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» How to waterproof a pond with film. Waterproofing an artificial reservoir with liquid rubber. Cost of waterproofing ponds and reservoirs

How to waterproof a pond with film. Waterproofing an artificial reservoir with liquid rubber. Cost of waterproofing ponds and reservoirs

Creating an artificial reservoir is absolutely not a difficult process if certain rules are followed. The most critical stage is the choice of the principle of waterproofing. Given the current variety of possibilities, choosing a specific method is sometimes quite difficult to make. Therefore, before choosing the option that suits your opinion, carefully read the information below about the advantages, disadvantages and technology of the most popular modern solutions to ensure long-term operation of the reservoir and its stable attractiveness.

In some cases, it is quite acceptable to create a pond without creating reliable waterproofing, but in this case, either its service life will be short, or it will be necessary to use heavy equipment to compact the soil at the bottom.

The use of one of the technologies for arranging such a layer still brings some advantages that are quite significant:

There are 3 main ways to construct an artificial reservoir:

Important! Select suitable technology, taking into account the following criteria:

What materials should be used to waterproof a pond?

If you prefer the first method and decide to make waterproofing for the pond one of available materials suitable type, carefully consider the features of using each. The most popular types:

Installation of a finished rigid form

Such products are represented on the market quite widely. model range from the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • fiberglass.

We can safely note this method as the simplest and less labor-intensive than all other options. Plastic forms are especially popular today, and within the framework of private landscape design, and when designing commercial or public areas.



Installation technology

All work on arranging waterproofing of a pond in this way will not take much time; if you have the appropriate equipment, it is quite possible to completely complete the project within 1 day.



View an example of how you can quickly create a pond on own plot using a ready-made form.

Arranging a pond using film

Another modern solution, which provides ample opportunities not only for the initial design of the reservoir, but also for changing its shape during operation. There are several varieties of this material, the most popular of which are:

Laying technology

The principle of waterproofing a pond with film also does not cause any difficulties when performing work, but it is still necessary to observe a certain sequence and follow the recommendations.

Algorithm for laying waterproofing film:

  1. Dig a pit in accordance with the parameters specified in the project.
  2. Dig a small trench along the perimeter of the coastline to conveniently and securely fasten the film in the future.
  3. Clear the surface inside the pit of stones and ingrown plant roots.
  4. Thoroughly compact the soil in the pit.
  5. Form a sand bed from the wet material.
  6. Place geotextiles on top to create additional protection waterproofing film.
  7. To lay the canvas on the bottom of the pond as quickly as possible, do the work using one of the suggested methods:
  8. At each tier, secure the film with stones to prevent it from shifting.
  9. Avoid strong tension on the canvas - it is better if there is a small sagging gap left on each tier.
  10. Level it out waterproofing film.
  11. Secure the surface with stones, leaving a gap of up to 50 cm.
  12. Pour water into the pond.

    Important! Let the water flow with low pressure. If, as the film is filled, tension occurs in some places, loosen it to prevent tearing.

  13. Leave for a day or two so that the canvas is completely straightened and takes the desired shape.
  14. Finally secure the waterproofing film in the trench on the surface using small cross-section beams or plastic pipes, tucking the excess fabric under them.

    Important! If you want to hide the waterproofing film, drain the water, fill the bottom with sand and fill it again with low pressure.

  15. Decorate with selected plants and stones.


Watch a video with an example of waterproofing artificial lake PVC film.

Waterproofing a pond with clay

Despite the painstaking and time-consuming work involved in waterproofing a pond with clay, this method has not lost its relevance to this day. It is preferred mainly by those owners of their own plots who strive to fulfill everything construction works exclusively from natural materials, but at the same time ensure the strength and reliability of the designed structures.

Waterproofing technology:

Waterproofing a reservoir with liquid rubber

This method is relatively new, but is becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

The use of liquid rubber, which is based on bitumen and polymer particles, provides many advantages:

So that you can appreciate how easy it is to do the job using this material, we will give an example of the standard sequence of waterproofing liquid rubber:


Watch the video, which clearly shows the process of creating waterproofing with liquid rubber, to independently evaluate all the advantages of such a solution.

Concrete waterproofing

This waterproofing option is one of the most expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, competent implementation of the project without certain construction skills is unlikely to succeed.



Device technology

The scope of work with this approach varies depending on the size of the project, its complexity and the intended installation location.

The standard sequence consists of the following steps:

Mechanical waterproofing of a reservoir

To waterproof an artificial reservoir using this principle, you will not need any Supplies, but the use of an excavator or other similar equipment is mandatory.

Important! The effectiveness of this method is that when pressure is applied to the soil fine particles fall into the lower layers of the soil, filling voids. Large parts remain on the surface.

Pond without waterproofing

Creating a reservoir without a waterproofing coating is quite acceptable, for example, in the case of high groundwater or clayey terrain.

The procedure for designing such a reservoir is extremely simple and consists of the following steps:


Regardless of which method you prefer, be sure to use high-quality materials and follow all the rules of waterproofing technology. In this case, you will not have to regularly carry out restoration work and spend a lot of effort and time on caring for the water surface of the reservoir.

The company "Clean Reservoirs" provides services for waterproofing ponds and reservoirs in country and garden plots, in parks, on the territories of recreation centers, and other spaces. We work in accordance with technological requirements and we use materials only from reputable brands.
Waterproofing a reservoir is the main stage in its construction. From technology and quality insulating materials durability depends artificial pond. By contacting us, you can be sure of the high quality of the services provided, because we provide a guarantee of up to 5 years for all types of work.

Calculation of film area for waterproofing

Enter data to calculate film area:

How we waterproof a pond

The company's specialists carry out waterproofing for ponds and reservoirs in several stages. Each of them is vital and solves a specific problem. The exclusion of at least one stage or poor quality of its implementation can lead to the destruction of the reservoir and water drainage into the ground. Contact the professionals at Clean Reservoirs for pond waterproofing services so that your pond can be enjoyed for many years.

Our technology:

  • Leveling the soil

After digging a pit for an artificial reservoir on the site, its bottom is thoroughly cleaned of plant and stone remains. Then all irregularities and unnecessary reliefs are smoothed out. This is necessary for the correct and tight fit of subsequent materials.

  • Creating a sand cushion

The bottom of the reservoir is compacted with sand. A kind of sand cushion is created that prevents grass from growing and protects the butyl rubber membrane from damage.

  • We fix geotextiles

A special material made of polypropylene threads is fixed to the walls and bottom. It protects the membrane from damage, prevents vegetation from breaking through, and protects against rodents.

  • 4. Install Firestone butyl rubber membrane

This membrane is considered the most reliable waterproofing material for creating artificial reservoirs. It can be installed in any weather and is resistant to UV radiation and sub-zero temperatures. The service life of the membrane reaches 50 years.
After completing the last stage waterproofing works, you can safely fill the reservoir with water. It is also necessary to issue coastal zone pond to make it aesthetically attractive.

What materials do we use?

The success of the entire work largely depends on the quality of building materials. In the company "Clean Reservoirs" Special attention paid to the choice of building materials. In waterproofing for ponds and reservoirs, we use Firestone EPDM products made in the USA, pumping and filtration equipment from Germany, as well as materials from reliable Russian brands.

Cost of waterproofing ponds and reservoirs

The Clean Reservoirs company offers waterproofing services for artificial ponds at the most optimal price. Over a long period of work, we have acquired profitable terms cooperation with suppliers building material. That is why our prices for pond waterproofing are among the most affordable, and the quality of implementation is invariably at a high level.

Pond waterproofing cost

Forming the profile of the bottom and slopes of a reservoir manually

m3 from 1200 rub.

Preparing a sand base and compacting it

m2 from 180 rub.

Installation of geotextiles with a density of 300 g/m2

m2 from 20 rub.
Waterproofing the reservoir bed with butyl rubber EPDM membrane (incl. hydrotests)
m2 from 300 rub.
Waterproofing the reservoir bed with bentonite mats made of granular clay (including hydrotesting) m2 from 280 rub.
Fastening a butyl rubber geomembrane to the shore m.p. from 600 rub.
Fastening bentonite mats to the shore m.p. from 800 rub.
Decorative laying of round stones 120 - 180 mm thick on the surface of the reservoir bowl m2 from 650 rub.
Backfilling bentonite mats with sand, psg or gravel up to 250 mm thick (pressure and decoration) m3 from 1200 rub.
Installation of a spout 1 m wide, height difference 0.2 m m.p. from 8000 rub.
Construction of a water supply unit k-kt from 8000 rub.
Emergency release unit design k-kt from 8000 rub.
Coastline scenery (average width 0.6 m height 0.2 m) m.p. from 1600 rub.

By ordering pond waterproofing from Clean Reservoirs, you receive:

  • A pond that will delight for decades
  • The work of real professionals
  • Waterproofing the reservoir in the optimal time
  • High quality at an affordable price
  • Warranty for work from 3 years
  • Consulting support from specialists
  • Priority maintenance of reservoirs after the warranty period expires

Start construction beautiful pond from an appeal to the professionals of the Clean Reservoirs company. After all high-quality waterproofing– the key to a beautiful pond on your site. You should not take risks and order this type of work from dubious companies or try to do it yourself. Without experience and knowledge of technology, carry out effective waterproofing pond is almost impossible.
Get a free consultation with a specialist right now by calling: +7 495 641-85-95, +7 926 530-04-60
Or order a free call to anywhere in Russia

In essence, the construction of an artificial reservoir consists of creating a sealed depression filled with water on the site. The main task when arranging a pond is precisely to ensure 100% tightness of the prepared excavation. To ensure tightness, a complex is used waterproofing materials. In each artificial pond, it is necessary to create a certain consistency in waterproofing, which will prevent the absorption of moisture into the soil and allow the pond to remain operational for a long time.

Creating a waterproofing system with your own hands is a process that only from the outside seems simple and accessible. Very often, such work does not lead to the result that was expected. An unreliable, low-quality waterproofing coating can quickly become damaged, crack due to temperature changes, not survive the winter, and then all the work on arranging the pond will be in vain. During our work, we have seen many neglected, abandoned ponds that remain on the site, reminding their owners of trying to save money and do everything on their own.

The ProfPokrytie company offers a professional approach to the issue of arranging waterproofing for artificial reservoirs. We have more than 20 years of experience in this field; our employees are 100% proficient in the technology of creating high-quality and reliable waterproofing.

What materials do we use?

Is thin roll material black, which is laid on the bottom of the pond, fixed along the coastal line and then filled with water. This type waterproofing can be classified as budget options. It is suitable for ponds with straighter banks to avoid a lot of wrinkles.

Advantages: quick and simple installation, affordable cost, no need to use specialized equipment, maintainability.

Flaws: the possibility of damage, the formation of folds during installation, fragility, without proper decoration it looks little presentable.

A polymer material reinforced with a special fabric is applied to the prepared reservoir bowl with a brush or airless spray method. forms an even, monolithic, seamless sealed layer.

Advantages: durability, maintainability, strength and durability, attractive appearance pond even without decoration due to flat surface, prevents plant germination. The material has three main colors: Blue, gray and black.

Flaws: more high price, requires compliance with the sequence of waterproofing layers.

In our work, we use the latest generation polymer Professional coating, which ensures absolute tightness and allows you not to drain water for the winter, i.e. can winter under ice, designed for a longer service life than previous generation polymers. Its service life is at least 30 years.

Durability, repairability, strength and durability, no wrinkles.

Butyl rubber film (membrane)

Easy installation, affordable cost, no need to use specialized equipment, maintainability

Advantages of waterproofing services for artificial reservoirs from the ProfPokrytie company:

  1. We provide high quality works, thanks to compliance with technology, the use of high-quality consumables;
  2. You don't need to rent or buy liquid rubber coating equipment;
  3. We have the opportunity to purchase materials at competitive prices through partnerships with trusted suppliers;
  4. We strictly adhere to the deadlines for carrying out work, fixing them in an official contract;
  5. We provide a guarantee for the work performed, materials and equipment used;
  6. We carry out a full range of works on the arrangement of artificial reservoirs of any complexity in Moscow and the region.

Be the master land plot- Amazing. But when you have your own pond on it, it’s a real pleasure. You can breed fish, grow amazingly beautiful aquatic plants and just enjoy the picturesque view of the lake, sitting on a bench and savoring your favorite tea. The pond can also be used for cooling after a bath. Unfortunately, not all dachas have natural bodies of water. However, this is not a reason to give up your dream. You can build an artificial pond on your own. It's really possible! And the most convenient and practical option Such a lake is a pond without waterproofing.

Advantages of a pond without the use of waterproofing

Ponds without waterproofing are widespread in both Europe and the USA. In Russia you can also see on summer cottages Such reservoirs have a clay bottom. The popularity of the idea is explained by many advantages.

Environmentally friendly. Clay - natural material, which is safe for environment, plants and aquatic animals. This is an environmentally friendly solution.

Economy. The construction of an artificial reservoir can often be expensive, precisely because of the presence of a waterproofing system. In the absence of such an installation, the price of the pond is significantly reduced.

Easy to care for. Since the design of this reservoir does not imply the presence of waterproofing, then, accordingly, there is no need to maintain or change it.

How to arrange a pond

The construction of a pond without waterproofing takes place in several stages and requires certain skills and knowledge.

  1. Site inspection and preparation. When planning an artificial pond without a waterproofing system, you need to study the area where you will build the pond. You will need information about the condition of the soil, its characteristics, as well as the presence and nature of groundwater. This will require requesting hydrogeological studies. Experts will tell you whether it is possible to arrange a pond with clay walls and the bottom on your site. As a rule, problems rarely arise - most types of soil are suitable for this task. Especially clay and loam.
  2. Digging a pit. Using an excavator or even on your own (relatives and shovels), dig a hole in the area you need. Make the banks sloping - that is, no steeper than 25 0. The depth of the pit should be about a third of the planned depth. The fact is that the excavated soil will become a continuation of the shore and approximately 3 times increase the depth of the pond.
  3. Organization of drainage. With a slope from the dug hole, make a special ditch - a small ravine for drainage. Depending on the area of ​​the lake, select a pipe required diameter(if the pond is small, the pipe is narrow) and lay it from the wall of the reservoir to the drain. This will provide care excess water into the ravine.
  4. Laying clay. Thoroughly knead the brought clay with water using shovels. The material should resemble soft and elastic dough. If the clay no longer sticks to the tool, then you can begin processing the walls and bottom of the reservoir. The mass is laid in layers 15 cm thick. When the first layer dries, lay the next one and compact it. You should get a thickness of about 40 cm. Keep in mind that each layer shrinks by 3 cm.
  5. Strengthening the edges. The banks of the artificial pond are being strengthened. Place the clay along the edges 15-20 cm above the expected water level. When the material has dried, compact coarse gravel on top - approximately a layer of 3-4 cm. Then add a layer of sand or fine crushed stone(layer 6-8 cm).

Rainwater, groundwater will fill your pond. The pond bowl must have the required level of fullness.

Construction Features

A small pond in the country or large swimming pool in a private house - any vacation spot must be built in compliance with all rules and regulations. One of the guarantees of successful long-term operation is the correct waterproofing of the reservoir, which is divided into flexible and rigid. The latter includes the use of a finished plastic mold. There are many types of flexible materials - the most common, affordable and effective ones are discussed here.

Liquid rubber - an innovative approach

An in-depth or above-ground reservoir, made on a concrete base or without it, using bricks or blocks - for each type, its own waterproofing is recommended, the use of which is selected taking into account all the subtleties and intended purpose of the structure. Experts advise using liquid waterproofing reservoirs for the concrete base, as well as for concrete rings.

Characteristics of the material and methods of application

Two-component Liquid rubber is produced in barrels and is used only by specialists by airless spraying onto the concrete surface. The cost of the work depends on the volume and thickness of the application, but on average it ranges from 600 rubles/sq.m. m. To waterproof a reservoir with liquid rubber on your own, there is one-component composition. Containers of 5, 10, 15, 20 kg are available. Advantages of application: no seams, elasticity, quick application, high adhesion, environmental friendliness, ability to operate at temperatures from –50 to +90 degrees. Warranty up to 30 years.

How to apply the composition yourself

Most manufacturers indicate that priming the surface is not required before starting work, and this reduces the cost. The material is applied directly to the concrete with a hard, wide brush, roller or spatula.

Execution steps:

  1. Clean the concrete base from dust, mortar and other contaminants.
  2. Existing cracks should be smoothed using mortar.
  3. Treat the entire surface with liquid rubber in several layers, leaving no empty spaces.

To obtain a thickness of 3 mm, the estimated material consumption will be 4 kg/1 sq. m. After a day, the reservoir needs to be filled with water. It is difficult to deform a frozen membrane, but if this happens, the composition can be easily applied locally in the same way. The material is non-toxic, but it is recommended to carry out all activities wearing a respirator and closed clothing.

Waterproofing with film materials

Construction of a reservoir on a concrete basis is quite labor-intensive and costly, so it is rarely used. The easiest option to get a place to relax on your site is to dig a pit of the desired shape and cover it with film. The same method is relevant if the walls of the pond are built of brick or block.

A few words about technical characteristics

Membranes for waterproofing artificial reservoirs are films made by manufacturers according to different technologies, but they all have tensile and puncture strength, elasticity, waterproofness and environmentally friendly composition.

For water structures, use a smooth film of black or of blue color. Rolls for sale different sizes, so they are convenient to use for ponds of both small and large volumes. It is not necessary to buy a whole roll; in a specialized store they will cut as much as needed. It is better to choose a material with a thickness of at least 1 mm, but no more than 2 mm, since a thick panel will be difficult to lay. The warranty period is 50 years. Polyethylene film will last no more than three years.

How to properly lay insulation with your own hands

The convenience of constructing a pond using film is that it can be laid directly on the ground, sand, crushed stone or gravel. Rolls up to 15 m wide are sold. But if you need more, it is better to order, since the factory seams are well taped and non-hazardous. It's difficult to glue them together yourself.

It is important to lay the PVC sheet only when the temperature is at least +20 degrees, since otherwise the film hardens and is difficult to work with. Rubber analogues can also be installed at low temperatures.

There is a calculation formula the right size.

L = A + (2 x H) + 60 cm.

L– this is the final size. A– width or length of the pond. H- depth. It is important to leave 60 cm on each side.

Step by step guide– how to waterproof a pond with your own hands:

The remaining canvas on the coastline should be at least 50–60 cm. After the water is completely filled, the edges should be folded in one direction so that there are no distortions, and only then buried in the ground. Now you can decorate the coastline and place containers with plants directly into the water.

The options considered are only a small part of the waterproofing methods on the market, but they are the ones that are widespread among the population. These works can be carried out independently, but only the involvement of specialists with the necessary professional skills guarantees 100% results.