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» How to stop swearing psychology exercises. Simple ways to get rid of the habit of swearing. Learn to express your point of view politely

How to stop swearing psychology exercises. Simple ways to get rid of the habit of swearing. Learn to express your point of view politely

Mat refers to bad habits, rude and ugly. Obscene language is prohibited in our country in public places, and a foul-mouthed violator may face administrative liability and various monetary fines. It is believed that swearing is a native Russian habit.

Why do people start swearing? And what pleasure do they get from it? Some are so dominated by obscene words that they don’t even notice their uniqueness. How to stop swearing and clear your speech of swearing? This habit repels many people, it is especially unpleasant when dirty words come out of the mouths of modern emancipated girls.

Obscene language prevents a person from succeeding in society and in the service

This habit is characteristic of all people without exception, even the most educated and cultured. Mat can be found in every culture and in almost every language. Individuals in creative professions are especially famous for their passion for swearing. So why is obscenity so common?

  1. Stressful situation. Doctors have found that when a person experiences stress, the level of his intellectual abilities drops sharply. Verbal and logical comprehension of what was said is stopped. The body automatically launches barriers of psychological defense, which is expressed in the pronunciation of curses.
  2. Mental protection. Sometimes the body has to save the vulnerable psyche of people experiencing an emotional outburst. This is especially true for many representatives of blue-collar professions.

People swear, referring to animals, nature, inanimate objects, as if personifying them and expressing one’s own dissatisfaction with something. At the same time, a sharp outburst of negative emotions occurs in the body. A person gets rid of them and does not retain them in his psyche. Therefore, in some way protecting yourself.

To get rid of the habit of swearing, you need to admit that you have this problem.

It turns out that swearing is good for your health? But we should not forget about society - the environment of the people with whom we come into contact. Mat, if it is necessary, should be present in accordance with established rules ethics and morality. For example, burping, emitting gas, blowing your nose - this is also necessary for health, but no one does these actions in public.

Swearing and obscene language

Psychologists distinguish between situations when people simply sometimes swear, and when they constantly communicate in obscene language. It’s one thing when a person swears while under stress, and quite another when a person uses obscene words constantly, even while under stress. quiet location spirit. This passion demonstrates the following qualities:

  • infantilism;
  • lack of culture;
  • psychological weakness;
  • disrespect both for oneself and for others;
  • the presence of a neurotic or psychological disorder.

Coprolalia - the need to swear

Before choosing the most suitable methods for yourself on how to stop swearing, you should find out whether such a habit is a mental disorder? In medicine, there is the concept of “coprolalia,” which means a person’s tendency to constantly swear.

Coprolalia originated from Greek language and in translation this word sounds like “copro” - excrement, “lalia” - speech. This disorder is often observed in people suffering from schizophrenia, Tourette's syndrome and a number of other serious diseases. In this case, a person is automatically and unconsciously drawn to swear. One of the symptoms of these disorders is severe, progressive personality degradation.

What consequences can result from the presence of obscene words in everyday life?

In addition to coprolalia, there are a number of side disorders associated with an attraction to obscenity. This:

  • copropraxia (showing offensive, uncivil gestures to all people);
  • coprography (uncontrollable urge to write obscenities and draw indecent drawings wherever possible).

Where did swear words come from?

We all know very well that when you want to swear, words are used that reflect the essence of the reproductive process and the reproductive organs themselves. Why is the swear word based on these words? Yes, because people have been brought up for centuries and millennia in the traditions of Puritanism, when it was believed that intimacy and the organs of the reproductive system are something shameful, shameful and dirty.

What purpose does a person pursue when swearing? The desire to insult and humiliate the opponent more painfully and forcefully. At moments when a stressful situation blocks the competent vocabulary, a person automatically uses words and expressions that are considered the most offensive.

A useful reminder when dealing with your own bad language

And he makes a big mistake. After all, by insulting other people, a person, first of all, humiliates himself. To believe that when using obscene curses, the swearer seems to rise above the others is a big self-deception.

How to stop swearing

To rid yourself of uncultured expressions (by the way, many people themselves feel very uncomfortable when another portion of swear words comes out of their mouths), there are several methods. Study them, one of them will definitely help you.

Own re-education

This method is especially recommended for the fair sex. How to stop swearing at a girl - adopt this technique. It consists of several steps.

  1. Help from friends. Friends and trusted girlfriends become the first assistants in this difficult matter. Ask them to constantly remind you that swearing is not and is prohibited. Let your friends monitor the purity of your speech and pull you back every time you have a breakdown.
  2. We identify the provocateur. To stop a girl from swearing, the provoking factor should be identified. That irritant that activates the desire to speak obscenely. What exactly is annoying? Slowness of the second half, traffic jams, queues in markets or even the inability to access the Internet? All provoking situations that lead to swearing should be avoided.
  3. Instead of swearing, money. Take a large container and turn it into a piggy bank. You should add a certain amount there every time you utter another swear word. You cannot spend the accumulated money on yourself - after all, this is one of the methods of punishment. Decide for yourself who to give the “abusive” amount to.
  4. For every swear word there is pain. There is no need to torture yourself with whips. There is a more humane way. Place a rubber band on your wrist. And now, with every swear word that comes out, pull back the rubber band and hit yourself painfully on the arm. Soon the brain will develop conditioned reflex that every swear word will be followed by pain. Soon the brain receptors themselves will begin to block a person’s consciousness for the next abuse.
  5. Let's turn on our imagination. It is unlikely that you will want to swear in front of your old and dearly adored grandmother or little brother/sister (son/daughter). Every time you want to swear loudly, imagine that they are nearby. The desire to swear will immediately fade into the background, and soon it will completely stop visiting the person.

Behavioral changes

To get rid of the addiction to constantly swearing, you should convince yourself that it is something disgusting. Mat is far from the most successful and useful habit. First of all, the people around him create the impression of the foul-mouthed person as a person of a low level of development, with the absence of any education.

What slogans can be used when fighting a bad habit?

Mat negatively affects career growth and success in on a personal level. This fact has long been proven by psychologists.

What steps should be taken to achieve this?

  1. Identify the origins of this problem. At what point did you start swearing? Is this a childhood habit or were you just trying to imitate someone?
  2. Realize and admit that you have an unpleasant habit. The most important condition- is to understand that this problem exists and must be fought against. And at the same time, you should never blame other people - no one forced you to swear - this is entirely your personal cost.
  3. Switch to positive thinking. Swearing and humor are incompatible. Learn to think about everyone and perceive any situation, even very unpleasant ones, from a positive and funny angle. In any problem or annoying misunderstanding, first of all, look for the funny moments. At first it’s not easy, but over time, humor and irony will walk alongside you and turn into wonderful helpers. After all, it is the ability to be ironic at oneself, the presence of a subtle sense of humor that attracts most people.
  4. Arm yourself with patience. Sometimes it is very difficult to wait for someone or something for a long time or to toil in line behind a sluggish person. I want to push, curse. Stop. To wean yourself from swearing, you should become patient and stress-resistant. There are different techniques for this: from the ability to relax to ordinary internal mathematical calculations to the emergence of a sense of calm.
  5. Find motivation. Decide what you need to achieve, why do you need to wean yourself from swearing? Maybe raising children with dignity, making necessary and useful contacts, getting a promotion, or the desire to meet a pretty woman? Or maybe it’s worth surrounding yourself with the halo of an intelligent and cultured person? Especially at a new duty station? Decide and set yourself a goal.

Replacement of speech behavior

The first step to cleanse your own ability to speak is to become aware of this habit. Are there any favorite ones? swear words, which are used constantly? You should find the relationship between your “favorite” swear word and the source of irritation that makes you want to swear.

Then try to understand how unpleasant swear words sound from the outside. Listen to the speech of other people who swear. Can this really be considered attractive and smart? Listen to your own perception of what emotions a swearing personality evokes in you. Not very positive.

Try replacing swear words with old Russian curse words that sound funny and amusing

It is precisely these emotions that you provoke towards yourself in the people around you. Do you need this? As soon as you realize that swearing sounds unattractive and repulsive, gradually remove swear words from your own vocabulary. Compiling a preliminary list of your most frequently heard swear words will help with this.

Psychologists advise looking for alternatives to other swear words that start with the same letter or have a similar sound. For example: “Arctic fox”, “Mlyn”, “Eshka’s cat”, “ridge”, “yokanny babay”. These meaningless and funny-sounding words can help a person completely stop using swear words.

You can also replace such “baby talk” with smarter and brighter-sounding words. To do this, simply enrich your own lexicon. Arm yourself with a dictionary and for each swear word, select a replacement that you think is worthy.

Psychologists, based on a number of studies, claim that on average, about 20-22 days are enough for a healthy person to change his speech habits and get rid of the manner of swearing. The following will help with this useful tips:

  1. Mark on your calendar every day that goes by without swearing. If for 2-3 days you manage to never utter a swear word, reward yourself for this with some nice purchase.
  2. Don't forget about the children. Little imitators will definitely use your swear words, enriching their own young vocabulary with it. So that you don’t have to blush in front of the teacher or teacher later, spare the kids from your own swearing.
  3. As soon as you feel a surge of irritation and negativity, run to the gym. Or buy a homemade pear that will withstand all the blows during bad mood owner. This is much better than polluting the surrounding air with selected obscenities.
  4. When you really want to swear, close your eyes and slowly count internally to 10. Count smoothly, taking deep breaths. As soon as it ends, you will understand that, in principle, you no longer want to swear.

But still, do not think that swearing is something terrible and disgusting. Sometimes even geniuses and people respected by everyone swear. It is important to know the measure and place. Remember that the main goal is to give up the regular use of swear words in any situation, to forget exactly that curse word that has become integral part own personality and behavior. Good luck!

Until about the middle of the 19th century, foul language in Rus' was a criminal offense. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a person was subjected to public flogging with rods for using swear words!

Obscene speech has always been considered a sign of lack of culture and belonging to a low class. It was a kind of pointer: here is an uneducated person, leading a dubious lifestyle and not striving for positive changes.

Why do people swear

Talk about lack of education modern people absurd. Now more than ever environment provides an incredible amount of resources to improve cultural level, self-development and creativity. It is logical that swearing should have become an ordinary atavism. So what is the reason?

1. The need for protection and self-affirmation

Obscene language is a unique phenomenon. It exists, but speaking it is prohibited by society. As you know, ignoring the rules occurs either out of naivety or out of fear and hopelessness. So we can’t call those who love strong words.

A person tries to hide vulnerability and self-doubt behind a demonstration of aggressiveness, independence and rudeness.

How more people experiences confusion and disorientation in life, the more often he resorts to swearing. Like a frightened and therefore furious animal. Growling, hissing and showing fangs.

As a result, teenagers swear out of fear that they will not be accepted as their real selves. It’s easier to assert yourself according to the general laws of the pack, to be like everyone else. And adults, bearing a huge burden of responsibility, swear in order to drown out the feeling of fear due to possible failures.

The saddest thing is when people use swear words when communicating with each other. By insulting and humiliating the interlocutor, the opponent tries to assert himself at the expense of the other and at least for a second feel his superiority. Albeit in an inappropriate way from a moral and ethical point of view.

2. Laziness of mind

Indeed, why bother and waste energy on the correct construction of sentences, selection of expressive words and use of effective oratorical techniques.

After all, why waste time explaining in long-winded ornate phrases what can be expressed in one word in a second.

Pronouncing “bl...” with different intonation colors will save the sleeping brain and not disturb the memory. Disappointed: “Well, dear Klavdia Petrovna, you again forgot about the existence of a new sample for writing memos.” Aggressively: “Colleague, didn’t you see that you were placing this heavy box right on my leg?” Admiringly: “Look how incredibly beautiful it is around!”

The ability to communicate fully and beautifully is replaced by useless mooing of varying duration and tonality. Gradually, the vocabulary is depleted, and speaking correct Russian becomes more and more difficult.

3. Constant tension and stress

It has long been proven that swearing briefly helps to let off steam and feel functional again. Modern people have enough reasons for stress and conflict situations.

A person uses obscene speech as protection from the outside world. He's like a bristling hedgehog.

Such a person constantly experiences such strong psychological discomfort that over and over again he simply stops noticing the problems of other people and becomes less sympathetic and friendly.

And this model of behavior is transferred to the entire worldview, a negative self-perception is formed, other people and events begin to irritate. It has been proven that swear words increase adrenaline levels, body temperature and blood pressure. Like alcohol or drugs.

A person understands that he is beginning to be sucked into a destructive funnel of aggressiveness, split interpersonal relationships, lack of self-understanding. He loses control over himself and his life.

How to stop swearing

It turns out that mat does not exist on its own, but is side effect negative changes occurring in a person.

It is useless to force yourself not to swear. You need to find the root cause and understand yourself.

Take some time for self-reflection. Take paper and pen, sit comfortably in your favorite chair, relax. Write down your ideas and reflections.

    1. Try to remember what became the prerequisite for using swear words in your speech. Write down on a piece of paper the actions and words of other people, situations that usually cause you to fight.
    2. How much does obscene language help you and under what circumstances? What is the problem with using it?
    3. Imagine that you stopped swearing. Do you feel more comfortable? Or, on the contrary, you want to pour out the accumulated aggression and negative emotions in other forms?
    4. How badly do you need a swear word?

Analyze your answers. Consider an action plan to return the beautiful Russian language to your speech based on the recommendations given.

Change your attitude towards people and circumstances. Having understood the reasons that make you want to swear, try to either change your attitude towards them or erase them from your life.

For example, you swear while driving. It is clear that you are constantly worried internally, being responsible for the passengers and the safety of the car. Pedestrians scurrying across the road anywhere and reckless drivers are perceived by you as a potential threat. You're afraid, that's normal.

But is there any point in getting excited and using foul language, thereby reducing your concentration while driving? Other road users are unlikely to pay attention to you, and swearing will not change the general situation on the road. Maybe it’s easier to exhale and, humming your favorite melody, calmly drive home in a great mood, without stressing yourself out.

Learn to relax. You can relieve stress by playing sports, your favorite hobby, spending time with loved ones or in nature. As you learn to make time for yourself and relieve stress, you will notice that you resort to obscene language less and less often.

Build your self-confidence. You cannot endlessly assert yourself at the expense of other people. You need your own inner core, a sense of yourself as a person that you respect, appreciate and love. Anyone who is self-confident, has inner strength and a strong spirit will never allow himself to humiliate a person and attack his pride.

Try to control your emotions. The most effective option is to mentally count to ten before answering an unpleasant person or reacting to the current situation. Replace obscene words with alternative expressions from normal Russian. It will take a little practice and patience to get used to.

Constantly develop yourself. Don't stop there. Read more quality literature, expand your vocabulary. Take part in virtual educational platforms, improve your skills, master related specialties, and become interested in the world. Set new goals, dream, move forward.

This will give you self-confidence and make positive changes in your life. It is likely that you will meet interesting people, with whom it is pleasant to talk without swearing. In addition, you will learn to enjoy using beautiful and rich figures of speech.


Ask yourself a couple of important questions, which, unfortunately, you won’t answer right away, but you will understand what’s going on, where the roots come from.
Think about how others see you? Do they like specific speech? Would you like it if the disdainful attitude was directed in your direction?

A girl who uses profanity is disgusting. After all, you are a future mother, what kind of example will your children take from you? Imagine meeting a guy, and you, in fact, communicate as usual. Your speech will push him kilometers away from you. Ruin the entire first impression and completely discourage the desire for something more.
The male half of the population, when communicating with girls, must understand that in front of them is a fragile and tender lady, they need to take care of her and delight her with pleasant surprises. And when a girl swears, such desires do not arise. Men communicate on the same level, forgetting about who is standing in front of them.
It depends on your environment whether you swear or not.
Scientists believe that constant use of swear words leads to hormonal imbalance in the body. In women, there is an increased amount of male hormones in the body.
I advise you to think about it! You shouldn't joke with such things.

Take Time to Get Enriched inner world. Read more newspapers, books, political news, whatever. The main thing is that the chosen activity is enjoyable. IN works of art You can find swear words in some writers, but it is used in the speech of uneducated lyrical characters.
After all, when a child grows and develops, he wants to imitate the actions and speech of adults, so if you do not want your child to use profanity in the future, try to make sure that he does not hear it at all.

Due to the fact that the way of life has changed a lot over the past centuries, many women are increasingly trying to be like men. Swear words, to a greater extent, are more suitable to the character of men, as a way of expressing their aggression. By using the same expressions in her speech, a woman is trying to gain authority.

How can a girl stop swearing?

Beautiful and cultured speech should not contain obscene words, or, in other words, obscenities. But it so happened that they are present everywhere: in the office, public transport, city park, school yard.

How I stopped swearing

If a girl is seriously interested in the question of how to stop swearing, then there are useful tips. First of all, you need to find motivation. Perhaps the girl has small children and would not like them to use obscenities. Or you just want to be an educated and well-mannered girl.

How to stop swearing?

Like any bad habit, you need to get rid of swear words gradually. An important step in this situation is the realization that something needs to be changed in life and behavior. Understand that swearing only clogs up speech and does not make the girl more beautiful. There must be positivity in thoughts and words, then the future will be brighter than the present.

Learning to correctly express one’s thoughts is very difficult for people who are accustomed to swearing, but if desired, everything can be corrected. It is very important to monitor your conversation. To do this, you can use a medical rubber band that is placed on your wrist and pull it back every time you pronounce an obscene word. A slight pain from the click of the rubber band on the skin will contribute to the development of the reflex and help get rid of the problem, like how a girl can stop swearing.

How to get rid of bad language

Our condition is: down with foul language!

“Filth is abomination, disgusting, dirty, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, uncleanness, dirt, moral corruption, everything disgusting to God” (from V. Dahl’s dictionary)

Foul language is evil.

How to stop swearing?

We destroy ourselves through destruction and desecration native language, native WORD!

Causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed speaker must know that the most great harm he inflicts on himself and his offspring.

Vladimir Dal wrote: “You cannot joke with language, with human words, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, a connecting link between body and spirit.”

Memo “How to get rid of foul language?”

  • Don't say bad words yourself. There is no need to be afraid of being a “black sheep”. Develop aversion and disgust towards foul language.
  • Avoid communicating with people who use obscene words.
  • Train yourself to speak politely and not descend into abuse, and people around you will respect you. Foul language is a problem of internal self-doubt. A self-confident person will not use obscene language to defend his position; he knows how to maintain his own dignity and not offend others, regardless of the behavior of his interlocutor.
  • Learn to think and talk about good things, remembering that our words materialize and our thoughts come true. Give as many compliments as possible to other people every day, for example, “You look good today,” “Glad to see you!”, “You responded amazingly today,” etc. Over time, you will see that compliments become a habit that you really appreciate. like.
  • Remember what they said in the past: “Don't use bad language. When a person says bad words, an angel flies away from him. There will be no protection. There will be no wing over you."

If we really want to achieve success in business, in family, in school, in creativity, then it’s time to work on ourselves, including our speech.

Eatwords as intoxicating as roses,
There are dry ones, like steppe feather grass,
There are words that bring tears -
Bitter words, words are wormwood.
A word can cripple a soul,
Words can heal wounds,
A heavy load of unkind words on your shoulders
Beware of slapping your neighbor!
I look at the meadow, dressed in flowers,
How beautiful is the cover of lush grass!
Teach us, God, to give bouquets,
Consisting of wise, kind



How to stop swearing?

Unfortunately, many people in modern world we have forgotten how to express our thoughts normally without swear words. Sometimes a person simply does not notice how often he uses obscene words in his speech. In most cases, such speech causes many problems in life. That is why the topic of how to wean yourself from swearing has remained relevant for a long period of time. In solving any problem, the first thing to do is to recognize its existence and assess the consequences; perhaps, due to foul language, a breakup with a loved one occurred or serious problems arose at work.

How to stop swearing?

Just like when getting rid of another bad habit, you will have to work hard and wait. In general, there is an opinion that a person’s life rules are formed in 21 days, that is, if during this time you stop using foul language, the problem will disappear completely. First, you should clarify for yourself why swearing is bad and what such a habit can lead to. Firstly, the attitude of the people around them; few people enjoy communicating with a boor. Secondly, many people have the opinion that if a person swears, it means that he does not have enough intelligence and education to express his thoughts in normal language. As a result, this can lead to loneliness, loss of work, business, etc.

Using the above tips, after a short period of time you will notice how the tongue itself stumbles over swear words, which means that the path has been chosen correctly and the habit will soon become a thing of the past. By the way, when a person constantly swears, it can be assumed that he has a disease called Tourette syndrome. In this case, in addition to constant foul language, a tic in the muscles of the face, neck and shoulder girdle appears. This is all due to a disorder of the central nervous system.

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How to stop swearing. How to stop swearing?

To find out how everything works, you need to take everything apart in order.

Why should you get rid of swear words?

Swear words are used everywhere and almost always, in almost every corner of the world. With great misfortune, sometimes, we look at people who cannot say even a few words without swearing, because they have become part of their speech. But how does this happen, what is the reason for it all?

All words have the ability to materialize, and it is no good to think or even speak badly about anyone.
After all, it happens that you dig a hole for someone else and you yourself fall into it.

Sometimes swear words seem to act as a shield against stressful situations. But with this defense, you can insult that person or turn the situation very deplorably against yourself.

We may experience dependence on a person, subconsciously fear this dependence and destroy the dependence in such an abusive way. This helps us get rid of this kind of fear. Every person has the greatest dependence on our mothers, perhaps that is why such words are called swear words.

Protest using obscenities

Swearing is used to show rebellion and disagreement. Swear words supposedly break taboos on things that are placed by relatives, sometimes from a strict upbringing. We do not want to bow down to anyone or even to ourselves, in all manifestations.

It’s as if we are releasing all the anger and rebellion, expressing them more and more often, but we must not forget, we must keep ourselves within limits.

A bit of esotericism

In ancient times, swearing was used to protect against evil people.
For example, when a gypsy runs up to you and starts guessing, many without hesitation say a three-letter swear word, because they know that it’s all a scam.
Bad words can be heard after insults and other things. It was believed that if you call your enemy names, all his attempts will come to nothing.

Mat as a moral devaluation of women

In the modern world of women's emancipation there are no boundaries, even in such a bad and shameful matter as abusive speech. A man’s aggressiveness and strength can be revealed in such a bad way. But when a woman tries to establish the supremacy of her rightness in this way, she becomes sick and uncomfortable. Surrounded by men, a woman has no choice but to engage in an unequal battle at the same level, using abusive language. That’s why the female sex tries to compare itself to the male sex. The most important thing is that a woman should not forget about her femininity and special secrets in the fight for rights, rather than stooping to the level of “shoemakers.” If we draw a parallel, it is unlikely that a man who tries to be feminine is admired, well, you understand.

Teenage swearing

Every parent admires their child when he begins to speak his first words and phrases. Situation: a little girl with her mother is trying to open a magnetic lock with a special key, accidentally dropping it, and immediately she screams “Yat.” Mom, naturally not understanding anything, picked up the key, opened the lock and that’s it.

How to stop yourself from swearing? Brief instructions on how to get rid of the habit of swearing

Mom did not understand that her daughter did not pronounce everything as if in its entirety due to her small amount of knowledge of letters and words and skills. But we all understand what the girl could say and how it sticks in our heads when an innocent child hears obscenities without realizing it. There is a saying: “I absorbed it with my mother’s milk.”

How to get rid of verbal “illness”?

While you are insulting someone, think about the fact that the offended person may brand you with bad appearance and fame.

It often happens that all the shortcomings and unnecessary character traits that we throw mud at in another person exist in our character, first of all, sometimes we do not notice our shortcomings because we are blinded by rage.

It should not be ruled out that bad words lead to calmness and overcoming indecision, but we should not forget that we are all human and in our hands is the happiness and joy of our family, friends and people around us in general.

For example, you can replace abusive words with words that only you understand, made up words that do not carry any meaning, after which these words themselves can disappear after a certain time.

Scolding is like poison!

It has long been possible to notice that swearing is akin to addiction, drug or alcohol. It poisons a person morally, spiritually and therefore physically, we need to pull ourselves together, constantly remember who we are and why we were given speech, so as not to make mistakes out of the blue again. And despite all the insults and insults, you should be above all this and not succumb to such a temptation that will take possession of you and kill you as a person. You need to be wise and smart person, do not fall for the simple bluff of your possible enemy.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself and remember your family and friends who love and appreciate you very much! Just start respecting and loving yourself, because when you use ugly words, you yourself are the epicenter of everything evil and bad that can be in a person. Until you do this, no one will do it. We need to prioritize our own positive traits, and as soon as you start poisoning yourself with bad words, remember them. The most important thing is to develop all of them in the right direction and monitor your cleanliness.
For (1) it was useful!

How to stop swearing? Forums on the Internet are full of advice, psychologists give recommendations and comments, articles repeat the same abstruse phrases word for word. And people continue to use swear words in Everyday life. This is all complete nonsense. Let's figure it out.

Piggy bank method

The way of using a piggy bank has long become the talk of the town. It is proposed that for every strong word spoken out loud, a coin of a certain denomination should be placed there. There is even a joke among people about unlucky workers of one workshop who wanted to stop swearing in this way.

Sorry, but this option will only work for real greedy people. Companions who are generous by nature will be generous with both abuse and coins. It is doubtful that a person would stop swearing if he regretted 5 or 10 rubles.

Conclusion: often doesn't work.

Pain Method

Sorry, everyone's sensitivity is different, and a friend may not be a friend at all. But what if your superiors unreasonably offended you or if you were cut off by a reckless driver on the road? Completely knock off your wrist? So many people swear from pain! It turns out to be a double-edged sword.

Conclusion: it works if a person is psychologically afraid of pain.

Method of increasing vocabulary

Many people swear from the inability to choose the right words in any situation or run out of arguments in a dispute. Therefore, it is recommended to read more to expand your vocabulary. Only it should be a classic, and not comics or a newspaper of free advertisements.

This is interesting. Did you know that the most famous swearer of his time was Pushkin? Yes, yes, the same one. But this did not stop him from becoming a great poet. And his vocabulary was wow!

Conclusion: the method does not work if a person is used to talking on a mat and not using it from time to time.

Replacement method

This phrase will sound interesting if your little finger meets furniture at night. Or the boss will start scolding “in French”, and you will give him health and happiness... Can you imagine the expression on his face?

Well, in general, the option can be used. Especially if you know how to control yourself. After all, “whore” always sounds more decent than “b...d.”

Every time you feel like swearing, just close your mouth. Clench your teeth, release air, hit the wall with your fist, but remain silent. The method is very good. But, unfortunately, it only helps those who swear from an excess of emotions. If for you swearing means spaces between words, then this option will not suit you. Otherwise, you will have to close your mouth after every word spoken.

Conclusion: it works, but not for everyone.

Method of art

Listen, why stop swearing at all? After all, you can elevate swearing to the rank of art. Remember the Russian ditties, or shameful poems of the 17th and 18th centuries. How elegantly the swear phrases are used there. Capacious, biting, without unnecessary abundance. And what prevents you from stopping talking on the mat, only occasionally inserting a strong word?

Answer honestly? Your stupidity. It's a shame? Of course, who would agree to consider themselves such. But let's face it. Can you write something like this? Not even a poem, but a ditty? If it’s easy, then let me take your words back. And if not, then stop swearing like a longshoreman. And use swear words only appropriately.

In addition, sometimes the graceful use of one dirty word makes a much more impression than speech consisting entirely of obscenities.

Conclusion: for a person far from art, the method is useless.

Shame Method

Every foul-mouthed person has a person in his life in front of whom he is ashamed to speak dirty. It is suggested to imagine this behind your back whenever you want to use foul language. At the same time, always with an expression of extreme horror on his face. They say, how can you swear like that?

In theory, some kind of psychological barrier should work, and an obscene expression will never be able to escape the lips.

Conclusion: this method only helps people who are particularly impressionable and have good imagination.

Scream method

Instead of swearing, it is suggested to shout out any vowel letter. Long and drawn out. Whether it is “a” or “y” does not matter. In principle, a good option. But it also only works in certain situations. For example, by hitting your finger with a hammer, you can still sing a letter. But if swear expressions are present in speech to connect words, then replacing them with letters will not work.

Conclusion: the method works if a person rarely swears.

Elimination method

Little children don't know how to swear. Their vocabulary is replenished with dirty words from their immediate environment. If the baby has never heard swearing in his life, then he will not use it in his speech. So do teenagers and adults. When they start communicating with foul-mouthed people, they don’t notice how gradually but surely swearing enters their vocabulary.

This is another recommendation from the very fashionable psychology today. It is not true at all. Several of my new friends, while communicating with me, did not start using foul language. And I didn’t stop using obscene language while listening to their pure speech. We are not parrots, repeating one after another. Imitation is common to monkeys and crazy fans. This does not threaten adequate people.

Or, for example, a person is yours best friend(girlfriend). Or maybe it's the parents? Brothers, sisters? Should you also exclude them from your social circle until they stop swearing? What nonsense.

Conclusion: the method does not work.

Self-control method

Perfect option. Always works 200%. I stopped swearing myself. At all. Even out of emotion or pain. You just need to eliminate foul language from your vocabulary. Forever and in any situation.

At first it was a little difficult, because the habit of swearing took years to form. But to change any habit, all you need to do is not do it for 21 days.

And there's one here important nuance. Some people make promises to themselves, relatives, and friends. Some people swear or even swear. No need. Why this inappropriate pathos and showing off? To whom are these people, and most importantly - what exactly, are they trying to prove?

Those who have chosen this option of getting rid of profanity need only one thing - to want it. Very much. If a person doesn’t want to stop, then even if he takes three terrible oaths, he will still swear. Therefore, if you want, it will be very easy for you to stop using swear words.

Conclusion: the method works, but with an important nuance.

How to stop swearing? It's difficult, but doable. Start with self-control and the ability to close your mouth in time. I'm sure you will succeed.

Video: how to stop swearing