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» How to make popcorn from a corn cob. How and from what to make popcorn at home? Matcha with dark chocolate

How to make popcorn from a corn cob. How and from what to make popcorn at home? Matcha with dark chocolate

It's hard to find a person who doesn't know what popcorn is. Until a couple of decades ago, we only saw it in foreign films, where people ate fancy balls while going to the cinema or at home in front of the TV. But the borders have become more transparent, technology and equipment do not stand still, and now in our country you won’t surprise anyone with a glass of puffed corn. But many people wonder whether it is possible to grow the crop in our climate, whether all corn is suitable for popcorn or only certain varieties. We decided to look into this issue.

Tradition of eating popcorn

Yes, now it is difficult to see a person who would go to the cinema, to the park for a walk and not buy a glass of popcorn if it is sold in a given place. Children simply cannot imagine a walk without delicacy, because now there is puffed corn for every taste. There is sweet, salty, with caramel, marshmallows and as part of various desserts. There’s just one thing, scientists these days believe that this delicacy, without which millions of people can no longer imagine going to the cinema, is harmful, because manufacturers do not skimp on additives.

What is not surprising is that in our age, crops themselves are grown everywhere using chemicals in order to obtain a quick and high yield. So, it doesn’t stop there, because in order to make products tastier, in order to sell them more, a lot of additives are added to the composition. Often we don’t even know about them, since the information on the packaging is not always reliable. And a reasonable question arises among people who care about their health and the future of their children, how to make popcorn from corn, what variety is needed, whether it is possible to grow it themselves, for example, in the country. We will make you happy, all this is possible, and you will find out how.

The history of popcorn

We’ll talk about varieties, agricultural technology and recipes a little later, but for now we want to tell you where people got such a delicacy from. You won’t believe it, but it has been around for many centuries, and popcorn was discovered by the Indians. Like many great discoveries or not so significant, but useful and interesting, and popcorn can be attributed specifically to the latter, chance played a role. Indian tribes, who always eat corn or maize in their diet, once discovered that for some reason some of the cobs began to explode.

Of course, this could not help but interest the resourceful people, and they began to prepare popcorn in two ways. The first option was to put the cobs in oil and simmer over a fire, the second was to take the grains out of the corn, put them in a bag and hover over the flame. And that’s how the first popcorn appeared in the world, and gradually the delicacy spread. We are sure that many people generally do not understand how everything happens, why corn explodes and takes on a bizarre shape. We will explain further.

Explosion of grains and voila popcorn is ready or how everything is possible

Why does corn explode?

We all know corn, it doesn’t surprise anyone, but you shouldn’t fry it and expect popcorn, since only certain varieties are capable of this feat. Seriously though, yes, there are different varieties of corn for popcorn, it’s not some rare view, we will tell you their names below. The difference is that inside the grain there is a drop of water, it contains starch. The reaction is very simple - during heat treatment, or, more simply, when you heat the grains, the water transforms into steam, expands and is crowded inside, and, yes, a typical explosion occurs. By the way, the walls of popcorn varieties are thinner than regular ones.

For information! Popcorn came to the civilized world around 1519, and as often happens, not without the participation of a navigator. And it was not Columbus, but Cortes. He brought the dish to Europe.

It's that simple. And you can grow a crop on your own plot, it’s easy to do, harvest it and prepare this snack or dessert for the whole family. The main thing is that the product will be environmentally friendly, and therefore healthy. After all, like many gifts of nature, corn also has its own nutritional composition that we need - vitamins, minerals, fiber. At the same time, it is suitable for children, adults, and those losing weight.

Popcorn varieties

If you have a summer house or your own home, then grow your own corn, but we recommend the following varieties for popcorn:

  • “Gobble, gobble.” Good variety, saturated grains orange color, the culture itself does not grow high. Refers to mid-early;
  • "Ping pong". The bush is of impressive size - up to 2.3 meters. A notable feature is the small cobs, of which there are many. The grains themselves are slightly elongated;
  • "Volcano". A symbolic name for a culture that is exploding. Slightly smaller than its previous corn counterpart - up to 2 meters. These ears are light in color and are highly resistant to diseases;
  • "Zeya." Can be attributed to the best varieties corn for popcorn. A notable feature is the color of the grains - they are reddish-burgundy. Ripens early, the stem is human height, the ears form up to 25-30 cm.
  • "Red." Received a name characteristic of the color of the cobs. They are a very beautiful scarlet color, grow as a compact bush - up to one and a half meters, and are often used for landscape decoration;
  • "Hotel". A strong feature of this corn is its resistance to weather adversities, namely the scorching sun and drought. Tall bushes are much taller than a person - up to 2.3-2.5 meters. It also forms large cobs of 25-30 cm;
  • "Granddaughter's joy." A wonderful name, and besides, the variety has a lot of positive aspects– gives maximum yields, is not afraid of diseases, the harvest forms early, is unpretentious in cultivation, the ears are compact, as well as the bushes.

As you can see, each variety has its own strengths, it's up to you to decide what to plant. General principles you will read further about agricultural technology. You can experiment with different varieties and decide for yourself which corn to make popcorn for your family, because we are all individual, and, of course, we all have tastes too.

Advice! When buying corn seeds for growing, pay attention to the information on the packaging from the manufacturer; it describes the main nuances and what climate is suitable for this crop. After all, we have a big country, everyone has their own weather.

Agricultural technology for growing corn for popcorn

So, everyone can grow a crop; it cannot be classified as one that grows only in warm climates, the southern regions. The process is practically no different from growing the simplest, sugar variety. But popcorn varieties do not like weeds; the soil should not be too loose so that the rhizome, which, by the way, is very powerful, can develop well. Also, do not plant varieties nearby, such as sweet corn and popcorn, as insects will cross-pollinate the bushes and you may not get the results you expect.

So, corn is planted using grains that are placed in the soil. The distance between seedlings should be at least 35 cm, and preferably 50 or 70 cm, so that the bushes can grow well and the harvest ripens evenly. Plantings need to be watered 1-2 times a week, in drought - 3-4 times. Again, this still depends on the variety, remember about weeds and loosening the soil. And this is how you grow your corn crop, from which you can make excellent popcorn, which will have health benefits, and more on that later.

Advice! It is better to plant corn after tomatoes, potatoes, harrow the soil in advance, add mineral fertilizer. During the growth of seedlings, the area needs to be cultivated.

Health benefits of popcorn

Of course we are only talking about natural product, without harmful additives. Well, the first thing to start with is that popcorn is simply delicious, and it brings joy, which makes beneficial influence to our emotional condition. The product also fights depression and stress thanks to vitamin B2 in the composition. What else is useful for corn popcorn?

Important! Popcorn sold around the world contains a lot of synthetics. American scientists have proven that the product negatively affects health, especially for children. Think twice before purchasing such a treat.

A vegetable product that is rich in coarse fiber or cellulose. Our intestines and stomach need it to cleanse food debris, toxins, and waste. Coarse fibers play a huge role in our health. They help remove all stagnation, which protects against illness, stimulates weight loss, a surge of energy, cleanses the skin, and relieves some ailments.

It contains a lot of protein and vegetable fats, which nourish our body very well; corn can easily replace meat. Moreover, popcorn varieties have 21% more of these substances than simple types culture. It also contains polyphenols and B vitamins, which play a direct role in the functioning of a number of organ systems, normalize metabolism and give us youth and vigor, helping nails and hair.

Good to know! Because of large quantity Protein popcorn should be eaten by those who play sports, those who work physically, it also has a beneficial effect on people in old age. It is also worth remembering that popcorn is a food in itself.

Well, let's move on to the most delicious part, how to make popcorn in the microwave from corn or on the stove. After all, we have already grown the crop from varieties that can be bought in a seed store or on the Internet.

Making popcorn at home

You can make your own treat from grains that were grown on the site. You can buy corn, but not in retail outlets, and for those who grow popcorn crops on their own. The cooking principle is very simple and microwave oven, and for a gas stove.

Advice! Before you start preparing the delicacy, it is better to keep the grains in the cold for half an hour, so they will cook better and everything will open.

So, you pour the oil into a cup that you can cover with a lid. You need a little oil so that the popcorn is not too greasy. If you use a microwave oven, place the grains in a cup under the lid for 3-4 minutes. In a covered frying pan, cook over low heat until it starts to crackle. After which the pan is removed from the stove, but not opened. The kernels will continue to pop until they all become popcorn. Simple, fast and tasty.

Popcorn has long become popular all over the world and has won the love of millions of people. This dish consists of grains of a certain type of corn, subjected to heat treatment. Thanks to the impact high temperature(about 200 degrees) the liquid starch inside the grain explodes its shell, forming a foamy bulk mass that instantly hardens. The calorie content of “pure” corn without additives is 300 kcal per 100 g, and with the inclusion additional ingredients it can reach up to 500 kcal.

This airy delicacy is immediately associated with relaxing in the park or going to the cinema. But often not entirely healthy components are added to its composition, so many people began to make their own popcorn at home. It's very simple and fast, and most importantly - harmless. Let's look step by step and with photos at how to make popcorn at home in several ways.

The benefits and harms of popcorn

Puffed corn without third-party additives and spices has a relatively low calorie content, but at the same time is very nutritious. It contains B vitamins, which help maintain body tissue in tone, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and hair. Eating fried corn grains normalizes metabolism and heart function.

The product is rich in potassium, calcium and plant fiber, the benefits of which are to cleanse the intestines and fight extra pounds.

Unfortunately, in many retail outlets, popcorn is prepared with an abundance of flavor enhancers and other foreign substances that can harm the body. No matter how tasty such a delicacy is, you should not abuse it and consume large portions. It is recommended to eat this delicacy no more than 2-3 times a week and always on a full stomach.

Corn selection

Not all types of grains are suitable for preparing an airy delicacy. Corn for popcorn should preferably be from wild, uncultivated varieties, where the grains have a durable shell that can withstand high temperatures. Ordinary culture, intended for cooking, is not suitable, as it will quickly burst without reaching the required degree of frying. This is one of the main reasons why homemade popcorn may fail.

You can also purchase ready-made special grains for dry popcorn. The contents of the package can be easily and quickly prepared in a microwave oven, or in a dry frying pan. You just need to follow the instructions indicated on the pack itself.

Popcorn in a frying pan

To prepare popcorn using this method, you only need two ingredients and a minimum amount of time.

You will need:

  • Large frying pan with a thick bottom and a lid (can be replaced with a saucepan);
  • Corn grains – 100 g;
  • Refined corn or sunflower vegetable oil – 30 ml.

The cooking scheme is very simple:

  1. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat thoroughly, reduce the flame level to minimum. You don’t have to use butter at all, but the cookware should be non-stick or Teflon coated;
  2. Quickly place the corn evenly in one layer on the hot oil. This is necessary so that all the grains open and fry;
  3. Close the lid tightly, add gas and wait. After a while, popping sounds will begin to be heard from the bursting grains. They can be very strong, so you may have to hold the lid to prevent our popcorn from shooting out and spilling onto the stove;
  4. When the frequency of the pops decreases, you need to gently shake the frying pan without opening the lid;
  5. After the mixing process, remove the corn from the flame and leave to cool for 10 minutes under the lid. During this time, the remaining grains should open in hot oil. After this time, open the lid slightly. The popcorn in the pan should be ready. The product must be consumed completely cooled.

If you like salted popcorn, immediately after removing the lid, sprinkle the corn with finely granulated salt, but you can also use regular or iodized salt. A sweet version can be obtained by sprinkling the hot treat with powdered sugar, which can also be additionally flavored with cinnamon or vanilla.

Popcorn in the microwave

This method is particularly simple, so popcorn in the microwave is perfect option instant cooking favorite treat for a home movie show.

You will need:

  • Container or glassware with a lid for the microwave oven;
  • Corn grains;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to make popcorn:

  1. Place the grains on the bottom of the container in one layer. It's better not to take too many of them at once. It is necessary to calculate the amount based on the fact that 25 g of corn when frying will fill a volume of 1 liter;
  2. We don't water the corn big amount butter so that it is slightly covered with an oil film;
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and microwave for 4 minutes at full power. As soon as the intense popping sounds stop, the product is ready. You can immediately sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar or salt, making the popcorn sweet or salty, respectively.

You can also make caramel deliciousness. To do this, pour a glass of sugar and 30 g of high-quality sugar into a small saucepan. butter. Cook the mixture for 10 minutes on low gas, stirring regularly, at the end add two tablespoons of water and mix everything again. Pour the finished caramel into the puffed corn in a thin stream and stir well.

An even simpler option is to make popcorn from ready-made packaged grains. To do this, you need to carefully remove the bag without breaking the seal and place it in the oven with the picture down. You also need to make sure that when rotating the bag does not touch the internal walls of the device, otherwise some grains may not open or burn. You need to cook the yummy food for three minutes at maximum power. Once the cracking stops, the product is ready.

Popcorn in a special machine

The simplest and quick way prepare your favorite treat - this is a popcorn machine. But at the same time, this option is more expensive, and you can purchase the unit itself in regular stores household appliances rarely possible. You can order it mainly in specialized online stores. In addition, it will be possible to purchase raw materials and additives for making popcorn.

These devices come in a variety of sizes, functions, appearance, and accordingly have different performance and cost. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should pay attention Special attention for all specified parameters.

To make your favorite delicacy using such a machine, you just need to follow the instructions: pour a little oil and pour required quantity grains Additionally, flavoring and non-stick additives are added. The boiler is preheated to a high temperature, reaching approximately 300 degrees, under the influence of which the grains burst. In a word, everything is exactly the same as in a frying pan or in the microwave, only more automated.

But do not forget that any equipment requires careful care. Therefore, the device must be washed after each cooking process, and each time cooked with new oil. Careful operation will help avoid breakdowns and allow you to regularly delight yourself and your loved ones with the freshest, airy delicacy.

Video: Popcorn at home

Today everyone knows what popcorn or puffed corn is. The name comes from English words corn - “corn”, pop - “to burst with a bang”. The honor of discovering this dish belongs to the Indians, who were the first to discover the fact that a grain of maize, when thrown into a fire, explodes, turning into delicious, airy white flowers.

IMPORTANT! Corn explodes due to the presence of a drop of starch and water in it. When heated, this water boils, and the hot steam ruptures the shell, causing the grain to increase in volume.

There are the most different types popcorn:

  • Sweet.
  • Salty.
  • With butter.
  • With cheese.
  • Color.
  • Caramelized.

What variety do you need?

So how do you make popcorn at home? Before you begin production, you need to purchase the right variety corn.

For popcorn, grains of a separate variety, the so-called popcorn, are used. It differs from ordinary cobs in having a thinner and at the same time stronger shell, and is rich in proteins and fats (read about what can be prepared from corn on the cob).

A strong wall guarantees that the grain will not crack immediately, but will first warm up thoroughly and open beautifully, greatly increasing in volume. In this variety, up to 99% of the grains open when cooked!

There are the following varieties of corn for popcorn:

  1. Volcano.
  2. Gobble, gobble.
  3. Zeya - the variety is also interesting for its burgundy color.
  4. Ping pong.

REFERENCE! You can buy special grains for popcorn at the supermarket, and if you plan to grow it yourself, it will be enough to plant some of the above varieties next to regular corn.

People often wonder whether popcorn can be made from regular corn. Yes, theoretically this is possible. But in practice this is not worth doing. Corn grains can simply burn - this is what most often happens to inexperienced housewives, and it’s good if they don’t burn anyone.

And even if the experiment succeeds, conventional varieties of corn will have far fewer kernels exploding, and those that do pop will be very different from the popcorn you are used to in appearance and size.

So purchasing special raw materials will save a lot of time, nerves and eliminate the waste of products.

Fodder varieties of corn are definitely not suitable for popcorn, but with wild plant It makes sense to experiment. It will look like a smaller copy of a regular plant - a cob about the size of your palm, not only yellow, but also black, white or even multi-colored.


Traditionally, popcorn is cooked on a hot frying pan or in a saucepan with a lot of oil. IN in public places This delicacy is made in an air-heated machine (popper), which reduces the risk of the dish burning to a minimum. But there is no point in buying such equipment at home; it is better to use a saucepan or frying pan with high sides. This is even better than a saucepan - it’s easier to grease it well with oil.

Microwave cooking

The advantage of this method is that the delicacy can be easily and quickly prepared in any microwave and is guaranteed not to burn or burn you. But at the same time, it will come out significantly higher in calories than on the stove: the grains will have to be poured with oil very generously, because there will be no opportunity to shake or stir them during the cooking process.

The cooking technology is as follows:

It's even easier to make popcorn, sold in special microwave bags. To do this, simply place the bag correctly in the microwave and press “Start”.

Watch a video on how to make popcorn in the microwave:

On a frying pan

Advice: It is best to mix popcorn with spices and butter in a closed plastic bag, shaking it vigorously several times.

Flavoring additives

Any recipe for making popcorn itself contains advice to improve the taste of the treat with butter and salt or sugar. But there are many more flavors of this dish. You can experiment by adding a variety of spices as desired:

  • cinnamon;
  • coconut flakes;
  • powdered sugar;
  • nutmeg;
  • paprika and even mixed spices from a bag.



Kids should love caramel popcorn, which you can also make at home:

Watch the video with the recipe for caramel popcorn:

With chocolate

You can also improve the recipe by preparing caramel with chocolate - to do this, melt the sweet bar or add cocoa powder to the butter and sugar.

With cheese

Another great recipe. And not with an aromatic additive, but with real cheese, finely grated into a hot delicacy. The cheese will melt and create delicious strings that will not change their taste even after hardening.


It is somewhat more complicated than the previous ones, but it will definitely not leave you or your guests indifferent!

  1. Take corn syrup (50 ml.), half a cup of sugar, a little cream sugar, a pinch of vanilla, salt and chili pepper, and 2 liters. water.
  2. The ingredients must be mixed and simmered over low heat until partially thickened (about 20 minutes).
  3. After the resulting mixture you need to pour the popcorn.

How to cook from a boiled vegetable?

If you already have boiled corn, but suddenly want popcorn, then your best bet is to buy a new cob. Boiled popcorn kernels definitely won't make: it will not open at all, because the dense shell has already softened during the cooking process, and the starch has been transformed with a drop of water.

By the way, the reverse process is also impossible: corn specially grown for popcorn will not be cooked until fully cooked. There are many varieties suitable for making popcorn, as well as many recipes.

So experiment and enjoy the taste of a healthy homemade treat!

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For many people today, popcorn is definitely associated with the cinema, because it has long become a popular delicacy at such events, where they sell it however you want!

Sweet, salty or with the taste of your favorite fruit, however, you don’t always want to buy it there; most people have the opinion that it is a harmful and useless product, which is generally better to avoid once again. There is some truth in this, however, everything is not quite as it might seem at first glance.

Popcorn, which is prepared “massively”, of course, is not very healthy: you never know what quality of oil was used for its preparation, and artificial additives, which are often used to give the product an unusual taste, also do not inspire any confidence.

But this fact does not mean at all that you need to completely deny yourself the joy of enjoying this product, at least sometimes. In addition, popcorn can also be useful: it has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and also contains vitamins B and A.

Most best option- this is to make homemade popcorn, which will allow you to please yourself and your loved ones without harming your health. To prepare it, you do not need any special devices or equipment; everything is possible within the confines of your kitchen and ordinary kitchen utensils. But first, let's find out where such an unusual delicacy came from?

It is believed that the birthplace of popcorn is America; it was invented by the ancient Indians a very long time ago. They were the ones who discovered the new kind sweet corn, which may explode when heated. By the way, it is precisely this property that is included in the name of the dish itself, which translates as “bursting corn.”

This process is simple to explain: each grain contains several drops of water with starch, which turns into steam when the temperature rises, expanding and breaking the outer shell. It is thanks to this that one small grain can increase 3-4 times.

By the way, an interesting fact is that in their homeland, exploded corn grains had religious significance: they were used to tell fortunes and predict the future.

The great love for the local delicacy continues today: the United States is currently the undisputed leader in the consumption of this product.

How to cook it at home?

In total, there are two main methods with which you can make real popcorn at home, and it turns out much tastier and, which is nice, much cheaper and healthier. This dish is easy to prepare: you can use a microwave, and if you don’t have one, a regular stove with a frying pan will do.

As practice shows, the latter method is even simpler and more effective, since it is much easier to ensure that the corn does not burn in the pan. There are a large number of recipes for different tastes, but the essence of the method still remains the same.

Cooking in the microwave

There is nothing tricky in the process itself: you will need Plastic container, which can be covered with a lid, some corn kernels and vegetable oil. We lay out the grains at the bottom of the container; there should be a few of them; they need to be laid out so that they lie in one layer.

Pour a small amount of oil over the grains, cover the container with a lid, shake well so that the grains are covered with a thin film of oil. Place the container, covered with a lid, into the microwave turned on at full power.

Cooking time is literally a few minutes. At first, single intense pops will be heard, then the pops will become more numerous and, as soon as they begin to subside, the popcorn will need to be checked to see if it is already ready.

Making popcorn on the stove

The second option is to pop the popcorn on the stove, usually using a saucepan or frying pan. We light the gas, put a frying pan on it and pour a little sunflower oil into it, pour in some corn kernels.

We cover the frying pan tightly with a lid and wait until characteristic sounds begin to be made under it; at this time it is better to hold it with your hand and under no circumstances open it, otherwise you can get burned by the hot popcorn popping out. After 2-3 minutes, when the popping noises have subsided, you can open the pan and pour the exploded grains into a bowl.

Further - even more interesting, you can give the dish your favorite taste. Adults tend to like their popcorn salty, so sprinkle it with salt as soon as it comes out of the pan before it cools. Children will probably like sweet popcorn more; you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar especially for this purpose. By the way, each country has its own preferences regarding the taste of ready-made popcorn.

For example, in France they like to add rosemary and sea ​​salt, but the Germans cannot imagine such a delicacy without pieces of bacon. The British prefer a combination of black pepper and nutmeg.

What else can you top up popcorn with?

Do you like caramel popcorn? Nothing complicated! Pre-melt a small amount of butter in a separate frying pan or in a ladle. When a light aroma begins to emanate from it, add a little granulated sugar to it, wait until it begins to melt and stir constantly.

In just a couple of minutes, your mixture will turn into caramel, then you need to pour it over the grains after they explode in the pan.

Can be made with citrus, lemon or orange flavor. To do this, you need to remove the zest from some citrus fruit, dry it, and then, together with granulated sugar grind it in a coffee grinder. The result is not only an interesting taste and aroma, but also a pleasant one. yellow, which makes the result also very creative.

Do you like popcorn? I love it very much, and this is one of the most compelling reasons to go to the movies. Previously, I always bought only the finished product, so imagine my surprise when I found out that it can be easily made at home from a special variety of corn called “Vulcan”.

This corn can be grown in your garden if you live in a private house, bought in a supermarket (it turns out that it is sold in bags in the form of hulled seeds) or from grandmothers at the market on the cob (the latter is preferable).

I will tell you further how to get an airy delicacy from small grains, but for now I will share my impressions of the finished dessert.

It happens that you tried a dish in a cafe or restaurant, and liked it so much that you wanted to cook it at home. In the end it turned out very tasty, but a little different from the restaurant. So, in our case, the opposite happens - homemade popcorn turns out much tastier.

After all, at home we use only high-quality oil and corn grown in the garden without pesticides and other harmful substances. In addition, you can eat popcorn immediately after cooking, which means it will be fresh and still hot.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Corn seeds on the cob: 150 g
  • Vegetable oil: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar: 4 tbsp. l. with a slide

Cooking instructions

    First, make sure the corn kernels are dry. If they are even slightly damp, dry the raw materials. To do this, spread the grains on clean paper and leave them in a dry, ventilated place.

    Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. a spoonful of butter. When it starts to crackle a little, add a third of the corn and reduce the heat to medium.

    Popcorn should be cooked in small portions so that the grains heat up evenly and burst.

    Cover the pan with a lid. Soon the seeds will begin to “shoot” strongly (I advise you to use a glass lid, it will be convenient to monitor the process, and it will be an interesting sight).

    When the process comes to an end, remove the pan from the heat. Pour the popped corn into a dry container, pour the vegetable fat back into the frying pan and repeat the procedure with a new portion.

    When all the grains become airy, mix them with powdered sugar.

    By the way, making popcorn at home allows you to experiment from the heart and add to it only sugar, but also salt, various spices and herbs.