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» How to open an airline ticket office. How to open a ticket office

How to open an airline ticket office. How to open a ticket office

The idea of ​​opening a ticket office for train and plane tickets comes to the minds of many entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising, because every year air and rail transportation services are becoming more and more in demand.

Such an enterprise is never left without buyers, since each of us from time to time needs to travel long distances. In addition, buying tickets directly at railway stations and airports today attracts few people, because it means endless queues and a waste of time. It is much more convenient to purchase tickets through online services or at ticket offices located near your home or work.

How to open a ticket office without large investments?

You can start a business selling air and railway tickets by establishing direct contractual relations with leading air carriers and the Russian Railways company, but this will require serious financial investments, because you will need to purchase or rent suitable premises, purchase a computer, hire cashiers, provide access to reservation systems.

Moreover, the agency and subagency agreement provides for the partner to fulfill a number of requirements, including sales volume. To enter the market, you will need a large customer base and considerable investment in brand development.

However, there is a simpler and affordable way to start a business selling air and train tickets - you can become a partner of the UFS company and start earning money using software products of the UFS-online system.

We make money by selling train tickets in partnership with UFS

UFS LLC is a leader Russian market in the field of providing services for the sale of railway tickets and an aggregator of air tickets. UFS is the developer and owner of the online system UFS-online, which allows you to sell tickets to any railway routes of Russian Railways JSC, FPC JSC, as well as aircraft of any domestic or foreign airlines. Through the system, you can also, if desired, take out insurance and book hotels.

The company is a technological partner of JSC Russian Railways, a direct agent of JSC FPC and more than 200 airlines around the world. UFS LLC is accredited by the IATA Association and the Transport Clearing House.

The UFS LLC partner network includes more than 5 thousand Russian companies, including large banks, leading travel Internet portals, large retail chains and travel agencies. Among them are Euroset, Svyaznoy, Russian Post, etc.

What is the UFS-online system?

This is an online module that is offered under the terms of the White Label model - an affiliate program in which services are provided on the resources of another company directly under the brand of the seller. That is, you install a ready-made form on your website, by filling which, visitors to your website will be able to independently buy train tickets and air tickets.

To install the module on the site, you do not need to involve your own programmer, since the html code is developed and configured by UFS LLC specialists.

The income from the sale of each railway ticket is 30-40% of the established service fee. All costs of the new partner are reduced to paying a single fee for connecting to the system (in 2015 this is 20,000 rubles), then the company receives only income.

The UFS affiliate program also allows you to organize a full-fledged ticket office. All you need is a computer with Internet access.

Main advantages of electronic cash register:

  • free connection within 1-2 days;
  • free to use;
  • 24/7 information support;
  • receiving complete information about air and railway tickets;
  • the ability to independently set the amount of commission;
  • no need to install additional equipment.
  • convenient and varied payment methods.
MS Word Volume: 34 pages

Business plan

Reviews (27)

If you are interested in a low-cost and not too burdensome business, then opening an airline ticket office will be the most the best option creating your own business. Purchasing tickets directly at the airport involves significant time losses, so busy people will certainly appreciate the fact that someone has decided to open an airline ticket sales agency near their office or home.

But it would not be entirely correct to believe that in order to open such a business, you only need an airline cashier and suitable premises. Finding such an area is actually not difficult, especially since there are no requirements for them. In addition, for these purposes it is enough to rent a small corner of 8-10 square meters. m. But the process of organizing a business selling airline tickets is somewhat difficult.

In order to trade tickets, you need to have access to information. This will be possible only after you have drawn up an agreement with the airlines, under which you will be their agents or subagents. If you decide to organize an international air ticket office, then, among other things, you will have to register as an agency of the international carrier association.

The business of selling airline tickets attracts Lately All large quantity entrepreneurs. This is explained by the relatively low barrier to entry into this business, but businessmen often learn that there are additional difficulties much later. Opening an airline ticket office is only possible if you are able to conclude an agency agreement with major airlines. But whether they want to do business with you is still a big question.

As a rule, only businessmen who already have some experience in organizing flights and have a client base become airline agents. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to interest the carrier. A business such as an airline ticket office will be profitable only if an agreement is concluded with large company, only this will allow you to make a profit due to the difference in the cost of expensive tickets.

After concluding the contract, you receive the right to issue tickets using the carrier’s forms - stocks. The safety of these documents is of primary concern to airline representatives. Therefore, an entrepreneur planning to open his own ticket office must ensure secure storage of forms. A businessman thinking about how to open an airline ticket office from scratch must take into account the fact that he will be charged a substantial fine for damaging forms.

Opening an airline ticket office as a business requires access to global reservation systems. This will allow you to book flights, but access to such systems will require additional fees. Thinking through various options organization of an air ticket office, do not forget about such an important document as a high-quality business plan for an air ticket office. From it you will learn about all the features of such a business as air and railway ticket offices, and you will understand what is needed in order to open an air ticket office. By following the advice of professionals, you can easily turn starting a business selling railway, road and air tickets into a source of stable profit.

Reviews for airline ticket office business plan (27)

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    Air ticket office business plan

    It turns out that even such a seemingly simple type of business has its problems. I realized this when I came face to face with problems. It was only after studying your business plan that I realized what my mistake was. You helped me a lot.

    Maria, we agree, it only seems simple from the outside, but when you start implementing it, it becomes clear that there are many nuances. To avoid this, you should plan all your actions in advance, then your work becomes easier and the result is achieved faster, and in business this is important. We hope that you will soon meet your first clients. We believe you will succeed, good luck.

    Air ticket office business plan

    Yes, I was pleased with the price, that's for sure. But the document itself could have been more meaningful. I was hoping to get everything on a silver platter, but no, I had to do some work myself. The most important thing is that I did it.

    Kirill, we agree with you, the finished document reflects the main points of the activity, but taking into account all the individual nuances in it is problematic from a practical point of view; this can only be done to order, which is significantly more expensive. Having finalized the document to suit your needs, you have understood the economics of the enterprise, and this will allow you to plan its activities more effectively in the future. We wish you good luck.

    Air ticket office business plan

    I thought for a long time about what kind of business to start, focusing on small savings. I decided to open an airline ticket office and used your business plan as support. I realized that I couldn’t have done it without him. How to register a business, what documents to collect - all this was new to me, but the advice of your professionals helped me cope with these problems. Thank you!

    Vladimir, we are glad that we were able to provide you with real support. Now you understand how important a business plan is for an organization own business. With it comes an understanding of what costs lie ahead, how long it will take to expect results, and how to properly organize the work. There are many nuances, but when they are collected in one document, the work becomes much easier. We wish you further successful development.

In stock Air ticket office business plan 5 11

You will need

  • - premises;
  • - trained personnel;
  • - safe equipment;
  • - access to online booking systems


In order to be able to sell air tickets, you must be a subagent or agent of the airline whose tickets you want to sell. All companies have different requirements. To become an agent of a foreign company, you must register as an accredited agent of the International Transport Association (IATA). This association puts forward quite strict requirements.

Purchase the most reliable safe equipment, because all airlines have security requirements that relate to the storage of special airline forms (stocks). The owners of these forms check the level of reliability of the future client's safe equipment and all conditions for storing and filling out the forms.

Hire qualified personnel or organize appropriate training and subsequent certification. Availability good employees who have a wealth of knowledge regarding air transportation is also one of the mandatory requirements.

To be accepted into IATA, you must make a deposit of $20,000. However, this is often not enough to become an agent of any particular airline, and you have to comply with various additional conditions that the air carrier may impose.

Get access to reservation systems (for example, "Amadeus" or "Gabriel"), which costs about $40-70 per month plus $40-120 for a one-time connection (depending on the operator).

You can become an airline agent only when you have experience in organizing transfers and a client base, otherwise you simply will not arouse interest from.

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Helpful advice

To organize a cash register on the Internet, it is necessary to develop a special program that will be able to process a large volume of applications and be able to book in real time. Exists a large number of Such Internet agencies need to offer the consumer something really worthwhile, otherwise the project will not justify the effort spent on it.


  • airline ticket business

Despite the fact that lately everything more people prefers to order tickets to theaters and concerts via the Internet; the need for theater box offices does not decrease. It is profitable to open them in large shopping centers and “busy” places, and all that is needed is contacts with theaters and concert halls, a tent and a ticket seller.


Register as individual entrepreneur, since by law the business must be registered. This is done at the tax office at your place of residence. You need to pay a state fee (800 rubles) and fill out an application for registration, as well as provide your passport. Registration is carried out within five working days.

Remember that companies selling theater tickets major cities(for example, in Moscow) a lot. As a rule, many of them work in an automated system that allows you to sell tickets simply by printing them on a printer. Information about ticket availability comes into the system from the theaters themselves, and the box office takes a commission. But there are companies operating in a specific niche, opening to sell specific tickets or offering additional services. Therefore, first of all, you must decide whether you want to occupy a niche or connect to common system.

Find a place where it is profitable to install a theater cash register. There are not enough of them in residential areas, although, as a rule, they are installed cash register It just doesn't make sense. It's better to do it in mall located in such an area. A good choice would be a “brisk” place near the metro - anywhere in the city, as well as not far from the theaters and concert halls themselves. After all, it may turn out that he himself will already sell the tickets, and they will still be at the box office, which will be useful for spectators who do not like to come for tickets in advance.

Set up a tent in the chosen location through which trade will be carried out. The next step is to hire a salesperson. It is best for the seller to be able to advise the client on certain activities, since often clients cannot immediately decide what they want to do. Thus, choosing a seller should be taken seriously.

Video on the topic

Own ticket office for selling train tickets - interesting and quite profitable business. To open one, you will need good organizational skills, sufficient capital, as well as a little patience to fill out all the documents.

You will need

  • - Registration with JSC Russian Railways;
  • - initial capital;
  • - operating point;
  • - staff.

Currently, one can observe a trend of increasing popularity of air and rail transportation services. Of course, organizing a service that allows you to sell both air and train tickets is clearly not a new idea, but modern conditions has good prospects, as experts note that in the future the demand for tickets will most likely continue.

The demand for railway tickets is also growing due to the introduction of new services by Russian Railways, in particular, the possibility of online ticket booking. Such a service became possible as a result of the influence of scientific and technological progress, when it began to be created remote access end users to many services and products. However, it is worth noting that the official online booking service is still imperfect in cases where it is necessary, for example, to send luggage in a baggage car or transfer pets. Also problems with electronic registration may also arise for employees of companies going on a business trip, since in order to prepare an advance report it is necessary to present a paper ticket. Of course, the control coupon provided when purchasing a ticket online, in accordance with Order No. 322 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated August 21, 2012, is a document of strict accountability, but for now many company accountants may refuse to accept it based on conservative images. Naturally, the service will gradually improve and subsequently online booking will be a complete 100% replacement for purchasing paper tickets. Actually, therefore, when opening a ticket office for the sale of railway tickets, it is worth thinking about further expansion of services, in particular, the introduction of sales of air tickets, as well as cooperation with travel companies.

Statistics show that today a considerable number of people agree to buy train tickets at slightly more expensive prices at commercial ticket offices, since this will allow them to avoid long standing in queues, that is, in fact, people are willing to pay extra for more comfortable conditions, since many ticket offices offer a ticket delivery service to the address specified by the client.

Methods for opening a railway ticket office

In principle, there are two main ways to carry out the activity of selling railway tickets:

  1. Concluding an agency agreement with JSC Russian Railways;
  2. Concluding a subagency agreement with an existing agent.

It is extremely difficult for a young company to enter into an agency agreement due to high requirements from the point of view of equipping the box office, training employees, providing reporting, mandatory redemption of a certain number of tickets. The cost of the organizational stage will be about 6.5 thousand dollars, while this stage will include:

  • Accreditation;
  • Purchasing a specialized printer;
  • Completion of training courses for cash desk employees.

Concluding a subagency agreement for a start-up company is more preferable, since the requirements of agents, although also mandatory, are much easier to fulfill. The price of the organizational stage in this case will be approximately 5 times less than when concluding a direct agency agreement. It is worth noting that today some agents provide the opportunity to register online.

Working with agents is possible in two formats:

  1. Depository settlements;
  2. Credit line.

Naturally, with unfamiliar partners who do not have a significant business reputation, most likely, cooperation will take place in a depository format, when the money will need to be transferred to the agent before making a purchase, so it is necessary to provide for the availability of funds in the organization’s account.

Point of sale equipment

In fact, to open a railway ticket office you will need a room with an area of ​​45-50 square meters. m. It is more expedient to locate a cash register in central urban areas with high traffic, since in this case it will be much easier for couriers to work and cover a larger number of areas.

In addition to purchasing a standard office furniture, it will be necessary to install a grill on the cash register window, buy a safe for storing cash, and also equip the office with an alarm system. To organize a cashier's workplace, you will also need to buy a desktop computer with Internet access.


The staffing table of an organization engaged in the sale of railway tickets must include the following positions:

  • Cashier – 2 people;
  • Accountant – 1 person;
  • Security guard - 1 person;
  • Advertising manager – 1 person;
  • Courier – 3-5 people.

During seasonal periods, it will be necessary to hire more couriers and additional cashiers. On initial stage The functions of an accountant can be entrusted to a third-party organization; in the future, when expanding the business and opening additional points of sale, it will be more expedient to hire a separate specialist.


To open a ticket office for selling railway tickets, you need about 23.8-33.5 thousand dollars:

  1. Providing services of a law firm during registration – $1 thousand;
  2. Conclusion of an agreement with a subagent – ​​1.3-1.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Purchase of office furniture – 3-4 thousand dollars;
  4. Renovation of the premises - 5-6 thousand dollars;
  5. Purchase of office equipment – ​​3.5-5 thousand dollars;
  6. Working capital – 5-10 thousand dollars;
  7. Website creation – 1.5-2 thousand dollars;
  8. Advertising – 2-2.5 thousand dollars;
  9. Other expenses – 1.5 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses

  1. Employee salaries – 5-7 thousand dollars;
  2. Rent – ​​1.5-2.5 thousand dollars;
  3. Advertising - 1.5-2 thousand dollars.

Total: 8-11.5 thousand dollars.


In the first months of operation of the ticket office, due to the small customer base, most likely there will not be very many sales. During this period, the correct implementation of an advertising campaign plays an important role. Placing advertising on large posters and banners in such projects, as a rule, does not bring the most top scores. You can focus on submitting ads to thematic printed publications and access to corporate customers. Advertising on the Internet can bring good returns, especially if the site has the ability to book the necessary seats.

Taking into account the fact that the client base is by no means quickly formed, it is best to open a cash register and conduct an advertising campaign 1-2 months before the start of the season. To achieve a stable cash flow, it seems advisable to enter into contracts with several companies whose employees often have to travel around the country.

Currently, there is a trend according to which many services become available to users without the need to visit real cash desks. Therefore, if we consider the prospects for the railway ticket office, we must count on a gradual transition to working remotely. The big advantage of this format of work is that in this case it is possible to combine the sale of both train tickets and plane tickets. After such an expansion, you can begin to provide services for selling not only tickets, but also for booking hotel rooms.

High rhythm modern life is doing more and more every day relevant business related to transportation. One of the relatively simple types activities in this area are the opening of a cash register and.

Airline tickets are always in demand, and modern technologies their design allows them to be sold even by those who do not have large starting capital. To find out how to open an airline ticket office and how much you can earn from it, read on.

There are currently two ways to open an airline ticket office.

The first and more complex one is concluding an agency agreement directly with the carrier airline and direct sale of tickets. This option allows you to get the most profitable terms cooperation (minimum cost of tickets), and therefore reach good level arrived. But the agency agreement presupposes a number of strict requirements, which are quite difficult to meet, especially for a novice entrepreneur:

  • With economic justification;
  • compliance of the cash register premises with certain standards;
  • availability of trained personnel;
  • fulfillment of the sales plan, while most air carriers oblige agents to buy a certain volume of tickets broken down by destination.

This option for opening an airline ticket office requires about 600 thousand rubles. at the start. These funds will be used to prepare the premises, conclude the necessary contracts and agreements, train and improve the qualifications of personnel, etc.

The second way to make money selling air tickets is to enter into a subagency agreement with an existing airline agent.

The advantages of this format are the absence of serious requirements regarding the organization of the work process. In addition, an entrepreneur can enter into subagency agreements with several agents, which will allow him to choose the most profitable offer for your clients.

To start working under a subagency agreement, a minimum of funds is required. 100-150 thousand rubles are enough to open. Approximately the same amount will be required for the first 2-3 months of work, until a permanent client base is formed.

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Features of the airline ticket sales business

If the question of how to open an airline ticket office is relatively simple - it’s enough to choose a large ticket sales agent and enter into an agreement with him, then further business activities may cause certain difficulties, which are not always obvious at the start of a business.

There is always a demand for air tickets, but in order to attract customers to your ticket office, you need to make some efforts. Experience shows that it takes three to four months to promote a cash register. A well-chosen location, a good advertising campaign, and flexibility in working with visitors ensure the formation of a circle of regular customers, which brings in a significant portion of the profit.

Important! Cash desks located in shopping and business centers, as well as in the immediate vicinity of such establishments, boast the highest sales.

There are certain nuances in the calculation of subagency remuneration; the following options for its calculation are currently used:

  • fixed amount for each ticket;
  • percentage of the cost of each ticket;
  • percentage of total sales revenue for a certain period.

With the development of the electronic ticketing system, many air ticket offices began to work according to the following scheme. On the agent's booking resource, the subagent places a certain amount of money, which is debited when purchasing a ticket, and the subagent sets its own cost. The difference between the ticket price from the agent and the sale price from the subagent is the latter’s remuneration. As a rule, its size ranges from 2 to 4 percent of the ticket price.

By the way, small size remuneration determines another feature of this business - the need for a large volume of sales. On average, to cover the current costs of operating an air ticket office, it is necessary to sell at least two hundred tickets monthly.

Development prospects

The business of selling air tickets is quite specific, but at the same time, it is very interesting and promising. With sufficient attention to it, it will not only bring good profits, but will also provide an opportunity to reach new level.

Many of those who recently thought about how to open an air ticket office in Moscow are already confidently working and forming air ticket sales networks that extend beyond the Moscow Ring Road. By the way, launching such a business in the capital is practically no different from opening it in any of the regions, except that in Moscow there are more high level competition in this area.

This business is easy to replicate, so a well-thought-out operating strategy allows a short time expand activities, including by entering other regions.

In addition, the airline ticket office may eventually grow into a larger business in related industries. A couple of years ago some travel agencies gradually switched to selling air tickets as the only type of activity. Now the opposite trend is observed - air ticket offices are growing and are gradually turning into places for selling vouchers and tours.

This business has good prospects for development, and the opportunity to start working in small town. At the first stage, this may not be the case at all, because majority modern systems reservations only require the subagent to have access to the Internet and the ability to make payments to the client.

Selling air tickets is a direction available to anyone who wants to build their business in a popular and promising niche and is ready to put some effort into it.