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» How to secure a candle. Repairing the threaded hole for the spark plug. Beautiful candlestick in ombre style made of clay

How to secure a candle. Repairing the threaded hole for the spark plug. Beautiful candlestick in ombre style made of clay

When visiting a temple, we, as a rule, buy candles in the church shop, so that we can then light them in front of the icons of saints. How to light candles in a church and whether such rules exist in principle, let’s try to figure it out together.

Sequence of installation of church candles

The Church has not established strict requirements in this regard, but there are certain traditions:

  1. First, the candle is lit near the festive icon located in the center, as well as the temple one, whose name it bears, and near the resting place of the saint’s relics;
  2. Then they place candles for health (or with a request for something) near the face of Jesus and the Mother of God, as well as in front of an icon depicting a saint who helps in healing from illnesses, for example, Panteleimon;
  3. For the repose of the dead, candles are lit in a specially designated place - on the eve, at the crucifixion. It is a small table with cells and, as a rule, is located on the left side of the temple room;
  4. Candles are also placed in front of the images of saints you honor. If you don’t know their location, the temple servants will tell you. If you don’t have the icon you need, you can light a candle near the icon of the Savior, the Mother of God or all the saints;
  5. Near each icon there is a candlestick with burning candles from which they light their own, or from a lamp. Having installed it, you need to say a prayer and cross yourself, and then venerate the image.

The candle can be any size, and you can pray in your own words. The main thing for God is your sincerity when addressing him.

What types of lamps are used in the temple?

These mainly include lamps and candles:

  • They are divided into several types. There are ordinary ones different sizes and are made of various materials, including wax and paraffin. There is a wick inside;
  • Remote floor And deacon's candles are used during certain important rituals, such as reading the Gospel or during all-night vigil. It is carried out in the hands of clergy. In the first case, it is installed by the sexton, emerging from the altar, and in the second, it is carried by the deacon (hence the name);
  • The lamp is a vessel with oil, inside of which there is a wick on a special mount (float). Eat special kind a lamp of seven lamps, called a seven-branched candlestick;
  • The largest light source is chandelier type of large chandelier, which is suspended in the central part of the temple from under the dome and consists of a large number of candles or light bulbs. Its variety is policandilo- they hang in the side parts (chapels) of the church building.

During services performed by bishops, two- and three-candlesticks are used, called, respectively, dikiriy And trikirium.

Why do they light candles in churches? Set of rules

They are a symbol of our spiritual connection with God. The priests think so. Since the Lord speaks to us through his saints, therefore, when lighting a candle in front of any icon in the church and saying the words of prayer, we turn specifically to him.

A candle bought in a temple is considered our small voluntary sacrifice to him, and its softness testifies to our obedience. Light and warmth and flames when burning symbolize faith and love for the Savior, saints, angels, the Mother of God, as well as his divine grace towards us.

It happens that there is no free space on the candlestick, and then you should just put the candle there. Subsequently, the attendants will light it and place it in the vacant place. Don't do it yourself.

Try not to create fuss in the temple with your actions and not to distract other believers during the service with requests to pass a candle. It is better to do this before or after it ends.

Don't give in to superstitions. It doesn’t matter which hand you pass the candle with, or it suddenly goes out or doesn’t burn out completely. This is all nonsense. If your prayer was from the bottom of your heart, it will definitely be accepted.

Buy candles only in church, not outside. Help yourself and the temple with this.

In this video, Father Dmitry will tell you why believers install candles and what it symbolizes:

Is it possible to use candles during menstruation?

This question goes back to the morals of Old Testament times:

  • With the coming of Christ, the main thing in man was proclaimed to be the soul, and not physical body, and many former prohibitions ceased to apply, including in relation to some exclusively female ailments;
  • Their monthly “uncleanness” is, according to many clergy and theologians, a natural function of the body. It is not a fault, much less a sin, that would prevent a woman from visiting church to pray and light a candle;
  • As you know, Jesus himself was sympathetic to this problem, supported and healed a woman who was suffering from bleeding, thanks to her faith in him;
  • In our time, there are still priests with Old Testament views, while St. John Chrysostom in the 4th century considered the ban on women attending church during the “critical” period unworthy of Christianity;
  • A woman can turn to God in prayer both in church and at home, lighting a candle in front of the icon of the Savior, the Mother of God or any saint, and no matter what day it is. The main thing is her spiritual need for this communication;

In many temples women employees fulfill their duties any day.

What is the symbol of prayer?

The tradition of lighting candles during prayer has its roots in the Old Testament:

  • Then believers brought oil for lamps to the temple as a sacrifice. The use of lamps in temples began at the command of the Lord to Moses with his unquenchable lamp burning over the Book of Laws. Then gradually they migrated to the houses of ordinary people;
  • Partially, the need to use candles and other light sources was caused by the need to illuminate the premises (grottos, caves) in which the first Christians, persecuted by pagans, gathered, but not only that. Jesus said that he is the light of the world, and the burning of lamps symbolized this, illuminating man’s spiritual path;
  • During the New Testament, the law of God was written in the Gospel, and its reading was also accompanied by the lighting of candles. Gradually, this began to be used in all churches during divine services, as well as by believers when praying to holy icons and relics of the great martyrs. Burning candles are used during baptism and funeral services, procession on Easter and on other necessary occasions.

This custom came to Russia from Byzantium.

Is it necessary to light a lamp at home when praying?

The priests call the seven a small church:

  1. By setting up a corner with icons at home, we spiritually approach the holy ascetics, the Mother of God and the Savior himself, and by lighting a lamp there and reading a prayer, we feel the light and warmth of God’s grace. You can also use lit church candles;
  2. The container in the lamp is filled with special oil, and the wick is lit from a candle, but not from a match or lighter. It is placed on a stand or hung in front of the icons;
  3. It can be heated for the entire time you are in the house or during prayer, or you can make it inextinguishable. Everything necessary for it is purchased at a candle kiosk or a shop at the temple;
  4. It is believed that a burning lamp is a symbol of the spiritual eternal fire and cleanses the house of filth. Their number can be two or three, as you wish;
  5. In addition to oil, those who wish can buy incense in the shop and place it on the platform of a special device placed on top of the lamp. When the wick burns, it will heat up and a pleasant smell will appear in the air.

Under no circumstances should you use this sacred light for household needs, to heat anything, etc.

Everything in life is arranged according to rules, and knowing how to properly light candles in a church is no less important than knowing how to use a knife and fork, because a person consists not only of a body, but also has a soul. And she needs to work.

Video guide: how to install spark plugs correctly

In this video, Father Kirill will show you what you should do first when entering the temple:

Some people start by trying to attach the candle to the wall with thumbtacks. Does not work. Others... I see, I see, someone is here making signs to me... Others think that it is best to light a candle, melt the tip and stick it to the wall. The idea is grandiose, but... it doesn’t work. Ultimately, after about 5-10 minutes, most participants find a solution: you need to pour the buttons out of the box, fix the box on the wall with buttons and put a candle in it. Key moment– overcoming the so-called functional fixation: you look at the box and see only a container for buttons. But it can have another function, for example, become a platform for a candle. Here it is - the “mystery of the candle.”

Based on this test, scientist Sam Glucksberg conducted an experiment on the topic of stimulus strength. Having recruited two groups of volunteers, Glucksberg outlined the conditions of the experiment to them as follows: “I am timing myself to find out how quickly you can solve the problem?” He told one group: “Your solution time will serve as a standard that will show how long on average it takes a typical participant to solve such a problem.” He offered a reward to the second group, saying, “Everyone whose time is in the top 25% will receive $5. And the most best result day is rewarded with 20 dollars.”

Question: How much faster did the second group solve the problem? Answer: On average, it took them three and a half minutes longer. I repeat: more, by 3.5 minutes. But it shouldn’t be like that! I believe in the free market and that's not how it should work, right? In order for people to perform better, they need to be rewarded, right? Bonuses, commissions, whatever, just give them an incentive. This is how business works. But something doesn't work here. There is a stimulus designed to sharpen thought and accelerate creativity, but it acts exactly the opposite: it dulls thought and interferes with creativity.

And what is most interesting: this experiment is not some kind of deviation from the norm, it was repeated many, many times over almost 40 years. Conditional incentives, “if you do this, then you will get this,” work under certain conditions, for many types of work, they either do not work, or, often, they are simply harmful. This discovery is one of the most well-founded in social science. And also one of the most ignored by capitalism.

Sam Glucksberg did a variation of the same experiment in which he presented the same problem differently: the buttons were removed from the box beforehand. “Attach the candle to the wall so that the wax does not drip onto the table.” Same conditions. To one: “we are measuring you for the norm,” to another: “we are giving you incentives.” What happened this time? This time the motivated group outdid the other group. Why? Yes, because when the buttons are outside the box, the task is quite easy, isn’t it?

Stimulus “if...then...” works very well in tasks where the rules are simple and the direction of the work is obvious. Reward, by its nature, narrows our focus and concentrates the brain, which is why it is effective in many cases. Therefore, for this type of task, when a narrow focus on a specific goal leads us directly to it, reward works very well. But such a view does not contribute to solving the real “candle riddle”. The solution is not obvious; it is out of sight. And we need to look around, and not narrow our field of vision with reward motivation.

Over the past few years, I have become interested in the science of human motivation, especially the dynamics of external and internal incentives. Let me tell you that their impact is very different. The situation is that there is a gap between what science knows and what business practices. What is especially alarming is that our system of business functioning - meaning the set of prerequisites and agreements on which business is based, namely, the system of motivation and personnel management - is all built on the basis of external incentives, on the basis of a carrot and stick system. Actually, this is quite normal for a typical 20th century job. But for typical 21st century work, this mechanistic carrot-and-stick approach is inappropriate, often ineffective, and often counterproductive.

IN Western Europe, in many regions of Asia, in North America and in Australia, white-collar workers are increasingly engaged in less mechanical work and more in creative work. Established and regulated types of work of the left hemisphere, part of the work on accounting and financial analysis, some programming tasks, became quite easy to delegate to other countries, and became easy to automate. The computer will do it for you faster. Suppliers from low-wage countries will make it cheaper for you. The types of work in the right hemisphere, where the abilities for creativity and abstraction are found, have become much more important.

However, there is a gap between what science knows and what companies practice. I watch with concern, in the middle of the rubble economic crisis, how a huge number of organizations make decisions about managing their valuable talent based on outdated and untested assumptions, based more on “folk wisdom” than on science. But to get out of the current economic troubles, to achieve high productivity in solving problems characteristic of the 21st century, running faster in the wrong direction is not the solution. Attracting with a sweeter carrot is not a solution, threatening with a longer stick is not a solution. We urgently need a completely new approach.

Fortunately, the scientific study of motivation. gives just such a new approach. This is an approach based more on intrinsic motivation. On the desire to create something meaningful, because you like it, because it’s interesting, because it’s part of something more important. It seems to me personally that the new system for the functioning of our companies should be built on three principles: independence, professionalism and focus. Independence is the need to direct your own life. Professionalism is the desire to become better and better in an important matter. Purposefulness is the desire to do your job in the name of something greater than yourself. These are the cornerstones for completely new system functioning of our companies.

Today I will only touch on independence. In the 20th century, the idea of ​​managing people, the so-called, appeared. management. So, management is not a creation of nature. Management is like a radio, it was invented. And no one said it would work forever. Management is great, its traditional ideas are impeccable if performance is required. But when participation is needed, self-regulation gives a much better result.

I will now give a couple of examples of the fundamental interpretation of self-regulation. What's the idea? Yes, you don't see this often, but there are the first signs of the birth of truly exciting things. The idea is that firstly, the salary should be adequate and fair, without any doubt. This removes the issue of money from the agenda. And then the employee is given a greater degree of independence. Let's turn to practice.

You've probably heard about Google's employee work system - their engineers can spend 20% of their working time on any work they like. They are independent in choosing time, in choosing a task, a team, and equipment. Do you understand? Fundamental amount of independence. And as many of you know, every year at Google approximately half of new products are born during the period of that very “20% of the Time”. Products such as: Gmail, Orkut, Google News.

Let me give you an even more radical example of the same idea. It's called "Working Conditions Directed Exclusively to Results." Abbreviated: ROWE. The system was developed by two American consultants for approximately ten companies throughout North America. With ROWE, workers do not have a schedule to report to work. They show up for work whenever they want. There is no specific time to stay in the office; you don’t have to come at all. You just need to do the work. How to do it, when to do it, where to do it – everyone decides for themselves. Meetings and gatherings under these conditions are solely optional.

And what is the result? Almost everywhere: increased productivity, increased employee participation in the company’s affairs, increased satisfaction, decreased staff turnover. Independence, professionalism, focus - on these pillars it is necessary to build new conditions for productive activity. You will probably say: “Mmm-yes. Seductive, but utopian." I’ll answer: “No, sir.” And I present evidence.

Mid-90s, Microsoft begins the Encarta electronic encyclopedia project. All the right incentives were involved. All the right incentives. Specialists were paid to write and edit articles. The process was managed by well-paid managers, within budget and time limits. And then, a couple of years later, another encyclopedia appeared. On a completely different model, as we know. Do it for your own pleasure! No payment - not a cent, not a euro, not a yen. Create! - because you like it.

Let's assume that some 10 years ago you would have turned to economists, in any country, and said: “I have a question. Here are two different models for creating an encyclopedia. If they have to butt heads, whose will win? So, 10 years ago, not a single serious economist, in any country in the world, could have predicted the victory of the Wikipedia model.

It was a struggle of titans, a struggle between two different approaches. It was the fight of the century in the motivational arena, like a fight for the world heavyweight boxing title. In front of everyone! Intrinsic motivation opposes extrinsic motivation. Independence, professionalism and focus versus carrots and sticks. And who won? Intrinsic motivation, independence, professionalism and focus knock out the enemy. I'm wrapping up.

There is a gap between scientific knowledge and business practices. What does science know? First, the typical 20th century rewards, the very incentives that are considered integral part business skills work, but only in an extremely narrow range of conditions. Secondly, the same “if... then...” rewards often destroy creativity. Thirdly, the secret of high productivity is not in the system of reward and punishment, but in the invisible internal engine. The desire to create things for their own sake. The desire to do something because it is important.

Here's the most important thing for you. Here is the best. To be honest, we already knew this. Science confirms what we feel in our hearts. So if we can bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and business practice, if we can take our understanding of motivation into the 21st century, if we can discard the inherently lazy and dangerous ideology of carrots and sticks, we can strengthen our business, we will be able to solve many “candle mysteries” and maybe, maybe, maybe we will be able to change the world.

Do you want to have a romantic dinner, but don't know how to create the right atmosphere? Do you like to take a bath in dim, relaxing light? Are you trying to hint to your husband about the desired massage? Well, you've come to the right place! Why rack your brain when you can fill it out? useful master class on making candlesticks with your own hands for long candles.

In this article you will find 5 master classes on how to make a candlestick like this. Wooden, clay, from blocks and even from cement!

Everything you have at hand can turn into an excellent home decoration! Don't believe me? Look at our photos of DIY candle holders for long candles and see that decorating your home yourself is bright, exciting and not at all expensive.

To make such a candle holder for long candles you will need:

Step 1

Sandpaper Sand the board thoroughly, leaving no nicks or irregularities.

Step 2

We paint the board and wooden stands with any shade of spray paint. Please note that the iron stands should be smaller in volume and fit into the wooden ones.

Step 3

We wait for the paint to dry and insert the iron stands into the wooden ones. Using wood glue, glue the double stands at equal distances from each other and leave to dry.

Ready! You can insert candles and admire the creation of your hands!

You can experiment and make stands of different sizes and colors at your discretion, choosing suitable candles for them.

Simple candlestick made of blocks

To make this candlestick take:

  • Round blocks of different sizes;
  • Saw;
  • Wood glue;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Candle holder – 3 pieces;
  • Drill with a thin drill bit;
  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Plate.

Step 1

If the blocks are long and not sawn, use a saw and cut pieces of slightly different heights. Sand the blocks so that there are no nicks or irregularities. Then attach the plate to a sheet of cardboard and trace and cut out the resulting circle.

TIP: Instead of wooden throws, you can take cork wine corks, lay them out in a circle and glue them together!

Step 2

Using wood glue, start gluing the blocks in any order onto the cardboard circle - this is our template for the candlestick. Wait for the glue to dry and drill three holes into which to insert the candle holders.

You can give free rein to your imagination and cut out a template of a different shape, painting it in any shade of paint.

Want to make something different from wood? Check out this article!

DIY holiday candlesticks

Prepare the following tools:

  • 3 (or more) wooden blocks of different heights;
  • Drill with drill bit;
  • Acrylic paint (color of your choice);
  • Bucket/basin/other utensils for paint;
  • Sandpaper.

Step 1

In every wooden block drill holes for the spark plugs. Measure the diameter of the spark plug in advance to select the exact drill bit. Use sandpaper to go over the bars, removing any irregularities.

Step 2

We dilute the paint with water in the container we have. If you want a rich color a short time- divorce a large number of paints in less water. Place the bars in the paint; if it is very saturated, then:

  • hold for a short time - about 7 minutes,
  • if weak - 15-20 minutes.

We wait for the paint to dry, insert the candles and enjoy the work done!

Beautiful candlestick in ombre style made of clay

To make candlesticks you need:

  • Multilayer mold for mini ice cream;
  • Cement or clay for crafts;
  • White and turquoise spray paints;
  • Copper candle stands;
  • Glue moment;
  • Newspaper/waste fabric.

Step 1

We dilute the cement (or clay) with a little more water than indicated on the package - this way it will fill the mold more evenly. Pour the cement into the mold and wait for it to harden. On a spread newspaper or fabric we paint the resulting figures in White color; To apply the paint evenly, keep the can at a distance from the figures. Paint in 3 thin layers.

Step 2

After the paint has dried, we begin to glue future candlesticks. We glue two figures together with their wide sides facing each other, the other two with their narrow sides. We glue the remaining 4 with the narrow sides, and then with the wide side. We get 3 candlesticks from 8 cement figures.

Step 3

Let's take turquoise paint and from a distance we will begin to apply it to the lower layers of the candlesticks. Try to create an ombre effect by unevenly painting the bottom of the candlesticks. We wait until the paint dries.

Step 4

We glue copper candle stands on top of the candlesticks, insert the candles and place them on the dining table.

Very beautiful and simple candlesticks can be made from glasses or bottles. Watch master classes!

To make these long candle holders, prepare:

  • Small cardboard bags (shaped like for seeds);
  • Copper pipe;
  • Pipe cutter;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Decorative concrete;
  • Multi-colored thick threads.

Step 1

Let's take our cardboard bags and cut off a corner. We will cut the copper pipe into unequal parts (of course, you can also make even parts), and insert the resulting tubes into the holes in the bags. Use electrical tape to firmly secure the place where the tube and bag hit.

Step 2

Pour the concrete into cardboard bags and leave to harden. After the concrete has hardened, carefully remove the insulating tape and cardboard to obtain concrete cones with inserted copper tubes.

Advice: instead of concrete, you can use absolutely any building mixture that holds its shape after hardening, for example, any finish or alabaster.

Step 3

We wrap threads around the joints between the tube and the concrete; You can wrap it in one layer, or alternatively, make several flowers on one candlestick. Also, if you want, concrete bases You can paint it in any shade or decorate it with beads - to your taste.

Candles have accompanied people for many centuries. It is known that the very first of them, which are mentioned in historical documents, were used in China around 200 BC.

And in Europe they appeared after 400 AD. The first, so to speak, models were made from natural fats and wax, and later they began to use oil for the production of candles.

Paraffin was a real revolution in their production, but they began to use it only in 1830.

Initially, candles were needed only for lighting. However, now that we have electricity, we still keep them in the house: basically as decorative element, and sometimes for light, depending on the circumstances and mood.

Today we will tell readers of the Design Museum how to make original candlesticks with your own hands.

Candles in a jar with a wide neck

Preserving jars are a delicious option for this project. You can make many interesting candle holders out of them.

For example, these floating candles are kept in wonderful rustic style. They will look great on any table. You can also use them as a centerpiece for your wedding table setting.

You can do more interesting design, adding color to such a product using paint, as well as personalizing it, as shown in this example.

Cut out a heart from ribbon or something else, attach it to the jar and paint it without touching this shape. Then remove your “stencil” and you will have a beautiful candle holder. (Check out Heartloveweddings.)

This project is similar to the very first one shown here, but used regular small candles instead of floating ones. The jars are placed upside down, and the candles are attached to the lid. (Look at Simplykierste.)

Reusing old cans and fabric will allow you to create something elegant and beautiful. First, measure the container and decide how much lace you will need for the wrapper. Then apply glue to the edges of the material and wrap the jar. Place the candles inside. (Look on Flickr.)

You can also make lanterns using oil. Drill a hole in the center of the lid for the wick, pour some oil into the jar, and you have the perfect lantern for your yard. Just place it on your terrace and you will get a truly wonderful view!

This material may seem difficult to work with, but you should still try using it if you want to carry out your own design project.

For example, try making stylish candle holders. It's much simpler than it might seem at first glance. You will need: cement powder, paper cups, coins, Vaseline, duct tape and disposable containers. (Look at Sayyes.)

There is an even easier way to create a unique candlestick made of concrete. For example, such a product can be intended for four candles at once. This is a simple block with holes.

To make it you need a form, concrete mixture and candles. Pour concrete into the mold and place candles on the right places. Wait for the solution to harden. And when the spark plugs burn out, you can remove them and replace them with new ones. (Look at Signepling).

There are many other interesting designs you can try to make. In principle, the shape depends only on your desire. Just figure out how to make it, or find ready-made molds (for example, for baking) with the right size for you. (Look at Nimidesign.)

The fact that concrete is not a very delicate material gives you the opportunity to make candle holders with a rougher design if necessary. At the same time, they can look very organic.

The lines don't have to be perfect! On the contrary: any irregularities and imperfections will make your product unique. (See this site for details.)

You can use a soda bottle as a casting mold. Start by cutting off the top. Add to the bottom a small amount of water, then a glass of concrete and mix.

Continue adding both the first and the second. Gently shake the pan to ensure it is level. Place the candle on top of the mixture and press it down.

Spread the concrete evenly around the candle. Allow it to dry overnight and then remove from the mold. (Look at Oncewed.)

This project will require milk cartons, duct tape, and concrete. Remove top part cardboard base, and then cut it around one of the sides to form a lid.

Make four holes for the candles. Fill the mold with concrete and use masking tape to secure the cut part. Insert candles into the holes and let the concrete dry. (Look at Chezlarsson.)

You might like the look of the bottom plastic bottle, which can also be used for a form. First, cut it off. The cut doesn't have to be perfect. Then fill in concrete mortar, shake a little and insert the candle on top. Let it dry and you can use it.

By painting the lamp, you will give it interesting view. The products shown in the photo were made using the technique we described above. At the same time, the lower part is painted in various metallic colors. You can simply dip the bottom into a container of paint, then wait for it to dry. (Check out Monsterscircus.)

These unusual looking candle holders have lids. That is, you will need two molds for one product. One will hold a candle, and the other can be used to cover it after use.

The form can be chosen the way you like: just find it and do it as we previously described. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a concrete candlestick! (See this site for details.)

Wooden lamps

If you prefer warm material with a variety of textures, try wood. And although wood can easily burn and from a safety point of view it is not entirely correct to place it next to an open fire, it will look elegant and become a favorite decoration in your home. The main thing is not to leave such a product unattended during use.

This option shows us a compact and sleek design. This is a large block of wood with three holes. And since the candles are placed inside a glass candle holder, there is no danger of the product catching fire. (See this site for details.)

This candle holder is essentially a simple piece of wood with five small holes for thin candles. (Check it out on Houzz.)

If you like natural look logs, then why not use large stumps to create unusual candlesticks in country style? These mini sculptures will make a great impression on your guests.

Do you recognize those tiny candles that grace our birthday cakes? But they can also look great on a table, on a fireplace, and in other places. Make cute little cubes, drill holes in them and you're done! (Look at Handkandhunt.)

Take advantage of what nature gives us and find a piece of wood that has an interesting shape. Clean it and make recesses in it for attaching candles. You will get a stunning decorative element that will give your home an unusual atmosphere. (Look on Etsy.)

Everything here is similar to the previous description, the only difference is that this piece of wood is thinner. This candlestick is also very simple to make. Take wooden blank and make a hole in it for the candle so that it fits the wide shape. This product can also serve as a table for romantic dinners. (Look at Brit.)

When it comes to wood, the finish doesn't have to be flawless. Each piece of wood is unique in itself, so no matter what you do to it, it will remain that way. To give your home a rustic look, try using scrap wood. (Check out Aamodestuffblog.)

We have shown you many options on how to make candlesticks from wood. They are similar to each other, but at the same time completely different. In this case, the log was cut in half vertically. This way it rests confidently on the table, while at the same time preserving natural look. (See this site for details.)

Candlesticks made from pipes

Try an industrial style design if you think it would suit your home well. For example, use such a pleasant accent - a candlestick made of copper pipes. Try to combine the parts in such a way as to create a strong structure with a good foundation and interesting shape. (Look at Anmagritt.)

You can combine various materials and finishing. This candle holder, for example, is made from copper tubing but has a base made from a piece of wood. Reliable bases with an ideal diameter hold the candles tightly. (Look at Adailysomething.)

This candle stand is made of black metal parts. It showcases a symmetrical design with a solid base and simple shape. This product will look amazing in the fireplace area or in the center dining table. (Look on Etsy.)

If you need something simpler, try this project - it will take you a minimum of time. This is a minimalist copper candle holder. All you need is a thin copper wire, which you can bend the way you want. Experiment with a few samples until you find something you really like. (Look at Amerrymishapblog.)

Glasses and bottles

Glass - provided that it has suitable size- can be a wonderful lamp. But you might want to personalize it a little. You can, for example, use twisted sisal and wrap it around the base of a candle holder for a classy, ​​rustic look. (See this site for details.)

Here's something you've probably never thought about. You can make a candle holder out of a beer bottle! Cut off the top part and carefully attach it to the bottom. This way you will have a wonderful base for a candle that you just need to put inside. (Look on Etsy.)

If you want to try something more flashy, you can use glitter. Take an empty glass that you like, apply a little glue to inner surface and sprinkle it with glitter. Wait for everything to dry - and you're done! (Look at Houseofearnest.)

This wine bottle turned into a lamp-candlestick. To do something like this you will need to cut the bottom off. Then find a suitable stand, such as a wooden disk. Do not close the neck so that it remains vent. (Look on Etsy.)

Use the power of reflection to obtain an intriguing item. Apply silver paint for this. Plus, if the glass has a certain design, it will be even more beautiful. Choose a glass decorated with monograms or other designs. (Check out Ruffledblog.)

Look what interesting idea for the center of the table. Take empty ones glass bottles(they can be of different sizes and shapes), as well as some paint and a brush to write the numbers. Then insert the candles into the neck. Pick them up with suitable diameter. You can also tie this candlestick with twine or cord.

Wrapper design

Do you want to do something wonderful for Christmas that will create a magical atmosphere around you when you watch TV in the evening? Why not make a “sweater” for the candle holder? You need yarn and crochet hooks. Choose a template you like and get started. (See this site for details.)

Bring a touch of rustic chic to your home with these unique handmade lamps. You will need twigs, a can of spray paint and a glue gun. First, paint the sticks, and then glue them to the cup one at a time. (Look at Freutcake.)

As you probably know, rice paper ribbons are an incredibly versatile item that is a lot of fun to work with. You can decorate a lot of things with them, including candlesticks.

Choose prints you like and start creating. Be creative and come up with your own design. (See this site for details.)

The author of this project used a very simple yet chic way of decorating. This is a simple rope wrapped around the base of the candle. If you decide to take the same step, take twine, paper tape and a glue gun. (Look at Mintedstrawberry.)

A candle holder in the form of a glass cylinder wrapped in bark will look truly charming. The idea is not only interesting, but also simple. All you need is a glass vase, thread, glue and birch bark. (Look on Etsy.)

If you want, you can try to make something fresher. For example, like this wonderful thing in the photo above. Candle in a glass candlestick with small fresh flowers tied with twine.

This original product captivates the eye and gives modern room a touch of tenderness. And besides, the flowers will smell nice!

And the last project in this chapter, which incorporates all your wishes. Glass jars and paper snowflakes around them. You can choose a theme directly for yourself and replace the snowflakes with what you like best. (Look at Michelemademe.)

Other design options

There are many more great ideas you can use, but they don't fit into any of the above categories. How do you like the deer antler candlestick?

A very unusual option. Do something similar yourself. For this you need: copper bushings and caps, horns and candles. (Look at Adailysomething.)

This candle stand has a sculptural design and is different from others not only in shape but also in color. The piece has bright violet accents and looks very elegant.

To create such an item, take tape and demarcate the areas that need to be painted, and then simply dip the candlestick in the paint. (Look at Kristimurphy.)

Try modeling your own candlestick using clay. To make this you will need a rolling pin, a candle cone, a pizza cutter, a wine stopper or something similar and modeling clay. A very tempting project to tackle over the weekend. (Look at Oncewed.)

Screen-printed burlap reveals its true beauty when it gets dark. If you want to make an equally interesting piece of decor, prepare Consumables: cardboard or stencils, burlap, glass candlesticks, ribbons, acrylic paints, sequins and threads to match the burlap. (Look at Justcraftyenough.)

We need to come up with something fun for children's party? Here's an example: candle holders in the shape of dinosaurs. You can use other toys that your child likes for these purposes.

Just take something that can hold candles and glue it to the toy. (Look on Etsy.)

Basically, you can reuse any item that can hold a candle. Even fuses or something similar, like in this photo. Check out this unique and inspiring project! (Look at Pikkuvarpunen.)

And such candlesticks are even more unusual. These are old ladles, so they would look best in the kitchen, adding a bit of country charm to it.

If Halloween is approaching, pay attention to this decorative option. Take a small pumpkin, make a hole in it and remove everything inside.

Grease the surface with glue and sprinkle with glitter. Wait until everything is dry and place candles inside. To make your job easier, take a drill. The hole should be slightly larger than the candle. (Look at Twigandthistle.)

Pepper and salt containers make great candle holders because they have little holes in the top. All you have to do is place the candle inside and make a handle out of wire. Then you can decorate the product and hang it on a branch in the garden, for example. (Look at Thehomelessfinch.)

It is also very easy to build an original candlestick from a tin can. In addition, prepare a can of spray paint, a nail and a hammer. First, fill the container with water and place it in the freezer.

Then use a template to punch holes in the base of the jar. Remove the ice and spray paint the product. (Look at Celebrations.)

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Handmade is gaining more and more popularity. Extravagant jewelry, paintings, toys, decorative elements, gifts - this is just a small part of what passionate craftsmen and amateurs create with their own hands. Today we will talk about how to make a candle at home.

This process does not require special skills or equipment. After reading our recommendations and detailed master classes, get started on this exciting process even beginners can.

Creating a candle: where to start

Making your own candles is much easier than you might think. And the main advantage of such an activity is necessary materials easy to get. If you look hard enough, you can even find them in your home.

Materials for a homemade candle

Wax, stearin or paraffin are best suited for the job. Moreover, it is better for beginners to start getting acquainted with the latter; it is the least demanding to use. You can buy paraffin at the store or use leftover old white candles.


It is best to use natural threads as a wick, ideally thick cotton ones. Do not try to use synthetics: such a wick will quickly burn and leave behind bad smell. To check if the thread is natural, simply set fire to its tip. If it melts, forming a hard ball at the end, you have synthetics.

If you have an unusual candle in mind and are thinking about how to make an original wick for it, then use colored floss threads. This is an excellent and natural material.

Remember important rule: the thicker the candle, the thicker the wick should be.

It's easy to make it yourself. To do this, prepare a solution: in a glass of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons boric acid. Soak cotton thread or floss in it for 12 hours. Then dry them and twist them into a rope or braid them.

If this process seems tedious to you, carefully remove the wick from the finished household candle and use it.

Candle mold

First of all, decide on the configuration of the desired candle, and then try to find a hollow object of the same shape. You may find it useful:
  • cardboard bags for milk and juices;
  • plastic cups for yoghurts and desserts;
  • egg shells;
  • silicone baking molds;
  • glass goblets, wine glasses, glasses and glasses;
  • baby beads;
  • shaped ice cream molds;
  • tin and glass coffee jars;
  • empty tin cans.
The only requirement is that the mold material must withstand heating up to 100°C.

Another interesting option- pour candles into beautiful transparent glasses. You won’t be able to get them, but they will look very stylish and unusual.

Sometimes aroma candles made in tangerine or orange peel. The fruit is first cut in half and the pulp is carefully removed. You can also use large shells or coconut shells.


A white candle is elegant but boring. Naturally, the question arises of how to color paraffin in order to obtain bright decorations interior

For lovers of candle making, the best and cheapest option is to take wax crayons for children's creativity. Want to get a special candle? Look for pearlescent crayons - your creation will be unique.

Do not try to use water-soluble gouache or watercolor - you will fail. The dye will inevitably settle to the bottom or fall out in flakes. Ready product will look very unpresentable.

Paraffin melting utensils

In order to melt the paraffin, you will need a small saucepan for a steam bath and an iron bowl. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to heat paraffin in a steam bath, considering other methods, including the microwave, to be fire hazardous.

To begin with, we recommend that you also use this method, proven over the years: place a bowl of paraffin in a container of boiling water. If you plan to have a colored candle, add the chalk immediately and stir the melted mass several times to obtain a uniform color.

Flavors and decor

Any available materials are suitable for decorating candles. First, decide on the topic of your work. Pebbles and shells will effectively complement marine-style candles. For a New Year's theme, use beads, small cones, small decorative balls, ribbons and bows. Decorate Valentine's Day candles with hearts, sparkles, bows, dried flowers, coffee beans, etc.

It is best to scent homemade candles with essential oils, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. Another option is to find vanilla cinnamon in your kitchen. You should add flavors to the melted paraffin at the very end, after coloring.

Step-by-step master classes

We bring to your attention a selection of accessible master classes that will help beginners learn basic techniques and techniques. If you already know how to create candles with your own hands, you can draw interesting ideas from them to implement in your creativity.

Coffee candle

Want to create a romantic mood? Light a coffee candle - its divine aroma will take away all worries, leaving only good mood and peace. This is especially pleasant in the rainy autumn or cold winter. And also this great gift for any reason and even without.

To work you will need:
  • paraffin;
  • whole coffee beans;
  • two plastic cups of different sizes;
  • wick holder - teaspoon, wooden stick or a plastic coffee stirrer.

If you don’t find paraffin, take household candles, you can also get a wick from them.

Crush the paraffin into small pieces with a knife to speed up the melting process. If you took store-bought candles, carefully crush them blunt side of the knife so as not to damage the wick.

Place paraffin in glass jar and put it in a saucepan with warm water. Heat the water over low heat until the paraffin is completely melted in the jar - it should become transparent.

At this time, prepare the mold for pouring. Place the smaller one in a larger plastic cup, after filling it with water. There should be a fairly wide space between the walls of the cups. Pour coffee beans up to half the height between the walls.

Pour the melted paraffin into the mold to the level of the grains, wait about 10 minutes. Then pour the paraffin to the edge of the mold and let it harden completely. This will take about an hour.

Carefully pour the water out of the inner glass and remove it from the paraffin ring. Lower the wick into the workpiece so that it reaches the bottom of the glass. Tie its upper end to the holder and place it on top of the glass, centering the wick.

Pour melted paraffin into the middle of the candle. Place a few grains on top for decoration. Now you will have to wait 4-6 hours until the candle hardens completely.

Carefully remove the frozen candle from the glass. At the same time, it can be cut with scissors to facilitate manipulation.

If you want the grain to be better visible, blow the sides of the product with hot air from a hairdryer. The paraffin will melt and the surface will become embossed.

It turned out to be an excellent aroma candle, isn’t it? Do you want to make it even more romantic? We invite you to use the same technology to create heart-shaped candles that will become an unforgettable gift for your soulmate for Valentine's Day or a birthday.

Still have questions? Watch a detailed video of creating a fragrant coffee candle and you will see that everything is even simpler than it seems at first glance.

Rainbow candles

Want to add a pop of color to your home? Interior rainbow candles will help you with this self made.

To make them you will need the following ingredients:

  • paraffin;
  • stearin;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • dyes corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.
You will receive more detailed information from a detailed video tutorial. For beginning craftsmen, it shows all the stages of preparing candle mass and creating a gradient transition of colors.

Multi-colored candles in layers

Spectacular multi-colored candles in a transparent glass will become the highlight of your interior. How to make them, see our master class, illustrated with step-by-step photos.

Another interesting idea is a square multi-color candle. Wax pencils are also used to color it. If you are a beginner, be sure to check out the clear video tutorial, with its help you can easily make such a cool craft as a gift for friends and family.

Openwork candles

Decorative candles can be the most various designs, because talented craftsmen never cease to amaze with their imagination and creative experiments. To confirm these words, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the method of making an unusual openwork candle.

To work you will need:

  • paraffin;
  • optional coloring and flavoring;
  • wick and holder for it;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • small ice cubes.
Melt the paraffin in a water bath. If the candle is supposed to be colored, color the candle mass; if desired, you can also scent it.

Place the wick in the mold so that it reaches the bottom. Don't forget to secure it on top with an improvised holder. Fill with crushed ice, not reaching a couple of centimeters from the edges.

Pour the melted candle mixture into the mold. Leave the workpiece until the paraffin has cooled completely. In this case, naturally, the ice will melt, and cavities will form inside the candle.

Carefully drain the water and remove the product by pulling the wick.

Be careful, this beauty is quite fragile and requires careful handling. This unusual openwork candle will be a wonderful gift for your family and friends. If you use paraffin from old candles for your work, you will get this beauty completely free.

You will receive visual instructions for action from detailed videos creating openwork candles. After viewing them, you can make such beauty yourself at home.

Video #1:

Video #2:

Option #3: And if you are thinking about it, surprise them with a handmade red openwork candle. It will be an unforgettable gift and will bring a holiday feeling and Christmas mood to your home. Watch the master's work and be inspired by your own masterpieces.

Massage candles

The main ingredient for creating a massage candle is soy wax. By adding useful components to it, you can get a product that has healing properties. It is no longer a decoration, but a homemade cosmetic product that makes the skin soft and well-groomed.

Healing properties essential oils:

  • Essential oil will help rejuvenate the skin and cleanse pores lemon.
  • Orange the oil has an anti-cellulite effect.
  • Rose oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and promotes skin elasticity.
  • Can clear the skin of pigment spots and make it smooth rosemary oil.
  • Oil does a great job of moisturizing patchouli.
  • Lavender the oil will delight you with its healing effect.

Solids are also added to massage candles. vegetable oils. For example, cacao butter used to moisturize and tone the skin. And with its regular use, cosmetologists promise you smooth and soft skin.

Exotic foods can save dry skin from flaking Shea Butter. Coconut oil, rich in natural antioxidants, can smooth the skin.

General algorithm for creating a massage candle:
  1. melt the wax with solid oils in a water bath;
  2. let the mixture cool slightly and add liquid oils;
  3. Cool the mixture a little more and add essential oils, extracts and vitamins;
  4. pour the resulting candle mass into the mold, after inserting the wick into it;
  5. wait until the candle has completely hardened and remove it from the mold;
  6. The hardened candle is ready for use.
We offer you the most common recipes for effective massage candles.

Recipe No. 1

  • soy wax - 85%;
  • avocado and shea butter (aka shea butter) - 5% each;
  • patchouli essential oil - 2.8%;
  • ylang-ylang essential oil - 2%;
  • vitamin E - 0.2% (a few drops).
Light the finished candle and let it melt a little. Put it out. Put some warm wax on your hand and you can treat yourself to a rejuvenating massage session. Don't be afraid to get burned - the melting point of such a candle is much lower than a paraffin candle.

Recipe No. 2 “Massage candle with a calming effect”

  • soy wax - 80g;
  • shea butter - 40g;
  • almond oil - 40g;
  • cocoa butter - 20g;
  • essential oils of sage and lavender - 2 g each.
A massage session with such candles is best done before bed. The calming effect of essential oils will help you relax and sleep soundly.

Recipe No. 3 “Massage candle with anti-cellulite effect”

  • beeswax - 100g;
  • cocoa butter - 60g;
  • ground chili pepper - 5-10g;
  • essential oils of orange and grapefruit - 3 g each.
Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the candle. After the massage, you may feel a burning or tingling sensation, which is due to the presence of chili in the composition.

Regular massage will help get rid of the hated “orange peel” and make the skin soft and elastic.

Decorating candles using decoupage technique

If you don’t have dye, but want to create something bright and memorable, don’t worry. The simplest candle made from cinders can be turned into a work of art. To do this, you need to have a little patience and decorate the product to your liking.

Candle decorated with dried flowers

Dried leaves, stems and flowers will help you create an exclusive candle that will be almost impossible to repeat. Usage natural materials limited only by the local flora and your imagination. That's when the skill will come in handy.

To work you will need:

  • any dried flowers;
  • 2 candles - for decoration and regular;
  • tea spoon;
  • tweezers;
  • nail scissors;
  • paraffin for final coating.
From the dried flowers you have available, create a composition that you want to bring to life.

Heat a teaspoon over a regular burning candle ( internal side above the fire, because the spoon will turn a little black, and in order not to stain the candle, then we will carry out all manipulations with the other side of the spoon).

Place a dry flower on the candle to be decorated and gently stroke its petals external side of the spoon so that they melt to the paraffin and do not stick out. Thick stems may need to be ironed several times while heating the spoon.

Carefully trim off any excess stems that extend beyond the candle with scissors.

Glue the remaining elements in the same way, choosing the desired location for them. Make sure that the edges of the leaves and petals do not stick out.

All that remains is to consolidate the result. Melt the paraffin in a water bath and pour it into a container into which you can completely dip the decorated candle.

Holding the candle by the wick, immerse it in melted paraffin and place it on flat surface and let cool. If the petals were not smoothed well and protruding ends remain visible, repeat this procedure again.

Such an elegant candle will conquer any heart and will not go unnoticed. Complement it with a beautiful candlestick and it will become a unique decoration for your home.

Decoupage candles with paper napkins

The desire to decorate a candle could come instantly, but there are no dried flowers at hand. In this case, you can get by paper napkins. With their help you can easily decorate a candle for any holiday.

Choose a napkin with the pattern you want. Cut out necessary elements from a napkin. Carefully remove the bottom two layers of paper from the resulting blanks. Further, the principle of operation is similar to decorating with dried flowers.

Place the prepared element on the candle and iron it with a hot spoon. Sand the cooled surface with the rough side of a regular kitchen sponge. There is no need to immerse the candle in melted paraffin with this method.

Your masterpiece is ready. Make a beautiful composition of candles in New Year's style, fir branches and colored balls. It will bring a good mood and a festive atmosphere to your home.

Photo design ideas

Do you want more more ideas for inspiration. Browse our selection decorative candles. You will definitely find one that you want to repeat immediately.

We were able to convince you that it is possible to create unique masterpieces even from scrap materials? That is why candle making has become a favorite pastime for many, beginners and not only masters.

Original form templates:

Now you know what and how candles are made from, you can get to work. Don't try to use the photo you like as a template and an unconditional ideal. Be inspired by ready-made projects to create your own unique candles. A little effort and perseverance - and your masterpieces will become a standard to follow.