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» How to decorate the ceiling with wall panels yourself. How to cover a ceiling with plastic panels. Frame method of fastening panels

How to decorate the ceiling with wall panels yourself. How to cover a ceiling with plastic panels. Frame method of fastening panels

Owners of a private house have a lot of worries - they need to build a convenient and comfortable house, determine what will grow on the site, constantly care for it and decide what kind of fence will surround the property. Choosing a fence is a serious problem, because there are options that will completely deprive the air supply, but will provide serious “armor.” Or there will be a breeze on the site, but at the same time the neighbors will be able to observe everything that is happening inside. It’s not so easy to choose the right fence for your site.

Main types of fences on the site

It is difficult to recommend just one, the most best fence for home. After all, the choice should be influenced by several factors and the desires of the owners themselves. The main thing is that the fence can protect the property from the entry of strangers and animals and provide some security. The most popular fence options are:

  • Corrugated sheeting is an accessible, inexpensive, good material for creating a solid fence. You can install such a fence in just 1 day, and the wide color palette of sheets will allow you to choose the right color. Such a fence will provide reliable protection; it will not be afraid of moisture or temperature changes. But plants planted on the site will lose sunlight;

  • Chain-link mesh - such a fence is the most budget option. Among the disadvantages, one can note the accessibility to others of everything that happens on the site, low protection against penetration. This option is often “decorated” with climbing plants;
  • Brick is a solid, expensive fence that takes a long time to build. It will allow you to create an entire wall around the perimeter of the site, providing reliability and protection from penetration. Brick fences are successfully combined with forged elements;

  • 3D fence is a novelty among fencing variations. It will allow you to see beautiful landscapes and provide protection to the site. The speed of fence construction is also convenient - only 1-2 days;
  • Wood is perhaps the classic choice of fencing material. Modern wooden fences are not so banal, they look very aesthetically pleasing, and will definitely decorate the site. U wooden fence there is a minus - low service life;
  • Concrete can have several variations. Concrete fences can be monolithic, block, self-standing or stacked. To install such a fence, you will need to hire special equipment and lay the foundation.

If the site is in a safe place, with friendly neighbors, beautiful scenery– then it’s better not to hide natural beauty from your own eyes. But sometimes protection and safety are the main requirements of site owners. Then it is better to choose wall fencing, solid and durable.

Finishing ceilings with PVC panels with your own hands is quite simple work, which you can easily produce yourself and save some money on hiring specialists. This finishing material is quite light and durable, while it has a long service life. Special additives ensure its temperature stability, non-flammability and absence of unpleasant odors. Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels does not require preliminary leveling of the surface. You can use it to hide engineering Communication, but you will have to sacrifice a few centimeters of wall height.

Modern construction market offers panels that imitate color and texture natural materials, and simply colorful products. It is only important to remember that covering the ceiling with plastic panels cannot be carried out using wall products. Ceiling strips are lighter and more flexible, making them easier to work with at height and they will not fall off under the influence of gravity.

The parameters of plastic panels are as follows: thickness ranges from 5 to 10 mm, width - from 250 to 500 mm, length - from 2700 to 3000 mm. Mounting profiles are available in standard length - 3000 mm.

First you need to calculate the area of ​​one panel (multiply the width by the length), and then the area of ​​the ceiling. The second number must be divided by the first, and then add 15% for trimming and stock. It is recommended to round the resulting figure to more so that during work you do not have to purchase additional material.

It is also very important to calculate the number correctly metal profiles or wooden slats. For this purpose, you need to draw on paper a proportionally reduced ceiling plan. After this, draw longitudinal lines along one wall, and set a distance of 400-600 mm between the profiles. Now it’s easy to calculate how much material is needed for the entire room.

Having completed the calculations, draw a line on the walls along the perimeter of the ceiling: more rigid profiles that can support the entire structure will be laid here. This data also needs to be recorded. The number of dowel screws is calculated based on the number of profiles and the installation pitch of fasteners measuring 30 cm. It is also advisable to add a little for reserve. To reduce the cost of work, you can replace the metal profile with a wooden one, and the fasteners with brackets.

Preparatory work

As mentioned above, finishing the ceiling with plastic does not require serious preparation; it is enough to do the following:

  1. Remove the old coating, dismantle all lighting equipment, wires and clean the ceiling of dirt and dust.
  2. Tap its surface with a hammer, checking for weak fragments.
  3. If such are found, they should be removed, and the resulting defects and detected cracks should be repaired with cement-sand mortar.
  4. Wait a few days for the solution to dry and apply an antiseptic primer.

Now you need to prepare the following tools and supplies:

  • Construction level, pencil or marker, tape measure.
  • Dowel screws or staples, metal scissors, profiles or wooden slats, hammer drill.
  • Hacksaw, screwdriver.

Installation of panels on the frame

This method of finishing the ceiling with PVC panels with your own hands has become the most widespread. Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, markings are applied and a frame is mounted for the future structure, which will become a rigid and reliable foundation for it.

Ceiling markings

The first step is to identify the ceiling blockage using building level. This will be the lowest point. Taking into account this level, lines should be drawn along the perimeter of the walls under the ceiling. If you plan to install it on suspensions, it is important to consider the distance by which the surface must be lowered. After this, you need to find the center of the ceiling and draw a longitudinal line using a building level. Each new markup element must be checked for correct placement. Then apply longitudinal lines along the remaining area, retreating 400-600 mm.

Using a building level, surfaces are marked for installing the frame on the ceiling

Installation of suspended frame

In order to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands in a high-quality manner, you need to correctly assemble the frame. This stage consists of the following steps:

  • The metal profile is cut to length and leans against the markings. Holes are made in the profile and the wall at a distance of 300 mm from each other into which dowels are installed.
  • After this, hangers are installed and the metal profile is fixed at a certain height. Then the ends are secured with screws.
  • The edges suspended profile should be inserted into the carrier cavity around the perimeter and also secured with screws.

Installation of lathing on the ceiling under PVC installation panels

On a note! Metal beams 60x27 can be quite expensive for large areas, so you can save a little and buy wooden frame.

If you plan to install lighting, then in the places where the lamps are fixed you need to strengthen the structure with jumpers. These products are mounted using special fasteners - crabs. You can also cut the profiles in the corners and bend them at right angles.

Mounting the frame directly to the surface

To cover the ceiling with PVC panels, you can use the following method of mounting the frame:

  1. Installation of the supporting structure occurs in the same way as in the previous case. The edges of the profiles are also fixed with fasteners.
  2. The profiles or beams are attached to the ceiling surface using dowel screws. It is important that the length of the product is sufficient, so it is recommended to choose fasteners with a length of 60 mm.
  3. If the installation of bars is necessary to level the ceiling, then they are attached first, and then the frame is attached to them.
  4. Using a building level and taking into account the markings, the frame is completely assembled.

Ceiling cladding with plastic panels is often carried out in order to hide utility lines and install spotlights. Installation of these systems must be carried out precisely at this stage. For safety reasons, it is recommended to run electrical wiring in a pre-installed corrugated casing. If a spark occurs, the box will extinguish it and thus prevent a fire. This element is mounted to suspensions or a side supporting structure.

Important! When wiring, you need to work only with products disconnected from the network. Connection can only be made after the installation of the ceiling panels has been completed.

Of these two options metal carcass is preferred. A plastic ceiling in a house installed on such a frame will last for quite a long time. Wooden slats have a relatively short term operation, but are cheaper and easier to install.


Installation of panels

The finishing of ceilings with plastic panels looks like this:

  • On the installed supporting structure along the perimeter of the walls, a special U-shaped profile. Self-tapping screws are used for fixation. You can also use the rail to install the ceiling plinth.

  • After this, they are mounted in the installed profile ceiling plinth. As a result, a small gap is formed between this element and the supporting structure, which will be used for installing the panels.
  • Now the first bar is installed. It is mounted on a U-shaped profile or in the resulting gap. To do this, the panel tenon is secured to the frame with a screw with a wide head, and the groove remains intact.

  • The correct installation of finishing materials is checked by the building level.
  • Next comes a set of ceiling panels, which are mounted in the groove of the previous element. On at this stage It is important to ensure the tightest possible contact of products with each other. It is also recommended to frequently check the correct installation using a building level.
  • After covering the area near the walls, it is necessary to cut holes in the panels for spotlights and install them according to the above diagram. For convenience, it is recommended to immediately take the wires out.

  • Then the main part of the ceiling is sheathed. For installation last panel you will have to trim the material. In addition, in order not to waste a lot of time on its installation, it is recommended to simply secure the panel to the wall with two screws; subsequently this connection will be hidden by the ceiling plinth.
  • At the end, install the plinth and close the corners with special plastic plugs.

The ceiling covering with plastic is completed. All that remains is to connect the lamps to the previously routed cables, install them in the prepared holes and connect them to the electrical network.


Glue mounting

Ceilings can also be finished with panels without assembling the frame. Let us immediately note that this method requires ideally prepared and flat surface. Liquid nails or tile adhesive are used as the working substance. Before covering the ceiling with plastic panels, the surface must be cleaned and primed. Then prepare the adhesive solution according to the instructions on the package. Using a spatula, apply it in a thin, even layer on back panel and attach it with a tenon to the corner. The following panels are mounted in the same way, inserting the tenon into the groove. The last element is trimmed if necessary. At the very end, the ceiling plinth is installed. This completes the finishing of the ceiling panels.

To sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels, you do not need specialized education or professional tools. It is enough to follow the above instructions and remember the safety rules when working with construction tools.

A ceiling made of plastic panels is one of the options for quick top finishing in any room. It will look equally good in a bathroom, toilet, balcony, loggia, or living rooms. Even if the next repair is planned in the distant future, then familiarize yourself with how to do high quality ceiling from plastic panels yourself will not be superfluous.

Harmful or not

There are conflicting opinions about whether a PVC panel ceiling is harmful when used in places where people are predominantly present. Moving away from the subjectivity of assessments, we can state:

  1. Today, plastic is used everywhere in everyday life - from sealing goods to kitchen utensils. In the production of panels, raw materials used for medical and food products are used, which undergo mandatory certification.
  2. The structure of the product has no pores. Bacteria and microorganisms do not have conditions for cultivation. That is why the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service recommends panels for use in the buildings of the Ministry of Health and other institutions with large public visits.
  3. Plastic is easily kept clean with simple household products. At the same time, user properties and aesthetic qualities are not lost.
  4. The combustion temperature of PVC used for the production of panels is 360°C. At the same time, often used for chipboard repair, fiberboard, OSB, enter the combustion process at 250°C. The smoke emission of the latter is 40-50% higher.
  5. The plastic ceiling “does not breathe”, that is, it does not allow air to pass through, does not deform, and condensate is not removed. It is a fact. But all apartments and modern private houses are equipped with ventilation. The same applies to houses old building, where the owner is allocated space for bathrooms and sanitary facilities, if they were not provided for during the subdivision of the building. The issue of air exchange and humidity control is not resolved through the ceiling of the room.

Thus, the assertion that the use of plastic panels destroys the microclimate of the room and is potentially dangerous for people to live in has no basis.

Types of plastic ceiling panels

PVC ceiling panels are classified according to several criteria:

  1. Density of the material.
  2. Element size.
  3. Connection type.
  4. Color and texture design.

The type of joint determines whether the finished surface will have a visible seam or be completely seamless. The final processing method gives the product color and texture, and the surface can be:

  • plain, does not fade when exposed to ultraviolet light;
  • varnished, with a special coating applied that gives a special shine, but scratches can ruin the appearance;
  • with a drawing applied in printed form many patterns, but the plastic is soft. And the service life is limited;
  • laminated, completely repeating natural materials and their derivatives are susceptible to delamination when exposed to prolonged direct ultraviolet radiation.

All options are resistant to water or steam and do not change structure under moderate temperature changes.

When producing PVC panels for ceilings, manufacturers are guided by standardized dimensions, where width can be 100, 200, 250 mm, length - 2700, 3000, 4000 and 6000 mm, with a thickness of 10 mm.

The presented photos show design options for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, bedroom, hallway and corridor.

Advice! The service life, in addition to the recommended conditions of use, depends on the density of the elements. Almost all panels are in an affordable price category, but less dense (soft) panels are cheaper. Saving on purchases may lead to new expenses in the near future.

Preparatory activities

Like others Finishing work During repairs, it will not be possible to attach panels to the ceiling without preliminary preparation. A number of activities need to be carried out:

  1. Calculate the number of panels, accessories, and fastening materials. The plan takes into account the placement of lamps and wiring routing.
  2. Check the readiness of the tool and accessories.
  3. Clear the room of furniture that interferes with the pre-treatment of the ceiling and direct installation.
  4. Remove from ceiling surface remnants of old decoration.
  5. Check wiring. If it is in a deplorable condition, as well as if a change in the position of the lighting devices is planned, it is dismantled, having first disconnected the input wires from the electrical network.
  6. Inspect the ceiling for defects. Special attention pay attention to the joints of floor slabs and wall joints on the street side. Putty on the cracks.
  7. Prime the ceiling plane with antibacterial mixtures.

Attention! If installation is planned to be carried out on suspensions ( suspended ceiling), then the implementation of the scope of these activities is sufficient. But in the case of attaching the guides directly to the ceiling, the plane is additionally leveled with gypsum-based putty.

Principles of calculation

A simple mathematical calculation makes it possible to purchase the required number of panels and other Supplies. First of all, determine the installation area by multiplying the length and width of the room. Then the result is divided by the area of ​​one PVC part, and the required number of parts is obtained. You should add 10-15% to the result obtained, rounding the value to the whole panel. This reserve will come in handy in case of erroneous dissolution or installation errors.

The following is calculated:

  • purchase volume of ceiling profiles, as well as suspensions (fastening interval 500-600 mm);
  • the length of the starting profile, where it is equal to length perimeter and 100 mm margin;
  • dowels, if the metal profile is fastened in increments of 500 mm;
  • self-tapping screws, with a consumption of pcs./meter, respectively, 1/0.5.

Additionally, you should purchase a profile for connecting the end parts of the panels, internal and external corners for joining the structure.

Tools and accessories

To perform the work, you should prepare the following tools and accessories:

  1. Drilling holes. This can be an electric or hand drill, a semi-professional or professional screwdriver with a set of drills and bits.
  2. Dissolution of blanks. Carpenter's knife, hacksaw with blade for cutting metal.
  3. Measurements and markings. Tape measure, building level, twine, marker or pencil. Hangers.
  4. Metal profile for installation ceiling structures: UD – 25/25 mm and CD – 25/60 mm in the calculated quantity.

Advice! Repair is a planned event. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare tools and purchase consumables in advance.

How to install a plastic suspended ceiling

There are several options for mounting panels. Simple is represented by direct lathing of the ceiling surface with timber at intervals of 500-600 mm, sequential interlocking assembly of panels. This option is applicable if, as a result of preliminary preparation, the surface is leveled close to ideal, as well as with low ceilings. But it should be taken into account that the wooden beam “takes” moisture and becomes deformed. Consequently, the plane of the finishing surface will undergo a change.

Another method is a do-it-yourself suspended ceiling made of plastic panels using metal profiles. In this case, the structure will not lose its consumer properties regardless of humidity and temperature changes. This is what will be discussed further.

Assembling the frame

Work begins with markings. For this purpose, previously prepared measuring and marker accessories are used. The order is as follows:

  1. Record the height of all corners and the value in the center of the room (floor - ceiling).
  2. The lowest angle compared to the base values ​​will be the starting angle. It is from this that the interval of the formed inter-ceiling space (ceiling - panel) is measured. For ease of fastening the cord, fix the point by screwing in a self-tapping screw.
  3. Using a level and a cord, “beat off” a plane along the entire perimeter of the room, where the outlined line will be the junction of the plastic structure.
  4. Places for placing metal profiles are added on the opposing walls. Planned intervals are no more than 500 mm.
  5. Lastly, mark the installation locations of the hangers. It is important to apply the markings with maximum accuracy, since errors during installation are difficult to eliminate.

You should check whether there are hidden electrical wiring at the mounting points of the suspensions. To do this, use a special detector or seek help from a professional electrician. Further activities include:

  • According to the wall markings, the guide profile is fastened along the entire perimeter, with the exception of the side where the installation is planned to be completed, to facilitate the adjustment of the end slab;
  • holes for dowels are drilled in previously designated places and hangers are attached;
  • next, cut the profile to the required length, insert it into the guides, and fix it on the hangers with self-tapping screws;
  • carry out constant control of the horizon of the plane using a stretched cord.

Attention! This stage of work is completed by tracing the wiring and, if planned, communications. It is recommended to place the wires in special corrugated sleeves. Their use makes it possible to timely identify wiring during drilling and simplifies complete replacement parts of the wire and additionally protects against moisture penetration.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling

The ceiling panels are installed perpendicular to the guides in the following order:

  1. Measure the distance between the guide profiles. Transfer the measurements with markings to the panel. Cut off the excess. To do this, use a sharp knife or hacksaw with a fine tooth and a thin blade.
  2. On the cut edges, the jagged edges are removed with fine-grained sandpaper. Release the panel from its individual packaging if it has not been removed previously.
  3. One end is inserted into the starting profile, bending the palatine, the second end is placed in the oppositely located wall mount.
  4. With little effort, move the plastic element to the installed perpendicular mount. Thus, it turns out to be fixed in three planes.
  5. On the side with the locking device, the lower part is fixed to the sheathing with a self-tapping screw.
  6. Repeat the operation with the next panel, with the difference that it is necessary to ensure precise fit into the grooves along the entire length of the part.
  7. On panels where installation is intended lighting fixtures, drill technical holes of the recommended diameter. To avoid unintentional fracture of the plane, work is carried out with extreme care, avoiding excessive physical effort.
  8. Elements are installed in a similar way along the entire length of the room, while the installation of the end panel has some features.

The installation of plastic lining on the ceiling is presented in the following video:

Installing the last panel and baseboard

The last panel for the ceiling fits completely into the remaining space in very rare cases, trimming is usually required. The procedure is as follows:

  • take accurate measurements on both sides of the panel; a slight error may have occurred during installation;
  • the measurements are transferred to the workpiece, the points are connected with a piece of profile and cut off;
  • along with the finishing wall profile placed on the seat of the pants;
  • the latter is secured with an adhesive mixture called “liquid nails”.

Ceiling plinth is a must plastic ceiling. Molding gives a finished look to the room and ensures a smooth transition between wall and ceiling planes. To properly fit the baguette at the corners, you will need a miter box. If it is not there, then using one of the simple marking techniques will be sufficient. You can use a squared notebook sheet. It depicts two lines intersecting in the center. Then the bisectors of the corners are drawn and the required 450 for even trimming is obtained.

Advice! Before fixing with adhesive solution, preliminary fitting is carried out. If necessary, the butt ends are adjusted additionally.

Sealing cracks with acrylic

Finishing installation work for installing plastic panels for the ceiling by gluing skirting boards and sealing acrylic cracks. After installing the last panel, as a rule, there is a need to seal the joint. At the same time, to make the ceiling plane look monolithic, the joints are filled acrylic compounds. The order of work is presented as follows:

  1. You can carry out culling by preliminary inspection of the entire plane, but it is more practical to visually divide the plane into squares, and sequentially seal all the cracks as you move through the sections.
  2. It is recommended to remove flaws using a construction gun with a tube filled with acrylic.
  3. Simultaneous filling of cracks is carried out in small areas (350-450 mm). Excess is removed immediately and the seam is smoothed.
  4. The hardening speed of acrylic is quite high, therefore, if the area where the composition was placed is missed and it has time to dry, it is carefully removed with a spatula or knife, followed by rubbing the area with warm water.

Attention! The drying of this type of grouting material is accompanied by slight shrinkage, and it may be necessary to re-grout the flaws after the first layer has completely dried, that is, 7-11 hours.

Plastic ceiling lamps

Change finishing ceiling makes it possible to check the condition of electrical wiring, change the location of lighting fixtures, install modern models. If the ceiling in the bathroom is made of plastic panels, then lighting zoning can be done without damaging the wall tile covering, place the wires hidden above the panels.

When independently tracing and connecting peripheral electrical devices, you must adhere to safety rules, namely:

  1. Dismantling and subsequent work are carried out after disconnecting the room from the general electrical network. A household “indicator probe” in the form of a screwdriver will help you make sure there is no voltage.
  2. It is recommended to pre-prepare the electrical wiring diagram location of lighting devices, switches.
  3. Wires for new wiring are purchased with a cross-section appropriate maximum load when all devices are turned on. Consultation on this issue can be obtained from trade organizations.
  4. In the places where lamps and switches are connected, the wire is left with a reserve - the “loop” will come in handy if you have to conduct renovation work or change equipment if it malfunctions.
  5. After tracing the wires, it is useful, without connecting to the network, to check the correct execution of the circuit using a household voltmeter.

Attention! If House master does not have experience in independently installing wiring and connecting devices, in order to avoid accidents from damage electric shock During subsequent operation, a professional electrician should be invited.

Features of the selection and installation of 220 V lamps

When choosing lighting fixtures, consider the following:

  1. The ignition temperature of plastic is high and it is almost impossible to achieve it by contact with a light bulb. But exceeding the heating norm will lead to melting seat, changes in color, structure and odor. In this regard, light bulbs with a power not exceeding 40 W are used.
  2. Security parameters of the lighting device itself. Their importance increases when used in rooms with high humidity levels. Therefore, it is recommended to use lamps with a protection level of at least IP44.
  3. Based on safety requirements, lighting devices should not be located closer than half a meter to the location of the bathtub or shower stall.
  4. The distribution panel of lighting devices in rooms with high humidity is located outside the room.
  5. Places for installing lamps are prepared during the direct installation of the panels. The diameter of the seat for the lighting system, depending on the brand and manufacturer, ranges from 58-74 mm. There are two ways to make a hole.

The first is represented by the use of a suitable size wood crown.

The second one takes a little longer, but does not require application. special tool. The installation site is marked using an ordinary compass. Make a small incision with a sharp knife and cut out the outline household jigsaw. With all the increase in time for the procedure, the likelihood of damage to the panel as a result of careless use of an electric drilling tool is reduced significantly.

Halogen and LED

What distinguishes halogen and LED lighting devices from standard ones is a twelve-volt supply voltage, and to create it, a step-down transformer is included in the electrical supply network. The location of its installation should exclude the possibility of penetration of condensate, and especially water. Safety requirements require the installation of a separate automatic fuse with a rating of at least 8 A.

When determining the number of spotlight sources in any rooms where it is planned to install a plastic ceiling with a height of more than 2.6 meters, take into account the following:

  • the cone of lighting when they are turned on does not exceed an angle of 300;
  • for good light density, lamps are installed at intervals of no more than one meter;
  • the distance from the wall plane to the first lama is 0.6 m or more;
  • to connect groups of lamps, special blocks are used; even soldered “twists” are not recommended;
  • to ensure accurate polarity at the device’s power terminals, the wire should be routed uniformly, for example, black – plus, white – minus, wire with a notch – “ground”;
  • When attaching lamps to the frame, special devices (latches, clamps) must be used.

The installation procedure for a spotlight is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the base part from the light element.
  2. The block is connected to the wire terminals.
  3. The light element is placed on regular place and check operation.
  4. If the result is positive, the spotlight is attached to the base with clamps.
  5. Installation completes the installation decorative overlay and thermal insulator. It should be noted that the designs of lamps differ, and therefore it is recommended to study the instructions for the device before installation.

How to install lighting elements is presented in the following videos:


The presented material indicates that the plastic ceiling, when household use no more dangerous to humans than chipboard panels, but it has a number of advantages. One of them is represented by the possibility of self-installation, without the need to purchase special tools and accessories. A wide palette of panel colors allows you to create a ceiling for many interior styles.

Gallery of finished works

Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels is a budget-friendly and quick cladding option. Do-it-yourself installation of polymer panels with making the right choice materials, tools and knowledge of the nuances of cladding technology is very simple. Unlike the device by others ceiling coverings, covering the ceiling with plastic panels does not require the help of a partner. Why did polyvinyl chloride become so popular that it began to be used in interior decoration not only to protect ceilings, but also for walls?

Material selection

The history of the appearance of PVC material, capable of replacing expensive ceramic tiles and poorly painted panels, dates back to the 90s of the last century. At that time it was believed that the room, decorated with plastic panels, had the status of “European-quality renovation”. The material has not lost its popularity to this day. Finishing of bathrooms, balconies, loggias, offices and facilities with high humidity cannot do without the use of polymer panels.

The polyvinyl chloride used to produce this material is resistant to moisture and aggressive environments. It does not fade, is easy to clean, can be installed “with your own hands” without any problems, and is aesthetically compatible with other types of finishing.

Originality of PVC ceiling:

  1. Smooth surface without preliminary preparation of the base (besides priming).
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Durable and easy to care for.
  4. Possibility of installing panels yourself, without outside help.
  5. Noise insulation.
  6. An assortment of plastic panels, thanks to which ceilings made of PVC materials are combined with any type of wall decoration.
  7. Waterproof.

When I first came to the store to buy plastic panels, I learned that there is a gradation of the material according to its purpose. It turns out that different materials are used for walls and ceilings. types of PVC slabs The main difference between them is their weight. Plastic ceiling panels are lighter than wall panels because they are not subject to mechanical stress. Finishing structural elements indoors or outdoors is also one of the factors when choosing PVC material.

Important! When purchasing plastic sheathing for exterior use, you should choose panels with improved technical characteristics. They are protected from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing a material, you need to visually inspect the planks. They should not have dents, scratches or other defects. PVC panels are profile design with stiffeners and voids. If you look at the end of the bar, then in addition to it smooth cut identical membranes should be observed, clearly perpendicular to the edge. These are stiffening ribs; the strength of the material depends on their number and condition.

It is important to check the connection of the panels when purchasing. The quality of finishing walls or ceilings with your own hands depends on the integrity of the front covering. Lock connections must form a single canvas.

Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, you need to prepare tools, calculate the number of panels and choose a method for attaching them.

Installation instructions and material calculations

Installation work should begin after arrangement working area with availability necessary tools and materials:

  1. Level;
  2. Roulette;
  3. Hacksaw for metal;
  4. Drill, hammer drill, screwdriver;
  5. Self-tapping screws, dowels;
  6. Metal profile or wooden beam;
  7. Suspensions;
  8. Square;
  9. Liquid Nails.
  10. Panels, fillets and wall starting profile.

This is a general list for different ways do-it-yourself plastic ceiling finishing. The first type of installation is a frameless cladding option. The base for mounting is a flat ceiling or chipboard. In both cases, it is necessary to install a wall starting profile on liquid nails around the perimeter of the room and begin attaching PVC panels in the direction from the window. On concrete base the material is mounted using adhesive mixtures on OSB boards thanks to self-tapping screws. Frameless finishing of the ceiling (and walls) is rare and has shortcomings that disappear with the use of the frame method.

Wooden slats or galvanized profiles with hangers can be used as linear elements of the supporting structure under the cladding. When I made the ceiling in the bathroom with my own hands, I installed a metal frame. For rooms where there is no moisture, you can get by wooden beam. Suspensions for the profile in my case were necessary, since the ceiling decoration included built-in spotlights and ventilation.

After finishing the cladding of the bathroom walls, I glued the UD 27/28 profile around the perimeter of the room with liquid nails, flush with the tiles, which did not reach the level of the floor slab by 12 cm. The surface was previously degreased with acetone.

Based on experience, I recommend using synthetic rubber adhesive material and following the instructions for its use. First, apply the composition to the profile and press it firmly against the tile so that it imprints. Then remove the UD 27/28 and wait about three minutes until the glue dries, then connect the surfaces to be glued.

The SD 60/27 profile is inserted into the mounted UD guides and attached to the floor slab with hangers. Cross pitch metal slats The diameter of the diameter should not exceed 600 mm, otherwise plastic trim the ceiling will sag. It is imperative to install the LED profile along the walls, which will be the ends for the plastic panel. When the frame is mounted, it’s time for fillets. This plastic skirting board with groove for starting panel. I fastened the fillets with liquid nails, more precisely, Titan glue for mirrors, the same as when installing the UD profile.

I chose the seamless panels from Venta. Dimensions of one PVC element: 250x6000 mm. For the cladding I needed 4 slabs. To count required quantity material: it is necessary to divide the ceiling area by the area of ​​one slab and add 15% for errors and trimmings. Finishing on the frame begins with installation across the installed profiles. Attached plastic elements to the frame with self-tapping screws.

How to cover a ceiling with plastic panels on a wooden frame with your own hands? It is necessary to prepare 20x40 beams and make holes in them with a diameter of 6 mm, in increments of 50-60 cm. Then attach the prepared ones along the walls wooden elements to the floor slabs using a hammer drill and a 6x60 mm dowel-nail. Make a sheathing with a distance between the beams of no more than 50 cm. Using a stapler with 6 mm staples, mount the starting profile around the perimeter of the frame, except for the wall to which the last plastic panel will be attached. This is the wall opposite the window. The last element of the prefabricated structure is mounted on liquid nails, with a starting profile pre-inserted into the panel. The described method of installing a plastic ceiling is suitable for lighting a room with a chandelier. If it is necessary to build in spotlights, then the sheathing should be lowered relative to the ceiling by 12 cm.

Currently, in the world of renovation, in particular ceiling finishing, plastic panels are very popular. Their demand is due to good combination prices and quality. In addition, they are quite easy to install, you can do without the work of hired specialists, and you can decorate the ceiling with plastic panels yourself.

PVC panels - what are they?

This material has a variety of shapes and color palette. It is quite easy to maintain and very practical. Decorating walls and ceilings with plastic panels is appropriate not only in residential space, but also in industrial areas. Plastic for ceilings is light in weight and should not be confused with wall plastic, which has a higher weight and greater rigidity. As part of this building material Polyvinyl chloride is used, known for its lightness and strength.

  • Low price, suitable for economical repairs;
  • The appearance is very decent and attractive, can compete with Euro class materials;
  • Easy to install, it is possible to decorate the ceiling with plastic yourself;
  • Good moisture resistance;
  • Plastic finishing of walls and ceilings provides good sound insulation;
  • High strength, durability, low maintenance.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fragility. The sheathing must be installed carefully enough so as not to leave a dent;
  • Possible deformation of the plastic under the influence high temperatures(over 80 degrees);
  • This type of material is quite environmentally friendly, but is still inferior to natural raw materials, so it is best suited for kitchens, baths, toilets and loggias, but not for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Types of PVC panels

Before we talk about ceiling decoration plastic sheets, let's look at what types there are.

  • Slatted sheets that are completely identical in appearance to lining. Such products are quite often used in finishing. Their elongated shape allows you to visually add volume to the room. Width and length may vary. The most common parameters are: length - 3 meters, width - 25 centimeters, thickness - 8 millimeters.
  • PVC cladding imitating ceramic tiles. Here design solutions can be different, there is enormous potential for realizing ideas. Plastic sheets for tiles can externally imitate stone, wood, leather and other materials. They are especially suitable for decorating bathrooms, as well as kitchen aprons. They have different shapes and sizes. Quality work done looks very good. In addition, the material is durable and moisture-resistant, does not fade in the sun and is easy to clean.
  • Sheet products. They have a sufficient area and sometimes a three-dimensional pattern; the surface texture can be matte, glossy or mirror.

Below you can look at the photo design options for finishing the ceiling and walls with plastic panels.

What should you consider before purchasing PVC panels?

First of all, you need to measure the ceiling or walls in order to know how much material will be needed for cladding. If we consider classic plastic panels, they have the following proportions: 20-50 centimeters in width and from 5 to 10 millimeters in thickness. We calculate the required volume of material in the number of units and add a small margin (about 20% of the total).

When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the quality of the material:

  • The surface must be smooth, without dents or scratches.
  • The material must be evenly colored.
  • For not so much large rooms You should choose lighter tones to visually add additional volume to the room.
  • The wider the panel, the easier the installation process is, and the less waste and joints are generated.

If the plastic has good quality, then the ceiling finished with it will last a very long time and retain its original appearance.

Do-it-yourself ceiling finishing with PVC panels

Let's try to theoretically consider the process of installing PVC ceiling panels.

There are two main methods of finishing the ceiling with plastic - framed and frameless.
The latter is recommended to be used when there is a flat and dry surface. During installation sheets of material are fixed directly to the plane with help liquid nails or construction adhesive, evenly distributed over the surface. This type of cladding is very quick and simple.

Frame technology is more labor-intensive. It is used in rooms where air humidity may increase or the surfaces are not very smooth. The frame structure can consist of wood or metal. It is worth remembering that a wooden frame should not be used in rooms with high humidity, because Wood becomes deformed from moisture over time.

Necessary lath the entire surface of the ceiling. Next, we proceed to the installation of the PVC panels themselves. We carefully adjust them to size and attach them to the structure. We use a stapler or small nails on the wooden frame. If the frame is made of metal, self-tapping screws will come in handy.

The work that requires the greatest precision and accuracy is installing the last PVC panel on the ceiling. Most often, adjust it to size and hide the excess space. Plastic skirting boards will also help get rid of unwanted defects.

Thus, to answer the question of how to install PVC ceiling panels, you do not need to be a specialist, because... This process can be done by almost anyone and does not require special skills.

Cost of work

Of course, one of the main priorities in choosing this material is its availability. price category. Are you interested in the price of finishing walls and ceilings with plastic panels? Let's try to make an approximate calculation of the cost of finishing with sheets PVC walls and the ceiling in the sampled room.

First you need to calculate the perimeter of the room. If we take the average values, it turns out - 1.5m * 2.5m = 8m around the perimeter. One panel standard sizes is capable of covering 25 cm of surface area, therefore, we will need 32 units.

Let's take a reserve of 15-20% of the total quantity (this is necessary so that in case of a mistake by the master or other unforeseen moments, there will be enough material for the entire area). It turns out 35-37 PVC sheets. average cost each is 150 rubles. The total is approximately 5,500 rubles for the entire bathroom. Additional expenses (about 1000 rubles) will be required for related materials– glue, corners, etc.

The price of finishing the ceiling with plastic panels per 1 sq.m. depends on the region, on average it is about 350 rubles.

Thus, the price of finishing the walls and ceilings of a standard bathroom with plastic panels will cost 6,500 thousand rubles, with the help of a specialist - 12,500 thousand rubles. For comparison, the cost of finishing the same room with ceramic tiles will be much more expensive.

PVC panels - where are they used?

As already said, this material very convenient and practical. He is chosen a large number of people for finishing the walls and ceilings of bathrooms, toilets, corridors and industrial premises. In addition plastic material very convenient and in demand decorative finishing loggias and balconies. Plastic bends easily, which is why they are made from it various boxes and partitions. It is also used in kitchens as an apron, replacing ceramic tiles.