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» How to glaze a balcony with your own hands using a frameless method. Which is better: a glassed-in balcony or an open one? Glazing of balconies with aluminum profiles

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands using a frameless method. Which is better: a glassed-in balcony or an open one? Glazing of balconies with aluminum profiles

Some apartments have a balcony. Many people live with a balcony open type, and some do glazing of the balcony.

What are the pros and cons, what options for glazing a balcony are possible, is it possible to save money on glazing a balcony, what should you consider when placing an order? Answers to all questions in our article.

Why do you need glazing for a balcony or loggia?

Some people live for years with an open balcony and don’t understand why it needs to be glazed? What does this give? And is it worth spending money on this? Let's consider all the points in detail.


If we are talking about an apartment, then the balcony is usually located in one room, or maybe in two rooms. Therefore, if you glaze the balcony, the room or two rooms will become much warmer.

Less dust and debris.

Some people may throw something from the balcony, such as cigarette butts, if it ends up on the balcony, there may be something on the floor black spot. People can also litter, throw candy wrappers, and feed bread to birds. To prevent debris from getting onto your balcony, it is better to glaze it. The likelihood of fire is reduced.

Protection from thieves.

If the balcony is glazed, then it is more difficult for robbers to enter the apartment. If the balcony is open, then getting into the apartment becomes much easier.

Not scary weather.

Snow or rain are not a problem when the balcony is glazed. If the balcony is open, there will be snow on the floor that will have to be removed.

Glazed balcony is protected from precipitation

Drying clothes.

Many people use the balcony to dry clothes. If the balcony is open, the laundry will take much longer to dry. And if the weather conditions are bad, your underwear and clothes may get wet.

Small room.

If you approach the glazing and insulation of the balcony responsibly, then the balcony can be used as a full-fledged room. This option is suitable for small apartments and large families.

Small room on the glassed balcony

Increasing room or kitchen space.

Due to the balcony you can increase kitchen space or space in a room. Many married couples make this decision and remove the interior wall, naturally having previously obtained a special permit for such work.

Increasing kitchen space with a balcony

Additional refrigerator.

Of course, progress has stepped forward and now refrigerators are on sale for any budget, any size and height, but if you have a balcony, then its additional meters can be used to store some food products, such as potatoes, onions, and canned foods.

Food storage system on the balcony

Additional meters of the balcony will help relieve space in the refrigerator. This is especially beneficial before the holidays, when the refrigerator is quite loaded.

Noise insulation.

If the room does not have a balcony, then the wall is in contact with the street, which means that many noises: a child crying, a dog barking will be very audible. This affects sleep, quality of sleep and proper rest. If there is a balcony and it is glazed, then sounds from the street will not be so audible.

Winter Garden.

Many flower lovers turn the balcony into a whole greenhouse and it is not surprising, because there is enough space and light on the balcony.
In winter, many flowers suffer from dryness in the apartment, because the heating season is in full swing. The best solution will put flowers on the balcony.

Winter garden on a glazed balcony

What is the best way to glaze a balcony or loggia?

  1. Wooden glazing.
  2. Aluminum glazing.
  3. Plastic glazing.

Before glazing the balcony, you need to decide on the glazing system: wooden, aluminum, plastic or folding frameless window glazing system. Each system has its own pros and cons; let’s look at each of them in detail.

Wooden glazing.

Previously, the wooden balcony glazing system was more popular among residents.

Pros: low cost compared to other types of glazing, dirt is not visible on the frames, environmentally friendly material.

Minuses: Over time, the wood loses its color and will need to be repainted approximately 2 times a year. If this is not done, microcracks will appear in the future, which will lead to larger cracks. The window will lose its seal. Wooden glazing has poor resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Susceptible to aging and drying out over time.

Wooden balcony glazing

Aluminum glazing.

The second most popular option when choosing balcony glazing is aluminum glazing.

Pros: saving balcony space, because the design resembles a wardrobe. The glass in the frames runs on rails. You can install a cornice and hang curtains.

Minuses: low thermal insulation, in very coldy the sashes may freeze and they will not open. Windows can only be opened in one position.

Aluminum glazing of balconies

Plastic glazing.

The plastic balcony glazing system has become most popular among residents.

Pros: high thermal insulation, good tightness, durability, the window can be opened in 2 positions (when installing this design).

Minuses: high price installation, it is impossible to install a cornice and hang curtains. When opened, windows take up additional space.

Plastic glazing of balconies

During installation, it is very difficult to open and close the windows because the system has just been installed and requires force. Over time, the handles may become a little loose and therefore not close tightly, which leads to the entry of air from outside. Therefore, the handles need to be checked periodically and the handles must be tightened.

Folding frameless glazing system.

This type is new in the world of glazing. The system consists of an upper and lower profile; the windows are not in frames. The tempered glass plates located in the frame move. When folding, one plate moves towards the other and they fold.

Frameless glazing of the balcony

Most often, this system is used for verandas, for country houses, in cafes, restaurants, hotels, terraces, gazebos and dining rooms.

Pros: make the space aesthetically perfect, natural precipitation does not penetrate. Impact-resistant (vandal-proof) glass. Even if the glass breaks, it turns into small crumbs. Frameless lighting provides more light. Suitable for buildings that do not have a straight parapet. Convenient to wash the entire balcony.

Minuses: The glass is huge, it takes strength to move and move it. Low thermal insulation. The need for curtains (or blinds), because there is complete transparency and everything is visible. You cannot install a mosquito net.
Due to the fact that this system is opened by hand, small fingerprints remain, so you will have to wash the glass more often. There is no complete tightness, it is only a protective structure. Poor sound insulation.

How to save money on balcony glazing?


To understand what the price will be for glazing your balcony or loggia, you need to find a company closest to your home and call a consultant to your home. The surveyor’s visit is usually free, but this information always needs to be clarified.

On the appointed day, a consultant will arrive, draw a sketch, calculate all the work and announce the cost of glazing the balcony.

Call specialists to assess glazing work

Then call a specialist from other companies and compare prices. For the same work, different companies charge different prices. It depends on the fame of the company, its location, and experience in the market.

Usually the same price range will be in the same area, but it may vary slightly.

Discount coupons.

Currently, there is a wide selection of sites where there are discount coupons, including for balcony glazing. Why do companies do this? Is it beneficial for them? Let's figure it out.

The company has just opened, a company with the same services as other companies. How to attract clients and promote yourself? How to get people to talk about themselves? Discount coupons help companies with this. Of course, the company first develops a client base, who will tell their friends and acquaintances about the company’s services, write reviews on the Internet, and only after a while it will be possible to charge other prices for their services.

To save money you can use discount coupons

We select a site to provide a discount and register. In the search line we look for “glazing of balconies” and look at the offers of companies for today’s date in your city.

It doesn’t matter where exactly the company is located (within the city), because the consultant comes to your home at a time convenient for you. He takes measurements, details and deadlines are discussed. The price for balcony glazing and the discount that applies to the coupon are announced, and only then the final price for the balcony glazing is announced.

Frame and window sill color.

Currently, companies offer several color options for the frame and window sill. White is the most classic and at the same time the most inexpensive option. Its disadvantage is that White color absolutely impractical. Over time, dirt will be visible on the white window sill and frames. If there are flowers in pots on the windowsill, then it is possible that a trace of them will remain.
If you choose brown or dark color, it will be more expensive, but more practical.

The color of the frame affects the cost of balcony glazing

Order glazing out of season.

Glazing of balconies and loggias is often ordered during the warm season. Because the entire old structure is removed, if there was one, and a new one is installed. In winter, no one orders glazing for windows, because it will be cold in the apartment. Thus, companies offer discounts during the off-season to attract customers to the service.

Balcony glazing winter period will cost less

Joint glazing of the balcony.

Joint purchasing is gaining momentum now, so why not place a joint order with one company for several families or team up with neighbors? This is beneficial for the company, because there will be 2 orders at once, the company will make a profit, which means you can ask for a discount.

Keep track of promotions and discounts.

The decision to glaze the balcony is not made immediately. Therefore, you should not rush to make a decision. You can browse companies and see what conditions each of them offers. Some have discounts up to a certain date; discounts are possible on holidays, for example before the New Year, when people mainly think about gifts.

Interest-free installments.

If you are pressed for a solution to glazing your balcony, you can find information about companies that provide interest-free installments. This way, you won’t need to take out a loan or go into debt and pay the entire amount at once.

You can take advantage of interest-free installments for glazing

Balcony insulation.

Balcony glazing alone is not enough if the balcony is considered as a place to relax, sleep or a full-fledged room. It is necessary to take a number of measures to ensure that the balcony is warm, for example, install heated floors on the floor, make insulation throughout internal area balcony

Balcony insulation process

Information on how to insulate a balcony can be found on specialized forums, websites, books and magazines. There are a variety of insulation materials on sale to suit any budget. But it is best to entrust this work to professionals.

What information should I consider when ordering?

Number of doors to open.

There is no need to skimp on the number of doors to open. The more there are, the easier it will be to clean the entire balcony, and the more fresh air will flow in.

A balcony is a multifunctional space in an apartment. Over the past couple of decades, it has evolved from a storage room for winter clothes, grandma’s compotes and outdated items that you didn’t dare throw away, into a full-fledged part of the living space. Of course, this only applies to options closed type. If it is still blown by all the winds and is regularly covered in knee-deep snowdrifts in winter, glazing the balcony with your own hands will save the situation.


A glazed balcony allows you to intelligently optimize additional square meters in the apartment, turning it into a study, mini-dining room, dressing room, sports ground, workshop for creative family members. You can set up a winter garden in it or equip an area for your favorite pet.

It is quite possible to do the glazing yourself, but you need to take into account some of the nuances of the work.

Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between a balcony and a loggia. Many apartment owners confuse these concepts, and yet the types of glazing for a loggia differ from the types of glazing for a balcony. Glazing a loggia is simpler, since it is bounded on both sides by walls - it is located “inside” the living space. A balcony is a structure protruding from the wall of the facade of a building. It “hangs” over the ground and is placed outside the main area.

Secondly, you need to decide on the glazing method - cold or warm.

The cold one consists of a single layer of glass and a lightweight frame. This method provides relative sound insulation, protects the room from dust, wind and sunlight if the glass is covered with a UV filter, but does not retain heat. It is suitable for arranging a summer kitchen on the balcony, a temporary bedroom or office, and in winter for storing food in the cold.

Warm glazing requires more complex, heavy and reliable design. And more expensive. It consists of double-sealed window frames and double-glazed windows, which provide the ability to support the balcony room temperature at any time of the year and use it in a convenient way.

Installing warm windows requires more time and strict adherence to the following conditions:

  • Good thermal insulation and waterproofing. Condensation between the glasses is unacceptable; they will fog up and retain heat less well.
  • Possibility to provide natural ventilation of the room.
  • The presence of an air circulation system between the balcony and the room.

Thirdly, it is necessary to study legal side question, planning to make changes to the design of the premises. The balcony slab is designed for a specific load. Exceeding the permissible weight can lead to its collapse, and this is fraught with negative consequences.

Nowadays, it is quite easy to obtain specialist advice and permission to make improvements of a similar plan that were not provided for during the construction of the house. It is easier to spend a little time studying the Housing Code before starting work than to solve problems that arise after.

Popular types of glazing

The most common ways to protect a balcony from rain, wind, accumulation of street dust, frost and visits from feathered guests are: sliding glazing, panoramic, with extension, on a supporting frame.

Each type of glazing has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Simple (classical) glazing using a wooden frame and single glasses belongs to the cold method and is installed mainly in Soviet-type apartments. It protects from moisture, noise and street dirt, but is not particularly aesthetically pleasing or has great capabilities.


The design is equipped with a special roller mechanism, which allows you to easily move the doors apart and takes up minimal space. The mechanism works on the principle of guide rails: the doors slide one after another.

This type is not suitable for every balcony; specialist advice is required, but for small balconies it is best option. It doesn’t take up even half an extra centimeter, saves space, protects from insects, dirt and precipitation.

TO negative points The fact is that roller mechanisms may not withstand the harsh conditions of the Russian climate in the winter season. If they freeze, it will become impossible to open the windows. The design involves single glass, so at sub-zero temperatures the room will be cold.


This type of glazing implies the absence of any frame. Guides with grooves are installed along the top and bottom into which glass is inserted (using special fastening units). The glass fence occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling, offering a beautiful view from the balcony at any time of the year. In this case, the sections are glazed different ways: sliding, hinged, folding.

For panoramic glazing, special strength glass is used, with a special coating to neutralize thermal radiation. It looks beautiful and can provide maximum sound insulation. Has a number of disadvantages:

  • At high temperatures the glass glows and heats the room. Blinds must be provided during installation. During the cold season, it does not retain heat well.
  • The surface requires frequent washing, since dust is clearly visible on it, and water streaks are visible after rain.
  • The structure as a whole is much heavier and more expensive than any other material.
  • Installation involves risk and requires high professionalism, so it should not be done by yourself.

With removal

The essence of the method is that steel profiles are welded to the balcony parapet, on which it is fixed wide window sill. It is the basis that holds the aluminum or plastic structure for glazing the balcony. This glazing is suitable for narrow and small balconies with a strong parapet.

Modified balconies look beautiful (especially if a greenhouse is placed in them), expand the space practically and visually, and have a functional wide window sill.

The disadvantages include that the dead weight plastic structures big enough. It is necessary to correctly assess the current operational condition of the slab and parapet. Aluminum frames have less weight, but they hold heat less well. It will be cold on such a balcony in winter.

With supporting frame

The most difficult method, which involves serious changes in appearance outside balcony and requires a lot of time and several pairs of workers. At the same time, it is also the best, since it allows you to glaze a completely open balcony, which does not even have a canopy, and turn it into a warm living space for the next 15-20 years.

This Soviet-style glazing is popular - despite its labor intensity and heavy weight. Its advantages:

  • A welded steel frame is cheaper than other materials. At the same time, it is characterized by greater strength and wear resistance.
  • Regular bathroom enamel is suitable as a paint coating. It gives a beautiful long-lasting color, shine, reliable protection from corrosion, and costs much less than PVC.
  • Possibility to install a visor. This will not only turn the balcony into a living space, but will also distribute the load across the upper floor and place less load on the balcony slab.
  • You can replace the parapet with a frame. It is easier to install the frame, it costs less, and in appearance it is not inferior to a panoramic balcony in an elite house.
  • The frame can be easily insulated with plasterboard and polystyrene foam.
  • Any type of window can be inserted, from traditional wood to solid glass.
  • Due to the strength of the frame, only the wind load falls on the glass, so they can be made to any width.
  • The problem of the old parapet does not matter. It can be eliminated, and the supporting frame can be made lower or higher than the previous level.


The balcony glazing system is represented by a set of window sashes, a window sill, thermal insulation material (most often foam), external flashings and interior decoration.

The choice of material directly depends on the purpose of the balcony room and determines the final cost of the changes made. If the balcony is used as a place for drying clothes and storing preservatives, it makes sense to give preference to budget materials: lightweight frames made of aluminum or duralumin and single glass. Such a balcony will not be insulated, and the difference with the sub-zero temperature outside will be no more than 6-7 degrees.

If you plan to set up an office on the balcony, game room for children or a place for receiving guests, it is worth choosing more reliable and expensive materials. This will be “full” or “insulating” glazing, which will allow you to use the balcony as a living space at any time of the year or combine it with a room by dismantling the wall between it and the balcony.

Plastic frames

They are convenient because they do not require additional efforts to insulate the balcony. In the case of low-budget repairs, they are suitable simple lungs PVC frames and single glass, massive windows with double glazing. For better sealing, you can foam the cracks.

The choice of type of double-glazed windows determines the final goal of the repair. For any technical characteristics that satisfy the requirements, the basis of windows of this type will be a frame-profile made of polyvinyl chloride. The kit includes all the necessary fittings, as well as a single-layer or multi-layer sealed glass unit.

The frame (static element) is mounted in the window opening, and the “filling” can be chosen at your discretion: in which direction the shutters will open, whether the window will have an impost (transverse slats along a horizontal or vertical line), what will be the slats on which the double-glazed window is attached what kind of glass the windows will be made of.

The most common material for the production of double-glazed windows is four-, five- or six-millimeter glass. A separate group should include “triplex” - double glass with a layer of transparent tape.

A double-glazed window can be single-chamber or double-chamber - depending on the number and parameters of cameras.

The PVC frame from the inside also consists of a number of jumper compartments (stiffening ribs). Their purpose is to create segments in the profile cavity that are filled with air. The more compartments, the higher the heat resistance.

The number, volumes and placement of air segments inside the profile are strictly defined, since some of them are necessary to ensure rigidity, some ensure the outflow of water, and some are needed for fastening fittings.

The level of thermal protection directly depends on the thickness of the glass unit and the distance between them. The warmest will be a balcony that is glazed with double-glazed windows of different thicknesses and at different widths from each other. An important role is played by the seals that are laid along the edge of the glass unit.

As for glass, its properties can be different:

  • reflex reflects Sun rays;
  • reinforced – fire resistant;
  • hardened – impact resistant;
  • colored absorbs solar energy;
  • laminated provides excellent sound insulation (another feature of “triplex” is that with a strong impact it does not break into fragments, but cracks and remains inside the film).

Wooden frames

Their appearance has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, but the trend towards installing wooden frames continues to grow. They have a small number of advantages if you compare them with the same PVC profile: beautiful, natural, environmentally friendly. However, there are not very many disadvantages either - they require high-quality installation and good care. Wood must be treated with special protective solutions and paints, otherwise it will quickly lose its appearance, begin to rot and crumble.

Any glass can be inserted into wooden frames. A cold single one without a seal will make the balcony beautiful, but unsuitable for use in the winter season. Expensive insulated double-glazed windows with a seal will solve two problems at once - both aesthetically and practically.

Stained or pseudo-stained glass looks beautiful in wooden frames. You can order it from a master or do it yourself. This can be done using a stencil printed on a printer and ordinary acrylic paints on glass. If you don’t have the time or desire to be creative, you can purchase a ready-made film stained glass window on any theme in the store.

Aluminum frames

Aluminum profile is the most current option for balcony glazing. This is due to the fact that in most old houses the condition balcony slab and the parapet leaves much to be desired. It is not very safe to install a heavy steel frame on them, but aluminum is quite light and does not put such a load on weak floors.

An aluminum profile is convenient for small balconies. It allows you to save or even expand space by several tens of centimeters (due to the frame with offset). Frames made of this material look aesthetically pleasing and are quite durable. If you paint them with protective enamel, their service life will increase significantly.

The most important advantage is that it allows much more light into the room than a profile made of wood or plastic. And this is especially important if the balcony is used as an additional living space, and not a second storage room.

Precautionary measures

When starting work, first of all you need to think about how to minimize the risk of injury to yourself and passers-by below. A miniature home coffee shop in the spirit of Montmartre is, of course, good, but safety comes first. First of all, it is provided by a safety belt. The industrial one is considered the most reliable, but for one-time work a high-quality sports one is quite suitable.

When choosing a belt, you need to pay attention to the length of the safety cord (cable). It should not be too short so as not to make work difficult, nor too long so that a traumatic jerk does not occur when falling. The optimal length is 2.5 meters.

It is also necessary to take into account the information on the product certificate. The safety belt and carabiner must withstand a load of up to 400 kg. You should not purchase a product without indicating this information and uncertified products.

During repair work, the safety halyard is secured with an anchor pin with a metal collet. The collet must be firmly mounted into the main wall (at least 15 centimeters deep), and the pin must be screwed into it until it stops - using a screwdriver or pry bar.

“With your own hands” does not mean alone. Glass is not only fragile, but also quite heavy, so it is recommended to glaze a balcony yourself with at least one partner.

Once your own safety is ensured, it's time to take care of others. It is unlikely that compensation for damage caused to health from a mount falling on a neighbor’s head is included in the cost estimate for repairing a balcony. The space below should be fenced off with bright construction tape. It is worth warning neighbors on the upper and lower floors about the planned work.


Balcony glazing requires a careful approach. Preparing for repair work carried out in stages:

  • Cleaning. The first thing you need to do is remove things from the balcony, remove the blinds (if they were installed), and eliminate anything that might interfere with work.
  • Grade operational condition. When the balcony is not cluttered, it must be carefully examined inside and out - for damage, dilapidation, broken concrete, cracks, rot. If the condition of the slab and parapet is satisfactory, you can proceed to the next stage.
  • Elimination of defects. During an inspection of the balcony, problems may be discovered during the construction of the house. Before installing the profile and glazing, it is recommended to level out all irregularities and bevels that may complicate the work.
  • Security.

How to glaze a wooden structure: step-by-step instructions

Independent glazing of a balcony with a wooden structure involves the following steps:

  • Preparing the surface for work. Once your balcony has been cleaned, inspected and in order, it's time to get rid of all the interior and exterior coverings. Then you need to remove accumulations of dust and other contaminants.
  • Measurements. The accuracy of window opening measurements determines how well the frame will fit to the base, so it is important to be extremely careful and double-check the resulting values.
  • Installation of a wooden “box”. The "box" consists of wooden beams, forming the base for the frame. It is fixed at the level of the existing balcony railings and the top beam. The side bars are mounted to the left and right surfaces of the wall. All beams are secured with metal brackets.
  • Installation of sheathing for interior decoration balcony If this step is included in the renovation, it is carried out right up to the glazing of the balcony. When the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling is covered with panels or lining, you can begin installing windows.
  • Installation of frames. Before glazing begins, the glass must be inserted into the frames and secured. They are made to order (according to custom sizes), purchased ready-made or made independently - from profiled wooden beams with grooves.

The glass is inserted into these grooves, pressed with slats and fixed with nails on three sides.

  • Treatment of cracks with insulating materials. Even with the most careful preparation, it is impossible to assemble frames without any gaps, as good designer. There will definitely be gaps that need to be treated with tow or foam.
  • Installation of platbands. It is carried out after thermal insulation, in no case before.
  • Processing of wooden frames protective equipment. The coating protecting against moisture is applied in 5-6 layers. The frame can then be patched, painted, or left clean.

Installation of metal-plastic

The most affordable type of glazing without the help of a specialist. During the installation and installation process you will need: drill, screwdrivers, hammer, spatula, knife, self-tapping screws, polyurethane foam.

Algorithm of actions step by step:

  • Preparing the slats. 10-15 fragments with an area of ​​4 by 4 cm, which are needed to align the parapet line and correctly align the windows along the horizon.
  • Removing the glass unit from the frame. The manufacturer delivers a solid structure made of PVC and double-glazed windows, but before installing the frame, the glass must be removed, otherwise the frame will not be liftable.

You should remove the double-glazed windows carefully, placing them in a row against the wall. For reliability, you can cover it with soft cloth or thin foam rubber.

  • Removing sashes from window hinges.
  • Installation of the stand profile. This is a mandatory element of the kit, necessary for ease of installation of the window sill. Its height is only 20 mm and cannot be installed without a stand profile.

To install the profile, you need to rotate the frame 180 degrees, insert it into the groove, and secure it to the underside of the frame with a wooden (not steel) hammer.

  • Installation of frame fastenings. Stepping back 15 cm from each edge of the frame, fasten the plates to the top panel using a hammer and self-tapping screws 3 cm long.
  • Installation of windows. The most difficult moment at this stage is fixing the frames to the parapet. It is necessary to do this with assistants so that the frame does not “peek out” beyond the perimeter. It is important to note that the self-tapping screws are not driven into the dowel, but screwed.

After fixing the upper level, the frame will hold quite securely. Then you can fasten the remaining sides, connecting them using self-tapping screws at a distance of approximately 6 cm.

The connected frames are leveled using a level and plumb line.

  • Treatment of cracks and gaps from the outside.
  • Window sill installation.
  • Installation of slopes and ebbs. At the same stage, the window perimeter and joints are treated with silicone.
  • Installation of double-glazed windows according to the instructions.
  • Hanging the sashes.

How to glaze a balcony with sliding windows, see the following video:

Frameless method

Aesthetic frameless glazing is chosen when it is necessary to let in maximum sunlight into the room. It is a sliding system made of impact-resistant glass (transparent, tinted or stained glass). There are no frames or partitions, and the glass at the top and bottom is attached to metal rail profiles.

On the lower profile, under the outer sash, there is a fixing tape, which is needed so that the open sashes do not touch each other.

Such a balcony can hardly be warm, because it will not be possible to fit the glass to each other without gaps. The only way to reduce gaps is with acrylic inter-glass seals. They are included in the kit and are designed to be placed over the edges of the glass, like covers.

The system is equipped with rubber seals that are laid outside - between the doors and aluminum profile. They are necessary in case of wet snow and rain.

The system seems quite light, but at the same time it is very durable (due to the thick glass) and perfectly protects from precipitation, wind, and noise. The thickness of the glass is selected in accordance with the height of the balcony. For a height of over 200 cm, a thickness of at least 8 mm is required; for a height of less than 2 m, 6 cm is sufficient. The width of the sashes varies between 60-80 cm.

Hello dear reader!

Glazed balconies are not uncommon, and in most cases they are a necessity. In some houses this design is provided by the developers, in others the residents themselves do the glazing. Of course, a glazed balcony helps solve a lot of everyday issues.

On the one hand, this is an additional room that allows you to relax after work, admire the scenery from the windows, dry clothes, store a lot of things, etc.

However, before you decide to install a window frame, you should figure out whether it is possible to glaze the balcony in your apartment.

The fact is that glazing a balcony, although not considered a redevelopment, is equated to it! This means it requires paperwork to be completed at the BTI. In some cases, making any changes to the appearance of the building is problematic or completely impossible:

  • Your house is an architectural monument.
  • The balcony is located on the façade of the building and faces the “red line” of the street.
  • You have an old house that will sooner or later be demolished.
  • The use of flammable materials when glazing a balcony: wooden frames, flammable insulation, etc.

In order to obtain permission from the BTI, you need to draw up an application and attach to it a schematic image of the future balcony glazing. This must be done in accordance with the letter of the law. In practice, government agencies often turn a blind eye to the glazing of the balcony, as well as to the installation of air conditioners on the facade of the building.

Is it necessary to glaze the balcony?

Many of those who have open balconies think about this, because such non-residential space can only be used in warm weather. A glazed balcony expands the possibilities of its use:

  • Protected from wind and rain, it can be used to store many things, from work tools to bicycles and skis.
  • The finished room can be used for drying clothes.
  • An enclosed balcony allows you to enjoy the views outside the window in rainy or snowy weather.
  • The balcony frame protects against drafts.
  • Glass will protect your lungs from street dust and debris.
  • The presence of glazing is an additional barrier for residential thieves.

If you are thinking about glazing your balcony, it is useful to learn about your options.

Choosing glazing for a balcony

Today there are many glazing options that differ from each other not only in their use various materials and type of construction, but also price.

Whether to glass the balcony using an aluminum frame or use a heavy PVC double-glazed window is up to you, but only after assessing the condition of your balcony’s external slab.

Aluminum glazing

Aluminum frames are an aesthetic and inexpensive type of modern glazing.

Aluminum structures have their pros and cons.

  • Acceptable price. One of the main advantages of this glazing option is its relatively low cost. The price of aluminum glazing is more expensive than wooden (carpentry) balcony structures, but much more affordable than plastic ones.
  • Weight. The low weight of the aluminum frame allows it to be used in those houses in which there is a ban on significant weighting of the external slab.
  • Fire safety. Using a balcony frame made of this material, you can forget about the spontaneous combustion of the balcony. In the worst case scenario, the material will melt when exposed to direct flame.
  • Ergonomics. Aluminum balcony glazing allows rational use of room space. Sliding systems made of aluminum make the process of ventilation and window cleaning convenient.
  • Durability. The aluminum profile is durable. A frame made of this material can last up to 80 years on average.

Despite its many advantages, aluminum glazing has several disadvantages.

One of the main disadvantages of such balcony structures is low thermal insulation (cold glazing). If it is important for you to have the same temperature as in the living room, you will need to glaze the balcony with PVC windows (panoramic glazing), or make masonry and heat the glazed room. For remote slabs of balconies, this is fraught with collapse, because The slab is not designed for such a load. Warm PVC glazing is only suitable! for loggias and balconies of new buildings.

PVC windows

Plastic glazing has the best technical characteristics.

  • Warm. High thermal insulation created using plastic structures allows you to turn your balcony into a warm and cozy room.
  • Quality. Good tightness protects against moisture, precipitation, street dust and debris.
  • Durability. Plastic frames are characterized by high durability and will serve more than one generation of residents of your apartment.
  • Noise absorption. It will significantly reduce the amount of noise even on a balcony that faces a noisy road.

Good characteristics make plastic frames the most expensive option for balcony glazing.

I repeat, plastic warm frames are only suitable for loggias and balconies of new buildings, because... their weight significantly exceeds the maximum permissible load on the remote slab of balconies.

Is it possible to glass a balcony in winter?

Many apartment owners cannot decide when it is better to glaze the balcony. The main season for performing such work is in warm time of the year. However, you can also glass your balcony in winter. The main advantage of glazing a balcony in winter is its low cost! In winter, the price of windows and installation work much lower than in the season. In addition, the cold season allows you to instantly identify design and installation flaws.

Answering the question: “Is it possible to glaze a balcony?”, I will say - it all depends on the characteristics of your house, the condition of the external slab and parapet. In this matter, it is imperative to consult with specialists (measurers and designers). Based on this, you should make a decision and then select correct option glazing.

I wish that your future balcony will be an excellent addition to your cozy apartment!
Tatyana, glazing manager

Hello readers! Today we’ll talk about balcony glazing. There are plenty of options. From conventional glazing with PVC windows, to frameless and sliding Sliders. Many clients come for the service without the slightest understanding of what kind of glazing they want.

At first they just want to close the balcony from rain and wind, and by the end of the conversation they already want to drink tea on it in winter. The type of glazing depends on the operating conditions. If you also don’t know how to glaze your balcony, read my article. I hope it turns out to be useful.

Glazing of balconies and loggias in modern apartments solves several problems at once: increasing the safety of the home, increasing the reliability of protection from rain and snow, increasing the area, solving interior problems in the same style. There are a great many glazing options.

Often, aluminum profiles or fairly popular plastic windows are used for these purposes. The most popular are frameless or panoramic glazing. This article contains everything about the types of glazing of balconies, advantages and disadvantages, consumer reviews. For those who have not yet decided which type of glazing to choose for their own balcony, a photo will help.

Cold glazing

The frequent use of the cold method is evident in balconies, which are located in public places and act as a source of fresh air. Due to its reliability and durability, this method is often used in the improvement of ordinary residential apartments.

Cold glazing will become excellent option for those for whom the issue of heat preservation is not in the foreground. Aluminum profiles reliably prevent precipitation from settling in the room and tightly close the balcony opening. Their use in residential and other adjacent premises will provide a comfortable microclimate. In addition, aluminum is a fairly light metal that is quite resistant to damage, is fireproof, and installation of such structures is carried out in the shortest possible time.

Warm glazing

This type of glazing is suitable for people who prefer to transform their balcony into a full-fledged, warm living space or simply to use the space as a winter garden or workplace.

This glazing method uses plastic and aluminum (with thermal inserts) windows that are completely sealed, which makes it possible to forget about such unpleasant moments as precipitation and drafts. These systems have a pleasant appearance, which makes them compatible with any room interior. Therefore, examples of such glazing always delight with their practicality and beauty.

Another important point should be noted: despite the fact that the pricing policy of the above types of glazing is quite high, their cost is fully recouped by their service life (about 30 years). For example, the use of wood for glazing requires certain maintenance, but for modern aluminum and PVC windows there is no such need.

They are quite easy to care for - you just need to wipe them occasionally with a damp soft cloth using a non-abrasive cleaner. detergent. Another little tip: when choosing suitable option glazing of the balcony space, determine the presence of a micro-ventilation system - this will help you forget about the problem associated with the formation of condensation on window structures.

If you have already decided to glaze your balcony, but have no idea where to start, then this article will give you a lot of useful information, so to speak, the basics, by which you will definitely be able to determine the glazing option you need. If your only needs are protection from wind and dust, then cold glazing will be an excellent solution.

If your dreams are connected with a warm and cozy place to relax, then you definitely need to choose warm look glazing. Moreover, both of these options can be produced using different materials, which differ from each other and have their pros and cons.

Pros and cons of cold and warm glazing

In order to make a choice, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of each type:

Cold glazing

  • The space is perfectly protected from dirt and precipitation;
  • Installation takes place in the shortest possible time;
  • Does not require huge material investments.
  • There is no way to fully use the space;
  • Low sound insulation;
  • Not very comfortable temperature regime.

Warm glazing

  • This results in additional usable space in the apartment;
  • Optimal temperature conditions;
  • You can implement interesting design ideas;
  • Good sound insulation.
  • Requires large material costs;
  • It is necessary to take into account the limiting load of the concrete slab and in no case exceed it;
  • If the balcony is located on the top floor, then you will also need to install and insulate the roof;
  • Requires special care, otherwise the glazing will lose its presentable appearance after some time;
  • Repair work takes more time.

Types of glazing

These two groups can be divided into several subgroups by type:

  • traditional (classical) glazing;
  • French glazing (French balcony);
  • installation of metal-plastic structures (“Euro-glazing”).

The first type of glazing is the veranda type - window, bearing wall or a parapet below it. With this option, the window frame is attached to a steel barrier, which is found on almost all balconies. Before assembling the window, it is necessary to complete all finishing work on the outside. Important aspect when installing such glazing: it is worth conscientiously foaming all existing holes so that the steel fence does not become a conductor of cold air into the room.

The second type is floor-to-ceiling windows. The wall or parapet under the window is dismantled, glass is attached to the floor and ceiling. With such glazing, it will be necessary to coordinate the project, because you are actually changing the appearance of the facade of the house.

The third option is a higher quality, reliable type of glazing. When installing metal-plastic windows(if the permissible load on the concrete slab allows), additional heat and sound insulation is achieved. In addition, you can insulate the room and use it as a full-fledged living room, the temperature in which will not differ from the temperature of the rest of the apartment, provided that all existing walls, as well as the floor, ceiling are waterproofed and insulated, heating is carried out (warm floors, electric heating devices, exhaust main heating). With these options, you are guaranteed the warmth and comfort of a balcony room.

Options for opening balcony windows

When approaching glazing responsibly, you should also think about the ways in which the windows will open. There are three main systems:

  • sliding;
  • swing;
  • with no frames.

Balcony glazing options with a sliding transom system are used when installing frames made of aluminum profiles with single glass or double-glazed windows. With this option, sliding frames save usable area on balconies when opening the window, but do not provide sufficient tightness. Accordingly, heat and sound insulation will not be at the highest level.

When open, they take up little space. Thanks to this, they are excellent for glazing small balconies and loggias.


  • At strong wind You don’t have to worry about the window slamming shut. Accordingly, there is no need to secure it.
  • An open door will not accidentally damage furniture.
  • Convenience and ease of care.
  • Sliding glazing systems are practically not subject to atmospheric influences.
  • High tightness. Sliding balconies do not allow moisture, dust, or dirt to pass through.
  • Durable service life.


  • Insufficient thermal insulation compared to PVC windows.
  • When using single glazing, there is poor thermal insulation.
  • Low noise insulation due to the lack of a multi-chamber profile and multi-layer double-glazed windows.

Hinged opening is more common: metal-plastic windows open with several ventilation modes. When glazing a balcony space, it is worth considering the load created by the structure.

Due to the weight of the fittings, metal-plastic windows with a hinged sash opening system are heavier than aluminum or wooden structures with a similar opening system.

Advantages of swing glazing systems

  • High level of sound insulation.
  • Ensuring comfortable temperature conditions throughout the year.
  • Easy to use and maintain thanks to the tilt-and-turn opening.
  • Reliability and durability with proper installation and operation.
  • Ensuring high tightness of the balcony and good heat retention.
  • Stylish appearance, which provides a harmonious addition to the interior of the building and significantly improves the facade of the building.


  • High price. Glazing balconies with plastic windows is a rather expensive method. It is advisable to use it if you need to do warm room. If the temperature on the balcony is cooler, you can opt for a cheaper type of glazing.
  • High weight of the structure. Plastic windows have a significant mass and require a solid base for their installation. In older houses, for example in Khrushchev-era buildings, it is necessary to strengthen the balcony structures.

Frameless glazing of the balcony offers a panoramic view, which is suitable for houses located in picturesque areas. Despite the high cost, this type of glazing overshadows the traditional use of window frames - more and more people prefer this option.

Frameless glazing has many advantages:

  • originality of appearance
  • high light transmittance
  • using thick 6-8 mm tempered glass
  • ease of movement of the structure

But there are also disadvantages:

  • this is cold glazing that will not protect it from the cold;
  • with this option it is impossible to insulate the loggia;
  • transparency;
  • installation of mosquito nets is not provided;
  • poor sound insulation and tightness.

Which windows are best to put on the balcony?

Let's look at several options for glazing an external structure based on materials.


Initially, to protect the loggia from precipitation, wind and to partially reduce heat loss, ordinary window frames were installed on the fence. Standard wood was used for their manufacture, and the structures themselves were assembled using tenons and wood glue.

In such windows, single glass 4 mm thick was most often installed and secured with wooden glazing beads. This design did not provide proper tightness, so heat loss through this unit was significant.

Another disadvantage of conventional wooden windows was the loose pressing of the sash to the frame. Even when using sealing tapes made of porous material, the blowing was noticeable, because the temperature on the balcony rarely exceeded the street temperature by more than 8 - 100C.

Among the advantages of traditional wooden carpentry, I would name low cost (although plastic of the “if only it was” level costs about the same) and low weight. In general, wooden frames with single glazing should only be installed if energy saving is not important - for example, on a balcony country house, which is used only in the warm season.

If heat conservation is important, then instead of conventional frames it is worth installing structures made of timber - the so-called Euro-windows. For the manufacture of their load-bearing elements, laminated veneer lumber is used, which is given a certain shape (profiling), and a sealed glass unit is used for glazing.


Windows used for glazing balconies and loggias are in contact with the environment for a long time. To protect wood from moisture, aluminum linings are used, which are installed at the junction of frames and sashes from the outside.

Such windows are not inferior to metal-plastic ones in terms of heat transfer resistance, while maintaining all the advantages of wood - primarily environmental friendliness and attractive appearance. But in any case, wooden structures require periodic protective treatment with water-repellent impregnations or varnishes - otherwise, sooner or later the frames will swell and become deformed.

Plastic windows

And yet, wood is not used so often for our purposes - old woodwork has modest performance indicators, while modern euro-windows based on bursa are quite expensive. So, much more often the glazing of loggias with windows is performed using metal-plastic structures:

  • The window frame, consisting of frames and sashes (opening parts), is made from a multi-chamber profile reinforced with greasy elements with a thickness of 1.2 to 2.5 mm.
  • The frames and sashes are equipped with one or more double-glazed windows, providing high level energy saving. To reduce the thermal conductivity of glazing, in the last 8–10 years, so-called energy-saving glass coated with metals (tin or silver) has been used, as well as filling the chambers between the glasses with inert gas.
  • The pressing of the opening sashes to the frame is ensured by the operation of a special mechanism - fittings. The same mechanism allows you to open the doors slightly for ventilation with different intensities.

The high versatility of metal-plastic windows and a wide range of components provide them with a number of advantages:

  • PVC windows with steel reinforcement have excellent performance characteristics - they retain heat well, can be used as sun screens, and protect the balcony well from loud sounds.
  • Mechanical strength directly depends on the type of profile and reinforcement, therefore, even if we need floor-to-ceiling windows (i.e. glazing like a “French” balcony - from the top to the bottom floor without a parapet), we can find a suitable option.
  • Installing fittings expands the functionality of the products, while ensuring not only the convenience of ventilation in different modes, but also safety. Anti-burglary fittings quite effectively resist attempts to “squeeze” the sash from the frame from the outside, and it is worth installing on balconies first and foremost. top floors, and also if the balcony window opens onto an entrance or other publicly accessible area.
  • Finally, for installation you can choose not only standard white, but also colored (laminated with film or painted in the paste) windows - glazing balconies with such structures allows you to transform the room not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

The disadvantages include the appearance of the balcony - not everyone likes plastic surfaces, even if they are laminated to wood.
Well, the price, of course, is directly related to the functional parameters: if we want truly effective glazing, we will have to pay, and a lot.

Aluminum structures

If the size of the balcony exceeds 5-6 m in width, aluminum should be used instead of plastic. Aluminum structures on our market are presented in two versions - cold and warm:

  • “Cold” aluminum windows are assembled on frames made only from aluminum profiles. As a rule, one or two separate glasses are used for glazing, since the main purpose of these structures is protection from precipitation and wind.
  • The most popular form of “cold” glazing using aluminum is sliding. The moving parts of the frame are installed on a special guide profile and can be moved to the side, opening the opening. Naturally, it is almost impossible to ensure complete tightness in this case, so when filling gaps, they are usually limited to installing dust caps.
  • “Accordions” are also often made from sleek aluminum - folding frames that can be assembled in one place, completely opening the opening. This kind of transformable glazing is usually installed on terraced balconies. private houses: in an ordinary apartment the need for such a complex structure almost never arises.

An alternative to “cold” is “warm” aluminum:

  • Structurally, the windows replicate metal-plastic products - their frames and sashes are of similar shape (adjusted for material), the double-glazed windows and fittings used are almost identical.
  • The peculiarity is that aluminum conducts heat well, and in order to prevent the frame or sash from becoming “cold bridges”, a polymer insert is added to them - the so-called thermal break.
  • Even with a thermal break, aluminum windows are inferior to plastic ones in terms of heat saving efficiency. But at the same time, the strength of the structure will be much higher, so if we need to glaze an object that experiences significant wind loads, then I usually make a choice in favor of aluminum.

Final comparison of glazing characteristics depending on material

Kinds Advantages Flaws
Plastic easy to clean;
high heat capacity;
good noise insulation;
low cost;
easy installation;
aesthetic appearance.
Heavy weight;
Complete tightness with closed windows.
Wooden made from environmentally friendly materials;
beautiful appearance;
light weight;
increased level of thermal insulation.
High price;
Mandatory regular care, periodic varnishing of the product;
If not properly cared for, it quickly loses its original appearance.
Aluminum a budget option;
light weight;
presentable appearance;
varied colors;
resistance to spontaneous destruction as a result of physical and chemical interaction with the environment;
environmental friendliness;
fire resistance;
misses a large number of sunlight.
The cost of the structure is significant in the case of laying a thermal bridge;
Low level of sound insulation.

Glazing of balconies with a roof

Construction of the upper ceiling of a balcony is a difficult and time-consuming process, requiring correct and accurate measurements of the structure. Before construction, it is necessary to obtain permits from the administrative and economic body for the management of residential buildings. Moreover, construction work is carried out at heights, which implies complexity and a certain risk. Therefore, workers must have special training.

Derivatives of steel sheets are used as the outer covering of the roof, in particular, thin metallized sheets with longitudinal recesses in the form of a wave. The building material used in this capacity is coated with a layer of zinc and is called laminated corrugated sheeting.

When glazing balconies, most builders prefer inexpensive profiled roofing sheets. its choice is explained by the fact that it is rigid enough to withstand any load without subsequently changing the original shape.

As a rule, corrugated sheeting is mounted as a load-bearing roof. In this case, installation of auxiliary brackets is not required. The main disadvantage of this coating is that it needs to be covered soft roof for the purpose of sound insulation. However, the cost of work will be high due to the installation of a rigid frame.

It is possible to glaze the roof itself. For this purpose they use cellular polycarbonate or double-glazed windows made of durable glass.

Features of the structure of balcony roofs

Balcony roof structures can be dependent or independent. The first type of upper ceiling of the balcony is erected at the same time as its glazing. The roof is attached to the frame block and the vertical enclosing part of the house. The result is an insulated balcony.

The canopy is mounted to the wall thanks to the cantilever support part. It is possible to install it separately from the glazing of the protruding part of the building. Roofs of this type are covered only with building materials with low weight.

An independent roof cannot be installed on the extreme floors of buildings due to the fact that it is not able to withstand large amounts of snow.

Is it necessary or not to obtain permission to glaze a balcony?

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about glazing. There is an open balcony, there are many manufacturers various systems, and most importantly – there is a desire! Take it and do it! But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Whether the glazing needs to be approved is not even a question. Actually agree with government agencies necessary because this is a redevelopment.

Where to start? First, see if there are glazed balconies on the facade of your house. If so, talk to the owners of these apartments and find out what they did in this case. Thus, you will find answers to at least two questions:

  • What authorities should you go through to get permission to glaze your balcony yourself?
  • Where exactly are these authorities located? (Street, house, office).

This way you can save time and nerves when searching.

It is also possible that the neighbors did not apply for any permission at all. But you should not follow their example. Sooner or later there will be a need to carry out some real estate transactions. Changing the design of a balcony can become an obstacle when performing notarial transactions with real estate.

If there are no glazed balconies on the façade of the house, you will be the first! Therefore, you should know how to go through the permitting procedure for glazing a balcony.

In different cities and regions of the country, the list of necessary approvals may differ slightly, but in general it is as follows:

BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory). Here we provide a project for changes to the balcony design. The project must be completed by a company licensed to perform the relevant type of work.

Architectural and planning management. In this institution we coordinate the issues of changing the facade of the house.

District department of state fire supervision. This department will definitely take an interest in how unhindered the possibility of evacuation is, how fire-resistant the glazing structures are and how they generally affect the fire resistance of the building.

Sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Here they will check whether the building is being used for its intended purpose and compliance with sanitary standards.

Directorate of Building Operations. Controls influence changes made for the operation of the building.

Housing inspection. Here the lucky person will receive a positive expert opinion on the compliance of the changes made with SNiP standards and other regulatory documents.

The last step is an interdepartmental commission. After submitting all the documents, he issues a long-suffering permit to carry out work on glazing the balcony.

An apartment with a balcony is always an advantage. After all, a balcony can be perceived not only as a place for drying clothes or storing supplies for the winter, but also as a space that expands the area of ​​the apartment. But if it is not glazed, then its functionality immediately decreases.

Such a balcony cannot be used in the cold season or in rainy weather, and garbage, cigarette butts and other “troubles” are constantly falling onto the balcony space from above. Therefore, it is wiser to glaze your balcony, thus making it an ideal place to relax and store your belongings. You will learn about what types of glazing exist and how to do it yourself from this article.

Cold and warm methods

Glazing of a loggia or balcony can be done using the warm or cold method.

Since the times of the Soviet Union, the cold method has become more popular. If you do not plan to use the space as an alternative to living space (for example, place a study or mini-greenhouse there), then you can choose just this option. Glazing the balcony in this way allows you to protect it from street dust and dirt, as well as from all kinds of debris that often flies in or falls from the upper floors. The temperature with this type of glazing will be significantly below room temperature, but above zero. In winter you won’t be able to fully relax here, but in summer you can set up an armchair and table without fear that the sudden rain will ruin your tea party.

Also, on such a balcony it will be convenient to store preparations for the winter and all kinds of vegetables or fruits. Cool temperatures are great for keeping all foods in good condition and not spoiling.

You can glaze a balcony in this way using durable wooden frames or aluminum profiles. It can be complemented by opening doors different types. Traditional options - rotary or swing-and-turn sashes. More modern - sliding.

For cold balcony glazing, simple wooden frames with pivoting sashes complemented by single glass are most often chosen. They are not too expensive, and pleasantly please with their environmental friendliness. But we must remember that wood has a huge drawback - it requires constant care.

If exposed to rain or bad weather, the tree can deteriorate very quickly. It will deteriorate and rot over time, so this option is considered very impractical. However, if you choose expensive and high-quality wood, treated with special solutions, then you will not have to worry about the condition of your balcony for several years, or even decades in a row. In addition, wooden frames can be independently coated with special solutions or painted.

It is better to insulate a small balcony using a simple aluminum profile with sliding doors. Doors with roller mechanisms save space. However, this type of glazing is not always possible. To do this, you need coordination with professionals who will tell you whether you can implement sliding glazing in your apartment.

Another disadvantage of sliding sashes is that they are not very well suited to our climate. In severe frosts, the mechanism that ensures the normal operation of sliding sashes may freeze, and you will no longer be able to breathe fresh air by opening the balcony window.

In addition to cold glazing, there is also warm glazing. It provides for the installation of frames with double glass. This allows you to make a glazed balcony almost a full-fledged room. To install a profile with double glass, you no longer need any additional permission. Repairs and upholstery can be carried out independently, without the help of specialists.

Reviews confirm that a balcony glazed in this way really helps to expand the living space. There you can lay laminate flooring, glue wallpaper and use additional decorative products. Thus, inner space The balcony will become as cozy as any other room in your apartment. Just as we insulate the balcony, we also need to take care that it doesn’t get too hot there in the summer. This can be solved using simple air conditioner, which is not difficult to choose.

Frame materials

Today, different materials are used to decorate balconies. The most common of them are plastic, wood and aluminum. An option such as full glass or even mirror coating is also used. To figure out which is best for you, check out the pros and cons of each.


The easiest and most affordable is glazing using plastic. Simple plastic frame with a double-chamber or even single-chamber double-glazed window will make your balcony quite cozy and warm. In addition, it will provide proper sound insulation and irritating sounds from the street will not interfere with your rest and sleep.

This “economy” option is also good because even without additional painting it looks attractive and well-groomed. The disadvantages of PVC coating include its heavy weight. Also, they often try to deceive consumers by slipping poor quality material at an attractive price. To avoid such a bad purchase, try to contact trusted manufacturers.


Another popular option is glazing the balcony with an aluminum profile. It is significantly lighter than plastic and much thinner. Externally, these two options are very similar, since most often the aluminum profile is available in a universal white color. But for an additional payment you can order any other color.

You can find aluminum profiles with cold or warm type of glazing. In the first case, the aluminum base is supplemented with single glass, and in the second case it is supplemented with a so-called thermal bridge. This is a special thermal insulating insert that allows you to retain maximum heat in the room. The design with a metal profile is much lighter than a plastic one.

The only drawback is that high-quality aluminum glazing will cost you twice as much as plastic.


The most budget-friendly project is a glazed balcony, complemented by wooden frames. Naturally, with wood you get cold glazing. And such a design will not be able to fully protect your balcony from cold and noise. But for a family with a small budget, this option is quite suitable.

You can also consider an option such as partial glazing with wood. The combination of metal and wooden frames allows you to save money without sacrificing quality. And visually this combination looks very good.


If you decide to glaze your balcony, please note that this can be done in several ways. In addition to insulation, glass on a balcony can also perform a decorative function, making the room brighter, or diluting its design, the main thing is to install it correctly.


The brightest will be a balcony with huge windows covering the entire wall. Panoramic glazing of a balcony involves the use of exclusively glass. In this case, no frames are installed, and the entire space from floor to ceiling consists entirely of transparent glass.

This design looks interesting due to the fact that it seems as if there is no glass at all, and creates the illusion of a completely open space. By expanding the space in this way, you will get an excellent room for relaxation or creating a small winter garden.

For panoramic glazing of the balcony, specially processed glass is used. It is coated with a special metal oxide. The glass itself should be thick enough or even double. In this case, it will not only not be subject to all kinds of mechanical damage, but will also hold out cold and noise well.

This type of glazing is often used in rooms with a non-standard design. A balcony treated in this way looks very beautiful. Classic balconies, as well as round or semicircular ones, can be glazed in this way. This design option is more often used in new buildings located in the city center or North-Eastern Administrative District, rather than in Stalinist or Khrushchev-era buildings.

You can find materials for glazing a balcony in this way using materials from Rehau or VEKA. Both brands produce not only Euro windows, but also high-quality double-glazed windows for the entire wall that will last you a long time. Here you can find and glass doors, and full double-glazed windows used for glazing the front part of the balcony.


Another one interesting system– a combination of high-quality double-glazed windows with frames made of transparent aluminum profile. This frameless glazing is very similar to the previous option, but cheaper and more practical.

Floor-length sliding glass, complemented by thin aluminum frames, looks good and modern. You can find materials for this glazing option from many Finnish or German brands. In addition, good seamless aluminum sliding profiles are produced by companies such as Avangard or Provedal.


By using external glazing, you can further increase the space of the balcony. Extended glass can be used both in new buildings and in standard houses of the KOPE series. For small-sized rooms, better known as “boat” windows, windows from the SLIDORS company are optimal. If you want to support domestic manufacturer, then pay attention to the Kaleva company.

Speaking about the appearance of balconies, one cannot fail to mention different kinds decoration of glass surfaces. Glass can be decorated with tinting. “Bus” glass of this type can be ordered, for example, from the Comfort Plus company. Tinting the glass will cost extra money, but the effect provided by such a coating is pleasantly pleasing: your balcony will be hidden from prying eyes, and the glass will acquire an unusual shade.

Another interesting option– stained glass consisting of small colored parts. Stained glass can be a separate insert on the balcony glass, or even the entire window space. It all depends on your preferences and what your budget is. Professionals from many companies, for example, Stroy, can glaze a balcony in this way.

Do it yourself

But glazing a balcony does not always require the help of specialists. You can glaze your balcony yourself. If you don’t know the best and most correct way to do this, then we offer you simple instructions.

Calculation and measurements

Whatever type of glazing you choose, the very first stage on which the final result depends is taking measurements. To ensure accurate measurements, first dismantle all old parts of the glazing. Such preparation will allow the installation of a new structure from scratch. After this, you can proceed to making the necessary calculations.

First, using a tape measure, measure the height from the parapet to the ceiling. In case of panoramic glazing- from the floor. Then measure the distance between the walls. As a rule, this space is from three to 6 meters wide.

The horizontality of the parapet also needs to be double-checked. This is done using a level. The location of the bisector must be perfectly level. If the parapet is even slightly uneven, then the frame you purchased may simply not fit. When you have this information in your hands, you can, using a calculator and the requirements of modern GOST, calculate how much materials you will need.

However, professional firms still send their specialists to the site. So, regardless of whether you calculated everything yourself, they will still do it for you. Such a double check is necessary to make sure that the material you have chosen is suitable in terms of weight and fastening features for installation in your apartment. After all, very often we focus not on existing realities, but on some pictures that inspire us to repair. And the result of repairs in these cases is very disappointing.

In some cases, to glaze a balcony, you may need to remodel the room, replace individual structural parts, or, for example, dismantle the parapet.

Preparatory work

The first stage of glazing a balcony is preparation. The technology for different balconies is different. When glazing balconies in a private house and in a five-story building, the process will be different. So, in a panel “Khrushchev” building, balconies are usually not very strong. Therefore, they should be strengthened by sealing the gap in the parapet using a fixed galvanized sheet.