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» How square watermelons are grown in Japan. Planting in open ground. Cubes are not for games

How square watermelons are grown in Japan. Planting in open ground. Cubes are not for games

Summer residents and gardeners who are interested in all the innovations in the field of growing new, exotic crops could not help but pay attention to the appearance of watermelons of a non-standard square shape.
Amazing square watermelons are a remarkable achievement of Japanese experimenters. By the way, the first copy of the miracle berry saw the light of day more than 30 years ago.

Advantages and disadvantages of a square shape

What qualities of fruits attract consumers so much? Among the advantages are the following:

  • Convenience of a square shape, from a pragmatic point of view, for transportation and storage. It is no secret that a round berry will shift and move during transportation and is difficult to set still. Ripe watermelons burst easily, even if they are rearranged too much. This product is difficult to put into place, it rolls around and may fall and break. Crop losses can be quite significant. Square option, undoubtedly solves this problem.
  • When using the product directly as food, it is also difficult to place it on the table, on a plate, or put it in the refrigerator. There are no difficulties with a square fruit.
  • The laws of the market stimulate the emergence of new forms of goods that are attractive, original, exotic, and capable of surprising and delighting. The square watermelon, without a doubt, surprises with its non-standard form. As a gift or decorative element, it will capture the imagination of guests.

For your information, this is an ordinary watermelon, its excellent taste and composition remain unchanged.
Among the disadvantages of square fruits, as the Japanese testify, is that they ripen unevenly. Therefore, it is better to use them as an attribute, decoration at various celebrations.

Where to buy original berries

Grow watermelons unusual shape agricultural firms in Japan. About 200-400 pieces are produced annually, depending on the yield. It is clear that with this small quantity copies of the product are a rarity, have an appropriate price and require pre-order.
For gardeners who like to experiment, we can offer another, fairly simple way to purchase a non-standard fruit. It is easy to grow it yourself.

Preparing to grow berries

Let's look in detail at how to grow a square watermelon. As already mentioned, no significant genetic changes will have to be made, you just need to ensure the correct formation of the appropriate form. Should be prepared in advance square design, which contains the watermelon ovary. To do this, prepare the materials:

  • plexiglass, plastic or polycarbonate with a thickness of more than 8 mm;
  • small rotary hinges for fastening parts;
  • 2 loops with fasteners;
  • aluminum corner for external fixation or other suitable fastener.

Tools and fastening material The most common ones are used: a hacksaw for metal (or a jigsaw), screwdrivers, a drill for drilling holes, screws, nuts.

Making a square shape

The form for growing a square watermelon is a cube with 6 planes - identical squares 20x20 cm. When manufacturing, take into account the design features:

  • Four squares make up the sides of the cube. They are inseparable.
  • The lid and bottom must open so that the grown fruit can be removed.
  • A hole is cut into the lid for the tail and air circulation.
  • When drawing up a cube diagram, you should take into account the thickness of the material, since its ends must overlap.

Sequence of manufacturing the structure

  1. First, prepare 6 square sheets of 20x20 cm from the material.
  2. Using fasteners, connect the sides of the cube.
  3. Then the lid is made. A circle with a diameter of 25 cm is drilled in the center of the square. Starting from points of the circle opposite in diameter, parallel lines are drawn to one of the sides of the lid. After making the cut, a wide gap is left.
  4. The lid and bottom plane of the cube are attached using rotary hinges. They are equipped with loops with a fastener.
  5. From an aluminum corner cut into 4 parts you will receive additional fasteners for fixing the walls of the mold.

Buying a ready-made form is quite difficult. The designs are sold in specialized stores in large cities. The number of form copies will be small.
If you decide to do production square watermelons part of your business, you will need to special order the forms.

Preparing and planting seeds

Watermelon seeds are planted at the beginning of summer, sometimes in May, when the warm weather. Experienced melon growers who know well how to grow watermelons understand that a lot depends on the quality of the seeds. Take seed material zoned for your area early dates maturation. Before planting, specially treat:

  1. Warm up for 10 days (create a temperature for dry seeds of about 55 degrees - calcination in the sun). You can simply warm up the seeds near the radiator in February.
  2. Soak the seeds in water for half an hour and remove any that float.
  3. After this, pour into the bowl with the seeds hot water 50-60 degrees, leave until cool. Drain this water and pour in new water for biting.
  4. 3 days before sowing, soak the ash in water in a ratio of 1:2, respectively, leave for half a day, stirring.
  5. Dip the seeds in dark solution potassium permanganate, rinse, soak overnight in ready solution ash.

When sowing, focus on a soil temperature of 15 degrees above zero. The soil should be loose and fertile. Sow to a depth of 6-8 cm 10 seeds per linear meter(not everyone will ascend).
If low temperatures prevent you from sowing a crop in a timely manner, you must first germinate the seeds in peat pot. During this time the earth will warm up.
When the temperature changes, a square watermelon is grown in a greenhouse.

Features of caring for seedlings before placing them in the mold

After planting, it is necessary to regularly water the holes with water (+25 degrees). The soil for germination must be constantly moist.
After 7 days, sprouts will appear. When caring for seedlings, follow these tips:

  • When the 5th leaf appears, it is necessary to spud up and carefully loosen the soil.
  • The main thing for watermelons is to be warm and dry. During rainy weather you will need to cover the seedlings.
  • Water moderately, not directly into the hole, but next to it.
  • In a month the watermelon will bloom. When the fruits reach 10 cm in diameter, pinch the main vine and remove side shoots so that the plant spends energy only on the main ovary.
  • Remove excess, weak plants.

Then, upon reaching 10 cm in diameter, the ovary is placed in a mold. Watermelons will gradually grow, taking the form of a cube.

Caring for fruits in shape consists of maintaining required temperature, moderate watering (watermelon does not like waterlogging).
The berries are collected in August and September, 3 months after planting.
It is worth adding that growing square watermelons requires the experience of a melon gardener. If the shape is larger than the watermelon, it will not be square. If less, the fruit will crack and the result will worsen.
In general, it all depends on how well the gardener knows how to grow watermelons, knows the varieties, and can choose required size for the selected form.

How to determine the degree of ripeness of fruits

For an unnaturally shaped watermelon, determining ripeness plays an important role. They are recognized primarily by external signs:

  • the stalk of a ripe watermelon is dried;
  • the bark becomes softer and dull;
  • the part of the berry lying towards the ground becomes whitish.

As for determining ripeness by “ringing”, such a fruit will be overripe.

Features of storing square berries

For long storage Late-ripening square watermelons are grown. After collection, they are laid out in a well-ventilated place on a layer of dry straw. The laying shape is a pyramid of 7-8 rows. Fence the area with fragile goods with boards.
Scientists and plant breeders around the world undoubtedly continue to work on the creation of new bizarre forms of plants. The experiments concern many crops - melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, apples. Cone-shaped watermelons and cucumbers, which have a star-shaped cut rather than a round one, amaze the imagination of consumers.

Watermelon is considered the most favorite delicacy of adults and children. We look forward to mid-summer so we can enjoy the sugary pulp as soon as possible. In the minds of many, this is a large and round berry, but Japanese breeders surprised the whole world by releasing square watermelons. Today we will tell you how they are grown and what is used for this.


People who see a square watermelon for the first time are very surprised. After all, for our eyes the sight is quite outlandish, but not new. The very first specimen of the square berry was grown 30 years ago on a Japanese island. In the territory Russian Federation This watermelon has gained popularity in the form of decoration or an original gift. Let's look at what the differences are:

  • First, it’s worth mentioning the form;
  • round watermelon is grown in open ground, and square specimens are grown in special forms;
  • The strange berry requires delicate care.

This is where all the differences end. As for the taste, it is the same in both cases. The square watermelon has the same red and sugary flesh. So you don’t have to worry about the taste.

Where is it grown?

Square watermelons are popular in Japan. This is where they are grown. So interesting thing There is only one Japanese company involved in this. Since growing such a crop is a delicate matter, their yield is no more than 400 pieces per year. If the season is less successful, then you can count on 200 berries. The Japanese company accepts orders for growing and supplying square watermelons in advance. Probably many are interested in how such an exotic berry is obtained. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Growing principle

Unlike a regular watermelon, the square representative is grown by force. If an ordinary round melon crop can grow independently in open ground, then with rare species everything is much more difficult. To do this, the ovary is placed in special form, which can be made of plastic or glass. During the entire period of growth, the plant tries in every possible way to grow a fruit of a normal, familiar shape, but Japanese scientists carefully monitor this and remove round fruits. This forces them to take on a square appearance. In Russia, no one yet grows square watermelons for mass consumption. But still, some gardeners are trying to repeat the experience of Japanese breeders and reproduce such berries at their dachas.

We grow it ourselves

Many people wonder how to grow a square watermelon. We will tell you about all the subtleties. To grow berries of this original shape you will need:

  • seeds;
  • form.

First of all, it is worth studying the last point. If you want to surprise your family and neighbors with such a harvest, we will help you with this.


To start growing, you need to carefully consider the shape. To make it you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Polycarbonate. Any color will do. The main thing is that the width is at least 8 mm.
  2. Gate hinges. We need small parts that will carefully fasten all sides of our future form.
  3. Screws. They must be no less than 25 mm and no more than 40 mm in size.
  4. Steel or aluminum corner. It is enough to purchase 90 cm.
  5. Nuts, washers, flat head screws.

For ease of making the mold, prepare the following tools according to the list:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw (if you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it with a hacksaw);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • hole saw.

When you have prepared everything, you can start.

Master Class

Let's look at how shapes for square watermelons are made:

  1. All polycarbonate must be cut into pieces equal to each other.
  2. We take the first sheet and cut a hole in it measuring 25 mm. For convenience, you can use a hole saw. By using hand hacksaw or a jigsaw, you need to make two parallel cuts from a round hole.
  3. You need to take the second piece of polycarbonate and connect it to the first part. In this case, it is necessary that the end overlaps. Connect using gate hinges.
  4. Based on the size of the two connected parts, it is necessary to prepare another pair of sides that will serve as inserts.
  5. They need to be inserted inside the box and adjusted to size.
  6. Secure with screws. For a more reliable design, it is recommended to screw two pieces into each end.
  7. Now we need to install the bottom of our entire structure and secure it, also using loops.

So our form is ready, in which you can grow square watermelons.


Today there are more than 1000 varieties of watermelons and each of them can be square. Berries that are grown at home have the following characteristics:

  • precocity;
  • size;
  • taste qualities;
  • color of rind and pulp.

Such watermelons can be grown in an average of 2.5 months. If you want to grow them in open ground, then best time when there is no threat of frost. You can do this at home throughout the year. Just remember one condition - the temperature must be maintained at about 27-28 degrees. Before planting watermelons, the seeds must be germinated in peat or flower soil. Afterwards you can transfer the seedlings into the holes and wait. But not everyone can determine when to harvest.

Looking for ripe

Square watermelons have the same ripeness characteristics as round ones:

  • the stalk becomes dry;
  • the crust begins to fade and is difficult to pierce with a finger;
  • the part of the skin that lies on the ground begins to turn white.

If you prefer to choose a watermelon based on its “dull” sound, then you should abandon this testing method. Basically, this indicates that the fruit is overripe.

Where do you buy it and how much does it cost?

If you want to purchase a square watermelon, the price will surprise you. For one fruit, the cost increases to 20 thousand rubles or even more. There are only a couple of stores that provide such watermelons for purchase. Accordingly, not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. The price includes the following:

  • uniqueness of specimens;
  • transportation from Japan;
  • customs duties;
  • services of breeders for cultivation.

Based on all of the above, one thing we can say is that there is no difference between taste and color. Accordingly, it’s up to you to decide whether to buy ready-made fruit or grow it yourself. And as they say, if there is no difference, why pay more.

Date of publication: 09/18/2013

Anyone can grow a square watermelon. At the same time, a square watermelon has the same smell and taste as a regular watermelon. A square watermelon is beautiful, interesting, tasty and not at all difficult...

Genetic mutations

In fact, watermelon grows square due to the square shape in which it grows. So all the rumors about the artificiality of square watermelons are completely false. A square watermelon is an ordinary watermelon: the same taste, color, smell...

But this does not mean that scientists do not conduct experiments on melons. In order to solve such a problem as hunger, scientists and breeders are developing various varieties melons There are more than a dozen varieties of watermelons alone...

Why is a watermelon square?

The principle is insanely simple. When a watermelon grows, its fruit is placed in a special square shape. Over time, the watermelon grows and fills the mold. Those. the shape limits the growth of the watermelon within certain limits, due to which it becomes cubic in shape.

Theoretically, you can grow a watermelon of any simple shape. It all depends on the shape and variety of watermelon. Conclusion: watermelon can be grown in the shape of a trapezoid, pyramid, cylinder, dodecahedron (!).

Some people try to grow square apples and tomatoes. This is also possible thanks to shaping using plastic molds. But such fruits and vegetables are not in great demand.

Who came up with this

It is not known exactly, but many believe that square watermelons were invented by the Japanese. It is believed that the Japanese came up with the idea of ​​growing square watermelons to make them easier to transport. Naturally, when Europeans saw such an outlandish product, they immediately wanted to try it. But growing square watermelons is a little more difficult than regular ones. As a result: high demand gave rise to high prices.

A square watermelon in Japan costs about 3,000 rubles. The price of a square watermelon in Moscow is 23,000 rubles (!!!). Apparently, the demand for “kvarbuz” is so high because the demand is very high. It's a matter of demand. Some realized this and began to grow square watermelons in Russia. Agree, a great business idea.

And now, the most important thing!

What you will need:
- watermelon seeds (it is advisable to buy a variety suitable for your area);
- garden bed (the land must be fertile);
- sunlight;
- square plastic mold;
- much water;

Seemingly simple requirements. But central Russia is not suitable for growing watermelons. If you live in the south of Russia, then growing a watermelon will be much easier for you (especially if you live in the Caucasus).

Stage 1. Choose a form

For shaping we need a square shape. The form should be transparent, plastic and with holes for air circulation. Minimum mold size: edge 20 cm (20x20x20).
Iron and wooden molds fit worse.

Stage 2. Growing seedlings

We plant the seeds in a fertile and loosened bed. Water regularly with warm water (about 25 degrees). You need to water every 4-6 hours. Try not to pour too much water, but the soil should always be moist.

Many people advise first growing seedlings in a pot. When the seedlings sprout and produce a few leaves, they need to be transplanted into a garden bed.

Stage 3. Formation of berries (pumpkins)

After some time, the watermelon will begin to bloom. Then the fruit will begin to form. When it reaches the size of an apple (up to 10 cm in diameter), then place it in a plastic mold.

Continue watering the watermelon and protecting it from the cold. Keep an eye on the watermelon at all times. If the shape is too big, the watermelon will not grow square. If the mold is too small, the watermelon will begin to crack (or break the mold).

Always monitor the conditions. Watermelon loves abundance sun rays. Watermelon ripens in within three months. If August is always cloudy in your area, then you need to plant the seedling in the spring. But usually watermelons are planted in early summer and harvested in late August - September.

Some features

Growing a square watermelon is quite easy. However, the process requires constant monitoring. To increase your chances, grow several watermelons at once and use several plastic molds different sizes. Collapsible forms are sold in some stores, but quite rarely. This means that if you want to do big business, you will have to order forms.

For beauty, not for food

The Japanese claim that square watermelons are often not fully ripened. And due to their high cost, such watermelons are often used as a decorative element. A square watermelon can last about a year. Such watermelons are bought for major holidays: weddings, anniversaries, etc. But it often happens that, even if you have the required amount, it is impossible to buy such a watermelon. Square watermelons are sold only in major cities and in small quantities.

Thank you for your attention!

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Gardeners and gardeners who are keen on new products have probably seen a video or photo of a cube-shaped watermelon on the Internet. The square fruit is not an example of complex selection. It can be grown with my own hands and on a home melon patch in a regular garden or greenhouse. It will not differ in taste from its fellow varieties, but it can surprise with its appearance.

Square watermelon: who invented it?

The cubic watermelon is an example of a case where form is more important than content. This garden miracle was invented about 35 years ago by enterprising Japanese. Since then, the fashion for it comes and goes. The product is one-piece, one might say exclusive. Therefore, it costs several times more than its ordinary counterpart.

When Japanese breeders invented a watermelon of this shape, they set the following tasks:

  • ease of transportation;
  • Convenient storage, for example in the refrigerator.

Square watermelons first appeared in Japan

However, growing a cube in a melon patch turned out to be unprofitable. Therefore, it is produced on an industrial scale only as an exclusive product. For home use you will be quite capable of growing several specimens to surprise guests, please your loved ones and acquaintances with a non-trivial gift.

What you need to grow a square watermelon

It has been proven that any variety of watermelon can be shaped into a cube. As a base, feel free to use a variety of berries that you love and have tested in your garden. Moreover, the technology can be adapted to other crops: pumpkins, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. The main thing you need is to make transparent cubes in which watermelons will grow. Plastic is often used for these purposes.

Attention! The shape of the container should be slightly wider diagonally than the diagonal of the variety you choose. A cube that is too tight will not allow the berries to ripen completely. In a very spacious room, the corners will be strongly rounded.

As a rule, there are no such transparent boxes on the farm. Therefore, you should work hard to make them yourself. For one copy you will need:

Attention! The corner should be cut into 4 parts. They will secure the walls of the cube if the thickness of the material does not allow connecting the sheets with screws.

How to make a polycarbonate cube for melons

The process of making a plastic cube looks like this:

  1. Take one of the polycarbonate sheets. Using a drill or hole saw, drill a hole 2.5 cm in diameter.
  2. Using a hand hacksaw or jigsaw, make 2 cuts in the direction from the hole to one of the edges of the sheet. Remove the cut piece. This is the hole for the watermelon tail.
  3. Now make the side. Attach it to the lid, blocking the end. Connect both sheets with gate loops.
  4. Do the same on the opposite side.
  5. The two remaining side inserts need to be adjusted in size so that they fit snugly into the remaining openings. Accurately measure the length and width, if necessary, file.
  6. Use a drill to make pilot holes in the sides so that they go deep into the ends of the inserts (at least two in each). Screw screws into the holes.

Advice. If plastic sheets thin, then the screws can be replaced with corners. But in this case, fix them very firmly, since under pressure the walls of such a box can bulge out from the inside and become rounded. Because of this, a watermelon cube will not work.

The final stage of manufacturing the box is to install the bottom. You need to cut it according to the insertion principle, adjusting the size. The principle of fastening is similar to the lid (hinges). All loops should be secured with buckles. Place the latter opposite each loop. Finally, make sure that the finished form lets in not only light, but also air. Otherwise, the vegetable may rot.

Any variety of watermelon can be given an unusual shape.

How to grow a cubic watermelon

You have chosen a proven and reliable variety that can ripen in a box, and you have made your own transparent boxes in the right quantity. The next step is to go from the workshop to the garden. The agricultural technology for growing a square watermelon is simple if you have all the materials and suitable conditions:

  • Use a regular bed where watermelons, melons or pumpkins have already been planted. Melons favor excess moisture and sunlight.
  • Grow seedlings - place the seeds in separate containers. Water and bask them in the sun.
  • After 5 dense leaves appear, the sprouts can be moved to open soil.
  • First add humus to the soil.
  • The first weeks of stay of future cubic watermelons in the garden are no different from ordinary ones. Protect plants from night cold, water warm water, cover when temperature drops.
  • After flowering and ovary formation, the watermelon will require more attention. Wait until the fruit grows to the size of an apple and take out the transparent boxes. Carefully place the berry under the plastic.
  • During this period it is especially important proper watering watermelon: it should be plentiful. Just don't overdo it - that's also bad.

An unusual watermelon will be a wonderful surprise for loved ones

The watermelon will grow to maximum size and will begin to take the shape you specified. The fruit will ripen within 90-100 days after planting the seedlings in open ground. After ripening, carefully disassemble the box right in the garden. Remove the berry and send it to the table, to the surprise of your neighbors, friends and acquaintances.

Features of growing a square watermelon in a greenhouse

The principle of giving a berry a cubic shape in a greenhouse is the same as in open ground. For melons, a greenhouse height of approximately 1.7 m is required. Moreover, watermelons do not really like being adjacent to any other crops in this space. The desired level of air humidity is up to 60%, temperature is up to +30°C. Watermelon is planted with seeds in a greenhouse.

Advice. Even when grown in a greenhouse, you need to keep a watermelon cover ready in case of cold snaps at night.

The dull sound of the fruit is not an indicator of its readiness. This suggests that he has over-ripe. Externally, you can determine the ripening of a watermelon by a dried tail, tarnishing of the bark and yellowing of the lower part of the berry.

We associate sweet berries with something round. A circle and a square are two ideal shapes that were reflected in the creation of a curiosity - a cubic watermelon. At the same time, a fruit with an unusual shape has the same properties as a round one: the color of the bark and pulp, sweetness and juiciness. And there is only one difference - the form - in a modified form it is this that attracts and surprises.

Geometric experiments of Japanese farmers

About 30 years ago, the Japanese first surprised the whole world with square watermelons. It was in the Land of the Rising Sun that the idea came to replace one ideal shape with another, turning a round fruit into a square watermelon. There were suspicions of genetic modifications and speculation about the achievements of selection. But GMOs unusual fruits have not been identified.

And this miracle cannot be called selection, since square watermelons are not new variety, which usually takes years to remove, but is just the result of deformation of the fetus under the targeted influence of an external factor.

The young ovary is enclosed in special box, which is filled with the growing fruit within the proposed boundaries of a cubic shape.

Cubes are not for games

Why do we need cube-shaped watermelons? After all, the price for them is rather high and exceeds 30 thousand rubles per piece. It is difficult to find this miracle on sale even in cool supermarkets, although if you wish, you can order it via the Internet.

Square watermelons are a marketing bait for lovers of the unusual; they are a godsend in the following cases:

  1. in private: to surprise friends and acquaintances, to make dear and original gift, decorate the festive table;
  2. for advertising purposes: to attract attention, effectively decorate the window or interior of a store, restaurant, cafe;
  3. a merchandiser's dream: when placed at a point of sale, cubic watermelons form even rows, pleasing to the eye and saving space - as can be seen in the photo below;
  4. ideal for storage and transportation: the cube will not roll away far from the place where it was placed, but will nestle compactly and stably next to similar cubes;
  5. an original idea for organizing an exclusive family business.

Business on fruit geometry

Initially, Japanese experimenters aimed to create a product that was convenient for transportation. But the result exceeded expectations: the watermelon cube attracted attention and created demand for a new product. Enterprising Japanese received a patent for watermelons in the form of cubes under the Kaku-Melo brand and established successful business. But not only kavun - almost any other fruit can be given a figure.

Square watermelons are especially popular in Japan and other countries with hot climates. The cultivation of curly fruits has also been established in China, the Emirates, and Brazil.

Features of growing cubic watermelons

In order not to spend money on purchasing a cuboid wonder, you can attach own strength and grow it yourself. This will require a little more effort and time than to obtain a traditional harvest. Let's look at how to grow a square watermelon, subject to several necessary conditions:

  • a plot of land with fertile soil;
  • availability of watermelon seeds of a suitable variety;
  • favorable climate or greenhouse conditions;
  • square springform mold made of plastic or glass;
  • timely care and watering.

It all starts with seeds

When growing a cubic miracle, not some special seeds are used, but the most common ones, from which round fruits grow under standard conditions for the culture.

There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of special seeds for growing square berries - but these are all tricks of scammers.

For our purpose, they will be suitable, first of all, cold-resistant early varieties watermelon with relatively short term maturation and a small weight of 2-3 kg. Such berries must ripen in conditions short summer middle zone and not crack during harvesting.

Selected seeds are germinated and grown according to the standard scheme for the crop:

  1. prepare a light nutrient soil with a neutral reaction;
  2. Seed pre-soaked seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm;
  3. in temperate climates - sow seedlings in separate containers;
  4. regularly water and feed young plants as they grow;
  5. monitor the temperature - the optimal daily average should be about 19 °C.

Making a “house” - shape

While the seeds are germinating, you need to prepare a form for the subsequent formation of the berry. They will help in production available materials and tools:

  • durable transparent sheets polycarbonate with a thickness of 0.5-0.8 mm;
  • screws with nuts and angles for fastening;
  • furniture hinges for attaching the lid;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler, marker.

The process of creating a cubic shape will not be difficult if you have the items listed above and do everything consistently and carefully.

  1. Cut 4 square blanks from polymer sheets with an optimal side length of 20 cm.
  2. Fasten the blanks together with screws, nuts and angles in an equilateral box.
  3. The top side of the box should be in the form of a hinged lid with a rounded, slot-like hole for escape.

As a result of the efforts made, quite reliable design, capable of withstanding the pressure of a growing berry.

Forming a cube fruit

At the stage when the young fruit growing on the lash reaches the size of an apple, it can be enclosed in a hand-made cube. The watermelon ovary is carefully placed in the “house” prepared for it, trying to orient the stripes on the bark exactly vertically. Next, they grow and care for them as usual, monitoring the process of berry growth. In open ground, it is recommended to cover the box in the heat, protecting its contents from overheating in the sun. If the growth process continues when there is no longer any form left free space, then you can remove it and check the ripeness of the fruit.

Cubic watermelons may not reach full maturity, which does not prevent them from being used as a decorative item.

Business idea for passionate gardeners and gardeners

Following the proven scheme, you can establish small-scale production of cubic vegetables, fruits and berries in your personal subsidiary plot. If you find markets for unusual crops, there are not many competitors growing curly vegetables for sale.