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» How to clean a stretch ceiling correctly. Caring for stretch fabric ceilings: how to remove stains and wash after repair Is it possible to clean a stretch ceiling

How to clean a stretch ceiling correctly. Caring for stretch fabric ceilings: how to remove stains and wash after repair Is it possible to clean a stretch ceiling

/ How to care for fabric ceilings?

How to care for fabric ceilings?

Stretch ceilings may not require any attention for several years. But, no matter how much time has passed, the ceiling will have to be cleaned. Caring for film stretch coatings is quite simple and is described in. But with fabric coverings, things are a little different.

What is the difference between film and cloth

The main care for fabric stretch ceilings will be to regularly clean them with a vacuum cleaner. Wet cleaning will only require heavy pollution.

Dust is not attracted to fabric sheets, due to the antistatic effect, but sometimes there are situations in which it is necessary to clean them of dust.

Most often, such cleaning will be required if work was carried out in the room during which construction dust occurs - drilling, wall chasing, and so on. In the fabric coating, there are micropores that are clogged with this construction dust. It is this dust that needs to be collected with a vacuum cleaner.

Another difference between film coatings and those made of fabric will be the texture. Fabricated or polyester canvas coatings have only a matte surface, which does not show streaks.

Washing them is a little easier than those made from film, but they also have a serious drawback - due to the special structure of the material, water that has fallen on such canvases as a result of flooding by neighbors will leave strong stains on them. As a rule, they cannot be removed by anything, since the dirt gets not only on the outer surface, but also penetrates into the material.

General rules

It doesn’t matter what material is used to make the stretch fabric - there is general rules that must be observed when caring for them.

All rings, bracelets and jewelry from the hands must be removed before working on the ceiling. So there will be no risk of damaging the surface of the ceiling.

Use abrasive detergents, like powders, soda and other things, is impossible. The same applies to powerful chemicals. These include all acids, alkalis and solvents.

Before using any detergent, it is better to try its effect on the material, somewhere in the corner, where the tragic consequences of an unsuccessfully chosen product for use will not be so noticeable.

For all types of coatings, plain water is the best detergent.

Apply everything else, it is necessary only when the water did not give the effect.

The next choice should be special means for tension coatings, and everything else - after.

You can’t press hard on the canvas - you can easily tear the tightly stretched fabric.

Different types of pollution will require a different approach to their removal. Dust, as already mentioned, is easily removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner. But with other pollution, you need to act differently.


It would seem - what is difficult to remove the web? It is worth taking a broom and brushing it off, as there is no problem. However, this is the wrong way.

By brushing the web with a broom, you can rub it even harder into the outer layer of the fabric. It is better to take a vacuum cleaner and remove the cobwebs with it. So it will be cleaner and more correct.


They just can't be removed. The wet method is required. For wiping fabric cloths, you can use the same means as for film coatings.

Dishwashing detergents are great.

They need to be applied in a small amount to a damp sponge, and wipe the spot with a stain.

If the spots could not be removed in this way, you will have to use stronger means.

The most common means of dealing with stubborn stains on stretched canvases is ammonia. You need a 10% solution of this substance. Having moistened a sponge or a napkin with it, gently wipe the place on which there is an intractable stain.

Usually, such processing is enough, and no additional care for fabric stretch ceilings is required.

Some types of dirt can be removed with soapy water. This is ordinary soap, which is dissolved in a small amount of water. Most types of dirt do not tolerate soap and are easily washed off.


Unfortunately, these stains are very difficult to remove. In most cases, they appear after the flood and rust penetrates the canvas. It is almost never possible to remove them, despite the abundance of "folk" methods.

There is a way out in such a difficult situation. It is not necessary to replace a canvas that has rust stain. Textile ceilings are good because they can be easily repainted.

At the same time, it becomes possible at the same time to bring a new touch to the interior by painting ceiling surface into a different color. You can repeat this up to five times.

It must be remembered that it is better to use acrylic paint, and each subsequent coloring layer, it is better to make it darker than the previous one. Thus, it is possible to reliably hide both stains and flaws made during the past staining.


The most useful device in the house that can be used to care for fabric stretch ceilings is washing vacuum cleaner. It will help both get rid of dust and carry out a more serious cleaning of the surface.

If there is no such unit in the house, a regular vacuum cleaner will do. The nozzle must be selected softer and with a long pile so as not to damage the coating.

When it is not possible to remove the pollution, you can simply repaint such a coating, hiding all existing stains under a layer of paint. But this should not be done too often - the painting resource is not infinite, and after five stainings, the canvas will still have to be replaced.

Each house has its own unique interior. If you used stretch fabric ceilings in your design, you should carefully care for them so that such a design will last for many years. What is the fundamental difference between fabric and PVC film? Tension covers can be washed, including fabric ones, but in the case of PVC film, care is as simple as possible. The film is not afraid of moisture within acceptable limits, so it is often used in areas such as a pool, kitchen or bathroom.

Fabric stretch ceilings require a more careful approach. Firstly, the design does not tolerate mechanical stress. Therefore, you should not press or rub certain places with significant physical effort. Secondly, the structure of the fabric promotes absorption small particles mud. In general, fabric ceilings have an antistatic effect. But if “dirty” work was carried out in the room, dust can penetrate tightly into the pores of the material. If wet, unaesthetic stains may appear on the ceiling, which are very difficult to remove.

Sometimes it happens in apartment buildings the neighbors from above are heating the lower room. If the interior below is decorated with a fabric tension structure, most likely dirty stains cannot be avoided. This is due to the fact that all dust, whitewash, particles of cement, penetrating through the rough surface, are tightly absorbed into the fibers of the material. How to get out of a predicament? Consider in order the methods of care for stretch fabric ceilings.

In order for the stretch ceiling to serve you for a long time, you should properly care for it. If you have to carry out any cleansing actions, remove all jewelry from your hands and wrists: rings, bracelets, watches. This will help to avoid accidental mechanical damage to the coating.

A distinctive feature of fabric stretch ceilings is the possibility of staining. This procedure can be carried out several times. Sooner or later, the interior gets boring and is perceived on an emotional level as a dull monotony. You can get out of a difficult situation very simply - repaint the surface with acrylic paint.

Remember: the basic requirement for long-term preservation fabric stretch ceiling - respect and protection against mechanical impact. All other problems are solved quite simply. If you approach the issue correctly, the fabric can last a very long time.

Rules for the care of stretch ceilings

For long-term fabric preservation, clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner. It is best to use a washing machine, but if this is not available, you can dry clean. This is especially important for web removal. If with normal surface sticky threads can be shaken off with a broom or rags, then with a fabric ceiling this option is categorically excluded. Thus, the fine web will only penetrate deep into the fibers and remain there as a dust accumulator. Therefore, only a vacuum cleaner - there are no other options!

How to remove stains from a fabric stretch ceiling? It depends on the structure of the pollution. In no case should you use abrasive products: soda, alkali, salt, and so on. You can lightly dampen the sponge with soapy water and lightly rub the stain. Usually this is enough. But sometimes it happens that the dirt is deeply eaten into the pores of the fabric. In this case, you can use dish detergent - the composition dissolves fat well and is easily removed from the surface.

Another one works well folk remedy- ammonia. Dampen a small cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the surface. In this way, even complex spots but not rust. A different approach is needed here. You can lightly wipe the stain with natural freshly squeezed lemon juice. The procedure must be repeated several times, wetting the rust as it dries. This is a very powerful tool. But if the stain is too large, only a new stain will help. Moreover, sometimes you have to choose quite dark shade to hide the error. This complicates further changes in the interior. Since repainting the fabric ceiling in a more light tone will not work.

In the most severe cases, you can try to remove the stain with chemical compositions. First, try solutions that are specifically designed for cleaning fabric stretch ceilings. And only in a hopeless case, you can risk using stronger means. But do not immediately work with the stain. Try applying a little solution in an inconspicuous corner and see how the tissue reacts. If discoloration does not occur, or even worse - the destruction of the structure of the fibers, calmly clean the stain.

Can fabrics be washed? stretch ceiling

fabric tension structures quite unpretentious in care. This coating can be cleaned both dry and washed. clean water. How to wash stretch ceilings? Pure water- most The best way wash away any dirt. You just need to slightly moisten the sponge in the liquid and wipe the surface. In no case do not apply strong pressure, otherwise the coating may be damaged.

AT difficult situations add some detergent to the water or ordinary soap. The fabric is very easy to clean, so care is not difficult. With care and regular maintenance, the stretch ceiling will play the role of an original and high-quality interior element in your home, which can be unique and changed at any time, for example, repainted or diversified with new lighting.

Keeping a fabric ceiling is not difficult - follow the basic care requirements and your home will always be beautiful and cozy. It is for this reason that tension structures are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. Make the interior individual and live in cleanliness and comfort.

Matt textures stretch fabrics look impressive in the interior. But sometimes on the surface decorative ceiling stains and other impurities appear. To return the canvas to its original form, you need to know how to clean matte stretch ceilings, what tools to use when working.

Let's start washing

How to wash stretch matte ceilings: ways to remove dirt

Before you start washing the canvas, remove dust from the coating. Stretch ceilings are cleaned in different ways:

It is important not to forget that an incorrectly chosen technique for cleaning decorative surfaces can not only be ineffective, but also hopelessly ruin the canvas.

When caring for stretch ceilings, observe the following rules:

  • apply to clean the surface, only soft sponges made of foam rubber, flaps of flannel fabric, suede napkins;
  • do not use for removal of pollution knives, brushes, scrapers;
  • remove before washing with fingers, rings, bracelets. Any sharp object will damage the coating;
  • if the room is spacious, use a mop for cleaning. Work with the tool carefully, wrapping sharp edges soft cloth.

How to wash a stretch matte ceiling: the nuances

Choice of detergent for washing ceilings

First, choose a safe care product. It is better if these are compositions intended for such surfaces, produced in the form of sprays or aerosols.

For film ceilings, other cleaners are allowed:

  • weakly concentrated soap solution. Use water or dishwashing gel. The main thing is to dissolve the components well;
  • glass cleaner or ammonia diluted with water.

White frosted ceiling in the bedroom

To quickly wash the ceiling and get good result, do the cleaning in several stages:

  • dust off with a dry cloth;
  • fill the container warm water(35-40°C), add detergent, mix well until abundant foam appears;
  • moisten the cloth in the solution, wipe the ceiling surface;
  • change water. Wash the ceiling again to remove stains;
  • wipe the surface of the canvas with a dry cloth.

Glossy ceiling in the room

The glossy canvas has a mirror surface that reflects the light and interior items in the room. To decorative coating it was always clean and shiny, while washing, the following rules are observed:

  1. use glass cleaner or ammonia. They don't leave streaks;
  2. instead of ammonia, compositions are used for cleaning shiny surfaces, which are dissolved according to the instructions;
  3. when the cleaning of the glossy canvas is completed, the ceiling is wiped with a dry microfiber cloth, which also effectively removes stains;
  4. it is forbidden to use abrasive cleaners or compositions containing solvents in the care and cleaning of coatings with a glossy texture.

satin ceiling in the room

Pollution Prevention

To avoid having to wash matte canvases often, follow these recommendations:

  • use the shower in the bathroom carefully so that water splashes do not fly off to the ceiling, or buy a curtain;
  • in the kitchen, install a hood that will prevent grease and soot from getting on the canvas;
  • regularly ventilate rooms with stretch ceilings. Especially in those rooms where condensation often forms.

Ceiling cleaning after repair

We clean the ceiling from dust after repair with a vacuum cleaner

To remove debris and dust left after the repair, use a vacuum cleaner and a soft bristle brush. It is strictly forbidden to use hard brushes, as this can damage the surface.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner to the minimum operating power mode, while the brush is not pressed tightly against the coating, drive it at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the ceiling. When you remove the dust, evaluate the result. If everything is in order, gently wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth. If stains remain, wash the canvas.

Stretch ceilings - a common way of finishing. The coating looks spectacular, provides opportunities for experiments with design. But the surface needs regular cleaning. High-quality care will extend the life of the decorative structure and preserve its appearance.

Video how to wash the stretch ceiling from fat

Stretch ceiling is stylish, beautiful and practical. Such interior decoration does not require particularly careful or scrupulous care. The material used is quite durable and resilient, so for a long time it does not lose its original characteristics. However, fabrics of polyester and PVC technologies also have a certain list of limitations that are beneficial to know when starting cleaning.

Most often used for decorating apartments vinyl film . It can be either glossy or matte. There is no big difference in care between these films. However streaks remain on the glossy finish, which must be polished with a dry cloth, but a matte cloth does not require such a procedure.

PVC film is a product of petrochemical processing, it is an ordinary polyethylene film of different thicknesses and physical and chemical modifications. It has many advantages: it is easy to care for, has a durable color coating, does not deform under natural temperature fluctuations and volumetric mechanical effects, and is an absolutely non-toxic material.

The main disadvantages of the material

But answering the question: is it possible to wash the stretch ceiling? - First of all, you need to remember about the shortcomings of such coverage.

  • The material is deformed at sharp temperature changes: at -300C it becomes brittle and cracks, and at +600C it loses its elasticity and sags.
  • Contact of the canvas with any sharp objects will lead to the formation of holes that cannot be aesthetically repaired. And the pasted application-patch will constantly remind you of an unfortunate incident.
  • The polyorganic composition of the material indicates the solubility of the film in acid and alkali or any similar solvents.

Stretch ceiling cleaning rules

Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, it can be argued that the stretch ceiling can be washed, but only by adhering to strict rules.

  • During cleaning do not use sharp or hard brushes or attack the contamination with abrasive detergents. The canvas can only be washed with a soft flannel cloth or microfiber cloth.
  • Minor or everyday dirt is enough to wipe dry or slightly damp cloth or foam sponge. And whatever traces of wet stains remain, it is necessary to blot the remaining moisture with a dry cloth and polish it.

Advice. Large mechanical efforts when cleaning the ceiling cannot deform the canvas, it is quite elastic, but there is one significant limitation: if there are no sharp objects around, even accidental contact with the fabric can lead to irreversible damage.

Means for cleaning the stretch ceiling

And if there is a hard-to-remove stain, is it possible to wash stretch ceilings and how? Yes, you can! But better moisten the contaminated area in advance and give it time to soak. And only after that, without sudden pressing movements, rub the soiled area.

And if it didn’t wash off with water and a soft cloth, is it worth it to continue the effort or reconcile, try to decorate with an extra spotlight or distract attention bright accent on the opposite wall? Is it possible to wash stretch ceilings when it was not washed the first time, and with what?

At this point, you can use the usual foam solution based on laundry soap. One piece you need to grate, pour hot water and wait for its complete dissolution. This composition is ideal for washing hard-to-clean areas on PVC films.

Advice. If you do not remove the remnants of soap suds, then unsightly stains will remain on the dried surface of glossy coatings. It is necessary not only to thoroughly wash off the foam, but also to polish with a dry cloth.

Cleanliness in the kitchen

The kitchen is a favorite place of any housewife, where she feels like a real queen. A glossy ceiling expands the space and makes any room more artistic and bohemian. He increasingly began to appear on the female territory, as a sign of good taste and well-being. But here the stretch ceiling is especially often subjected to increased aggressive influences. Without stains, grease, dust and fly marks, there is nowhere to go. How to be? Is it possible to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

The main contaminant in the kitchen is fat and soot, which is formed over gas stove if it is not equipped hood. These formations are easily dissolved with the help of fat-soluble dishwashing detergents.

Waste from a splashed juicer, a slipped bone or a flying filling can stick to the ceiling without being noticed. Here, the main goal is to track down the "violator" when he has not yet had time to dry, then any blemish is easily removed with a damp sponge. But if you didn’t notice during the time, you will have to wet the stain in advance and dissolve it. Do not forget to finally polish with a dry cloth.

Superior ceiling cleaners

And if the anti-grease is not washed off? Is it possible to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen with any by special means? Yes, you can! Modern assortment household chemicals has worthy representatives for the care of polyester materials.

They were created on the basis slightly soluble ammonia with the addition of gentle ingredients, which facilitate cleaning in the kitchen and preserve the structure of the material. Such an auxiliary additive as an antistatic agent prevents small particles of dust from attracting to the surface. This composition has a means for washing windows and mirrors. With the help of them you can bring an elegant gloss without any effort.

This question can be asked by a very young hostess who often watches TV. Is it possible to wash stretch ceilings Mr. Proper? it universal remedy, designed for heavy pollution, it contains sufficiently aggressive cleaning agents that allow you to wash stubborn dirt.

However, if not properly dissolved or used in pure form this purifier can damage chemically unstable surfaces, which is the material of the stretch ceiling. For your own peace of mind or possible inaccuracy, it is better to refuse this remedy at the moment.

Advice. When buying any product for cleaning the ceiling, you must carefully study its composition. Acetone is detrimental to PVC film! We must remember this fact once and for all!

And answering all subsequent questions that may arise in the future, is it possible to wash stretch ceilings with some unidentified new agent? We can recommend the following solution. When installing the ceiling, the installer leaves a piece of fabric from which the ceiling is made. Here on it you can test all possible solvents and cleaning agents before applying to the main surface.

This preliminary test will save you nerves and effort without making a costly mistake.

Fabric stretch ceiling

Features of the manufacture of material for this ceiling require more stringent restrictions for its stonecrop.

  • The fabric is made on the basis of polyurethane, which has through micropores that allow air to pass through.
  • The material is not elastic. Mechanical influences on the coating should be very neat and gentle. With heavy physical exertion, the canvas may pop out of the mount.
  • When cleaning the fabric ceiling, do not use hard brushes and coarse washcloths, this can damage the surface.
  • Washing is done with a soft flannel or microfiber cloth.

Attention! When cleaning the fabric ceiling, do not use alcohol-containing products!

Cleaning such a ceiling occurs with a dry or damp cloth. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle is possible, while touching the overlapping surface is not necessary.

Wet cleaning of the fabric ceiling comes with the use of foam solution from laundry soap or washing powder weak concentration. Followed by a thorough rinsing of soap stains. In this case, you can not rub for a long time in one place, but it is better to apply the solution and give time until the pollution is completely dissolved. And only then wash the surface.

Fabric ceiling does not require frequent maintenance. This vapor permeable and hygroscopic material is a more environmentally friendly option for tension ceiling. However, he does not belong in the kitchen!