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» How to whitewash walls with water-based paint and color. Who said that painting walls with water-based paint is difficult? How to paint with water-based paint

How to whitewash walls with water-based paint and color. Who said that painting walls with water-based paint is difficult? How to paint with water-based paint

If you have to paint the walls water-based paint, design, photos, ideas and videos from our article will help you understand the intricacies of this process and do everything yourself. On the one hand, everything is simpler than it seems, but only if you are well prepared.

Choosing a water-based emulsion for walls

The composition of water-based paints varies. Some are intended only for indoor use, and even then they are unstable, and walls painted with them quickly lose their attractive appearance. Others are intended for outdoor use and, after painting, walls can maintain the desired quality for years. In this regard, the choice of colors is determined by what is expected of it.

Water is used as the basis for any water-based emulsion. The substance consists of polymer or mineral particles. When dyeing, water evaporates, and these particles are able to form a film. Similar coloring compositions can be as follows:

  • Mineral water emulsion . Their manufacturing technology requires the presence of lime or white cement. Good property is excellent adhesion to almost any surface. But the fact that they burn out quickly can be considered a disadvantage. They are easily damaged, and when touched they can be wiped off. Their price is low, but they are still not very popular.
  • Silicate paint . The composition of such paints is characterized by the presence liquid glass. It is this that gives such compositions special resistance to the effects of external factors. At the same time, the wall acquires excellent vapor permeability and lasts for almost 10 years after painting.
  • Paint on acrylic base . The paint lies smoothly on the surface and is even capable of healing small cracks. It will hide such flaws if the wall preparation is not done well enough. If the paint does not contain additives, it is highly hygroscopic. By the way, because of this, you can only work with it in dry rooms. If latex is added to such paint, it acquires water-repellent properties. This makes it possible to use it in rooms with excess moisture. Its disadvantage is the low ability to transmit steam. In this case, the surface may become covered with condensation. The price for such paints is average and today they are considered to be the best of the entire range of products of this type.
  • Silicone water emulsion . Such paints are new and similar products have appeared on the market quite recently. When painting, a fairly dense film is created. It has the ability to heal deep cracks. On a positive note is that such paints are capable of transmitting steam. The disadvantages include their high cost.

Choosing the right composition is only half the battle. We still need to decide on the manufacturer. There are several options here. It is better to give preference famous brands. It's better to pay more than to repaint it later.

When making your choice, you should pay attention to indicators related to the volume and consumption of paint. The dimensional value of the flow rate is g/m2. U different colors it may differ significantly. For example, expensive paints have low consumption. By comparing the volume of the room with the volume and consumption of paint, it is not difficult to calculate how much of it will be needed.

Preparing the walls

Before starting work, the walls must be prepared. It is advisable to achieve perfect flat surface walls. The surface must be puttied or covered with wallpaper intended for painting. If the wall was previously painted with oil paint or has whitewash, it cannot be coated with water-based emulsion. The surface is first cleaned.

Removing paint

To remove old water-based emulsion, the wall should be wet hot water. This can be done using a roller. After 5 minutes, similar actions must be repeated. After the second pass, the coating usually begins to swell, after which it can be easily removed with a spatula. Some difficult areas are wetted again.

We fill in defects and putty

When working with water-based emulsions, you must immediately get rid of the idea that such paint will hide defects; on the contrary, it will only emphasize them. The only exception is silicone emulsion. It will still be able to hide small flaws on the surface of the walls. But it is better to prepare the wall as it should be.

First, the recesses and cracks are puttied. After this they are primed. Before puttying, the crack is artificially expanded and everything that can fall off in the future is removed. Then everything must be thoroughly cleaned and all irregularities smoothed out.


The choice of primer depends on what kind of paint will be used in the future. If applicable acrylic paint, which means you need to take an acrylic primer. The primer is applied with a roller.

Priming will ensure that the paint adheres better. In addition, the consumption of paint itself is reduced. The primer closes the pores, resulting in a reduced absorbent surface area.

Technology and rules of painting

In the basic version, the color of the water emulsion is white. It can be easily changed by adding a certain color. Currently, more than 200 shades can be obtained this way.

Tinting can be done directly in the store, where it will be done in special machine, or you can buy the necessary pigment and do it yourself. The difference is that self-cooking is approximate and the color is determined “by eye”, but in the machine this is done using a special program.

The process of mixing paint with pigment is carried out in one go. In the future, preparing the same shade will be problematic, even for a car. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the composition with some reserve.

If you choose the color yourself, then first the paint is diluted a little with water. Usually it initially has a thick consistency. Then color is gradually added to it in a thin stream. This can be done manually using a wooden spatula, but it is better to do it using a drill with a special attachment.

The tool should operate at very low speeds. Mix everything thoroughly until the desired shade is obtained. You can’t start painting right away. You have to wait a little - the foam should settle.

What is the best roller to use?

Rollers differ in the material used to make them.

  • Foam rubber . The price for such products is insignificant. Their disadvantage is that they can absorb too much paint. As a result, bubbles may form on the walls. The wall will be rough after painting. It is better if there is a roller of the highest density. True, finding such a product on sale is not at all easy.
  • Velours . Rare item. Velor has a slight ability to absorb, so when painting a wall it will have to be dipped into paint a little more often than rollers made from other materials. But the paint goes on very smoothly.
  • Pile . Such a roller would be the best option. The length of the pile affects the thickness of the paint layer. Often rollers are made from natural fur. Such products have a significant service life. A fluffy roller is best suited when working with wallpaper to be painted. But it is better not to use furry products, there is too much splashing.

Painting process

Before painting, the baseboards must be removed. If this is not the case, then they should be glued masking tape. This fully applies to window sills and platbands. Masking tape will also be needed to mark the boundaries of painting on the wall. If the ceiling is already painted, then it would be a good idea to stick tape on it as well. Otherwise, it can simply get dirty.

There is one caveat here. The tape must be removed immediately after painting. Otherwise, the paint on it may dry out. If this happens, it will be very difficult to tear it off.

Paint is poured into a paint tray. The roller is equipped with a handle of sufficient length. This is necessary so that it is possible to paint right up to the ceiling. What to attach to the roller, everyone will decide for themselves. A wooden stick or plastic tube can serve as this.

To begin the painting process, select one of the corners. You will have to go through the corner itself not with a roller, but with a brush. Select one of the corners under the ceiling base. Then the roller is dipped into the paint composition, wrung out on the pallet platform and smoothly moved up and down the wall. The upper limit of painting will be the ceiling. At the same time, several step into the already painted areas. This technique eliminates the possibility of the formation of boundaries between the painted areas.

The time it takes for water-based paint to “set” is 10 - 15 minutes. Therefore, all work is carried out very quickly.

They begin to paint the second corner when there remains a distance the width of a roller to it. If painting the adjacent wall will be carried out immediately, then you can paint this corner as well.

If the walls were previously puttied, then the paint is applied in three layers. Each subsequent layer is started only when the previous layer is completely dry.

The drying time of the paint is usually indicated on the can and is usually from 2 to 4 hours. But if water-based emulsion is intended to be applied to wallpaper for painting, then one layer is sufficient.

Now you know how to paint walls with water-based paint. Design, photos, ideas and videos should help you decide on all the questions in order to do everything yourself, but if you have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.

Painting the walls is the main stage cosmetic repairs. The procedure is quite simple and does not require the involvement of specialists. In order for painting walls with water-based paint to be successful, you need to know how to choose the right everything you need and carry out the work yourself.

The main rule is not to buy anything on the market. In addition to the risk of purchasing counterfeit products of low quality, materials in such places are stored incorrectly. Water-based compositions freeze at low temperatures, and after defrosting they lose their quality.

To choose the right water emulsion, you need to pay attention to the following:

You will also need consumables:

  • Primer. Provides high level adhesion of paint to the wall. In addition, thanks to the use of a primer, smudges will not appear on the walls. It must be made on the same basis as the paint. That is, for acrylic paint you need an acrylic primer, for silicate paint - a silicate one.
  • Sandpaper. Required for grinding the surface before work.
  • Putty. If there are a large number of defects, starting and finishing putty will be required. If there are few defects, then only the finishing coat is sufficient.
  • Polyethylene film. It can be used to cover the floor and bulky furniture that is difficult to remove from the room to protect it from the composition.
  • Masking tape. Serves to limit areas for painting and secure the film.

Some consumables, such as polyethylene or masking tape, are not required for painting, but it will be difficult to work without them

Required Tools

Most often, the compositions are applied to the wall with a roller. There are several types of this tool that are used to paint walls with water-based paint without streaks:

  1. Foam rubber. The simplest and cheap look, but due to the fact that foam rubber absorbs a large number of composition, microscopic bubbles may form on the surface. It is better to opt for a roller with a high density.
  2. Velor. Such products are difficult to find in non-specialized stores. Velor is a dense material, so it absorbs relatively a small amount of paints. Thanks to this feature, the tool practically does not splash the composition, but it needs to be dipped in paint quite often.
  3. Fur. In this case we're talking about about rollers made of natural or artificial fur. There is practically no difference between them, only natural ones last longer. This option is considered traditional for painting walls.

Using a simple tool you can create different coating textures

It is also important to determine the size of the tool. In most cases, it is better to choose the longest possible rollers to make the painting process faster. But before buying, it is better to weigh the tool in your hand and take into account that paintwork will make it even heavier.

In addition, painting with water-based paint requires brushes for treating hard-to-reach places, a painting tray with a grooved surface, and a mixer for stirring the material. You also need to prepare a stepladder in advance if the ceilings are high, and work clothes.

Preparatory work

Before painting walls with water-based paint, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces. The fact is that this paint is not suitable for finishing walls treated with whitewash or oil paint.

Removing old whitewash and paint

If the layer of whitewash is thick, then it will be necessary to make many shallow cuts over the entire area of ​​the wall, moisten the surface generously with water and leave for half an hour. After this, wet the coating again and wait until it gets wet. Then simply remove the whitewash with a spatula, and at the end wash the walls with a sponge. If the layer is small, then you can do without notches.

After wetting, whitewash can be easily removed using a metal spatula

If the walls were previously painted with water-based paint, then the process of removing it is the same as in the case of whitewashing. But if oil paint was used, it is more difficult to remove the coating. In most cases it helps construction hair dryer: Use it to heat the surface, then scrape off the material with a spatula.

If the paint is too old, a hair dryer may not help. Then removal technology is used using chemical removers. You need to open all the windows and doors in the apartment to create a draft, put on work clothes, rubber gloves and a respirator. Dampen a rag in the solvent, treat the surface with it, wait the specified time and wash the material off the wall. This process must be repeated until a clean base remains.

The safest way to remove oil paint in all respects is to use a hair dryer.

Also, before painting walls with water-based paint, it is permissible to use mechanical methods of removing paint. The simplest is sanding the surface manually or using a grinder. If you have it on hand necessary tools, then you can use a drill with an attachment in the form of chains or a crown for drilling socket boxes.

Puttying and priming

If the walls are perfectly smooth and there are not a single crack on them, then you can skip this point. But, as practice shows, such situations happen rarely; more often preparation is required. It is necessary to tap the wall with a hammer to identify weak points, then inspect the surface and pick out cracks with a spatula to remove small fragments from them. If large potholes have formed, they are sealed with cement-sand mortar. Then the starting putty is applied to the entire area with a spatula; after drying, the surface must be primed and a thin layer of finishing putty must be applied. Finally, the walls are treated sandpaper or a grinder.

Perfect alignment Puttying walls is a difficult task, so it’s better to hire professionals

On a note! The primer is applied using a roller mainly in two layers, and the second layer should be applied only after the first has completely dried. In addition to increasing adhesion, this material helps reduce paint consumption.


After all preparatory work and purchasing materials and tools, you can proceed to the main stage. The following will describe how to properly paint walls with water-based paint.

Preparation of the composition

Immediately before starting work, you need to open the container with paint and add some water to it so that the paint is not so thick. Next you need to add color. To carry out this operation yourself, you need to have experience, so it is better to tint the composition in the store. It is better to mix the material using an electric drill and a mixer attachment, but if you don’t have a tool at hand, you can get by with any thin, long object. You need to prepare an amount of paint that is enough to finish one wall, so the difference in shades will be almost imperceptible.

On small volumes, white water-based paint can be tinted manually, but large areas It’s better to use automation, otherwise there will be discrepancies in shades

Applying paint with hand tools

Painting with water-based paints occurs as follows: the prepared material must be poured into a painting tray, dip a brush into it and paint hard to reach places near the ceiling. Then you should wet the roller in the paint and squeeze it on the grooved surface of the tray. It is better to start painting from the top; to do this, press the roller to the surface and roll it over the wall. In this way, the entire surface is painted, and after it dries, a second layer is applied.

A paint cuvette with a corrugated spin field will significantly save paint.

Spray application

  • The paint is poured into the container and the equipment is connected.
  • Point the nozzle at an unnecessary sheet of plywood or cardboard and press the button. This must be done so that the paint flow becomes uniform.
  • Then, pointing the nozzle perpendicular to the surface and placing it 30–50 cm from it, you need to press the button and move the device from top to bottom. You should work at a speed of 1 meter per 5 seconds.
  • So you need to paint the entire wall, and after drying, apply a second layer perpendicular to the first.

The speed of painting with a spray gun is several times higher than the manual version, but such work requires a certain skill

At this point, painting with a water-based composition with your own hands is completed. If, after the material has dried, stains appear on the walls, it is necessary to apply another layer. If this does not help, you will have to remove the coating and carry out the entire procedure again.

Number of paint layers

According to the work technology, it is necessary to apply at least two layers of paint. This is primarily due to the fact that some of the paint will be absorbed into the surface, causing the base to show through. Therefore, you should not waste a large amount of material on the first layer. It is also important to note that the next layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

When painting in multiple layers, each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one, but the last layer should be located parallel to the light from the window

On a note! The number of layers also depends on the color of the base and paint. If the material is lighter than the wall, then at least three layers will be required.

Creating a textured surface

Very often, water-based emulsions are used to create a textured painted coating. For these purposes, you will need a viscous material that cannot be diluted with water. You will also need a roller with stiff bristles. middle length, lint-free roller and sponge. At the first stage, use a roller with a hard coat, apply paint to the wall and fill all the pores. Then the protruding parts of the texture are finished with a lint-free roller or sponge. Often, paint of a different color is used.

Simple fleecy rollers can produce quite interesting textures.

Creating texture using a coloring composition

To create a textured surface, you can use paint without first plastering the wall. If you only have a regular roller at hand, you need to dip it into the viscous material and quickly roll it over the surface. After drying, you will get a pattern with pores and textured stains. If you first dilute the composition a little, you will get a more blurry pattern. Along with the paint, you can use special rollers with flaps or cutouts.

Important! When creating a textured surface, a large amount of material is consumed.

The texture of the water-based emulsion can be applied either manually or with a special roller

Features of painting wet rooms

Water-based compositions are easily dissolved by water, so during repair work The question arises: how to properly paint walls in wet rooms? The main condition for painting with this material is the presence of high-quality forced ventilation. If we are talking about the kitchen, then you can paint only those walls that are located away from the countertop for cooking, gas stove and shells. It is better to cover this area tiles. After the material has dried, it is recommended to varnish the walls.

For wet areas washable water-dispersion compositions based on latex or acrylate are used

As for the bathroom, it is better to use water-based emulsion only if a shower stall is installed. The fact is that even with good ventilation, a large amount of steam will form in the bathroom, which negatively affects the coating.

Painting walls with water-based paint yourself is a fairly simple procedure. For the result to meet your expectations, it is enough to follow the above recommendations and carefully read the label on the package. We also recommend watching the video.

The demand and popularity of high-quality water-based paints is due to several undeniable advantages and ease of application.

IN last years The most commonly used category is water-based paints, which have a very affordable cost.

5 advantages and 1 disadvantage of water-based paint

The demand and popularity of high-quality water-based paints is due to several undeniable advantages:

Pay attention to these points when choosing paint

A significant number of different water-based paints can confuse any consumer. For painting walls and ceiling surface necessary use only quality paint and when choosing, pay close attention to the following features:

  • paint composition;
  • standard flow;
  • degree of viscosity;
  • index specific gravity;
  • expiration date and storage rules.

Optimal indicators characterizing quality paint material, look like this:

  • the composition must include latex, filler, thickener and antiseptic additives;
  • standard paint consumption for one paint layer is from 150 to 200 ml per square meter surfaces;
  • The optimal viscosity indicator when applying paint with a brush is 40-45 s. and no more than 20-25 when using a paint sprayer;
  • a good specific gravity indicator is within 1.35.

Complete drying time depends largely on temperature regime and humidity levels, the basic indicators of which are +20°C and 65%. Any displacements from this level allow you to obtain a drying time range from two hours to a day.

In addition, it is possible to choose a material depending on the polymer it contains. Water-based paints can be acrylic, silicone, silicate and mineral.

A significant number of different water-based paints can confuse any consumer.

4 ways to remove old paint

The most moisture-unresistant paints belong to the category of water-based paints for walls and ceiling coverings, based on the use of polyvinyl acetate. Removing such paints is not difficult and it is enough to use a sponge, as well as any detergent.

Removing such paints is not difficult and it is enough to use a sponge, as well as any detergent.

To remove acrylic paints after wetting the surface, you must use a spatula or remove the soaked paint using a disc angle grinder.

One of the most effective means by removal old paint is covering the surface to be cleaned with newspapers using standard wallpaper glue. After complete drying, newspapers with paint can be removed quite easily. It is possible to remove old paint using a chisel or gradually annealing all painted fragments using a hair dryer.

However, the most modern and in a convenient way is the use of a special remover on chemical basis, which, after application, contributes to the destruction of all layers of paint. They can easily remove paint from walls.

How do master painters paint walls?

Just before the start painting works The paint should be thoroughly mixed until smooth. If according to the instructions the paint used is to be diluted with water, then this condition must be met, since such manipulations contribute to a more uniform distribution of the composition over the surface. In addition, if the desired shade does not match the tone of the purchased paint, then you should purchase a color designed for use with water-based paints.

The surface to be painted should be as smooth as possible. Regardless of whether the wall or ceiling is to be painted, all surfaces are puttyed if necessary and then treated with a high-quality primer.

To obtain the desired shade, dilute a small amount of paint, apply it to the cardboard and dry. Only after these steps will it be possible to determine the correctness of the resulting color.

The surface to be painted should be as smooth as possible in order to paint the walls without streaks. Regardless of whether the wall or ceiling is to be painted, all surfaces are puttyed if necessary and then treated with a high-quality primer.

The optimal solution for painting walls

The room should be as free as possible before painting. The surface of the walls should be puttied and washed very thoroughly. It is recommended to carry out all work using a respirator, safety glasses and work gloves.

When painting already puttied walls, it is advisable to apply the paint in three layers, of which the first will be primer. Painting walls over wallpaper can only be done in two layers. The process of step-by-step painting occurs by applying parallel stripes in the direction from window opening. The most effective way to paint the surface of walls is with the help of special equipment. The best option -using a spray gun. Such equipment is characterized by high productivity and has the ability to cover a large area for painting during operation.

If used manual method When painting walls, preference should be given to a wide brush with a size of at least ten centimeters. The bristles of such a brush are immersed in the paint by one third. All excess paint is removed by pressing the brush against the wall of the container. The work is performed with short movements of vertical and horizontal directions and from top to bottom.

It is possible to paint walls using a roller, which allows you to complete the work most quickly and efficiently. Using a roller requires applying more layers of paint. In addition to the roller, a special tray is always used, which helps to evenly distribute the paint over the entire surface of the roller.

How to paint the ceiling as evenly as possible?

The most important moment when painting a ceiling surface is to apply the paint as evenly as possible. For this purpose, a high-quality wide roller is used, which must be completely covered with a layer of paint. Only after rolling the paint roller along the construction tray You can apply paint to the ceiling surface.

A high-quality wide roller is used, which must be completely covered with a layer of paint. Only after rolling the paint roller along the construction tray can you apply paint to the ceiling surface.

The dominant principle of painting the ceiling surface is to apply water-based paint in extremely even parallel stripes. The characteristic difference is that each subsequent strip of paint overlaps the previous one by two or three centimeters.

It should be borne in mind that you can get a high-quality painted ceiling by applying at least three layers of paint, and the thinner each layer is, the more uniform and even the ceiling surface will be.

After the main area of ​​the ceiling surface has been painted with a roller, it is necessary to paint over all hard-to-reach places - joints and corners - with a thin brush.

The most important thing when painting a ceiling with any type of water-based paint is to follow the direction in which the material is applied. The basic rule when applying the finishing coat of paint is to direct all movements towards the main light source in the room. This is the principle of painting helps to perfectly disguise all minor defects and qualitatively level out any inhomogeneities characteristic of the coating structure, and most importantly, this can be done independently with your own hands.

After the main area of ​​the ceiling surface has been painted with a roller, it is necessary to paint over all hard-to-reach places - joints and corners - with a thin brush. The quality of the painting can be assessed only after the applied water-based paint has completely dried.

How much will you have to spend on the material?

  • water-based ceiling paint white - from 414 RUR. for 14 kg;
  • water-based ceiling paint super white - from RUB 574. for 14 kg;
  • water-based paint for walls and ceilings, white - from RUB 511. for 14 kg;
  • water-based interior paint white - from 630 rub. for 14 kg;
  • water-based paint for walls and ceilings, super white - from RUB 624. for 14 kg;
  • water-based interior moisture-resistant paint - from RUB 732. for 14 kg;
  • decorative structural crack-resistant paint - from RUB 1,032. for 16 kg;
  • textured water-based paint - from 1010 rubles. for 16 kg.

How much will the masters charge you for this work?

  • wall putty for painting - 210 rub. per m²;
  • sanding walls after putty - 70 rubles. per m²;
  • primer of walls for paint - 45 RUR. per m²;
  • painting walls 1/2/3 layers - from 80/160/240 rub. per m²;
  • preparing walls for paint, including putty + stripping + primer - 310 rubles;
  • ceiling painting 1/2/3 layers - from 110/200/280 rub. per m²;
  • stripping of old paint - from 140 rubles. per m²;
  • ceiling putty for paint - from 320 rubles. per m²;
  • ceiling primer - 45 rub. per m²;
  • ceiling polishing - 110 rub. per m²;
  • complex work with the ceiling - from 320 rubles. per m².

Video instruction

When decorating a living space, the main point is the decoration of the walls, because depending on their appearance the style of the room will be determined. Construction companies offer a huge range of finishing materials on the market. Their choice is a matter of taste and material capabilities. This article will talk about more in an economical way repairs, and specifically - how to paint walls with water-based paint with your own hands. The work itself is perhaps the easiest part of home renovation. But it’s risky to immediately grab a paint roller and start painting without being armed with knowledge. Although the matter is not complicated, it has its pitfalls and small nuances. If you decide to use water-based paint on the walls, read the answers to some questions, they will be discussed.

What is water emulsion

As the name of the material suggests, it is water, or rather water base. The main coloring elements are microparticles of minerals and polymers. When applied to the surface, water, as is known, evaporates, and the remaining microelements remain on the wall in the form of a film. The properties of this film determine the color, quality and durability of the coating. And the properties themselves depend on the composition, so when buying paint, you first need to familiarize yourself with it. The cheapest mixture will be one containing white cement and lime. It fits perfectly on any surface, but it won’t last long: it will either fade or be erased. If you are interested in a more expensive option, then you need to look for paint with a silicone composition. It will last a long time and will drag on small cracks in the wall. Acrylic paint is perfect for both the bathroom and dry rooms. It also heals microcracks, and to use it in the bathroom, you need to add latex to the solution, which will add water-repellent properties.

This material has an average price range, but the downside is that the paint does not allow moisture to pass through, and condensation will form on the surface. The most durable paint contains liquid silicone glass. Excellent retention of properties external treatment buildings in any weather conditions, and therefore the surface will have to be repainted only after ten years. The durability and quality of the chosen paint also depends on the manufacturer. You can save money on the manufacturer, but as they say, the stingy pays twice, or even three times, and after a few months you will have to paint it again. You should also take into account the material consumption, and it is different for each brand.

How to prepare a wall

This issue must be approached most responsibly. If, for example, when wallpapering walls, small irregularities are hidden and become unnoticeable, then when painting, even the smallest errors will stand out even more, thereby spoiling the whole appearance rooms.

It is strictly not recommended to apply water emulsion to old oil paint. It is necessary to get rid of such old coating, and although this is quite a difficult job, it can be done with your own hands. Thanks to incredible work and a lot of trial and error, experts found the most effective way: removing old paint with a crown for drilling sockets. The attachment is installed on the drill, and the unnecessary material scatters into small pieces, producing a minimum of dust and a good preparation speed. You can use chemically, but this is not the most the best option. This type of remover is expensive, poisonous and will only remove one layer. And if the paint is multi-layered, then a large amount of chemicals will be used. Another option is to clean the coating with a wire brush. The principle is the same as when cleaning with a crown, but much more dust is generated. You are lucky if the old coating is whitewash. With a spatula, everything that can be cleaned off is cleaned off, and the remaining lime is generously moistened with water using a roller and after 4-5 minutes is completely cleaned off.

Usually, after the second time of wetting with water, the lime lags behind the wall and swells, after which it can be easily removed with a spatula. When the removal is complete, you need to treat the surface well with water. When removing old emulsion coating, the same method is used, except for one thing: the water must be hot. Even with small irregularities, the entire result can come to naught. To achieve a smooth and even surface, it is necessary to putty. The first step is to remove cracks and grooves. The crack is first widened with a spatula, and specifically with its angle; everything that may fall off is cleaned off and treated with a primer. When the soil is dry, you can proceed directly to the putty. This process can be easily done with your own hands using a spatula. You will have to use a solution of cement and sand if the plaster falls off in a large piece. For better setting, the unevenness is moistened with water and sealed with a solution. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until the patch dries. After all the errors have been processed, the remaining surface of the walls must be puttied. This is done, as a rule, for smoothness and in order to achieve the same color of the surface being painted. But before puttying you need to go through a primer. This is where tools such as a tray and a roller come in handy.

How to prepare putty

This one by itself construction material is a dry, flour-like powder. It is usually packaged and sold in bags. The cooking technology is quite simple, and there are practically no difficulties when doing it yourself. Take a container into which water is poured, and with constant stirring, the powder is poured out. You should get a homogeneous creamy mass without lumps. There are several types of dry mixture. The most common is gypsum. This material is easy to work with and there is no shrinkage. The downside is the lack of water resistance. Cement putty is perfect for damp rooms, but its shrinkage is quite large. Polymer powder incorporates all the advantages and no disadvantages of the two materials described above, but because of this it is quite expensive. The powder is coarse-grained. It is used for starting work and when sealing the surface with a layer of more than 5 millimeters.

There is also a powder with fine grains - with its help, a final smooth layer is applied, ready for further processing. After the walls have completely dried, it is advisable to go over them with sandpaper or a special sanding mesh. This will remove the slightest irregularities. The final stage Preparation for direct painting is a primer or sticker of special paintable wallpaper. You should know that if paint is applied to wallpaper, one layer will be enough. If you paint a putty surface, you will have to apply 2-3 layers of water emulsion. The primer will reduce the consumption of the painting solution, since it slightly fills the pores in the coating, and the absorbency of the wall becomes less. By the way, the wallpaper may not be smooth, but with various relief patterns, which will allow you to create a rather original and beautiful interior.

Preparing paint for use

Typically, the color of water emulsion paint is white, but almost all manufacturers allow you to create any color scheme. To create the required color, it is necessary to add a tint - a special coloring composition - to the emulsion. You can paint it yourself, or you can use a special apparatus. When adding color to an aqueous emulsion with your own hands, the color is determined “by eye”; the device contains programs by which it measures the required volume of coloring substances. But even a machine will not be able to recreate exactly the same shade a second time, and this is not possible at all on your own, so you need to paint the entire volume of paint at once, or even better, prepare it even more in order to be sure to complete the job in one go.

If the work is done with your own hands, then first the usual clean water you need to dilute the color, as it usually has a thicker consistency. Then put a clean attachment on the drill or, using a stick, start constantly stirring the paint at slow speeds and pour the coloring matter into the container in a thin stream. At this time, you need to monitor the shade, and when you get the desired one, stop pouring the color, continuing stirring for a couple more minutes. If foam forms during this operation, you need to give it time to settle.

Painting process

A variety of paint rollers can be used for this process. The most suitable option is to use fluffy tools. With their help you can get any layer of paint, depending on the length of the pile itself. You should not use anything too shaggy when painting at all. smooth walls– there is a chance of causing too much unnecessary splashing on the surface. The pile is made from both real and faux fur. For a water emulsion, it is better to take an artificial one; however, it will last less, but it is cheaper. You can use a velor tool, but you will have to try to find it. It is usually sold only in specialized stores. The downside is that it needs to be immersed in emulsion very often, because its absorbent properties are small due to its density, but the paint lays down very smoothly. Well, the cheapest ones are foam rollers. Essentially, this is a sponge, and as you know, it absorbs a lot, and when working, a lot of bubbles form on the surface. Because of this, the finished result will be rough and uneven. If the sponge is good, of great hardness, then the result of the work will be very good. Before you start painting, you need to protect window sills or baseboards from accidental staining. For protection, regular paper tape is used. The same tape should also be used to protect the ceilings if they have already been repaired and painted. If you need to paint only some part of the wall, then paper adhesive tape will also come in handy. First you need to draw a border with a pencil and stick tape along the border.

Another point with adhesive tape: it is very difficult to tear it off the surface without damage if the emulsion that gets on it hardens. Therefore, it must be removed immediately after painting. If you are painting wallpaper with a small, shallow pattern, then a fleecy roller with a pile length of 6 to 14 millimeters will be most convenient. So, the paint is ready, the desired color is diluted, pour the composition into the painting container. You can attach a longer handle to the painting tool so that you can reach the highest points of the surface to be painted. Under no circumstances should roller movements be performed in zigzags! Only up and down.

The beginning of painting is one of the corners, which needs to be painted with a brush, grabbing 5 centimeters of paint in each direction from it. You also need to use a brush to go through the corner directly under the ceiling. Next, the roller soaked in the emulsion is pressed against the upper surface and moved up and down. The operation is repeated in increments of 5-8 centimeters so that the painted surface is also captured. When there remains a distance equal to the width of the roller to the next corner, take a brush and perform the operation described above. This method can eliminate the appearance of boundaries that will be visible when drying. You need to paint quickly and in one go, since the water emulsion dries quickly enough, and a visible border of a different color may form. If it is necessary to apply a second layer, then you need to wait about 3-4 hours, and after the specified time has passed, start working.

Water-based wall paint has characteristics that allow you to achieve high results from painting the walls in your apartment. For any room you can choose suitable look paints. For example, in rooms with high humidity it is recommended to use acrylic water-based coatings. To paint the walls in the apartment, polyvinyl chloride paints are also used, suitable only for dry rooms.

There are many ways to decorate walls and ceilings, and water-based paint is so harmless and breathable that it can be used in the kitchen and living room interior. If you properly prepare the surface and mix the water-based coating with the color according to the instructions, painting the walls will not be difficult even for a beginner.

Preparation before painting

The process must begin with surface preparation. To do this, the walls in the apartment must be primed and puttied. You cannot apply water-based emulsion to an uneven wall. The only exception is textured painting, but most often a simple glossy finish is used in repairs.

Make sure in advance that the paint does not leave streaks. You can check it by dipping a brush into the product. Good paint It won't drip, but the quality of the brush also matters.

You only need to use a clean brush or roller. The pile should not come out or crumble. Perfect option- fur roller. It colors the surface evenly, the product adheres well to it, and there is no lint left on the wall.

To paint the walls in an apartment with water-based paint, you will need both a roller and a brush. If you wish, you can use a spray gun, but for a beginner it is better to use a paint roller.

To prepare water-based paint you will need:

  • Water;
  • White water-based paint;
  • Color;
  • Construction mixer.

First you need to mix water with white paint and achieve a uniform consistency. For mixing, use a mixer or a special whisk, but in some situations it is permissible to mix with your own hands. The paint is absolutely harmless to the skin, so there will be no harm from getting it on your hands. But it is more convenient to use construction tools designed for mixing.

Then you need to add color to the white base. It can be any color.

When adding color, two things must be taken into account: the final mixture must be uniform in color and without streaks, and its quantity cannot be less than what is required at one time.
It is impossible to create an identical color for painting a second time.

Painting walls with water-based paint

After preparing the walls for painting, you can begin the main process. Water-based paint should be applied in two or three layers with a roller or brush. Sold for roller various attachments, some of them will help to get the effect of a rough wall.

Wallpaper in an apartment should be painted in three layers. For a smooth prepared wall, two applications are sufficient. Horizontal strokes should be alternated with vertical ones. The final coat of paint should be applied with a roller only vertically.

Water-based paint is convenient for finishing, but it must be applied very quickly, without allowing the previous stroke to dry. Photos of wall painting confirm that delay can lead to uneven color on the surface, which greatly spoils the interior. Since the room must be painted at least twice, the second coat can be done only after the previous layer has completely dried.

To paint walls with water-based paint, you need a small amount of mixture.

To paint the walls in small room, 10 liters of paint is enough.
You can cover the ceilings and walls throughout the apartment: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bedroom. You cannot skimp on the quality of finishing materials. A budget option often spent in more, and the finishing result does not meet expectations.

Even when using a roller for painting, do not ignore the brush. You will need it when you have to paint hard-to-reach places in the apartment. These are corners, niches, surfaces behind radiators.

Water-based paint is used to create modern interiors. Ways to achieve interesting design there is a lot in the apartment, but with the help of this paint it is easier to create unique design independently and in a short time.

Design ideas

For interior design, you can use either one paint color or several. The simplest design option is to paint the walls with water-based paint of the same color. This method of finishing will not look boring if you play with color and shade saturation.

Painting surfaces in different colors decorates the interior without overloading it. Accent design is used in the kitchen and living room to zone the space or simply dilute calm tones with a bright spot.

Unusual wall decor can be created by simulating the presence of colored panels. Painting is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the wall must be completely painted in one color;
  • When the surface is dry, future “panels” of various shapes should be marked on it;
  • Using water-based paint of a different color, preferably a contrasting one, you should paint over the selected areas over the first layer of paint;
  • After drying, you can use additional decor to highlight the design of the colored inserts.

For interior design, dividing the wall in two is also used. different colors. The line where two different colors covered with planks and borders; almost any materials are suitable for decoration. With their help, you can not only decorate the interior, but also hide the results of unsuccessful painting of walls with water-based paint.

To avoid small mistakes in horizontal painting, it is recommended to use tools and devices that will help draw a straight line.

Striped walls are a bolder finishing option. It is often used in the living room and kitchen. The children's room is also transformed by the presence of bright stripes in the interior. You can draw stripes horizontally or vertically, any colors will do.

It is better to stick with wide stripes, as narrow ones are more difficult to apply with a roller yourself, and painting will take a lot of time. The end result of finishing with narrow stripes is not always pleasing, since they are only visible up close, and from the outside the surface appears blurry.

Unusual painting ideas

There are more extravagant and modern methods interior decoration in the apartment. For finishing of increased complexity, special skills will be required, accurate calculations and attentiveness. For example, to paint checkered walls in the kitchen yourself, you will need to apply paint several times over the dried layer using building level and masking tape.

Patchwork style decor also looks great in the kitchen and living room. Decorating a room in this way is a little easier, since the squares are large in shape and can be easily painted using a paint roller. But before finishing begins, preparation will still be required: in order to evenly apply water-based paint, you need to mark the wall.