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» How to make an interior arch - design, drawings and assembly order. What are the arches in the doorway, from what materials and how to make them with your own hands Arched doorway

How to make an interior arch - design, drawings and assembly order. What are the arches in the doorway, from what materials and how to make them with your own hands Arched doorway

There is an opinion that the arch as an architectural technique is more suitable for palaces and museums than for an ordinary house and apartment. But such an opinion is erroneous. A doorway made in an arched style can look organic in the most ordinary apartment, in almost any interior, and serve as its decoration. Manufacturers offer different kinds finished arches, which can be installed in doorway, the arch can be made with your own hands.

Advantages of arched openings

Even a person who is ignorant of the intricacies of interior design and architecture is struck by the fact that an arched structure, unlike a door, does not separate rooms, but unites them.

Doors separate the rooms from each other, and the arch creates a common space.

Experts note the following advantages that distinguish interior arched openings:

  • They are able to create an effect visual expansion space.
  • Such architectural solution versatility: suitable for a range of interior design styles.
  • The versatility of interior arches is also manifested in the fact that they organically fit into both spacious and small rooms.
  • The arched doorway is able to give the interior originality and individuality.

In practice, it has been verified that arches look good in houses decorated in classical style, and in modern or techno style apartments, especially since arched openings allow for numerous design options that enliven them appearance(for example, lighting, a combination of wood with metal inserts, the use of stained glass).

Types of arches

When designing an interior arch structure, qualified specialists take into account the features of both rooms, which are connected by an opening. The height of the ceilings, the width of the opening and other factors are taken into account. This is necessary in order to choose the right type of arch that is suitable for these conditions. Three main types of arched structures can be specified:

  • The classic version is characterized by a certain ratio of the bending radius and the width of the opening: the radius half width. This option is suitable if the rooms have high ceilings (no less than 3 m). The reason for this is purely geometric: with the specified ratio of width and radius, with a door width of, for example, 90 cm, the height of the arch will be 45 cm.

And if the doors are wider, then the height of the arch will be greater, and with a low ceiling, it will either not fit, or it will not look aesthetically pleasing.

  • The Art Nouveau arch has the appearance of an oval and can be performed in typical, including small-sized, apartments.
  • Type "Romance": the design has rounded edges and a straight insert, horizontal or inclined.

Of course, the whole variety of possible designs of arched openings is not limited to these three options, but they are the most common and are used in the vast majority of cases.

Materials used

To perform arched interior opening in principle can be used various materials. But the real possibilities of their use are far from equivalent.

In the first place in terms of convenience, accessibility and practicality are sheet materials - fiberboard, plywood, drywall. The technology for making arches from these materials is well developed, and various options finishes are able to give the arch aesthetic appearance and arrange it in the required color scheme And appropriate style. Natural wood is also great material for these purposes, and its only drawback compared to sheet materials is its higher price.

Often, interior arched structures are made of concrete, brick or natural stone.

These materials allow you to make an arch of any size and configuration, but it must be borne in mind that these materials are heavy, and the increase in weight interior partitions not always desirable (for example, in older houses).

Metal structures are very original, but not suitable for every interior style. Besides, stainless steel very expensive, and galvanized iron structures do not look so impressive. In some cases suitable material is plastic - it is relatively inexpensive, practical, durable and does not require finishing.

Making a door arch on your own

The easiest way to buy ready-made interior arch desired type and dimensions and mount in the doorway. But with some skills and the necessary tools, you can make an interior arch with your own hands.

An example of the process of mounting an arch in a doorway can be seen in the following video:

The beginning of this work should be the preparation of a “project”: it is necessary to draw the contours of the future structure directly on the wall (on both sides) or make (for example, from plywood) a full-size template.

It is also necessary to think over all the details before starting work, in particular, the location of lamps and other elements, if they are supposed to be built into the arched opening.

The main operations for the manufacture of arches from sheet materials are:

  • Production and fastening of aluminum profile guides. bend aluminum profile You can, after making cuts on it every 5-6 cm.
  • Manufacturing of frame parts. These details must match the template. In order to bend a sheet of drywall and give it the desired shape, it must be moistened. To bend plywood or fiberboard at home, the sheets are moistened and heated with an iron.
  • Mounting the frame with self-tapping screws.
  • Finishing work. They should be started only after all the mounted fragments of the arched structure are completely dry.

All these operations are quite within the power of a fairly experienced home master. To perform them, you need the most common tools - a hammer, a drill, hacksaws for metal and wood. But if there is no experience and skills in plumbing and carpentry, then it is better to turn to specialists in order to get an interior element that is made with high quality and fully meets the requirements of both strength and aesthetics.

The open opening in the wall is a very old architectural element. Designers assure that the arch zones the premises in the best way, while visually adding volume to each. An ideal do-it-yourself door arch is a feasible task. And now we will tell you how to make such an opening in accordance with the style of the interior and your allowable costs. After all, it depends on the budget how high-quality and aesthetic material you can afford.

Modern interior arch made of wood, boards, plywood, bricks, drywall, plastic, MDF or other materials. By opening types distinguish between a U-shaped portal or a vaulted arch. The vaults of the arch in their form can be varied:

  • classical (Romance) in the form of a half circle;
  • modern - a "flattened" circle with small radii of rounding corners;
  • lancet - a pair of circles connects, stretching upwards;
  • romance - a wide opening in which two arcs round off the corners and are connected by a straight line in the center;
  • trapezoid, prism - straight lines are connected using obtuse angles;
  • ellipse - opening, top part which repeats half of the oval along the long axis;
  • semi-arch - an asymmetric design in which one corner is left straight, and the other is rounded or trimmed with unusual shapes.

How to make an arch with your own hands: portal

In the section, we describe how to make a portal type arch based on a doorway step by step. This simplest form do-it-yourself modifications of the interroom transition. In short - it will be necessary to dismantle the door and finish the opening with wood, plastic or drywall. And now the whole process in stages:

  1. complete dismantling of the door ends with the removal of trim and door hinges;
  2. decide on the width of the future arch, it may be necessary to remove the old door frame;
  3. to expand the opening, it is necessary to remove the door frame and align the opening on all sides with cement mortar;
  4. in order to narrow the arch, it is necessary to install extensions - long strips of chipboard along the inside of the opening are nailed with dowels to the wall or nails to a wooden door frame(if she stayed); the additional plank should be a couple of centimeters shorter than the height of the opening, and in width less than a centimeter than the thickness of the wall;
  5. the space from the additional plank to the wall is covered with mounting foam, and the excess foam is removed.

The finishing stage depends on your aesthetic claims and repair skills. Can be used wallpaper, decorative plaster, interior stone, solid wood set.

Do-it-yourself installation of a vaulted arch

And even a more complex arch with vaults can be made a reality with home repair. Important point- simply arching the top of the doorway will not work for aesthetic reasons. You will have to increase the height of the opening so that the passage between the rooms does not resemble a pirate grotto pressing from all sides. Solve the issue with the expansion of the wall opening or tear down the wall and put up a new one drywall construction . Please note that violate the integrity and in any way load-bearing walls must not be changed.

And now - a step-by-step instruction on how to make a vaulted arch in an interior partition:

  1. Opening option. We mark the boundaries of the future opening on the existing one. To the desired width of the arch, add 4 cm in width and the same in height. Mark with serifs on the wall. Further, every 10 cm, it is necessary to punch through holes in the wall with a puncher and expand the opening with a circular saw. Then we organize the base for the side panels of plasterboard or chipboard with mounting on the U-profile. How the vault is made, you will see in a separate section.
  2. Option with an interior plasterboard arch on a new wall. Before installing a new drywall wall apply a vertical marking with a plumb line on bearing wall, to which the structure will adjoin. Take a profile cut and transfer the markup to the opposite wall. Install and fix with dowels U-profile CD by markup. From the sidewalls on both sides, set aside sections of the profile on the floor equal to the width of the plasterboard wall to the arched opening, screw these elements. The ceiling profile will take up the entire width of the wall. Next, we lead two slats from ceiling profile and connect with the ends of the segments on the floor to form the base of the side arched panels. We mount the crossbars on the frame in increments of 20 cm, which contributes to the stable position of GKL (gypsum boards), which we will lay on this frame. And at the last stage we will make a vault for the arch.

How to make an arched vault from plasterboard

After you have decided on the shape of the vault, it will become clear which recess for the sides of the vault to cut out of drywall. In this case a pencil and rope will help for rounded outlines. And if you plan to decorate the opening with a prismatic arch, the arch from the profile will consist of straight segments and will also be closed with straight strips of drywall.

Lower inner part of the vault sheathed with a curved element from a special ceiling plasterboard smaller thickness. Here are the basic rules for bending dry and wet plasterboards.

How to bend drywall drywall

How to bend drywall sheet wet way

The method is suitable for bends with small curvature and arches of small depth.

The method is applicable to create bends with small radii

Across the bend, the sheet is cut in parallel lines every centimeter, then the sheet is bent by carefully breaking along the cuts.

On the one hand, the GCR is perforated with a spiked roller, moistened with water until it can be absorbed: wait for the appearance of a glossy “mirror” surface. Transverse pitch frame profiles for cladding the arch is reduced to 10 cm so that the material does not warp when it dries.

The installation of a broken sheet is carried out very carefully, taking into account the connection of the segments with only one cardboard layer.

When forming a bend, the depth of the arch is taken into account:

  • shallow depth (up to 25 cm) - bending and fixation goes right on the spot;
  • with an arched depth of more than 25 cm, the bend is made through a template that repeats the shape of the vault.

We build a brick arch with our own hands

The brick arch is a success in country interiors country style. It is most convenient to work with a special wedge brick. The strength of the vaulted structure is provided by a lateral spacer. If the bricks are laid out with a wedge and fixed with a “lock” (with a brick for fixing, which is tightly hammered into the masonry), you will get a wedge-shaped arch, when laying along a truncated arc - a bow arch, and when a semicircle is formed half the width of the opening in the upper part, then experts say about organizing a complete arch.

The technology for erecting a brick arch is divided into stages:

  • the master designs and develops a vault template from chipboard sheets and beams;
  • sets the template with wooden poles and spacers;
  • before laying out, he puts fines to clamp the arch;
  • there is a process of laying bricks from the bottom up in parallel on both sides;
  • then the structure is crimped and fixed;
  • the template itself is disassembled and removed, the surface is cleaned;
  • seams are removed, as well as excess mortar, and at the end they perform finishing masonry.

Try to avoid the main mistakes of beginners when arranging a brick door arch with your own hands. It's about about the uneven distribution of loads with a low and wide opening, the exposure of the template from moisture ( cover it with polyethylene and dismantle it in time), as well as installing metal corners instead of template ( metal does not shrink and can cause cracks). In general, it is enough for a novice master to watch a few videos to figure out how to make a brick arch.

Wooden arch: installation start

Choice in favor wooden arch justified if you have a good budget and want to complement the classic style of the interior. This is not only a respectable decoration at the entrance-exit, but also a strong protection of the opening. natural materials always look expensive and reliable, not only in professional interior photos, but also in ordinary apartments. Fibreboard and MDF boards are cheaper and wear out more slowly than natural wood., therefore, we recommend this material to be tried by novice creators of arched openings. In addition, fiberboard can be purchased from antiseptic treatment, and the tree will have to be prepared on its own (stain, varnish in three layers).

The main stage is the preparation of the form. Wooden elements will be attached at the borders of the opening, so all measurements must be taken correctly - for precise cuts and material savings. First of all, we decide on the type of arch: what geometric figure will underlie the arch: rectangle, circle, ellipse, broken line, asymmetry. Then draw a diagram of the future arch on the opening, indicating the dimensions and transfer them with the help of a level to the wall, put serifs.

Wooden arch: sawing, assembly, installation

What parts does an arched opening usually consist of? This a set of architraves on two sides, a pair of sidewalls, corner roundings and an upper crossbar. Straight parts are easy to do with your own hands, and for rounded parts you will need a template to draw contours. Saw the details of the wooden arch with a jigsaw so that there are no notches on the edges. surface optional polished with a special grinder or sandpaper. If you chose MDF material, after sawing, you can cover the clean, fat-free surface with laminate or veneer.

  • First of all, straight elements are mounted in compliance with the accuracy of coincidence on boundary marks and by level.
  • On the puttied and prepared surface of the opening, the details of the arch can be glued, and if there are distortions, it is better fix on the frame with insulation. When creating complex curly bends, we recommend doing metal carcass, while repeating rectangular shapes enough frame of wooden bars.
  • Only after fixing the sidewalls and the straight top bar do we move on to rounding. The bends must be adjusted to the space of the corners, the joints must be closed with platbands or plastered to the finish.

At the final stage of processing, mask fasteners and joints. As you can see, a do-it-yourself door arch made of both wood and other materials is quite accessible for development in theory and practice.

Trying to get away from generally accepted standards and give elegance to the interior, the owners of the apartments and country houses change the usual doors to arches. This is no longer a new, but to this day a popular design highlight. The arch in the doorway is bought ready-made or made by hand. It comes in a variety of configurations, so it allows you to realize any idea.

Forms of arched openings

Interroom door arches are selected not only based on taste preferences, but also depending on certain parameters: ceiling height and. The structures are made of drywall, wood, MDF, PVC. Drywall is the easiest to work with as it is the most flexible material.

Currently there are a large number of different types arches that vary in shape. The most common are:

Arched openings also have various designs and on the basis of this are divided into several varieties:

Looking closely at your interior and picking up desired model arches, you can start the phased work.

Step-by-step instructions for self-production

To avoid wasting money on finished goods, finishing the arched opening can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to follow a well-established scheme.

Making the necessary measurements

Any building process requires accuracy, which is achieved by preliminary measurements. You need to start from the opening itself, so first measure its width and height. The size of the span between the walls of the opening is equal to the width of the arch. In order to make a semicircle as accurately as possible, this indicator must be divided by two.

Before making the arch, you need to decide on its future configuration. If you are going to perform it in a classic style, then pre-align the walls. Otherwise, the design will look ugly. Remove all defects from vertical surface can be putty or plaster using beacons.

Creating a Structural Frame

To make the installation of the frame, you must perform a series of sequential steps:

  1. Along the opening lines with dowels, a contour of metal profile. Vertical guides are set indented from the surface of the interior wall. The size of the indent is equal to the thickness of the drywall sheet and the plaster layer (about 0.2 cm).
  2. We install two such profiles parallel to each other on each side.

    For the frame device, two profiles are installed in parallel

  3. Having finished working with the profiles, we take up the installation of the first sheet of drywall. If its thickness is 1.25 cm, then it is recommended to fasten it with 3.5x35 self-tapping screws. If the GKL thickness is not more than 0.95 cm, use smaller screws.

    Drywall fixed with self-tapping screws

  4. Sheathe the second side of the frame with drywall.

  5. Make a metal profile in the shape of an arc. To do this, cut the side walls of the profile with special scissors every 7 centimeters. As a result of these actions, it is easier for him to give the required shape. For an arched structure, two such blanks are required.

    An arched arc is made from the profile

  6. Install and fasten the arcuate profiles to the main part of the frame.

    The arcuate profile is attached to the main part of the frame

  7. In order for the arcs to be securely fixed, they are attached with suspensions to a straight guide located on top. The number of hangers depends on the width of the opening. Usually three pairs are enough.

  8. In increments of 0.4-0.6 m, attach reinforcing crossbars along the perimeter of the frame, fixing them on the guides of the two contours.
  9. As a result of the above actions, a reliable metal structure in the form of an arch from the profile. In the future, it will be covered with plasterboard or plywood.

If it is assumed that the columns of the arches will not be too large in thickness, then it is permissible to change 2 arcs to a wide profile. Cutting and bending is done in exactly the same way. Only in this case cross bars are not required.

Sometimes instead of a metal profile they use wooden slats. The technology of mounting the frame does not change significantly.

Bending drywall sheet

After installing the frame, they are accepted for bending the GKL. Experts recommend using drywall, designed specifically for arched structures. It easily takes the desired shape if the material is washed in the longitudinal direction.

If you decide to use ordinary drywall, then you will have to tinker with it. Mounting element cut out right size in the form of a rectangle. Bend it in two ways: wet and dry.

Scheme for manufacturing a bend

The wet method takes a lot of time and is not rushed. So that the material does not crack when bent, it is moistened with water and punctures are made. In this form, the drywall sheet is left to lie for some time, and then it is bent on a template of the desired configuration.

The dry method refers to the application of cuts parallel to each other on the wrong side of the GKL. The cut goes deep into the sheet, affecting the outer cardboard layer and gypsum. A layer of cardboard front side remains intact.

In the dry method, the bending of the installation element takes correct form. At the same time, it is important to know that sawing GKL is best done with a jigsaw, and not with a hacksaw. Then the edges will not be torn.

Rough frame trim

If the bend was carried out by the wet method, then first of all it is necessary to wait until the drywall sheet is completely dry. The material is fixed first with adhesive tape, and then with self-tapping screws. The minimum step between them should be from 5 to 6 centimeters.

Perforated corner prevents edge chipping

After fixing the sheathing, the edges of the drywall sheet are cleaned. And in order to prevent chipping of the curved edge, a perforated plastic corner.

Leveling with putty

To make the surface even, you need to finish the arched structure. To begin with, a primer is applied, and after it dries, putty. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer and strengthen the corners..

Fiberglass mesh reinforces the corners of the arch

The last third layer of putty is applied to the grid. After about 10 hours, it dries up, after which you can start cleaning up the bumps with sandpaper. With a quality work done, the surface will be without roughness, irregularities, and the caps of the self-tapping screws will not be visible in it.

Ways to finish arches

Those who wish to finish the arches on their own will have to work hard, cutting out each detail separately. However, many do not look for difficulties and choose a simple path - they acquire factory structures from prefabricated elements.

Ready-made and prefabricated linings

There are two types of factory-made overlay: wooden and foam.

Styrofoam elements

Foam arches are often preferred as an alternative plaster products. The advantages of such structures are as follows:

  1. Fast installation. The installation speed is much higher than arched structures made of plywood or plasterboard.
  2. Low price.
  3. Easy transportation. Styrofoam is enough lightweight material, so you do not need to hire movers to deliver the product to your home.
  4. Light weight. Arches of this type can be installed even on very weak structures.
  5. Various forms.

Foam arches are assembled from prefabricated elements and cut in place to fit the size of the opening

Negative sides arched foam structures are: brittleness, toxicity, rapid flammability.

Wood elements

Wooden arched structures do not require advertising. They look rich and rarely do not fit any interior style. However, it should be understood that the word "wooden" does not mean that all components are made of pine, oak or other solid wood.

The arch can be made from natural wood, MDF, chipboard or plywood

Arched elements are also made from inexpensive MDF, laminated chipboard, plywood, veneered. The desired option is selected individually based on the taste and thickness of the wallet.

wooden elements ordered from a catalog and then cut to length before installation

Installation wooden structures simple to do. IN construction stores arches are sold both assembled and disassembled. The first option is considered more reliable, since the work was performed by a specialist.

Decorating with finishing materials

Currently, there are many ways to beautifully and neatly. The decor is selected so that it harmonizes in color, texture, material with home furnishings. The most popular options are:

  1. Simple staining. The arch will look elegant and complete if it is simply painted white, Brown color or to match the walls. This finish is often complemented decorative elements, backlit.

    Monochrome painting looks advantageous in combination with backlighting

  2. Wallpapering. This is the fastest, most affordable and easy process. For these purposes, vinyl or non-woven options are best suited.

    Slopes highlighted with wallpaper - a very stylish design move

  3. Finishing with wooden, plastic clapboard. The method guarantees not only a beautiful aesthetic appearance, but also ensures the durability of the structure, its protection from moisture and mechanical damage.

    The clapboard option is great for interiors with wall decoration from the same material.

  4. Decorative plaster. The surface of the arch is beautiful, embossed and durable. True, such a finish needs to be restored sometimes, and it requires some care.

    This method looks especially advantageous in deep arches.

  5. Stone. An arch in a house made of natural or artificial stone is installed only with the help of a professional. Finishing fascinates the eye, makes the interior unusual.

    The ragged edges of the arch can be the highlight of any interior.

  6. Cork- it is quite expensive, but environmentally friendly pure material. It is easily susceptible to mechanical damage, therefore, to extend its service life, it is recommended to cover the cork with wax.

    Cork finish brings a sense of environmental friendliness and comfort to the interior

  7. Clinker tiles. This finish will last for years. It does not attract dirt and does not require special care.

    Finishing with clinker tiles - unlimited space for interesting solutions

Arches for the doorway have been used since ancient times. The arch is very aesthetic, today it is not only beautiful, but also allows you to save space, complement the interior and do the work yourself, with your own hands.

As a rule, drywall is used, it is not expensive, it is easy to work with it and you can make any arched opening. The framing of the arches can be anything, you can put a platband and a variety of finishing materials.

Shape selection

The type of arch can be any, even from several levels, with different side by side and functionality, initially the correct measurement of the door opening is made. The main types of arches are presented in the table:

arch type: Description:
Parabolic arch: Beautiful and easy to make arch. It is made of flexible plastic, for example, a threshold. A mark is made in the middle, which will be the top point of the arch. Further, the material bends in the form of an arc. The arc is applied to a plaster or other sheet and a template is made, on which the arch blank will be ready.
Circular arch: IN wooden material(bar) it is necessary to fasten the self-tapping screw and tie the twine to make a compass. They can make an arch template. Next, with a compass, you need to draw a circle of the arch on the sheet.

When the contours of the arch are drawn, the shape should be cut out using a jigsaw or a regular knife. All cuts are made exactly along the lines, the quality of the arched opening depends on this. The classic version of the arches is made according to the following principle:

  1. It is necessary to measure the doorway and calculate the material.
  2. The instrument is being prepared.
  3. A template of arches is cut out, a semicircular view, round, oval and others.
  4. The frame is mounted in the opening using a metal profile or wood.
  5. Polyurethane, drywall, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, foam plastic or other selected material is installed.
  6. The bottom of the arch is cut out and screwed to the side parts.
  7. Puttying and finishing, decoration of the arch is carried out.

Important! When deciding on the type of arches, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the ceiling and the width of the doorway. Some types are suitable for a wide but low opening, the other vice versa.

The main forms are as follows:

  1. Portal - U-shaped arch, according to the device it can be in the form of waves or with many angles, one of the most popular types of opening.
  2. Classic arch - recommended for ceilings from 3 m, with a passage width of 90 cm.
  3. Romance - it is recommended to set if the width of the opening is large, but the height to the ceiling is small.
  4. Modern - an alternative to any type of arches, can be used in Khrushchev, where every centimeter of space is important. The corners of the arch are made sharp or rounded.
  5. A semi-arch is an ideal arch for zoning rooms.
  6. Straight arch - suitable for loft, hi-tech, modern style.

The photo shows ready-made false arches from the company Leroy Merlin that do not need to be framed:

Knowing what types of ready-made arches for doorways exist, you need to decide on the materials and start working with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself drywall arch (video)

Work materials

You can’t just build an arch, you need to choose the material and prepare all the inventory. A drywall sheet is more often used, it is easy to work with, if desired, you can redo the arch, its cost is low. Therefore, an example of working with GCR will be described step by step below. Arched interior opening requires:

  1. GKL 9.5 mm.
  2. Profiles 27x28 mm and 60x27 mm.
  3. Self-tapping screws to fix drywall 3.5x25 mm.
  4. Dowels to fix the frame in the opening 6x60 mm. Used for brick or concrete.
  5. Self-tapping screws with a press washer 4.2x12 mm.
  6. If the doorway is made of timber, then wood screws are needed.
  7. Putties for GKL.
  8. Needle roller.
  9. Perforated corners.
  10. spatula.
  11. Pencil and tape measure to measure and make a drawing.
  12. Screwdriver.

Having prepared the material, you need to mark and measure everything.


Before , how to make a drywall arch doorways measurements are taken. The size of the opening itself is taken in height and width. When there is a width, it is divided in two to create a perfect semi-circle arch. The shape of the arch is determined, for classic version you will need to additionally level the walls using putty and beacons. Naturally, the opening must be completely disassembled, prepared, removing dirt and dust from it, and, if necessary, seal cracks and voids with mortar. When the opening is ready, you can proceed to the next steps.

Installation of an interior arch

On the GKL, an arch design is made for a private house or apartment, the necessary picture is drawn, and then cut out with a knife, strictly along the lines. When one piece is cut correctly, a new side is drawn along its contours and another piece is cut out. Having prepared both pieces, you can mount them on the frame, but before that, the correct frame is built. Step by step, the work will look like this:

  • At the top of the opening, profiles are fastened using dowels if the opening is brick. After that, the profile must be installed on the walls of the opening. The frame is mounted at two points in the doorway.
  • Next, a profile is made in the form of an arc. Scissors need to cut through the metal every 5-10 cm, after which the metal is bent in the desired shape. For the template, previously cut pieces of drywall are used. Installation is carried out with dowels, and the frame is sheathed with drywall using self-tapping screws. For arches you need 2 arcs.

  • In order for the frame to turn out to be strong, bars or profile pieces are installed between the arcs.
  • The frame is ready, but the arch itself has not yet been made. You will need to bend drywall for installation in the lower part of the arch or make a typesetting element, the prefabricated bottom is made from pieces of drywall, and when bending, you need to cut off a piece, adding 10 cm in size from the sides. So that the material does not crack, it is moistened with a little water, passed with a needle roller and left for a couple of hours so that it is flexible. After that, you can bend the material and attach it to the frame, using initially adhesive tape, and then self-tapping screws.
  • After 12 hours, a beautiful arched opening will be ready and it remains to decorate and decorate the arch.

Here's how easy it is to install an arch in a doorway with your own hands. Using these tips, the production of arches will be fast. All voids in the arch can be left unchanged, or you can use mounting foam, pouring it inside, according to the instructions. Next, you need to veneer your creation.

Decoration of the doorway

What to make arches from doorway it is known, but how to finish the arch in the doorways? Decorate finished structure Can different materials. Often the design is done using MDF, you can finish it with modern material, for example, artificial stone, wood, wallpaper, paint and apply array. When the arch enters the kitchen, it is recommended to fix the curtain by installing fasteners in the arch immediately. Before sheathing and decorating the arch, you need to do a number of works, step by step instruction below:

  • The surface of the arch is sanded with sandpaper, removing irregularities, creating a rounded edging.
  • Seams, joints and places of self-tapping screws must be sealed with putties, but before that, a perforated plastic corner is placed on the corner, it must be fixed directly into the putty.

  • When the putty dries, everything is sanded again with sandpaper to remove irregularities.
  • The arch is smeared with a primer and when it dries, it is applied finishing putty and polished for the last time.

The arrangement of the arch is completed, you need to pick up the finish and put it on the finished opening. As you can see, it is easy to make a home-made arched opening, any person, not necessarily a master, can assemble the frame and fix the drywall, even if the work experience is small. It is recommended to make an arch, the same as the window in shape, so that the interior is uniform, although the opening itself can be modernized so that the house or cottage is transformed and functional. Finally, a video showing the process of work, how much material is needed and how a rectangular arched opening with a rounded top is made:

Photo gallery of finished works

Related materials on the topic:

Step-by-step instruction do-it-yourself drywall arch installation
Arches in the apartment: what is it, varieties, advantages
Interior arches to the kitchen: varieties and design

Arches in openings have been used for a long time, as it was believed that this architectural opening is very aesthetic. Today, the arrangement of arches in doorways has become popular due to the fact that they are easy to mount from drywall. With the advent of drywall arches, it became possible to separate rooms without adding special efforts. Such arched vaults will help to give individuality to each room.

Thanks to the arch, you can visually expand the small space of the corridor, kitchen or room.

As for the forms of the arch, there are a lot of them. By making drywall arches, you can recreate almost any historical copy. The main convenience is that drywall is a very flexible material. We make an arch in the doorway according to the following scheme:

  1. All necessary measurements are taken and the required amount of material is calculated.
  2. Next, prepare everything necessary tools required for work.
  3. The front parts of the arches are cut out, a frame is made of a profile or wood.
  4. Next, the front elements of the arches are attached.
  5. The lower parts of the arches are cut out and also fastened.
  6. Arched corners are attached and all surfaces are puttyed.

What materials will be needed?

To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

Types of arches.

  • drywall 9.5 mm thick;
  • guide profiles - 27x28 mm;
  • rack profiles - 60x27 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for fastening GKL (gypsum plasterboard) - 3.5x25 mm;
  • dowels with screws - 6x60 mm for fastening the profile frame (needed if the walls are made of brick or concrete).
  • self-tapping screws with a press washer - 4.2x12 mm;
  • wood screws (if the walls are made of wood);
  • putty on GKL;
  • needle roller for bending drywall sheets;
  • arched corner with perforation;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective gloves;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • pencil;
  • metal scissors;
  • stationery knife for cutting GKL.

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What kind of arch can be?

The opening of a door or window can be decorated by creating an arch. There are a large number of arches that can be made in your home. When choosing, you need to be guided not only by taste preferences, but also the following parameters: primarily the height of the ceiling and the width of the doorway. So, some designs look good when high ceilings, and others, on the contrary, at low values. Kinds:

Scheme of the arch device.

  1. Portal - this arch is performed as a standard in the form of the letter P. The device of the arch can be different: polygonal or wavy. It all depends on the materials available and the imagination of the owner of the house.
  2. Classic arch - otherwise called "classic". This type of arch is only suitable for ceilings that are over 3m high. On average, with an opening width of 90 cm, about 45 cm of height will be occupied by the bend of the arch, so a height of 2.5 m may not be enough.
  3. Romance. This option is great for wide openings, relatively small in height. Between rounded corners, a straight insertion is made, either at an angle or horizontally.
  4. Modern. This type is great for making a doorway inside standard apartment. In this case, the corners can be both rounded and sharp.
  5. Semiarka. This option is able to perfectly perform zoning of the room.
  6. A straight arch is a great option for high-tech and modern rooms.

In addition, the arches differ in their design:

  1. Radius (asymmetric) is the simplest and at the same time the cheapest technology that will suit absolutely any interior.
  2. Multilevel. This design is used mainly in cases where the interior is made in one particular style.
  3. Openwork is suitable for all cases, except for those when the walls are made in a non-standard form.
  4. Domed and symmetrical are suitable for classic arches, the opening of which is at least 1 m.

Doorway: taking the necessary measurements

Drywall sheet bending methods: dry and wet.

Before making an arch in the doorway, you need to make all the necessary measurements. Naturally, you need to start with measurements of the opening. You need to know the height and width of the opening.

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As for the width of the arch, it should be equal to the distance between the opposite walls of the doorway. It is necessary to measure this distance and divide it in half. This size is needed in order to make an accurate semicircle.

In addition, you need to determine in advance the shape of the future arch. If a classic arch is chosen, then all the walls need to be aligned. They must be completely vertical so that the arch does not look awkward. You need to level the walls with the help of beacons with putty or plaster.

GKL preparation for the arch

  1. First of all, you need a regular pencil and a tight rope. The pencil is tied to a rope and an excellent large-scale compass is obtained.
  2. Further, the middle is marked on the GKL - that is, the radius of the future arch. To do this, remember the size of the width of the opening.
  3. Where the top of the arch will be, there is a mark of 60-65 cm. This figure was taken at the rate of 50 cm in radius and 10-15 cm in height above the arch.
  4. Next, the drywall sheet is cut exactly along the width of the doorway.
  5. After that, a point is marked, which will be the center of the radius.
  6. A rope with a pencil is taken, its length should be equal to the radius. A semicircle is drawn along a pre-marked point. By doing correct measurements you should get a perfect circle, which will be the arch of the opening.
  7. After that, a clerical knife or a jigsaw is taken, with which you need to cut a semicircle along the drawn line. In our case, its width should be 100 cm, and its height 60-65 cm.

Do-it-yourself installation of the frame for the arch

Both the aesthetics and the strength of the structure will depend on a well-executed frame.

The stages of manufacturing and installation of the frame are as follows:

  1. First of all, a metal profile guide is attached at the top of the opening with dowels. Next, the guides are attached to the wall in 2 places.
  2. After that, an already arcuate profile is made, also made of metal. For its manufacture, using scissors for metal, identical cuts are made in the profile, each of which then needs to be bent to form right angle. As a template, you can use already made parts from GKL. The profile is fastened with dowels, and drywall is already with self-tapping screws. For the arch you will need 2 arcuate profiles.
  3. To strengthen the frame between 2 arcs, you need to attach profile segments.
  4. Further, the arcuate parts are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.