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» How to install a sink with a pedestal - a detailed analysis of installation technology. Sink installation

How to install a sink with a pedestal - a detailed analysis of installation technology. Sink installation

Installing a sink is a simple task that any owner can handle without the involvement of professional plumbers. By the way, even specialists charge very little money for such work, since there are no difficulties. Regardless of the shape, manufacturer and dimensions of the sink, installation follows almost the same scenarios. In this article we will examine in detail the specifics of installing sinks in the kitchen and bathroom.

The technology for installing sinks is elementary, however, in order to do the job correctly, you need to be able to understand some of the nuances - the selection and installation of a siphon, mixer, and mounting methods. Not only the complexity of the task depends on this, but also the convenience of further operation of the plumbing fixtures.

Sink siphon

Siphon is a special design S-shape located under the sink. A corrugated hose comes out of it, draining water into the sewer pipe. For a bathroom sink, a simple siphon is enough. It will have to be cleaned periodically, but no plumbing can do without it. Difficulties may arise with cleaning a conventional siphon - corrugated tubes break over time if you constantly pierce the sewer with a plunger. They cannot be cleaned with a pneumatic plunger at all, as the structure will immediately burst. The use of a cable is also not recommended. All that remains is to clean it manually, for which you will have to turn off the water, dismantle the siphon, disassemble and wash out the plaque that has settled from the inside.

In old houses, the sewage system is usually not very powerful, so the pipes get clogged every now and then. In such cases, it is worth choosing siphons with inspection, that is, equipped with a removable valve for cleaning and inspection. By the way, for kitchen sink Experts recommend installing only such models, since pieces of food often get into the drain, which can cause a blockage.

There are two types of rigid siphons:

  • knee with a removable valve - outdated models that are practically not used today;
  • siphon bottle - a structure consisting of two concentric pipes with different diameters. A narrow pipe is inserted into a wider one, there is a threaded cap at the bottom, and the outlet is located on the side. Cleaning such a siphon is very simple - you need to place a basin or bucket under it, unscrew the lid and drain the stagnant water with sewage. When purchasing such a model, be sure to make sure that there is a slight narrowing at the top of the outer pipe, otherwise debris may get stuck inside and will have to be pierced with something.

Decorative chrome siphons with revision are distinguished by their neat appearance, high functionality and hygiene. That is why their cost is noticeably higher than that of all other models. The sewerage distribution must be built into the wall; accordingly, the installation has its own specifics, so it is better to entrust it to an experienced plumber. Installation of the siphon is carried out before hanging the sink.

When installing drain siphons, you may encounter certain difficulties:

  1. Carefully inspect all installation points of the rubber sealing gaskets and make sure that there are no burrs there, otherwise you will have to repair the leaking siphon later. If burrs are found, cut them off with scissors or a utility knife.
  2. Install the gaskets correctly, placing the cone on the opposite side of the nut.
  3. Assess the condition of the rubber seals - they should be resilient and elastic, but at the same time very dense. If the rubber is old and dry, such gaskets will not ensure proper sealing of the connection.

Basin mixer

The right mixer is the key to comfort and cleanliness. If you are looking for a model for the kitchen, choose high options with long tap. It is completely inconvenient to wash dishes under a low mixer. For a bathroom sink, on the contrary, a small option with a short tap is quite suitable.

As for the technical side of the issue, it is better to give preference to a swinging lever and a ball valve. Outdated valve models have a lot of disadvantages, ranging from uneconomical water consumption to inconvenient control. With lever faucets, you only need to lower or raise the handle in one motion.

When purchasing a faucet, make sure that the faceted parts of the henok fittings (flexible tubes) are located at different levels, otherwise they may not fit on the faucet pipes. Flexible supply tubes can be made of metal-plastic or plastic in a fabric sheath. The first ones will serve faithfully for many years, but installing them is not very convenient (in an already suspended sink). Fabric hankies can be pulled out through the hole under the sink and easily connected to the faucet, but their service life is not so long.

Types of shells

The specifics of installing a sink yourself depend not only on the fittings, but also on the shape of the product itself. We will not consider a conventional wall-hung sink, since its configuration is familiar to everyone, but will focus on modern original models.

Sink tulip

Initially, tulip shells were only found in railway carriages, where, by the way, they can still be found today. But the desire to diversify the interior prompts many to install such models at home. Distinctive feature is a long pedestal and a deep small sink. Previously, the tulips were not so deep, but over time this was corrected to reduce splashing. Also today on the market you can find wide, comfortable sinks with a similar design.

The small dimensions allow the installation of a tulip sink in small bathrooms. After the siphon sticking out below was hidden under an improvised pedestal, the model received its original name.

Although the tulip has unusual shape, but its practicality is highly controversial. Dirt constantly accumulates in the cavity of the pedestal, and insects can appear. Another thing is the half-tulip shells, which take up a little less space and are completely undemanding to care for. Installation of a pedestal sink requires the presence of free space on the floor. The half-tulip frees up space and visually makes the interior lighter.

The only drawback of such models is the difficulty of cleaning the siphon - to do this you have to remove the entire sink or hold it suspended. Fortunately, siphons in half-tulips very rarely become clogged, and with decorative siphons with revision, you can completely forget about this problem.

Sink for installation above the washing machine

Washbasins designed for installation above a washing machine appeared quite recently, but this new product immediately found its niche in the plumbing market. This is an excellent solution for small bathrooms, where every free centimeter is worth its weight in gold. Fans of minimalism in the interior will also like these sinks, since they take up negligible space.

The genius of such models is that the sink grate (drain hole) is located behind the bowl or in the far corner. The only drawback is the high cost. You have to pay a lot of money for comfort and space savings. The same rule applies to ergonomic furniture and equipment. But resourceful craftsmen quickly picked up fashion trend and learned how to make plastic bathtubs ourselves, selecting separately a mixer and a bottle siphon with an additional pipe for connecting the washing machine drain. The image below shows various models sinks for installation above the washing machine.

Double sink

Not long ago, a sink with two bowls was considered an attribute of respectable luxury homes, but over time, such models have gained great popularity due to their convenience and functionality. Plumbing manufacturers began to produce cheaper options to suit every taste. The advantages of such a sink are obvious, especially if a large family lives in the apartment. You no longer have to wait your turn to wash your face - you can just stand next to him.

Today, most double sinks on the market are 80 cm wide, which is quite suitable for standard small bathrooms. The horizontal axes of the spout are turned in different sides at 45°, water is supplied through one pipe and leaves through one drain for both bowls. In this regard, installing a sink in a bathroom follows the classic scenario.

Sink installation

If you are replacing old sink new, there should be no difficulties with the place and method of installation. The only thing that can cloud the situation is a discrepancy in the sizes of the sinks, which may cause the mounting points to mismatch. In this case, you will have to make new holes in the wall.

If you want to change the location of the sink, for example, place it a little further from the bathtub or install it above the washing machine, you should make sure that the corrugated pipe leading out the water is as short as possible and has no bends. The diameter of the corrugation must correspond to the diameter drain pipe or be a little smaller. Experts do not recommend using corrugated tubes with a diameter of 32 mm.

Installation on a cabinet

The cabinet simultaneously serves as a support for the sink, a cabinet and a disguise for the plumbing “internals” - the siphon and pipes. If the cabinet is already installed, you just need to insert the sink into the corresponding opening. If you bought or made a new cabinet, first try it on at the place of future installation and make sure that its walls do not block the passage of communications. Almost always back wall the cabinets have to be cut to make an opening for the pipes.

If you don't need to make any cuts, place the sink in the cabinet and check the levelness using a building level. You can adjust the position with adjustable legs, which are equipped with any cabinet.

Installation of a sink with a cabinet can be done using anchors or by gluing with silicone. If you want to save time, glue the sink to the wall with construction silicone - it will hold the structure tightly and will not allow moisture to seep inside. Anchor screws are used very rarely, because installing them is quite inconvenient.

Wall-hung washbasin

Installing a wall-hung sink is a little more difficult and time-consuming than with a cabinet. The main difficulty lies in creating a reliable support and correctly calculating the level of the bowl. To calculate the optimal height for installing a sink, you need to take into account the height of the people who will use it. First of all, focus on the smallest family members, but you shouldn’t hang it too low either - a “children’s” sink will be inconvenient for parents. In addition, children grow very quickly and will soon be able to use the bathroom like adults. There is nothing wrong with the sink being a little high for a child. In this case, use a special wide bench so that the baby can wash himself. The standard height is 80-90 cm from floor to surface. This sink will be comfortable for people with a height of 165 to 190 cm.

Before starting work, you need to draw up a diagram of the sink installation and take clear measurements. Make marks on the wall with a simple pencil, which will guide you. Draw a horizontal line, checking it with a building level, place the sink on it and level it so that the top of the bowl matches the line.

This sink installation video will help you get the job done:

As a rule, all the necessary fasteners for suspended structures come included. But, as practice shows, foreign manufacturers They make fastenings that are not powerful enough and break quickly. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing reliable fasteners separately and not using thick screws or dowels for fixation. The best option There will be anchor bolts that provide the most static and reliable fastening.

All that remains is to connect the mixer hoses to the water supply and sewerage. The mixer is equipped with flexible hoses for hot and cold water, however, professional plumbers recommend purchasing hoses separately. If you buy an inexpensive faucet, the original hoses included may burst at any time - unfortunately, this is one of the most common occurrences. Therefore, it is better to play it safe right away and buy reliable, more expensive products. Corrugated hoses and flexible hoses are connected using union nuts, having previously placed rubber gaskets between the elements. You must tighten it very carefully so as not to overtighten the nuts, otherwise they may burst and cut out the seals.

If you have mastered the pipes, then installing the siphon will not cause any difficulties. Insert the corrugation into the socket of the sewer outlet and close it with a special gasket or cuff to make the joint airtight.

Sink installation: photo

Finally, a photo selection of various ways to install sinks in the bathroom and kitchen:

Installing sinks in the bathroom and kitchen is a process that even a person who is not very experienced in construction and repair work can handle. Of course, the craftsmen will be able to do this much faster, but you will be able to install the sink yourself with better quality, and the result will certainly be a source of pride.

Table of contents:

Preparatory work

Before you start installing a sink with your own hands, you must first purchase this very item. And here difficulties may arise - there are quite a lot of models on the market that differ in configuration, size, and mounting methods. To ensure that the process of purchasing a sink is not difficult, it is worth remembering the following recommendations from professionals:

  1. Measure the space allocated for the sink - the width of the product in question has very variable readings and can be either 60 cm or 250. Do not forget that in front of the sink in the bathroom (and these rooms are usually not very large) There must be free space left.
  2. The sink can be with or without a faucet - in this case, the faucet is installed in the wall. It is advisable to purchase a complete sink - mixer and siphon. In this case, it will be possible to “try on” all the components directly in trading floor and not make a mistake in choosing.
  1. It is better to decide in advance which sink will be installed - this must be done at the stage of renovation or construction of the premises. The fact is that the product in question from different manufacturing countries will have different parameters and standards - additional efforts will have to be made to “adjust” all sewer and water supply outlets. Of course, there is nothing terrible about this - absolutely everything that is made by human hands can be corrected.

There are several types of sinks, which differ in how they are installed.:

  1. Wall-hung sinks– they can only be attached to the wall using special brackets; the mixer can be located directly on the product in question or on the wall. The advantages of a wall-hung sink are the ability to save space, but the disadvantage is open communications under the product, however, they can be hidden by installing a small cabinet.
  1. Sink on a pedestal– tulips. The method of installing this type of product in question is on brackets to the wall, but from below all communications will be hidden by a pedestal. Moreover, it can be “to the floor”, or it can be partial. When choosing a sink, you should take into account that the “tulip” type has a limited height - 70-80 cm, but this parameter can be increased if you install the sink on a pedestal on top of any pedestal. But it is impossible to reduce the height of the product in question.

  1. Built-in sinks- they can either be embedded in the bedside table or be on a frame that is built into the wall. The advantages of this type of product in question are the beautiful design and the concealment of all utilities, but there is only one drawback - a built-in sink takes up quite a lot of space.

The consumer needs to know what material the sinks are made from - this will also help right choice. Most often, manufacturers use ceramics, earthenware and porcelain in their work - of these options, porcelain is considered the most expensive, but also the highest quality. The market also offers sinks made of marble - this material is of very high quality, has a respectable appearance, but there is also a significant drawback of marble - it has small and medium pores that become clogged with dirt, which makes cleaning a product made from this material not only labor-intensive, but also frequent . It is much wiser to give preference to artificial marble - the quality and appearance are not inferior to natural material, but its surface is smooth and has no pores. Recently, sinks made of composite materials have been gaining popularity - they contain acrylic resins, mineral fillers, and pigments. Distinctive features shells made of this material - they can have absolutely any shape, the surface is absolutely smooth, and has pronounced impact resistance.

It is worth mentioning separately about glass sinks - these are expensive products, made of heavy-duty material, so it is not possible to break or damage them in any way. The only drawback of glass sinks is that stains will certainly appear on their surface, which will spoil the entire appearance.

There are also metal sinks available for sale. of stainless steel– they are durable, safe and cheap. But you need to take into account in advance that they cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents, and the noise from falling water will be too loud.

Modern offers on the market include double sinks and heated sinks. In the first case, we are talking about simple convenience for the family, and double sinks have long ceased to be an attribute of elitism and wealth. The point is that just for ordinary family, who all get ready for work and school in the morning—saving time is important to them. Installing a double sink is no more difficult than standard product– the siphon and all supply communications are installed in a single copy, there is no need to do any complex wiring.

A heated sink, as manufacturers claim, does not need to be connected hot water. But experts believe that this is only marketing ploy– heating is carried out using electricity and the bills that will come after using this type of product in question are quite impressive.

How to choose a siphon for a sink

It would seem a strange question - everyone knows that the most common and popular siphons are S-shaped, especially since this is quite enough for a bathroom sink, because food residues will not get into it, toilet paper, sanitary napkin. But there are a few things to consider:

  • when cleaning such a siphon from corrugated pipe with a regular plunger, after several procedures you can expect it to rupture;
  • if a pneumatic valve is used, then rupture of the S-shaped siphon is inevitable already during the first time of cleaning;
  • Under no circumstances should a cable be used.

Therefore, experts recommend: if the sewage system in an apartment or private house is not new and tends to get clogged regularly, then it is better to purchase a rigid siphon with a removable lid and a hole for cleaning. There are also very expensive types of siphons on sale - decorative chrome with a removable lid and a hole for cleaning. But first, you will need to lay out everything engineering Communication, supplying/discharging water in the wall, and secondly, to install such a siphon it will be necessary to invite specialists.

Note:if a hard siphon is chosen, then it is installed before work on installing the sink with your own hands begins, and a regular oneThe S-shaped one can be installed at any convenient time.

How to choose a mixer and fittings

This is, perhaps, the last stage in the preparatory work for installing a sink with your own hands - purchasing it competently and with an understanding of the nuances of faucets and fittings. You need to remember that it is advisable to purchase mixers with a ball valve and a swinging lever, but you need to carefully “inspect” this product to make sure that the faceted parts of the threaded fittings for connecting flexible fittings are located at different levels.

And regarding the fittings, it is worth knowing the following - metal-plastic products are considered the most reliable and durable, but they can be installed and connected only after the sink has been installed - this is not always convenient.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a sink yourself

There is nothing complicated about installing a sink with your own hands - even the instructions for this process can be completed in a few steps. Judge for yourself:

  1. After purchasing, you need to mark the place where it will be mounted on the wall.
  2. Then, in the marked places, holes are made for the dowels - this can be done with a drill with a special drill bit.

Note:Be sure to check several times the absolute accuracy of the location of the sink attachment points - this is done with a building level.

  1. We install the dowels into the prepared holes, hang the brackets and install the sink.

  1. If you purchased a sink with a pedestal, then we install it too.

As you can see, there is nothing extremely complicated in the process of installing a sink with your own hands. True, experts make several clarifications:

  • brackets for installing a sink should be the most reliable and strong;
  • self-tapping screws must go into the wall to a depth of at least 70mm, so you need to buy them in size 100mm;
  • if there is a very thick decorative layer on the wall where the sink will be attached, then the length of the screws should be more than 100 mm;
  • only propylene dowels are needed, because metal dowels will rust from constant exposure to moisture and temperature changes, and polyethylene dowels are fragile;
  • The diameter of the screws should be the maximum that the brackets can support.

Sealing rules

When installing a sink with your own hands, it is imperative to carry out sealing - any kind modern plumbing complete with special gaskets. But in order to work with them correctly, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Any sealing must be carried out on completely dry components. If necessary, they can be dried with a hair dryer.
  2. Make sure that your fingers do not come into contact with the surfaces of the sealing gaskets. If the opposite happens, then you need to degrease the gasket before installation - just wash it in a solution of any detergent and dry it thoroughly.
  3. Red and/or yellow rigid gaskets (paronite) are installed between the metal supply pipe and the plastic parts.
  4. All pipe cuts must be absolutely straight - the slightest distortion will cause a leak, even if the sealing is carried out according to all the rules.
  5. Rubber gaskets must be treated with silicone before installation. Both rubber and silicone individually are very durable, strong and reliable materials, but when they are used at the same time, the most reliable connection parts, the seal will last for many years.

One of mandatory elements The bathroom is equipped with a sink, since it is almost impossible to do without it. In addition to the fact that this accessory provides convenient hygiene procedures, it should also fit harmoniously into the interior of the bathroom. It is not always possible to purchase a bathtub, toilet, bidet and sink at the same time, so they are often purchased at different times and from different manufacturers. Despite this, all these devices must form a single ensemble. To choose the right bathroom sink, you need to know what they are, how they differ, and also understand the main advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Types of shells

Unlike kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks come in a much wider range. In order to choose the right accessory, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • type of instalation;
  • shape and size;
  • manufacturing material.

Types of bathroom sinks by installation method

Based on the installation method, sinks are divided into the following types:

  1. With a pedestal. Popularly, this design is also called a tulip. Its main feature is the presence of a leg or pedestal. This solution allows you to hide the siphon and water pipes, and also provides reliable support for the bowl. These structures have a given height, usually 70–80 cm, and if it is not enough, you will have to additionally make a stand or pedestal. It is impossible to reduce the height of the pedestal.

    The pedestal supports the sink and allows you to hide communications

  2. Invoices. Such models are installed on the countertop and protrude above it by a distance not exceeding 10 cm. After installing the countertop sink, it seems that it is a free-standing item. Such designs do not have a hole for installing a mixer, so the faucet is mounted on the countertop. For ease of use, the height of the tabletop should be no more than 85 cm.

    The countertop sink is installed on the countertop

  3. Mortise. This type of sink cuts into the countertop; this can be done both from below and from above. When inserted from below, the plumbing fixtures are located flush with the countertop, which greatly simplifies the removal of water that has fallen on it. When installing a sink on top of a countertop, it protrudes a few centimeters above it. The mixer can be installed either in the hole on the sink or on the countertop.

    A built-in sink can be mounted either above or below the countertop

  4. With wall mounting. This design is also called cantilever. There is no need to install a cabinet or countertop here, since the sink is fixed directly to the wall using special fasteners. There are models of sinks with wide wings that allow you to imitate a countertop. The faucet can be installed either on the sink itself or on the wall. The main disadvantage of such models is that the connections to the water supply and sewerage systems remain visible. The advantage is to free up free space, and this is an important point for small rooms. Can be installed under flat models washing machine.

    Wall-mounted washbasin saves space

  5. Furniture. Typically, such models come complete with bathroom furniture. They can be mounted on a separate countertop, but most often furniture sinks are installed on a stand or bedside table that matches their size.

    Furniture sinks come complete with bathroom furniture

Shape and size

One of the main parameters that you need to pay attention to when choosing a bathroom sink is its size. Only a properly sized washbasin will ensure comfortable use and will not take up a lot of free space.

For small spaces, sinks with a length of 50–65 cm and a width of 40 cm are usually chosen. If you have a large room, then you can install models up to 75 cm long or a double sink, in which case two people can wash at the same time.

Having decided on the size of the sink, you can proceed to choosing its shape. The sinks are:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular or square;
  • complex shape.

Material of manufacture

A variety of materials are used in the manufacture of bathroom sinks:

  • Ceramics are the most common products. Porcelain is more expensive and of higher quality, sanitary ware is simpler and cheaper;

    The most common option is a faience sink.

  • natural or artificial marble. Although natural marble is a more expensive material, the presence of pores in it requires more careful maintenance. Sinks made from artificial marble are practically no different in appearance from those made from natural stone, but are cheaper. In addition, they have a smoother surface, which makes cleaning much easier;

    Artificial marble looks practically no different from natural marble

  • corian - composite material, which contains acrylic resins and mineral filler, and with the help of pigment you can apply a coating of any color. Since this material is easy to process, it can be used to make sinks of any shape. Such models have a smooth surface, so they are easy to care for;

    Corian can be used to make a sink of any shape.

  • glass. Glass sinks, although they have high cost but they look very nice. Special glass is used for their manufacture, so their strength is high. The disadvantage of such models is that they show traces of water, so they need to be looked after more carefully;

    A glass sink always looks stylish and beautiful

  • Stainless steel. Such sinks have a long service life, high strength and hygiene. The disadvantage is that when a jet of water hits, it creates a lot of noise. look after metal models you need to be careful not to scratch their surface.

    The metal sink has a long service life and high strength

Video: types of shells

Preparing for installation

Despite big choice bathroom sinks, their installation is almost the same. In addition to the fact that you need to firmly secure the bowl, you will also have to connect the water and drain, and install a mixer. Only high-quality execution of all stages of installation will allow you to install the sink correctly and avoid leaks.

Materials and tools

In order to install a bathroom sink yourself, you will need the following materials and tools:

How to shut off the water supply

Before carrying out any plumbing work in the bathroom, you need to turn off the water supply. Please note that not only cold, but also hot water is supplied to the washbasin, so you need to turn off both taps. This is done at the entrance to the apartment, and if there are additional taps, then you can stop the water supply only to the bathroom.

You need to make sure that the water pipes and drain can be connected to the selected sink model. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to lengthen the existing pipes or install new ones.

Removing an old sink

If you are replacing an old sink, it must first be removed. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Removing the mixer. First, disconnect the cold and hot water pipes from it, after which the fastening nut is pumped out and the mixer is removed.

    To remove the mixer, you need to unscrew the nut that secures it.

  2. Removing the siphon. Unscrew the nut securing the siphon from the bottom of the sink, disconnect it from the drain and drain the water.

    To remove the siphon, you need to unscrew the nut and drain the water.

  3. Removing the sink. Remove the sink from its support - this can be a countertop, cabinet or brackets.

    The sink is removed from the support

To prevent the smell of sewage from spreading throughout the apartment during installation work, you need to cover the hole in the drain pipe with a rag.

Installation steps

Although when installing sinks different designs There are some peculiarities; the main stages of work are performed in the same way.

Installation work

Before you begin installing the sink, you first need to decide where it will be installed. At this stage the following work is performed:

  1. Determination of height. For bathroom sink installation height strict standards No. Most experts recommend installing the sink at a level of 80–85 cm from the floor. It all depends on the height of the apartment’s residents. Choose this option so that the sink is comfortable for everyone to use.

    The installation height of the sink should be such that it is convenient for all residents to use it

  2. Installation layout:
  3. Installation of brackets. To attach the sink to the wall, you need to install brackets. They come complete with the washbasin and match its size. Using a puncher, holes are made in the marked places, plastic dowels are inserted, and then the brackets are fixed to the wall. Mounting a sink on a wall is only possible if its surface is sufficiently strong. When installing a sink with a pedestal, in order to securely fix it, it is also necessary to attach the bowl to the wall. If installation is carried out on studs, it is necessary to use plastic inserts.

    A wall-hung sink can only be mounted on a solid wall.

Sink connection

Mixer installation

The mixer can be installed on the sink, on the wall or on the countertop. If it is placed on a bowl, then installation can be done after it is installed, but experts recommend doing this before attaching the sink, so all the work will be easier to complete.

Installation of the mixer is carried out in the following order:

Sink mount

After installing the mixer, the sink must be secured. This stage will differ depending on the chosen model:

  1. Fastening the sink to the wall. The bowl is placed on the installed studs, plastic inserts are inserted and the nuts are tightened. If the installation is carried out on brackets, then the bowl is simply placed on them.

    The bowl is placed on the installed studs, plastic inserts are inserted and the nuts are tightened

  2. Installation of a pedestal sink. This design can be of two types:
  3. Installation of a sink with a cabinet. The cabinet is placed, its horizontalness is checked, after which the sink is placed on it. You can attach the washbasin to the wall with studs, but this is a difficult option. Usually it is glued with a sealant, since the main support is on the cabinet, and the sealant only prevents water from getting between the wall and the sink.

    A vanity sink is usually secured to the wall using sealant.

Video: installing a sink on a pedestal

At this stage, the mixer is connected to the hot and cold water supply system. To ensure tightness between the tap and the nut, a rubber gasket must be installed on the hose. If a flexible connection is used for connection, then the gasket is already installed in it; nothing additional needs to be installed or wound. Then turn on the water and check the tightness of the connection. If a leak appears, tighten the nut a little.

If leaks occur, just tighten the nut a little

Connection to the sewerage system

Now the sink needs to be connected to the sewer system. To do this, first install a siphon. This device can be S-shaped or bottle-shaped. Some sinks have an overflow hole. In this case, you need to install a siphon, which has a hole for installing an additional pipe.

Siphon installation sequence:

  1. The siphon outlet is inserted into the sink hole, after which it is fixed. To do this, you need to install a mesh, a gasket and secure the siphon with a screw.

    If diameter sewer pipe larger size pipes from the siphon, use a transition sealing collar

  2. Checking connections. After installing the siphon, a control drain of water is carried out. It is checked for leaks; if they appear, they must be eliminated. If a leak occurs from under the sealing collar, then it must be pulled out, lubricated with sealant and a new connection made.

Video: installation of a wall-hung sink

Before you start using the washbasin, you need to check the quality of the connections and how firmly the bowl is installed. To do this, check the quality of all fasteners again. After this, open the hot and cold water tap and check the tightness of the water hoses. If there are water leaks, then the connections must be tightened, and when this does not help, unscrew the hose and rewind the FUM tape.

To check the tightness of the siphon, it is recommended to fill the sink with water by closing the drain hole. Then drain all the water - if there are no leaks in the siphon or hoses, then you can start using the sink.

When draining the water, check the tightness of the connections.

Do not over-tighten the connections, as you may damage the gaskets or strip the threads.

Possible errors and methods for eliminating them

Although installing a sink is not challenging task, when doing it yourself, certain mistakes may be made. Incorrect installation Not only does it lead to leaks, but a poorly secured sink can fall and cause injury to household members.

Main errors and ways to eliminate them:

Video: sealing the seam between the wall and the sink

Modern bathroom sinks can have a variety of shapes, differ in the type of installation and the material from which they are made. When choosing, you need to take into account not only the shape and size of the bowl, but also whether the washbasin is comfortable to use. The most affordable and popular are ceramic sinks. Modern technologies allow you to create coatings that repel dirt and are not deposited on them limescale, therefore they have a long service life and retain an attractive appearance throughout the entire period of operation. If you adhere to the sink installation technology and follow the recommendations of specialists, you will be able to cope with its installation without the involvement of specialists, whose services are not cheap.

IN modern apartment The sink is a standard item in any bathroom. Plumbing manufacturers today offer many types of sinks. And although general principles The installations are the same, there are some nuances in the installation of each of their installation options.

At the final stage of a bathroom renovation, it’s time to install the plumbing. It is important to place it correctly and conveniently. Correct placement of the sink is especially important for small bathrooms. One solution to this problem is to use a wall-mounted sink. Well, when you have everything ready, do not rush to call a plumber. Everyone can install a washbasin on their own. The main thing is not to forget to connect it to the water supply and sewerage at the end of installation.

The better the installation, the longer and better the plumbing equipment will work. The main thing is not to rush, to do everything correctly and “wisely”. In the future, this will allow you to calmly enjoy the fruits of your labors, and not correct your own shortcomings.

Photo of an already installed black sink

Installing a bathroom sink: step-by-step instructions

Let's look at the main types of sinks according to the method of fastening.

  • Invoices. Sinks of this type are designed for installation on a countertop with a small protrusion above its surface. Sinks of this type often do not have a hole for the faucet.
  • Console (suspended). Bathroom sinks of this type are hung on the wall using a bracket or fasteners. Their installation does not require a cabinet or countertop.
    To cover the sewerage system and water supply, the sink should be installed on pedestals. A pedestal mounted cantilever sink is also called a tulip bathroom sink.
  • Mortise. Sinks of this type are cut into the countertop from above or below. In the first case, the sink is mounted on a countertop with a protrusion above the surface of one to three centimeters.
    Be sure to seal the seam. When inserting a sink from below, use L-shaped fasteners. With their help, a mortise bathroom sink is attached to the base from below.
    This method of fastening is more practical: you can collect the splashes in one movement.

Please note that the water from the siphon must be drained. To prevent the smell of sewerage from penetrating into the bathroom, the pipe opening should be plugged with a stopper, a rag or other available means.

Photo of a “Tulip” type sink

Installation of a pedestal sink

Installation of a pedestal bathroom sink depends on the specific model:

Photo of a tulip sink in a bathroom interior

Furniture. This type sinks are usually supplied by the bathroom furniture manufacturer. Install them on a stand or cabinet for a bathroom with a sink suitable size. You can install the sink on a regular countertop.

Please note that the types of bathroom sinks determine whether you can do the installation yourself, as some types require time, patience and some professional skills to install.

Photo of an installed wall-mounted sink

Dismantling of old equipment

Installation of new equipment requires dismantling of old equipment. To remove the sink:

  • the sink can be mounted on the wall,
  • the sink can rest on a pedestal.

Photo of a sink with wall mount

Please note that in this case the sink may be located away from the wall.

  1. place the sink in the planned location and mark the mounting points on the wall,
  2. drill holes, drive in plugs or dowels,
  3. secure the sink with bolts,
  4. attach the siphon and install the mixer.
  5. connect the sink to the sewer using long pipes,
  6. connect the sink to the siphon.
  7. secure the sink to the brackets and seal the joints.

Installation of sinks on brackets (console)

The option of attaching a sink to a bathroom using brackets is the most familiar and common.

Photo of a sink on a pedestal

Mounting on brackets

  1. Make markings. Draw a horizontal line at a distance of 80-85 centimeters from the floor (this is a standard level). Draw vertical lines across the width of the sink perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Try the brackets on the sink, then place them against the wall and mark the location of the holes.
  3. Drill holes, hammer in plugs or dowels and screw the brackets.
  4. Install the sink, taking into account the features of the model.
  5. Connect the siphon.
  6. Install the faucet.

Sink in the form of a glass bowl on a pedestal

Please note that after installation the sink should not wobble.

Installation of a sink on a shelf or cabinet (mortise and furniture-mounted)

Installation of the sink on a shelf or cabinet is carried out in the cutout of the tabletop. In this case, how to fix the sink in the bathroom is necessary in advance. The entire sink can be recessed into the cabinet or left standing on the surface.

Photo of a beautiful Tulip type shell

Installing a sink on a shelf or cabinet is the easiest:

  1. install the sink into the cutout of the countertop,
  2. connect the siphon,
  3. install the mixer.

Photo of a sink on a shelf

Please note that the faucet can be mounted directly on the sink or countertop. It can also be placed on a decorative stand.

After installing any type of sink, you must open the water and check the structure for leaks. Do not forget, correct installation and daily care will increase the life of the sinks.

Photo of a sink with a cabinet


Simple instructions for installing a sink on the wall

Before purchasing a new bathroom sink, you need to calculate it optimal size, and also decide on the placement location. A popular option is to mount the sink on the wall, as this method will save space in the room. If you choose this method, then make sure that the wall on which you are going to mount the washbasin is strong. A plasterboard wall will not support a sink, so it cannot be hung on this type of ceiling.

To build something new, you need to break the old. If you are going to attach new plumbing in place of the old one, dismantle the old sink. Carefully unscrew the faucet. Before dismantling the siphon, the water must be drained from it. Once the faucet and trap are disconnected from the sink, you can remove it.

If you plan to install the washbasin in a different location, you will need to run hot and cold water pipes underneath it.

Built-in sink

The sewer pipe should be placed exactly in the center of the sink. It is very important to install the washbasin on correct height so that it is convenient for all family members to use it. Typically the height ranges from 80 to 90 cm from the floor. All measurements must be marked on the wall so that it is convenient for you to install plumbing in the future.

Tools and materials

IN hardware store you can find necessary set fastening elements for the sink. Since moisture and dampness are eternal companions of the bathroom, choose silicone sealant need to be done with special care. There are special sealants on sale that are designed specifically for the bathroom (especially wet areas). If you choose this material correctly, it will not turn black over time.

Several installation methods

The installation method will depend on the sink you purchased. Below we will look at several popular mounting options. Before installation begins, it is necessary to turn off the water in the pipes. And also complete all the preparatory work that we described above.

First you need to note the level of installation of the plumbing fixture. Initially, mark the selected height on the wall. Optimal height is 80-90 cm. In order for the walls of the bowl to withstand the pressure of the brackets, you need to know their thickness. We measure it and transfer it to the existing horizontal line (height). Then we make marks.

The next stage is to mark the markings for attaching the sink to the wall. Turning the bowl over, we mark on the recesses on the reverse side for installing the frame. In this case, you need to level the washbasin using a level. Since this work is quite difficult for one person to do, it is best to involve someone else in this process. Make sure that all your marked lines match.

Photo of a washbasin with a built-in bowl on a cabinet

According to the markings, it is necessary to make a hole for the bracket and washbasin. Then we drive the bushings into the holes; they should be included with the washbasin. We screw the screws into them. And then you can install the support.

The next step is to install and secure the bowl. We place the bowl on the brackets and make marks to secure it, then drill holes along them and install the sink in its place. It is very important to control the depth of the stud at which the bowl will be installed. The length of the protruding part of the pin should exceed the width of the bowl by 10-15 mm.

Photo of a sink in a bathroom interior

If you are making holes on a surface ceramic tiles, then in order to prevent the drill from slipping, it is recommended to attach a special mounting adhesive tape to the drilling site.

Before inserting the plumbing fixture into place, be sure to apply sealant to the edges of the bowl. For better protection of the joint between the wall and top part bowls you can attach a special plastic strip. It is attached with silicone sealant. If you installed it correctly, the washbasin will fit snugly against the wall and not wobble.

The washbasin model, which does not have a bracket and is attached directly to the wall, is installed in a similar way. Having marked the mounting location, drill holes for the studs. Keep in mind that the mount will be screwed in, so it should protrude 1.5-2 cm. Another type of installation is to mount the sink on the wall to which the cabinet will be attached. In this case, you need to make sure that the elements of the cabinet will not interfere with the sewer system and mixer. The plumbing fixture is attached to the wall with bolts, and the cabinet is attached to brackets.

Connecting water supply and sewerage

The final stage will be the installation of a water supply and sewer system. Before installing the mixer, it must be assembled. This must be done strictly according to the instructions that should be included in the package with the device. Remember that the rubber gaskets must fit snugly into the holes in the bowl and should not be misaligned. Check them also for defects; the gasket should not have cracks. On threaded connections the valve must be wound with a seal. Then use an adjustable wrench to secure the faucet hoses.

Photo of a sink with wall mount

The siphon also requires preliminary assembly. You will not encounter any particular difficulties in this process. The main thing is not to forget about the rubber gaskets and that they fit correctly and tightly to the sink. The outlet hose is inserted into the sewer pipe. If the dimensions differ, a sealing collar must be used. It can also be sealed with silicone sealant.

After all installation work has been completed, you must turn on the water in the tap and check all systems. If you follow all the above recommendations, then installing a sink will seem like a very simple job. Remember that when purchasing plumbing fixtures, you must check the availability of all fastening parts. High-quality plumbing fixtures are easier to install.


Video on the topic: DIY bathroom sink installation. Education

Types of bath sinks

Modifications of sinks differ not only in style, shape and size, but also in the method of installation:

Corner sink with wall mounting

  • Hanging Plumbing fixtures have a sink fastened to the wall, so the entire mass directly affects both the fastening itself and the wall, which for bathrooms is quite thin, which is not safe. That is why safe fastening of the sink to the wall is carried out only on load-bearing wall structures. The main advantage of this installation is the free space under the device, which allows for a comfortable position near it, in addition wall fastener independent from other furniture and can be located at any convenient level.
  • Sink on a “tulip” type pedestal— stylized sanitary ware has a ceramic “leg”, which is the main support holding the sink with the decorative function of water supply and sewerage communications. To ensure that the plumbing fixture does not move from its place, the sink is fixed to the wall with special anchor bolts, which are not capable of bearing a weight load, but only ensure that the sink is pressed against the wall.

Installing a Tulip type sink by level

  • Mounting the sink in the bathroom can be done using a supporting cabinet or tabletop- This is one of the most reliable methods of installing plumbing fixtures, because... its mass acts on a stable, strong furniture structure. This type of fastening of the sink to the countertop of the bathroom furniture helps to saturate the space with functionality, because in the niche under the sink there can be shelves that can be used for storage detergents and personal hygiene items. One “but” - the cabinet under the sink does not allow you to move freely with a close approach to the sink, i.e. There is a slight inconvenience in reaching the faucet. The solution to this problem lies in choosing sink models with an elongated shape (parallel to the wall) and a side hanging over the cabinet (the cabinet is smaller than the sink itself).

Even shells of the same type can differ:

Photo of an installed corner washbasin with a cabinet

  • Thus, the “seating” places for power fastening the sink to the wall and the holes for fixing it to the wall can differ significantly in the center-to-center distance between the fastening places and in the diameter of the fasteners used. Despite the wide variety of plumbing fixtures and fastening elements for them, the concept of a standard design is also applicable for plumbing fixtures, i.e. You can select a number of sink models from different manufacturers with a similar mounting arrangement.
  • The main and most important difference between sinks is the material used for their manufacture, some varieties of which can easily withstand fastening the sink to the wall, while others may turn out to be fragile under the mechanical influence of the metal mount on the sink.
  • Sink designs may provide for the installation of a mixer, for which models are equipped with a mounting hole. If such a model is installed with a wall mixer, the technological hole is closed with a decorative plug.

Features of sink mounting

Various models of plumbing fixtures, as a rule, have various ways installation:

Photo of a wall-mounted sink in a bathroom interior

  • This is how the sink is attached to the wall: metal brackets. Moreover, the “arm” of the fastener can have several sizes, because depth (width to wall) comes in three sizes. At the same time metal mount it is mounted to the wall using powerful bolts or studs, but the sink, depending on the model, may not be screwed at all, but only placed on mounting brackets. Therefore, for additional fixation in such cases, sanitary sealant is used in places of contact with the wall and bracket frames, which creates an elastic “gluing”.
  • Mounting a sink in a bathroom on a “leg” has its own pitfalls, because both the plumbing and the lining of the walls and floors in the bathroom are made of ceramics, which can easily be damaged if hit. Therefore, between the ceramic planes of the sink, walls and floor, install polymer gaskets with gluing with silicone sealant. Only this method of installation can ensure the absence of unpleasant ringing and squeaking noises from ceramics when struck inadvertently. It is worth considering that the bulk of the sink should act on the ceramic stand-leg, so fastening and pulling the sink itself to the wall should not cause it to rise on the support (leg), otherwise the sink will be under mechanical impact it will just crack.
  • The easiest way is to mount the sink in the countertop, because the installation is carried out under its own weight in a specially cut seat in a furniture cabinet, while to improve fixation and increase the tightness of the mating seams, it is recommended to use silicone sealant. The combined sink/cabinet structure usually has sufficient mass to avoid additional fastening to the wall, but if desired, they can always be fixed using anchor bolts.

Conclusion: the choice of sink model, bathroom furniture and mounting fixtures should be carried out simultaneously according to the principle of completeness, because Lack of vision for the installation method can lead to problematic situations with the breakdown of fragile plumbing fixtures. If there is a misunderstanding of the principles of fastening a sink, it is recommended that this event be carried out only with the involvement of professionals.


Bracket for a bathroom sink: types of wall mounts and installation

Today there are many types of plumbing fixtures to suit every taste. Among them are “tulip” sinks, built-in, overhead, on a pedestal and semi-pedestal, “water lilies”, and hanging.

Video on the topic: How to install a washbasin with a cabinet with your own hands

Photo of a washbasin on a pedestal

For many years now, the most used model has been the wall-hung basin. The secret of its popularity lies in ease of installation, space saving and neat design, because all communications can be easily hidden from view. The variety of forms also speaks in favor of console plumbing devices. They can be oval, round, rectangular, square, angular, or asymmetrical.

A wall-hung sink opens up a usable space underneath where you can place a small bedside table, a washing machine or store cleaning products. It is also easier to clean the floor under it, and due to the fact that it takes up quite a bit of space, such a sink will be a salvation for tiny bathrooms.

Installing washbasins to the wall will not cause difficulties even for people who have no experience in similar types works You can attach the sink to the wall using brackets, the variety of which is just as great.

How to choose wall mounts for sinks

The bracket is a detail that you cannot do without when fixing the washbasin to the wall. To use your sink comfortably for many years, you need to know firsthand the most reliable fasteners. In general, there are two main types of brackets: standard and specialized.

Photo of a glass sink with wall mount

The first type of fasteners is made of cast iron or welded steel, which are coated with a protective layer of paint. These parts are used for standard wall-mounted sinks.

The second type of fixtures are available complete with decorative sinks and can have a fancy, unusual shape that matches the style of the washbasin. Such fastenings for fixing on the wall are coated with special coatings made of ceramics or non-oxidizing metals, which perform protective and, at the same time, design functions. Typically the coating is either nickel plating or anodizing. It protects the fasteners from corrosion.

Photo of a sink installed above a washing machine

Choosing brackets. you need to take into account the features of the washbasin. If the sink weighs 85 kg, then the characteristics of the fasteners should indicate that they can withstand a weight that includes this figure and even more! Don't forget, you or your child may lean on the sink bowl, which will add a few extra pounds of stress that could cause damage.

Wall mounting structures

  • Monolithic brackets are parts cast from cast iron in the shape of the letter “T”. They have a platform and a reinforced base for fastening.
  • One of the most reliable bathroom wall mounts is the “girth” model bracket. It looks like a metal frame into which the sink is “inserted.” Due to the fact that the fastening platforms are connected to each other, and do not represent separate parts, such a system is considered the most stable.
  • Frame-type fasteners are made of metal. This design can have sliding units that allow you to vary the size of the fastening. Parts of this type are arc, rectangular and sector.
  • Steelwork brackets are fastening accessories produced in the shape of the letters "L" and "T" and are found in a simplified form from profiled pipes.

It is not difficult to attach such structures to the wall on your own. To begin with, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the standard installation requirements.

  1. Water outlets should be hidden behind the installed sink. Once the work is completed they should not be visible.
  2. If the washbasin creaks or wobbles after installation, this is a signal that reinstallation is necessary.
  3. If leaks occur, you need to once again check the tightness of the tight connections and treat the pipe joints with sealant.
  4. Fixing the sink on the wall should only be done after finishing works and after the pipeline is installed.
  5. The supply of cold and hot water to the sink must be carried out taking into account the distance between the pipes, which should be at least 15 centimeters.
  6. For proper operation of all communications, the sink should be mounted level on the wall. Don't forget to use a level.
  7. Before installation, be sure to check the strength of the bathroom wall. It is not recommended to attach it to drywall, as the structure will be very unreliable. If the wall is not very strong, then before installation it is recommended to use cement mortar or supporting frame.
  8. A separate faucet for the sink is assembled and installed before installing it on the wall.

How to install a sink on the wall yourself

  1. Prepare the necessary tools: level, tape, pencil or marker, drill, brackets. plastic dowels, screwdriver/screwdriver, washers, spanners, glue and sealant.
  2. Turn off the water.
  3. Choose a place on the bathroom wall. where the washbasin will hang (usually the height of its fixation is 85 cm from the floor, but it can be varied depending on your preferences) and draw a horizontal line. Align the upper edge of the sink in accordance with the drawn line and mark the places where the fasteners will be fixed. On the side where the sink should touch the bathroom wall. You can find special slots near the washbasin, which must correspond to the location of the fasteners.
  4. Drill holes for the brackets where you made the marks. The holes should be slightly smaller in size than the plastic dowels.
  5. Blow dust out of the finished holes, pour a little glue into them and hammer in the dowels.
  6. Install the fasteners that will hold the sink.
  7. Coat the part where the sink will be adjacent to the wall with silicone sealant.
  8. Secure the sink to the brackets.
  9. Connect the siphon and sewer system.
  10. Check the work for strength by trying to tug the structure from side to side. It should not wobble or creak. Turn on the water and check whether the installed plumbing structure is leaking.

Brackets for wall-mounted bathroom sinks are an essential installation accessory. Therefore, when choosing a particular mount, you must pay attention to its characteristics, as well as its design. The bathroom will become a favorite place for household members if every detail is matched to each other in accordance with the overall idea.


Sink brackets and other fastening elements

The sink bracket is one of the most important elements for attaching the sink. Plumbing is making serious steps forward, developing, improving in every sense. And shells are certainly no exception. The variety of solutions is also increasing, resulting in different mounting methods for them. As practice shows, wall mounting for a sink is one of the most popular ways to install this product these days.

Countertop sink with washing machine

  • How to attach
  • How to ensure reliable fastening
  • What types of brackets are there?
  • Modifications
  • Fastening process

Video on the topic: Sink installation

How to attach

Since wall fastening methods provide additional comfort and allow you to get closer to the plumbing itself, we will consider two main types of such fasteners.

Installation diagram and mounting points for a wall-hung sink

  1. The washbasin is installed by cutting into the hanging shelves. This installation for the sink allows you to simultaneously provide the function of a cabinet and a countertop, which the shelf performs. The result is a fairly compact, functional, practical cabinet with washbasin. By the way, the tabletop or cabinet itself, depending on the location of your plumbing, is attached to the walls with brackets. If we are talking about a small bathroom, corner solutions, then mounting fittings are used for fastening.
  2. Fastening with sink brackets. It should be classified as an even more common method than the first. Such designs can be used intelligently from a design point of view, plus the fastenings are almost invisible. That's why such sink-to-wall mountings are so popular among customers.

How to ensure reliable fastening

A high-quality installation for a sink will be provided that several fairly simple conditions are met:

  1. The wall must be of sufficient strength and thickness. Installation is not allowed if we are talking about installation in soft walls, or on partitions made of plasterboard. If we are even talking about overhead brackets, then the anchors must have at least a length of 40 millimeters. This means that hanging plumbing fixtures should never be attached to thin walls.
  2. Various sink brackets can be made from different materials, causing their stiffness to differ from each other. It is very important that the installation for the sink is carried out using brackets that are designed to support the plumbing fixtures you have chosen. The fasteners may look the same, but in reality they are designed for different loads. Some will fit under steel sinks, but ceramic products they won't be able to stand it.
  3. When buying sink brackets, be sure to consider them design features. It's about about shapes, sizes, compliance with various devices and products. Exist universal solutions, however, there are also specialized fasteners.

What types of brackets are there?

Today there are a lot of sink mounts. You need not only to choose the right washbasin, but also to ensure its reliable adhesion to the surface. And for this, high-quality sink brackets are suitable.

  1. Specialized. They are used when attaching certain models. That is, they cannot be used under every washbasin. As a rule, such fasteners are offered complete with designer, original plumbing products, which are made in a non-standard form. At the same time, such fastenings of the sink to the wall are complemented by special decorative and protective coatings. They are made of non-oxidizing metal and ceramics.
  2. Standard. Of course, with the help of such sink fasteners, standard plumbing solutions can be installed on the wall. However, here it is important to take into account the fact what is the load-bearing capacity of the structure and what are its dimensions. Standard brackets for sinks are made by casting using cast iron. There are also products made of profiled steel, made by welding with the application of protective paint.


We have already decided what kind of fastenings can be, that installation for a sink is a popular installation method, and also that brackets are in many ways suitable for a washbasin. Therefore, let’s figure out exactly what modifications of sink brackets are found today.

  • Monolithic fastenings made of cast iron. They are distinguished in the shape of the letter T, they have a reinforced base and mounting platform.
  • Welded from steel. As a rule, they are made in the form of the letter T or G. Although there are simplified options that are made from a square-shaped profiled pipe.
  • Frame types of fastenings. They are met with sector, arc, rectangular. Some models are equipped with sliding units designed to adjust the size of the fasteners. When installing a sink, two such brackets are installed under it at once.
  • Covering. This looks like a large metal profiled frame, onto which the washbasin itself is mounted directly. They are reliable and stable.

Remember that when choosing brackets for a sink or washbasin, you should take into account the maximum loads that can be placed on your plumbing. If the washbasin weighs 50 kilograms, do not take brackets designed for 75-100 kilograms. After all, you can rest your entire weight on it, as a result of which you will have to make repairs, and maybe even change the sink.

Sink bracket drawing

Fastening process

In fact, attaching sinks to the wall is quite simple.

Modern steel sink brackets

  1. To ensure optimal comfort, it should be 80-85 centimeters from the floor level. But if you are a short person, or vice versa, the situation can be changed. Stand in the bathroom and try on what level you would be comfortable performing the procedures at.
  2. The softer the wall, the deeper the hole should be, as well as its diameter. It’s not difficult to check the hardness of the wall; to do this, you can use a small-diameter drill and drill a hole, which will then be hidden behind the sink. If the drill goes in easily, then we recommend using a larger and longer drill to fasten the brackets. Of course, you will also need the appropriate dowels. Therefore, first check the wall and then buy fastenings.
  3. Drilling should be carried out to the base under the plaster, or rather into its depth. Only after drilling into brick or concrete can the depth be stopped. Otherwise, the brackets will only stick to the plaster layer. It won't support the weight of the sink. Experts recommend choosing anchors whose length ranges from 5 to 12 centimeters.
  4. A polymer plug, that is, a dowel, must be inserted into the hole, after which you can begin installing the anchor and fixing brackets.
  5. If the bracket is securely fastened, it should not move under heavy load. Arm yourself with the same pliers and pull the bracket to the sides. If you can’t move it, then you did everything right.
  6. Once reliability has been checked, you can begin fixing the washbasin itself. A reliable fastening for the sink is now provided to you.

As you can see, brackets are very useful, indispensable elements when installing sinks, and not only. It is important not only to choose strong, reliable fasteners, but also to choose them in accordance with the plumbing that you plan to install. At the same time, the installation of the sink will be done quite easily; you won’t have to involve specialists.

Make sure you have it available necessary tool. After all, without it, installation for the sink will be impossible. Your main tools will be a screwdriver, a drill with a set of drills, a hammer, and pliers. Armed with well-chosen fasteners for the sink to the wall, you can get to work.


Photo of a sink on a stand in a bathroom interior

Sink brackets to the wall

The original design of sanitary facilities should have not only design elements, but also functional devices with optimal location in space. Thus, different models of sinks differ significantly in the method of fastening, which has recently become increasingly popular in the wall type.

Methods for wall mounting a sink

Wall mounting of the sink allows you to get close to the plumbing fixture with convenient location, and there are two main types of fastening devices:

  • The sink is mounted by cutting into hanging shelf, which serves as a convenient tabletop or cabinet. As a rule, a tabletop or cabinet has its own specialized fastenings, which can be in the form of brackets for mounting on a large “open” wall. At limited space premises, when the sink is installed in a corner or a small opening between plumbing fixtures, the shelf-table top is attached point-wise to the walls using mounting hardware. Fastening the sink using the countertop is highly reliable.
  • Mounting sink brackets to the wall is an equally common, and even more popular, technology for installing plumbing fixtures, because... The fastening itself is very often not particularly striking, and designer designs even add their own charm to the overall interior. Hanging sinks is a very old invention that can be easily improvised with pipes or rods driven into the wall, but you always need to take into account the weight of the plumbing fixture and the strength of the wall itself.

For reliable wall mounting sinks, several conditions must be met:

  • First of all, the wall must be strong and thick enough, so such installation on plasterboard or other “soft” walls is not allowed. Even overhead brackets for a sink to the wall require anchors at least 40 mm long for reliable installation.
  • Brackets are made of different materials and have different rigidity, i.e. ability to withstand certain weight. Thus, most lightweight fastening structures are not able to withstand the load from a ceramic sink, but are intended for the installation of metal plumbing fixtures.
  • When purchasing wall brackets for sinks, you must take them into account design features, i.e. the size and shape of the interface with the plumbing fixture, because There are various non-universal modifications.

Types of sink brackets

Wall mounts for sinks must withstand a significant weight load with a margin, so they are made of various metals and are divided into two categories:

Installation process of a wall-mounted sink

  • Specialized fasteners that are produced specifically for a specific sink model. These are, as a rule, designs of designer plumbing fixtures that have special form. Such brackets must be included with designer model sinks, and can be in the form of pins with a specially curved shape, “hugging” the shell of a pipe or interweaving of rods, profiled welded structures. Fastenings must have a decorative and protective coating with specialized (ceramic) paint or a thin layer of non-oxidizing metal (anodizing, nickel plating).
  • “Standardized” sink-to-wall brackets are designed for mounting standard plumbing fixtures, but it is necessary to take into account bearing capacity structure and its dimensions. Fastenings are made of cast iron by casting or from high-quality profiled steel by welding, followed by protective painting.

Modifications of mounting brackets can be divided according to design features:

  • Monolithic cast iron fasteners are manufactured in the form of T-shaped posts with a reinforced base and fastening platform.
  • Welded steel structures in most cases also have a T- or L-shape, while there are simplified modifications made from a square profiled pipe.
  • You can also find brackets in the form of frames: rectangular, arc, sector. Wherein individual models have a sliding unit for adjusting the size of the fastening. A pair of brackets are installed under the sink.
  • The fastener models that “encircle” the sink are a large profiled metal frame, into which the sink “fits.” Due to the rigid ligation between the platforms fastening to the wall, such fastening is characterized by special load resistance, because under external pressure, the possibility, as in other models, of shifting a single “foot” bracket is eliminated.

The choice of bracket model must take into account the likelihood of extremely large weight forces on them and the method of fixing the sink on them, because Simply placing plumbing fixtures on supports cannot be safe.

Attaching sink brackets to the wall

  • Using brackets for a sink to the wall, it is quite easy to install plumbing fixtures, and the general principles of installation are taken as a basis:
  • Usually, for greater convenience, the sink is located at a height from the floor of about 800-850 mm, but adjustments to this parameter in any convenient direction are allowed.
  • Before fixing the brackets to the wall, the hardness of the wall itself is checked by marking the mounting holes with a screwdriver, nail or other sharp object. If the wall surface is found to be quite soft, then it is necessary to increase the drilling depth and fastener diameter as much as possible.
  • Drilling mounting holes while controlling their depth, because soft plaster will not allow the brackets to be securely fastened. The drilling depth should ensure that a hole is created in the plaster base (brick or concrete) to a depth of at least 30 mm. That is why installation anchors are individually selected from 50 to 120 mm in length.
  • Polymer specialized plugs are tightly inserted into the mounting holes, into which metal anchors are screwed in to secure the wall brackets for sinks.

A securely fixed bracket should not move under significant load. Only after this can the sink be placed on the brackets with fixation, which can be done either with additional clips or with the help of plumbing sealant on the mating planes.

If you decide to equip your bathroom with your own hands, you cannot avoid the hassle of installing a sink. Its type and method of installation may differ for different types of faience plumbing; we will consider all aspects of installation in our review today.

How to install water supply and drainage

Regardless of what type of sink is chosen, it requires a communications supply. But the method of supply and placement of connection points may differ depending on the design.

Let's start with the water pipes. In the majority modern projects In bathrooms, hidden pipes are laid under the finishing layer. Ideally, at the time of installing the sink, two adapters with external threads should be built into the wall at a level of 30-40 cm from the floor, to which flexible mixer hoses are connected. In most cases, all visible communications are covered either with the support leg of the sink or with a decorative casing. There are several ways to save space:

  1. Wall adapters with internal thread. In this case, the adapter body should protrude slightly from the wall so that it remains possible to hold it with a key when packing.
  2. If the leg or casing is narrow, the connection pipes are placed vertically one above the other.
  3. If there is insufficient depth of the hidden cavity, flexible hoses with angled connectors should be used.
  4. In some cases, it makes sense to place the faucet on the wall; this is usually done if the sink is located close to the bathroom.

With the sewerage supply, everything is simpler: it is placed at an arbitrary height, ensuring a slope of the drain channel of 2:100-4:100. The socket of the sewer pipe may have a minimal protrusion above the plane of the wall, but the expansion ring must remain on the surface.

Types of fastenings and sink installation systems

There are not many types of sink installation systems, but they all require an individual approach. Let us briefly list the popular types of sinks and methods for fixing them.

Tulip sink The center rests on the leg and is attached to the wall with the back side. The mixer can be installed either in the sink body or attached to the wall, it all depends on the presence of a hole for its insertion. Inside the hollow leg there is enough space to place communications without any special tricks.

Classical water lily shell It does not have a support leg; it is mounted on two specially shaped brackets. Apart from the absence of a leg, the sink is almost no different from a “tulip”, but thanks to this design it can be installed, for example, above a washing machine.

So-called moydodyr- this name unites many types of sinks, which are made in the form of a small cabinet with a bowl at the top. Instead of the cabinet itself, it can be installed metal carcass. The advantage of such sinks is that they can be dismantled and moved as an assembly in the shortest possible time, plus there is a built-in space under the bowl for storing household chemicals.

Sink on countertop- one of the most modern options for plumbing. The bowl does not have any fastening as such; the advantage lies in a more noble and unusual appearance, there are also additional functional surfaces.

Installing a tulip sink

Despite the presence of a leg, the main load from the tulip bowl falls on its attachment to the wall. Typically, these sinks have a flat back with a pair of holes through which the bowl is pressed tightly against the wall.

The main difficulty when installing a tulip is to correctly calculate the height of the fasteners. Sometimes it is indicated in the passport for the earthenware product, but often it is necessary to place the bowl on a flat floor and measure the distance to the center of the holes, and then add the height of the leg to it. If installation at such a height is not possible, the leg is shortened from below using a concrete cutting wheel.

First, a marking is applied to the wall - a horizontal line on which the interaxal distance of the fasteners is marked with two marks. Next, holes are drilled using a hammer drill; as a rule, their diameter is 12-14 mm. Drilling is carried out first without impact, so as not to split the tile. IN drilled holes score plastic stoppers, studs with metric threads at the end are screwed into them.

To install the sink yourself, you first need to move the leg into place, rest the bowl on it and at the same time get the pins into the holes. Sometimes the leg fails to adhere closely to the wall due to the fact that the partition between the walls abuts the service outlets coming out of the wall. In this case, the partition needs to be cut out with a diamond wheel; this will not cause the leg to lose much strength. To securely fasten the sink, sealing washers are first put on the studs, and then one or two nuts of the appropriate diameter are tightened.

Wall-mounted sink without support: how to fix it?

If there is no leg, the sink mount will experience dynamic loads, so two studs are not enough. Install the water lily on special brackets. These can be either simple steel corners or elaborate chrome-plated brackets. There is a type of sink with two round channels inside the sides, with which the bowl is placed on two pipes, rigidly fixed to the wall.

Once again, the main installation difficulty comes down to determining the installation height. After carefully measuring the rear side, you need to transfer the markings to the wall and place the brackets on it. The easiest way to mark the centers of the holes is “live”, by attaching the bracket to the wall in its normal working position.

The most advantageous fastening technique is to first secure both brackets to one point, then check with a rack level that the installation is horizontal. The initial fastening is carried out in the oval-shaped adjustment holes. Once the horizontal position is confirmed, marks are made for the main fasteners, the brackets are rotated or removed slightly to allow access for drilling, and then the installation is completed.

Please note that if there are voids behind the wall cladding, the fastening must be carried out in its load-bearing layer. Therefore, when finishing a bathroom, it is necessary to provide mortgages in the frame that will not allow the wall to “go away” under the action of the clamping force of the fasteners.

Sink-cabinet and on a frame

With rare exceptions, the “Moidodyr” type sink has no attachment to either the wall or the floor. However, it can be quite difficult to ensure a tight connection of the cabinet or frame to the wall, which can be hampered by water supply and sewer outlets.

Using the seams between the tiles as a guide, you need to mark the location of the interfering elements on the back wall of the cabinet. After this, the back wall is removed, cut out with a jigsaw or holes drilled with a crown for the hoses to pass through, then the cabinet is put back together.

Sometimes you have to run flexible hoses inside the cabinet right away. In another option, the cabinet is placed tightly against the wall, a protective plinth is glued, and after that the plumbing connection is made. The space under the sink on the frame remains visible, so flexible hoses are often covered decorative screen, which is attached to the wall with a pair of small screws in the plugs.

Installing a sink on a countertop

The sink can be installed on the countertop either in a mortise or overlay manner. In the first case, the bowl rests on the tabletop with its sides, in the second - with a flat bottom.

In both cases, you will have to cut a hole in the countertop to allow the drain to pass through, and for built-in sinks, to hide the outer walls of the bowl. The only difference is that for overhead sinks the hole can be drilled with a crown; it is rarely larger than 70 mm.

For undermount sink you need to make a hole according to the installation template. It is usually cut out electric jigsaw, although ultimately it all depends on the material of the countertop. Given that the tolerance for the hole size is usually up to 20-30 mm, you have to work very carefully so that there is no damage on the visible part of the tabletop.

After the opening is made in the countertop, the bowl is put in place and the junction is sealed with sanitary silicone. As a rule, the sink is supported by its own weight and, unlike a kitchen sink, does not have additional fasteners.

Plumbing connection

When the sink is installed, all that remains is to install the mixer and siphon. Part of the problem is eliminated if the pipes for connecting the mixer are walled up in the wall above the sink, which is typical for water lilies and the joint use of sink and bathtub mixers. It is enough to simply screw the mixer nuts onto the pipes, not forgetting to put the O-rings.

If the mixer is installed in the back of the bowl, it must be pre-assembled. There are threaded holes at the bottom of the mixer; flexible hoses need to be screwed into them. After this, the mixer is installed in the hole in the sink and pressed from below with a wide nut. The ends of the hoses are packed using FUM tape onto the threaded outlets of the hot and cold water supply.

Another version of the mixer is possible, when a spout and two taps are installed separately into the sink - the so-called three-point installation. In this case, a rather complex layout of connecting hoses is hidden under the bowl, so the sink must be removed. The water supply is carried out to each tap separately, and the taps themselves are connected to the hidden mixer body with thin bellows pipes.

The basin mixer is installed according to standard scheme. Having assembled the body of the device, it must be placed from below to the drain hole of the bowl, having previously placed a rubber sealing ring. A mesh is placed on top of the bowl, which is attached to the body with a long bolt. All that remains is to put one end of the corrugated hose on the drain outlet and lower the other into the socket drainage system, into which a rubber sealing collar is inserted.