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» How to make a loggia warm and residential. How to make a loggia warm. What needs to be provided

How to make a loggia warm and residential. How to make a loggia warm. What needs to be provided

IN Lately The concept of expanding the living space of an apartment through a loggia is becoming increasingly popular. Warm loggia opens up many possibilities - you can move some of them here kitchen space, place a rest room, equip a study, etc. It all depends on the preferences and personal taste of the apartment owners.

Insulation works

However, in order to make this room cozy and truly warm, you will need to do a number of works. This includes:

  • Glazing.
  • Sealing seams and joints.
  • Insulation of floors, side walls and ceilings.
  • Installation of heating systems.

To turn a balcony into a full-fledged living space, all insulation work must be carried out comprehensively and at the same time.

Let's look at how to make a loggia warm step by step.


Glazing the loggia is the main condition for creating a thermal circuit that prevents the outside cold from penetrating inside. This is one of the most critical stages of work to transform this utility room apartments into a full room, so you should approach it as responsibly as possible.

First of all, the windows must be large enough, because the main part of the food will flow through them. sunlight to the internal rooms - living room and kitchen. How larger area glazing, the brighter it will be in the apartment during the day. But on the other hand, it is through the windows that the main heat losses in the room occur - than more windows, the more intense the heat exchange between the interior and the street will be. Therefore, windows for insulating a loggia should be chosen as warm as possible. If this plastic windows- then at least with a three- or four-chamber double-glazed window. If the windows are classic with wooden frames, then with double glazing.

Sealing seams

The next stage in insulating the loggia is sealing all seams and joints. If you leave at least small through gaps at the joints balcony structures, then cold air will penetrate under interior lining. This will be especially felt on windy winter days, when cold drafts can negate all the work on insulating the room. Therefore, before making a warm loggia, it is recommended to carefully examine the joints of the balcony slab, enclosing parapet and side walls. If cracks are found, you need to cover them with plaster or putty mortar.

Special attention it is worth paying attention to window structures. All joints between window units and the parapet and walls should be carefully sealed using polyurethane foam. On the sashes of wooden frames in places where they come into contact with window blocks it is necessary to glue the seal.

Wall insulation

After all the seams have been carefully sealed, you can begin work on insulating the external walls, ceilings and floors. At the same time, you should approach the insulation of everything with equal responsibility. internal space, with the exception of the wall between the balcony and the interior rooms of the apartment. If necessary, a balcony entrance group can be completely dismantled. This, on the one hand, will improve the illumination of the apartment, and on the other, will allow warm air, heated by the radiators of the central heating system, to penetrate onto the insulated balcony.

Work on arranging the thermal circuit should begin by covering the façade part of the loggia with thermal insulation materials - a fence railing or a brick parapet. Experts recommend attaching insulation to the outer part of the fence. So, the brick parapet will cool less in winter, and during indoors no condensation will form. But in practice, this DIY option is often not feasible due to the need to involve special equipment and specialists in high-altitude work.

In addition, if you decide to insulate the balcony with outside, appropriate permission must be obtained from management company or the city's architectural committee. We should not forget that the facade of the building is common property.

Thermal insulation of the balcony from the inside

In this regard, insulation is often done from the inside. To do this, you can use almost any available thermal insulation - polystyrene foam, penofol, mineral board, etc. The main thing is that the material has sufficient thermal insulation properties. It should be noted that it is necessary to insulate not only the front fence of the loggia and side walls. Floors and ceilings should also be carefully covered with insulation. The fact is that uninsulated concrete plates, cooling in winter from the street air, they will take heat not only from the balcony room, but also from adjacent rooms.

A vapor barrier, for example, isospan, should be laid on top of the insulation. It will prevent condensation from penetrating into the room and prevent fogging of windows with accumulation of dampness. You can also use liquid waterproofing compounds for these purposes, which are applied to concrete and brick structures from the inside using a brush. As a “finishing touch”, on top thermal insulation material internal decorative paneling from plasterboard, lining, chipboard. The floors are covered with boards and any floor coverings.

The video below explains very well how to insulate a loggia:

To create and maintain a comfortable temperature, a heating system should be installed on the insulated balcony.

It should be taken into account that, according to the standards for the use of residential premises, apartment owners do not have the right to make changes to the circuits of the central heating system without approval.

That is, if you decide to install heating radiators on the loggia and connect them to the heating system of a residential building, this may result in a fine and a decision heating system apartments in their original condition.

Loggia heating system

Therefore, the best solution is to install electric heating devices. In this case, heaters and heat guns can hardly be considered as a constant source of heat due to the high electricity consumption. It is much more profitable to use the “warm floors” system. It consists of insulated wires placed under the floor, enclosed in a polymer film. When plugged in, they begin to heat up, giving off heat to the floor. The advantage of such a system is its greater efficiency in minimum costs electricity. “Warm floors” evenly heat the room, creating the most comfortable temperature in the lower half of the room.

Another option is refractors that work on the principle infrared radiation. They are placed on the ceiling or at the top of the wall. When the system is turned on, the rays heat the surface of the walls and floor, creating required temperature. When installing underfloor heating systems or infrared refractors, you should strictly follow the factory instructions. And finally, it should be remembered that only comprehensive work on insulating the loggia will make it possible to turn it into a full-fledged living space.

The dream of most Russians at the moment is not only a balcony on which you can dry things or store a hockey stick, but also a loggia with planted flowers, a lounge chair and a workshop. Diversity building materials will allow you to make your dream come true. However, this is a rather complex multi-step process that must be treated very carefully. Therefore, if you still decide to insulate, then weigh all the pros and cons of this matter.

Experts recommend doing warm balcony in dry and warm time of the year. Low temperatures and moisture reduce the quality of building materials.
IN winter time In Stalin and Khrushchev buildings, a lot of heat escapes through the balcony to nowhere.
Let's figure out how to make a place of warmth and comfort.

First steps in insulating a balcony

you can live here

Most professionals in this field advise starting to insulate a loggia with its glazing. After all, it is through the gaps in window frames Almost half of the heat is lost.
At the moment, there are three main materials from which windows are made. These are wood, aluminum and PVC. Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Modern technologies for the production of window systems use laminated veneer lumber instead of solid wood. This will save the windows from the harmful effects of moisture on them. But wood ignites very quickly, so it is impregnated with specialized chemicals. It should be noted that modern production technologies quality windows from wood lead to .

Aluminum windows, of course, they are durable, but, as you know, metal is a material that is a good heat conductor, so such windows are not recommended for residential premises. After all, when installing aluminum window systems, the temperature on your loggia will be only 3-5 degrees less or more than the street temperature.

PVC windows require multi-chamber profiles with metal inserts, which will make the balcony warm and cozy.
Mostly people because of their main qualities - durability, unpretentiousness and aesthetics. PVC windows have retained their basic characteristics for half a century. In addition, polyvinyl chloride is environmentally friendly and does not emit any harmful chemical compounds.

Good double-glazed windows - warm balconies

During selection PVC windows the main criterion is the number of hollow chambers; in a standard set there are from three to five. They prevent cold from entering, respectively, the greater their number, the better windows keep warm. The equipment should use special plastic systems. instead of traditional ones, it will reduce heat loss in your home by as much as 30%, prevent drafts and dust. This design, made using new Austrian technologies, will help make glass cuts for balconies with complex shapes.

The next stage is the choice of insulation

To make a warm balcony, glazing alone will not be enough. It is also necessary to insulate the floor, roof, facade and side walls. You must remember that the material used must be of high quality:

  • it should not be exposed to wetness,
  • burning
  • other types of destruction.
ceiling insulation with foam plastic

The most suitable option would be its components. The advantages of these substances are low cost, low weight and relatively small thickness. There are also disadvantages, which include their fragility and fragility. You can make your thermal insulation more reliable by using mineral wool, such as ISOVER or URSA.
Most experts offer foil lining for water vapor barrier. This material is a porous polyethylene, which is covered on top with a Mylar film interspersed with metal. This substance does not collect moisture and easily reflects ultra-violet rays and prevents condensation.

The thickness of one of the insulation layers is usually 50-150 mm. This figure is selected individually, in accordance with climatic conditions, which are reflected in the tables of SNiP 23-02-2003, SNiP 23-01-99 and SP 23-101-2004.


However, we can highlight the main requirements for materials for insulation. To begin with, such materials must be light in weight. This is important, since heavy weight can lead to overloading of the floors. In addition, it must have a fairly low thermal conductivity, which will vary the thickness of the layers.
You also need to remember that sealing various kinds of gaps and seams that appear during glazing is extremely important. Such cracks must be sealed using specialized foam or other sealing materials.

Various heating methods

Everyone knows that winters in Russia are quite harsh and, therefore, additional heating of the balcony should be done. However, you must remember that central heating cannot be installed there under any circumstances according to existing building codes. Don't panic, there are two ways out of this situation.

  • The first of them is the installation of heated floors. Specialized electrical elements are attached to a concrete base, which is covered with a cement-sand screed. This will help distribute the heat evenly over the entire surface and warm the air under the floor.
    A warm floor will reliably save you from frost in winter.
  • An alternative to the above method would be to install an electric fireplace or other heating devices such as a radiator or air heater. Taking into account the possible small area, it is better to use oil radiators from the ERMB, ERMS series. Keep an eye on the electrical power, as it should not exceed 1.5-2 kW. The downside here is that the cost of consumed electricity will increase significantly.

A design that makes you feel warmer


An important element thermal insulation of the balcony is its interior interior. Today, plastic cladding is in demand. After all, it is not afraid of temperature changes and moisture changes, not only does it not require maintenance, but also requires washing with an ordinary soap solution.
It can also help here. Before you line your balcony with wood, think about it. Based on practice, no matter how you process this material, with temperature changes or changes in humidity it will become damp or dry out.

Lining the inside will increase thermal insulation.

You must remember that the main reason for heat escaping from the apartment to the street is depressurization of the finishing. Based on this, wood is not the most profitable option for heat preservation if natural conditions your region is subject to frequent changes in both temperature and humidity.

Thrifty owners prefer not to clutter the balcony with things that have served their purpose, but to use its space to maximum benefit. Rational decision for apartments with quite limited space, becomes the transformation of a balcony or loggia into a living space. Here you can arrange a relaxation room, an office for work, even a small library or mini-gym. But first, of course, you need to make the balcony warm.

Sequence of work on insulating a balcony

The first step is to glaze the balcony. The question arises: window systems What materials are best used to conserve heat, the loss of which, by the way, through windows, can reach 40%?

IN in this case It is most advisable to use PVC (polyvinyl chloride) windows, consisting of multi-chamber profiles with reinforcing metal inserts, which perfectly retain heat, are easy to maintain and durable. In addition, plastic windows have an aesthetic appearance. Aluminum and wooden frames They are unlikely to be able to provide adequate thermal insulation.

To save time, money and obtain a high-quality result, it is important to adhere to a certain order of work.

  • High-quality glazing is the first step in arranging a warm balcony. They start by dismantling the old frames and cleaning the openings. The choice of double-glazed windows depends on the design of the balcony and the preferences of the owner. High-quality windows are characterized by high levels of noise and heat insulation.
  • The first stage of insulation will be working with the floor. The old covering is dismantled and the floor is cleared of construction debris. They make a cement-sand screed.
  • Foam sheets are most suitable for floor insulation. A material with strength and sufficient rigidity will cope with the task perfectly. Further actions depend on whether the floor will be equipped with heating or not.
  • It is very advisable to insulate the ceiling, especially if it top floor. Penofol, a rolled foil insulation material, is most often used for this purpose.
  • Next, they begin to insulate the walls under the windows. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to achieve a comfortable temperature on the balcony in winter if the parapet, ceiling and floor are not insulated. You can lay the parapet with bricks, or make a lathing and insulate it with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, having previously laid a waterproofing film.
  • Then the side walls are insulated. After laying the insulating material, all cracks must be carefully filled polyurethane foam.
  • Having completed the insulation work, they begin finishing. Various in texture, color, performance facing materials so many to choose the most suitable option decorating a balcony is not at all difficult.

Now about all the stages in more detail, omitting the glazing, which is best left to professionals.

Materials for insulating balconies

The most important requirement for insulation materials used on balconies is the light weight of the materials in order to prevent excessive load on the floors. In addition, the insulation must have low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer largely depends on this indicator. No less important point consists of sealing all seams, joints and cracks that arose during the glazing of the balcony. They must be filled with polyurethane foam or other sealant. This will serve as protection against moisture penetration through the gaps and generally improve the thermal insulation of the balcony. And if you don’t take care of waterproofing, condensation will soon begin to form on the balcony, which can lead to the appearance of mold and mildew.

The material for insulating the ceiling, floor, sides and facade must be of high quality. The most economical option is foam-based insulation. They are light weight and relatively cheap. There are also disadvantages - fragility and fragility. Good results can be achieved by using mineral wool for thermal insulation.

Folgoizolon – hydro-copes perfectly with the task. vapor barrier material, which is porous polyethylene with lavsan or metallized polypropylene film. It does not accumulate moisture, prevents the formation of condensation, and retains heat by reflecting it into the room. Foil insulation with a thickness of 4 mm is capable of retaining heat in the same way as an 80 mm layer of mineral wool or a wall of 1.5 bricks.

What needs to be done before insulation

Before you start insulating the balcony, it is necessary to restore all weak and damaged areas of the structure. Particular attention should be paid to places where reinforcement protrudes to the surface. Identified cracks and damaged areas are repaired using cement mortar. If this is neglected, then the corrosion processes developing under the layer of thermal insulation will simply destroy the base of the balcony.

All surfaces, i.e. ceiling, walls, floor, that are intended to be insulated must be treated antiseptic. This will serve as a barrier to mold, which often develops in a warm and humid environment.

We insulate the floor

  • Waterproofing is laid on the leveled concrete base. The fact that it must be of high quality is beyond doubt. After all, moisture can penetrate from below. Materials such as waterproofing, isospan, etc. are suitable for waterproofing.
  • They lay it on top wooden joists(beam 60x100 mm).
  • Insulation is placed in the spaces between the joists. This is usually polystyrene foam. Possibility of laying more thin material, which is laid in several layers, up to the height of the bars. Thermal insulation should fit very tightly. It is advisable to avoid gaps between sheets. If gaps still form, use polyurethane foam.
  • A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of the insulation, then a subfloor is laid.
  • Lay down flooring possible only after completing all the work on thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls. If the sequence of work is violated, there is a high probability of damage.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation can be done using fairly common and practical materials: penoplex, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, foiled polyethylene foam (penofol). Polystyrene foam attached to the ceiling special glue(this could be glue for ceramic tiles), and is fixed with dowel mushrooms at five points - in the corners and in the center. When using penoplex, which retains heat better, you can work with thinner panels - from 20 mm. Foam plastic for many reasons technical specifications inferior to penoplex. But the latter has a serious disadvantage - high cost.

If penofol (rolled foil material) is chosen as insulation, then it should be glued to an antiseptic-treated and cleaned ceiling surface. PVA wood glue is sometimes used for this purpose. You can prevent the formation of bubbles by using a roller and rolling the material. Penofol is also glued to polyurethane foam. This insulation is well suited for hard cladding: plasterboard, MDF, PVC panels, slatted ceiling, lining.

In case of insulation mineral wool, it can be tightly laid in the ceiling cavity, on a constructed suspended frame. When working with any type of this insulation, it is recommended to use protective equipment: glasses, closed clothing, gloves, it is advisable to wear a respirator. When starting the process of insulating the ceiling, it is important to make sure that there are no places for moisture penetration.

Wall insulation

Thermal insulation of walls begins with the installation of sheathing, which can be made using wooden beam(40x40 or 50x50 mm). But, if the insulation is thicker, then it should be mounted on support blocks, thus moving the sheathing away from the wall to the required distance.

First, install the vertical parts (racks). They are placed in the corners of the balcony and on the walls. The optimal distance between adjacent bars is about 50 cm. Fastening to the wall is carried out using dowels. Then the racks are connected by cross members. Often the sheathing is made using next rule: horizontal bars secured at shoulder, waist and knee levels. This method helps to avoid pushing through the cladding. The step is more than 50 cm, but the efficiency of this design is higher.

Insulation (usually polystyrene foam) is placed closely into the resulting cells. Fix it to the wall using foam glue or polystyrene foam glue. A vapor barrier is laid on top - a membrane or polyethylene. Do not neglect vapor barrier in an effort to save money. Otherwise, the formation of condensation and, as a result, moistening of the insulation cannot be avoided. Which, in turn, significantly reduces the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

Next, the balcony is finished with selected materials. But before you start, you should solve all the electrical wiring issues in order to arrange lighting and sockets. Almost all materials that are available in the rest of the apartment can be used as floor finishing. For wall cladding, plastic or wooden lining, MDF, plasterboard.

Heating methods

In our climatic conditions no balcony heating winter period can't be avoided, but since the conclusion central heating this room is not provided for and is prohibited by building codes, it is worth thinking about other options. At least there are two of them. One is the arrangement of a floor with a heating system, which is installed under the floor covering. This heating method, compared to radiators, is the most profitable option, which consumes less electricity and heat is distributed more evenly.

To the surface concrete base fasten the electrical elements of the heating system. A coating is required upon completion of installation. cement-sand screed along the laid electrical element. Then the finishing is done.

An alternative heating method could be, for example, an electric fireplace or other heating devices(radiator, heater, air conditioner). In conditions of small dimensions of this room, it is better to use oil radiators. The power of the device should be approximately 1.5-2 kW. You should prepare for the fact that your electricity bills will increase significantly.

The balcony can be heated using ceiling-type infrared heaters, which is very convenient and practical. They are fixed to the ceiling, therefore, they do not take up the space already small area. The operating principle of such heaters is interesting. They heat the very surfaces of the floor, walls, furniture and objects on the balcony with heat rays. Next, the already heated surfaces begin to return the resulting heat to the surrounding space. As a result, a few minutes are enough to warm the air in the room to a comfortable room temperature.

And, perhaps, the most important thing is what needs to be done before all work on insulation and turning the balcony into a living space begins. It is necessary to obtain special permission, so to speak, to legitimize such work. It is especially important to do this if you intend to combine the room with a balcony. Compliance with formalities will allow you to avoid many problems in the future.

To create a cozy and warm balcony, you need to carry out quite large-scale work. But it’s still worth doing - because the advantages are obvious. The living space increases, and the apartment gains reliable insulation from noise, drafts and dust. The source of significant heat loss disappears when through balcony door heat leaves the apartment. With a glazed and insulated balcony, the very possibility of this disappears.

Balcony heating, insulated by us, the minimum is required, but we do it without fail. Like any warm room in our climate zone, a warm balcony also needs to be heated. Not in all cases and certainly not all the time, but heating for the balcony must be provided. The whole question is how to heat and how much will it cost monthly?

Let's say right away: on our balconies this is always the minimum possible, on others it depends on your luck. It can be cold even with central heating radiators in 20 sections. Such balconies have also come to us for refurbishment more than once. It is clear that everything can be heated - even a greenhouse in the cold, the whole question is: how much will it cost? We can only say about our balconies: either practically nothing or approximately how much it costs you washing machine. And only in a couple of frosty months. This is such a small price to pay. A few hundred rubles a year is not the price for one more room in an apartment.

We make balconies as warm as possible, which do not even require additional heating in all cases. For this:

  • we install high-quality plastic ones with maximum double-glazed window(3 glasses give 2 cameras!) and with good fittings so that it does not blow from the windows
  • We carefully and in several stages seal the entire balcony or loggia to completely eliminate drafts
  • We do thorough insulation of ALL surfaces on the balcony, including the internal wall along own unique technology, which cannot be found on the Internet
  • We make the walls completely sealed to prevent warm, humid air from getting under the cladding from the apartment. In this case, condensation cannot form inside the wall and the walls always remain dry. This means there will be no mold or mildew.
  • We install a well-insulated and durable floor (thickness 120 mm), for which we received patent
  • we replace part of the glazing with insulated walls if the loggia is elongated to reduce heat loss through the window
  • We actively use our own developments, which can only be acquired through years of work in one direction. Only the website confirms this.

That's why our balconies are at room temperature in winter.

Do you need heating on a warm balcony?

A very important point in our work. Believe me, in winter you will also be very concerned about this issue if you make yourself a warm balcony. It is worth reading our opinion on this matter so as not to be disappointed later. Moreover, this will not be justified.

A warm balcony, like any other room in the apartment, is not a self-heating system! A heat source is required. Heat loss through the window is inevitable. Even though we have the maximum heat-saving capacity, a window is a window.

The heat from the room is heating

The main source of heat for our the warmth of the balcony is the warm air from the apartment. You just need to keep the door to the balcony ajar. And do not close it for a long time, unless you turn on the heated floor! Otherwise, the balcony will inevitably cool down within a few hours.

The heated floor rarely turns on: in cold weather, when there is no heating of the apartment or the glazing of the balcony is too large. But we strongly recommend installing it. The costs are small, but then it will be a full-fledged room with independent heating. When needed, then they turned it on. Let it be better.

There is enough heat from the room for flowers to grow quietly on our balcony all winter without additional heating, or for there to be a microwave with a refrigerator, for example. Those. the temperature will be only a few degrees lower than in the room. This is due to poor air mixing without a heating device under the window and large size this very window.

Of course, you can do without heating the balcony at all, provided that you do not need it to be exactly the same temperature as in the room. Just for flowers, for example. In winter they are 15 - 18 degrees - the most comfortable conditions. And, if you are planning there workplace for yourself, then heating needs to be done. Then the air on the balcony will be mixed and heat will be drawn in from the room. If there is no heating, then this will happen with difficulty.

If the balcony is not heated

As a temporary solution: even the smallest and cheapest floor fan heater can seriously improve air mixing on the balcony. You just need to put it on rotation mode without heating. This way it will consume almost no electricity. Install it in doorway balcony or next to it so as not to interfere. Can be installed both towards the balcony and towards the room. Try both options. It will push air out from the balcony so that heat from the apartment flows there more intensively. But, this is a temporary solution. A warm floor or a stationary convector is still more correct.

How much does it cost to heat a balcony?

Do you want comfort and additional area- heat the balcony like other rooms in the apartment. This does not require significant money. Especially if your apartment is “hot”, with excess heat. In this case, you may not notice the difference in your electricity bills.

Don’t forget that in the apartment we are warmed not only by the radiators under the window, but by the walls with our neighbors. The walls are even bigger. If you turn off the radiator, you still won’t freeze - your neighbors will continue to warm you through the 15 cm of concrete! The temperature will drop, but not much.

But a warm balcony is completely devoid of this heat source. And losses through the window are continuous. Moreover, the larger the glass area, the greater the losses. Therefore, we insist on reducing it to optimal sizes. It is difficult to heat an “aquarium” for minimal money.


  1. install heated floors on the balcony
  2. replace part of the double glazed windows on the outer window
  3. put supply valve, for example in the kitchen

Here is an example of what it looks like: glazing and insulation of two balconies in Miass by our company. Outside it window design, and from the inside we close it with a wall with insulation so that it is quiet, warm and beautiful. Behind these walls you will place a cabinet or computer monitor.

The pictures are enlarged.

Balcony heating options

Legal and not so legal

In fact, the only legal way to heat your warm balcony is with electricity. Unfortunately, in 2005, the new Housing Code prohibited central heating radiators from being placed on the balcony. So this is not really an option. It’s more from the past, when there were no technologies or materials for high-quality insulation there was no balcony. So they tried to cover the gigantic heat losses on such a balcony at the expense of their neighbors.

But on a high-quality insulated balcony, when it is done by an experienced and responsible company, electricity also does an excellent job of heating the balcony. And it’s relatively inexpensive for the cold season. Here are the legal options for heating a balcony and they are listed in order of popularity:

Balcony heating options: pros and cons

Infrared film floor

  • high efficiency. Its operation during the heating season will not be sensitive to family budget. It will not work for free, of course, but it is not needed all the time. It turns on only when needed.
  • quick installation. It's not difficult to do it yourself. Taking into account the installation time of the very base of the plywood floor, it takes 3 - 4 hours to lay the heating film. At least in our company. And that's it - the floor is already warming up.
  • warms up quickly due to the low thermal inertia of the floor covering. After a few minutes the floor is already warm
  • inexpensive
  • You can use almost any modern floor covering: linoleum, carpet, laminate, etc. Anything that does not require gluing to a surface
  • You can use the floor immediately after installation
  • strong enough under floor covering. It is the quality of linoleum or laminate that determines how long and how such a floor will serve you. The film itself has nothing to do with it. By the way, it is quite thick, two-layer - about 0.5 mm. So stories about ladies' heels are myths. You can't spoil it that way. You can't do this with furniture legs either.
  • cannot be used under tiles
  • Do not place pillows or other bulky objects on the floor that interfere with the removal of heat from the surface
  • You should not make such a floor under furniture with a blank apron below. Nothing will happen to the floor, there will be slight overheating, but just why heat the cabinet from below?

Electric convectors

As an option for heating a balcony, it’s also not bad if at one time you saved money on a heated film floor or didn’t think that you would equip yourself with an office there.

  • In general, quick installation. Plugged it into the socket - ready. TO wall version feet are also included floor installation, usually
  • also high efficiency.
  • easy temperature adjustment
  • takes up space, albeit a little
  • still “dries” the air, albeit not much
  • the floor on the balcony remains cool for a long time. It is necessary to turn on the convector quite often so that the floor is also warm

Electric heating wire in concrete screed (mats)

Good for bathrooms, corridors and other places that are constantly heated. And, of course, you need to have a month in reserve to install it correctly.

  • You can lay tiles and other coverings that require gluing to the base. Film flooring eliminates this option. True, I met some time ago infrared film under tiles with holes, but now you can’t find it. Apparently, it has not become popular for a similar tiled floor. Gluing is easier and more reliable with a heating cable.
  • There is a minus and a very big one. It takes about 20 days at room temperature before you can turn on the concrete floor with the heating cable for the first time. Technology requires it. Otherwise, the screed will simply burst. This is not 3 - 4 hours in the case of a film floor.
  • high thermal inertia. It takes a long time to warm up all the concrete in the screed. You can't run barefoot right away. True, this is a plus - it cools down longer.

Conclusion: we have given all the arguments for and against each option. But, as is clear from the abundance of text around the film floor, we made our choice. We equip all balconies, which will later become offices and recreation areas, with warm film flooring. And we advise you. Durable, economical, inexpensive.

Infrared film floor

The heating of balconies insulated by us is successfully handled by an electric heated film floor. We insulate the balcony carefully, so other heat sources are no longer needed. Neither convectors nor fan heaters. One floor is enough in the coldest weather.

Moreover, it warms where it is most needed. If your feet don't get cold, the rest of the person doesn't get cold either)

Cost of heated floors for a balcony

The cost of a set of heated floors for a medium-sized loggia, for example, in a house of the 97th series, is 4,500 rubles. The kit includes: thermostat, heating film and reflective thermal insulation.

Power consumed by film flooring

About 200 watts per 1 square meter. The operation of the floor is controlled by a thermostat, which turns off the heating film when the set air temperature in the room is reached. In fact, the floor consumes energy no more than half the time. Of course, power consumption greatly depends on the area of ​​the window on the parapet. The larger it is, the higher the cost of heating the room. Therefore, we strongly advise customers to reduce its glazing area to reasonable limits. Why leave glass where there will be a closet, for example?

Installation of heated floors on a heated balcony

We make insulated floors of our own design on balconies covered with thick-sheet plywood. The thickness of the floor “pie” is at least 120 mm. It is durable, warm and will never squeak. Reflective thermal insulation made of 3 mm thick polyethylene foam is laid on top of the plywood. On top of it is the infrared film itself of the area that is needed. That's it - after this you can lay the flooring. The operation of the floor is controlled by a thermostat, which we install in convenient location. Typically this is next to the light switch on the balcony.

To avoid laying temporary covering during finishing putty and wallpapering, we completely assemble the electrical part, check it, but roll the floor itself back into a small roll. During finishing it doesn’t get in the way, and before laying the flooring you just need to cut the tape and level the film.

And of course, don’t forget to place a “reflector” under it with the shiny side up. Which we also leave in a roll with a reserve area. This job takes a few minutes. But, of course, we can roll out everything right away if the customer has temporary covering, for example, old linoleum from a balcony.

Durability and safety

Most of the heating film market in Russia belongs to Korean manufacturers. It does not burn and does not emit odor when heated, and is mechanically durable. The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation for 25 years. In fact, much longer. Even if the warm floor is covered with pillows, the most that can happen is the destruction of the carbon bridges inside the film itself. As a result, only a small part of the floor will stop heating, the rest of the floor will function normally. However, such experiments should not be carried out.

To prevent overheating of the floor, do not place bulky items on the floor, for example, a large bag or mattress. Also, you cannot install a floor under furniture with a blank apron at the bottom instead of legs. On legs or with a narrow support - please. Any place and any furniture.

The sad stories about women's shoes with heels that are told on the Internet are simply myths. This will prevent damage to the floor through the floor covering. Even nails that penetrate it do not disable it. Unless the tester gets an electric shock. And even then not much.

Warm Balcony, 2016

Balcony insulation - always actual question, especially for people who value comfort above all else. Who wouldn’t want to go barefoot onto a warm balcony during the cold seasons to breathe? fresh air without experiencing discomfort or cold. In this article we will tell you how to make a balcony warm, turning it into a comfortable corner.

There are such ways insulation of loggias and balconies, like conventional glazing of house balconies, double-glazed windows in combination with special insulation, installation of heating systems - including floor heating. Below we will look at each of the options.

1. USUAL SOLUTION. This method involves installing a frame from different material– metal, wood or plastic. Glass is inserted into the frames, which can be regular or tinted. With the help of such a double-glazed window you can slightly reduce street noise and increase the temperature by 3-4°C. As a result, you will get an ordinary veranda - a closed, cold space. Approximate price such glazing: wood - from $230 (3 meter balcony| loggia) up to $400 (for 6 m), aluminum – from $340 to $800 (respectively, for 3-6 m of balcony), plastic frame(PVC) – from $570 to $900. The price includes: frame, canopy, window sill, installation. Takeaway | roof is paid extra.

2 . PARTIAL INSULATION. This option involves installing window profile, the room is sealed with polyurethane foam or other sealant. Sealing will increase thermal insulation and resist water ingress. On aluminum profile applied powder paint, which is not only a decoration, but also additional protection. The interior of the room is covered, for which, as a rule, lining, plastic panels or other materials are used. But it’s still better to decorate the balcony with wood. This solution will make it more comfortable and modern, but it will not add much warmth.

In this case price issue will increase by the cost of the thermal insulation and finishing materials, plus payment for the work of a hired specialist. In total (material and work) it will be about 20-35 dollars per m2, depending on the materials.

3 . FULL INSULATION. In addition to the frames, in this case it is necessary to carry out waterproofing, lay insulation on the floor, ceiling and around the entire perimeter, cover the walls and ceiling with special material, and install lighting.

To make the balcony even warmer, you can equip it with a heating system and build additional interior walls. Remember that you cannot place steam heating pipes on the balcony, but you can use an electric fireplace and other heating devices.

Most often, tiles or porcelain stoneware are laid on the floor of loggias. This solution will make the room even more comfortable and beautiful. And by installing an electric heated floor, you can completely heat the balcony. The basis of the work heated floor is heating cable, A temperature regime maintained by a special thermostat. Please note that in this insulation method, a heating cable is installed under the screed so that the power per square meter is at least 180 W.

"Heating floor"– current modern trend. There are CALEO film systems (price from $35 / sq. m) and electric cable systems (about $60 / sq. m, a thermostat can be purchased separately - from $20). There are also other brands. The total cost of organizing a heated floor (heating system, floor covering and specialist work) is from $100 per sq. m. m.

When choosing a system full heating For a balcony, you can use a thermostat with an air temperature sensor (usually located in the thermostat itself), it will allow you to maintain a more comfortable temperature in the room, and the floor temperature sensor will prevent the heating cable from overheating.