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» How to make a decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes. Fireplace from a TV box: DIY

How to make a decorative fireplace from cardboard boxes. Fireplace from a TV box: DIY

The presence of a fireplace in the interior gives the decor weight and a certain significance and style. In our imagination, a fireplace is usually associated with warmth and comfort. In addition, a fireplace is one of the decorative elements that indicates a certain level of wealth and well-being of the owners of the house.

Important ! In the practical implementation of the idea of ​​​​how to make a fireplace from boxes, viewing real buildings with your own hands helps a lot various options, simple and complex. If possible, look at what a real, real structure made from cardboard and boxes looks like, this will make it easier to do it yourself.

Not every owner of a private home can afford a real stove, and one can only dream of a real fireplace in multi-story buildings. In a city apartment, this is often simply impossible for reasons beyond the desires and capabilities of the owners.

In this case, a fireplace made from boxes, assembled with your own hands, will help out. With just a little effort, you can decorate your house or apartment with your own hands. original design made of cardboard and boxes, which will be a wonderful addition to the festive atmosphere.

You can be sure that making your own fireplace from cardboard and boxes will not require a significant investment of time and money. Not only a person who is well acquainted with the rules of laying a real fireplace, but also an ordinary housewife and even a teenager can figure out how to make a fireplace out of boxes with their own hands. The main thing is the desire to work with cardboard and boxes with your own hands. In this case, it is not a sin to take part in a similar event with friends or acquaintances, receiving a certain master class and feeling like an expert.

What can a master class in making a fireplace from boxes with your own hands give a family?

Despite the “lightness” of the idea of ​​a fireplace made of cardboard and boxes, the manufacturing process gives a chance to:

  • Improve the mood of yourself and your household with another interesting idea;
  • Refresh the interior of one of the rooms of your house or apartment on the eve of the holiday;
  • Teach children to truly set their sights on themselves complex tasks and do them yourself;

When starting work, you need to decide on the place where the cardboard imitation will be located. This could be free space against the wall, or a corner of the room not occupied by furniture. With its help you can hide some construction defects in the corner of the room.

Having decided on the location, we measure it with our own hands with a tape measure and calculate the estimated dimensions of the future cardboard layout, whether it can fit in the space allotted to it. It is important to indicate in advance the dimensions of the cardboard fireplace, down to the smallest detail, so that you do not have to redo the work.

After this, you need to decide which option would be better suited to the decor, to the interior style, look on the Internet for photos of fireplaces made from boxes with your own hands and choose an option that you can make with your own hands from cardboard and boxes.

Make a drawing of the selected option indicating dimensions and a drawing of the external design finished product. Calculate with your own hands the need for cardboard and boxes, their sizes. This will allow you to think in advance how it will be decorated. appearance fireplace, what and where decorative decorations will be located.

Before you begin, prepare the materials necessary for work:

  1. Several large ones cardboard boxes, the more cardboard, the easier it is to pick optimal shape and size;
  2. PVA glue, PVA-M and transparent “Dragon” or “Titan”;
  3. Construction chalk putty;
  4. Paints on water based, necessarily - white, red and black;
  5. A long meter ruler, tape measure, corner and construction knife;
  6. Brush and paint roller for painting the finished product.

For your information ! Before starting work, prepare yourself and explain to your assistants, if any, that making a fireplace from boxes with your own hands requires the utmost care and precision.

Making a fireplace from cardboard and boxes

In addition to its decorative function, a wall-mounted fireplace made from boxes can be used as a watch stand, decorative candles or figurines, bookshelf. Often, such a cardboard stove becomes a full-fledged element of the room’s interior as a cabinet or bedside table.

To work you need to prepare free place so that you can place large leaf cardboard and the box itself, transfer the necessary markings and draw the contours of the product being manufactured.

If you are lucky enough to pick up or get hold of a large cardboard TV box, washing machine or refrigerator, the task will become much easier. Using a ready-made large cardboard box will allow you to avoid making the supporting frame yourself, which will greatly simplify the work.

Otherwise, for a wall-mounted fireplace from boxes, you must first assemble a frame from construction profile or wooden slats, fixing it on the wall at the location of the fireplace. Next, the frame will have to be covered with cut out two or three-layer pieces of thick cardboard, butt-joined with glue and tape.

Advice ! Sometimes you have to glue two sheets of cardboard into one “sandwich” with a layer of tape or corrugated cardboard. The base sheet is laid out on level ground, the PVA layer is glued to the bottom and top sheets, and a load is placed on top. Such a sandwich turns out to be durable; any element of the fireplace, including the back wall, can be easily made from it.

The design of the fireplace consists of several main parts:

  • The body of the fireplace, or a portal of two cabinets united by a superstructure;
  • Fireplace insert - rectangular niche;
  • Top shelf or countertop.

For the base of the fireplace we will use a fiberboard slab, cut to the expected size of the fireplace sole with a margin of 7-8cm on each side.

Cutting out the box and gluing the body of the future fireplace

As a basis for forming the future body of the fireplace, we use large boxes from household appliances. The cardboard wall of the box has a three-layer structure with layers of corrugated cardboard.

As indicated in the drawing, use a ruler and a corner to mark the location of the firebox and side tables of the fireplace from the boxes. We make a T-shaped cut along the axis of the firebox opening, turn the resulting flaps inward and glue them to back wall. They will serve to form inner surface opening.

Measure, cut and paste additional elements in a case from boxes:

  • Combustion chamber ceiling;
  • Internal jumpers in the upper part of the portal and in the side cabinets of the body, this will strengthen the structure and make it more rigid;

We additionally glue all places where cardboard and boxes are glued together with sheets of paper, PVA and tape. At the points of contact of the end surfaces of the jumpers and sheets of cardboard with the body of the boxes, we glue them with our own hands using “Dragon” glue.

If desired, the back wall of the fireplace can be turned into storage for necessary things. It is enough to carefully cut out the windows with a knife, bend the cut out fragment and glue it to the side wall of the box.

The top shelf can be made with your own hands in the form of a sandwich made of two layers of thick cardboard and corrugated tape. Often, plywood or plastic is inserted into the tabletop structure for reinforcement. facing panel, which will allow the fireplace to withstand significant weight of objects, a vase or even a TV.

The finished cardboard body is installed on a prepared fiberboard base and glued with tape from the inside of the structure. The outer joint between the body cardboard and the base cardboard is glued with paper tape and PVA.

Assembly and finishing operations

After forming the main part of the fireplace body from the boxes, they proceed to rough covering it with paper. At the same time, burrs and irregularities are leveled and trimmed. In places where joints are being glued, excess dried glue is removed and primed.

The next operation will be painting and preparation for finishing. The prepared fireplace body from the boxes is primed in two layers of white water-based paint. In places where packaging inscriptions may appear, seal them or apply an additional layer of primer.

The upper part of the portal, especially the place where the top cover and cardboard of the wall are attached, must be covered with decor. Usually bovelacci, friezes or foam are used for these purposes. The sticker is made using the “Dragon”.

The final step is to paint the fireplace, usually white or beige color. The inside of the combustion chamber is sealed with panels imitating embossed red brick. An imitation of rubble stone or molded brick is laid on the protruding part of the fireplace base.

One of the popular types of fireplace textures is imitation brick or marble facing material.

As a result, there is reason to be proud of a fireplace made from boxes made by yourself.

Decorating a false fireplace for the New Year and Christmas holidays is one of the obligatory rituals. To do this, you can use various attributes, decorations and decorations. It all depends on the imagination of the master.

In anticipation New Year's holidays Everyone is in a hurry to decorate their home. A decorative fireplace is traditionally included in the list of interior items that require thematic decoration. There are many options for decorating a false fireplace, the most basic ones will be discussed in this article.

Decorating a decorative fireplace is a creative process. It all depends on the flight of fancy of the master.

Decorative Christmas fireplace: stages of creation

Before we talk about decorating a fireplace, you need to pay attention to the issue of its creation. Not everyone knows that a false fireplace can be made from an ordinary cardboard box. To construct it, you need to prepare unnecessary cardboard packaging from plasma or refrigerator. If you don't have a large box at hand, you can use several smaller ones. From the available materials you will need a knife, glue, tape, pencil/pen, ruler and paper. Stages of creating a decorative cardboard fireplace for the New Year:

  • First you need to think about the design of the festive fireplace and its size. The finished sketch can be found on the Internet. It is recommended to put the plan diagram on a sheet of paper.
  • A Christmas fireplace can be made in two ways - it all depends on the installation location of this piece of furniture. If it stands against the wall, we will talk about a wall fireplace, if in the corner - about a corner fireplace.2

Features of creating a wall-mounted false fireplace

The easiest option for creating a fake fireplace is to make a “hearth” directly from one or more boxes. If only one cardboard package is used, then a rectangular window is cut out in the front according to the markings. The combustion hole or place for the “hearth” is made in the likeness of a real brick fireplace. The flaps of the hole are bent inward and fixed with glue. For the fireplace bigger size take three boxes, two of which are side “outbuildings”. The boxes are glued together and “equal” to each other.

Advice! It is better to glue the inner walls of the box with tape in advance so that the packaging does not “fall apart”.

The resulting fireplace with a combustion hole is painted with water-based white paint or covered with paper. The mantelpiece is cut out of cardboard or plywood to fit the size of the upper part of the “hearth”. It is attached to the top with glue. The fireplace is decorated with borders and baseboards, foam forms, etc.

A more durable design of a decorative fireplace made of cardboard is made of three main elements: the base, the combustion portal and the shelf. A rectangular box is used as a basis; its size should be 5-10 cm larger than the parameters of the future fireplace. Cardboard stiffeners are attached to the inside of the base, this will make the body more durable.

Marking a future cardboard fireplace with a combustion hole. It is recommended to draw the main lines with a pen, and the auxiliary lines with a pencil.

The fireplace portal is made from a box with a cut-out combustion hole. The side strips are folded inward and secured with tape. Next, the place for the hearth is inserted into the finished base in the middle and sealed. The mantelpiece is made of denser cardboard, along the length of which cardboard panels are placed for structural rigidity. The shelf is attached to the top of the portal using polymer glue. Next, the fireplace is covered with paints, a primer or covered with wallpaper/film. It all depends on the desires and preferences of the master.

Video: decorating a false fireplace

Corner decorative fireplace

It differs from the wall one in its shape. It is installed in the corner space of the room, so it is better to take all measurements directly in the selected location. The box is placed in a corner and the combustion hole is cut out according to the principle described above. The back wall of the package is removed, and the side walls are cut to fit the angle. Thick cardboard or plywood is also attached to the top. The material must be light and strong enough to withstand light loads. Otherwise, it will be impossible to put anything on the mantelpiece. The resulting fireplace is painted with water-based paint or putty.

Options for decorating a cardboard fireplace for the New Year

You can make an ordinary fireplace festive using improvised means. There are no specific decorating rules. Everyone decorates “their brainchild” in their own way. Below are a few possible options to create a New Year or Christmas atmosphere:

  • Making homemade firewood/woodpiles. It’s hard to imagine a real fireplace without logs. The decorative fireplace is also decorated with fake firewood. They are made from corrugated cardboard rolled into a roll. How more sheet cardboard, the thicker the log. Knots are made from smaller rolls of cardboard placed on glue. The surface of the logs fixed with tape is painted in White color, and the places of twisting remain unchanged. The woodpile can be placed right next to the fireplace, using the space next to the “hearth”. Real logs are often used for decoration.

Advice! Can be done homemade firewood for any type of wood, painted with appropriate paint.

  • Imitation of fire. For obvious reasons, you won’t be able to light a real fire in a cardboard fireplace, but you can create an imitation flame. It is recommended to place burning candles or candlesticks in the firebox of a false hearth. Even a small live fire will give the fireplace a mesmerizing festive look. Original version fireplace decorations - installing stands made of logs for candles.

Advice! You can replace fire with New Year's garland, twisted in several layers and laid inside the combustion portal. You can also use lantern candles or candles in a glass. These are the safest decoration options.

  • Finishing. When imagining the Christmas holidays, thoughts of a real brick fireplace immediately come to mind. Do decorative fireplace“under the brick” there are several ways. The first is to cover it with wallpaper with a corresponding textured pattern. The second is to cut out rectangles from foam or cardboard and glue them to the surface of the fireplace in the form of brickwork. The figures should resemble “bricks”. The fireplace body is primed so that the structure is made in a single color. Next it is coated with brown paint. The space between the “bricks” can be left white or painted yellow/gold.

Advice! To add texture, the masonry is dotted with silver or gold paint using a sponge.

  • Scenery. To decorate, you can use the usual attributes of this holiday - tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, rain. Along the edges of the fireplace you can place a rag gift “boot” for children. You can also decorate the mantelpiece; the most common option is to place garlands or tinsel along the tabletop. Inside the firebox you can put figurines of Father Frost, Santa Claus, photo frames, or leave space for placing cards and gifts. You can decorate your holiday fireplace with wreaths, paper snowflakes, flags, posters, photographs or homemade garlands.

To decorate the fireplace for the New Year, you can use the combustion chamber, the walls of the structure and the mantelpiece. The main rule is not to overdo it with the number of attributes.

You can create the appropriate mood using thematic attributes - a vase with dried flowers, a forged poker, etc. You can make the fireplace sparkle with new colors using a disco ball or a projector, which will make the room festive and unusual.

Advice! The gifts of the forest - branches and cones - will help create a festive atmosphere. However, placing them near an open fire is unsafe.

You can decorate it in different ways. For some, it will be enough to install a decorated Christmas tree next to the fireplace, while others will move cozy armchairs closer to the “hearth.” You need to decorate a false fireplace at your own discretion, depending on the number of festive attributes and flights of fancy.

In the cold winter period Do not forget that the house, like ourselves, needs a warm, pleasant atmosphere. For example, you can make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands - although it may not be able to warm the apartment, it will definitely add coziness and lift the spirits of your household.

DIY fake fireplace made from boxes

Making a fireplace from cardboard boxes with your own hands is not so difficult - just find large cardboard packaging from furniture or household appliances. For example, a cardboard box from a wide, thin plasma TV is perfect.

Working on the product will take you quite a lot of time - you need to cut out the parts, paint, putty and finish them. Nevertheless, the result will not leave you indifferent - a high-quality fireplace made from boxes with your own hands is very difficult to distinguish from the real thing. And create Christmas mood Felt crafts will help him - cute small toys that you can also make with your own hands and decorate the fireplace.

  • First of all, determine the drawing of the fireplace - examples can be found on the Internet, looked at in specialized literature, or developed independently. Print out an example picture for yourself and calculate the dimensions of the drawing according to the size of your box.
  • Draw the layout on the box - use a ruler and a ballpoint pen to make the markings easier to see. Auxiliary lines can be made with a pencil.

  • Cut out the fire window as follows - stationery knife press deep grooves into the cardboard so that the edges can not be torn off, but bent inside the fireplace.

  • Glue the resulting blades to the back wall of the fireplace using Moment glue.

The preparatory stage is over. Now you can start finishing the fireplace from boxes with your own hands. The master class continues!

  • Cut foam borders the right size for the edges of the hearth, decorative elements- You can buy them at any hardware store. Cut the pieces at an angle of 45 degrees so that later the borders can be folded into rectangles.
  • Glue the elements in the marked places.

  • Glue decorative foam bas-reliefs in the form of angels in the center of the side elements of the fireplace. Decorate the upper edge with a beautiful plinth, forming a future mantelpiece.

  • From above your product should look like this.

  • From foam plastic or other lightweight material Cut the shelf to the desired size and glue it on top of the work.

The painting step can take place in different ways, depending on what effect you want to achieve. If you want an aged surface with cracks, fill the entire surface with white drywall putty and blow dry it.

To achieve an even, smooth layer, after puttingty, apply water-based paint in 2-3 layers. It can also be dried with a hairdryer.

Show your imagination - you can also decorate the fireplace using the decoupage technique. A fire can be easily made from candles or garlands placed in the hearth. Alternatively, you can simply print out a large photo of the fire and tape it inside the fireplace.

Such a fireplace is perfect not only for decorating any home - many studios use similar decorations when creating home or holiday interiors for photo shoots.

DIY corner false fireplace made from boxes

If you don’t have a lot of space in the room you want to decorate, you can use this option to make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands, which fits in the corner. You will not only update home interior, but also get an additional shelf.

  • Decide where you want to place the fireplace - the parameters of the future product depend on the size of the location.

  • Make a semicircular slot in the front wall of the box so that it can be folded inward. Cut 2 arcs from the top so that it looks like a corner that you can tightly fix between the three sides of the fireplace: the front and the sides.

  • Cut off the back wall of the box and trim the sides until folding them creates an angle that allows the fireplace to fit snugly in the chosen location. Glue the sides of the corner with tape.

  • Cover the entire workpiece with brick-like construction film.

  • Glue together a tabletop from several layers of thick cardboard that protrudes slightly above the overall body of the product. Glue it on top.

  • Cover the shelf with wood-look film.

  • Instead of a fireplace, place candles or glowing toys in the fireplace.

Thanks to the density of the tabletop, you can place small objects of different sizes on it. Decorative DIY box fireplace ready!

DIY Christmas fireplace made from boxes

We often associate a fireplace with Christmas - it is with its help that Santa Claus, according to many beliefs Western peoples, sneaks into the house to put gifts under the tree. Despite the fact that Santa Claus is closer to us, it doesn’t hurt to make a New Year’s fireplace with your own hands from a box. This way you can gather all your relatives near the family hearth, in the literal sense of the word, on a festive night.

To make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions assume that you have a lot of New Year's decorations for your home, which are also easy to make yourself.

  • Take 3 boxes: wide and flat for the TV and 2 small rectangular ones for the speakers. Glue them together as shown in the image. If necessary, trim the pieces to the same height to achieve the same level.

  • Take another cardboard box and cut out a top border for the fireplace from it, equal in length to the two sides of the workpiece and the front.
  • Glue the border. Decorate it on top with a patterned plinth, as in the first master class. Attach a foam tabletop of the desired size.

  • Cut out many rectangles with rounded ends and glue them in rows onto the workpiece with PVA glue - they will create a kind of bricks.

  • Prime the box fireplace with your own hands in 1-2 layers so that all its parts are the same color. If this is not done, the fireplace may turn out different colors when painting.
  • After the primer has completely dried, paint the fireplace. brown, the baseboards on it are yellow. Alternatively, dip a scouring pad in yellow and lightly dab some paint onto the bricks to give them texture.
  • Decorate your fireplace with all kinds of New Year's toys, and place a luminous garland rolled up in the hearth - an imitation of fire.

It will be even better if you replace the yellow paint with gold or silver - thanks to it, your fireplace will simply shine!

You can learn another way to make a fireplace out of boxes with your own hands by watching the following video tutorial.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Not everyone in their house, and especially not in their apartment, has a fireplace. And sometimes you want to create a festive mood (to have somewhere to put gifts) or you just want to make the room more cozy and intimate. In this case, you can create an imitation. The simplest option is a fireplace made of cardboard. Typically used are packaging boxes from large equipment.

False fireplace made of cardboard: models

A false fireplace made of cardboard, like a real one, can be wall-mounted or corner-mounted. In both options, the portal can be straight or arched. Whatever you prefer. If speak about practical side things, straight is easier to do, it is easier to finish. Even a beginner can handle it.

A wall-mounted fireplace is great if you have a decent amount of free space on the wall. It looks great in the wall between the windows. If the walls are all occupied, but there are corners, you can build a corner model.

What materials are needed

Most best material- carton boxes. The easiest way to make a fireplace out of cardboard is if you have a box for a large monitor or TV. All you need to do is cut out the portal and glue the side walls.

It will be a little more work if you only have small boxes like shoe boxes. But from them you can assemble a more interesting model in shape.

You will also need:

These are all the materials and tools that will be required. Of the entire list, questions may arise only regarding adhesive tape. Why paper? It is good in any finish. Including when painting. So the option is universal. If you are not going to paint the fireplace, you can use regular adhesive tape.

It will still be necessary finishing material, but we’ll talk about this later, since a lot depends on the finishing method.

Assembly options

If there is a big box

A large cardboard box will make a fireplace with a rectangular portal. Decide on the size yourself, but optimal height- about 80-90 cm, the width is about the same, the depth is 6-15 cm. But there are models wider, and narrower, and higher, and lower. Everything is to your taste. For example, here is a drawing of a cardboard false fireplace with dimensions.

We begin assembling the imitation fireplace from cardboard from the central part. We form the columns first. Cutting rectangles to size is no problem. The problem is making straight folds in in the right places. Take a large ruler or a straight bar and a hard object with a rounded end. For example, a ballpoint pen will do, or you can take a spoon or fork and use the pen. The idea is as follows - along the line where the fold should be, apply a ruler/bar, draw reverse side ballpoint pen or handle cutlery along the strip, pushing through the cardboard. But be careful not to tear it. The sheet bends easily along the drawn line.

We glue the central part or paint it right away. Then it will be too inconvenient. You can paint it black, as in the photo. Another option is to imitate brickwork. Looks good too.

It is convenient to glue the parts together with tape (the type of tape has already been discussed). We glue each connection on both sides. We don't regret scotch. This cardboard fireplace was painted, so the columns were covered with white thick paper. You can use a primer and apply paint over it.

We make a shelf above the fireplace from several pieces of cardboard using the same technology. If you plan to install something, it is advisable to make stiffening ribs - several partitions. If the entire structure turns out to be strong and stable, you can make a shelf from a piece of plywood, for example.

If the cardboard is thin, you can use polystyrene/foam. It is sold in construction stores. You can take the slabs that are used to finish the ceiling. They have finished edges, front surface the drawing is drawn. In general, it might turn out interesting.

Next comes the finishing touches. In this version, “bricks” were cut from paper of suitable colors. They decorated the portal opening. This is where you will need PVA glue. Do not forget to leave seams between the “bricks”. In the presented model they are painted with a base color, but you can make them, for example, black or white.

The rest of the surface of the false fireplace is painted, and foam plastic (polystyrene) is glued on top.

Moldings can be glued before painting. You need to cut them with a sharp stationery knife. Then the cut will be smooth. Glued with PVA or special glue. Wipe off any remaining residue immediately, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly.

The same structure can be covered with brick or wild stone wallpaper. Also suitable self-adhesive film. But you have to work with it carefully - you won’t be able to peel it off.

If the boxes are small

Small cardboard boxes are no more difficult to work with. They can be the same or different sizes, thickness and width. Based on the existing set, the structure is assembled.

There are two ways:

The second option takes less time, but the design is unreliable. If the dimensions are large, it may sag and sag.

To give a fireplace made of cardboard boxes a presentable look, we paint it “like brick.” To do this, cover the surface with thick grayish-brown paper. This color will be the background.

To paint, you need reddish-brown paint and a large foam sponge. It can be cut to the size of the brick - 250*65 mm. We pour paint into flat dishes, dip a sponge into it, applying it to the paper and pressing lightly, draw the bricks.

When working, you need to make sure that the “seams” between the “bricks” are the same width. This is not an easy task - you get distracted a little, and the size is not the right one. You can do it easier - cut masking tape on narrow strips, stick it, draw “bricks”. After the paint has dried, remove the tape.

The top part had to be reduced because our fireplace was too wobbly. Better than a box use whole ones.

Fireplace with round portal

Its assembly is more labor-intensive: you will have to glue the vault well. This fireplace required 4 large boxes (like TV boxes).

The base was glued separately. WITH inside Stiffening ribs were glued from polystyrene. The weight turned out to be solid and the base sagged without reinforcement. The strips were installed approximately 5 cm apart. They were glued with masking tape, then the base was taped on all sides.

Then we cut out the front part and decorated the back wall. It’s better to decorate it right away, before it’s glued together. We transfer the arched cutout onto a sheet of cardboard. We cut out “bricks” from cardboard and glue them so that the edges do not extend beyond the “arch.” When the glue dries, we assemble the main part of the portal. We also install several stiffening ribs in the portal - when high altitude the cardboard can “play”, and this is how everything turns out strong and rigid.

The next stage is making the lid. It is multi-layered - cardboard, polystyrene foam, cardboard. Everything is coated with glue, the weight is installed. When the glue had dried (after 14 hours), the lid was secured to the structure with tape. NEXT - finishing work.

To smooth out any unevenness caused by the tape, we cover all surfaces with thick white paper. You can take A4 sheets, or larger ones.

Next you will need a roll of paper towels and PVA glue. We dilute it 1:1 with water and pour it into a spray bottle. We wet the napkin and lay it down, squeezing it a little. Wet thin paper itself gives a relief; we just correct it a little, achieving a better effect. We process all surfaces in a similar way, excluding “bricks”. We wait until it dries.

We take red-brown paint and color Ivory(V in this case). We paint the “bricks” brown, and the rest of the surface light. The cardboard fireplace is almost ready. The finishing touches remain.

After drying, we go over everything with a brush slightly dipped in gold paint. We dip the brush, squeeze it out, and once again remove the remaining paint on the sheet of paper. Using a semi-dry brush, we go through the “seams” between the bricks, lightly touching the “bricks” themselves. Next, using the same technique, we emphasize the texture of the surface. It is important not to apply too much paint. That's it. The cardboard fireplace is ready.

Ideas for decorating a fireplace made of cardboard in photo format

You can make an imitation of a fireplace from cardboard of any shape. Several ideas are collected in this section. You already know the assembly principles; you can come up with the decor yourself or use ideas from photos.

If you use good wallpaper“like a brick” it will turn out very natural

In progress…

Decent option...

Modern fireplaces have long ceased to be solely a source of heat; now they have become stylish and fashion accessory. Now this design element can be installed even in apartment building, since there are many alternatives to the wood-burning option: electric, gas, and biofuel fireplaces. It is possible to recreate false fireplaces: polyurethane, plasterboard, foam and even paper.

You can create such a fireplace with your own hands without much effort. Let's figure out how to make a fireplace out of paper. There are many options on how you can make a fireplace out of paper with your own hands. Let's look at some of them.

Advice! You can glue several layers of paper, but it will be much easier to use cardboard. Even boxes from large appliances: refrigerator, TV, etc. will do.

False fireplace, simple cardboard or paper


  • box;
  • decorative plinths and foam figures;
  • drawing;
  • scissors, construction knife;
  • a pen, a simple pencil for marking according to the drawing;
  • construction tape;
  • specialized glue;
  • putty, as well as a spatula;
  • ruler;
  • water-based paint: brown or white and other shades;
  • brush.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Creating a drawing using pre-prepared dimensions.

  • Transferring the design onto cardboard or paper, which is glued in several layers. You will need a pencil as well as a ruler.

Electric fireplaces are extremely popular. There are several types of installations, the most common being corner electric fireplaces. To give the hearth the appearance of a traditional fireplace, a plasterboard portal is made. You can do this yourself, following the suggested instructions.

Advice! You cannot use markers or felt-tip pens, as they will show through the paint, and you will need to apply putty before painting.

  • You need to make slits for the hearth; they will be bent to the back wall and secured with tape. In this way a portal is formed.

  • When the base is ready, you should begin finishing. The foam parts need to be fixed to the base, according to the sketch.

  • A wide patterned plinth is glued on top. It will be the basis of the future fireplace shelf made of paper.
  • Foam supports should be placed behind the fixed baseboard. On top you need to put a slab of the same material.

Advice! To make the fireplace look beautiful, you should pay attention Special attention corners. There should be no gaps at the joints. Well, if it doesn’t work out, then putty will help correct the situation.

  • Once all the parts are in place, you need to carefully apply putty to the paper fireplace.
  • When the coating is completely dry, water-based paint should be applied. The false fireplace is ready.

  • You can put figurines on top.

Corner fireplace made of cardboard or paper

This type of model will look great in a corner. She will bring zest to design solutions interior organization. Anyone can make a paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented.


  • a cardboard box or glued thick paper;
  • self-adhesive film or wallpaper with a brick pattern;
  • scissors or a construction stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • garland, LED strip or battery-powered candles.

Manufacturing stages:

  • From the box you should make a base in the form of a triangle.

  • The workpiece must be covered with wallpaper or self-adhesive film.

  • The tabletop should be made of several layers of cardboard.
  • The top of the fireplace should be covered in the same way.

  • You can place a garland in the firebox, LED strip or battery-powered candles.

Advice! The tabletop can also be made of foam or fiberboard.

Cardboard or paper fireplace with hidden shelves

A decorative model is not only an interior decoration; at the same time, you can create a hiding place or small shelves for small items in its walls.


  • a large box or several;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • putty;
  • decorative skirting boards.

Creation stages:

  • You should create a fireplace out of paper with secret shelves starting with the formation of the “base” or “skeleton”.

Advice! When creating a skeleton you need to take into account required size shelves.

  • When the base is ready, it should be covered on both sides with cardboard or paper glued in several layers.

  • The podium or tabletop is made of several layers of cardboard.

Advice! If desired, the cardboard can be replaced with a sheet of foam plastic. For reliability, the joints should be glued with newspaper using PVA glue.

  • On top of the paper false fireplace you should glue a wide decorative plinth. Its top edge should be flush with the tabletop.
  • A seventh sheet needs to be glued on top of six sheets of cardboard and baseboard.
  • The corners are closed with a construction corner.
  • The firebox can be covered with wallpaper with a pattern or cut out bricks from cardboard with a stationery knife and painted.

  • A paper fireplace should be puttied.
  • After that it needs to be painted. When the paint is dry, it can be decorated.

Advice! You can glue a false fireplace from several boxes, each of which will be a separate shelf.

Paper fireplace, the master class of which is presented in step by step instructions, easy to create. This does not require specialized skills or special financial costs.

Video: DIY cardboard fireplace

Modern owners of apartments or houses are increasingly seeking to build fireplaces. Certainly, wood burning fireplace it is impossible to install, but a false fireplace is possible. There are many manufacturing options, they are not complicated. A fireplace made of paper, created with your own hands, will be no worse than others. It will harmoniously complement the interior design. When it comes to the firebox, there are many options. You can make it yourself or buy it electric version, which will create the illusion of burning wood. Modern hearths can also produce sound and create various effects.