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» How to insulate the walls of a metal garage. How to insulate an iron garage. This type of material has decent characteristics

How to insulate the walls of a metal garage. How to insulate an iron garage. This type of material has decent characteristics

A metal garage does a lot of things useful functions. Caring car owners park their car inside it for the winter, other people simply store their summer harvest, and still others equip the box for a workshop. All these goals will be successfully realized if the garage is well insulated from the inside.

The minimum temperature for such a room is considered to be −5 degrees; Otherwise, the vegetables will rot, it will be cold to work there, and condensation will form on the car, causing rust. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate iron garage from the inside to effectively retain heat.

Suitable materials for insulation

The temperature inside a metal garage can significantly increase traditional materials and new items, the quality of which is tested only by a few. Examples good insulation materials are:

  • polystyrene foam (the most common material, characterized by low cost and ease of use);
  • penoizol (liquid form of the above, with a durability of over 40 years, good water resistance, fire resistance);
  • astratek (another liquid insulation; material applied in a layer 1 mm thick is comparable in quality to a five-centimeter layer of mineral wool);
  • polyurethane foam ( durable material with a minimum service life of 50 years);
  • mineral or basalt wool (soft, inexpensive insulation, second in demand after polystyrene foam).

The listed materials are almost the same in quality, and the demand for one or another is usually determined by price. Therefore, polystyrene foam and mineral wool are considered the most popular.

Having decided on the choice of material for insulating the garage from the inside, you can begin preparatory work.

Required Tools

It is advisable to insulate the garage in the warm season, but sometimes the situation forces you to carry out work at sub-zero temperatures. Here there is a need to insulate the box quickly and reliably. To use time efficiently, the following equipment is prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • mask and gloves (protective);
  • welding machine;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal scissors;
  • tape measure from 5 m;
  • staples and furniture stapler;
  • wooden blocks for the horizontal crossbars of the sheathing;
  • steel profile.

If the above is present, it’s time to start insulating the garage from the inside.

Preparatory stage

For internal lining metal structures First of all, you need to take care of anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, use a metal brush to remove rust if it is present on the surfaces, and, if necessary, carry out patch repairs (specific small area), then paint the surface with a special anti-corrosion solution.

Sometimes the right question arises - how to insulate metal garage for a long time if the surface is treated? Second important factor provision comfortable conditions inside the garage is to create ventilation. It should remove air from the garage, replacing it with fresh air. Otherwise, the accumulation of gases will cause condensation, which will negatively affect the supporting structure of the garage, car or stored food.

After waiting for 1-2 days for the applied anti-corrosion solution to completely dry, the insulation of the metal box from the inside begins. It is advisable to carry out the work in the following sequence - insulate the walls, then the ceiling, the gate with a wicket, and, if necessary, the floor.

Insulation of garage walls and ceilings

The process is discussed using an example basalt wool. This material has the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability (from 50 years);
  • affordability;
  • preservation of qualities when humidity increases inside the garage;
  • comfort in working with the material;
  • mildew resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • non-flammability.

Subsequence internal lining walls mineral insulation next:

  1. The location of the sheathing is determined, and the amount of material required is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sheathed surface. For frame would be better suited steel profile, since wood collapses faster when interacting with moisture. Also, the latter material “leads” when slightly wet.
  2. Vertical guides are installed. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation so that it expands and efficiently takes up space. To strengthen the structure, crossbars are placed horizontally every meter, which here can be wooden.
  3. The installed sheathing is surrounded by a membrane or other waterproofing material. The joints are taped, and the film is attached to the staples (a furniture stapler will do).
  4. The insulation is placed inside the sheathing from bottom to top. There should be no gaps.
  5. Layer vapor barrier material applied on top of the insulation (roofing material or polyethylene film are suitable).
  6. The final stage is covering the sheathing. Made with non-flammable material; An example is steel siding or drywall.

It is important to take into account that when covering the garage from the inside, the space narrows. The insulation should not be too bulky.

When covering with foam plastic, you need to take into account some features of the material. It does not expand like cotton wool, so there is no need to make the distance between the frame guides 1-2 cm smaller. It is better to create the sheathing in blocks, the dimensions of which exactly match the dimensions of the foam. If there are any defects, the walls should be leveled first. It is also advisable to use L-shaped profile, and attach the insulation sheets with glue.

Working with liquid materials will be inconvenient, so it is better to line the top of the garage with foam plastic. The fixation method is similar to that previously discussed, but there is one caveat - you should take care that there are no holes in the roof of the box. If there are any, welding will come to the rescue. As with walls, when insulating the ceiling, a layer of foam plastic is located between the hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

Entrance trim

Wall insulation will not be beneficial if cold air will flow through the cracks of the entrance gate or wicket. The situation is easily solved by using rigid insulation such as polystyrene foam. First the gates are insulated, then a small Entrance door in them. The sequence is:

  1. The metal surface is treated with protective mastic. Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, however, when opening the gate, raindrops or snow can get into the cracks between the material and the iron sheet. This should not be allowed.
  2. Attach lathing profiles along the perimeter of the gate.
  3. Lock on assembly adhesive polystyrene plates, it is advisable to apply penofol (foil-based material) on top of them.
  4. Make a wooden sheathing for installation of the cladding. Provide for the distance between future lining/plasterboard/other sheathing material and polystyrene foam about 30 mm so that there is an air gap.
  5. Fix the cladding to the sheathing.
  6. Perform similar actions with the gate.

Floor insulation

Sometimes there is a need to insulate the bottom of the garage. For example, if there is large cracks or the importance of the caisson (cellar). Suitable material will become foam plastic, on top of which a material is applied that prevents its destruction from human movement. Follow these steps:

  1. Level the surface, remove cracks and holes with putty.
  2. Prime the floor twice if it is concrete.
  3. Make lathing from steel profiles.
  4. Apply a layer of waterproofing.
  5. Apply glue, put foam on top of it, press it to the floor.
  6. Screed the floor with a special solution. Extracted granules are added to increase strength.

Carrying out the operations described above will allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the garage. Even a beginner can master the process, and the result will be the safety of the car, food or other items of value stored inside the box.

  • Garage walls, as a rule, have a small thickness, so they cannot perform protective functions at low temperatures and cold winds.
  • In addition, it makes no sense to heat a metal garage, because no matter how much you heat it, the room will still not warm up, but there is a possibility of condensation.

Therefore, insulating a garage is a non-negotiable issue.

When insulating a metal garage, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, what is comfortable for a person is not always suitable for a vehicle. Therefore, the garage should not be too hot.

The car, after being hit warm room from frost, it instantly becomes covered with condensation, which has a destructive effect on the body. So thoughtless heating of the garage will not bring any benefit - it will only do harm.

The insulation of the room should be carried out in such a way that the vehicle is in the room at a positive temperature, and the temperature in the room should not have a big difference with the temperature outside.

The ideal temperature for storing a car in a garage is 5˚C. At the same time, if the car owner is cold, you can use a heating device.

How to properly finish an iron room?

When planning to insulate a garage, you first need to decide on the type of insulation. Today, two methods of insulation are popular:

  1. internal;
  2. external

When insulating internally, not only the walls must be insulated, but also the floor, roof, and gates. For this purpose, there are several types of thermal insulation materials. The choice of material directly depends on the method of fastening.

Most often for internal insulation garage are used:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • liquid insulation.

Monawata has high level thermal insulation, but it has one serious drawback - vapor permeability, which can disrupt the structure of the insulation and nullify all efforts.

If it has been decided to insulate the garage using mineral wool, then it is necessary to perform certain operations to install vapor and waterproofing equipment.

Insulation with mineral wool is carried out in the following sequence:

IMPORTANT! If the plans include roof insulation, then it is recommended to leave the finishing until the completion of the insulation equipment work.

Foam plastic is in no way inferior to mineral wool in terms of characteristics. But it is not recommended to use it in rooms where work with flammable materials and flammable equipment is planned, because when the foam ignites, caustic smoke is released.

For those who do not experience financial difficulties, it is recommended to use liquid materials, such as penoizol and polyurethane foam, which fill the space between the sheathing posts.

DIY floor

When choosing a material for floor insulation, it is recommended to proceed from the type of material. Usually, In garages, floors are made of metal or cement screed. Consequently, insulation must be selected taking into account the properties of these particular materials.

The floor is the main fire hazard in the garage, so it is strictly forbidden to use materials with low fire safety. Of those offered on construction market It is recommended to give preference to foam materials. And done correctly finishing will allow you to hide the insulation from fire.

  1. Floor insulation begins with cleaning and leveling the base surface. If there are cracks on the floor and chips need to be repaired with mortar, the bulges are cut off and cleaned with construction mesh.
  2. The concrete screed must be treated twice with a deep penetration primer.
  3. At the next stage, a layer of floor waterproofing is created, especially if the garage has a cellar or inspection hole.
  4. Then apply to the surface of the screed using a notched trowel. adhesive composition, foam plastic slabs are laid on it and tightly attached to the base.

    REFERENCE! In some cases, foam plastic can be fixed with dowels, but for this you need to prepare the holes in advance.

  5. On final stage a new screed is poured into which special granules are added to ensure the strength of the surface.


Garage doors typically take up one third of the garage's perimeter. That's why without them high-quality insulation The thermal insulation of the entire room will be minimal, therefore, when installing thermal insulation for the gate, it is necessary to hide all the cracks and prevent severe freezing.

Taking into account the fact that the gate has a wicket, its insulation must be carried out separately.

Walls from the inside

The walls of an ordinary metal “box” should be insulated from the inside. Foam plastic is most often used in sheets or rolls. This material has an increased level of thermal insulation. It is attached to the walls using special glue.

Insulation using polystyrene foam is an effective, yet fairly cheap method. Installation of polystyrene foam is carried out using the same technology as floor insulation: first, lathing is made, then thermal insulation is laid and covered with cladding.


The roof, like the walls, is most often insulated using polystyrene foam. If used as thermal insulation mineral wool, it is secured with a stapler and hidden under a “false ceiling”.

ATTENTION! The foam is fixed with glue. This is explained by the fact that with another installation method it will be necessary to make several holes in the roof, and this is unacceptable.

Video on the topic

Watch a video on how to insulate a metal garage from the inside:


Properly equipped garage insulation will make it possible not only to protect the vehicle from rust and premature failure of its systems, but also to independently implement technical inspection And minor repairs even in the cold season.

How to insulate an iron garage from the inside - this question worries owners of homemade products and models industrial production. The structures are more cost-effective than permanent boxes, but every winter the shells need to be constantly heated. Otherwise, starting the car will be problematic. A simple task will help correct the situation - applying a layer of thermal insulation to all steel surfaces.

Let's look at the main options for self-insulating a steel box.

Materials and methods for insulating a garage

How to insulate a metal garage with your own hands and what materials are best to use - here are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. If the space between the boxes and the means allows, the best option- this is insulation with outside with wall lining with foam concrete blocks or simple brick. This is a more expensive option; you will have to purchase expensive blocks, pour an additional foundation, spend time on masonry and make a new roof structure. But the advantages of such a solution completely cover the costs, if, of course, boxing is legal. The room will be comfortable in summer and winter, especially if you add a layer of thermal insulation between the walls. It turns out to be a thermos effect. This will no longer be a shabby metal garage, but a permanent building.
  2. It is recommended to insulate a metal garage from the inside using inexpensive mineral wool slabs. Basalt fiber does not burn and has high levels of thermal insulation. But you will need to make a fine lattice of wooden blocks on all parts of the room to fix the slabs between it, then you will have to spend money on purchasing chipboard slabs or other durable material for covering the surfaces. In terms of heat savings, this material is inferior to analogues. Main disadvantage min. cotton wool - flowability of the material and adverse effects on humans. Therefore, if you plan to use the box for work, the use of this insulation is strictly prohibited.
  3. Modern polystyrene foam material will allow you to quickly and easily create a layer of quickly hardening foam on the walls and ceiling, which is not inferior in terms of thermal insulation to any material. There is no need to use cladding, the foam hardens, and an even layer is easy to paint. But for work you will need to purchase or rent expensive tools and equipment. The price of the foam will also require certain costs. Therefore, using such material in a garage is not cost-effective. Expanded polystyrene is used mainly for insulating private households or garden houses. In these places, a layer of foam is applied from the outside and then covered finishing slabs or materials.
  4. Probably the most democratic and popular method of covering walls and ceilings using foam sheets. For fastening, it is not necessary to create rows of sheathing; the insulation is easily glued to the metal using simple polyurethane foam or construction adhesive. In terms of characteristics, the material is preferable to mineral wool, and in terms of price it is preferable to all other finishing options.

Let's look in detail at how to insulate a metal garage from the inside with your own hands using a democratic option.

Step-by-step instructions for thermal insulation of a steel garage with foam plastic

The process is divided into several stages.

Preparing for work

Before starting the main work, several preparatory operations are performed:

  • We clean all surfaces with a metal brush or a wire disk mounted on an angle grinder or in a drill chuck. In any case, we recommend that you remove the machine from the box, take it out or cover the racks or shelves with thick material, and use personal protective equipment. Be sure to wear safety glasses and a respirator, and clothes must be buttoned up;
  • We cover the rotten metal with patches and scald it. If this is not possible, you can apply bandages made of several layers of fabric and sealant to these places;
  • To ensure that the walls of the insulated box are not exposed to corrosion, we degrease the treated walls, ceiling, gate leaves with a solvent and paint over the outer and internal surfaces primer;
  • We prepare the foam sheets for work. If the walls and roof are made with “cards” (separate parts with edges curved inwards), the edges of the sheet will need to be made oval at the junction with the edge of the “card”. The thickness of the slabs is at least 40-50 mm, 25 mm sheets can be installed, but the level of heat loss increases significantly.

Important! Before you insulate your metal garage, think about ways to save money. Will help you save a lot on your purchase Supplies purchasing them in a large construction hypermarket or on special offer. Such a purchase will save up to 25% of funds.

Let's move on to the main stage of work and answer the main question of the article - how to insulate a metal garage with your own hands?

Insulation of surfaces with polystyrene foam boards

We insulate an iron garage according to the following scheme:

  1. We figured out how to insulate, we begin to sheathe the walls with sheets of material. Construction adhesive different names will successfully glue and secure the panels, we do not recommend buying expensive compounds, advertising does not always allow you to choose a reliable composition, and it makes no sense to pay for a brand.
  2. If you plan to sheath foam boards finishing materials, to fasten them we make a lathing from wooden slats, the size of which depends on the thickness of the insulation. We fix the bars either into card shelves or with self-tapping screws through the walls of the box. Often there is no point in attaching them; foam plastic is a fairly dense material. We install the sheathing along the edges of the finishing sheets and 1.2 lintels in the middle - this will be inexpensive and practical.
  3. We cover the metal surface with a layer of waterproofing; you can use a simple plastic film, it will protect the foam layer from condensation.
  4. Turning the sheet over inside Apply a layer of liquid nails or polyurethane foam up and along the edges. We start gluing the panels from the bottom. We glue the plate, depending on the composition, you may have to hold the sheet a little so that the foam fixes it.
  5. In a similar way we secure the entire bottom row and move on to the 2nd row. We bring the panels to the roof.
  6. Gluing foam plastic to the roof surface is a little difficult, but the foam will quickly fix it, although you will have to spend a little time atlas.
  7. Foam sheets are trimmed with a simple knife or a metal file, they need to be adjusted tightly to each other so that there are no large gaps left;
  8. Having finished with the roof, we insulate the gate leaves and wicket in a similar way.
  9. We fill all the seams polyurethane foam so as to exclude the occurrence of “cold bridges” and the formation of a layer of condensation. You can use various construction sealants - the main thing is to completely fill the cracks and seams. If the foam protrudes beyond the thermal insulation layer, after hardening it can be easily cut off with a knife.
  10. As decorative finishing they use fiberboard sheets, MDF, plywood, but these materials must be treated with a special impregnation before installation. If you plan to install shelving or wall shelves, their fastening is taken care of in advance. At the installation sites, we install and weld steel plates or a corner flush with a wooden block.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a metal garage from the inside is finished. Completing the full cycle of work will not require much time, thanks to large size slabs and ease of fastening to the wall. It will take more time to preparatory stage. Not only the durability of the thermal insulation layer, but the entire structure as a whole depends on the quality and reliability of the preparation of metal surfaces, painting, and fastening of the sheathing.

If you plan to use mineral wool rolls as insulation, prepare a large number of bars. The sheathing is installed at a frequency depending on the width of the insulation boards. Other preparatory work performed according to a similar scheme. We do not recommend using fiberboard sheets for cladding. As a last resort, you can install MDF panels, but it is better to use CBPB slabs, chipboard or thick plywood.

In conclusion, we note.

Any man can insulate a metal garage. The work does not require experience in performing complex welding or construction work. The main thing is to have knowledge step by step instructions carrying out preparatory and basic work, takes responsibility for work and one’s health. In this case, when minimum costs in your steel box there will always be comfortable temperature both in winter and in summer.

The metal garage freezes very much in winter. As a result, the car is difficult to start, and renovation work due to the low temperature in the room, it is completely impossible. Exist different ways insulation of a metal garage, but not all known materials suitable for this. When choosing insulation, it is important to consider what load the installation will place on the garage structure, as well as how many centimeters the internal area will decrease.

Types of insulation

The process of insulating a garage depends on the chosen thermal insulation material. In some cases, installation involves additional costs for lathing and finishing; in some cases, insulation is simply applied to the walls. Since the garage is made of iron, it heats up in the sun and collects condensation well. Therefore, materials should be chosen that are most moisture resistant.

For example, mineral wool is not suitable in this case. It will begin to rot, and the insulation will have to be replaced pretty soon.

The following materials are ideal as insulation for an iron garage:

  • extruded polystyrene foam boards, polystyrene foam or penoizol;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • heat-insulating paint (for example, “Astratek”).

Styrofoam durable, resistant to moisture, it is cheap to insulate, but has high flammability. Penoplex is a variety of it. It is twice as expensive, but the slabs are thinner if the thickness of the walls is important, and also does not require additional waterproofing. Penoplex slabs can even be used to insulate the floor, making concrete screed right on it.

Penoizol Essentially the same penoplex, only in a cylinder. It is twice as expensive and requires special equipment. It is applied to walls in the form of foam, like polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam (PPU) is more expensive, but there are no seams. Environmentally safe, non-flammable.

Disadvantages include the need for equipment to spray foam and vulnerability to sunlight.

Thermal insulation paints do not require additional wall finishing, since they are also a finishing coating. They are frost-resistant, not afraid of moisture, and can be applied quickly. A 1 mm layer of paint can replace 5 cm of mineral wool. To create the necessary thermal insulation, it is enough to apply two layers. This material is very expensive, but it does not take up useful internal space.

Not only the walls and ceiling, but also the floor should be insulated. It is through it that 20% of the heat escapes.

The insulation of iron garages itself is carried out exclusively from the inside.

Penoplex and foam plastic

Before insulation, the surface must be prepared. Remove peeling paint and clean off rust. It is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling to protect them from corrosion. The color and choice of paint is not important; it will still not be visible under the trim. Therefore, you can save money and buy something inexpensive. If the garage is made of galvanized profile, then nothing needs to be done.

If the region has frosty winters, then the thickness of the foam should be at least 10 cm, penoplex - 6-7 cm. A thinner layer will not provide the required thermal insulation. The material is glued to the walls and ceiling using construction adhesive, e.g. liquid nails. Can also be glued to polyurethane foam. It will expand within an hour, so the slabs should be periodically pressed against the walls. All cracks are sealed with polyurethane foam. To increase the thermal insulation properties, foil can be glued to the slabs.

If you get two layers of polystyrene foam, then one of them can be replaced with double-sided foil-coated isolon.

Next you need to make the sheathing. You can use an existing one as a frame. metal carcass garage. The lathing is made of wood in increments of 25–30 cm. You can use a galvanized profile, but then it will be more expensive. Under no circumstances should the insulation protrude beyond the sheathing. As finishing you can use lining, plywood, moisture resistant drywall, OSB panels or plastic siding. Gates and doors are insulated in the same way as walls.

Polyurethane foam

The surface of the garage walls must also be prepared, Special attention to oil stains - there should not be any. The air temperature in the garage should be at least 10 degrees Celsius. Both the walls and the ceiling are insulated. Polyurethane foam is sprayed using special equipment under pressure, somewhat reminiscent of the painting process. The components are mixed and at the output they give the very reaction due to which foam is formed. The material hardens very quickly. The difference between polyurethane foam and penoplex is that it gives additional rigidity to the structure, no glue is required. The thickness of the formed foam should be 3–4 cm. For comparison, this replaces 5 cm of mineral wool.

Another advantage of polyurethane foam is that it does not require lathing. The top can be covered with paint or plaster. High price PPU is compensated by savings on glue, lathing and facing material, not to mention the thickness of the walls and the load of the structure.

It is impossible to leave polyurethane foam without lining, because Sun rays have a destructive effect on him.

Paints "Astratek"

“Astarek” paint is a mastic that can be applied with a brush or spray. After drying, an elastic coating is formed. The paint simultaneously acts as insulation, is used for waterproofing, and has anti-corrosion properties.

A great option for shell garages. For example, it is quite difficult to insulate corrugated material with slabs; construction is required additional frame. All this will take even more usable area the buildings. Application process thermal insulation paint the same as normal. The surface needs to be prepared. Apply a layer of 1 mm, the second layer only after the previous one has completely dried. Two layers are enough for insulation. The paint can be applied to walls, ceilings and gates. It does not place any additional load on the structure of the building.

Material consumption per 1 sq. m is 0.5 liters of paint. Due to its cost, the total cost of insulating the garage will be significant. But you can insulate it from the inside with your own hands, without resorting to outside help. All work is carried out quickly, without reducing the total volume of space. Saving others building materials, for example, the absence of glue, sheathing and cladding. The paint itself is the finishing coat.

It is not afraid of moisture, the walls can be washed and shelves can be attached. With Astratek paint you can insulate a garage not only from the inside, but also from the outside, which other types of insulation cannot boast of.

Basement insulation

Some garages have a basement, cellar or inspection hole. It would be a good idea to insulate them too. Due to the limited area, it is inconvenient to use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to materials that require the construction of additional structures. For example, walls can be insulated with polyurethane foam and Astratek paint. These materials do not require additional waterproofing, which is very important in such rooms. But the polyurethane foam will need to be painted.

Another option is warm plaster. This is expanded vermiculite or polystyrene foam granules. This insulation at the same time it is a finishing coating, but the walls must be pre-plastered. Expanded clay can be poured onto the floor in a fraction of 5 to 20 mm. A larger option will shrink. The thickness of the coating should be about 10 cm.

You can also fill the floor with crushed stone (10 cm), sand on top (a soft layer) and fill it with bitumen on top.

Floor insulation

If the floor is earthen, then it can also be insulated. To do this you need to remove upper layer 15 cm of soil. Next, add a layer of sand or expanded clay. This is necessary for drainage, so that moisture does not accumulate under the insulation, and at the same time it will help level the surface.

Next, foam boards are laid. Sufficient thickness is 5 cm. For of this material no additional waterproofing required. Next, sand 3–4 cm thick is poured onto the insulation. On top of the structure it is necessary to mount a frame made of reinforcement in two layers of 1 cm each. It is necessary for screeding. Fill cement mortar and let dry.

Instead of a screed, you can put a tongue and groove board. To do this, place on the drainage wooden joists in increments of 30–40 cm, between them is polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. All cracks must be sealed with foam. Attach boards to the top of the joists. As finishing coating You can put linoleum. It is better to start any insulation of the garage from the floor.

Otherwise, doing all the work without damaging the wall decoration will be problematic and inconvenient.

Perhaps every car owner knows that the most optimal temperature, in which the car should be located in winter time should not be lower than -5º C. For owners of a separate permanent building, this problem is not so acute, since, for example, cinder block walls themselves act as insulation, but those who have a metal shell garage have to deal with the problem of cold indoors decide. In this regard, answering the question of how to insulate an iron garage is quite a priority task. What ways to solve the problem exist, and what are the features of the work will be discussed further.

Goals of work

First of all, it is necessary to decide why exactly insulation should be carried out, since the amount of work performed will depend on the understanding of this issue.

  • Insulation of the garage is necessary to comply with optimal conditions finding the car. Most components and mechanisms require a certain storage temperature. Especially if you plan to leave the car for more than one day.
  • The metal walls of the garage do not provide thermal insulation at all in winter, and therefore become covered with frost from the inside. A warm car placed in such a garage will melt this frost, and over time ice will appear.
  • Besides purely practical points, it is also necessary to mention that being, much less working, in a frozen garage is at least unpleasant, if not dangerous, and therefore insulation is necessary.

Insulation of walls and ceilings

So, you can’t do without insulating a metal garage, but how to do it? And in fact there are a considerable number of options. Some are more suitable, some less, but we can highlight some that are the most universal in most cases.

It should be noted right away that, by and large, three methods of insulation can be distinguished.

  1. Insulation from the inside.
  2. Insulation from outside.
  3. Combined option.

Each of the methods can be considered separately.

Foam insulation

Insulating a garage made of metal is not so difficult. For example, one of the most optimal options The work will be done by gluing foam boards to the walls and ceiling.

Note! It is better to carry out work in warm time year or preheat the room using a heat gun.

Before pasting, the walls must be washed, dried and degreased. The plates are glued tightly to each other, and the joints are blown with foam and taped with construction tape. It should be added that this option will solve the problem of insulation, but will be extremely unstable to external influences, which means that after insulation the walls need to be additionally finished with some more durable material.

Foamed polyurethane

Another option for insulating a garage is to apply a special insulating compound. For example, such a composition is polyurethane foam. There are tons of options on the market, so there will be no shortage. The compositions are applied using a paint gun (spray gun).

Mineral wool

You can do it a little differently, and first equip the surfaces of the garage with a special sheathing, and place insulation, for example, mineral wool, in the resulting cells. After which all this is sheathed with the same metal profile. The result is something like a sandwich panel, which is a very effective option.

Note! This insulation method is also suitable for insulating the garage from the outside. However, it should be taken into account that usually the “shells” are located quite tightly, and therefore insulation from the outside may be impossible.

Note! One of the insulation options is to combine internal and external insulation, but it is not always possible to implement, although it is the most optimal.

Insulation of gates and floors

In addition to the above, we can add that when insulating a garage, special attention should be paid to the places, so to speak, of the greatest risk. As you might guess, such places are the garage door, as well as the floor of the room. The gate can be insulated according to the same principle as the rest of the surfaces of the room, but with the floor everything is somewhat more complicated. If the floor is metal, then there is little that can be done, but if the floor is concrete, then you can, for example, lay a layer of insulation and make a concrete screed on top of it.

In conclusion, we can add that there are quite a lot of options for completing the task of insulating a metal garage. You can get acquainted with them by watching a video on the mentioned topic. However, you need to understand that the main key to successful completion of work is a responsible approach to it, as well as the use of high-quality materials and compliance with installation technologies. At the same time, we should not forget about compliance with safety regulations.


The girl complained about constant dampness and cold in the garage, so the walls and roof were insulated from the inside with polyurethane foam:

This video shows how the garage was insulated with mineral wool: