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» How to paint old tiles. Can tiles be painted? The nuances of using epoxy paint for tiles

How to paint old tiles. Can tiles be painted? The nuances of using epoxy paint for tiles

Here we will look in detail at how and with what to paint tiles in the bathroom, on the walls, in the kitchen and ceramic tiles on the floor. 3 detailed master classes how to repaint old tiles in a different color, or even apply some kind of pattern using a stencil with your own hands!

Old bathroom - BEFORE painting

AFTER painting

  1. Epoxy paint will last longer than water-based, but the latter is easier to use
  2. Important before painting clean the tiles very well, the quality of work depends on this.
  3. The room should be well ventilated and work You must wear a mask. Epoxy paint has a strong smell!!
  4. Tools: roller - for large surfaces, brushes of 2-3 sizes for small details, container for paint.
  5. After working with epoxy paint, you need to throw away the tools, otherwise you won’t be able to clean it, but you will ruin the sink. Also avoid contact of the paint with clothing, as you will not be able to wash it off either.
  6. Be sure to let the paint dry completely!

Painting tiles in the bathroom

In some apartments, the tiles in the bathroom have remained from ancient times, but if the tiles themselves are of high quality, then the painting option will save you from many renovation hassles.

In this master class you will learn how to bathroom - BEFORE:

Maybe transform into this - PHOTO AFTER:

Namely, how did the brick-colored tiles become white?

Necessary materials:

  • Cleaner
  • Epoxy paint
  • 6mm fluff roller
  • Sticks for stirring paint
  • Synthetic brush
  • Paint tray
  • Masking tape
  • Paint protection film
  • Disposable gloves
  • Safety glasses and mask

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Prepare the surface

Wash the entire surface you are going to paint with cleaner. It must be perfectly clean so that the paint goes on smoothly and efficiently.

  • Where the painting area ends, stick it on masking tape, to protect against accidental paint ingress.
  • Cover the bathtub with film(shower stall), and if there are lamps (shelves or mirrors) on the wall next to the one being painted, these too.

Step 2: Paint the tiles

  • Put on a protective mask and mix the paint according to the instructions.
  • Since the bathroom is poorly ventilated, be prepared for paint smells.

For convenience, one person can paint the corners with a synthetic brush, while the other smooth surfaces with a roller(you can do everything yourself, but make sure that the paint applies evenly and does not dry out in chunks).

Step 3: Check the quality and remove

When everything is done, inspect the surface for defects and check the evenness of the texture.

ATTENTION: When working, it is very important to have good lighting, otherwise you may miss the following irregularities:

If you have a piece of tile with a three-dimensional pattern, this method will still work. Of course, the pattern will be visible a little, but this will only complement big picture. Like here, for example:

ATTENTION: Materials should be thrown away after use. Under no circumstances should they be washed; you will only ruin the sink, since the paint that gets on it will not be washed off; you can see a clear example of this in the photo:

Wait for the paint to dry and remove protective films, and evaluate the result. IN in this case You can compare the result before and after painting:

Painting tiles in the kitchen

Here we'll look at how to repaint tiles by adding geometric patterns using homemade stencils. It will take a little longer than painting a solid color, but it will also look more original.

Necessary materials:

  • Paint (1 l)
  • Primer (1 l)
  • Polyurethane on oil based(1 l)
  • Masking tape 2.5 cm wide
  • Stationery knife
  • 4cm soft bristle brush

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Prepare the tiles for painting

  1. First, wash the tiles with a sponge, soap and water (or a cleaner to degrease the surface), and then wipe dry using a lint-free cloth.
  2. Then use masking tape to apply a pattern to the tiles. in this case we get triangles(Look at the photo).

Step 2: Eliminate stencil irregularities

After applying the masking tape, use stationery knife(or scissors) to trim the ends of the tape.

ATTENTION: Make sure the lines and angles are neat to ensure a crisp drawing.

Step 3: Apply Primer

After you have pasted the patterns on the tiles, you can apply the primer. It is important that it is completely dry (takes about 45 minutes), before moving on to the next step.

Step 4: Paint

  1. Once the primer is dry, you can apply the paint.
  2. Used here small paint brush, to make it easier to work without going behind the pasted tape, but depending on the complexity of your pattern, you can use a brush that is a little larger or a little smaller.
  3. Apply thin layer of paint. Two coats will be enough for a smooth final result.

Step 5: Final Coat

Once the paint is dry, apply a thin coat of oil-based polyurethane to protect it from moisture and scratches.

Oil coatings take longer to dry, but are much more durable.

When this last protective layer dries (usually takes about four hours), you can remove the masking tape and admire your work.


Another idea:

The complexity of the stencils used depends on your taste and the amount of time you are willing to spend on painting. You can, for example, select a small piece of the wall and make a complex pattern there, and leave a solid color around it.

The step-by-step actions in this case are similar to those described above, only it takes longer to draw the stencils (since the pattern is smaller and consists of several colors).

Please note that the smaller the pattern, the smaller the brush you need to choose. We also recommend that you first apply the design starting from the center of the stencil, and then closer to the edges.

ADVICE: If paint has leaked under the masking tape, you can remove it using a utility knife.

Floor tiles

Since tiles on the floor are subject to more use than other surfaces, they lose their appearance faster. Of course, it can serve for a very long time, but the abrasions begin to bother you. If you are faced with a similar problem, it's time to act.

For example, there is a tiled floor like this:

We picked up an original stencil and decided to paint the floor white and black.

Necessary materials:

  • Floor cleaner
  • Paint (white and black)
  • Stencil
  • Brush
  • Masking tape
  • Roller
  • Paint tray
  • Oil-based polyurethane

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Preparing the Floor Before Painting

  1. The first thing to do is clean the floor and check that there are no broken tiles anywhere. Then wipe the floor dry and start painting.
  2. Using a roller, paint the floor White color, while applying two layers of paint. Leave to dry.

Step 3: Draw the stencil

Place the stencil on the tile and use masking tape or duct tape to hold it in place and prevent movement. Now you can use a brush to apply black paint over the stencil.

Take a little paint at a time and apply light strokes.

Once you've finished painting one section, peel off the stencil and move it to the next one. If there is a lot of paint on the stencil, wash it before using it again. Continue until you have filled the entire floor with the design.

Step 4: Apply a protective coating

After you have decorated the entire floor with a stencil pattern, you need to apply polyurethane coating to create a protective layer for the paint. Leave to dry completely.

Now look how much the floor has changed after painting. Looks like expensive designer tiles:

In the last master class we redid the floor in the bathroom, but in the same way you can update the tiles on the floor throughout the apartment.

Be careful if you have not one stencil, but several, which together make up the overall pattern. Mark where each stencil should be, first apply one pattern to each corresponding tile, then the next one, and so on until the end. The work should be systematic, then there will be no confusion.

If there are small tiles left near the walls on which it is impossible to put the same stencil, you can try to finish the pattern yourself or cut the stencil into pieces:

We wish you inspiration and success in renovating your home!

If the tile has lost its original appearance, but the design has retained its integrity, you can refresh the old coating quite inexpensively and in a fast way– painting. Having learned how to paint tiles, you can quickly and effectively eliminate minor defects finishing material or change the design of the bathroom.

New coating can only be applied to the tiles that are located on the walls. It is impossible to paint anything laid on the ceiling or floor - due to hot steam and water, the paint on these surfaces will begin to peel off.

Is it possible to paint tiles with paints on water based? These formulations are best suited for interior work, however water-based paints are washed off with water, and therefore for the bathroom - rooms with high humidity- will not fit.

It is recommended to use acrylic and latex paints - they are also odorless, dry quickly and have a non-toxic composition, therefore they are suitable for finishing residential premises. Another a good option– epoxy compounds. However, the process of applying them requires some skill, and therefore, before painting the tiles, you should first practice on other surfaces.

Automotive paint for bathroom tiles is also suitable: it is designed specifically for smooth surfaces and is resistant to high humidity. The dried coating can be washed, and it will not lose its original appearance for a long time.

Oil paints are excellent for painting tiles - they go on smoothly, adhere well to a smooth surface, and retain their integrity for years. However, they take quite a long time to dry and have a pungent odor. They should not be used in residential areas.

Possible color options

Color options tiles

You can paint the tiles in the bathroom different ways, the most popular are the following:

  1. Full coloring. With this method, paint is applied to the entire laid tile, from floor to ceiling. Any paint can be used for this purpose; repainting it in the opposite color to the original color is allowed.
  2. Partial. Only certain areas are painted - for example, if the wall was lined with monochromatic tiles, the color of individual elements (stripes, checkerboard cells, etc.) is changed.
  3. Return of color. In this case, the color of the tile is not radically changed, but only restored to its original brightness.
  4. Drawing. Using a template or by hand, a pattern or design is applied to a tile that has been pre-painted in a base color or left untouched.

There are other options - tiles can serve as the basis for creating a panel or painting on the entire wall, but in this case you need to have sufficient artistic skills; such projects are more difficult to implement, and therefore they are less popular.

Materials and tools

To work you will need:

  • primer;
  • paint for tiles, selected taking into account the recommendations;
  • roller;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • liquid detergent (for example, Fairy);
  • masking tape;
  • sponge;
  • polyethylene film;
  • clean rags;
  • vinegar or any alcohol-containing liquid;
  • sandpaper;
  • water-based varnish (it will not turn yellow over the years, unlike regular varnish);
  • a stencil or template for applying the pattern (if one is planned).

Surface preparation

In order for the paint to lay evenly, the tiles should be pre-prepared.


  1. Surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, soap deposits, rust and lime deposits and other contaminants. To do this, the detergent is diluted in warm water and use a sponge to go over the entire area for painting.
  2. The tile seams and joints are thoroughly cleaned - if dirt is left in them, mold will form there over time.
  3. Degrease the tiles using a rag moistened with alcohol or vinegar.
  4. Using fine-grained sandpaper, sand the surfaces so that the paint adheres more firmly.
  5. If there are damages on the tiles (scratches, chips or cracks), they are repaired with a primer specially designed for this purpose.

Surface preparation before painting tiles


When the primer has dried, use film and masking tape to seal the objects and areas of the wall adjacent to the tile that you plan to leave untouched.

The most convenient way to apply paint is with a foam roller - it ensures uniform distribution of paint over the surface and allows you to quickly paint large areas. This is convenient if you need to paint the entire wall with one color.

Plain coloring

First, apply the first layer of paint, which will serve as the base. When it is completely dry, start applying the second one. If the tile paint is different from what you plan to apply, a third coat may be required, otherwise the base will be visible under the new coating.

Plain coloring of tiles

Until the paint has completely dried, it is not recommended to use the bathtub - water can blur the design, soap splashes or dust will remain on the paint, which will damage the coating.

Painting tiles in different colors

You can put a drawing on the wall. You can do this different ways: pre-paint the wall with a base color, and then use a stencil or paint with a brush, or directly apply the design to the tile, without pre-painting.

To make a pattern on a tile, the stencil is fixed to the surface using tape. in the right area walls, and then apply the paint with a roller, brush, or spray it from an aerosol can.


Applying a pattern to tiles

If you plan to apply a picture, you will need to use brushes. It is better to choose those with soft bristles - hard bristles leave marks, and strokes will be noticeable after drying.

Using a stencil

In hardware stores you can find a lot of ready-made stencils for painting, with which you can transfer a wide variety of designs and patterns to the bathroom wall.

However, if the range finished products not enough, you can make a stencil with your own hands. To do this, first print out a drawing or photo you like, and then transfer the image onto a thick material (cardboard, for example). Carefully cut with scissors and use as usual.

It is most convenient to apply the paint with a special foam swab for painting - with its help, the paint will lie evenly, forming a smooth surface, while strokes remain visible after the brush.

Important! By using a foam swab, you do not put too much pressure on it. When pressed, too much flows out of the tool. a large number of paint, which causes streaks to form in the drawing.

Decorating tiles

Decorating tiles in the bathroom

To create spectacular geometric patterns on the tiles, you can also use masking tape - pasted on the desired areas, it will help to achieve clear and even lines. After removing such tape, no traces of glue remain on the surface.

3D effect

This finishing method is increasingly used to decorate rooms, including the bathroom.

You can create a visually three-dimensional pattern or drawing with your own hands. For this you will need gauze. Elements of the design are cut out of it, then glued onto surfaces prepared according to all the rules. Paint the drawing area first with the base color. When the first layer has dried, using a roller, apply a layer of paint on the entire wall that differs by several tones from the previously used one. This technique allows you to achieve a better effect.

Applying varnish

To ensure that the paint remains bright and not damaged over time, it is recommended to varnish it. This measure will significantly increase the service life of the coating, and the water-based varnish, which is recommended to be used during work, will not turn yellow over the years, but will retain its transparency.

Surface varnishing begins only after the paint has completely dried. If you carry out the work right away, streaks will remain on the tiles.

Tile painting - affordable and easy way significantly transform the bathroom interior. The work will not take much time and money, but the new coating will be durable and bright, and will last, if everything is done according to the instructions, for about 10 years.

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If for some reason you are not satisfied with the appearance of the tiles in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom, and for obvious reasons you don’t want to start repairs and make dirt in the house, there is no other option but to paint the tiles.

Indeed, it is not so rare that the quality of the old masonry has already been compromised, the tiles themselves become unusable from long-term use, or simply old design I’m pretty fed up with finishing, and I have to rack my brains about how to decorate the tiles and at the same time do without large-scale repairs. Painting is the most optimal solution here, and we will look at how to do it in our article.

Tools and materials for work

There is nothing difficult about painting tiles, even if the old masonry is damaged. Even though the process itself consists of several parts, the work itself is quite simple. It is only important to choose the right materials to use when painting.

To paint ceramic tiles correctly, you will need the following materials:

  • primer solution (for example, based on an epoxy mixture);
  • tile paint;
  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • protection for hands and eyes.

By the way, there is also a special tile that is produced specifically for painting. It has a coating that is designed specifically to special paint paint .

Instructions for painting tiles

Now let's directly look at how you can paint the tiles:

  1. Before you decide what to paint the tiles with, you first need to clean them of grease, dirt or other deposits that have accumulated on the tiles during use.. This is done using ordinary hot water with addition detergent– any will do – Vanish, Fairy, you can take not very expensive ones, including regular soap.
  2. The product is mixed in water until foam forms., then wipe the tiles with a cloth soaked in mild vinegar solution or in any product containing alcohol.
  3. sanded fine-grained sandpaper . The tiles are carefully coated with epoxy primer, and all seams must be treated very carefully.
  4. Processed tiled surface must dry properly- This will take about one day. After the tile has dried, you need to lightly sand it. The last operation is performed so that the tile paint adheres well to the epoxy primer.
  5. The primer and paint must be diluted exactly in the amount required to finish the surface chosen for the job.. This is necessary because the solution loses its working properties after a short time. The best effect is obtained by painting tiles with a properly seasoned solution, that is, used for the time specified in the instructions.

Before painting, the paint should be mixed as well as possible.

  1. We paint this way: paint is applied to the tile uniform movements . Opened paint must be used within six hours after it has been printed - it is better not to check whether the tiles can be painted after this time, the paint will disappear in any case.
    When the first coat of paint is applied to the tile, it must be left alone for a while - it will take about twelve hours to dry.
  2. After the first layer has dried, you can begin applying the second. To do this, take the next portion of tile paint, mix thoroughly and begin to apply - the roller must be replaced with a new one.
    If you want to make the shade darker, you will also need to apply a third layer, but do not forget that the previous layer must dry completely.
  3. After painting is completed, everything should be thoroughly dried within three days.. To finish, the seams must be puttied using any of the most convenient methods.

How and with what to paint tiles

Now let's look at how and with what you can paint tiles.

It is better to apply the paint in several layers - a period of at least half a day should be maintained between applications. If different colors of paint and tiles are used, e.g. White paint Apply over the tiles onto black tiles; you can also make a third layer.

If, in the toilet, in the kitchen - oil paint You also need to cover it with a layer of varnish.
This will protect the coating from peeling when exposed to high temperatures or moisture.

When painting, it is better to use paints specially designed for this purpose. The range of paints that are suitable for painting tiles is present in any hardware store, you just need to consult with the seller, who will certainly select the most suitable option for you.

Is it possible to paint tiles with a different paint? You can use, in addition to special ones, any of the expensive brands. There is no need to save money - this will lead to the coating quickly starting to peel off. The best effect is achieved by using auto enamels.

If you still have no idea how to paint tiles, then there is no need to be afraid: as mentioned above, the process is very simple even for beginners who are just learning the art of decorating their own home.

It often happens that it is necessary to update the bathroom interior, and the old tiles do not fit the new design. To solve the problem, it is possible to paint the surface of the ceramic.

You can find it on sale today various shades paints that tolerate temperature changes well and high humidity. With the help of brushes, stencils and decorations, tiles can become a real decoration of the bathroom.

It is worth learning more about how to paint tiles in the bathroom and what tools you will need for this.

Painting features

Before you consider modern options, how to paint tiles in the bathroom, you should learn about some of the features of painting.

As experts say, it is better to apply the new coating on the tiles that cover the walls, since the ceiling and flooring material will quickly deteriorate when exposed to high temperature and humidity.

When choosing paint and varnish material used for painting, you should pay attention to its base. Many owners wonder whether it is possible to paint bathroom tiles using a water-based composition. In fact, it's better not to do this, although the paint is great for interior finishing works, but at the same time it is easily washed off with water.

It is best to pay attention to paints based on latex or acrylic; they do not have a strong odor, dry very quickly and do not contain toxic components. It is these compositions that are recommended for use in residential premises, and are perfect for finishing the bathroom.

The epoxy composition is no less popular, but working with such a dye requires experience and skills, so you should first try to paint other surfaces with the product. Painting can quickly change the appearance of a room.

For those who want to figure out how to paint ceramic tiles in the bathroom, experts suggest car paint. This color composition is specially formulated to withstand moisture.

When the coating is completely dry, it can be washed. Regardless of the painting method, the surface will not lose its original appearance.

Possible color options

It is possible to use various options painting the walls in the bathroom. Still, the following methods are considered the most popular:

  1. The coloring is complete. This method involves painting the entire surface. You can use any type of paint, as long as it withstands high humidity well. The color is selected at the discretion of the owner; the tiles can even be painted in a contrasting shade to the original shade.
  2. Partial. In this case, only coloring of some elements is used. For example, if the tile is plain, then leave the main color, adding another shade. As a result, you can get a checkerboard pattern or stripes on the wall.
  3. Return of color. Here they do not make a radical change of color; they take the same shade of paint that was previously painted on the surface, and then the composition is applied to the ceramics, giving the walls brightness. This method is necessary if the tiles have faded over time.
  4. Drawing. First, part of the tile is painted with a single shade of paint; basic colors are usually used. Once the paint has dried, a design is applied to it using a stencil or by hand.

You can use other methods to change the interior of your bathroom. For example, if the owner has artistic skills, then he can apply a full-fledged drawing to the wall.

Before painting begins, the surface to be painted is prepared. But such projects are not very popular, since they are more difficult to implement.

Materials and tools

Before we tell you in detail how to paint tiles in the bathroom, and how to do this work, you should decide on the tools and materials.

For painting, a standard set of tools is used, but you should also select some auxiliary materials; they may be useful in the process. You will need the following set of tools:

  • primer and paint for ceramic surfaces;
  • a set of wide brushes;
  • primer solution;
  • roller and brushes are narrow;
  • cellophane film;
  • masking tape;
  • palette for mixing paints;
  • varnish for fixing;
  • solvent.

By and large, all these tools and materials are available; they can be purchased at any hardware store. It is enough to use this set of tools to paint tiles.

It is worth noting that it is better to choose those paints that can tolerate high temperatures so that the coating does not eventually crack. Acrylic paint also suitable, it is specially designed to maintain its brightness even in high humidity.

Surface preparation

Before starting work, you should prepare the surface of the tile for painting. First, remove all contaminants from the material; to do this, just take any powder and a hard sponge.

To clean off all the excess, you will have to make some effort, since even old dirt must be removed. As soon as the cleaning of the tiles is completed, the surface is wiped with ordinary alcohol, this will make it possible to degrease the material and also improve the quality of grinding.

The next step is to carefully remove the glossy layer. It is very important before grinding work, protect other coverings and surfaces, for example, cover the floor with cardboard. Plumbing also needs protection; it is enough to cover it with cellophane film.

When the removal of the glossy layer is completed, the remaining debris is carefully removed, and then the surface is wiped with a damp cloth. The ceramics are degreased again and allowed to dry for several minutes.

The next step is to apply a primer to the surface, although this step is not necessary, the primer will still help improve the adhesion of the paint to the surface. ceramic surface. It is worth giving preference to materials that tolerate changes in temperature and humidity well.


There are several methods of painting surfaces to update the color and interior. Experts recommend using a special bar or gun so that the material is sprayed evenly. If you use a regular brush, then the paint should be applied in even strokes.

Plain coloring

This is the simplest method of painting the material. Simply select the paint of the desired color, and then use a roller and brushes. The paint should be applied in even layers, so squeeze the roller slightly before applying the paint to the wall.

The seams can be painted along with the main surface, or left in their original form, but then only a brush is used for the work.

Painting tiles in different colors

Many people wonder whether it is possible to paint tiles in the bathroom, and in what ways can this be done? The most common and simple option decoration of the tile surface is the application of paint in different shades.

You can create a geometry of two or more colors, decorate the wall in the form of a mosaic, or use checkerboard coloring. To ensure that the borders are smooth and that paint of a different color does not fall on the elements, you should use masking tape.


This is a bathroom design option that is suitable for complementing the main interior, as well as creating a main theme. The drawing requires a thinner layer of paint so that it does not stand out too much against the general background.

With the help of such an element, you can decorate one wall or just a corner of the room. The design is applied using a template; usually it is drawn with a brush, but some people use a roller to draw the designs if the template is too large.

Using a stencil

You can purchase various stencils in stores building materials, or simply print them from the Internet. First, the tile is painted with the main color, and then, using a stencil, a pattern is applied, but in a different shade.

First of all, print out the desired design, then cut it out and apply it to the surface. The drawing process is not complicated, just fix the sheet on the wall and then paint it.

Use masking tape to seal the edges of the stencil so that it adheres well. If the wall is decorated with a pattern, then you should use pastel or classic colors for the base.

Decorating tiles

You can decorate the tiles, usually for this purpose the surface is partially painted, or some kind of pattern is applied to it. To do the work you need:

  1. Choose a drawing. The patterns on the tiles will look attractive only if you choose the right pattern. The easiest way is to make a geometric pattern; all you need is masking tape. With its help, they create the necessary shape; it can be a rhombus, stripes or a square.
  2. Apply markings. To do this, use a level and use it to stick tape between the tiles.
  3. Primer. A thin layer of primer is applied with a brush, after which the composition is allowed to dry thoroughly.
  4. Coloring. Paint of a suitable shade is applied to the surface of the tile.

3d effect

This is one of the most fashion trends for decorating walls in the bathroom. You can create a three-dimensional pattern on ceramic tiles with your own hands.

Still, it is best to purchase a special tile with a three-dimensional pattern effect, but since you need to paint the surface, you can create a three-dimensional effect with your own hands.

To do this, just take gauze and cut it out certain figures, after which the blanks are attached to the surface of the tile. The first layer of enamel is applied, and when it dries, the surface is painted over with a different shade of paint using a rough roller.

Applying varnish

When the paint is completely dry, protect it. For this, a regular water-based varnish is used. This coating will protect against moisture, fading and cracking.

In addition, a thin transparent film gives the surface an additional glossy shine and enhances the brightness of the color.

Painting tiles with your own hands is not difficult, just choose suitable material, and also decide on the type of surface painting. You don't need to have any specific skills or knowledge to do this.

The idea of ​​painting tiles in a bathroom or kitchen, for example, rarely comes to mind, but it's a great way to enhance your interior decor and update it without any hassle. special costs and construction dust. Let's take a closer look at what rules exist for performing such work.

Painting tiles is unconventional, but very interesting way update the interior

Why paint tiles

At the first mention of this method of decorating a room, such as painting tiled cladding, many people feel a kind of bewilderment. This design method is not entirely familiar, and therefore it is worth highlighting the reasons why it is worth considering the possibility of such a unique repair:

  • Interior renovation. The option of painting tiles is great for easy and quick update furnishings in the kitchen or bathroom. This way you can radically change the color and design of the floor or walls without resorting to rough work.
  • Repair. When replacing furniture during renovation, you can do without laying new tiles; you just need to change its appearance in accordance with the design project.
  • Change of style. You can change the style of the interior, add special thematic notes or emphasize a certain color scheme.
  • Decorating the coating. It is possible to create an unobtrusive decoration in the form of local drawings or patterns on the tiles.
  • Masking of defects. If something happens to the tile, it is not necessary to completely change it. Minor damage and defects can be successfully masked yourself using paint.

You can update the interior of your bathroom by painting the tiles

In order to decide to paint the tiles, all you need is a creative impulse. In addition, you have at your disposal Smooth surface, which you can transform at your discretion.

Required materials and tools

What tools will be useful in your work? In order to paint tiles in the bathroom or kitchen, it is recommended to prepare the following set of tools and auxiliary materials:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • set of brushes;
  • paint thinner;
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • cellophane;
  • templates for patterns;
  • palette, if required.

Basic materials needed for painting tiles

With these things, you can prepare the surface for painting, create the contours of the design and carefully apply the paint itself without staining the furniture and adjacent trim.

Composition selection

Now let's look at the issue of choosing paint. Because we're talking about O indoors in a residential building with specific conditions, it is best to give preference to the following compositions:

  • acrylic – bright and easy to use;
  • epoxy - dry quickly and have virtually no odor.

If you want to maintain the shine of the enamel, then give preference to glossy paint. Semi-matte satin enamel is also a good option. It doesn't show streaks and doesn't attract dirt. special attention. A pleasant velvety effect is created.

Tile paint options

Choose paints from reputable manufacturers, since cheap formulations may contain low-quality components and, under certain conditions, emit harmful substances, for example, when the surface heats up, which is a common occurrence in the kitchen and bathroom.

Design Variations

Now let's talk about choosing a design. How can you paint ceramic tiles with your own hands? There are many options, but there are no specific limits for the master’s imagination. First of all, we can highlight the following design ideas:

  • Major painting. Complete replacement colors, the entire surface of the tile finish is covered with paint.
  • Color Update. You can not change the general idea and leave everything as it is with the only difference: refresh the colors and make them more intense. And only some fragments of the finishing can be highlighted.
  • Creating a Pattern. The tiles are decorated with a continuous ornament or a separately located pattern.
  • Drawing. This option for painting bathroom tiles is great for creating a themed interior with unobtrusive details. You can decorate a corner of the room or highlight individual elements floor cladding or kitchen apron. For ease of use, you can use templates.
  • Painting. Painting tiles like a painting canvas. You can create any composition: abstraction, landscape, still life, portrait, etc. However, this option requires certain artistic skills.

Options for decorating tiles using paints

Surface preparation

Before painting the tile, it must be carefully prepared for such treatment. First of all, this concerns cleaning the tiles from dirt and dust. In order for the paint to lay evenly and evenly distributed over the surface of the tile, it must be washed from grease, limescale, rust, glue residues, grout, etc. The seams between the elements need to be worked out especially carefully, as dirt can accumulate in them and provoke the development of fungus and mold. The same applies to sealed joints with furniture and plumbing fixtures.

After this, the tiles should be degreased. If you plan to completely expose the surface with paint, you can additionally sand the material to make it easier to work with. To eliminate chips, scratches and cracks, it is recommended to use a special primer. Additionally, it will ensure good adhesion of the paint to the tile.

Removing contaminants and degreasing – important stage when painting tiles

Applying paint

Once the surface is ready, you can begin painting. Depending on the design you choose, place masking tape around the edges of the area to be painted to avoid staining adjacent items.

The best way to apply paint is foam roller, with its help you can very easily and quickly paint a huge area. If you plan to draw a specific design or paint only individual small-format tiles, then you can limit yourself to using brushes. Hard pile can leave marks, so if you do not plan to create light relief and texture, choose softer products.

You need to work in two stages. First, you apply the base layer, and after it dries, use perpendicular strokes to re-open the tile. When painting, one layer will be enough, but at the same time you need to put more paint on the brush, and its consistency should be thicker.

Try to limit the use of the room until the paint has completely dried, otherwise you may smudge the drawing, splash it with grease, or send dust into the room.

The best way to paint tiles is with a roller.

In order to speed up the drying of paint, you must follow temperature regime in room. In cold weather, any coating will take longer to harden. When processing a large area, you can perform work in several approaches so as not to block the room for a long time.

Protecting the drawing

After painting the tiles in the bathroom, you need to provide them with reliable protection from external factors so that the paint does not rub off and is not washed off with water over time. The same goes for the kitchen and other rooms.

To prevent abrasion of the design, completely dry paint is opened with one or two layers of varnish. A water-based composition should be used. Firstly, such varnishes dry much faster, and secondly, they do not have a sharp unpleasant odor, and thirdly, after drying, a durable transparent film is created without any yellowness or other extraneous tint. This perfect option for an apartment.

Painting a tiled surface is an excellent solution for updating the interior, especially if you creative person and love to create beauty with your own hands.