why you dream of flowers in pots. Some interpretations relate to material well-being and contain important tips on managing financial affairs.

Interpretation from various sources

When are they in the vase?

If you dreamed of a bouquet in a vase, remember what flowers it consisted of. Having found out the meaning of each of them, you can create your own composition of predictions:

  • Lily of the valley portends sweet, harmless entertainment.
  • Snowdrop means that grief will become a thing of the past.
  • Lavender indicates a heightened sense of justice.
  • Sunflower dreams of those who know how to be faithful.
  • Gladioli in a vase means that you will find yourself at the epicenter of events.
  • Bright fleshy slipway promises a rich life.
  • If you dreamed White orchid, the new romance will last a long time.
  • Rose represents passion and tenderness.
  • Forget-me-nots in a dream they promise that the past will remind itself of itself.
  • If you dreamed bouquet of tulips, your charm is just off the charts.
  • When you dream buttercups, you have to learn something unexpected about the chosen one.
  • Violets symbolizes protection and peace.
  • Daisies indicate excellent health.
  • Green plants with the same inflorescences warn of large profits, which should be managed wisely.
  • Cornflowers and bells in a dream they speak of sincere sympathy for you.
  • When you dream huge bouquet, it’s time to bring a long-standing plan to life.

The Imperial Dream Book contains an explanation of why you dream of an ekibana created with your own hands. , which mean a lot to you, will turn out to be promising.

Replant flowers

N. Grishina’s dream book contains several explanations of why one dreams of replanting houseplants. This is a very dynamic sign, a harbinger of inevitable changes: sadness can be replaced by joy and vice versa. If you catch the rhythm and adapt to innovations in a timely manner, you can achieve a lot.

If in a dream you water flowers when replanting - this portends a desired pregnancy and the birth of a miracle baby. In the business world, an unexpected turn can bring considerable profit and high praise from management. It is quite possible to win the lottery or a generous gift.

If, while replanting a plant, you prick yourself on a thorn, Velesov’s dream book does not advise you to trust even those closest to you. There is a high probability of not receiving even verbal gratitude in response to a good deed.

Vanga's dream book offers many interesting interpretations of why one dreams of replanting flowers in pots. The plot of the dream symbolizes valuable information that will soon fall into your hands. The only question is how wisely you can manage it. There is a high probability of exposing a dishonest competitor. The seer also reports that any efforts made in the coming period will not be in vain and will please you with their results.

When in a dream you have to plant plants in a obviously unsuitable substance instead of soil, in reality you will have to reconsider your established views. Perhaps new hobbies or interest in spiritual practices will appear. Seeing someone else doing such a futile occupation is a sign of unforeseen complications.

If you happen to break a plant in a dream, sudden passion will overwhelm you.. Replanting flowers in the company of a loved one happens shortly before confession. Planting dwarf conifers portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire and a feeling of great happiness.

Withered plants

Eastern dream book considers it a bad omen to observe flowers withering in a dream. When this process lasts a matter of seconds, the dreamer is threatened with financial difficulties; he will only have to blame his own haste.

If you dreamed of wilted flowers in pots, Women's dream book predicts great grief in your personal life. It is possible that separation or disappointed expectations can lead to depression. It will take a lot of emotional strength and faith in the best to survive an unfavorable period.

The Summer Dream Book offers a similar prediction. According to his forecast, the inevitability of a crisis will help move outdated relationships off the ground.. Next, you have to act according to the circumstances: try to resurrect old feelings or go your separate ways towards a new life.

If in a dream you happen to continue to smell the aroma of withered flowers, Family dream book It is encouraging that the streak of bad luck will be successfully overcome by the sleeper. However, it wouldn’t hurt to enlist the support of friends and family.

When wilted indoor flowers turn black in night dreams, Medea’s dream book predicts strong disappointment in the spouses in their other half. The reason could be infidelity or unpleasant news about the past of one of them. If you dreamed of someone who is just intending to get married, the witch advises you to think twice.

You should know why you dream about indoor flowers losing their petals. The Wanderer's Dream Book considers the sign a harbinger of numerous losses and parting with dear people.

In the Ukrainian dream book there is trouble with ornamental plants is regarded as a warning: many insidious ill-wishers have gathered around the dreamer, from whom you can only expect a trick. It is advisable to quickly get out of the vicious circle.

If you dreamed about wilted flowers in pots on the eve of important negotiations, The big dream book believes that they will fail due to the unreliability of their partner. The interpreter also recommends to beware of accidents, thefts and other incidents on the road.

The wonderful gifts of nature are loved by everyone. Why do you dream of flowers in pots? The sight of fresh bright flowers pleases the eye, calms the nerves, they are pleasant to receive as a gift, and homemade flowers in pots complement any interior.

Therefore, when people see flowers in a dream, they usually rejoice because they believe that this is a good sign. This is true, but the appearance of flowers, the color, and the actions performed with them have a mystical meaning.

  • Seeing indoor flowers blooming in a dream- a good sign that promises happiness, good luck, new acquisitions and a pleasant pastime.
  • in a pot- receive good news from a lost friend.
  • Very large flowers in indoor pots portend losses and disappointments. Seeing an artificial flower in a pot with soil means deception from the outside is possible loved one. Take a closer look at him and think: deception or betrayal is possible.
  • Dry, yellowed flowers in pots– you will soon have health problems.

Seeing a fresh bud of an indoor flower promises a long-awaited meeting with true love, a quick marriage, an opportunity to change something in better side.

  • See the room filled with bright and fresh flowers– a happy and prosperous life in abundance awaits you.
  • Give someone a flower in a pot- Your help will be needed soon.
  • Dead plant in a pot- financial losses, collapse in your personal life, deception and betrayal await you.
  • Watering or caring for indoor flowers - soon you will need all your performance and stamina. You will achieve success, but you will have to work hard for it. Sometimes you have such a dream, foreshadowing a big profit or expensive upgrades.

Vanga's Dream Book

The great Bulgarian seer Vanga considered dreams in which you receive a beautiful bright flower as a gift as a harbinger of misfortune. It is very possible that soon you yourself or one of your loved ones will become seriously ill. But the disease will soon subside and everything will stabilize.

  • If you see small flower in a large pot, this means that you still have to work hard to acquire material well-being. But it will come eventually.
  • Trim indoor flowers or remove dried leaves- you will receive a gift that will involuntarily spoil your mood or meet with an old friend who will upset you.
  • Take flowers out of the house, give someone a flower in a pot - help someone in need real life.
  • Receive a flower as a gift– learn about the imminent death of a loved one or good friend.

Noble dream book

  • Big White flower in a beautiful pot- a symbol of sadness, lovesickness, loneliness, grief.
  • Bright red flower with large petals - passion, love, sometimes meeting new love, secret dates.

Blue or pink flowers - peace, well-being, achievement of material wealth and stability.

  • Greens fresh flowers – a smooth life without surges and storms, meeting a faithful spouse, happiness in children and the achievement of all cherished desires.
  • Black or large purple flowers– disappointment and deception, betrayal of a spouse, betrayal of friends, death of a loved one. But don’t be alarmed, life will soon enter a new phase - you will meet new love and be happy.
  • Dried flower in a beautiful pot- your love will pass irrevocably, you will part with your loved one.
  • Rotting flowers with a bad smell- there are many deceitful friends in your life or there is a secret passion or shameful vice in you that you are silent about, but are afraid that sooner or later it will become known to everyone.

Dream book of psychologist Tsvetkov

Dreaming with indoor flowers speaks of a strong marital relationship, a strong marriage. If the flowers are withered or completely dried out, your marriage has outlived its usefulness, your love is gone.

In pots. After all, it has long been customary to believe that every dream carries some kind of hidden sign. Psychologists also agree that dreams are important, but tend to think that dreams are nothing more than intense work of the subconscious.

in pots?

It's no secret that in a dream a person can see almost everything. Why do they dream? In fact, most of the world's popular dream books agree. So what could such a dream mean?

Flowers in pots are a favorable dream subject that promises success and good luck. Perhaps a large material reward or the acquisition of expensive property awaits you. On the other hand, this interpretation is correct only if the plant in the pot you saw was fresh, green, and blooming.

But dried or wilted flowers, on the contrary, promise troubles at work, or even financial losses. If the flowers begin to fall off, this may be a sign of the appearance of some serious illness in the future.

Dream about flowers and personal relationships

If you dreamed of flowers in pots, then this may relate to your personal relationship with your beloved man or woman. Some people see bright, lush, flowering plants in pots - this is a good sign, evidence that your relationship has taken root, taken root and reached a new level. In some cases, such a dream may promise a wedding in the near future.

On the other hand, you probably strive to keep your relationship a secret and enjoy it within your couple. Bright, large flowers indicate that your partner has really deep, sincere feelings for you.

If the flowers in the pot have withered, then your union is going through a crisis, and now it’s up to you how the conflict ends. Your relationship is gradually fading and needs to be “recharged”. And here it’s up to you to decide whether you will try to revive them by any means or simply let them dry up and end.

In some cases, people in pots. Such a dream also has its own explanation. Such a dream indicates that your relationship with your partner is superficial. Your feelings are not serious, even if in public you look like an ideal couple in love.

What color are your flowers?

Naturally, if you dreamed of flowers in pots, you should pay attention to their color. But this is only advisable if the flowers are of the same color or one shade noticeably predominates.

For example, rich shade indicate deep passion, and white flowers indicate that your relationship with your partner is pure and spiritual. Pink shades are a symbol of tenderness, and blue colors indicate the sincere care of your loved one. Plants with yellow flowers are not a very pleasant sign, which promises betrayal of a partner, and not necessarily physical.

What does it mean if in a dream you are replanting flowers in pots?

Now you know why you dreamed of flowers in pots. But quite often people talk about replanting flowers in their dreams. Most of these dreams also have a positive meaning. If you plant flowers in pots, this is a sign of big changes.

Interestingly, these changes can affect both work and personal life. For example, if a “dark streak” has occurred in your family, then such a dream may indicate an imminent end to conflicts. In addition, the upcoming change could be a move, a long trip, or separation from a partner.

If a married woman transplants flowers into pots in a dream, this may mean that her family life promises material well-being and the birth of a child. If you plant flowers that literally begin to grow and bloom before your eyes, then this promises the successful implementation of your plan.

But if in a dream you planted a flower, but it did not take root, this is a bad sign that can warn of financial problems, various obstacles, and complications in personal relationships with a loved one. Sometimes, after replanting a flower, a person sees in a dream how someone else breaks the plant - this promises failure, trouble and intrigues on the part of ill-wishers.

What does such a dream say about you?

Many people are interested in questions about why they dream of flowers in pots. Of course, such dreams can be a sign of upcoming changes or predict the future. But often such a dream can be a reflection of subconscious activity.

Therefore, if you dreamed of flowers in pots, then you should think first of all about the characteristics of your own character. Sometimes such a dream can be " alarm signal" Perhaps you suppress feelings too often, constantly hiding emotions, which can negatively affect both your future and your health. Perhaps, with such a dream, your subconscious is trying to tell you that changes in behavior and character correction are now simply necessary.

Why do you dream of flowers in pots? A few more interpretation options

Naturally, there are other options for interpreting dreams. For example, what does it mean if in a dream a flower in a pot is presented to you as a gift? This is also a favorable sign. In most cases, such a development in the plot indicates that very quickly a person dear to you will appear in your life, about whom you have not heard anything for a long time.

On the other hand, according to Vanga’s dream book, if you receive a pot of flowers as a gift in a dream, get ready to receive news of the death or serious illness of one of your relatives.

You may have another dream. Watering flowers in pots is also a great sign. Such a dream can be a harbinger of success, good luck, rapid career advancement, an increase in salary, receiving an unscheduled bonus, etc. Sometimes such a dream promises the emergence of new ideas and plans. If after watering the plants they begin to bloom, then you can be sure that your work and efforts will soon be appreciated.

If in a dream you find yourself in a house filled with flowers in pots, then this indicates that there is a person in your life who has strong feelings for you, but for one reason or another hides his real emotions.

Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots? This is the question asked by those people who have seen such a dream. So, for many, the dream speaks of a relationship with a significant other.

If a person has seen lush and bright plants in pots, then this is a favorable sign that promises an ideal relationship with a partner. In some cases, a dream about beautiful plants in pots for girls can promise marriage or a marriage proposal.

When a person dreams of bright and beautiful flowers in pots, then such a dream guarantees the fidelity and love of a partner. It’s another matter when you dream about withering plants. The fact is that in reality your relationship should be reconsidered. In order to preserve them, you will have to make a lot of effort, both on the part of your partner and on your part.

Very rarely, people have to see indoor plants in pots in their dreams, but not live ones, but artificial ones. What could this mean? In reality, such relationships with a partner are superficial.

The color of plants in a dream

If a person has colorful dreams, then he needs to remember what color of plants he dreamed about.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of flower you dreamed about, what’s important is its color. For example, deep red colors “speak” of passion, desire and sensual love. White plants indicate that the relationship with a partner is ideal and gentle.

Pink shades of flowers symbolize tenderness, and blue shades symbolize care and support for a loved one. It is generally accepted that yellow plants symbolize the betrayal of a partner.

Why dream of replanting flowers in pots?

The dream interpretation of indoor flowers is diverse. It is necessary to interpret correctly, taking into account all the subtleties and details of the dream. For example, many people say that they dream about how they transplant indoor flowers into pots, dig in the ground, and water them. What does this mean?

So, according to the dream book of many predictors, replanting flowers is a positive change in life. A person who sees such a dream expects favorable changes either at work or in his personal life. Most often, such changes include an unexpected move or a fun trip.

Such a dream is especially favorable for married woman. Most often, it promises either the birth of a child or a surprise from a loved one. It’s especially good when the flowers begin to bloom before our eyes. Such a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of all planned goals and plans.

It's a bad sign if you plant a flower and it doesn't take root. Such a dream may portend financial problems or a deterioration in personal relationships with a loved one.

Interpretation of sleep by famous predictors

For centuries, many people have been interested in the question of why they dream of flowers in pots. Of course, such dreams can promise certain changes in the future. But, in rare cases, it can become a reflection of subconscious activity. So, what did famous predictors say about this?

Vanga's Dream Book

Dream interpretation of flowers in pots is an unfavorable sign. So, Vanga interpreted it as an impending illness or even the death of a loved one. But if a person dreams that he is watering flowers in pots, then something good awaits him - an increase in wages or rapid advancement on the career ladder.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if in a dream a person is given a beautiful, flowering indoor plant in a pot, then in reality he will meet the person who will become the most dear and beloved to him.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller, like Nostradamus, interpreted dreams about indoor plants as something good. So, if a person had a dream in which he watered indoor plants in pots, and they began to grow or bloom quickly, then in reality everything in his life would turn out well. If a person dreams that in a dream he finds himself in a house in which there are a lot of flowers in pots, then in reality there is a person in his life who loves him very much.

  • Why do you dream of planting flowers?
  • Predictions from other dream books
  • Negative Predictions
  • Positive interpretation of sleep
  • Where do you plant the seedlings?
  • Color range of seedlings
  • Other interpretations

Many people simply love digging in the ground and planting flowers. If you are an amateur gardening work, then perhaps a dream about planting seeds in a flowerbed does not convey any message to you, you are simply worried about your brainchild, or are looking forward to the new summer season.

But if you are far from plant growing, planting seedlings in a dream is a sign of change in a positive direction.

Why do you dream of planting flowers?

In general, dreams with flowers have a positive connotation. They delight with their beauty even in a dream. When you dream about something like this, a person usually wakes up in the morning with a positive charge of emotions.

What dream books say about planting flowers

If you dreamed that you were planting flowers

Dream books promise, after such a dream, success, happiness at the family hearth, prosperity, and a fun pastime. But dreams are different, so in a dream you can plant flowers anywhere. In order not to be tormented by unnecessary doubts, we pick up a dream book.

Velesov's dream book

Planting flowers means trouble. Taking care of them, watering them - happiness and joy will bring me into the house.

Seeing dew on them means the planned business will end in failure.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed that the flower garden you planted was trampled by someone underfoot - the enemies have activated, they will do everything in their power to prevent them from obtaining reliable and necessary information.

Planting flowers in your garden means you are doing a noble deed.

Miller's Dream Book

Replanting indoor plants with a feeling of pleasure is a very good sign.

Miller divides his interpretations depending on where you bury the seedlings:

  • in a pot - a gift or surprise, of a pleasant nature;
  • in the flowerbed - fun family celebration;
  • at the grave - you have the fortitude to withstand the most difficult situation;
  • in the city square - an incident that will please you;
  • in the forest - spending time in the company of good friends;
  • in the garden - wait for guests.

If you dream that you are planting seeds in a pot, all your efforts to optimize your living space will be effective.

Predictions from other dream books

Sigmund Freud believed that digging seeds into the ground in a flower bed near the house was a sign of marriage. For those couples who had already legalized their relationship, the psychologist predicted an addition to the family.

If you dreamed that you were planting in the ground in a flowerbed together with your loved one - your love will only grow stronger, you will soon see this.

But the dream book interprets replanting flowers on a grave in a dream as a complete change in your views. It is possible that you will begin to preach a completely different religion, or get carried away by things that are completely unusual for you.

Negative Predictions

Watching in a dream how another person is trying to plant a flower in a place unsuitable for growth - expect a difficult period, but it will not be long.

Another negative sign is if you plant flowers, no matter where, in a flower bed, on a grave, or at home in a flower pot, and another person immediately breaks or pulls them out. Such a dream speaks of the evil plans of ill-wishers who have entered the active phase and are trying to harm you.

Planting wilted plants is not a sign, but an indication that something is going wrong, think about what you are doing wrong.

To the delight of dreamers, such dreams no longer have any negative predictions.

Positive interpretation of sleep

It seems that planting seedlings on a grave a priori cannot bode well; you are mistaken. Planting flowers on a grave means that in the near future dizzying prospects will open up before you, all you have to do is extend your hand and receive your bonus.

Where do you plant the seedlings?

Important information for interpretation, place of planting seedlings:

  • simply planting plants in the ground means you will be engaged in a noble cause that will bring undeniable benefits to others;
  • working in a flowerbed in the garden means troubles and experiences, but only pleasant ones;

    Towards stability in all areas of life

  • replanting indoor flowers in a pot together with another person is a tempting offer, worth accepting;
  • planting a flower in a pot alone means stability, both at home and at work;
  • planting flowers in the entire front garden near the house - you are about to have a fruitful period in your life, all your talents and inner strengths will be at their maximum, don’t miss this moment.

In a dream, you see a group of people planting seeds - you will find yourself at a cheerful festive holiday.

Color range of seedlings

The dream book also advises paying attention to what color predominated in your plantings:

  • if black - good news from friends, acquaintances;
  • orange - to the inevitable death;
  • pink – romantic surprise;
  • blue - a moment of bright longing for the old days will come;
  • red - some events in your life will lead you to become proud;
  • white - meeting your soulmate.

Other interpretations

In the east, they believe that planting flowers in a dream means that you will be offered some business that you will like, but will not bring profit.

If you just planted flowers, and they immediately bloom, your work will be appreciated.

Plant in a pot exotic plants- to wealth and fame. Perhaps you have hidden talents that will soon come to light.

Despite all its gloom, planting flowers on the grave of a friend is a sign of great happiness that is literally knocking on your door. Although some dream interpreters claim that such a dream indicates that you will definitely achieve your goal, but for this it will be necessary to make some kind of sacrifice on your part. All you have to do is decide what is more important to you.

Flowers have always been the personification of joy and beauty. It is not surprising that most dream interpreters interpret flowers in a dream as a good sign. For example, many dream books associate a dream that featured flowers in pots with the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Attention to the details of a dream allows you to get a more detailed and accurate prediction.

Why do you dream of flowers in pots: general interpretation

Most dream books agree that flowers in pots are a good sign, a symbol of future prosperity and success, pure and sincere relationships, and joyful changes.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the material side of life

If the plants you dreamed of were fresh and beautiful, this promises soon positive changes directly related to the material sphere– perhaps you will finally have a chance to buy a new home or a car that you have been dreaming about for so long. This major purchase is sure to please you.

Dried flowers in pots warn about the possibility mistakes, making a wrong decision in any matter, which will ultimately lead to unexpected failure. Sometimes such a dream can foreshadow about financial collapse or car accident, in which the dreamer will suffer.

Flowers in pots: what does the dream book promise in your personal life?

Concerning personal life, sleep with fresh and beautiful flowers says that soon you get rid of loneliness and meet your soulmate, and this meeting promises to be memorable and romantic. It is considered a good sign if in a dream you were in a room completely filled with beautiful flowers. Such a vision is a sign that in real life some man (woman) is in love with you, but due to his shyness, he (she) is afraid to admit his tender feelings. If you are no longer alone, a dream where you were present lush and bright flowers in pots, points to love and loyalty of a partner, pure, sincere and harmonious relationships, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel. For young girls such a dream can symbolize and imminent marriage.

However, beware if you see in a dream potted plants were ugly, wilted or completely withered. Such a dream does not signify anything except grief and loss. You may soon be forced to face deterioration of family relationships or betrayal by a partner.

Artificial flowers in pots warn about hypocrisy coming from close people. If a young man had such a dream, it indicates that it is necessary to postpone the marriage proposal if he was going to make one to his girlfriend. Artificial plants in pots in a dream are a symbol of superficial relationships and insincerity of feelings.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the dreamer’s actions

The actions that you performed in a dream with plants in pots are also important. Based on the interpretations given by various dream books (universal, Miller, Vanga, Grishina, gypsy, family, female), the following results are obtained:

  • plant flowers in pots- desire for solitude and peace. Sometimes such a dream speaks of changes that can be both positive and negative, but, ultimately, joy will definitely replace the negativity;
  • plant a plant in a pot and watch its rapid death- to money problems. If the flower you planted withers instantly, get ready for difficulties in your personal life;
  • replant a houseplant- a good sign for a married woman. Such a dream promises the onset of pregnancy (and it will be easy) and the subsequent birth of a baby;
  • watering a flower in a pot– to favorable changes in career: receiving a bonus, promotion. Some people may have a similar dream before winning the lottery;
  • feed a potted plant– receiving an expensive gift or making an expensive purchase;
  • receive a potted flower as a gift- to news related to a person you have not seen for a long time. Vanga’s dream book gives a not particularly favorable interpretation of such a dream: the dream promises health problems for your loved one, but promises a quick recovery (especially if you dreamed of a young plant in a pot);
  • give someone a houseplant– help this person in real life;
  • drop the flower and break the pot- promises major troubles, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort and financial investment from the dreamer;
  • break the plant, leaving the pot intact, - warns that the dreamer has secret ill-wishers who know important information.

Appearance and color of plants in a dream

The dream books listed above also pay attention to the color of flowers seen in a dream.

  • Red flowers, according to the universal dream book, predict success in your personal life and career;
  • flowers with colorful buds(universal dream book) foreshadow numerous joys prepared for the dreamer in his real life;
  • White flowers promise a meeting with a person who will radically change the dreamer’s life (for the better);
  • pink flowers- a symbol of tenderness experienced by the dreamer towards his partner;
  • yellow flowers warn about possible betrayal (treason) on the part of a lover;
  • blue flowers– patronage provided by an influential person;
  • green plant , according to gypsy dream book, is a symbol of numerous worries and troubles, but they will lead to a feeling of deep satisfaction;
  • fantastic plant, which does not exist in real life, speaks of some kind of talent that the dreamer is endowed with. With the development and implementation of this gift, triumph and prosperity await a person.

It happens that sometimes a person can only dream empty flower pot, without any indoor plant in it. Such a dream portends long and difficult journey, but in the end the dreamer will be able to fulfill everything he has in mind.

But some prefer flowers in pots. In reality they look simply great. But why do you dream of flowers in pots? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of flowers in pots - basic interpretation

Flowers are always beautiful; there are several thousand types of them. They can either grow outside or be bred in a special way. In any case, flowers always give a lot of positive emotions to those to whom they are given.

Flowers in a dream are a good sign, except for those dreams in which the flowers fade and are lost. Then you should be wary of unforeseen situations in life, troubles that may not be avoidable. Gifted flowers in a dream can symbolize gifts and pleasant surprises in reality.

You definitely need to take a closer look at all the little things in the dream, so as not to miss an important moment, an important hint. In some cases, the plot of a dream can be varied, and flowers in it will act as an auxiliary factor, and in this case it is worth interpreting the meaning of their appearance.

It is important to remember the condition of the flowers, whether they were withered or fragrant with their beauty. Among other things, it is important to remember who exactly gave them. If the flowers are beautiful and grow well, such a dream promises the acquisition of some important item or property. Lots of flowers in pots - your wish will definitely come true. Also, such a dream may indicate romantic events in the life of the dreamer. It is worth preparing for pleasant surprises.

If a flower suddenly blooms in a dream, such a dream speaks of an unexpected meeting. If the flower has faded, you should be careful about your health, as chronic diseases may worsen.

If in a dream you see a flower withering before your eyes, such a dream suggests that most likely your significant other will cheat on you. If you find a withered flower at home, although you previously saw it blooming in a dream, betrayal has already occurred. Also, such a dream may indicate a sharp deterioration in the state of the relationship between spouses.

If the flowers in a dream are artificial, then you will experience betrayal from a loved one. You won't be able to leave him for a long time. You will be surrounded by lies and evil. If a guy decided to propose marriage to a girl, but before this event he dreamed of withered flowers in pots, he should postpone the event, since the proposal will not be taken seriously.

Also, dried flowers in pots in a dream can indicate that financial affairs will go from bad to worse. What should be done to improve the situation? Breathe life into business through new ideas. After such a dream, you need to carefully consider your every action, because unforeseen losses are possible due to rash and hasty decisions. Also, dried flowers in pots may indicate:

Betrayal of a friend, soulmate;

Loss of opportunity to earn money;

Deterioration of health.

Why do you dream of flowers in pots according to Meneghetti’s dream book

Meneghetti's dream book says that flowers in pots are dreamed of as a sign of superiority, a sign of gaining strength and prosperity. If a person is planning to implement an important business, then after such a dream he will definitely succeed.

If a man dreams of admiring a flower in a dream and caring for it. In reality, he needs attention from the female sex. He really wants to find a life partner and devote himself to making her life better.

If a woman dreams that a flower in her hands begins to bloom, she will soon receive the happiness she desires. Her man will give her gifts and flattering words. If she doesn’t have a man yet, she will have the opportunity to build a relationship with someone new. If flowers wither in a woman’s hands in a dream, a difficult fate awaits her and it will be difficult to fight against it. It's easier to accept it.

Why do you dream about flowers in pots according to Freud’s dream book?

Why do you dream of flowers in pots? Freud's dream book says that a flower represents feelings and relationships. If it is just blooming in a dream, or just beginning to sprout from the ground, a relationship is emerging, and you should not rush the course of events. It is important to pay special attention to your partner’s wishes so as not to ruin everything.

If a young lonely girl sees in a dream a huge number of flowers in pots, she will be torn between various options. There will be no end to her suitors. But is she ready to choose? Such a dream suggests that not all bright flowers smell pleasant and are easy to care for. Not all relationships that are beautiful at first will bring happiness to the girl later.

If a man has a dream about his girlfriend taking care of a flower, she is secretly looking at another man. It is worth clarifying the relationship and preventing betrayal. It is also important to be attentive to each other's needs. Perhaps this girl’s behavior is a consequence of her partner’s inattention to her.

If you dream of wilted flowers that you are trying in every possible way to save in a dream, your relationship will become obsolete, and you will try your best to breathe life into them. Your attempts will be in vain, because the relationship has ended and there are objective reasons for this. The dream book advises cultivating new relationships and not fighting for those that can no longer be saved.

Why do you dream about flowers in pots according to other dream books?

IN big dream book it is said why you dream of flowers in pots - if they are red, you will experience financial growth and improvement in business. Things will go well, prosperity is guaranteed to you. As the financial situation in life improves, the situation in your personal life will also improve.

If you have a multi-colored composition in a pot, you should expect joyful events in reality. This could be a wonderful trip, celebration, unexpected pleasant acquaintances and meetings. If a flower blooms before your eyes, your work will be appreciated.

It is also worth considering the appearance of flowers in a pot in a dream as an indication that you are endowed with unique abilities to give people care, happiness, and joy. If the flower in a dream is fantastic, and such flowers do not exist in real life, you have a unique gift that needs to be developed. Which one? The dream itself will tell you.

In Hasse's dream book It is said that flowers in pots are dreamed of as the personification of a favorable development of events. If there are many flowers and they are all different, a kaleidoscope of joyful events awaits a person, which will replace each other with lightning speed.

If flowers are just beginning to bloom, such a dream may indicate the emergence of friendship or new relationships. If the buds have faded, but the flower itself remains unharmed, you should not spread rumors or chat a lot. It is important to tell the truth, then everything in life will work out for the best.

Flowers in dreams also indicate pleasant events, moving, or a change of scenery. If you pack flowers in boxes in a dream, you should also prepare for moving in reality. If you find your flowers plucked or broken in a dream, someone will disrupt the course of events in your life and upset your plans. In order to determine who this ill-wisher is, you need to interpret the entire dream.

If in a dream you see lemon or other trees starting to bloom in your pot, you should take care of your house. You left caring for people close to you for later and in vain, since they really need it.

A dream in which a stranger brought you flowers and left them on your doorstep suggests that you should expect uninvited guests. Although the dream may disturb you, the meeting in reality will be pleasant and very friendly. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon make new friends who will help you not only brighten up your loneliness, but also solve many accumulated problems.

In any case, finding a beautiful and fragrant flower on your window is very pleasant. It's also nice to give flowers. If in a dream you give someone flowers in pots, in reality you will be generous with good deeds and words. Your actions will benefit you. Because you will make new contacts, new friends. If a girl dreams of a withered flower blooming again, in reality she will experience a revival of her relationship with her former lover. But she must remember that it depends on the gardener exactly how the relationship will develop. If you take care of relationships and cultivate love and trust in them, this will give wonderful results and the relationship will blossom with happiness.

To believe or not to believe in prophetic dreams, the interpretation of dreams is a personal matter for everyone. But it cannot be denied that dreams “don’t just happen.” And if you know how to interpret and interpret them, you can get a lot of information for thought and lift the veil of the future. The world of dreams is so amazing because dreams are symbolic. If you want to know why you dream of planting flowers, find out the interpretation of the dream in the most popular dream books.

  • Interpretation according to different dream books
  • Seedlings, seeds, bulbs
  • Landing on the grave
  • Digging up plants

Interpretation according to different dream books

  • The first edition of the dream book, compiled by an American psychologist, was published in 1901. More than a century has passed since then, and the dream book remains, perhaps, one of the most popular. It also contains an interpretation of the dream about planting flowers, and it is quite detailed. Plant in a pot - in reality you will receive a gift completely unexpectedly, which will pleasantly surprise and delight you. Work on the flowerbed - be prepared for the fact that the routine of everyday life will be diversified by a cheerful family celebration, and you will be one of the participants in this event. Landing on a city square - an event will happen in real life that will give pleasant emotions, in the forest - there will be fun, interesting leisure time in pleasant company, in the garden - the dream foretells that you will soon have to meet guests.
  • “Flower” dreams have a generally positive interpretation, but much of the interpretation depends on the details of the dream. Planting beautiful flowers means pleasant chores and a quick result of these affairs. Planting flowers in damp soil (that is, the land seen in a dream was remembered and impressed) is a sign of disappointment, which you will unexpectedly receive from people close to you. Planting wilted flowers means illness, a deterioration in well-being, and this will force you to change your plans.
  • A dream about planting flowers has this interpretation - in reality you will engage in a noble task.
  • Here you can find several meanings of such a dream. Planting red flowers to a romantic interest, white flowers - for long-awaited news, prickly flowers - beware of gossipers who can spread unpleasant gossip behind your back. Plant flowers on beautiful flower bed while watering them with clean water - to work, the result of which will be even better than you originally expected, replanting flowers in pots - a lot of household chores and minor troubles will fall on your shoulders, and putting things in order will require some effort.
  • This dream book has the following interpretation of a dream about planting flowers - this is a harbinger of a romantic passion that will greatly change your life.
  • A new acquaintance will lead to a series of pleasant events.
  • Painstaking work with delayed results - this interpretation can be found in the dream book.

Seedlings, seeds, bulbs

The world of dreams is mysterious, every detail of a dream seen in it is symbolic, so it is recommended to remember all the episodes of vision from the world of night dreams.

Planting flower seedlings in the ground means effort and work, and the result of this work will improve your well-being after some time.

If you plant flower seedlings in rocky soil, this means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve what you want, and the result may be very surprising and even puzzling.

Sow flower seeds - such a dream promises small household chores(this interpretation is given by the English dream book).

When you dream that you are planting flower seeds in damp soil, in reality you will have to participate in a matter that will cause a lot of anxiety. Sowing flower seeds in a beautiful flowerpot is a sign of vain pleasures (interpretation according to Miller’s dream book).

I had a dream in which you plant flower seeds and water them with clean water - to good luck in financial matters, to prosperity in the house.

Landing on the grave

Dreams that feature attributes and phenomena that are somehow related to death are disturbing and raise a lot of questions. Therefore, in dream books there is enough detailed interpretation of such dreams, for example, in the dream book of Nostradamus:

  • Planting flowers on a grave is a dream-prophecy that you have the fortitude to withstand difficult situations.
  • Planting flowers on the grave of a person who was recently buried - In reality you will have to experience bitterness and a feeling of sadness.

In Loff's dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of troubles and failure.

But there are also positive interpretations of a dream in which you plant flowers on a grave. On the pages of Miller’s dream book you can find the following interpretation:

  • For a woman with children, such a dream portends good health for the whole family.
  • To have such a dream when there is a difficult period in life - a good sign for relief from oppressive hardships and obligations.

The same positive interpretation of a dream with such a plot is given in the dream book of the Bulgarian seer Vanga - in reality, do a prudent act, you will be able to make the right decision in a difficult situation.

In Longo’s dream book, such a dream serves as a harbinger of finding hope in the most difficult everyday situations.

Digging up plants

A dream in which you dig up flowers is interpreted as follows:

  • Vain worries(Miller's dream book and the same interpretation is given in the English dream book).
  • Lose the chance, fail to realize your potential to the fullest (Vanga’s dream book).
  • Hard labour, not appreciated (Longo's dream book).
  • You have to go through a bitter disappointment(Hasse's dream book).
  • A series of troubles will deprive you of peace for a while (Nostradamus’ dream book).

The details of this dream are important: digging up flowers and getting your hands or clothes dirty means reputational damage.

Digging up flowers with a shovel means circumstances will not be in your favor, and you will have to make a lot of effort to normalize the situation.

The human mind is inexplicable, and people can only guess about the meaning of dreams, resorting to the help of clairvoyants and soothsayers. While doing everyday things, we observe plants in our homes, take care of them, water them, transplant them from an old pot to a new one. Therefore, it is not strange that in dreams we see flower pots and flowerpots. Another type of potty (night potty) is encountered by parents with small children, elderly people and staff caring for them. However, it happens that the appearance of a pot in a dream cannot be explained objectively. In this case, you should turn to dream books and find out the interpretation.
Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: flowers in pots, if they are brightly colored and look fresh, promise pleasure and profitable acquisitions. White flowers are a symbol of sadness. A fading flowerpot in a cracked pot portends trouble. Receiving flowers as a gift for a girl means the appearance of a fan. A flower growing in the sand prophesies bleak events. A dream about flowers in pots has a positive meaning, which will appear after suffering difficulties.
  • Why do you dream about flower pots? Full pots dream of prosperity, material well-being; empty pots foreshadow monetary losses, unnecessary waste, and family troubles. Pots with cracks predict quarrels and conflicts; broken into pieces - parting with a loved one, long forced departure, destruction of happiness.
  • Why do you dream of indoor plants in pots? If you see exotic plants in a dream that do not actually exist, the dream foreshadows a romantic acquaintance and an unexpected turn in life. A beautiful multi-colored and large pot means a generous person, next to whom you will not lack for anything and will find your true happiness.
  • Why do you dream of a gifted flower in a pot? The interpretation of a dream can vary greatly depending on what kind of flower in a pot was given to you, what it looked like and who the giver was. Viable, beautiful flowers in whole pots, donated by family and friends, portend positive influences on fate. These can be successful days, material incentives, gifts, health, friendship and reciprocal love. Withering or dead flowers in cracked or broken pots, presented by unpleasant people or the deceased, give the dream a bad meaning. They portend failures, losses, losses, quarrels and conflicts, illnesses and other troubles. (see dream Gift)
  • Dream interpretation: a tree in a pot symbolizes the life and inner energy of a person. Therefore, it is worth remembering what the tree looked like in a dream. Lush and green predicts years of prosperity. Branched - a large family. A drying tree shows deterioration in health due to poor lifestyle and bad thoughts. evergreen tree speaks of the dreamer's generosity.
  • Why do you dream of a violet in a pot? A violet seen in a dream is a symbol of love doubts and confused relationships. A violet in a pot can have different interpretations. Seeing a flowerpot on the windowsill foreshadows a young girl meeting the man who will become her husband. Receiving a pot of violets as a gift portends a quarrel and disagreements in a relationship. A withering plant, which is also in a pot with a crack, portends a sudden loss of interest on the part of the partner and a break in the relationship. Such a dream warns a man that he should be more attentive to his lady, otherwise she will begin to look for care and understanding on the side.
  • Why do you dream of a cactus in a pot? There are two symbols in this dream: a pot and a cactus, so the dream has several interpretations. Whole, clean and beautiful peas indicate a positive meaning of the dream; a dirty, cracked, chipped pot gives the dream a bad meaning. You need to remember the appearance of a cactus. Usually this plant speaks of coldness, alienation, and sometimes shows that the dreamer holds a grudge against life and the whole world, unable to adapt to circumstances and be “like everyone else.” In other cases, the cactus speaks of bad influence from your environment. Seeing a cactus in a pot also means a wise attitude towards life. If a cactus in a pot is presented as a gift, you will learn someone’s secret and master important secret information. A blooming cactus in a full pot is an especially good sign; it portends great luck and the fulfillment of a wish.
  • Why do you dream of an orchid in a pot? Such a dream foretells to the dreamer something amazing, unique in its own way; it could be a situation, an adventure, a journey, or a gift of a rare thing.
  • Why do you dream of a rose in a pot? Beautiful elastic scarlet buds indicate that some person is eager to get you as his mistress. Blooming flowers pastel shades talk about loyalty and devotion. Weak, flying petals foreshadow the decline of passionate feelings and the end of a relationship by common consent.
  • Why dream of a money tree in a pot? The dream prophesies the beginning of an unplanned complex project, for which you will have to sacrifice own plans. However, the reward for your work will be significant.
  • Why do you dream of aloe in a pot? The dream should be interpreted only if the day before you did not tinker with this plant and did not use it in medicinal purposes. Aloe in a pot dreams of a long life, which will be full of obstacles. Tearing off part of a plant and preparing medicine from it means worrying about your health. Watering aloe in a pot foreshadows long hours alone, which you will devote to reflection. However, you should carefully consider the ideas in your head so as not to bring unnecessary trials. For a sick person, a dream shows which method should be used to treat his illness.
  • Why do you dream about ficus in a pot? For a young woman, a dream portends pregnancy. For family people, this plant symbolically shows coziness in the home or hints at the need to create a comfortable atmosphere in the home. Any manipulations with a ficus in a pot in a dream (giving, receiving as a gift, replanting, cutting) indicate a desire to change your life, which in reality does not happen due to fear.
  • The dream of “geranium in a pot” for a sick person foretells a quick recovery, and he will be completely healed. A dream also means the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • Why do you dream of a flower in a green pot? To material prosperity, successful transactions. For merchants it portends good sales, for company managers - the conclusion of contracts for favorable conditions, farmers - a rich harvest. Any honest work during this period will be well rewarded.
  • Dream Interpretation: A palm tree in a pot symbolizes triumph and victory. Relate the dream to events in your life. You will win your case in court, fulfill your plan at work, and earn the respect of your colleagues and household members.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large flower in a pot foreshadows great joy and indicates securing an important position in work.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeing in a potty means in reality being attacked by others, being accused undeservedly.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pot of feces portends material rewards, resolution of issues and troubles related to money. Good luck will smile on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flower in a pot has withered - a bad sign. Look for an ill-wisher in your circle who sucks energy out of you, makes you nervous and does things that cause regret.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sprout in a pot means a desire to continue one’s lineage. This is a good time for pregnancy and childbirth, and for unmarried people to start a family.
  • Dream Interpretation: blooming violets in pots speak of a complicated story in your personal life, bad advisers and secret envious people.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor green flowers foretell strength of spirit and health, success in all matters and endeavors, gaining experience and knowledge that will help you look at the world more broadly. A useful period for self-education and travel.
  • Dream Interpretation: a money tree in a pot predicts the resolution of complex financial issues, obtaining a loan or credit, and help from an unexpected quarter.
  • When you dream of green plants in a pot, the dream book recommends taking active action. During this period, fate will be favorable to matters in all areas of life.
  • Dream interpretation: the soil in a pot with a palm tree has dried out - such a dream can only indicate your forgetfulness to water the plant if you actually keep it. If you do not have any palm tree, the dream foreshadows depletion of vital energy, malaise, troubles and conflicts due to irritation and bad mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting indoor flowers in pots means improving everyday life, organizing some kind of home event. For newlyweds, it means a new addition to the family, and generally a good period for conception. For men, the dream predicts the start of their own business.
  • Dream Interpretation: tricolor flowers blooming in pots are pleasant chores associated with a family or creating one. Large flowers speak of the well-being and prosperity of the dreamer and his family.
  • Dream Interpretation: aloe in a pot is a sign of upcoming life difficulties. However, you yourself create obstacles just by the thoughts you think up in your free time. Find yourself a hobby and see how quickly things will improve.
  • Why do you dream about a tree in a pot? The main element of a tree is its trunk, which S. Freud considers a phallic symbol. If a man saw a dream, this shows his disposition towards homosexual relationships. For a woman, seeing a tree in a pot means a desire to change partners or re-experience the sensations of first intimacy. For older women, sleep can be a harbinger of decreased sexual activity. A beautiful tree in a pot with a lush crown portends good luck in love affairs. If the tree dries out, is warped or broken, this may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. The psychoanalyst pays special attention to watering the plant in a dream. If a man does this, it means he has a tendency to satisfy himself on his own. If a woman waters a tree, then she wants to have a family and raise children. Watching someone take care of a tree in a pot in a dream means that the dreamer is subconsciously attracted to one of his parents (Oedipus complex).
  • Why do you dream of peeing in a pot? The brain signals that your bladder is full. Seeing the urge to urinate in a dream means actually wanting to go to the toilet.
  • Why do you dream about a pot of urine? If the dreamer does not have children or sick relatives to care for, the dream symbolizes negative energy. This is the bad influence of surrounding people, troubles, accusations, bullying of a person.
  • If you dreamed of cucumbers in a pot, the dream book predicts the birth of children for a woman, and monetary profit for men. Also, a dream with cucumbers may indicate dissatisfaction with sexual fantasies.
  • Why do you dream of violets blooming in pots? Just as violets love shade, people who dream of these flowers are shy and modest people, often remaining in the shadow of others. Violets in pots that have bloomed their flowers portend great news that will lift your spirits. A dream in which you water a pot of violets predicts the emergence of love. She will be acutely worried. Picking leaves from a plant or trimming it means a conversation with an interesting, but silent person in everyday life, who will make an indelible impression on you.
  • Why do you dream of a red flower in a pot? Red color symbolizes energy, love, leadership, passion. A large red flower in a pot that looks healthy and growing portends good prospects when starting a new project or business, reciprocity in matters of the heart, good health, victory in competitions, financial gain.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flower in a pot? A bright flower full of freshness portends joy and pleasure. If the flower is grown by you, then such a dream prophesies the help of the gods in any matter. To appease higher powers, petals of different colors must be burned over a flame at midnight. If the pot is given as a gift, for a girl the dream means a fan. A dried flower in a cracked pot predicts trouble.
  • The interpretation of dreams “flowers in a pot” comes from comparing the pot with the hearth and family, and the flower with the flow of affairs. The better the plant looks, and the larger and prettier pot, in which it grows, the more favorable the atmosphere in the dreamer’s house, the better his work is going, the healthier his relatives are. Otherwise, the dream takes on a negative meaning. Dying flowers in cracked, dirty flowerpots predict instability in relationships, quarrels and disagreements, inability to lead a family life and manage a budget, financial losses and deterioration in well-being.
  • Why do you dream of geranium in a pot? Seeing a flowerpot on someone's windowsill means that the dreamer is a homely person who strives for comfort. Growing a flower at home means that a problem has arisen in the family, the solution to which lies entirely on your shoulders. Geranium in a pot is a symbol of planning household. If the flower looks beautiful, your plans will be easy to implement. If the flowers wither, the well-being of the family is in danger.
  • Why does a girl dream of flowers in pots? The dream tells about the subconscious desire to find your own family, home, children. If you have a young man, it is worth discussing the prospect of marriage, since you are completely ready for an independent life.
  • Why do you dream about transplanting flowers in pots? Such a dream suggests that your life seems boring to you. You need a breath of fresh air, a change of activity, a break from routine. By replanting plants, you project the desire to move to a new place.
  • If in a dream you were given a flower in a pot, judge the dream by the appearance of the gift. A beautiful pot and an elegant flower received from nice person, portends help in business and respect from others. If the donor was a stranger, expect a new acquaintance that will bring joy. If the gift was given by an ill-wisher, beware of gossip and intrigues. A dry, faded flower in a pot without soil portends troubles, quarrels and loss of trust.
  • Why do you dream of flowers in pots? If the flowers look beautiful and grow well, then the dream portends you a long, healthy life.
  • Why dream of watering flowers in pots? To fulfill your cherished desire, into which you have already invested a lot of effort. Your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Dream Interpretation: Taking out a child’s potty full means participating in gossip, discussions, talking badly about others.
  • Dream Interpretation: a plant in a pot foreshadows a young girl with a wealthy groom, for whom she will not know the need.
  • Why do you dream of soil in a pot? Such a dream speaks of the need to take a break from the hardships of life, to plunge into an atmosphere of peace and quiet.
  • Why do you dream about fresh flowers in pots? A sign that speaks of the wealth of the inner world, a generous soul, and a selfless attitude towards others. You are a person who refuses to help anyone.
  • Why do you dream of replanting flowers in pots? Bad sign, which prophesies that you will be left alone with your pain, and there will be no one to help you.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing indoor plants in pots means worries, the period of which will soon be replaced by a phase of silence, calm and contentment. If someone tells you that plants are poisonous or you can get burned by them, the dream foreshadows betrayal in your close circle. Useful indoor plants in pots speak of good relationships with household members, comfort and harmony. Evergreen indoor plants predict a time of study and acquisition of useful knowledge.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flower pot filled with black soil speaks of a hardworking owner; filled with sand speaks of labor that is poorly paid; an empty pot shows empty hopes and the futility of efforts.
  • Dream Interpretation: replanting flowers in pots - prepare for big changes in life. You will be able to look at old things in a new way, give up burdensome relationships, change your job or place of residence, and complete things that were once started but unfinished.
  • Why do you dream of soil scattered from a pot? Such a dream speaks of the excessive efforts you are making to create an atmosphere of comfort in your home. No one appreciates your efforts, and you slowly turn into a victim and begin to accumulate resentment. The dream can also indicate a mess in the house and inability to manage the house.
  • The dream “flowers in pots, a lot” foretells well-being in the family if the flowers are beautiful, grow well and exude fragrance. If the flowers look lethargic and unviable, you should be careful about your health and that of your household.
  • Seeing a child's potty empty in a dream means a difficult financial situation, the need to get into debt. A full pot means a good financial situation, no need. If in a dream you do not know whether the pot is full or empty, this means that in life everything can change in an unexpected direction.
  • The dream “indoor plants in pots,” provided that the plants are healthy and growing well, foreshadows the spiritual growth of a person, the increase in existing knowledge and skills. Children will have good grades at school; for students, the dream foretells successful passing of the exam.
  • Seeing a flower blooming in a pot in a dream is a very auspicious sign. The dream suggests that big things will begin to happen to the person, and he will be able to implement long-conceived plans. This could be a change of job to a more profitable one, or interesting trip, and maybe even a wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor flowers in pots that climb mean that someone is feeding on your energy or has simply settled on your neck and dangled their legs.
  • Dream Interpretation: a green flower in a pot means that you are increasingly drawn to household chores and worries, forgetting that there are other aspects of life, entertainment, pleasure. Don't lose touch with the world.
  • Dream interpretation: a flower in a pot has blossomed - things in the house will go smoothly, you don’t have to worry about your children or other family members.

Volkova's Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation: a fern in a pot shows that family life has become insipid, the former love and the feeling of novelty have disappeared. Each new day is identical to the previous one, there are no more pleasures in bed, and the routine simply eats away. It is difficult for you to be in such an atmosphere; there is a constant lack of movement and change of scenery. However, no one but you can bring the fire back into the relationship. Remember your younger self, what you liked, what places you and your husband visited. Start changing your life, and it will sparkle with colors again.
General dream book
If in a dream you see that snowdrops have grown in a pot, dream books talk about the renewal of some feelings or events. It can love relationship, romantic tender feelings, strong friendships left in the past. Giving snowdrops in a pot foreshadows love affairs, as well as helping other people who will express financial gratitude. Fading snowdrops speak of overlooked opportunities, both in business and in personal life, and the dream calls for immediate action. Also, snowdrops in a dream can portend the arrival of pleasure. If a flower in a pot has just begun to bloom, this means that you are about to experience changes for the better in all areas of your life. Receiving a pot of snowdrops as a gift predicts receiving a marriage proposal, or a profitable affiliate program in business.
Dream Interpretation: seeing a ficus in a pot on your windowsill - You have narrowed the circle of your interests to such an extent that there is nothing left in it except home and work. This state of affairs causes you anxiety, and dissatisfaction accumulates and accumulates. Receiving a ficus in a pot as a gift foreshadows a bunch of advisers who are ready to quarrel with each other for the right to furnish your home for you. Listen to everyone, thank them for their help, and do it your way.
Ladies' dream book

  • Why do you dream of planting flowers in a pot? Such a dream may indicate the beginning of a new business that you have been planning for a long time. In some cases, the dream prophesies a wedding or the birth of a child.
  • Why do you dream of homemade flowers in pots? If a young girl or guy has such a dream, it foretells an imminent marriage. For married couples, the dream foretells strong bonds and obedient children. For older people, it portends proper care for children and grandchildren.
  • Why do you dream of a home flower in a pot? For single women, the dream shows a desire to find a soul mate with such qualities that they can start a family and be “for their husband.” It’s not easy to meet a reliable person, but you don’t agree to frivolous romances - that’s the reason for loneliness.
  • Why do you dream of a sprout in a pot? Such a dream shows a woman the opportunity to become pregnant, and literally “sprout” - give birth to a child.
  • Why do you dream of dried flowers in pots? The dream foreshadows anxiety, from which you will not know where to hide.
  • Why do you dream of planting flowers in a pot? Planting plants in pots is laying the foundation for both a future family and a future home. A favorable period for starting the implementation of joint plans, weddings, moving, and major purchases.
  • Why do you dream of white flowers in pots? White color is a symbol of spirituality, purity of heart, bright thoughts and, at the same time, mystery. Nice flowers given to you in a dream speak of someone’s concern for your well-being. Perhaps about friendly love, untainted by passion and vulgarity. Having such a dream during pregnancy means a successful birth and the health of the baby.
  • Why do you dream of a green plant in a pot? The green flower has many interpretations: love experiences, hope for resolving a difficult situation, successful acquisitions and making a profit. If the plant has a lush green crown, the dream predicts joyful events. Hearing the rustling of the leaves of this plant in a dream may mean that ill-wishers are whispering behind your back.
  • Transplanting lilies into a pot in a dream means changes in the love sphere. Whether the changes will be good should be judged by the state of the flowers. White elastic flowers speak of a lover’s fidelity; your relationship can reach a new level. Red lilies foretell passions on the side, because of which the relationship with a partner may worsen or end. Transferring a lily to a new pot that looks better than the previous one means falling in love with another person similar to your current chosen one. The dream can also mean a wedding and the formation of a new unit of society. (see Lily's dream)
  • Why do we dream about children's potties? Such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires and the satisfaction of all existing needs.
  • Why do you dream about a pot of feces? To profit and unexpected material enrichment.
  • Why do you dream of sitting on a potty? Such a dream portends a deterioration in health or illness.
  • Why do you dream of a broken flower pot? A bad sign, foreshadowing quarrels, material losses or illness.
  • Why do you dream about orchids blooming in pots? TO tempting offer, which you cannot refuse.
  • Why do you dream of a big flower in a pot? Such a dream foreshadows career growth and promotion, receiving an award or material incentive.
  • Why do you dream of a clay pot? A container for preparing food or planting plants indicates that a person misses relatives whom he has not seen for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of a children's potty? The dream foreshadows worries and troubles.
  • Why do you dream about a pot full of baby urine? To get rid of unpleasant people, stressful situations, relief as a result of solving problems.
  • Why do you dream of a wilted flower in a pot? An unkind dream that warns the dreamer of the need to undergo a medical examination. You may be developing an indolent disease.
  • Why do you dream of a white orchid in a pot? An unexpected marriage proposal from your chosen one or another, no less interesting surprise awaits you.
  • Why dream of many flowers in pots? To the dreamer’s thriftiness, willingness to face difficulties and lack of fear of hard work. A person like you is usually called a hard worker.
  • Why do you dream about buying flowers in pots? The dream foreshadows a very successful investment of funds or real estate turnover. Any operations and manipulations in the financial sector will bring considerable profit.
  • Why do you dream of breaking a pot? Such a dream has two opposite currents. In one case, breaking a pot is a sign of goodness and happiness; in the second case, the dream foreshadows troubles, failures and even death.
  • The dream “pot” means that your property may increase in the near future. A broken pot, or if you break it, means that an unfavorable time will come.
  • The dream of “flowers in pots” means prosperity, and if the dreamer keeps livestock, then a decent offspring.
  • The dream “flower pots” means that you have to make a wise decision, which will determine the further course of events.
  • The dream of “a child on the potty” foreshadows the receipt of large profits, as well as gifts in the form of valuables or jewelry.
  • The dream of “many flowers in pots” foreshadows a warm family meeting.
  • Dream Interpretation: the pot has different interpretations. For example, using earthenware for cooking or planting flowers means longing for relatives and friends with whom you have not met for a long time. A potty to relieve yourself means a tricky situation that can show you in an unsightly light.
  • Dream Interpretation: flowers in pots mean the fulfillment of desires related to your own home and family.
  • Dream interpretation: watering flowers in pots - multiply income, promote enrichment.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor flowers in pots - family happiness and home comfort.
  • Dream Interpretation: Blooming flowers in pots portend pregnancy and the birth of healthy, strong children.
  • Dream Interpretation: placing pots of flowers on the window means inviting welcome guests into the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting flowers in a pot, filling it with soil, means that you are in danger of illness in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: given a flower in a pot - expect pleasant troubles associated with the arrival of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of flowers in pots speaks of strong love between spouses and a warm, friendly atmosphere in the house.
  • If you dreamed of a pot of soil, the dream book interprets what you saw as a good sign. The dreamer will achieve great success in matters related to agriculture, will receive a rich harvest or grow a beautiful garden.
  • Why do you dream about a pot? Such a dream shows that your family is a “full cup”, and you have enough of everything.
  • Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots? Dreams about indoor plants indicate that the dreamer is a thrifty person who values ​​the comfort and warmth of home.
  • Why do you dream of plants in pots? The dream predicts care for household members and pleasant worries.
  • Why do you dream about flowers blooming in pots? A good dream foretells well-being in the family and home, financial stability, good health, peace and harmony.
  • Why do you dream about flower pots? Multi-colored pots foreshadow an interesting pastime with close friends.
  • The dream “indoor flowers in pots” means that soon you will have to organize family celebration or reception. This will be a happy time, you will be able to be with loved ones.

Tsvetkov E. Dictionary of happy dreams

  • Dream Interpretation: a rose in a pot speaks of having a partner with whom you want to build a family. The more colorful the flower, the stronger the relationship and the brighter the love experiences.
  • Dream Interpretation: watering indoor flowers means taking care of relationships and protecting them even to the detriment of your own activities and interests. Time will pass, and you can count on a strong family and a person nearby whom you can completely rely on.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing flowers in pots means thinking about traditional family values.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor flowers blooming in pots indicate the dreamer’s inner world, his state of mind. Healthy, blooming and deliciously smelling plants speak of mental health, energy, and good mood.
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh flowers in pots show the dreamer’s optimism, his positive outlook on life and the world in general. The dream foretells good physical health and good spirits for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: white flowers in a pot are a symbol of peace, harmony and harmonious relations. If in a dream such a flowerpot stands on the window of your house, then in the near future things will happen between you and all your loved ones. ideal relationship, the children will be obedient, and the spouse will show love and care.
  • Dream Interpretation: orchids in pots, dreamed by men, speak of the inaccessibility of the lady of the heart. You need to have perseverance and be original to win her favor and love.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a flower in a pot? To surprises and surprises from a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: “a child on a potty” means that those around you have put too much on you, and such responsibility weighs on you. It's time to reconsider your life priorities.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pot of urine indicates that a person speaks a lot of slander and is carried away by things that have a bad effect on his reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a violet in a pot portends an acquaintance with a person who can not only change your worldview, but also turn out to be dangerous for your life.
  • Dream interpretation: a chamber pot can have the opposite interpretation. If it is filled with excrement, you should expect an inheritance or a large and valuable gift, including jewelry or gold dyes. If the pot is empty, finances will be tight, a person may go bankrupt or lose property.
  • Dream Interpretation: sitting on a potty means struggling to resolve a money issue, planning an important transaction, thinking about whether to lend or how to claim your money from the debtor.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cactus in a pot speaks of mental suffering, misunderstanding of others and a person’s tendency towards solitude and introversion.
  • If you dreamed of an unusually beautiful flower in a pot, the dream book predicts that you will be interested in a wealthy and influential person. However, you need to be on guard: instead of the expected fairy tale, a person can simply take advantage of your naivety.
  • Dream Interpretation: shit in a pot portends a large unexpected profit, including bonuses and the thirteenth salary, as well as winnings in the lottery, casino, and slot machines.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying flowers in pots means hoping that someone will be able to solve your problem, looking for outside help.
  • Dream Interpretation: breaking a pot means ruining a relationship with a loved one. As a result, separation may occur.

Modern dream book for birthday people

  • The dream “pot of flowers” ​​predicts a pleasant surprise for the dreamer.
  • The dream of “watering flowers in pots” foreshadows the indulgence of fate in any matter, material growth and prosperity.
  • Planting flowers in a pot in a dream means a desire to put everything in order in your life, to sort out some unstable situation.
  • The dream “violet in a pot” speaks of the romantic and secretive nature of the dreamer. This person finds it difficult to make new acquaintances, so he really values ​​​​his existing friends.
  • The dream “pot of earth” predicts the emergence of free time, which should be devoted to relaxation.
  • Giving a flower in a pot in a dream means showing respect or gratitude to a person, wishing him health and prosperity in real life.
  • Seeing many flowers in pots in a dream, if they are beautiful, means good health. In the near future, you will be spared the disease, even if a seasonal epidemic occurs. If the flowers look bad and wither, the dream foreshadows illness or an exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • The dream of “sitting on the potty” may mean nothing if the dreamer wants to go to the toilet after waking up. Often such dreams indicate diseases of the genitourinary system, and for women they can indicate the approach of the menstrual cycle.
  • The dream “a flower in a pot has withered” foreshadows loss of health, illness or a sluggish illness. It also speaks of the end of a period of good luck and the onset of a gray period.
  • Seeing flowers in pots that grow well in a dream foretells receiving a bonus or salary increase, as well as any other material incentives or gifts.
  • The dream of “plants in pots” foreshadows the ordering of life, the debugging of family life.
  • The dream “children's potty,” if it is full, foreshadows the fulfillment of a cherished dream; if empty, it’s a waste of time and vain hopes.
  • Seeing indoor flowers in pots in a dream is a good sign. The dream predicts that a favorable period is coming in life, both for any planned activities and for sudden decisions.
  • The dream of “planting flowers in pots” for single people foreshadows an acquaintance with a soul mate, and for young couples a quick wedding. Also sometimes foreshadows the birth of a child.
  • The dream “blooming flowers in pots” tells about you as a noble nature, a person broad soul and a big heart. Your home is always clean and bright, and guests always come with pleasant gifts.
  • The dream of “real flowers in pots” symbolizes a wedding or an increase in the number of family members.
  • The dream of “replanting flowers in pots” shows a woman that her daily worries are draining all her strength, and because of fatigue, your soul seeks solitude.
  • The dream “chamber pot” should be interpreted based on the contents of the vessel. An empty pot predicts difficulties with money, and a pot filled with excrement predicts profit and financial stability.
  • The dream “orchid in a pot” speaks of the dreamer’s mysterious nature. This person has an extraordinary vision of life, developed intuition, and may be involved in creativity.
  • Seeing pots of flowers in a dream for a young mother means good development child, his healthy growth, flexible character.
  • Seeing a plant in a pot in a dream predicts for women advantageous position in the company of men. For men, it portends good physical fitness and mental balance.
  • The dream “pot of urine” foreshadows petty waste, unnecessary waste of time, and deals that will not pay off.
  • Flowers in pots on the windowsill in a dream foretell news from close relatives.
  • In a dream, buying flowers in pots foreshadows a situation in which you are not confident in your own abilities or knowledge, so look for workarounds to achieve what you want.
  • Seeing fresh flowers in pots in a dream foretells love and respect from others, turning to you for advice as a knowledgeable and competent person.
  • The dream “home flowers in pots” speaks of the strong and independent character of a person who is used to achieving everything on his own, without relying on luck, chance or outside help.
  • The dream “pot of feces” predicts the dreamer receiving a big win or accidentally finding an expensive item.
  • The dream of “poop in a potty” is a sign of profit and foretells financial well-being.
  • Seeing flowers in pots in a dream before a long trip means that the road will be easy, and at home they will be waiting impatiently for you back.
  • The dream of “seeing sprouts in flower pots” symbolizes pregnancy and a new addition to the family.
  • Seeing a flower pot full of earth in a dream means reward for your labors; empty - to poverty and need.
  • Seeing indoor plants in pots in a dream foretells family happiness, which you will gain with your loved one if you try to be a thrifty person.
  • Breaking a flower pot in a dream foreshadows the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • The dream of “flowers in pots on the window” shows that you are a person who loves order. Before you do anything, you make plans and carefully consider all possible options.
  • Seeing soil in a pot in a dream means replenishing your wallet with money, making a profit from a business or a good harvest from your land.
  • The dream of “filling pots with earth” foreshadows hard work, which, however, will bring very worthy fruits and benefits. You will be glad that you decided on a difficult task, and you will find strength.
  • The dream of “watering withered indoor plants in pots” means trying in vain to revive faded relationships and return old feelings.

A pot is a symbolic object that has been and is used in a variety of cultures, from ancient civilizations to modern times. An empty pot is associated with distress and need, and a full one is associated with well-being, prosperity and a strong family. The plants we see in pots in dreams reflect the proverb “what goes around comes around.” Strong, viable flowers speak of the dreamer’s vital energy and foretell the absence of obstacles in any matter. Stunted, sickly flowerpots indicate a lack of vitality, and, as a result, predict health problems. Broken pots in a dream are a bad sign, as are cracked dishes in reality. By carefully analyzing the signs received in a dream, a person can avoid serious illnesses, conflicts, troubles, protect the budget from ruin, and also plan the formation of a family and the birth of children.

If you dreamed of fresh flowers in pots, this is usually a good sign. It is believed that such a dream foreshadows good luck in business, wealth, happy family life. But there are other interpretations. To get more exact value sleep, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the dream.

Miller's version

According to a psychologist, watering flowers in a dream foreshadows a rapid promotion.

If plants in a dream look healthy and full of energy, then in reality you will experience financial well-being and receive a large reward. The meaning of the dream increases if there were a lot of flowers. Miller's dream book recommends spending money wisely, investing it in a business or purchasing something expensive, but very necessary.

But if you see empty pots, Miller is talking about burnout. Try to find time to relax. The dream book recommends going on a trip if possible. Away from daily worries and bustle, recovery will go much faster.


Vanga, if the dreamer is given a flowering plant, foretells the development of a disease in him or his loved ones. But the seer is encouraging: soon health will begin to improve.

If you received red flowers in a pot as a gift at a holiday, the Universal Dream Book predicts the improvement of your personal life and the approval of your superiors. And if the blossoming buds are multi-colored, in reality there will be many reasons for joy.

Why do you dream of a flower of wondrous beauty? In reality, well-being will improve significantly. Thoughts about where to get money and how to survive until salary will no longer bother you, and the projects you have started will be successfully completed.

The dream book interprets lily of the valley in a pot as a pleasant pastime and a previously unknown pleasure.

They presented someone with a sunflower, a somewhat frivolous, but sunny and warm flower. The women's dream book foretells: you will remain faithful to your loved one.

Snowdrops bloomed in a pot - a sign that soon all troubles will pass, troubles will be forgotten, and you will find happiness.

Care for the plant

Why do you dream of planting seeds? Changes await ahead, whether they will be favorable or not, the dream is silent. But the Modern Dream Book recommends: even if the circumstances are upsetting, do not hang your nose, after a while everything will return to normal.

The flower was transplanted into a new pot. Grishina's dream book promises: Higher power will support you and help you achieve your plans. Take advantage of the moment, circumstances will work out for the best.

According to other sources, replanting plants in a dream means that the long-awaited vacation will have to be postponed. You will be faced with many new tasks and responsibilities. But if you cope, you will be satisfied with the current situation.

Did the plant dry out in your dream after replanting? This means that big losses are expected in reality. Handle your finances more carefully and avoid large expenses.

Is the flower literally withering before your eyes? The Eastern dream book foresees problems in your personal life. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions; most likely, they will turn out to be wrong. Before you act, soberly assess the situation.

Watering a plant in a dream foretells receiving money. This could be an inheritance, an extraordinary bonus or a win.

For a married woman, the Universal Dream Book, if she has transplanted a flower shoot, promises an early pregnancy, an easy birth and a healthy baby.

Did you feed the plant in a dream? Felomena foresees: your superiors will appreciate your merits, and you will receive a prestigious position with a higher salary.


Dry and withered buds in a dream indicate grief that will have to be experienced in reality. The more of them there were, the more severe the consequences of what happened. The women's dream book recommends trying to maintain a positive attitude towards life, then losses will be minimal.

The Eastern Dream Book interprets this plot somewhat differently. Having a quarrel with your loved one, you will find yourself on the verge of a break. But seers recommend taking your time and calmly discussing the situation. If the disagreement is fundamental, seek help from a psychologist.

Why do you dream of a withered bud? You will be very disappointed if, before the flower died, you smelled its scent. The Muslim dream book foresees the betrayal of a loved one. To avoid trouble, watch the actions and random words of others more closely.

Felomena, if the flowers are limp or sick in a dream, indicates an unhealthy atmosphere in the family. Think about what you can do to change the situation.


Has a snow-white flower blossomed? In reality, there will be a meeting that will radically change your life. If the plant is in your home, the Women's Dream Book predicts: a fleeting acquaintance will develop into a long, fruitful cooperation. Appreciate and protect your new friend, under his influence you will begin to improve yourself.

Why do you dream of a flowering plant in a pot? Veles deciphers it as a pleasant event. And the more of them in a dream, the more complete the happiness will be. The dream book advises taking advantage of the moment and enjoying what is happening, trying to relax and recover. Don't think about problems and difficulties now.

Pots with pink flowers in a dream means bright and tender feelings for a partner.

Yellow buds portend the betrayal of a loved one or the envy of competitors. If the petals were overly saturated, acidic in color, they will cheat on you.

The modern dream book deciphers seeing blue buds as meeting an influential person who will patronize you, help you solve pressing problems and achieve what you want.

Felomena correlates indoor plants in a dream with a person’s state of mind. Their abundance means that you are trying to hide your true feelings and emotions from others. In addition, flowers in a dream symbolize the psychological situation in the family. If they are bright and beautiful, there is comfort and mutual understanding at home.

Other interpretations

Sometimes in a dream you cannot see the plant itself, but only the empty pot. In this case, mediums predict: in reality you will go on a long trip, in which you will encounter many difficulties. But the dream book is encouraging: if you show character and perseverance, you will succeed in achieving your plans.

Why do you dream about dried up houseplants? In relationships with your loved one, alienation and misunderstanding will appear. If their leaves turn black, you will separate as a result of endless claims and quarrels. The dream book says that you will have a hard time going through the breakup and will go into deep depression. Do you feel like you can't cope with surging emotions? Ask your loved ones for help.

The flower bushes were broken in a dream, which means you will be disappointed in your loved one, and there is a high probability that you will have to break up. Problems at work and financial losses are possible.

Why dream of buying plants in pots? In reality, a romantic evening awaits you, which will be remembered for a long time. Are the blooming buds white? Your loved one has sincere feelings for you.

But if you purchased artificial flowers in a dream, in reality you will encounter hypocrisy. Don't trust the words of others. The universal dream book recommends being guided only by facts and objective information, thereby minimizing the likelihood of being deceived.

Why do you dream of a flower covered with buds? This image symbolizes youth, tenderness, beauty. Thanks to the changes that have occurred in your life, you will open up to people from a new, unexpected side.

An unusual fairy-tale plant grown in a pot is deciphered by the dream book as the eccentricity of your nature: the ability to think outside the box, notice unimportant little things, and stand out from the rest. Actively develop these qualities and you will be successful.

If the flower that bloomed in the pot was green, the dream book predicts a calm, quiet life without serious incidents.

Other interesting interpretations

  • Many astrologers are inclined to believe that if you dreamed of a beautiful living flower in a pot, then a big pleasant purchase awaits you soon.
  • Another interpretation is given to us by the Islamic dream book. You dream of flowers in pots before a promotion.
  • If in a dream you see a room completely filled with bright, beautiful flowers, you know that someone has very deep feelings for you.
  • There are also bad meanings for sleep. If the plant in the pot is lethargic, sick, or completely dried out, then unpleasant changes in the family will soon await you. This could be a quarrel with a loved one, or the loss of a friend.
  • If in a dream you received flowers in a pot as a gift, then be sure to try to remember what color they were. So, for example, red flowers (or a pot) portend you success at work; if the flowers are of different colors, then a number of positive events await you. In another dream book, the interpretation of such a dream sounds different. If you received a flower as a gift, then expect news from a person whom you have not seen for a very long time.
  • If you plant flowers in a pot, it means that you will soon begin a serious relationship.

In general, we should note that the meaning of a dream - flowers in pots has both positive and negative. Don’t be scared and immediately run away and cancel important negotiations. Remember, you live in real life, and if you believe in the meanings of dreams, then use this knowledge as a precaution, but not as a guide to life.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what is the phase of the moon today and what is the lunar day.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

There is no definite interpretation of dreams about indoor flowers, and to decipher it it is important to take into account other details, for example, what they looked like, what you did with them. Thanks to this, you can learn about dangers and problems, as well as happy events of the present and future.

Why do you dream about indoor flowers?

Most often, such a dream indicates happiness and tranquility in life. This is also a symbol that you have no desire to share your personal life with anyone. To see in a dream a large number of indoor flowers means that in reality there is a person nearby who has warm feelings for you, but is afraid to admit it. If the plants look wilted, this is an indication that there are problems in your relationship with a loved one. Receiving indoor flowers as a gift for a girl in a dream means having numerous fans in real life.

If the dream featured a flower that has not grown or bloomed for a long time, this is a harbinger of a sad event. In another dream book, such a plot is considered a positive sign, indicating right choice roads in life. Seeing broken indoor flowers in a dream means that in real life you do not know something important that your enemies and rivals use. Night vision, where the whole house is filled with beautiful flowers in pots, indicates the presence of some kind of secret in life. A dream where you had to replant indoor flowers prophesies changes in your personal and work sphere. If the plant turns yellow and crumbles, this is a harbinger of some kind of disease. Watering indoor flowers in a dream is a sign that someone close to you needs help and support. A flowering plant smells strongly, which means that a person will appear in life who will push for favor, which will lead to the feeling that someone is being strangled. A dream that featured indoor flowers in pots of unusual colors indicates the opportunity to gain new sensations.

Seeing indoor flowers in a dream, you can draw an accurate conclusion about your inner world and feelings for your partner. To find out what indoor flowers mean in dreams, you need to delve a little deeper into the events of the dream.

Very often, indoor flowers indicate a reluctance to share your feelings, happiness, and joy with anyone. Chances are, you also don't want to talk about your relationship with your partner, thus avoiding outsiders intruding on it with advice on how to make things better.

Seeing indoor flowers in huge quantities in a dream indicates the presence of a secret lover who does not have the courage to tell you about his love.

The situation can also mean the opposite: you yourself are embarrassed to admit something that is actually expected of you.

Wilted indoor flowers may indicate the need to show more attention to your partner, spend more time with him in order to restore a hot romantic relationship between you.

Replanting a flower in a dream yourself and observing that it has taken root well in a new place - this can lead to an early wedding or warm relations between all family members, as well as to its well-being.

If your flower does not take root, expect difficulties in your personal life, some disagreements with your partner, or difficulties in your affairs.

A warning about significant changes is a dream where it is not you, but someone else who is replanting the flower. Changes can affect anything: work, personal life, place of residence, religion, or tastes and interests.

A lot of flowers in pots in your dream will mean all those emotions and feelings that you often keep silent about, which you diligently hide from your society. A dream can also talk about frequent mood swings, what place they occupy in your life and how they affect it.

Planting flowers in pots can become a symbol of your dream of peace, quiet and solitude, or it can also symbolize significant purchases that you will make in the near future. However, if the flowers have withered, this means misfortune, grief, and loss of loved ones. Receiving a flower in a pot as a gift in a dream is good news.

Watering indoor flowers is a good sign, especially for your career advancement and success at work. Perhaps you are waiting for a promotion, bonus or salary increase. In addition, the dream promises the emergence of grandiose ideas, well-being in the family, or can act as evidence of your immense love and care for your husband and children, expressing their gratitude for your efforts.

But overwatering flowers can be interpreted as your desire to quickly realize your plans and dreams, but this will not happen soon.

A dream about blossoming flowers also tends to warn about successful changes and the realization of cherished dreams. The dream carries a positive meaning, strengthening your relationship with your partner and bringing joy to your home. For happy couples, it can symbolize an upcoming wedding.

If in a dream you are walking in the middle of a blooming garden, expect an improvement in your financial condition. However, if you notice that flowers grow on poor soil, get ready to encounter troubles and misfortunes in various situations.

Planting flowers in a dream symbolizes good luck in all your endeavors. Perhaps very soon you will be entrusted with a new business that is quite profitable for you, or success in a romantic relationship and the opportunity to start a long-term romance.

Pay attention to the soil in which you planted flowers in your dream. Swampy land means that some difficulties may arise in your affairs, but they will be easy to resolve.

Indoor flowers are for many integral part life, plants bring a piece of nature into a familiar interior. What do dreams about them mean? Since ancient times, people have been interested in the other side of dreams, namely their interpretation.

House plants can be very different in dreams, but special attention is paid to:

  • state of the flower;
  • color;
  • Name.

We can say that almost everything that a person sees in his dreams is directly related to him. Most interpretations of what flowers mean in dreams will in some way affect a person’s life. It is very important to see in dreams exactly the appearance of the plant, and specifically its color and condition.

Green plants in pots most often symbolize home comfort, a home and its inhabitants. Daily care for loved ones involves caring for them, just like caring for plants. Watering flowers in pots in a dream means helping someone achieve his goals, not allowing him to give up, or, in other words, to wither.

It is worth remembering that in most cases dreams are our subconscious; everything that happened the day before in reality can be seen in a dream. If you spend a lot of time on the windowsill with flowering plants, then you are more likely to see them at night in your dreams.

Interpretation of dreams about indoor flowers

To interpret dreams in more detail, you need to remember all the details. Colors, smells and even mood will help you understand the interpretations.

Why do you dream of indoor flowers in pots of exotic origin, because it happens that you dream of not at all domestic, familiar plants, but real wonders. The modern dream book interprets such moments differently: if you liked the flower and caused delight, then most likely you need to wait for changes or a new step in your career. Opposite feelings about flowering plant may mean difficulties and reluctance to do anything new in life.

Seeing a lot of blooming bright plants means good luck and joy in reality, especially in any endeavors. Withered indoor flowers in night dreams can symbolize danger and problems not only in your career, but also with your health.

Any dream book recommends initially remembering all the things you did the day before; this is required for more accurate dream interpretation. For example, a woman who wants to have a child may see herself planting a flower sprout in a dream. Such a dream is favorable and symbolizes early news of a future addition to the family.

A young man may have the same dream, then this means new career prospects or the start of a profitable business. Transplanting plants is a good sign for entrepreneurs; perhaps this is the first signal about business expansion and subsequent benefits.

In most cases, any work with indoor flowers in pots symbolizes the creation of home comfort, therefore, in the dream book, indoor flowers in pots mean simple house cleaning.

It is very important to pay attention in a dream who exactly gave this or that flower. If this is an ill-wisher, then perhaps he will meet you halfway and the fire of war will die out later. A green flower from a loved one means a surprise or an interesting offer. A gift of potted plants from your parents is a symbol of your lack of attention to them. Special attention you need to pay attention to the aroma, color of the flower and your mood when accepting such a gift.

Appearance and condition of flowers in a dream

Any dream in bright colors always positive. Well-groomed flowering indoor plants and flowers in pots symbolize prosperity, wealth and happiness in the home. If in a dream a completely different picture is observed (withered, dried flowers), then this is already a cause for concern. Overturned pots with indoor flowers, broken plants can become a symbol of sad news, anxiety or illness.

In the dream book, watering indoor flowers in pots indicates that the current situation can be corrected for the better. If the dreamer himself or someone close to him is sick, then watering the plants means recovery, but only through one’s own efforts. Perhaps one of your sick relatives just needs your help. What is meant here is not material, but moral. The state of the watered sprout in the pot will further symbolize the outcome of the disease.

In popular dream books, indoor flowers are also a reflection of the essence of a person, namely his lifestyle and habits. Very often the state of the flower symbolizes the dreamer’s soul, his experiences and joys.

It is considered a good sign to see a plant bloom, especially if it is with beautiful bright flowers. This could mean:

  • the beginning of a new life;
  • a new step in your career;
  • surprise or gift;
  • big win.

Dreams are the secret of our subconscious, which has always aroused interest. Understanding and unraveling all the symbols seen in night dreams is the main task of modern dream books.

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