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» How to clean rubber toys. How to clean rubber bath toys inside. Steps for Disinfecting Toys

How to clean rubber toys. How to clean rubber bath toys inside. Steps for Disinfecting Toys

Children love toys and, of course, they are unaware that toys can contain dirt and harmful germs. Cleanliness is the responsibility of parents. If not done properly, your child may get sick. Harmless to environment and child way disinfection of toys.

Steps for Disinfecting Toys

  1. Be sure to wipe toys that have been dropped on the floor or come into direct contact with any dirt or dust with baby wipes.
  2. Disinfect any hard, plastic children's toys, especially those that go straight into the child's mouth, by completely immersing such toys in boiling water. These can be special toys for teething, nipples and pacifiers.
    1. Boil a pot of water and after it boils, dip all toys of this kind into it for 10 minutes.
    2. After 10 minutes, take the toys out of the pot and let them cool before returning them to your child. Be sure to check the toys after boiling to make sure that they have not been damaged and do not threaten the health of your child.
    3. Toys that cannot be boiled should be washed under very hot water using dish detergent. After rinsing, make sure that all the product has been rinsed off.
  3. Use a damp sponge for plastic and wooden toys on which food remains.
  4. Use a solution of distilled white vinegar and water to clean children's toys.
    1. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the spray on children's toys and leave them for 15 minutes, then remove this solution from the toys.
  5. Mix your own natural cleaner from warm water and baking soda. Take 1 liter of water for 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Use a clean towel to wipe down the toy with the mixture.
  6. Stuffed Toys can be washed in washing machine, if allowed in the instructions, which are usually placed on the label. Let the toys dry after washing.
  7. Also, hard plastic toys can be washed in dishwasher at high temperature. Place the toys on the top rack of the dishwasher and set it to the hottest sink. After washing, be sure to dry the toys.

  8. Be sure to drain all liquid from toys intended for bathing. Any remaining water can start to turn into mold or something else.

Tips for Disinfecting Toys

  • When cleaning toys, always use a new sponge or a sponge specifically designed for disinfection of children's toys. Sponges used for cleaning in the kitchen can retain dangerous chemicals so it's best not to use them.
  • Be sure to think about the child during the wash. Load the toys in batches so he has something to play with while the others are washing and drying.
  • Use only the best cleaning products, and preferably only natural ones.

Warning when disinfecting children's toys

  • Do not boil rubber toys as this can damage them.
  • Do not use strong cleaning agents. Even if the packaging says that they are safe, the child is still more susceptible than an adult, so it is better to use more protective products.

What do you think about this? What else can be added to the above?

Rubber bath toys are the only way to keep your baby entertained while bathing. They help get your attention. If the baby is at the age when the teeth are just erupting, then the cleanliness of the toys should be carefully observed, since he will certainly chew them.

Despite being in the water, they need extra care. A constant humid environment creates conditions for the development of all kinds of bacteria and mold. The fungus also develops. So clean the inside of your rubber bath toys once a week.

Cleaning toys with vinegar

Consider the benefits of vinegar. It is an effective and harmless natural cleaner. Demanded it makes the absence of unwanted additives. Therefore, in the ranking suitable means for cleaning children's items, it comes first.


Combine two parts warm water and one part white vinegar. The acid will dissolve the dirt, so you don't have to use soap. Apple cider vinegar is also effective. However, the regular one is preferred because it is colorless and the chance of leaving traces is minimal.

Excess water from inside the object is removed as far as possible. These special bath products have a hole in the bottom that makes a sound when they are squeezed.

This hole allows water to enter. Thus, bacteria develop and mold appears. Therefore, it is important to squeeze out excess water and dry products.

Toys are soaked in a solution of vinegar for 10-15 minutes. To wash off the dirt, it is important to follow the penetration of the substance into the product, since the dirt accumulates there.

To clean things with vinegar, it's best to use a small brush. If there are narrow areas or small holes on it, they are cleaned with the tip of the brush.

After manipulations, the toys are washed in water and dried. Rinse thoroughly and dry in the sun or on a dry towel before allowing your child to use them.

Cleaning in the dishwasher

Make sure the toy is dishwasher safe. It works at high temperatures, which destroys bacteria. Therefore, the label on the toy is checked to make sure it is dishwasher safe.


Before immersion in the technique, excess water is removed from the inside of the toys and dried. It is important to dry them as thoroughly as possible before placing them in the dishwasher.

Items for safety are placed in a bag for underwear or in a plastic basket, if they are smaller, on the top shelf of the machine. Soap is optional. Allowed to use detergent or dishwasher capsules.

As a natural cleanser, use a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts warm water.

It remains to set up and turn on the machine. You can also enable the drying option. Some models are equipped with an additional cycle with high temperature for sterilization. However, you need to be careful with this, as bath toys are usually made of plastic or rubber. When heated, they melt or are damaged by temperature.

After that, the toys should be dried on a dry towel or in the air before being used again.

Cleaning toys with chlorine

If after checking toys for mold, visible traces are found, chlorine bleach - The best way removal of harmful microorganisms and disinfection. Pay close attention to the amount of bleach in the cleaning solution. Excessive content may harm the child. Due to the risk involved, the method is less preferred.

The cleaning solution is prepared from a tablespoon of chlorine bleach with a liter of water.

Toys must be soaked in the solution. You need to click on them so that they absorb it. It should stay inside the product for several minutes.

After that, rinse thoroughly and rinse in a compressed state. Toys can be considered well washed and cleaned of mold if the smell of bleach is no longer felt. They must dry completely before reuse.


17.04.2011, 15:00

17.04.2011, 15:03

17.04.2011, 18:02

Here is the question - what to do to get rid of the mold that forms inside rubber toys?

I found a genius solution - don't use rubber toys in the bathroom :lol:

Instead, we have ordinary plastic toys in the bath, plus a plastic corral with the same boat: girl:
Russian letters are also foam...


17.04.2011, 21:27

soda And how exactly soda?

18.04.2011, 10:03

18.04.2011, 10:08

Another brilliant solution is to replace toys with new ones. Washing rubber toys from the inside (and with an unknown result) will result in the same money. Only it's not very environmentaly friendly...

1... Everything that turns black immediately goes to waste.

18.04.2011, 10:47

Another brilliant solution is to replace toys with new ones. Washing rubber toys from the inside (and with an unknown result) will result in the same money. Only it's not very environmentaly friendly...

Also an option if you really like rubber toys in the bathroom.

I see two problems with washing
- time spent washing
- the inability to make sure that the washed quality ...


18.04.2011, 12:36

Another brilliant solution is to replace toys with new ones. Washing rubber toys from the inside (and with an unknown result) will result in the same money. Only it's not very environmentaly friendly...

The solution is certainly original, but the toys we have are domestically produced, individually selected, so to speak, it’s a little expensive to change them, given the transport costs.


18.04.2011, 12:37

You definitely won’t buy such beauty here, just like Luntik and Smeshariki, for example %B5%D0 %B4%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8C%20%D1%80%D0%B5%D 0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2% D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D0%B8% D0%B3%D1%80%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B8&p=1& 2Fcatalog%2Fimage1.php%3Fnamephot o%3Ds_86056.jpg&rpt=simage

18.04.2011, 13:21

I threw away all the rubber toys when they turned black and I won’t buy new ones anymore - because, really, you will be tortured to wash them

18.04.2011, 13:44

we threw it away too. replaced with plastic figurines, boats, fishing rods .. toys, of course, are beautiful, but mold is very dangerous. there is no guarantee that the toys, even after washing, are clean.

18.04.2011, 13:53

18.04.2011, 14:01

We also threw everything out. We play with empty shampoo bottles and bells and whistles for blowing soap bubbles.
I had to throw out even the doll, which "you can" bathe.
Those. everything that has a dyurochka - starts mold.

We also play with empty bottles, the coolest toys by the way: shy:
And everything else is platmass - cows, horses, all sorts of ponies, boats and Lego sometimes: D that's what the children pick up, that's what they play.
I suffered with rubber toys, the mold was poorly washed: isee:

18.04.2011, 14:02


18.04.2011, 14:39

I did the following. First, always get rid of the water inside the toys as much as possible after the bath. Still constantly change toys, that is, some dry, and some for the game. Also, minimize the number of rubber toys. Well, if it did bloom inside the toy, then wash it from the inside with a solution of bleach (with a small hole using a syringe). We had several favorite ducklings with a duck, they had to be washed. I carefully enlarged the hole for them manicure scissors and periodically kept in solution to sterilize formula bottles.:hb:
Thanks, but where do you get the bleach?
I’m also going to do this now, squeeze out water, etc., plus sort out what is for the game and what is for the bath, but first of all, of course, you need to clean everything .... In principle, on our toys, the mold is clearly visible in the light, so you can immediately see they are clean or not, and I even managed to wash it with a somewhat ordinary brush for drawing with cleaning products, but too many toys were divorced, and therefore I wondered if there was a faster way.

18.04.2011, 14:43

You mix several tablespoons of soda with water, and with this solution you wash the toys - i.e. draw water and pour it out several times.


18.04.2011, 18:29

You mix several tablespoons of soda with water, and with this solution you wash the toys - i.e. draw water and pour it out several times. Thank you, I'll try