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» What is the name of the flower with silvery leaves? Silver beauties for the dacha. Growing cineraria from seeds: video

What is the name of the flower with silvery leaves? Silver beauties for the dacha. Growing cineraria from seeds: video

Silver cineraria is not demanding in planting and care, so many choose it for decoration. It is no less famous among lovers of this unusual plant. This is no coincidence, because its delicate velvety leaves and unusual color attract attention.

What kind of plant?

Cineraria silver is perennial of the Asteraceae family, which has become widespread in Europe. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. Other names:

  1. Ashy godson.
  2. Jacobea maritima.

Most important distinguishing feature This plant has leaves with a velvety structure and a feathery structure. The most common - .

Important! Silver cineraria is successfully used in single plantings and as a background flower in compositions.


The plant differs not only in the amount of appearance, but also in its diversity. Among the most popular are:

  • Silver small bush 30 cm in height. The “calling card” of this species is its silvery, velvety leaves. The bush blooms yellow, but the flower stalks are often cut off, since they do not look particularly organic against the background of silvery leaves. There are many varieties of this species.
  • Graceful. This is also a perennial, but the flowers serve the main decorative function. Flowering will delight you with different colors in blue. Often used in bouquets long-term storage. This perennial grows strongly, so its growth must be kept under control.
  • Bloody – an annual plant that is grown in open and closed ground. They are often decorated with,. The leaves are light green, the petals are double. Flowers create a decorative effect.


There are many of them, but the most popular are two:

  1. Cirrus - leaves are silvery with a greenish tint. Their shape is oval, slightly wavy. As they grow, the leaves turn silvery-white, which creates an excellent decorative effect. The height of the bush of this variety is up to 45 cm.
  2. “Silver will give” is a more elegant representative of the species, only 25 cm high. The leaves are lacy, pubescent, there are many cuts, their color is silvery-white with iridescence.

Planting, care

Planting and caring for the silver cineraria bush will not cause any difficulties. The main method of cultivation is sowing seeds. The cutting method is less commonly used, and there will be no difficulties with it either.

Important! Cineraria seeds can be bought in any store; they have a high germination rate, which means that you will definitely be able to settle the silver beauty on yours.

Seeds need to be sown between March and until May; they can be grown through seedlings or sowed directly into the ground. There are several methods for obtaining the desired shoots:

  1. Sowing seeds in moist soil. The seeds themselves are covered with earth and covered with film on top. So the temperature inside will be slightly higher than indoors, and seedlings will quickly appear.
  2. Sowing in moist soil with a layer of sand. There is also film or glass on top.
  3. Sowing in moist soil and covering it with a sheet of paper, which must be well moistened. Seeds will grow through it without problems.

To ensure rapid germination, the container is covered with film or glass. From time to time the soil needs to be moistened, preferably with a spray bottle. It is not recommended to water with a stream of water, as the seeds may be washed away, and then the seedlings may not be waiting.

After 7-10 days, seedlings will appear; they need to be watered very carefully, or better yet, sprayed with a spray bottle. When you notice the first silvery leaves, you need to remove the film and move the plant closer to a sunny window.

Picking is carried out as soon as 2 true leaves appear. There will be no difficulties with transplantation - cineraria takes root well in a new place. Landing at open ground carried out a couple of months after the picking; in this case, she also does not need special care.

Sowing in open ground

You can sow cineraria directly on, but in this case flowering is delayed by 1-1.5 months. In the case of silver cineraria, this is not critical; the flowers do not have a key decorative value.

Watering and sun

Cineraria is absolutely not demanding on watering; it will survive even a dry summer. The main watering is carried out after planting young seedlings, and as soon as the plant takes root, it is carried out as necessary.

Important! It is worth remembering that the absence glaze will cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall off.

As for the sun, the flower loves the sun's rays, and even direct UV influence will not prevent it from growing and developing.


There are two options for wintering cineraria:

  • Wintering outside. In order for the plant to easily survive any frost, it must be covered with a sufficiently large layer of foliage. After the snow falls, it will be under a warm “fur coat” and the frosts will not be scary for it.
  • Digging before frost. This is also a good option - you need to dig up the cineraria with its roots and move it to a cool place, optimally in the basement. It is advisable to dig with a clod of earth, which must be irrigated with water throughout the winter.

During the wintering period, cineraria sleeps, and with the onset of spring its development cycle begins anew. If frozen leaves are found after winter, they need to be removed.

Reproduction options

Planting and caring for the plant, as well as propagation, will not cause difficulties. Our beauty can be propagated in the following ways:

  1. Sowing seeds is the most convenient and common way.
  2. Division bush– rarely used. This must be done until the plant blooms. The division process consists of digging up the bush and cutting the elements of the root system.
  3. Cuttings.

The cutting technique is quite popular. Cuttings are taken in mid-July, when the plant appears side shoots. Process:

  • The cuttings are cut with a sharp knife.
  • Place in moist soil. It is necessary to create a greenhouse effect by covering the plant with a jar or bottle.
  • Roots appear in 2-2.5 weeks. This indicates that the cutting process was successful.
  • Now the plant can plant in a flower bed.

Top dressing

Cineraria loves nutritious soil. It is advisable to feed the plant with enviable regularity. In spring and summer - monthly, you can use liquid fertilizer for

Plants with gray leaves and flowers with names and photos

Plants with gray leaves and flowers with names and photos!

The undeniable advantage of plants gray is the ease of care and high vitality of gray plants and flowers.

In addition to their attractive appearance, they are easy and simple to use when creating or modifying your garden.

Wormwood Schmidt

Gray plants and flowers: the most beautiful for your garden!


Chistets Byzantine (lat. Stachys byzantina). People often call it “rabbit ears”. small plant with a unique silvery sheen on the leaves. Blooms for a long time, throughout the summer. Height is about 15-20 cm. Gray fescue (lat. Festuca glauca). Amazing plant with leaves 15 cm high and inflorescences 30 cm high. With proper care and timely trimming, it forms a dense and beautiful carpet. Flowering time is August. Alpine sheep (lat. Helictotrichon sempervirens). Attracts attention with its elegant leaves and spikes that rise above other gray plants. The leaves are about 25-30 cm long, and the inflorescences are 60-70 cm. Flowering time is July-September.


Seaside cineraria (lat. Senecio cineraria). This is one of the most silvery and gray flowers and plants on the planet. Silver foliage captivates at first sight. It has not entirely decorative inflorescences, small in height, 15-20 cm. Mealy sage (lat. Salvia farinacea Silber). A favorite variety of many experienced gardeners for its high decorative qualities and unpretentiousness. It blooms intensely and beautifully for a long period of time (June-October). From 30 to 50 cm in height. Hairy dry grass (lat. Gnafalium obtusifolium). Many people successfully grow it on balconies. Long and beautiful shoots outshine appearance inflorescences. Height – 8-12 cm.

    Schmidt's Wormwood (Artemisia schmidtiana Nana) and Tomentosa are worthy of special mention.

Gray flowers: list of rose varieties and photos

The peculiarity of roses is that it is difficult to determine their true color. Gray roses can be silver-lilac or silver-purple.

And some of them become gray only for a certain period of time in the life of the flower. For example, a rose bush may be darker at the beginning of its flowering, and lighter in midsummer.

    The color of a rose depends on many factors: air temperature, direct exposure sun rays and time of year.

1. Miniature rose, variety “Winter Magic”

Rose “Winter Magic” is small in size, reaches 50-60 cm in maturity, blooms from spring to autumn. The rose color is officially listed as lilac, but in practice they are close to silvery lilac.

The variety was developed in 1990 by breeder Ralph Moore. Due to aging processes, the flower becomes paler over time.

Rose variety "Winter Magic". Delicate bud.

2. Hybrid tea variety “Grey Pearl”

It's quite old and famous variety, it was bred by Sam McGrady back in 1940, and in 1945 it received its official name. The Gray Pearl variety begins to bloom in late spring and blooms until autumn.

The flowers are large, about 10 cm in diameter. The color is not entirely stable, so it is better to pick them off when you like it. They have a soft, sweet aroma. This variety is quite difficult to buy, but it is possible.

3. Hybrid tea variety “Blue Girl”

The flowers are pale gray-silver. The variety was developed in 1997 by Tom Carruth. The variety has great history, and experiments to create it continued for many years.

Different species crossed, and this gave results. Roses are tall 120-150 cm, bush width is 60-120 cm.

Rose variety "Blue Girl". Beautiful and unusual.

4. Floribunda. Unique variety “Grey Dawn”

It was bred in 1975 by crossing several varieties. "Gray Dawn" has lilac-gray, lavender-gray, stone-gray flowers.

May also have a pale golden, light pink or gold tint. The flowers are 8-11 cm in diameter and smell pleasant. The rose bush itself is small, up to a meter in height and 60 cm in width.




Let plants with gray leaves and flowers please your eyes and relieve your “gray” life!

Plants with silver leaves

They can add sophistication, elegance and special charm to the garden. Plants with bluish-blue or silver-gray leaves will dilute and smooth out the excessive variegation and brightness of the flower garden, give it harmony, and become its effective addition and decoration. The extraordinary attractiveness of silver foliage allows you to create entire silver corners and individual silver compositions in your garden. Plants with silver foliage used in so-called lunar (or white) gardens in combination with flowers of very light tones and colors. Such gardens are especially attractive in the evening and at night. Many plants with silver leaves come from Mediterranean countries. By planting them in your home, you will get a “Mediterranean garden” that will remind you of relaxation and warm countries. A classic combination in such a garden, for example, is the combination of lavender and santolina.

Plants with silver leaves

If you want to create a silver corner in your garden or add silver jewelry in your flower beds, you should pay attention to the following Plants with silver leaves:

1. Lavender angustifolia;

2. Perovskia wormwood;

3. Catnip;

4. Buddleya David

5. Sea buckthorn

6. Various types and varieties of wormwood (wormwood, tree wormwood, Ludowiga wormwood, Roman wormwood).

7. Cineraria maritima

8. Clary sage

9. Gray fescue;

10. Eryngium;

11. Sunflower;

12. Macleay cordate;

13. Sedum – creaky;

14. Chistets Byzantine;

15. Euphorbia myrtifolia;

16. Various types of cloves;

17. Lychnis;

18. Verbascum olympic;

19. Veronica is gray;

20. Oriental poppy;

21. Antennary;

22. Jaskolka;

23. Edelweiss;

24. Karatavi onion;

25. Elimus blue;

26. Creeping gypsophila;

27. Silvery species of junipers;

28. Willows;

29. Pearl anafalis;

30. Mordovnik;

31.Some varieties of brunera;

32. Some varieties of heuchera;

33. Silver goof;

34. Smolevka Primorskaya;

35. Santolina.

In general, as you understand, there are quite a lot of plants with silver leaves; you can choose one to suit every taste and size. But do not forget that they also bloom and their flowers can be either modest or showy and have different colors. This means that when composing the composition you need to take this into account.

The silver color can perfectly complement and shade plants with purple, blue, light blue and white flowers. Beautiful combination of pink and gray. Red and yellow flowers on a silver background they look especially bright and interesting.

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Ground cover plants names of creeping perennials that bloom all summer and photos of flowers

Ground cover plants: names of creeping perennials that bloom all summer and photos of flowers

Today, it is a rather rare perennial herbaceous plant in cultivation, characterized by long and abundant flowering. At the end of winter, when even the snowdrops have not yet begun to bloom, Corydalis can already please gardeners with its yellow inflorescences. But even in the absence of buds, the flower looks quite beautiful. Its openwork leaves add attractiveness to the corydalis.

It is advisable to plant the ground cover plant on lightly compacted soils. The plant blooms profusely In well-lit areas, but also feels great in partial shade. The plant can be replanted in any weather, at any age, and even in a flowering state.

As it grows, the corydalis forms a carpet measuring 16–31 cm, which will look great in the shade of trees and shrubs and in the rock garden.

Highlander related

A groundcover perennial that blooms all summer, suitable for decorating borders and looks great in group plantings.

This flower reaches a height of 21–26 cm, has inflorescences collected in numerous small flowers and attractive heart-shaped foliage. A truly wonderful spectacle to enjoy at the time when the knotweed blooms. At this time, the crown of this plant strongly resembles a white blanket.

The plant grows best in shady to sunny locations and likes well-drained soil. Highlander closely related Doesn't like acidic places, in which he looks stunted and depressed. The crop tolerates frost well, but in winters with little snow it needs protection with covering material or spruce branches.

Dianthus grass

During almost the entire growing season, carnation grass blooms. Small red-white or bright red flowers of this plant Resembles the flowers of common carnations. The herb can grow up to 16 cm in size, has small, long bluish-green leaves and small ascending creeping stems.

The plant does not like stagnant moisture, so it is advisable to plant it in fertilized, well-drained and light soil on the sunny side of the garden area.

Many gardeners grow grass for decoration. tree trunk circles. This not only looks attractive, but is also beneficial for fruit trees.

Ground cover flowers that begin blooming in early summer

To Homestead territory pleased with her beautiful flowering not only in the middle, but also in spring, as well as at the beginning of summer, creeping, beautifully flowering perennials can be planted on lawns, rock gardens or flower beds.

Already in June, you can enjoy the flowering of soapwort or saponaria, which creates elegant dense pads with red or pink inflorescences. As a rule, on personal plots you can see pink buds of soapwort, it can grow from 5 to 16 cm in height.

An attractive “mat”, up to 6 cm in size, is created by Veronica filamentous. On the creeping thin stems of this plant are Round, rich green leaves and blue inflorescences with dark veins. Veronica begins to bloom in early summer.

As part of creating an original landscape design, it is extremely important to correctly combine bright plants and less saturated ones. color scheme, which could serve as a good background. Of course, this does not mean that background colors do not need to be given due attention; on the contrary, their careful selection will largely determine the success of the project being implemented. Landscape designers We really fell in love with silver cineraria - this plant cannot leave anyone indifferent, its openwork leaves and velvety texture immediately attract attention. In order to enrich your garden with such beauty, it is important to know the basic rules for growing and caring for the plant, which will be discussed in this article.

Silver cineraria - annual or perennial?

Silver cineraria, which looks like a low bush, is one of the perennial plants, however, it is easiest to care for it in the first year. The fact is that from the second year inflorescences begin to form, represented by small yellow flowers that do not bear any decorative use, and to maintain the original appearance of cineraria, the inflorescences are removed. To avoid this need, some prefer to grow silver bushes as annual or biennial plants.

Also in this matter are of great importance climatic conditions. If you grow cineraria in a cold region with short summer, then it is unlikely to survive the winter, and it is treated as an annual. And in more warm regions For the winter, the bushes are sprinkled with sawdust or dry leaves, and in the spring those parts that are still frostbitten are removed and new shoots begin to grow. This wintering allows you to save time and effort on growing new seedlings next year.

Description of the plant

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family and also has other names - groundsel, sea cineraria, silver dust. There are about 5 dozen main varieties of cineraria, which can be divided into two groups: decorative foliage and flowering. The latter can often be found on windowsills as house flowers. However, due to unusual shape and the colors of deciduous varieties are also popular, but more so in landscape design. Silvery cineraria is well suited for decorating gravel gardens, alpine slides, masking curbs, etc. Considering the high decorative value of the plant, before the cold weather, you can cut off several beautiful branches and place them in a vase. They will look good not only fresh, but also as an original dried flower.

This variety of plant has downturned leaves of an unusual lacy shape, which are covered with a whitish felt coating, which explains the name - the flower really looks silvery. The height of the plant usually does not exceed 25 centimeters.

The godson also has its own medicinal properties, although it is used in folk medicine not so often. Plant-based products can be useful for intestinal diseases and bronchial asthma.

Methods of sowing and growing plants from seeds

Cineraria seeds can be purchased at the store, or collected from flowering plant. Practice shows that the best option for growing a plant is to sow seedlings at home, and only after that transplant it into the ground. Direct sowing into the ground is not recommended only for this variety of cineraria; there are varieties that can be sown using a similar method. But the shoots of silver dust are tender and extremely unadapted to weather adversities, so it is better to wait until they get a little stronger. You can start planting from the end of May.

The seeds are very small, so they are not buried in drops - they are simply poured onto the surface of well-moistened soil in a container for seedlings and pressed down a little with your fingers. Afterwards, the container is tightly covered with film or glass to create the proper conditions for growth. Watering is done as needed, but with extreme caution; it is best to do this with a spray bottle. Necessary conditions is good lighting and the temperature is about 20 degrees. The first shoots should appear within 10 days, and it is worth noting that the germination rates of this variety are very decent.

When each of the sprouts has formed two true leaves, you can begin picking individual vessels. The root system is very delicate and does not tolerate trauma well, so you will have to be careful. When separating one sprout, it is taken out along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots and ensure rapid adaptation to the new soil. After one and a half to two months, the seedlings will take the form of small attractive bushes, the size of which reaches 10 centimeters, and when the weather is warm outside, you can begin to transfer them into the ground.

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

The time for disembarkation must be selected so that the threat of night cold has completely passed. The plant is a sun-loving plant and does well in well-lit areas. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, loose in structure. When replanting into the ground, it is also worth leaving a ball of earth, since when cleaning it there is a high probability of injury to the root system. To plant, it will be enough to dig a shallow hole, moisten it, place the plant and carefully dig it in. This is a spreading plant, so the distance between bushes should be approximately 20 centimeters, and between rows - 25.

Special attention should be paid to watering, since if there is too much water, the plant will begin to rot, and if there is not enough water, it will turn yellow and dry out. In general, cineraria tolerates heat well, so it does not require frequent watering. You need to add water between the rows at the root; it is better not to wet the leaves themselves.

Video: planting Cineraria flowers

The process of planting finished seedlings in the ground is quite simple and special secrets does not have. However, in order for the flowerbed to meet all expectations, it is better to make sure once again that everything will be done correctly. This video will help with this - it demonstrates the procedure for planting cineraria.

Reproduction by cuttings and dividing the bush

In addition to the seedling method of growing from seeds, the plant can also be propagated by dividing bushes or cuttings. The first approach is used infrequently, although it is not inferior in its effectiveness to others. To carry out the procedure, you need to remove the bush from the ground and divide it so that each part has both ground shoots and roots.

Cuttings are carried out at the beginning of summer, at a time when side shoots begin to appear on the bush. They need to be carefully cut using a sharp knife, and then placed in small containers with well-moistened soil. To root the cuttings, you need to create a greenhouse effect by covering the container with polyethylene. After about 20 days, the roots will have already formed, and the cutting can be transplanted into open ground. This convenient way for those who do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings in large quantities, but want to plant a lot of plants. All of the described reproduction methods give good result, and which one to choose is up to you.

Features of plant care at home

To ensure normal growth and development of a plant, it is necessary to provide it with all the necessary conditions for this. For cineraria, the following parameters are important:

  • quality soil. The best option there will be a purchased mixture for ornamental crops;
  • the temperature should be set at an average level of 20 degrees, and there should be no sharp fluctuations;
  • must be used for watering warm water, which was previously defended. Greens cannot be wetted; moisture should only fall on the soil;
  • the light should be intense but diffused;
  • fertilizing is carried out only during the period of plant development;
  • it is necessary to promptly remove faded or unwanted flowers and dried leaves;
  • You can use special solutions to prevent diseases.

Plant diseases and pests

As for diseases, most often problems arise if, when watering, moisture gets on the leaves themselves - this can cause gray rot (the disease manifests itself in the form of abundant formation of gray mold on the bush). Light brown spots on the leaves are a sign of Alternaria. Problems such as rust and sodium may also occur. All the described ailments can be treated with the help of special medications that can be purchased at gardening stores.

Photo of silver Cineraria in a flowerbed

Once you see this flower, it will be difficult to confuse it with any other plant in the future. Gorgeous leaves of unusual shape, covered with white “velvet” - a wonderful picture that can decorate any flower bed. Looks great when placed around the perimeter - bright flowers against the backdrop of silver cineraria create an excellent composition.

Their leaves can have pubescence or a bluish coating, have a border, spots or uniform coloring, be thin and tender or fleshy and strong, open in all their glory in the hot sun or feel better in the shade, burned by a careless midday ray. Let's talk about plants whose foliage, thanks to gray shades, brings peace and tranquility, grace and harmony, freshness and lightness to the flower garden

Gray-leaved plants are completely “gray mice” - they attract the eye and decorate the composition, but they do it nobly and unobtrusively.

Gray-leaved plants include plants with silver (Perovskia wormwood, white cornflower, wormwood Pursha), gray (stachys byzantine 'Silky Fleece', 'Silver Carpet', three-veined anafalis), grayish-green (Buddleya David, Spiraea Douglas and S. Willarda) bluish ( keleria sizaya, Magellanus grate), bluish ( Arabis alpine subspecies Caucasian ‘Flore Pleno’, dianthus pinnate) foliage.

We will not count the number of shades of gray, especially since the perception of color depends on lighting, but we note that in a flower garden, especially in natural style, it is advisable to place plants with silver of different shades to eliminate sharp transitions and give the composition naturalness and ease.

Where will “gray” plants be appropriate and desirable?

There are many options.

Judge for yourself:

  • silver color is an excellent background for exotic plants, be it purple-leaved perilla and pennisetum, majestic canna or luxurious eremurus;
  • ampelous silvery plants can not only be used in hanging baskets as a background and surrounding colorful annuals (petunias, sanvitalia, bacopa, diascia, lobelia, brachycomas), but also imitate a stream, a waterfall, and be used for so-called spilled flower beds;
  • the silver color is light and light, so trees and shrubs with silver foliage (Aria rowan, buckthorn, willow pear, silver oleagin) seem less heavy and voluminous than green-leaved plants with similar crown sizes;
  • shade-tolerant "gray-leaved" are a magical ray of light in dark kingdom. It should be noted that there are not many of them among the “gray” plants. These are varieties of hosta (‘Baby Bunting’, ‘BigMama’), orvala (‘Silva’) and I. zelenchukova (var. argentatum), brunners (‘Jack Frost’, ‘LookingGlass’), lungwort (‘Spilled Milk’, ‘Majeste’), Nippon grasshopper (‘Silver Falls’, ‘Metallica Crispa’). It should be noted that the last two species are not entirely decorative in mid-spring and require early partners. Most of the “gray” plants have pubescence on the leaves (Ceresis tomentosa, Euryops acreus, Tomentosa yarrow) or a bluish coating (Engineum seaside, Sedum telephium, Valis fescue) and prefer sunny habitats, are unpretentious and get along well on poor, dry soils;
  • gray-leaved plants “reconcile” the excessively bright colors of their neighbors, without drowning them out (effective with raspberry echinacea, gazania and rudbeckia suns, salvia fire candles);
  • light blue and white flowers are somewhat lost on a gray background, but in a monochrome composition such subtle transitions help avoid monotony;
  • bright blue flowers ( baptisia, flax) with silver they look fresh and cheerful;
  • silvery foliage plus vertical inflorescences: Speedwell spicata subspecies incana, long-leaved mullein, K. olympic and K. bombuciferum - indispensable accents for mixborders;
  • some of the gray ones have inconspicuous flowers; however, there are also those whose flowers shine especially brightly against the background of the leaves (the cute calico of the carnation grass, the cheerful milkweed with lemon inflorescences, the purple sparkles of the crowned lychnis). Among them there are also spring-flowering ones ( viola ‘Silver Samurai’), and decorating
  • garden with inflorescences in the first half of summer (sunflower ‘Henfield Brilliant’), and those blooming at the end of summer (Dubrovnik vulgaris), and participants in the autumn flower garden (twig millet ‘Dallas Blues’, ‘Heavy Metal’);
  • Among the bluish-leaved plants there are many grasses (blue molinia, blue fescue, blue sesleria).

they can not only complement the mixborder and decorate the garden of cereals in the company of “smoky* soddy pike, reed grass, spreading sporobol, pinkish Chinese miscanthus, maned barley, but also become excellent tapeworms.

It should be remembered that gray-leaved plants will be lost against the background of gray tiles or gray gravel (in this case, it is better to place them in the middle ground, and select green-leaved partners in the foreground).

When placing gray ones in a container, it is better to choose the color of the latter in a beige-brown range.

Individual heat-loving “gray” plants can and should be invited into your garden as an annual crop. This is, first of all, hanging plants– silver dichondra, woolly gnafalium, as well as garden decoration herbs– sage officinalis. The named plants can also be used as a temporary crop.

Plants with syrah and blue foliage - pictured:

1. BLOWING IN THE SECOND HALF OF SUMMER Anaphalis pearl, a lover of sun and heat, has rhizomes located close to the soil surface, requires caution when weeding and restriction of the root system.

2. WORTHY DECORATION sunny flower garden and especially a garden of aromatic herbs, Louis wormwood ‘Valerie Finnis’ forms dense, stably decorative clumps when placed on poor, well-drained soils.

3. CHARMING CLOVE GRASS has its own secrets - to preserve the decorative appearance of the bush, you should avoid waterlogging and prolonged drought, and also update (by dividing, cuttings) every 3-4 years.

4. Euphorbia myrtolia not very attractive in early spring, but after trimming the elongated shoots it forms a lovely cloud of lemon blossoms.

at the end of spring and a reddish-gray mat down to the snow.

5. BLUE FLOWERS catnip Fassin ‘Six Hills Giant’ are medium-sized, but numerous, collected in false whorls, and those in a thick brush; decorate the plant from June to September.

6. ANTENNARY DOUBLE in a sunny and dry corner of the garden it forms a slightly sloppy, but cute and attractive tussock, retaining the silver of its shoots and leaves even under the snow. Ruby inflorescences of the ‘Rubra’ variety adorn the plant in the first half of summer.

7. MILLET ‘Cloud Nine’ captivates with its bluish foliage, turning yellow with the onset of cold weather, and drooping beige panicles in the first half of autumn.

8.MEDIUM GROWTH HOSTA ‘EL NINO’ with grayish-blue, slightly wavy foliage, bordered by a white stripe that expands over the years, magnificent in the openwork shade under serviceberry, Manchurian maple or K. ginnala, willows, mock orange, and cherry.

9. MANED BARLEY- one of the silvery-pinkish grasses that perfectly complements gray-leaved plants. The plant is grown as an annual and sometimes self-sows.

10. ONE OF THE MOST An attractive variety of Brunnera macrofolia ‘Jack Frost’ has silvery foliage with green edges and veining. The veins of the lighter steel leaves of the 'Looking Glass' variety are almost invisible. Both varieties are beautiful in a shady flower garden and are decorative all season long.

11. SAGE officinalis ‘Berggarten’ It has grayish foliage, against which the purple flowers that decorate the plant in the first half of summer are especially impressive. IN middle lane Russia is grown as a letnik or plant crop.


We are all accustomed to a riot of colors in the garden. But sometimes our gaze gets tired and we want to take a little break from all this diversity. Today I would like to talk about plants with silver foliage, which mainly act as background plants, but at the same time can add sophistication and nobility to the garden, restraining the flashy beauty of brighter shades. After all, silver, as it happened historically, speaks of the good taste of its owner.

We mostly associate silver-leaved plants with the south. Sea, sun, olive groves, mountains, dust and sparse gray vegetation. But in central Russia there are enough such plants.

And now I would like to talk about the short representatives of this group.

Dianthus pinnata and carnation greyish-blue. Prefers sunny places and well-drained soil. Undemanding to care. Very fragrant low plants. Compromised in size garden forms. They bloom for a long time.

Wormwood, silver varieties. I really like these decorative foliage plants. And in particular, Caucasian wormwood. It was brought by me from the mountains of Crimea. It reaches a height of no more than 15 cm. The leaves are pinnately dissected, almost like threads.

Gray fescue. I believe that this plant should be present in every garden. This blue “hedgehog” is very impressive and will be an excellent companion to many plants.

Jaskolka Bieberstein. It, like many ground cover plants, is capable of rapid growth. This must be taken into account when planting. Absolutely unpretentious. It blooms with white flowers resembling stars. Serves as a good background for tulips and other bulbous plants.

Blue sedge Blue Zinger.

Bush about 25 cm high, not very aggressive. Tolerates winter well. Decorative at any time of the year. Loves well-lit areas or partial shade. Perfect for creating a rock garden. For me it looks good covered with white marble chips.

Sedum reflexum, Lydian, Spanish- These are excellent ground covers for alpine slides and rock gardens.

But lungwort will be a good transition from grayish plants to green, since its foliage combines exactly these two colors.

I would like to note that various shades Plants covered with fluff on the leaves also have gray.

According to the laws of color, purple, blue, lilac, and blue are combined with gray. And colors such as yellow, pink, red look advantageous as accents, and not as bright flashy spots.

Well-chosen plants with gray and silver leaves look expensive and elegant.

Look, admire, choose the best for your garden!


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  • Usually a garden with only flowers looks too colorful. That's why on flower beds always add plants that soften the colors a little e. In Europe, this is most often boxwood - also trimmed in the form of cubes or balls, it contrasts perfectly with any flowers. In our climate, such a contrast can become globular thujas, as well as plants that always bring coolness and freshness to any flower beds - these are plants with silver foliage.
    Most of these plants are created this way for a reason - they have either pubescence or a light-colored leaf surface, and due to this they heat up less in the sun. They are all lovers of warmth, sun and sand (although, as usual, not without exceptions).
    Silvery plants always add a southern note to compositions, pairing beautifully with both bright and delicate flowers.

    Chistets. The most popular plant, new varieties are larger and taller than usual.

    Sometimes the foliage is very beautiful tulips- as here or in other bulbous plants, for example, hazel grouse and daffodils.

    Lungwort. Dry forest plant - it grows well under trees. There are completely silver leaves, there are speckled leaves, this species is called sugar lungwort.

    Fern. This Nippon nomad, now there are several varieties of similar color. Grows in the shade.

    Hosts- are also shade-loving, and this is especially true for blue ones. They are not purely silver, but there are varieties whose leaves are covered with a silvery coating.

    Cuff. In general, it is rather green, but also has a silvery touch and looks very beautiful in any composition. It doesn’t matter to her where to grow - in the shade or in the sun.

    Carnation. Most species and varieties have silver foliage.

    Catnip- a plant that grows very quickly and blooms all summer with blue-violet flowers. Here he is with a rose.

    Lavender. In our climate (Moscow region), it grows best when grown independently from seeds, and not in all areas. It never took root on mine, but my mother-in-law’s has been growing it in the north for twenty years. It is very important for lavender that the soil is sandy and not soggy.

    Looks like both lavender and catnip Veronica gray.

    One of the most famous plants is gypsophila. It has silvery, but very thin and almost invisible foliage. The ideal partner for roses.

    Lychnis crowned - it also has a wonderful contrast between gray foliage and bright flowers, but it is a biennial, so it needs to be planted in a place where it can sow on its own.

    Plants with silver leaves are also very good:
    - yaskolka- a ground cover plant, looks great in a large area, but can be aggressive.
    - sagebrush- most species have silvery pubescence or gray leaves, and almost all of them tend to quickly grow underground - shoots that must be limited.
    - some sedums

    Some also have silvery foliage cereals (for example, fescue, elymus), geraniums (Renard's geranium), varietal speedwells and even roses.
    Everyone knows about trees willows, silver oleagin, sea buckthorn. Very beautiful tree - silver poplar, but it is huge, so it is worth looking for smaller varieties in nurseries.
    I don’t write about annuals.