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» How to get rid of a squeaking wooden bed. What to do if a wooden bed creaks: causes of creaking and methods for eliminating it

How to get rid of a squeaking wooden bed. What to do if a wooden bed creaks: causes of creaking and methods for eliminating it

The eventful day is over, and you can finally get some sleep. But the insidious bed suddenly begins to make nasty creaking sounds. It seems like a small thing, but it’s unpleasant; the problem needs to be solved somehow. Buying a new bed is not always an option, and it can also creak. So, what to do if your bed squeaks?

Creaking occurs when two parts of a product come into contact; as a rule, this occurs when connections become loose, or due to deformation of the material. Poor assembly results in a completely new bed starting to creak, although this rarely happens. Much more often, creaking does not appear immediately, but over time, when the fasteners weaken during operation, and the wood or chipboard changes in size due to unstable climatic conditions. A spring mattress can also creak when it wears out.

If a wooden bed creaks

The creaking of a wooden bed is primarily due to the characteristics of the material. Wood reacts to changes in air humidity in the room. It gets damp when high humidity in the absence of heating and dries out in winter period when the air is very dry. As a result of such changes wooden elements beds often become deformed and begin to “walk” relative to each other; even one millimeter of free space between the elements is enough for a creaking to appear. The greater the difference in humidity in different time years, the higher the likelihood of squeaks occurring in the near future.

You need to try to find the exact location of the creaking. Start with the mattress, to do this, remove it from the bed onto the floor, crawl on it and listen, if it makes squeaking sounds, then buy a new one. Otherwise, continue searching. Check all fastening connections - this is the most common reason bed creaks. Tighten the screws properly. If you cannot fix it securely, secure this joint with a metal angle or bracket. You can try to lubricate the joints of the elements with silicone, paraffin, or, in extreme cases, soap. Lubrication removes friction, which means the squeaking will disappear for a while. When enough long distance Place a piece of felt or felt between the rubbing parts.

The most the right way To eliminate squeaking, gluing the joints with some kind of elastic glue, for example rubber, is considered. It is important to remember to degrease the joints before gluing so that the glue sets well and this work is not in vain. Of course, after such a repair it will no longer be possible to disassemble the bed into parts. But there is a great guarantee of getting rid of nasty sounds.

If you find that the slats are creaking, then proceed as follows. Lubricate the lamella with paraffin or a wax candle. Or pull out the lamella, wrap it with a strip of fabric and insert it back. It happens that it helps to simply swap the slats. It is the lamellas that bear the main load, and over time, cracks may even appear on them. Therefore, if the creaking does not disappear, replace the lamella that has become unusable.

Another radical way to combat the creaking of lamellas is to replace them with two sheets of plywood and carefully screw them to the frame.

Most difficult case- a creaking sound that comes from loose bed legs. Repairing old ones or installing new legs is a very difficult process. Often furniture repair specialists offer to cut down the legs of the bed. For the same reason, many furniture factories They stopped making beds with legs.

Bed with lifting mechanism

In a bed with a lifting mechanism, the base to which the mattress is attached most often creaks. In this case, you should contact the company that manufactured this bed and replace the base. But the creaking can also be made by itself lifting mechanism. It is recommended to lubricate it with silicone. And tighten all mounting screws.

Eliminating the creaking of a metal bed

Metal squeaks are especially unpleasant. Tighten the fasteners, lubricate the joints of the parts. Some models have front and side walls connected by Click-Clack mechanisms, which quickly become loose and begin to creak. It is better to replace them with ordinary bolts and nuts.

If found on metal base Cover touching surfaces that make a squeak with tape.

When a worn armored mesh creaks, it is easier to replace it with any other base. You can treat the springs with WD-40, but this is painstaking work, the results of which will not last as long as you would like.

Air bed creaking

Unfortunately, many air beds squeak a lot. Sound is generated by the contact of rubber surfaces. And it is unlikely that we will be able to completely get rid of this phenomenon, but we can weaken it. To do this, place the air bed on the carpet, cover the mattress with a woolen blanket, and then cover it with a sheet.

Healthy and deep sleep improves mood, increases performance, makes you look at the world optimistically. But sometimes a regular bed prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. If every movement on the bed is accompanied by annoying sounds, you need to quickly figure out how to get rid of the creaking of the bed in order to make your nights calm and your dreams serene. There are several methods that are suitable for furniture made of a particular material.

How to get rid of a squeaking wooden bed?

Wooden beds look luxurious, but over time they begin to creak. This is due to the fact that the material is deformed during operation. Gaps appear between the fasteners, friction occurs, which causes an unpleasant sound.

Find out how to get rid of a squeaky wooden bed so you can enjoy a restful sleep.

To make the bed last as long as possible, it is recommended to choose high-quality species: mahogany, oak, walnut. Their service life is maximum.

What to do if the creak has already appeared? Try to eliminate it. First of all, you need to determine the location of the squeak, then proceed depending on the situation.

  • The fasteners have become loose. You need to tighten the screws all the way. If this does not help, you should secure the parts with rubber glue. The surfaces must first be degreased with alcohol. After gluing, you will no longer be able to disassemble the wooden bed, but the creaking will disappear.
  • The slats have become unusable. Swap them. If this does not help, then wrap each lamella with fabric or treat it with wax or paraffin. In extreme cases, you will have to change the base.
  • The legs of the bed were loose. Repairing these parts is very difficult. Most often, craftsmen advise sawing them off altogether. In this case, you will receive an exclusive model that will not only enliven the interior, but also stop creaking.

Sometimes creaking occurs for a trivial reason - due to changes in floor level. Then you just need to move the bed to a new place or put something under the legs to give it stability.

August 1, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Creaking can negatively affect the comfort of the bed and even interfere with healthy sleep. Moreover, even the most expensive and new products are not immune from this shortcoming. But, fortunately, in most cases, the creaking can be eliminated quite simply, and then I will tell you what needs to be done.

The main causes of noise

The reason for the creaking of any bed is always the same - it is the friction of some of its parts against others. Therefore, the task of eliminating extraneous noise is to find exactly which elements rub against each other, and, accordingly, eliminate their friction.


Most often they will fasten precisely wooden structures. This happens for the following reasons:

  • As a result of drying out or dampness, parts were deformed. Due to deformation, the parts begin to rub against each other. As a rule, this occurs as a result of the slats abutting each other.
  • The fastening element has become loose. In this case, the connection ceases to be rigid. More often similar situation occurs in furniture made from chipboard, since the fasteners do not hold well in the chipboard.

  • A crack has formed in one of the structural parts. For this reason, the part begins to make a sound under any mechanical impact.

  • The headboard or body is in contact with other furniture. In this case, any slight displacement of the structure leads to creaking or knocking noises.
  • Stands unevenly. Extraneous sound occurs due to deformation of the frame.

With lifting mechanism

Models with a lifting mechanism can creak for the same reasons as regular wooden ones. In addition, noise can be created by the mechanism itself or its attachment points.

To eliminate operation sound metal mechanisms, you can use any lubricant. Just do not use edible oils, as they will only temporarily eliminate the noise, but over time will lead to corrosion on metal surfaces.

A children's bed pendulum most often creaks due to the contact of moving parts. wooden mechanisms. To eliminate this squeak, lubricate the contacting surfaces with soap.


Metal is a stronger material than wood, so metal beds usually squeak for only a few reasons:

  • It has metal mesh(shell-clad). Such models creak and crack by definition, but you can still get rid of the noise, and quite simply, as you will see for yourself later.

  • The joints between the frame and the headboard are noisy. This happens because the hooks do not fit tightly in the metal loops.

Also, the structure may creak due to the fact that it is uneven, as a result of which the metal frame is deformed.


Inflatable furniture may produce squeaking sounds due to the friction of the material in the folds. To get rid of them, try to inflate it harder or coat the rubbing surfaces with soap.

In general, if an inflatable product creaks, then it will most likely not be possible to completely get rid of extraneous noise. Therefore, it is necessary to check it when purchasing.

How to determine the source of noise without disassembling the product

There is only one way to determine the source of a squeak - relying on your hearing, sometimes on your eyesight. Therefore, first determine under what influences the structure begins to creak - when rocking from side to side, when pressing on the mattress, etc.

Then simply manipulate the bed so that it squeaks and listen carefully to where the sound is coming from. To do this, you can ask an assistant to have one person make a creaking noise with the bed, and the second to look for its source.

If the structure is close to other objects or a wall, this can be determined visually. In addition, a visual inspection will allow you to determine uneven installation of furniture, deformation of slats or cracks in parts.

To check if a mattress is squeaky, place it on the floor and sit on different areas. As a rule, noisy springs quickly give themselves away.

How to eliminate the creaking of a metal frame

If the frame of a metal bed creaks, it can be eliminated in a simple and proven way - using a lubricant that is applied to all rubbing elements. You can also use a product in an aerosol can – WD-40.

One more, even more effective method- place leather or at least fabric gaskets between all adjacent parts. In this case, the structure will not creak, even if the bolts become loose over time.

If we're talking about about an old armored bed - squeaking can also be eliminated with the help of lubricant. The only thing is that you need to lubricate the entire mesh and its attachment points to the frame. To prevent lubricant from staining the mattress, you can lay an old sheet over the mesh.

Another option for eliminating mesh noise is to place foam rubber under the mattress. It will not only protect the mattress from contamination, but will also muffle the characteristic crackling sound that can occur even with a lubricated mesh.

How to eliminate frame creaking - tightening fasteners and gluing joints

To eliminate the creaking of the frame of a wooden structure, follow these steps:

Illustrations Instructions

Disassembly. Remove the screws from the joint areas that make noise.

If the screw is loose, fill the hole with a paste made from glue and wood shavings. You can even just insert matches and pour glue. The screw can be glued only after the glue has hardened.

Preparing for assembly:
  • Wipe adjacent surfaces to remove dust and other contaminants.
  • Coat the surfaces with glue.
  • Connect adjacent parts.
  • Screw in the screws.
  • If necessary, tighten the parts with clamps.

    If the wood is soft and as a result the screw head has pressed into the recess, place a wide washer under it.

If the lamellas creak at the joints, they just need to be dismantled and slightly sharpened. For these purposes, you can use a file. Coat all movable joints that cannot be securely fixed with paraffin or at least soap if paraffin is not on hand.

How to eliminate a squeaking mattress

As I said above, in any bed the creaking can be caused not by the structure itself, but by the spring mattress. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of it. Therefore, check the mattress for squeaks when purchasing. If the squeaking occurs after purchasing the product, try to immediately return it under warranty.

If you can't get rid of a squeaking mattress, try unfolding it or even turning it over. In some situations, this allows you to solve the problem at least temporarily.


If the legs creak, first tighten the fasteners with a wrench or a screwdriver. Also, make sure that all legs are supported on the floor. If the base is not level, to eliminate squeaks, you can put a pad of plywood or any other material of sufficient strength and suitable thickness under one or two legs.

Of course, this only applies to non-adjustable legs. If they are adjustable, you just need to increase or decrease their length.

Prevention for a new bed

Prevention of a new bed is absolutely the same as eliminating creaking construction. Therefore, once you have purchased the furniture, follow these steps:

  • Tighten all bolts, screws and nuts. They may be weakened not only due to poor assembly, but also due to drying out of the wood.

  • Lubricate the moving elements with lubricant.
  • Place the bed in the working position and make sure that all legs are resting on the base.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you about getting rid of bed squeaks.


Now you know why a bed can squeak, how to find sources of sound and what to do to eliminate it. If any difficulties arise, ask questions and I will be happy to help you with advice.

August 1, 2018

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After a hard day you can lie down on comfortable bed and get some sleep. However, sometimes sleep is disturbed by a nasty creaking noise, which does not allow you to fully rest.

Creaking wooden beds have never brought pleasure to anyone. How to get rid of the problem that has arisen?

Creaking of a wooden bed: eliminating the nuisance

Try to determine exactly what is squeaking, starting with the mattress. Take the product to the floor and crawl along it, listening to the sounds.

If the mattress squeaks, then buy a new one, sparing no expense. If everything is fine with him, continue to look for the problem area.

Fastening joints can also cause squeaking. In this case, it is worth tightening all the screws securely.

The joints of the elements can be lubricated with soap or silicone. Such products eliminate friction, so the squeak disappears.

If the lamellas creak, then you should do things a little differently. These elements are lubricated with paraffin or swapped.

The slats bear the main load, so over time they may even become cracked. If suddenly the creaking does not disappear, then replace these elements with new ones.

The most difficult option is extraneous sounds that arose due to loose bed legs. It is very difficult to repair such elements.

Craftsmen often suggest cutting down the bed legs to get rid of the problem. Modern factories practically do not produce products using such elements.

These are the main ways that will give you the opportunity to get rid of the squeaking of a wooden bed. If you do everything correctly, you can get enough sleep and wake up rested and invigorated.

Advantages of wooden beds

You have already figured out how to eliminate squeaking. And now it’s worth mentioning the advantages of wooden beds:

  • wood is considered safe material, which is not capable of harming human health;
  • the products are very practical;
  • a wooden bed will last a very long time;
  • It is easy to care for the product, because it is enough to wipe the surface with polish from time to time;
  • Wooden furniture will fit into any interior, making the room as cozy and warm as possible;
  • The products are very comfortable, so you can get enough sleep and not feel tired.

These are the main points regarding the use of a wooden bed. If you make a choice in favor of such products, you can get a lot of significant advantages, because your home will become not only stylish, but also cozy.

It should be noted right away that when buying a standard bed, the question always arises of how to get rid of squeaking. But making a bed yourself is not suitable for everyone, so you can still take certain steps to eliminate unpleasant sounds. First of all, you need to glue the joints and joints.

For this purpose, you can use rubber glue. According to experts, in such a situation, rubber adhesive has undeniable advantages. It should be taken into account that any creaking area is characterized by the presence of a strong load and some deformations. Basically, all adhesives form strong seams, but they are still not resistant to deformation.

As for rubber glue, its use produces an elastic seam, which is ideal for this task. First of all, when using rubber glue, a rubber film is formed on the surface to be glued. Even if there is an air bubble and the surfaces mutually shift, there will be no squeaking. After all, in in this case surfaces coated with a rubber film will come into contact with each other.

The reason for the creaking of any bed is always the same - it is the friction of some of its parts against others. Therefore, the task of eliminating extraneous noise is to find exactly which elements rub against each other, and, accordingly, eliminate their friction.


Most often, it is wooden structures that are held together. This happens for the following reasons:

  • As a result of drying out or dampness, parts were deformed. Due to deformation, the parts begin to rub against each other. As a rule, this occurs as a result of the slats abutting each other.
  • The fastening element has become loose. In this case, the connection ceases to be rigid. Most often, a similar situation occurs in furniture made of chipboard, since the fasteners in the chipboard do not hold well.
  • A crack has formed in one of the structural parts. For this reason, the part begins to make a sound under any mechanical impact.
  • The headboard or body is in contact with other furniture. In this case, any slight displacement of the structure leads to creaking or knocking noises.
  • It's not level. Extraneous sound occurs due to deformation of the frame.

Models with a lifting mechanism can creak for the same reasons as regular wooden ones. In addition, noise can be created by the mechanism itself or its attachment points.

To eliminate the sound of metal mechanisms, you can use any lubricant. Just do not use edible oils, as they will only temporarily eliminate the noise, but over time will lead to corrosion on metal surfaces.


Metal is a stronger material than wood, so metal beds usually squeak for only a few reasons:

  • Has a metal mesh (shell-like). Such models creak and crack by definition, but you can still get rid of the noise, and quite simply, as you will see for yourself later.
  • The joints between the frame and the headboard are noisy. This happens because the hooks do not fit tightly in the metal loops.

Also, the structure may creak due to the fact that it is uneven, as a result of which the metal frame is deformed.


Inflatable furniture may produce squeaking sounds due to the friction of the material in the folds. To get rid of them, try to inflate it harder or coat the rubbing surfaces with soap.

In general, if an inflatable product creaks, then it will most likely not be possible to completely get rid of extraneous noise. Therefore, it is necessary to check it when purchasing.

Creaking in different places

Unpleasant sounds may come from different parts sleeping place:

  1. In the corner. During rocking, sounds very often begin to come from the corner of the berth, where two drawers (wooden boards) are connected. After all, if the whole bed sways, then so do the legs. Because of this, wooden parts begin to rub against each other.
  2. Lifting mechanism. It is the wear of the rocker mechanisms that are used for lifting that can cause the bed to become squeaky. If there is a wardrobe bed, then the source of the squeak may be a spring block or frame.
  3. In the head area. The sounds of a gas elevator or lifting mechanism can be heard. Many people in this case try to get rid of the problem with the help of oil and a regular candle. But simply lubricating it is not enough; for a short period, of course, it will help, but you won’t be able to completely get rid of the squeak.
  4. Leg. It is not at all surprising that the higher it is, the more sounds it will make. Accordingly, in “legless” models there will be no such problem. It can be eliminated by adding metal corners to the structure or replacing old legs with new ones.
  5. Lamels. Creaking can be produced by bent-glued planks, the base material of which is wood. They form the basis of many beds. They can be lubricated or gaskets placed at the points of attachment to the frame.

Technician's note: identifying the location of the squeak will allow you to quickly fix the problem.

But the sound can be heard in several places at once. There are a number of steps you need to take to get rid of them. It is not so difficult to do this without the help of masters.

It is worth noting: if the bed creaks at certain times of the year, this is due to climatic conditions. And if this phenomenon occurs all year round, then it needs to be eliminated.

How to determine the source of a squeak

  • The first step is to remove the mattress with orthopedic bases from the bed structure and place them on the floor.
  • Check if the mattress is squeaking. You need to make sure that this mattress is not a source of unpleasant squeaking before you move on to checking the frame of the sleeping place itself. You need to get on the mattress and move around a little. If creaking is heard, then its cause is the mattress.
  • Check the orthopedic base for squeaks. You need to press on it from above and try to shake it. If you hear a squeaking sound, most likely it is this that is causing all the problems.
  • Shake the legs of the structure and listen carefully. An unpleasant sound often appears where the butt joints between the legs and the rest of the frame are located.
  • Rock the support strips from below on the inside of the structure frame. Support strips are usually made of wood or metal. They are always located at a certain distance from each other and stretch from one side of the frame to the second. An orthopedic base with a mattress is later laid on the slats. You need to press down on each support bar to see if they make an annoying sound.

There is only one way to determine the source of a squeak - relying on your hearing, sometimes on your eyesight. Therefore, first determine under what influences the structure begins to creak - when rocking from side to side, when pressing on the mattress, etc.

Then simply manipulate the bed so that it squeaks and listen carefully to where the sound is coming from. To do this, you can ask an assistant to have one person make a creaking noise with the bed, and the second to look for its source.

If the structure is close to other objects or a wall, this can be determined visually. In addition, a visual inspection will allow you to determine uneven installation of furniture, deformation of slats or cracks in parts.

To check if a mattress is squeaky, place it on the floor and sit on different areas. As a rule, noisy springs quickly give themselves away.

If the orthopedic bed base squeaks, the first priority is to determine the source of the sound. This will help you get rid of the problem faster by eliminating it with available means. The grinding noise can be produced by:

  • wooden bent-glued lamellas that dry out over time or at certain times of the year;
  • rocker lifting mechanism with which the bed is transformed;
  • two drawers or wooden boards in the corner of the furniture, or rather, at the points where they connect with the legs;
  • high legs are a problem area; the higher they are, the more likely they are to start grinding;
  • If the sound is heard at the headboard, most likely the lifting mechanism is worn out.

When the source of the squeak is not detected, you first need to gently rock the bed or crawl along it, creating additional vibration. When that doesn't work, gently push the support bar or footboard, listening for sounds in the corners and attachment points.

A mattress that lies unevenly or a spring unit that is placed on the floor and carefully inspected for testing can also creak. Experts recommend periodically turning them over and checking them, which will help to identify places of ruptures and wear in time.

To inspect the support bars and the attachment points in them, just lift the mattress from spring block or lie on the floor and check the bed from below. Often, a careful examination of “weak spots” helps to quickly identify the source unpleasant sound.

Frame repair work

You need to remove the mattress and put it on the floor.

There is an opinion that it is the frame that produces the unpleasant creaking noise.

To fix the problem you need to do the following steps:

  1. Lubricate the places where the rear/front backrest is connected together with the side beams, as well as where the slats come into contact with the frame. This can be done with wax, soap or any lubricant that does not have a sharp and characteristic odor. For a frame with a metal base, you can use lithium or silicon grease. If such actions do not help, then you should re-lubricate the parts at their joints.
  2. Wax and soap did not help, then we insert gaskets between the parts that rub.
  3. You also need to check correct location mattress, because this can also cause squeaking. It should be placed exactly on the bottom in the middle of the bed.
  4. Turn the mattress over. Manufacturers advise periodically performing this inversion so that provide an orthopedic place to sleep and avoid wear and tear.

The frame repair process depends on the material from which the bed is made:

  1. If the base of the bed or the whole of it is metal structure, then tighten the fasteners. You need to figure out what size the nuts and bolts are, choose a specific wrench, and tighten them with ease. At the same time, it is worth lubricating with a special lubricant, or Vaseline.
  2. Such tightening is not suitable for wooden ones. After all, old models are fastened not with bolts at all, but with nails, and boards that cause creaking are very difficult to tighten, but you shouldn’t give up lubricant.

Please note: a wrench must be used to tighten the right size, because you can damage the edge of a nut or bolt, and then you won’t be able to unscrew them without special tools.

If the frame of a metal bed creaks, it can be eliminated in a simple and proven way - using a lubricant that is applied to all rubbing elements. You can also use a product in an aerosol can – WD-40.

Another, even more effective way is to place leather or at least fabric pads between all adjacent parts. In this case, the structure will not creak, even if the bolts become loose over time.

If we are talking about an old armored bed, the creaking can also be eliminated with the help of lubricant. The only thing is that you need to lubricate the entire mesh and its attachment points to the frame. To prevent lubricant from staining the mattress, you can lay an old sheet over the mesh.

Another option for eliminating mesh noise is to place foam rubber under the mattress. It will not only protect the mattress from contamination, but will also muffle the characteristic crackling sound that can occur even with a lubricated mesh.

As I said above, in any bed the creaking can be caused not by the structure itself, but by the spring mattress. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of it. Therefore, check the mattress for squeaks when purchasing. If the squeaking occurs after purchasing the product, try to immediately return it under warranty.

If you can't get rid of a squeaking mattress, try unfolding it or even turning it over. In some situations, this allows you to solve the problem at least temporarily.

Articles What to do if a metal bed creaks?

Very often with metal beds There is such a problem as squeaking. It seems that this drawback is insignificant, but over time the unpleasant sound begins to irritate, and soon it simply drives you crazy. Rest turns into real torture. In addition, if the apartment has poor sound insulation, then creaking and scratching will cause inconvenience even to your neighbors.

In order not to tolerate this, you should resort to some measures. Such a “breakdown” can be quickly dealt with without resorting to the services of a specialist, and even without the use of special tools. The main thing is to find the cause and think of a way to eliminate it.

More often than not, problems arise with old furniture sleeping purposes, but sometimes they happen to new specimens. Often, a metal bed creaks for several reasons:

  1. Parts touch as a result of improper assembly;
  2. Over time, the material becomes distorted and deformed;
  3. Fasteners become loose due to constant interaction.

Each of the presented options is eliminated in different ways. Machine oil or tightening screws does not always help. Not only the bed itself can creak, but also the mattress. Therefore, it is first important to understand the situation, and only then take action to repair it.

What to do if a metal bed creaks due to incorrect assembly initially? One of the structural elements may be out of place, which leads to unpleasant sounds.

There is only one way to correct this defect - dismantling and subsequent reassembly, which will comply with the instructions. Often, errors are made during factory assembly, so the product has to be returned to the store where it was purchased. Such cases are rare, but they are possible.

You can fix the problem yourself or seek the help of specialists. In any of these cases, the solution is quite simple and does not require a lot of time and money. A refurbished bed will serve you for quite a long time.

After some time, the product begins to make unusual sounds that may interfere with rest. What to do if a metal bed creaks, but at the same time it has not lost its presentation? Naturally, you shouldn’t throw away furniture; everything can be solved in a simpler way.

If the bed is completely metal, then over time the structural parts begin to deform:

  • The hull sags;
  • The bolts are unscrewed;
  • Grooves appear at the attachment points.

When the structure consists of both wood and metal base, then the number of noise sources increases noticeably. For the wood option, the only solution may be to replace the parts, since no treatment will help.

A metal structure can restore its original shape if it is subjected to thermal or mechanical impact. This is the only way to correct the deformation. It is important that the combined elements fit tightly and do not move relative to each other.

Wear of parts

Often a metal bed creaks as a result of loosening screws and beveled fasteners. This defect can be eliminated by slightly tightening the nuts, but sometimes this is not enough. During long-term use, the bolts and joints may rust. Only special lubrication and treatment will help here.

Sometimes you have to completely replace the bolts or twist the fasteners, but it is better to spend time on such work than to listen to the nasty creaking sounds every time you turn it on its side. More often, this need arises when the fastening is mixed, that is, metal and wood are combined.

The reason for the nasty sound may not be the bed itself, but the mattress, or rather its springs. Here you won’t be able to fix the problem yourself - you’ll just have to buy a new product. You can determine if a mattress is broken as follows:

  1. Remove the product from the bed;
  2. Place it on a flat surface;
  3. Press down each square of the mattress one by one.

Tighten the nuts and lubricate individual elements Any man can bed. For such work you will not need special tools or any professional knowledge. If there is a need to replace parts or rearrange them, it is better to contact specialists.

There can be many reasons why a metal bed squeaks. The main thing is to discover the source and cause of their occurrence. Such changes occur not only with metal beds, but also with wooden, combined ones. However, in comparison with these analogues, this material more durable and does not require special care.

Radical methods

If the tips above do not help, then you should disassemble the entire bed.

Allow time to dry a little, but not dry completely. Then glue all the parts and, of course, fasten them the way they were originally connected. Now we wait for it to dry completely.

If additional reinforcement is needed from the inside, you can also attach metal corners and additional screws. When processing wooden parts of a bed, if there is no glue, then instead you can use a special spray, which is based on silicone.

Please note: strengthening the bed with metal parts will help not only eliminate squeaks, but also make the structure of the bed stronger.

Very often the cause of unpleasant sounds is the slatted base of a wooden frame.

The boards may wobble or become deformed; you can try turning them over, swapping them, or replacing them.

For work you should prepare so that you have on hand:

  • work gloves or mittens;
  • prepare soap, wax or a regular candle;
  • graphite, silicon or lithium grease;
  • rubber glue;
  • spray, which is based on silicone;
  • tools that can tighten nuts and bolts.

If your legs creak

If the legs creak, first tighten the fasteners with a wrench or a screwdriver. Also, make sure that all legs are supported on the floor. If the base is not level, to eliminate squeaks, you can put a pad of plywood or any other material of sufficient strength and suitable thickness under one or two legs.

Of course, this only applies to non-adjustable legs. If they are adjustable, you just need to increase or decrease their length.

If the design of the bed legs is unsuccessful, and it is not possible to securely fix the legs, the legs crack and break, then it is better to remove such legs completely and place the bed on strong ones wooden boxes or pieces stacked and fastened together wooden board or plywood. These will be very reliable, strong, although heavy, legs.

Prevention for a new bed

Prevention of a new bed is absolutely the same as eliminating creaking construction. Therefore, once you have purchased the furniture, follow these steps:

  • Tighten all bolts, screws and nuts. They may be weakened not only due to poor assembly, but also due to drying out of the wood.
  • Lubricate the moving elements with lubricant.
  • Place the bed in the working position and make sure that all legs are resting on the base.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you about getting rid of bed squeaks.

If a wooden bed creaks, what should you do? - Article holding

Why does a bed with an orthopedic base squeak? The main reasons are as follows:

  • The culprits may be wooden furniture elements that have dried out over time or natural factors.
  • The fasteners become loose and parts of the bed move relative to each other, making a grinding noise. Both wooden and metal models suffer from this.
  • Creaking is produced by furniture legs, most often in the places where they are attached to the frame.

Don't despair. Beds, like any product made of wood or metal, are subject to wear and tear and may begin to creak or “moan” over time. Less likely to suffer from this problem New furniture, which was assembled unprofessionally.

No matter how high quality wooden bed, sooner or later it will begin to creak when moving, interfering with sleep and rest and simply making you nervous. Despite all the remaining comfort of the bed, such a noticeable disadvantage as creaking will become a reason for the deterioration of the quality of sleep, and therefore a person’s health.

At the same time, replacing this bed with a new one is not the most economically justified decision. In most cases, it comes to repairing furniture and eliminating the emerging auditory irritant if the wooden bed creaks.

How can I fix this so that I can continue to use my favorite bed for many more years?

It is quite possible to get rid of squeaks without being a furniture specialist. However, if a wooden bed creaks, you can solve the problem only by first understanding why the furniture makes these unpleasant sounds.

Most likely this is due to natural process drying out natural material- wood. An equally common reason may be that the fastening elements of the bed parts weaken over time.

But you should exclude the sound that may come from the old mattress, since in this case it turns out that it is not the wooden bed that is creaking. What can you do to figure out if the mattress is to blame? You just need to take it off and put it on the floor, then lie down and move around.

Once the location or locations of the defect are identified, you can begin to act in accordance with what exactly is causing the squeak.

Loosening fasteners

Loosening fasteners is the most common cause of an unpleasant sound, since all materials, without exception, tend to wear out, and over time, one part begins, as it wears, to come into contact with another more tightly than was intended by the design. In addition, movement and weight acting on the parts can also weaken the tightness of the fastening. In such cases, it is enough to tighten all the nuts and bolts.

But it happens that over time they are no longer able to withstand the load on their own, and the wooden bed creaks. What to do in such cases? Additional fasteners need to be installed. For example, special corners made of wood or metal that should be screwed to the other side of the furniture. Instead of corners or in addition to them, you can strengthen all joints with wood glue.

By tightening, strengthening and letting the glue dry, you can check whether the squeak has disappeared.

You can use special silicone grease, grease, paraffin and even regular soap. This work must be carried out carefully and very carefully, since there is a high risk of damage to the top protective and decorative layer of wood.

Sealing joints

After this, the squeak should not remain. The only disadvantage of the described method is that the glue between the elements will not allow you to easily disassemble the bed again in the future.

The very slats on which the mattress is located are an equally popular reason why a wooden bed sometimes creaks. What to do in this case? The problem can only be solved by replacing the old defective slats with new ones or try swapping the old slats.

It happens that the reason for the creaking lies in the legs of the furniture. This defect is the most difficult task For home renovation. The legs, of course, can be replaced with others, but installing them can be quite difficult even for professionals.

But you can simply remove the legs, for example by cutting them down, without special skills and tools.

In addition, instead of the boring classic bed, the result may be a new fashionable and original item interior - a platform for sleeping and resting, standing directly on the floor.

In this way, a visual change of scenery, stability and elimination of squeaking can be achieved simultaneously. Of course, this solution is not suitable for everyone, but it can still be considered. Who knows, maybe someone close to you will awaken the talent of a room designer, and the platform bed will become the most favorite piece of furniture in the house.

Thus, having discovered the cause of the creaking and knowing what to do if the bed creaks, you can stop this annoying misunderstanding without extra costs and use your favorite furniture for a long time.

  • Causes
  • Creaking in different places
  • Checking the frame and mattress
  • Frame repair work
  • Radical methods


There are two main reasons why the bed begins to “moan” and “groan.”

These include: dried wood, which occurs due to natural factors, and loose bed fastenings.

But owners of iron models can also suffer from this problem.

Please take into account: the parts of the bed are subject to wear, and due to their friction against each other, squeaking occurs.

You can try tightening the fasteners, but this rarely helps.

If minor repairs to a wooden bed did not help

When the methods described above do not fix the problem, you should completely disassemble the furniture. After this, do the following:

  • the places of joints and gluing of parts are first degreased;
  • after this, glue is applied in a thin layer and the surfaces are carefully pressed against each other;
  • let dry adhesive composition, after which the joints are further strengthened using metal corners and screws.

Before starting to repair the stock, select wrenches that fit the nuts and bolts. If fasteners are tightened with the wrong tools, their edges can be damaged and it will be impossible to unscrew them next time. During repairs wooden furniture exercise extreme caution. You should not tighten the parts too much, otherwise there is a chance of completely ruining the product.


What to do? How to proceed? How to eliminate squeaking? It is almost never possible to completely eliminate bed squeaks and get rid of the nasty sound in standard commercial beds. To prevent the bed from squeaking, you need to do it yourself, then you will be guaranteed against squeaking. How to make a bed without squeaking yourself, with your own hands.

But still, something can be done. The joints, similar to those shown in the figure, and the joints of the walls need to be glued. I do this with rubber glue 88 (Luxe). The advantages of rubber glue in this situation are undeniable. Firstly, the places where the bed creaks are characterized by heavy loads and some deformations.

Most adhesives form a strong seam, but it is susceptible to deformation, since the seam is not elastic. Rubber glue gives an excellent elastic seam. Secondly, rubber adhesive forms a rubber film on the bonded surfaces. Even if there is an air bubble there and mutual displacement of the surfaces is observed, then there will be no creaking, since the surfaces covered with a rubber film will rub against each other.

To eliminate the squeak, the bed must be disassembled. Degrease the joints of parts. Next, apply a thin layer of glue to each surface to be glued. Let it dry a little. Then the surfaces, each of which is covered with a drying film of glue, are combined and tightened in the same way as they were previously secured.

Attention! A bed taped in this way will be very difficult to disassemble.