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» How to defrost water in plastic. Defrosting water and sewer pipes. Why does this problem even arise?

How to defrost water in plastic. Defrosting water and sewer pipes. Why does this problem even arise?

Russian winter frosts represent a familiar test not only for residents of our regions, but are also a serious test of strength for most categories of private and industrial communications.

If serious violations were made when laying the pipeline to the house during the preparation for winter operation, you will sooner or later be faced with the problem of freezing and, as a result, the need to become familiar with how to defrost a water pipe.

Causes of water freezing in pipelines

As already noted, the most probable cause freezing of water in pipelines is a gross violation of the following requirements for the procedure for their installation:

  • this was not taken into account when laying pipes important indicator, how deep the soil freezes in this area;
  • not enough efforts were made to carry out external insulation of pipes laid openly or in special boxes;
  • insufficient measures were taken to insulate the pipes at the entrance to the unheated room.

To avoid all the violations listed above, you should ensure in advance that when laying the pipeline, the following conditions must be met:

  • In the case of underground pipeline wiring, it is necessary to prepare a ditch for it in such a way that the depth of the latter slightly exceeds the level of soil freezing in the given area.
  • It is advisable to lay the water supply line at a distance from existing reinforced concrete structures, the thermal conductivity coefficient of which differs from the same indicator for soil. In this case, the likelihood of water freezing in pipelines is noticeably reduced.
  • It is recommended to lay pipelines together with a heating cable, which (despite the overall increase in the cost of work) will finally eliminate the problem of pipe freezing.
  • Areas where pipelines are routed through the walls of buildings must be insulated with glass wool, which will avoid direct contact of the pipe with the wall.
  • To reduce the likelihood of pipes freezing, their diameter must be at least 50 mm.
  • When installing pipelines outdoors and in unheated rooms, it is recommended to use polyethylene pipes that can withstand several cycles of freezing and thawing (for comparison, polypropylene pipes usually become unusable after 2 such cycles).
  • When using a water supply system seasonally, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the system during winter downtime.

Defrosting methods

This chapter will discuss some methods for defrosting pipes, taking into account possible difficulties their implementation. But regardless of the method of heating pipes you choose, in all cases you must follow the following general rules:

  • While heating the pipes, you need to keep the valve open so that the thawed water can flow freely from the pipeline.
  • It is not advisable to start defrosting the water supply from its middle part.
  • The generally accepted heating procedure is from the valve tap towards the riser. When working with sewer pipes, the heating order is reversed (from the riser to the valve).

All known methods defrosting pipelines can be divided into methods of external influence on the heated area and methods of internal heating. First of all, we will explore methods for warming frozen water pipes due to external influence.

The simplest device that allows for effective external defrosting of pipes is electrical cable, to heat which you will need one of the devices indicated in the list below. It could be:

Using any of the devices discussed above, you can continuously influence the section of the pipeline to be defrosted. Evidence that, as they say, “the process has begun,” will be the appearance of a trickle of water at the outlet of the supply tap.

Note! The safest and most effective way to defrost pipes externally is to use a special heating cable or electric heating tape (In the latter case, it is enough to wind the tape or cable around a frozen section of the pipeline and plug it into the network).

If it is necessary to externally defrost the pipeline from steel pipes The method of connecting the working ends of the welding machine to the boundaries of the frozen area is also often used. In this case, the entire heating process will take you no more than 2-4 hours (depending on the length of the defrosted area). After defrosting is complete, be sure to inspect the pipeline for leaks, which may “appear” in the most unexpected places.

How to defrost a plastic pipe

Currently traditional steel pipelines are being replaced everywhere by modern water pipelines assembled on the basis of plastic pipes, which are not subject to the usual corrosion for many and do not collapse when they freeze.

But if an ice plug forms in the plastic, none of the methods we have listed will external influence does not apply to them. Indeed, the use of open fire to heat a plastic pipe will cause its destruction, and the use of external thermal heating (a hair dryer, for example) is, as a rule, ineffective due to the poor thermal conductivity of the material.

All electrical methods heating such pipes is also absolutely useless, since all types of plastic simply do not conduct electric current. In a way mechanical impact on an ice “jam” (by inserting a steel rod inside the pipe), it may be possible to break through a small plug, but this poses a risk of damaging the walls of the plastic pipe.

From all that has been said it follows that the only in a real way defrosting a plastic pipe is pouring inside the channel hot water. Let us immediately note that this technique is quite effective, but its use is only advisable on small-diameter pipes.

With this defrosting method, hot water is supplied directly to the freezing point as follows:

  • A pipe or hose is selected from a material of greater rigidity, but of a slightly smaller diameter.
  • To defrost a straight section of the pipeline, it will be more convenient to use a metal-plastic pipe. Well, in the case of a pipe section bent along an arbitrary curve, you will need to use a fairly rigid but flexible hose of a smaller diameter.
  • As the story progresses, we note that standard watering hoses are not suitable for this operation, since they noticeably soften from hot water. Gas or oxygen welding hoses are best suited for defrosting.

Use of metal-plastic pipes

Metallo plastic pipes you will need it if the diameter of the frozen pipeline exceeds 20 mm. Before starting work, such a pipe should be carefully bent, after which it will be possible to smoothly move it along the pipeline, bringing it all the way to the ice jam.

After this, you can start pouring hot water into it, trying to maintain the temperature at high level.

After some time, the thawed water will begin to flow out of the gap formed at the junction of the pipes; so an arbitrary container for collecting waste water should be installed in this place. As the jam melts, the metal-plastic tube will be pushed deeper into the freeze, until the ice jam is completely removed.

Note! The considered method is good for the case when an ice jam has formed near the point of entry of the probe into the pipe. In the same case, if the pipe is frozen at a great distance from the house and has many turns and bends, it is unlikely that it will be possible to push a metal-plastic pipe into it.

For similar situation There is another way to defrost the pipeline - using an Esmarch mug. When implementing this method, as a rule, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • First of all, prepare a hydraulic level of any type, a coil of 2-4 mm wire and an Esmarch mug (a device for cleansing enemas).
  • Then the end of the hydraulic level tube is taken, to which the wire from the previously prepared coil is attached in one way or another. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the tip of the wire is tightly pressed to the hydraulic level tube and does not interfere with its movement along the defrosted channel.
  • Also make sure that the tip of the tube protrudes 1 centimeter from the place where the wire is fixed.
  • After this, we connect the other end of the hydraulic level tube to the drain pipe of the Esmarch mug and begin to carefully push the entire structure into the defrosted pipe until it stops against the ice plug.
  • Now you will need to pour boiling water into Esmarch’s mug and fully open the water supply valve.
  • As the ice plug melts, push the tube along the way.
  • At the junction of the two tubes, you need to install a container of a suitable size.

The described method of defrosting a pipeline is quite effective, but it will require some time investment from you. In one full hour work, you will be able to clear an area of ​​no more than 0.8-1.0 meters from ice.

Failure of a water supply or heating system in winter is a sad and scary situation. Scary because the residents may freeze themselves and be left without water. And it’s sad, because restoring the pipeline will require hard work, which will also be done on the street. But not everything is as hopeless as it might seem.
Of course, it is easier to warm up sewer pipes than water pipes. After all, boiling water that is poured into the sewer will be removed naturally. But the water used to heat the water supply system ends up in a pit or well, from where it has to be pumped out.

It is necessary to defrost the water supply system as early as possible, then the flow of water will be restored. In addition, if defrosting is delayed, the pipes may burst, but this is a real disaster.

Water Pipeline Rescue

Before you start restoration work, the water supply should be disconnected from the general main by closing the valve. In order to start defrosting, you need to prepare some tools:

  • buckets,
  • kettle,
  • hose,
  • basin (preferably several),
  • rags,
  • heating devices (gas or electric stove, boiler),
  • gas cutter,
  • blowtorch,
  • foil,
  • insulation,
  • heating cable.

If all this is available, you can get down to business.

First, we determine where the congestion has occurred. Then you will have to dig it up (since the pipe is obviously located underground) and remove the insulation from it.

The pipe burst due to freezing

Methods for heating pipes

There are several ways to warm up a water pipe.

  • Hot water is often used for this. The frozen section of the pipe is wrapped in rags, other rags are placed under it (they will absorb the flowing water), and then boiling water is poured onto the pipe from a kettle. Periodically it is necessary to reheat the water. It is poured until the problem section of the pipe warms up. This method is usually used if the frozen area is located in the house.

Sometimes it is possible to supply hot water into the pipe itself; a flexible hose is used for this. If the pipe is very long, then it is convenient to start defrosting from the water supply side.

  • A water pipe located underground on the street can be heated using an open fire. To do this, you need to have a blowtorch, a welding heating pad, or at least a torch (a lit stick or branch). A metal sheet should be placed under the pipe, which will divert the flames from those structures that may ignite. Then they begin to move the fire along the pipe, starting from the side from which the water is supplied. This way you can warm up many pipes, but not plastic ones - they can melt on their own.
  • If there is a hairdryer (household or technical) in the house, then you can use it to save the pipe. In this case, a “sleeve” of film or other dense material is created over the frozen area. A hairdryer pumps hot air into this space. After some time, the pipe should warm up. This method Suitable also for plastic pipes.

However, a heating cable is considered the ideal means for heating plastic pipes.

How to use it?

First, the plastic pipe should be tightly wrapped in aluminum foil - regular or adhesive (see). Then attach the heating cable by wrapping it around the pipe in a spiral. To prevent the cable itself from being damaged, the spiral pitch must be at least 8 cm. The cable is attached to the pipe with tape, then the cable sensor that triggers is strengthened automatic shutdown, - it should be pressed tightly against the pipe. On top of the entire resulting structure you need to lay insulation (mineral wool or any other). You can connect the cable to the network.

  • It happens that water freezes in a well. In this case, you can lay the heating cable there too. This is usually done underground, the cable must pass under the pipe.
  • If a pipe is frozen in water, then to warm it up it is enough to heat the wall. This can also be done with a regular hairdryer. This remedy is very simple and in some cases very effective.

Using a Welding Machine

It turns out that a welding machine can not only join metal surfaces. It also copes well with frozen pipes. It is enough to attach the welding wire to the ends of the section that is frozen (one plus, the other minus), turn on the device for 30 seconds, then wait 10 seconds and turn it on again.

The welding current should be small, around 100 amperes; if this does not have an effect, the current can be increased.

It is clear that the pipe mentioned here must be metal. After all, plastic does not conduct current.
This method, however, practically does not help if the pipe has large diameter or the freezing area is too long.

HDPE pipes

This material is quite new on our market. HDPE is polyethylene low pressure. This material can withstand high pressure (up to 10 atmospheres), is not subject to corrosion, and most importantly, is practically not subject to freezing.

HDPE is an excellent solution, especially for areas with harsh climates.

What not to do

  • When pipes freeze, some try to solve this problem with the help of metal wire. However, this is unlikely to be of any use, since the ice plug is very hard and durable, and in addition, its length can be considerable.
  • There is no need to pour boiling water directly into the pipe. Instead, you should take a metal-plastic pipe with a smaller diameter and insert it into the one that needs to be defrosted. Boiling water is poured into this pipe, and cold water the plug will leak into the gap between the inner and outer pipes. This water can be collected, heated and poured again, because there is often not enough water for repairs (the water supply is blocked by a plug).

This method helps if the failed section is straight.

If the pipe has bends, then a rigid and flexible oxygen hose should be pushed into it.

But taking a regular waterer is a bad idea, because it is too soft and becomes unusable from hot water - it becomes impossible to move it inside.

Pipes freeze various reasons: insufficient laying depth, lack of insulation, small volume of transported water, use of the pipeline in frosty conditions. Defrosting the water supply in an accessible place does not cause difficulties. The question of how to defrost a plastic water pipe underground requires attention.

Nowadays, water supply uses pipes made of high-density polyethylene, which does not deteriorate when frozen, has anti-corrosion properties and does not conduct electricity. But heating the water supply is not possible using all available methods.

Defrosting pipes using a heating cable

Before you start defrosting frozen water pipe, find the place where the ice jam has formed. Search methods:

  1. Visual inspection. When a liquid freezes, it increases in volume and leads to swelling; the place where it freezes feels colder to the touch.
  2. Internal check. If a full inspection is not possible, use a flexible wire or cable. The area where the cable does not pass further will be the place where the traffic jam occurs.

How to thaw an icy area will depend on the availability of free access to the problem.

Effective ways to solve the problem

It is difficult to heat a water pipe located in the ground. In this case, it is impossible to use external thawing methods. You will have to defrost the system from the inside. Let's look at common ways to remove ice jams.

Hot water application

Prepare a metal-plastic pipe whose cross-section is 2 times smaller than the diameter of the main pipe. Carefully bring it inside the pipe to the frozen area and fill it with boiling water, which will gradually wash away the ice.
When defrosting water pipes using this method, be sure to open the tap so that the pressure in the system remains low.

Heating with a hairdryer

This heating method is suitable for water pipes that are located in the public domain. A stream of air is directed onto the icy area. To avoid deformation of the plastic, the temperature of the hair dryer should be set to a minimum level. After heating with hot air, wrap the pipeline section with insulation.

De-icing with electric current

It is possible to combat pipe freezing using a welding machine. But it should only be used to defrost water supply systems made of steel, copper and other metal products.

Metal is a conductor electric current. Electrons and ions under the influence electric field, moving and colliding with each other, form energy. The latter turns into heat.
Plastic does not conduct current. Therefore, use welding machine on plastic products is meaningless and irrational.

Soldier's boiler for plastic pipes

Water is an electrolyte due to its salt content. Therefore, to heat it, you will need a pair of energized electrodes. This method is only suitable for polyethylene water supply systems and is based on the principle of operation of a boiler.

You will need: two-core copper wire and steel wire, tools. The wire strands are stripped and wrapped around the wire. Make sure that the turns do not touch each other, as a short circuit may occur. A plug is attached to the free end of the wire.
Lower the homemade boiler into the pipe near the ice plug and plug it into the mains. After a while, the water supply will warm up and the icing will melt.

How to prevent your system from freezing

To do this, you need to remember the following:

  1. Lay the pipes at a sufficient depth, below the freezing level of the ground.
  2. The water supply should not pass near reinforced concrete structures (foundation, beams and supports), because... this material has higher thermal conductivity. If you cannot find another installation location, insulate the pipes.
  3. It is recommended to insulate those places where the sewage system passes through the walls of the building. polyurethane foam, glass or mineral wool.
  4. Use pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm.
  5. When choosing between polymer products, remember that polyethylene reacts stably to the process of freezing and thawing. Polypropylene may burst after two defrosts.
  6. If the pipeline does not operate regularly in winter, it is better to drain the water from the system.

If you have the opportunity and finances, you can also lay a heating cable.

Application of heating cable

The cable is used to heat the water supply and prevent freezing of plastic and metal pipes. Nuances of use:

  • the operating time of the device does not have to be constant, night time is sufficient;
  • It is recommended to use the heating cable immediately when laying a section of the pipeline that is susceptible to freezing;
  • The device is divided into 2 types: cable with self-regulating function and simple.

Subject to installation conditions plumbing system You won’t have to deal with the problem of freezing.

The situation when modern plastic water pipes freeze happens quite often. Naturally, one should try to eliminate such a problem as soon as possible, because otherwise the freezing area will begin to gradually expand. In addition, in any case there is a risk of a “rupture” of the main line.

So defrosting plastic pipes is a very important and urgent task. And, in the end, apart from purely technical nuances, sitting without water is also inconvenient, you will agree.

In this article we will look at all the most popular and effective ways solutions to such a problem. Moreover, we will even figure out how to defrost a metal-plastic pipe underground, and not just the one located on the surface.

Let's start by reviewing the most important point.

Why does this problem even arise?

In fact, everything here is quite simple to understand. We consider the causes of freezing in the table below.

As you can see, the reasons are quite logical and understandable. And if so, then before reviewing how to defrost a plastic water pipe, it’s worth talking about preventive measures.

How to prevent freezing

For external water supply measures may be as follows:

  1. Insulation of plastic using mineral wool . This kind of work is done very simply - the plastic is wrapped in mineral wool. The insulation is wrapped with rope or wire on top.

Advice: if communications take place in places with high humidity, then the mineral wool on top needs to be wrapped with film, foil, or even better - a hydrobarrier.
Then the insulation will last a really long time.

  1. “Packaging” the line in a special box. In fact, communications are simply sheathed on the outside with panels made of wood, plastic or plasterboard (depending on where the communications are located). And the entire space between the plane of the box and the water supply is filled with polyurethane foam or foam chips.

Such are the technologies.

You cannot “foam” those points where important connections are located.
Such areas include, for example, taps, brass adapters, threaded fittings, etc.
If you seal them with foam, it turns out that in case emergency situation access to so important elements will be blocked.

As for communications that are laid in the ground, the recommendations are very simple. Everything must be installed below the freezing point of the soil. At the same time, one should adhere very simple rule– if it is not possible to lay the system at the required depth, then it should be very well insulated.

However, insulating with your own hands is still not a 100% guarantee that the water will not freeze. Perfect option in this case, it is to organize at least some kind of heating system for communications.

Now let's look at how to defrost plastic water pipes, that is, let's figure out how to correct the situation when ice formation has already occurred.

Methods for heating the main line

One thing worth noting important point- as illustrative examples We will analyze the most affordable solutions that do not require the purchase of expensive equipment.

In addition, these methods are distinguished by the fact that they have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice. Let's get started with the review itself. simple option.

Using boiling water

Warming Instructions outdoor system hot water quite simple.

In principle, using this method, you can warm up communications quite quickly - literally in a couple of hours. The main thing here is to warm not even the entire diameter of the ice, but only a small part of it. Because even if a small “loophole” appears for water to pass through the main line, then all the rest of the ice will gradually melt by itself.

As for systems that are located underground, in principle it is possible to influence them, but the heating time will be much longer. And we still need to get to the plane of such communications. Therefore, this method is not the most The best decision for defrosting underground lines.

And if we talk about how to defrost a plastic water pipe underground, then it’s best to do it a little differently. The point is that you need to deliver boiling water directly to the ice plug - that is, as if inside the pipe itself. If you can’t simply pour hot water into the main line, you can try doing this using an ordinary flexible hose.

It goes something like this:

  1. One end of the rubber hose is inserted into the line and the hose is pushed to the point where it meets the ice plug.
  2. The second end of the product is put on the hot water supply tap. It is important that the pressure in the tap is sufficient to deliver water to the desired point.

  1. The boiling water supply is turned on and the heating process begins. As for the time of exposure, it all depends on how many meters the ice has managed to spread.

Please note that you will need to prepare some kind of container to collect water!
The fact is that the boiling water will press against the plug and, under the influence of pressure, the water will return “back” - that is, it will begin to flow out of the cracks between the hose and the pipe.

Let's consider another defrosting method, which is suitable for both underground and above-ground water supply systems.

Using steam

This option properly requires a special device - a steam generator. However, the price of the device is too high to purchase it for a one-time job, so it is easier and more expedient to rent a steam generator.

The principle of operation here is quite simple - the device generates steam, which can be launched under pressure at any time. Right place.

The flow is usually directed using a hose.

  1. We insert the sleeve into the pipe.
  2. We turn on the device and begin to blow hot air towards the ice plug.

Here the efficiency and speed of defrosting are at a very high level, because the temperature of the steam is higher than the temperature of hot water. In a good way, even very difficult cases Warming up can occur within literally an hour.

You can also defrost ice using “makeshift” steam injection.

It's done something like this:

  1. Water is heated in the autoclave.
  2. Take the hose. One end of it is connected to the autoclave, and the other is launched into the pipe.

It turns out that the hot air will seem to come out of the autoclave through the hose and, accordingly, will “rest” against the ice plug.

In principle, any analogue of an autoclave, even an ordinary double boiler, is suitable for small pipelines. The main thing is that the steam pressure is strong enough to get to the point where the ice begins.

But this method is only suitable if there is no risk of deformation of the highway itself. So whether it is worth using such machines for plastic communications is a big question.

Well, now let’s figure out how to defrost plastic sewer pipe more “folk” methods.

Using a hair dryer and fan heater

In fact, this technology implies impact warm air onto the plastic plane. That is, we take a hair dryer or fan heater, turn on these devices and begin to pump a hot stream towards the problem point in the communications. As you yourself understand, the method is only suitable for those that take place in open areas.


As you already understand, defrosting a pipeline made of plastic pipes is a very real thing. Of course, situations are different, and therefore there cannot be a universal method of warming up, but still, the methods that we talked about above can “work.” We hope that this is exactly what will happen.

By the way, if you want to see more visual instructions, watch the video in this article.

Russia is located in a harsh climatic region, so in winter and early spring there is a risk of the water supply and sewerage system defrosting. This is especially true for owners of private houses, because... often systems are laid without carrying out necessary calculations and measures for insulation and frost protection. In this article we will talk about how to protect pipes from freezing and what to do if the problem cannot be prevented.

If the temperature outside the window drops to zero, that is, to the freezing temperature of water, this does not mean that the water supply will freeze. Not everyone knows, but in winter the water in the pipe freezes at a temperature of -7 degrees. When water pipes freeze, they burst because... When transitioning from a liquid to a solid state, the volume of water increases. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen, especially in metal systems that don't have the ability to stretch.

To prevent water from freezing in pipes and protect them from damage, it is necessary to take care of the heating system in advance or carry out a set of measures to insulate the pipeline.

Some measures to protect the pipeline in winter period, should be carried out at the stage of laying communications during the construction of a house. What needs to be done to reliable protection pipes from the cold during installation:

  1. Lay the water supply below the freezing level of the soil. In SNiP 2.02.01-83 you can find information on the freezing depth for a specific region and soil type.
  2. Use polyethylene or polypropylene for underground water supply.
  3. . For convenience, insulation made of foil polystyrene foam in the form of tubes, or any other available insulation or insulation methods, is used.
  4. Install an electric heating system. It is installed directly on the water supply under thermal insulation layer. The system is guaranteed to prevent freezing or allow heating of the water supply in the event that heating is used cyclically and freezing still occurs.

Thermal insulation using a heating cable - reliable way solve the problem of icing even in the most extreme cold.

In private temporary residences, for example country houses, water supply is rarely laid underground and is used mainly in the summer.

To prevent freezing of a structure located above the ground, in winter it is necessary to completely drain the water from it after each use. The second option to avoid defrosting the pipe outside is to leave the tap slightly open so that the water moves. The water in the source (well, borehole) has a temperature of about +5 degrees. As it moves, it gives off some of the heat for heating, so freezing of pipes in such a situation can only occur when severe frost, from -15.

How to defrost an open pipeline

If an open water supply system is frozen, it is not difficult to defrost the pipe, because... there is access to it.

Advice: you need to start heating the water supply immediately after freezing is detected, otherwise the situation only gets worse with each passing hour, especially if the insulation is of poor quality or is completely absent.

To heat frozen plastic lines, you will need a heating cable. It is extremely simple to use, just wrap the water pipe around it and connect the cable to the power source. This option requires additional costs for purchasing a cable. You can cast plastic pipes with hot water, but this option is only effective when small areas freezing, or in mild frosts.

Metal pipes can be heated using an open fire. A portable gas burner, blowtorch, or small diesel gun designed for heating will do. unheated premises. You can combine heating using a burner with the method of crushing ice. Using a burner you can heat all metal system, with the exception of taps. The taps have rubber (plastic) valves, which can deteriorate if the temperature rises sharply and the tap will have to be replaced.

Important: it is forbidden to warm frozen plastic pipes with open fire, because they may melt or even catch fire.

To warm up the tap, it is not necessary to heat it with a burner; just wrap it in a rag and pour boiling water over it. If the tap does not come off after the first time, the operation can be repeated.

To defrost an open one, you can use a hair dryer. It is quite powerful, heats up well and is not capable of melting the material.

Defrosting hidden plastic pipes

Defrosting water in a plastic pipe hidden underground is much more difficult due to the fact that there is no access to it. Heating options that are used for open water pipes are not suitable.

You can quickly defrost a water supply pipe only by heating it from the inside. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Outflow of hot water.
  2. Warming up with a steam generator.
  3. Warming up with an electric device to defrost pipes.
  4. Defrost water pipes using a homemade boiler.

Depending on the situation, the availability of tools and other circumstances, various devices can be used for each method. For example, in order to pour hot water, you can use a thin hose that will go inside the water supply, or you can simply pour hot water from a pear.

To defrost HDPE pipes in the ground, you can use a system cable heating, but only if it was installed at the stage of laying the water supply system. If cable heating elements are not installed, then this method is too labor-intensive and not always possible.

Now let's look at heating options that can be used if an HDPE pipe located underground is frozen.

Warming up with a steam generator

Based on the name, you can understand that the steam generator is designed to produce steam. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is much simpler. But not everyone has a steam generator. At home, in the country, you can use a pressure cooker instead. Defrosting a pipe with a pressure cooker is no more difficult than pouring hot water on it. To carry out the work you will need:

  • pressure cooker;
  • hose with a diameter less than polyethylene pipe water supply;
  • mobile electric or gas stove.

The process itself is similar to draining a water pipe with hot water, only steam is used instead. Water is poured into the pressure cooker and heated to a boil. One end of the hose is hermetically connected to the valve to release excess steam in the lid of the pressure cooker, the other is inserted into the line. Thus, steam from the pressure cooker enters the hose and then into the pipeline to the freezing point. The temperature of steam is higher than the temperature of hot water, so using a pressure cooker gives a greater effect and allows you to heat faster.

Another option to replace the steam generator is to use a Karher steam cleaner. The power of the steam cleaner is enough to cope with defrosting.

Ice crushing

If the underground water supply is made of iron or copper, then you can use it to defrost it. special device— apparatus for defrosting pipes. You can find out which device model to use for a specific pipe diameter by reading the device manufacturer’s instructions. The most popular devices in Russia are “Dragon” and their analogues.

The essence of the method is that the power cables of the device are connected to the main line and voltage is applied to them, due to which the walls of the pipe heat up and the ice jam thaws. This method can be combined with crushing method.

Its essence is to tap a metal line in order to cause the ice to peel off from the inner walls or cause its destruction. Crushed pieces of ice can come out under the pressure of water in the system. Using this method, you need to take care of the unhindered passage of pieces of ice along the entire length of the water supply. This means that the outlet valve, tees and other structural elements with a smaller diameter must be dismantled.

Everything seems simple, but in reality it doesn’t always work out, because... The device has limitations on the distance for connecting electrodes. If on the exit side water pipe Connecting an electrode is not a problem, but installing a second one at a certain distance from the first is not always possible, due to the fact that the system is closed and the water has frozen in the pipe underground. Sometimes such nuances make it impossible to use the device to heat a closed water supply system.

Defrosting with a boiler

At one end of a rigid two-core wire, several centimeters of wires are exposed and wrapped around the wire in such a way that the exposed contacts do not touch each other, and the distance between them does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. A plug is installed on the other end of the wire for connecting to a household outlet . Next, the structure is pushed inside the pipeline and connected to network 220. By passing current, the water between the contacts of the wire heats up, and the water supply gradually thaws.

Important: the method is suitable for use in closed system made of plastic pipes, used in metal structures strictly prohibited, because the pipe wall contacts are closed.

Defrosting pipes with hot water

If the length of the frozen water supply is short, it is convenient to pour hot water from a bucket or a rubber medical heating pad, often called an Esmarch mug. This is a simple method that requires a minimum of auxiliary devices. It is often used for self-elimination icing of pipes at the dacha. For heating, you will need a piece of thin hose no less than the length of the frozen main and a funnel for easy filling of the hose with hot water.

The hose is inserted into the water pipe until it stops, that is, to the point of freezing. Next, hot water is poured into the hose. Hot water, passing through the hose, goes directly to the freezing point and gradually melts the ice. As it melts, it is necessary to move the hose inside the water supply and add hot water, because... it will gradually go away and cool down.

Removing ice blockage in the sewer

A sewer system that is made with wrong slope, or from small-diameter pipes and laid without insulation, is at risk of defrosting. You can warm up a drain pipe in a private house if an ice jam occurs using the same methods that are used to defrost hidden water pipes.

Important: to remove ice, it is not enough to pour hot water into the toilet, because... this is ineffective; it is necessary to organize a supply of hot water directly to the place of the ice plug, which means you need to use a hose.

If the sewerage system is long enough, then to deliver the hose to the freezing point, it can be tied to a plumbing cable.

There are several nuances when defrosting.

  1. The cause of freezing may be a blockage that has reduced throughput systems. In this case, defrosting must be carried out in conjunction with cleaning, otherwise the problem will recur.
  2. In the sewer system, a septic tank or, in other words, a drainage pit may defrost. In this case, the outlet for water and feces is blocked, the pipes gradually fill and freeze. To eliminate the cause, you must first warm up or clean the ice in drain hole and only then begin work on heating the sewer drain.

How to defrost metal pipes in the ground

You can defrost metal water pipes that are located underground using the same methods that are used when you need to warm up a HDPE pipe in the ground. If there is access to the pipe every 10 meters, for example, wells are installed, then heating can be effectively carried out using a pipe defrosting apparatus.

Ice in a pipe underground begins to form at minus 5 degrees, which happens closer to spring, so during this period you need to be extremely careful, especially if the underground metal pipes are new and are wintering for the first time.

How not to defrost plastic pipes

Similar to metal pipes, plastic pipes defrost at temperatures from -5, but warm them up with all accessible ways it is forbidden. For example, it is prohibited to warm frozen plastic pipes using open fire.

Plastic is a flammable material and can catch fire in a few minutes. Also, for plastic communications, the method of crushing and heating using a device is not used. The device will not work because polypropylene pipe does not conduct electricity. At low temperatures, some types of plastic lose their flexibility.

If you hit the frozen plastic system hammer or other percussion instrument, the walls may not hold up and burst. As a result, part of the water supply will have to be replaced. Metal-plastic pipes burst even more easily, so crushing does not apply to them either.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to note that in order to avoid problems with sewerage and water supply systems, you do not need to neglect the requirements regulatory documents, for example SNiP SNiP 2.04.01-85*. If freezing could not be avoided, then after restoring the system’s functionality, it is necessary to analyze the causes that can be eliminated in warm time of the year. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself. It is not always possible to get away with just thawing the water supply, because... the integrity may be compromised and the system will have to be changed in the winter, or a temporary main will be laid, which will require additional investments.

On video original way defrosting pipes with hot water from flow heater"Atmor":