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» How to beautifully paint a wall with water-based paint. How to paint walls with water-based paint without streaks. How to paint over old paint

How to beautifully paint a wall with water-based paint. How to paint walls with water-based paint without streaks. How to paint over old paint

The advantages of water-based coating - the absence of a strong odor and toxic properties, the formation of a durable layer that allows cleaning, wiping and washing, the possibility of tinting - have made it a popular material for decorating ceilings.

However, such painting, especially over a layer of old paint, has a number of features and mandatory preliminary operations.

Tools and materials - a complete list for all occasions

To carry out the necessary preparatory work and high-quality painting of the ceiling with any composition of the previous coating and surface condition, you will need:

  • wide, durable plastic film or oilcloth to cover the floor and furniture that could not be removed;
  • sponge for soaking and washing off old coating;
  • steel spatula for removing the previous layer of paint (whitewash) and applying putty when leveling the surface for painting;
  • serpyanka mesh for gluing the joints of ceiling tiles;
  • main and finishing putty;
  • penetrating primer;
  • mesh graters for leveling the putty surface - larger preliminary and fine finishing;
  • special solutions for eliminating yellow streaks, rust stains, and mold;
  • water-based paint of suitable quality in the required quantity;
  • medium-width brush with a fluffy edge for painting corners, joints with walls, areas around ceiling lamps; before use, it is soaked in water; the swollen wood of the handle will tightly hold the bristle hairs, so they will not remain on the surface covered with the coloring composition;
  • a narrow brush for eliminating minor paint defects;
  • paint roller in a fur coat with pile middle length and a handle with a telescopic extension to it; the width of the roller depends on the area of ​​painting - the larger it is, the wider the roller;
  • a rectangular tray with a corrugated inclined surface on which a roller is rolled to remove excess paint.

Necessary tools and materials: 1. Film. 2. Sponge. 3. Spatula. 4. Serpyanka mesh. 5. Putty. 6. Primer. 7. Grater nets. 8. Cleaning products. 9. Paint. 10. Medium brush. 11. Narrow brush. 12. Roller. 13. Special bath.

Surface preparation

The even, monochromatic coating provided by water-based paint compositions does not hide, but, on the contrary, makes all surface defects, irregularities and stains more noticeable. Therefore, the ceiling must be carefully prepared before painting.

Removing the previous coating

First of all, you need to cover the floor and the remaining furniture in the room.

Then, if the ceiling was whitewashed, you should:

  • Gradually wet the squares old whitewash sponge with warm soapy water;
  • remove the soaked layer with a spatula, placing a tray in order to stain the floor less;
  • finally wash off the previous coating with a sponge.

If there is old water-based paint on the ceiling, it will not be possible to wash it off. You should at least remove this coating where it has peeled off.

To identify and eliminate all such areas, you need to:

  • moisten the ceiling generously with a roller;
  • let the water soak in thoroughly;
  • open the windows and doors and create a draft in the room;
  • Use a spatula to remove the old water-based coating from all areas where it has peeled off as a result of this procedure.

Special processing

If there rust spots or dark streaks, they are covered with one of the following compositions:

  • 3% hydrochloric acid;
  • thick lime “milk” with 50 ml of denatured alcohol;
  • 5% copper sulfate;
  • 20 parts crushed lime with one part drying oil.

If there is a black one mold(a common occurrence in kitchens and bathrooms, and other damp areas), you need to follow these steps.

  1. Strip the plaster down to the concrete. To reduce dust, it should be moistened first.
  2. Handle concrete surface antiseptic primer. Budget alternative – detergent, containing chlorine, for example, “Whiteness”.
  3. Cover the problem area with a penetrating primer and re-plaster it.

Leveling the ceiling surface and priming it

If the ceiling is fairly level and even with side lighting there are no significant surface defects, the steps below are necessary.

  1. Coat the ceiling with a penetrating primer. In this case, it is better to use a brush so as not to miss a single depression or irregularity.
  2. After the primer has dried, remove any unevenness with finishing gypsum putty.
  3. After 5-8 hours, level the putty areas, first with a coarse and then with a fine mesh grout.
  4. Prime the leveled putty areas.

Primer of leveled putty areas

If formed gaps in the joints of the plates, A old plaster crumbles, then the algorithm will be slightly different.

  1. Clean down to concrete using a spatula or hammer drill. There will be less dust if the surface is pre-moistened.
  2. Coat with penetrating primer.
  3. Re-plaster, checking the quality of work with a level and a steel meter. Cover the filled cracks in the joints with reinforcing mesh.
  4. After a day, putty and finally level the surface with trowel mesh.

After leveling is completed, prime the surface water-based paint, diluted with water.


When purchasing a water-based paint composition for the ceiling, it is especially important to have a good understanding of the assortment.

Currently it is represented by five main types of products:

  • with acrylic;
  • with latex and acrylic;
  • with silicone;
  • with polyvinyl acetate;
  • with silicates;
  • with mineral supplements.

The cheapest water-based mixtures are with polyvinyl acetate, but the surface painted with them cannot be washed. The most expensive compositions are those containing silicone - they adhere well to plaster even without a primer, and the coating they form can withstand wet cleaning with detergents. Due to their good permeability to water vapor, they are ideal for kitchen and bathroom ceilings. Medium-priced and durable coatings are acrylic and latex-acrylic paints; They are also the most in demand. Silicate compounds designed for painting concrete surfaces and brickwork, they are durable, but not moisture resistant.

The main manufacturers of water-based paints supplied to domestic market, produce products that vary in both price and quality.

To choose the right water-based paint and purchase it in the right quantity, you should carefully read the information text of the label. It must contain the following important parameters.

  1. Purpose of paint listing the types of work.
  2. Consumption per square meter– allows you to calculate the required purchase volume. In this case, the paint must be purchased with some reserve, since the tone of different batches may differ noticeably.
  3. Covering power– the ability to completely, without gaps, paint over a much darker base.
  4. Abrasion resistance– the main indicator of durability and resistance to cleaning and washing.

In addition, you should read additional inscriptions, often in the smallest font.

  1. "Recommended for use in dry areas." Such products are not suitable for either the bathroom or the kitchen.
  2. “Leave-in” or “Highly durable”. The painted surface can be washed exclusively with water without additional detergents.
  3. “Abrasion-resistant”, “Dirt-repellent”. The coloring composition forms a layer that can withstand wet cleaning using detergents.

Having carefully selected a water-based composition that is suitable in terms of properties, manufacturer, price and purchased it in the required quantity, you can begin painting the prepared ceiling surface.

The process goes in the following order.

If all preparatory operations were carried out carefully enough and the painting process went correctly, the new water-based ceiling coating will be smooth, uniform and durable.

Video - Preparing and painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Finishing the ceiling, including painting it, is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the renovation. Modern technologies greatly facilitate this process. Particularly popular in Lately water-based paints are high-quality materials that are quite easy to use. But painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion also has its own secrets and features that must be taken into account when working.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you need to choose the right paint. According to its composition, water emulsion is:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • latex.

But even the composition is not the most important thing you need to pay attention to. More important indicator is the hiding power of the paint. It is very easy to find out: the greater the quantity square meters, for which 1 liter of paint is enough, the better.

Wide color palette- far from the only advantage of water-based paints

If you are going to treat ceilings in rooms with high humidity(for example, in the kitchen or bathroom), buy water-based paint for wet areas. Do not forget about the presence of anti-mold components in its composition. In addition, the paint for such rooms must be washable. In dry rooms, you can use regular water-based emulsion.

Carefully reading the label on the jar will help you make your choice. Certain inscriptions require explanation.

  1. “The paint is highly resistant to dry abrasion” - the painted surface should not be exposed to moisture. Cleaning only with a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth.
  2. “The paint can be used in dry rooms with reduced operational load” - for painting the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom, where high humidity And a large number of greasy fumes, this product is not suitable.
  3. “Indelible paint with high abrasion resistance” - ceilings painted with this paint can be easily and painlessly wet cleaned without the use of special detergents.
  4. “The paint has high resistance to abrasion during intensive washing and dirt-repellent properties” - best coverage for the ceiling. You can easily wash the surface even with detergents.

The choice between glossy and matte water-based paint depends only on your taste. But please note that matte finish will visually increase the height of the room, mask small defects, but will be difficult to clean. Glossy paint looks more impressive, is easier to clean and does not wear out for a long time, maintaining its quality characteristics. But it will easily reveal all the minor flaws on the ceiling. It is believed that the best choice is semi-matte or semi-gloss paint.

Note! If you buy several cans of water-based paint, ask that they all come from the same batch. Otherwise, the paint may be different shades. It is also important that a store selling such paint have an insulated warehouse: low temperatures lead to disruption of the structure of the water-based emulsion and loss of its quality.

Also, be sure to purchase a primer - it must be used when painting. If you need to repair the ceiling, then buy another solution for washing off the old paint and putty.

A can of water-based paint, a brush, a roller and a tray - everything you need for the job

Now let's move on to the tools necessary for the job. You will need:

  • putty knife;
  • paint bath;
  • a roller about 20 cm wide with medium pile (velor and foam coats are absolutely not suitable);
  • sandpaper with fine grain;
  • a thin brush 5–8 cm wide for painting corners and edges.

You probably noticed the remark about the lint roller. The fact is that foam roller will leave bubbles on the surface, and velor does not absorb enough paint, and you will have to dip the tool into the bath very often. Please take this into account when purchasing.

The telescopic handle for the roller will help you do without a stepladder

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use a stepladder when painting the ceiling, a telescopic handle for a roller will help you.

Preliminary preparation and treatment of the ceiling

Before you start painting with water-based emulsion, the ceiling needs to be prepared for subsequent work.

To get a positive result, do not paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion over the old layer. It must be removed with a spatula, using an alkaline detergent, and then rinse the ceiling clean water and let dry.

To simplify the task, use this simple technique:

  1. Wet the ceiling big amount water (for this you can use a spray bottle or a foam roller).
  2. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. The old coating will be thoroughly saturated with moisture.
  3. The next step is to create a draft in the room. Open all windows and doors, and bulges form on the surface of the ceiling. You can easily remove such a soaked layer of old coating with a spatula.

After such pre-treatment, errors may become noticeable on the ceiling surface. They are quite easy to eliminate: open all the cracks and treat them with finishing putty. After it dries, the surface should be sanded and the dust wiped off. damp cloth or remove with a vacuum cleaner.

When preparing the ceiling for painting, it may be necessary to eliminate minor errors

Now start priming the ceiling. Use a primer for this deep penetration. When it dries, paint can be applied to the surface.

Too much uneven surface with potholes and multi-level tile joints indicates the need for major repairs.

The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

It’s good that progress does not stand still, and to perform the same work you can use not only several methods, but also various auxiliary devices. For example, you can paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion manually or using a spray gun.

Roller painting

  1. Carefully remove the lid from the jar and stir the contents thoroughly. In some cases, water-based paint needs to be diluted to the desired thickness with water (information about this is usually contained in the instructions). Typically, this requires no more than 10% water of the total volume of paint.

    Open the can, stir the paint and, if necessary, dilute it with water

  2. First of all, paint the corners and edges of the ceiling along the walls with a brush. This will help you avoid staining the walls during subsequent work.

    Start by painting the corners and edges with a brush.

  3. Pour a small amount of paint into the paint tray. Dip a roller into it and roll it over the corrugated surface so that the paint is evenly distributed and any excess is removed.

    Load paint onto a roller and wipe off excess onto tray

  4. Start painting from the window across the direction of the sun's rays, gradually moving deeper into the room.
  5. When the first coat of paint has dried, you need to apply a second one. This should also be done from the window, but along the direction of the sun's rays. This way you will eliminate all the unpainted areas that escaped your gaze, but would definitely appear over time.

    This diagram will tell you how to properly apply layers of paint to the ceiling.

  6. Carefully remove small bumps and bubbles found after the surface has dried with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Minor blemishes that arise during the process can be rubbed off with sandpaper and, if necessary, painted over with a brush.

The whole process, taking into account the drying of the layers, may take you several days. It is recommended to carry out painting work morning and early evening: during this period Sun rays fall onto the surface optimally, this will help you correctly assess how evenly the paint has applied.

Video about how to properly paint a ceiling with water-based emulsion using a roller

Using a spray gun

This type of work will bring you pleasure: it is quick and easy compared to using a roller. The most important thing in the process is to achieve a thin, as uniform layer as possible.

1. Before you start painting the ceiling, move the device nozzle away from the surface to be painted, since the spray gun throws out a lot of paint in the first seconds.

Before starting work, “bleed” a small amount of paints from the device

2. When the spray becomes uniform, begin painting the ceiling. The distance between the spray gun and the ceiling surface should be from 30 to 50 cm. Move the nozzle at a speed of about 5 seconds per 1 linear meter. In this case, direct the jet strictly perpendicular to the ceiling surface to be painted.

Hold the spray gun at the required distance from the surface

3. To simplify the process, mentally divide the surface into squares. Paint them one by one, first moving across, then along. At the same time, do not linger for a long time in one area, otherwise the layer will turn out thick and the paint will flow down. Maintain a steady pace while painting.

You need to work with a spray gun according to the already known scheme: one layer - across the direction of light, the second - along

How to paint a ceiling using a spray gun - video

Secrets and features of work: how to avoid mistakes and correct shortcomings on the go

If during the painting process you violated the technology and applied water-based paint unevenly, areas with different shades(the light from them is reflected in varying degrees of intensity), to avoid this, follow the direction of painting.

Do not try to correct such inhomogeneities until the surface is dry - this will aggravate the problem. Wait until it dries completely and apply another layer to hide the imperfections. If this does not help, remove the layer with sandpaper and apply again.

When painting a plasterboard ceiling, do not use paint that is too diluted with water. It can soak the paper layer finishing material so much so that the surface becomes covered with bubbles and begins to peel. And since the ceiling is not your walls, heartless gravity will do its job to the point where the surface will have to be completely repaired. We don't pursue such goals, right?

It is better to paint a plastered ceiling with a water-based emulsion using a spray gun. This device will distribute the paint on the ceiling much more evenly than a roller. But don't forget to apply primer first.

If the ceiling was previously whitewashed, it is better to wash off the old layer. Water-based paint applied to lime or whitewash will not only lie unevenly, but will also begin to peel. The same applies to old paint: if it has slight damage, remove the layer.

Small mistakes and errors in painting the ceiling can be easily corrected with a roller and brush

To avoid streaks on the ceiling during painting, first apply a layer of diluted water-based paint with a wide roller. After drying, you can easily see all the flaws. When you carry out the main painting, pay special attention to these areas and treat them more thoroughly.

Be sure to follow the direction of the layers: the penultimate layer should be perpendicular to the window, and the last one should be parallel. Don't rush - wait until the layers are completely dry.

Excess applied paint can be removed in the following way: walk a roller with no paint left on it over the surface, and its pile will absorb all the excess.

Errors when working with a spray gun

If you do not move the spray gun nozzle quickly enough when working, the water-based emulsion will collect in small drops on the ceiling. Squeeze off the excess with a sponge and, after waiting for it to dry, apply another coat of paint.

A layer that is too thick will cause the paint to peel. Places where peeling has appeared should be puttied, sanded and primed, and after drying, repaint. It is advisable to apply another coat of paint.

If there are some shortcomings in painting with a spray gun, you may need additional putty and primer

After painting, did small bumps and grains appear on the ceiling? Surely the paint used was dirty to begin with. To get rid of such defects, go over the entire surface of the ceiling with sandpaper and paint again, only first strain the paint through gauze.

As you can see, it is enough to follow the recommendations and simple rules so that painting the ceiling with water-based paint does not become too problematic and time-consuming for you. Both a roller and a spray gun are excellent assistants in this matter, and our tips will certainly make the task easier for you. Share with us in the comments your experience of painting the ceiling with water-based paint or ask questions on the topic. Good luck to you and comfort to your home!

Painting requires care, attention and the right choice suitable suspension. Today, water-based paint is the most widely used, which compares favorably with its analogues with many advantages.

But how versatile is it and what surfaces is it suitable for? This is what we will try to understand in this article.

General provisions

First, let's define what water-based paint is.


The water emulsion consists of ordinary water into which binders and colored pigments are dispersed. After application to the surface, H2O molecules evaporate, leaving a durable polymer layer of the desired shade. It is also possible that there are various modifying additives that provide the solution with additional properties.


After becoming familiar with the strengths of water-based emulsion, it will become much easier to decide on the types of materials that go well with it.

  • Completely environmentally friendly. As can be seen from its structure, at the moment of hardening, only absolutely safe water is released. This allows the use of this solution even in a child’s room.

  • Low price. The absence of expensive solvents in the composition makes water-based paint cheaper than most similar suspensions.
  • Abundance of possible colors. It is also possible to mix available colors to obtain rare original shades.

  • Easy to use with your own hands. Does not form streaks, creates a homogeneous, even layer.
  • High resistance to high humidity, abrasion, temperature changes, alkali exposure, physical damage and ultraviolet radiation.

Advice: for increased aggression environment recommended for use finishing works a type of water-dispersion acrylic paint.
Although it is more expensive, the acrylates that act as binders in its structure significantly increase all specifications, making the coating even more reliable and durable.

  • Easy to care for. The operating instructions allow for use during cleaning household chemicals, making it easy to get rid of any dirt stains.
  • High vapor permeability. Which is important for many types of materials that need to “breathe”.
  • Elasticity. Does not crack even if cracks appear in the base material. Successfully used for processing small and moving parts of furniture or interior design.
  • Easily washed off hands and tools using ordinary soap.
  • Long service life. With proper care it can reach ten years.

Types of matching surfaces

Based on the structural features of the water-based emulsion and its characteristic advantages, we can conclude that it is suitable for almost all types of surfaces.

But let's look at individual cases in more detail:

  1. Wood. Is it possible to paint wood with water-based paint? In fact, the water emulsion will perfectly protect the wood from the harmful effects of excessive humidity, which will have a beneficial effect on increasing its service life.

  1. Oil suspension. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint over oil-based paint? The fact is that such a surface is covered with a thin layer of acids and oils, which prevent the water-based emulsion from properly moistening the base. As a result, very weak adhesion is formed, and the result is very far from quality.
    So before painting with water-based paint, it is necessary to completely clean the area to be treated of traces of old paint and varnish material.

Tip: When removing old oil slurry, it is recommended to use an industrial hair dryer.
Under the influence of hot air, the paint layer will swell and peel off, which will greatly simplify its removal.

  1. Lime. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint over lime? Yes, since it has a sufficient level of steam transmission, which is a necessary condition for the successful use of lime and plastered surfaces. But it is advisable to start painting no earlier than a month after finishing the finishing work. This will give the cladding material time to mature as much as possible.

  1. Iron. Is it possible to paint metal with water-based paint? As we already know, the basis of the solution in question is water. And iron is susceptible to corrosion. That is, such painting can cause the occurrence and spread of rust under the finishing layer.
    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out preliminary deep penetration, which will create a polymer layer that reliably protects the steel from contact with water particles of the water-based emulsion.

  1. Brick and concrete. How to properly paint a brick or concrete surface with water-based paint? This can be done. It goes well with these materials, both internal and outside building.


Water-based paint outperforms its competitors due to the peculiarities of its structure.

The presence of a water base guarantees it:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • affordable price;
  • many other undeniable and very important advantages.

It is compatible with almost any material, although some require pre-treatment with other special compounds to improve the quality of the coating.

The video in this article can provide you with Additional information, which relates to the material considered. Water emulsion is best choice for carrying out currently available paints and varnishes.

Most often, attention is paid to the beauty and decor of the walls, unjustifiably forgetting about the huge influence of the ceiling on general perception interior If we consider all the volumes of the room from the point of view of the surface that is open to the eye, then, unlike walls with furniture, the ceiling is completely open. Accordingly, he is the most larger area room or room accessible to the eye. Whatever the quality, design and amount of money spent on wall decoration, it is impossible to create nice interior without a beautiful ceiling.

Painting is the final part of the design of the ceiling surface. Of course, it is not worth considering these days lime whitewash as a painting medium. As you know, it has the properties of crumbling, is easily contaminated and is inferior to modern paints in all respects. The industry has long stepped forward, and most modern means For painting the ceiling surface use water-based paint. From a decorative point of view, a matte finish will suit any interior. You can easily give any shade to your ceiling using special pigments. For example, by giving it warm shade for the most complete impression and comfort of the room. You can use cool shades to give the room a feeling more space and airiness. And, of course, the eternal classic – white matte ceiling. Next, we will talk in detail about the features of operation and application of water-based paint.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Features of ceiling paint

The popularity of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is due to its properties:

  • non-toxic;
  • no obvious odor;
  • Possibility of application over old coating;
  • high ease of use.

Even an inexperienced craftsman can use it to paint the ceiling surface. The equipment required for the work is simple and easy to clean upon completion of the work. If necessary, you can dilute the paint with water to obtain the desired consistency. It is permissible to use specialized tinting pigments to give various color shades required by the interior design. We also note the low cost of this product on the market for finishing goods. The combination of these properties has made water-based paint the most popular for many years.

Preparing to paint the ceiling

Before starting paint application, a series of preparatory work. This will help you avoid additional complications and wasting time. First, a thorough inspection of the surface is carried out using special lighting “at an angle.” Using this method, you will be able to notice all the flaws and better assess the condition of the surface being examined.

If there are strong defects, additional work must be done to level the surface. Rough unevenness, potholes and cracks cannot be corrected using only painting materials. You will have to allocate additional time to eliminate such flaws. In this case, additional costs will arise for the purchase of leveling materials and appropriate tools. Old paint must also be removed. Only after the process of leveling the ceiling and drying it has been completed will it be possible to proceed to the next stage.

Painting over the old layer

It often happens that old paint is in satisfactory condition, does not peel off, but only has an inappropriate color shade. If ceiling surface has no visible cracks, potholes or waves, the ceiling can be painted over old paint, thereby significantly reducing the time and money spent on the entire work complex. If the ceiling already had a layer of water-based paint, and there are islands of peeling material on the surface, do not be upset. Unlike whitewashing, the layer of old water-based paint does not need to be completely removed. It is enough to limit yourself to superficial cleaning of the exfoliated segments, and you can safely proceed to the next stage - painting over the old coating.

The stage preceding the actual painting of the ceiling is the application of a primer. There are no special requirements here. The stores offer a wide selection of primers suitable as a base for water-based emulsion. Price category The price of this product is also low and affordable.

Choosing water-based paint

The type of paint we are considering is a suspension of particles on water based. Simply put, water emulsion is an aqueous emulsion consisting of pigment particles and a binder base. This composition is extremely stable in its form and is difficult to disintegrate from external influences.

Let's look at the main types of water-based paint:

  1. On an acrylic binder base.
  2. On a silicate base;
  3. On a silicone binder basis;
  4. Mineral based.

The most common and in demand paint is acrylic base. As the name implies, this paint contains acrylic resins, providing a balance between price and quality. The addition of latex substances gives the entire composition the property of elasticity. This ability ensures the closure of cracks on the treated surface. The size of cracks that such paint can cope with is no more than 1 millimeter. It is worth noting the increase in price provided by the addition of latex.

The silicone binder gives the paint increased water resistance and impermeability. Accordingly, this type of product should be chosen for surfaces of rooms with high humidity and dampness. For example, it is ideal for a bathroom ceiling. The composition of the paint, as the name implies, contains silicone resins, which determine these features. The size of the cracks that the product in question can cope with increases to 2 millimeters. The cost is correspondingly higher.

The most unpopular type of water-based emulsion is paint based on a mineral binder. The flaw lies in the fragility of the surface created by this product. The reason for the composition is the content of slaked lime or even cement. The cost of the product is the lowest among other representatives of finishing materials.

So, the choice is not difficult. The modern industrial sector provides every opportunity to find the option that best suits your goals. When purchasing water-based paint, you should pay attention to the marking - coverability. The higher this indicator, the fewer layers you will need to apply to the ceiling to achieve an ideal result. On the label, the manufacturer often indicates recommended rooms in which the best results can be achieved by painting.

Stages of work

If we paint the ceiling over old decoration, preparatory stage will take minimal time. You just need to remove the peeling elements of the ceiling and, if necessary, putty it, filling all the cracks, crevices, and potholes. Next, a layer of primer is applied, and after it has completely dried, we can finally start painting the ceiling.

If you applied primer to the ceiling in the morning, afternoon is the time to start painting. By this time the primer will be completely dry. It is reasonable to apply the second layer of water-based paint the next morning.