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» How is the name Bogdan translated? Origin of the name Bogdan. The most striking character traits

How is the name Bogdan translated? Origin of the name Bogdan. The most striking character traits

The owner of the name Bogdan can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is integral part the personality of each person, so it is important for us to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it.

The male name Bogdan has a rich history. In ancient times, many nations developed a tradition of glorifying people with specially created names. The most common way of such “name-glorification” was the creation of two-basic names. They are presented in ancient Greek, Iranian, Slavic, and Germanic languages. A lot of ancient pre-church Slavic names were created as a combination of two words, for example, Slavomir, Dobrogost, Ratibor and others. Many of the two-basic names began with the word God - Bogomil, Bogorad, Boguslav, Bogolyub. In this row is the name Bogdan - “given by God.” It is interesting to note that names with the same meaning existed and exist among many peoples, for example, the Greek Theodotus, the Latin Deodatus, the French Dieudonne, the Hebrew Jonathan.

Despite the fact that the Orthodox Church disapproved of Old Slavonic names, and previously the name Bogdan was not included in the church calendar, in the old days it was very popular. Archival documents different years bearers of this name are mentioned in different Russian lands, for example: Novgorod thousand Bogdan Obakunovich (1385), ambassador from Pskov to the Grand Duke of Moscow Bogdan (1471), boyar of Prince Belsky in Principality of Lithuania Bogdan Milkovich (1500), Novgorod merchant elder Bogdan Semenov son of Kuryukov (1521) and many others. Children were especially often called Bogdans in the southwestern Russian lands and Ukraine.

The widespread use of the name Bogdan among the people led to its inclusion in the calendar. The name Bogdan is recognized as a translation into Slavic languages canonical Orthodox name Theodotus (from the Greek Theodotus). The memory of saints with the name Theodotus is celebrated Orthodox Church fourteen times a year, and it is believed that those who bear the name Bogdan can celebrate their name days on these days. According to church foundations, the heavenly patron of a particular person is the saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date; it is this day that is called the name day.

Among the bearers of the name Bogdan there were many famous people. The first ruler of the independent Moldavian state was Bogdan I (ruled 1359-1365), and subsequently three more Moldavian rulers bore the name Bogdan. A major statesman of the Time of Troubles was the gunsmith, the favorite of Ivan the Terrible, Bogdan Yakovlevich Belsky (1611). The most famous bearer of this name, apparently, was the hetman of the Zaporozhye Army Bogdan Khmelnytsky (1595-1657), commander and statesman, organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks against the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Today this ancient noble name is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons with it.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name – through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Tupikov N.M. Dictionary of Old Russian personal names. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.

The male name Bogdan is not common, although earlier, in Rus', it was very popular and was worn by many men and boys.

The very meaning of the name Bogdan is audible, and it is correct. Its origin is Old Church Slavonic, so it can be said to be originally Russian. The name appeared in Rus' in ancient times, and it was given to those children whose appearance had been awaited for a very long time, whose birth was desired and associated with difficulties. Often this was the name given at the baptism of the last boy born in the family. Therefore, the meaning of the name Bogdan is “given by God”, “sent by God”.

The name Bogdan is of ancient Slavic origin, so it is both Russian and Ukrainian. When a boy with this name is baptized, he is sometimes named Theodotus. There is another ancient form - Bozhidar, it has the same meaning, and this name is more Ukrainian, not common in Russia. Diminutive forms - Bodya, Bogdasha, Bogdanchik. Eat female uniform of this name - .

Future and character

In Rus', our ancestors called the boy they were waiting for Bogdan. This could be the first-born, whose birth was associated with certain difficulties, or the last son. Today, women unknowingly often do the same, naming the most long-awaited child after Bogdan. That is why mothers pamper and cherish their son so much, protecting him from all sorts of troubles and dangers in life.

Bogdan develops a gentle character, primarily because his mother gives him a huge amount of affection and care. He takes on his mother’s qualities and character, while the masculine and paternal aspects fade into the background in him.

But this does not mean that the boy is growing up as a baby boy and a mama’s boy. On the contrary, fate endows a child whose name is Bogdan with a lot of wonderful masculine qualities from birth.. Maternal care and guardianship relieve him of aggressiveness, excessive belligerence and other qualities that are often inherent in his peers. This means that Bogdan grows up as an obedient, kind boy who protects his younger ones, knows how to take care of others, he is very decent, honest and brave.

At school, the boy, whose name is Bogdan, is a little lazy and rarely an excellent student. But this is only because he is a dreamer, lives in a world of his own fantasies and diligently engages only in what is truly interesting to him. If he is not captivated and interested, then he simply will not waste his time on it.

Bogdan is not stupid, he likes to read books and learn new things, he early years finds his life calling. This could be art, architecture, music, travel and much more. Often the Bogdans open their own cozy cafes, restaurants, build houses or engage in the hotel business. Whatever he decides to do, his intelligence, strength, courage and commercial spirit will always help him live with dignity and ensure a comfortable existence for himself.

Bogdan is looking for a woman seriously and responsibly. In his youth, this guy boldly meets girls and they like him, even if he is not endowed with beauty. But he has no fear, he does not ingratiate himself, he speaks directly and knows how to surprise.

His strong character and bold, reckless actions, spontaneous surprises - all this can drive you crazy. If a guy whose name is Bogdan decides to win the heart of a girl, he will do it - there is no doubt. And I’m ready to fight for at least a month, at least a year, until she gives up. And then, if after a couple of days Bogdan realizes that she is not the one he was looking for, he will end the relationship without regrets and go on further searches. Such is his character!

Bogdan makes an excellent husband and a reliable family man. He will not leave his family in poverty, he will definitely build a house, grow a tree (or even a whole garden), and raise at least a couple of sons. Family for him is part of self-realization, it is of great importance - we can say that Bogdan lives to build a strong family and a reliable home.

True, in relationships he can be a little rude, does not shower his chosen one with compliments and is not prone to romance. But he is faithful, reliable and instead beautiful words does wonderful things. A real man!

Let's talk about personal things...

The strong character of the man, whose name is Bogdan, sometimes scares fragile and capricious girls away from him. Still courageous and too independent women he is not interested. He needs a real woman - one who he wants to protect, protect and go to real feats for her sake. If she is independent and does not need a man’s shoulder, Bogdan is simply not interested.

Available girls who have too simple a character and who are actively looking for men themselves also repel him - he needs to win his woman. So, despite many hobbies, Bogdan searches for the one and only one for a long time and marries in adulthood. But divorces are rare.

Honesty and loyalty are of great importance to him in relationships. He himself will repay with loyalty, devotion, will always provide for his beloved and will not let her be offended. He is monogamous and demands the same from his chosen one. Bogdan is very conservative and will not tolerate his chosen one playing games with him, manipulating him and hiding something.

In a fit of jealousy, he can become simply a beast, so he is looking for an exclusively faithful woman. In addition, he needs a smart, intellectually developed woman with a wide range of interests. The one who lives for marriage and thinks only about her external beauty will never interest Bogdan.

1. Perfect compatibility with female names: Bogdana, Anna, Elena, Olga, Nadezhda, Yulia, Svetlana. Women with these names are most often endowed with exactly those qualities of the soul that he is so looking for. They are faithful, they wait for one thing, they are ready to submit to their husband and know how to raise their strict man with love and tenderness. With them there is a high probability of an ideal family.

2. Good compatibility also with the names: Anastasia, Valentina, Nelly, Larisa, Inna, Lyudmila. There may be difficult periods of “grinding in”, but often everything works out well, and a strong family is formed.

3. Poor compatibility of names: Dina, Oksana, Angela, Tamara. These girls are looking for something completely different and will not understand Bogdan. And he is unlikely to pay attention to this girl, since they are with different planets. Of course, there are wonderful exceptions when love wins!

At baptism, a boy can be named Bogdan, Bozhidar or Theodot; these names are considered synonymous. His name day:

  • February 6.
  • March 4 and 19.
  • July 17th.
  • August 10 and 31.
  • October 9.
  • December 10.

Bogdan is a real man, the pride of his parents, the favorite of fate. You can safely choose this beautiful old name for the boy and know that fate will never deprive him of happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

The name Bogdan is a name of Slavic origin. This is a two-root name consisting of the root “God” and the root “to give”. It is believed that the meaning of the name Bogdan is “God given”. In fact, this is a tracing from the Greek name Theodotos (Θεόδοτος), because the name Theodotos is translated absolutely identically.

It is worth noting that when the name Theodotos came into the Russian language, it underwent modification to Theodot, and then to the familiar name Fedot. In Orthodox church practice, it is believed that instead of the name Bogdan in church sacraments, the name Theodotus should be used. Another related name is the name Fedor. It also originates from the name Theodotos, and therefore has the same meaning. You can find out more about it by following the link.

The meaning of the name Bogdan for a child

Little Bogdan is a smart and capable child. Unfortunately, it is worth adding that he is a rather capricious and difficult child to raise. Bogdan often has increased stubbornness, but with a little correction this can be turned into positive side. With growing up this feature will appear less and less often. Parents should also be careful about the mental stress on their child, because it is mental overload that activates his negative traits. If you reduce the load on the child to optimal, this will minimize negative character traits.

Bogdan is studying quite successfully, even though there are not enough stars in the sky. He is given both exact and human sciences. It is typical for Bogdan to be overly influenced by his environment. This requires parents increased attention. The boy is quite hardworking, but shows this quality only with a certain interest. In studies, a lot will depend on Bogdan’s teachers.

The child's health is rather average than strong. Bogdan’s health cannot be called completely weak, but the characteristics of his nervous system can be negatively affected by the influence of unfavorable factors. We must not forget that even doctors have the phrase “all diseases come from nerves.” For Bogdan, it is especially important to get enough rest and not overwork yourself.

Short name Bogdan

Bodya, Bodka, Boyda, Boni, Danya, Danko, Dan, Dani.

Diminutive pet names

Bogdashka, Bogdanchik, Bogdanushka, Bodyushka, Bogdasya, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Danechka, Danushka.

Children's middle names

Bogdanovich and Bogdanovna. There is a colloquial form of the male patronymic - Bogdanich.

Name Bogdan in English

IN English language the name Bogdan is spelled Bogdan.

Name Bogdan for international passport- BOGDAN.

Translation of the name Bogdan into other languages

in Old Russian - Bogdan
in Belarusian - Bagdan
in Bulgarian - Bogdan
in Polish - Bogdan
in Romanian - Bogdan
in Serbian - Bogdan
in Ukrainian - Bogdan
in Czech - Bohdan

Church name Bogdan(V Orthodox faith) - Theodotus. It is this name that Bogdan should use in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Bogdan

The adult Bogdan can be described as a strong and courageous man. He is easy to communicate, and the logic of his position always attracts people to him. Adult Bogdan is balanced and calm man, who has a wide circle of friends and a good reputation. He successfully knows how to use his strengths, and tries not to show his weaknesses too much. Bogdan's weaknesses include his temper. He knows how to control this deficiency well, but control does not relieve internal tension.

Bogdan is hardworking, and one can only envy his perseverance. If the matter is interesting to him, then his ingenuity and intelligence manifests itself. He prefers to work for himself or without obvious bosses. Bogdan excels as a businessman, doctor or engineer. In fact, he will be successful in any profession that he likes. But if the work is a burden to him, then he shouldn’t expect any results.

In family relationships, Bogdan is always the leader. He is a wonderful family man and an excellent master of the house, although sometimes he displays traits of despoticism, but this is very rare. He takes full responsibility for the material well-being of the family. Bogdan doesn't like it if his wife works a lot. For him, the ideal woman is a selfless mother of his children and a reliable assistant in life. He gratefully accepts help from his wife, although he rarely shows outward gratitude. He devotes quite a lot of time to children, but this is mainly related to their moral education, and not to everyday needs.

The secret of the name Bogdan

The secret of Bogdan can be called his cool temperament. The adult Bogdan rarely demonstrates it, as he is well aware of its danger. Many who know Bogdan have no idea what Bogdan can be like when angry. It's better if it remains a secret.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Bat.

Name color- Green.

Tree- Laurel.

Plant- Immortelle.

Stone- Marble.

Bogdan, whose name means “given by God,” is of Slavic origin. Essentially this is an interpretation from Theodotos or Theodotos. At first the name was missing from the calendar christian church. But soon everyone began to call the children Bogdan and he was added to the holy book. Basically, their offspring were named this way in the western and southern parts of the Russian lands. According to another version of Bogdan, the meaning of the name states that it was widespread even when the pagans appeared and has nothing to do with religion.

The Bogdans always stood out from the crowd because of their persistent nature. The child Bogdan is slightly different from adult males with this name. As a child, little Bogdan grows up to be a smart and capable boy, although he is quite capricious.

Often such a name gives the child stubbornness, which, fortunately, can be corrected. This character trait may disappear completely with age.

The name affects negative emotions, so they often burst to the surface when a child experiences mental overload. Parents need to closely monitor his health and minimize any stress. The name Bogdan allows a child to express himself academically, although you should not expect top marks from him. He is strong in both the humanities and the exact sciences.

Also, parents should take a closer look at the boy’s surroundings, because he quickly succumbs to negative influence.

If Bogdan is interested, he will show himself well both in his studies and in other areas of life. The boy's health is quite average, but he cannot be called weak either. But the meaning of the name can aggravate his problems with nervous system, so he is advised to rest more.


The name Bogdan, the meaning of which sounds like “given by God,” is often used for long-awaited children. Often the child’s mother shows him immeasurable care, indulging all his whims. But the father takes almost no part in raising his son. The name Bogdan gives him a feeling of unjustified jealousy of a parent towards his father.

  • The boy has a secretive character, so relationships with peers do not work out.
  • He wants to be friends with those who can stand up for him.
  • The name Bogdan will help get rid of laziness, and then success will await him in any business that interests him.

The grown-up boy Bogdan becomes arrogant and indifferent towards others. That is why he has only a few permanent friends.

  • The guy's goal in life is financial independence, and he will try to get rich in any way.
  • Bogdan can find a part-time job if money runs out.
  • From the outside, the young man may seem stingy, but he simply spends his money wisely.

The name Bogdan helps its owner to do bad things because of his aggressiveness, and then regret them for a long time.

IN family relationships Bogdan shows himself as the head of the family. He becomes a wonderful family man, but occasionally one can notice bouts of despoticism. The financial side of the family lies entirely with him, because he does not allow his wife to go to work.

Bogdan has his ideal woman in the person of a faithful assistant and an excellent mother of his children. He devotes a lot of time to his offspring, but this concerns only their moral education.

Compatibility and love

The name plays main role in relationships with the opposite sex. He prefers to take on the role of leader, so his girlfriend should not voice her opinion. Bogdan will repay the obedience of his other half with fidelity. If a man finds at least one reason for jealousy, then he will show himself from a completely different side.

Attracts excellent representatives of the fair sex to the guy with names such as:

But with Yana, the relationship will soon come to naught.

Regardless of the meaning of the name, he is very amorous and feels girls on an intuitive level. If he is loved, he is ready to change his life and the life of his beloved for the better.

Basically, Bogdan is a monogamous man and if he is lucky enough to meet the one and only, he will never love another again.

  • Endows its owner with fidelity, which is what they demand from their beloved.
  • He will become unstable if he realizes that his other half is cheating on him.
  • Jealousy is more typical for guys born in autumn and winter.
  • A man wants to see an understanding girl next to him, close to him in spirit and intellectual level.
  • At Bogdan's high requirements to a companion, which often lead to the fact that he cannot find one that matches them for a long time.

A man is afraid to touch on intimate topics; he always tries to escape from such conversations every time. It is impossible to hear a sexual proposal from the owner of such a name.


Since the history of the origin of the name Bogdan has several versions, they did not in any way affect the career of the owner of this name. A man has well-developed intuition, but he prefers to listen to reason.

Bogdan Aleksandrovich Kiselevich (Russian hockey player, defenseman)

  • Because of their strong character, the Bogdanovs often make excellent teachers, politicians or historians.
  • The name Bogdan, the meaning of which influences the choice of career, is rarely involved in creative professions, although winter representatives of the stronger sex can become famous writers, painters or musicians.
  • The Bogdans are interested in medicine and psychology, so they often become doctors.


Bogdan makes all decisions in the family himself, and his wife only carries out his orders. Even in front of strangers, he can afford to shout or humiliate his wife.

But the meaning “given by God” makes men ideal husbands. A woman will never worry about comfortable stay, because the husband prefers to spend his holidays in style, sparing no financial savings, and with his family.

The name allows him to avoid quarrels over money, because the material side lies entirely with him. The wife must only create home comfort, raise children and please her husband. The man tries to do household chores himself, without resorting to the help of others. Bogdan has only a few real friends. His woman will be able to carry on a conversation in any situation and will help with advice if required from her.

Bogdan is a name whose interpretation is clear without translation. It testifies that its owner was given to his parents by God.

Origin of the name

The male nickname Bogdan is Old Slavonic, it was invented thanks to the then existing Greek name Theodotos, translated as “gift of the gods.”
In ancient times, with the advent of the Russified form, our ancestors gave all boys the name Bogdan at birth, and at the time of baptism they renamed them according to the instructions of their spiritual father.

general characteristics

Positive character traits

Bogdan is noble and kind, the feeling of anger is not at all inherent in him. He always helps the disadvantaged and people in trouble.
The owner of the name is balanced, always calm. It seems little possible to anger him: the young man tries to ignore the aggressor, and he, in turn, having not achieved his goal, calms down.
In his chosen profession, the matured Bogdan becomes a real specialist. The young man has a well-developed logical thinking, thanks to which he always gets out of difficult situations winner.

Negative character traits

With excessive parental care, Bogdan often grows up to be a vain egoist. He thinks only about his own interests and never makes concessions.
Because of his soft character, the bearer of the nickname has a hard time in life. He often deviates from his plans in favor of a more persistent person. However, with age, Bogdasik becomes more decisive and gives way to arrogant people no longer so willingly.

Zodiac sign

Bogdan’s pliable disposition lacks rigidity; it can be given to the boy by the zodiac sign in which he is born, especially if this sign is Aries.
Mars, who patronizes the child, will give Bodya the desire to defend his own interests.
Since ancient times, green has been considered the color that brings happiness to the owner of the name.
A marble amulet will protect a guy from damage, the evil eye and other mystical interventions.


Bogdanchik, Bogdasha, Bodya, Bodka, Bodechka, Bodenka, Bogdashik, Bogdashka, Bogdasik.

Name options

Bogdan, Bagdan. If we talk about analogues of the name in various languages, it corresponds to:
Nathaniel, Jonathan (Heb.);
Deodatus (lat.)
Diedonne (French)
Theodor (German)
Tengribergen, Kudaibergen (Turkic).

Historical figures

1595 – 1657 – Hetman of the Zaporozhye Cossacks Bogdan Khmelnytsky.
1615 – 1680 – founder of the Moscow Armory, boyar Bogdan Khitrovo.
1816 – 1873 – Russian astronomer Bogdan Schweitzer.
1922 – 2003 – Polish chess player Bogdan Sliwa.
1924 – 2008 – children’s writer from Ukraine Bogdan Chaly.
1941 – 2012 – Ukrainian actor Bohdan Stupka.

Famous contemporaries

Born 1953 – Serbian actor Bogdan Diklic.
Born 1957 – Ukrainian actor Bogdan Benyuk.
Born 1963 – Ukrainian football player and coach Bohdan Blavatsky.
Born 1964 – Russian artist and art critic Bogdan Mamonov.
Born 1967 - Russian singer Bogdan Titomir, born Oleg Titorenko.
Born 1967 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Stela.
Born 1978 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Lobonts.
Born 1981 – football player from Ukraine Bogdan Shershun.
Born 1990 – Russian hockey player Bogdan Kiselevich.
Born 1985 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Haushi.