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» What pills to take to delay menstruation. Safe ways to delay your period by a few days. Nettle decoction

What pills to take to delay menstruation. Safe ways to delay your period by a few days. Nettle decoction

Tell me, how can an athlete show high results with pads and tampons? And what about a ballerina, a dancer during a responsible performance? What if you still have heavy periods? Catastrophe!

How to delay or at least delay the onset of menstruation? If for our mothers and grandmothers this was an insoluble problem, now in the medical arsenal there are a lot of solutions in tablet form. To make it clear, let's first understand what happens in the female body during menstruation.

Menstrual cycle

The whole cycle is divided into three periods. In the first, the maturation of the main follicle begins, and therefore the phase is called follicular.

In the second, under the influence of hormones, the egg is released. This usually happens two weeks after the start of the cycle. At this time, the female cell is completely ready to meet with the sperm. It should be noted that all this process is “managed” by hormones. Whether the egg is fertilized or not, the uterus prepares for its implantation. The level of hormones increases: progesterone, estradiol and androgens. If this meeting did not happen, the reverse process begins: the amount of hormones drops sharply, the uterus contracts and rejects the outer layers of the endometrium. Menstruation is coming.

The conclusion suggests itself: if the arrival of menstruation is associated with a decrease in the amount of sex hormones, it must be increased. The safest drugs for raising hormonal levels are contraceptives.

Video: "Phases of the menstrual cycle"

How can birth control pills delay my period?

The entire monthly cycle usually lasts about 28 days. Contraceptive pills are developed in two versions: mono- and three-phase. Both types contain hormones in safe amounts.

With a three-phase intake, pills with a certain content are taken at different periods of the cycle. As long as the level of hormones in the body is high, menstruation does not occur. Regardless of the type of OK, after 21 days they stop taking them. Accordingly, there is a hormonal decline in the body. As a result, a logical outcome occurs in a few days - menstruation.

How to delay menstruation for at least a week, taking contraceptives?

The idea is this: if menstruation comes due to a hormonal decline, then it means that you need to continue taking the pills. And all this time, the deceived organism is intensively preparing for bearing a child. As soon as you decide that it's time to stop experimenting on yourself, menstruation comes a few days later.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are combined and non-combined. The latter are safer, since they do not contain estrogens. But with this method, it is necessary to use some other means of contraception (barrier and others).

Combination OCs contain synthetic progestogen and estrogen. You will be offered a lot of such drugs in a pharmacy. In composition, they differ little.

If a woman uses androgen-containing drugs as contraceptives (Yarina, Diane-35), then in this case, the reception should be extended for several days. All this time and 3 days later there will be no menstruation. By the way, some women like these drugs because of their positive effect on the skin, hair and nails.

Some are interested, but can the drug Duphaston delay menstruation? Duphaston and other gestagen-containing drugs - Utrozhestan, Norkolut - are taken in the third part of the menstrual cycle (the last three days). First, one tablet, and on the last day - two. After stopping the intake (no more than a week), menstruation comes.

Such methods of delaying menstruation can be used no more than twice a year. It is advisable not to increase the cycle for more than a week, since dishormonal disorders in your body can be provoked.

Often women resort to such a fairly serious contraceptive as Postinor. Yes, after taking it, menstruation can really be delayed. But the consequences of such interference are unpredictable.

The fact is that Postinor is a drug for emergency abortion, for example, after rape or an error in protection. It contains a colossal dose of the hormone, which causes a malfunction in the body. Therefore, in this case, the end, as they say, does not justify the means.

Another way to delay menstruation is the use of hemostatic drugs. Usually Dicinon and Vikasol are used. Taking funds at the very beginning of bleeding stops it literally on the first day. But! These drugs have nothing to do with hormonal changes. Their action is limited only to vessels. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using medications to delay menstruation. Only as a last resort with heavy menstruation and no more than once a year!

How can you delay or delay menstruation with the help of folk remedies?

Some women, for the purpose of delaying menstruation, resort to a variety of traditional medicine. On the forums in the reviews, you will read different opinions about a particular plant: it helped someone, but not someone.

Immediately make a reservation that from a medical point of view, these tips are unproven. But since folk remedies are much safer than synthetic drugs, you can try. So, top natural remedies:

  • Nettle. Known since ancient times as a hemostatic plant. You can brew and take a glass three times a day. This plant should not be taken by people who have a threat of thrombosis, as nettle thickens the blood;
  • water pepper. The active substance is vitamin K. It is necessary to start taking the decoction a few days before the expected period of menstruation. Drink half a glass half a glass before meals;
  • Plants containing ascorbic acid: lemon and parsley. A large amount of lemon can provoke stomach ulcers.

As we can see, there are ways to delay menstruation, but you can resort to them only in extreme cases. Frequent use of drugs can cause a violation in the endocrine system of a woman and lead to illness.

Not everyone can use them even in rare cases. Women with a non-permanent cycle, over 40 years old, smokers are prohibited from using these methods without first talking with a gynecologist. Is it necessary to risk health for the sake of dubious convenience?

Regular menstruation is a sign of a properly functioning reproductive system and the readiness of the female body for motherhood. But sometimes it becomes necessary to delay the arrival of menstruation for several days, and the reasons for this are different - some kind of celebration, vacation at sea, business trip, participation in sports competitions, etc.

If a woman does not tolerate critical days well or her bleeding is too intense, it makes sense to postpone the date by 2-3 or even 7 days. What is dangerous intervention in the reproductive system and how to properly use a variety of means to delay menstruation, you will learn further.

Consequences of artificial delay of menstruation

Forcing a shift in the date of the start of the next menstruation may seem harmless, because often without third-party intervention. Doctors say that artificial effects on the reproductive system cannot be normally perceived by the body.

His negative reactions in the following months would be as follows:

  • Deterioration of general well-being.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen with bleeding.
  • Scanty or excessively copious discharge.
  • Increase in the number of days of menstruation.
  • Long delays in menstruation (critical days can be delayed for several months).
  • There is a risk of developing anemia and other serious diseases.

The uterus itself also suffers from interference in the natural processes of the body.

If the onset of menstruation was artificially interrupted for more than 1 day, a neurotic process develops in its cavity. During the normal course of menstruation, certain cells and layers are washed out of the uterus with the help of blood flow, designed to transform the fetal egg into an embryo.

When unused particles remain in the body, it is dangerous for the fair sex with necrosis, sepsis and death.

When deciding to postpone the onset of menstruation, a woman must take into account the real state of her health. The use of medications that can provide a delay should be carried out taking into account all contraindications and chronic diseases.

Folk remedies - a gentle option to delay menstruation

Connoisseurs of traditional medicine believe that an ordinary lemon can safely delay menstruation.

It can be used by those ladies who do not have problems with the stomach and intestines. In order for menstruation to come later by 3 to 5 days, about 5 days before the expected date, you need to start eating citrus fruits without sugar. During the day, 5 fruits should be consumed.

To enhance the effectiveness of lemons, you can cool your feet in water every evening (no more than 10 minutes). The delay will be necessary, but after contact of the legs with cold water, cystitis or inflammation of the appendages may develop.

To answer the question of how to delay menstruation for several days with safer folk remedies, healers give the following recipes:

  1. Nettle. A decoction is prepared from 5 tbsp. l. dry grass and half a liter of non-hot water. The components are brought to a boil and boiled for 3-5 minutes. The broth is insisted under the lid for half an hour, then filtered and taken orally. To delay menstruation by 3 to 7 days, one day before it begins, you need to drink the drug in one go and in full. If bleeding has already begun, it is forbidden to use nettle decoction.
  2. water pepper. 5 st. l. raw materials are doused with half a liter of boiling water and the workpiece is simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. Then the phytomedicine is infused for 3 hours and poured into another bowl through cheesecloth. Take the drug three times a day for 2 tbsp. l. for 1 time. Cycle correction starts 4 days earlier. The tool shifts critical days by 3-4 days.
  3. parsley root. It will take 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley rhizome and 1 cup boiling water. The drug is prepared by 3-hour infusion under the lid, followed by thorough filtration. Drinking a decoction begins 5 days before the arrival of menstruation. Dosage - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Contraindications - hypotension and gallstone disease.
  4. parsley. The aerial part of parsley will help to delay the arrival of menstruation for 4 to 7 days. The preparation of the infusion begins with scrolling 50 g of grass through a meat grinder and brewing the gruel with a full glass of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for 3 hours, filtered and drunk in the morning and in the evening for ½ cup. You need to start drinking the infusion 4 days before the expected bleeding.
  5. Burnet. It is possible to shift menstruation by 1 week with the help of burnet by taking a decoction of the roots 48 hours before the expected cycle. How to make the composition: 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots pour 200 ml of fresh boiling water. Boil the composition over moderate heat for 30 minutes. Strain and bring the rest of the cool boiled water to the primary volume. Dosage of the drug - 1 tbsp. l. x 4 times a day (before meals).
  6. viburnum. 2 tsp berries are brewed with a glass of boiling water and kept under the lid for half an hour. The filtered agent is brought to the original amount. Use it 2 days before bleeding 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  7. Wild strawberry. The leaves of a forest plant can not only delay not very necessary menstruation, but also stop the ongoing discharge. This tool is powerful and requires careful use. The abuse of strawberry leaf is dangerous for a serious and prolonged violation of the cycle. It will be possible to restore it only after six months. The drug is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed herbal raw materials and 1 liter of boiling water. Under the lid, the mass is infused for 30 minutes. Take filtered liquid 2 days before menstruation. Norm - 50 ml in the morning and evening. To stop menstrual bleeding, the drug is used three times a day for 1/3 cup.

In addition, there are herbal preparations, after the use of which menstruation is late by 4 to 7 days.

One of them is made by mixing mint leaf, shepherd's purse herb and raspberry leaves (all equally). 1 st. l. phytocollection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes under the lid. Drinking the drug begins 4 days before the expected discharge. Single serving - 120 ml. Reception frequency - 3 times a day.

It is strictly forbidden to intentionally delay menstruation for several days in premenopausal women, smokers and alcohol abusers, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and a tendency to thrombosis.

What pharmaceutical preparations are suitable for delaying menstruation

To artificially delay menstruation for a couple of days or a week, you can take contraceptives, gestagens, or hemostatic pills. Influencing the hormonal system of a woman, they change the ratio of sex hormones and shift the date of menstruation.


Oral contraceptives are commonly used by women to protect against unplanned conception. But doctors can also recommend them for menstrual irregularities due to hormonal imbalance.

It is necessary to take OK courses. The duration of one stage is equivalent to a 4-week cycle. Between cycles, a pause is necessarily maintained, and during this period menstrual-like bleeding opens.

If you neglect this condition and do not take a break, but immediately start drinking pills from a new blister, your period will not go. Thus, in order to arrange a delay in menstruation on your own, it is enough to drink pills from a new pack for the required number of days.

Judging by the reviews of doctors, three-phase contraceptives are closest to the physiology of the female body - they contain a variety of hormones that are responsible for the timely onset of menstruation and are able to delay them when the regimen is changed.

What birth control pills can delay the onset of menstruation by a few days:

  • Qlaira.
  • Novinet.
  • Logest.
  • Jess.
  • Regulon.
  • Mercilon and others.

If you are not taking birth control to delay your period, start using it a few days before your next cycle. The drugs will not save you from pregnancy, but they will delay menstruation.


Gestagens are serious drugs that are designed to delay menstruation, inhibit ovulatory processes and affect the uterine mucosa. These are Pregnil, Primolut and Orgametril. Take them only in consultation with the doctor.

It is also possible to delay menstruation for several days with Duphaston, since the remedy is included in the group of gestagens.

To artificially delay the cycle, start taking drugs 2 weeks before the expected menstrual bleeding. On an emergency basis, it is permissible to drink gestagens 5 days before a new cycle.

Finish taking Duphaston and its analogues 2 days before the expected end of menstruation. Bleeding will resume after the drug is discontinued.

Hemostatic drugs

Consider whether it is possible to delay the onset of menstruation with hemostatic drugs, and what means are suitable for this purpose. Natural bleeding is prevented by drugs such as Dicinon, Vikasol, Tranexam and Etamzilat.

Dicinon delays menstruation for several days or for 1 to 2 weeks, although its main task is to reduce the intensity of heavy discharge.

A few days before menstruation, they begin to drink Dicinon at a dosage of 500 mg per day. The next time, menstruation will go in 15 to 20 days, that is, they will return to their usual schedule.

Other drugs have similar properties. Tranexam has the same dosage as Dicinon. Exceeding the dose is fraught with a complete cessation of menstruation. Etamzilat is in the form of tablets and injections. The medicine Vikasol postpones the onset of menstruation for 5 to 7 days.

P.S. Absolute contraindications to forced delay of menstruation are blood diseases, including increased clotting, hormonal disruptions, and age over 35 years. Be sure to take this into account.

For the female body, the onset of menstruation is a natural phenomenon and is cyclical. Usually, menstruation is accompanied by poor health, sudden mood swings, lethargy, and according to the law of meanness, their onset can coincide with an upcoming important event, for example, a wedding, a vacation at sea or in the mountains, a long move, etc. Spending the first days of menstruation on a train, where you can’t really wash yourself, is an unpleasant experience for any girl. But not all girls know that menstruation can be delayed for a couple of days (and even for a week). In this article, we will consider the main options for how to delay menstruation - which methods are most effective and how not to harm your health.

Can you delay your period?

In the absence of pathologies, the menstrual cycle of each woman is regular, and it is possible to calculate the approximate date of the beginning of the next menstruation. The normal cycle length is 28 days, and the duration of menstruation is 3-7 days. Each girl has her own cycle duration, her own abundance of discharge, for some, the onset of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, numbness of the legs, dizziness and other ailments. However, the cycle itself should not be broken. If any deviation from the norm has occurred, the cause should be established, for this it is often necessary to contact a gynecologist.

The duration and nature of the cycle can be influenced by various environmental factors or changes in the woman's lifestyle. For example, climate change, job change, stress, depression, use of certain medications, etc. If something like this happened to you this month, don't be surprised that your cycle has changed a bit. If this happened once, then you should not worry.

This is where we discussed the natural causes of the cycle change. But sometimes girls resort to changing the cycle consciously. The main goal is to delay the period for a few days for the sake of an important event, and then let everything go according to schedule. Is it possible? Yes it is possible.

It is very important to clarify that actions to delay menstruation should be taken a few days before the estimated start date. If menstruation has already begun, then it will no longer be possible to stop it with safe means - you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Ways to delay the start of your period

There are three main ways to delay your period for a few days at home:

  1. Take combined oral contraceptives (COCs).
  2. Take certain medications (gestagens, hemostatic drugs, hormonal pills).
  3. Use traditional medicine.

Let's consider all these methods in more detail, we will try to find out their effectiveness and the degree of danger to health.

Oral contraceptives

These are conventional birth control pills. Their main purpose is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The course of taking oral contraceptives is designed for a cycle duration of 28 days: the package contains 21 tablets with a certain dose of hormones - one for each day, which is very convenient to take. Some packages contain 28 tablets (another 7 tablets do not contain active substances and are used for ease of use).

There is a break between courses of birth control pills. So: if you want to delay your period for a couple of days or even longer, then you need to skip the break between courses by starting to take the pills from the next package. You should pay attention to the type of pills you are taking:

  • If you drink monophasic drugs (each tablet has the same amount of hormones), then open the next pack from the first tablet.
  • If you use two-phase or three-phase drugs, then open a new pack from the corresponding part (open the tablets for the second or third phase, respectively), then the dosage of hormones to delay menstruation will be correct.

But what about women who do not use this method of contraception? Very simple: 3-4 days before the expected period, start taking oral contraceptives and you will postpone the onset of menstruation. A very important clarification: in this case, the pills do not protect against pregnancy, so take care of protection in other ways.

The following contraceptives will help to delay menstruation: Regulon, Novinet, Jess, Mercilon, Logest, Utrozhestan, etc. Before you start using oral contraceptives, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Products containing progesterone

As you know, in the second half of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation), the level of the hormone progesterone rises rapidly, starting to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then the level of progesterone falls, which provokes menstruation. But if you support the level of the hormone with drugs, then menstruation will come a couple of days later. Drugs containing norethisterone or dydrogesterone, which are prescribed for endometriosis and menstrual irregularities, come to the rescue. It is possible to decide on taking such drugs only after consulting a doctor!


Gestagens are powerful drugs that prevent the maturation of the egg and delay menstruation. To lengthen the cycle, tablets are started 14 days before the expected start of menstruation, and finished a few days before their expected completion. Usually they use Pregnyl, Orgametril, Primolut Nor or Duphaston.

These are very potent drugs, so their independent use is unacceptable - they can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Hemostatic drugs

Typically, such drugs are prescribed to reduce bleeding: after surgery, with severe nasal or uterine bleeding, heavy periods. But they can also be used to delay menstruation for a few days. We are talking about the following drugs: Dicinon, Etamzilat, Vikasol, Tranexam.

To delay menstruation, tablets are started a few days before the expected start. Hemostatic drugs can lengthen the cycle by 5-7 days. The next period will start at its expected date, i.e. the cycle will not fail.

It is important to note that hemostatics increase the risk of blood clots, therefore, this method of delaying menstruation can be used no more than once a year and only after consulting a doctor and conducting an examination of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin C

Another drug for delaying menstruation is the usual ascorbic acid (vitamin C). You need to start taking 1 gram of ascorbic acid 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation. So you can lengthen the cycle by 3-5 days. Ascorbic can be replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice or ordinary lemons (eat 2 lemons per day). This method is not very reliable, but relatively safe, although it is better to refuse it if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Folk remedies

In addition to lemons, the following folk remedies will help delay menstruation for several days at home:

  • Nettle decoction - 5 tablespoons of plant leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, boil, leave for 45 minutes. Start drinking the decoction 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, 0.5 cup 3 times a day.
  • Water pepper extract - this remedy is sold in a pharmacy, take 30 drops per day 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation.

Consequences of intentionally delaying menstruation

The menstrual cycle is the most important characteristic of the state of the female reproductive system. With an artificial delay in menstruation for a couple of days with the help of pills, there is always a risk of dangerous consequences. Breaking the cycle or shifting it is just a small part of what can happen. Unpleasant consequences can occur even after a few months and are manifested by the following reactions:

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Significant decrease or increase in discharge during menstruation.
  • Increase in the duration of menstruation.
  • Delayed menstruation without pregnancy.
  • Increased risk of developing gynecological diseases.

And if measures were taken to stop the already begun menstruation, then the consequences can be even more dangerous. In this case, cells and particles remain in the uterine cavity, which should have been removed from the body. They can fester, lead to necrosis, blood poisoning, which can result in hospitalization or even death.

It is definitely forbidden to engage in postponing menstruation under the influence of the following factors:

  • The presence of gynecological diseases (or recently transferred).
  • The woman is over 35 years old.
  • The presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, blood diseases, impaired blood clotting.
  • The presence of systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, thyroid disease, etc.).

Thus, before you think about how to delay your period for a few days, you need to weigh again whether you really can’t do without it. If the decision has already been made, then it is better to consult a doctor so that he can help you choose the safest method for you.

At 12-14 years old, girls enter a wonderful age of growing up. The physiology of the process includes the production of sex hormones, the reproductive function begins to work, that is, the period of puberty begins, the girl begins her period.

The starting figure for the first menstrual flow can range from 9 to 15 years, remaining within the normal range. If the first menstruation (menarche) began at the age of 9, they talk about early menarche, at 15 - about a possible primary amenorrhea (lack of blood discharge in a sexually mature girl). However, such deviations are not diseases, but depend on the nutritional conditions, the girl's life, and genetics. After the first spotting, there may be a break of two to three months, and within two years a healthy girl develops her own cycle.

The established rhythm makes it possible to predict the next menstruation. Of course, many girls have a question - is it possible to change a stable cycle, and how this will affect the body. This question has been troubling girls and women for a long time, which is why there are a lot of effective and not very popular recipes for how to push back menstruation. Modern science and medicine also does not stand still - drugs have been developed that can delay menstruation for a couple of days, and according to the doctor's recommendations, you can even delay menstruation for a week or more.

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is one of the indicators of a woman's health. However, we should not forget that each girl is unique, so the cycle can be individual. So, for example, the period of allocation for one girl can be 3 days, and for another - five. For some, this process is quick and painless, while for others it is filled with discomfort and discomfort. It is for the second that it is important to know how to delay menstruation for several days in order to spend such unpleasant days for them in the most comfortable conditions.

The duration of the cycle depends on the hormonal background of the woman, because it is the hormones that regulate the functioning of the reproductive system. One cycle is called the calendar duration from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. Normally, this value is from 21 to 32 days, and for most women, menstruation occurs every 28 days, that is, exactly 4 weeks.

Why does the female body regularly undergo such a procedure? During the cycle, the female egg matures, and in the case when it was not fertilized, the uterine mucosa is updated. In the normal course of physiological processes, when the delay of menstruation was not carried out, the woman leads an active healthy lifestyle, but does not try to get pregnant, the unfertilized egg is destroyed and comes out naturally.

Together with the egg, the cells of the endometrium, which covers the inner surface of the uterus, also come out. As a result, cell renewal occurs and the next cycle of development of a new egg begins. The release of the egg and endometrium is accompanied by the destruction of capillaries, and consequently blood loss, which in turn somewhat affects the condition of the woman. Fortunately, the use of modern hygiene products makes this stage in life more convenient and comfortable.

Thus, menstruation is a natural natural cyclical process. The onset of the following secretions, if necessary, can be delayed, but the moral readiness of the girls for the upcoming changes in the body also plays a significant role.

Regulation of the menstrual cycle

The term "menstrual cycle" speaks not only of the days when the discharge occurs, but of the entire period of development and death (if it has not been fertilized) of the egg.

Conventionally, the cycle is divided into three phases:

  1. Follicular- the phase of rejection of the endometrium and the splitting of an unfertilized egg, the maturation of a new follicle. It is this phase that begins the cycle of menstruation. The spent endometrial cells, the unfertilized egg, are released through the vagina. And the hypothalamus in the brain generates a signal to produce special hormones that provoke the maturation of a new follicle (the component of the ovary where a new egg is formed). The phase lasts until the moment of full maturation of the egg, causing ovulation. The maturation of a new cell lasts an average of 14 days, but for some women the process can happen quickly - in 7, while for others, signals from the hypothalamus delay maturation by up to 22 days.
  2. ovulatory- the phase of the final stage of follicle development and its rupture. An egg ready for fertilization comes out of the torn walls (it is by this process that ovulation is meant). This phase is also regulated by hormones, namely luteinizing hormone, the release of which within 36-48 hours (2 days or 3) determines this phase. Only an insufficient amount of luteinizing hormone can slow down the process of maturation of the follicle and rupture of its walls.
  3. The luteal phase is also called the secretory phase.- the period that completes ovulation and before the onset of menstruation. The duration of this period is on average 12-15 days. When a mature follicle bursts and the egg is released, it is filled with luteal pigments (hence the name of the phase) and fat cells. The new formation is called the corpus luteum because of its color, and it produces progesterone and other sex hormones. This hormone is produced until the very moment of pregnancy and the development of the placenta. However, the destruction of the corpus luteum, which has exhausted its resource, can stop the production of progesterone. If the egg is not fertilized, and the corpus luteum does not synthesize progesterone, it will not be possible to postpone a new phase - the body is preparing for a new cycle and the onset of the follicular phase.

Such phasing of the rhythm is typical for every woman without exception. Only the timing of individual phases can differ. Knowing how to delay the onset of each phase, you can delay the onset of the next menstrual period. So, for example, the drug Norkolut inhibits the maturation of the follicle and can delay the onset of menstruation by about 2 days.

However, before looking for how to delay menstruation, a girl should think first of all about her health. All methods described on the Internet, books or other free resources must be confirmed by the gynecologist who examines the woman. After all, any interference in the normal cycle is an interference in the natural process.

Safe cycle change

Of course, every woman understands that the menstrual cycle, and there are up to 500 of them for the entire period of sexually mature life, is a natural and necessary process for the body. But in today's active world, there are situations when there is no other choice but to delay the period for a few days. Such a need arises for many athletes when critical days fall precisely at the time of the competition; for tourists, when the usual hygiene procedures are complicated during the trip; for travelers who dream of sunbathing for a few days on the beach.

Modern medicines (the same Norkolut) make it easy to regulate the rhythm of menstrual bleeding and predict the onset of the next critical days. But in no case should you think:

“I’ll delay the start of the cycle this time, because today is Friday (summer, no mood). So, let's begin…"

After all, such a delayed day is a game with your hormonal health. How to delay menstruation without harm to health, only a qualified doctor can tell.

An experienced gynecologist will conduct a study of the cycle and the state of your health, specify how long it is necessary to delay menstruation, and select a safe method. And perhaps, if the question is only your maximum comfort, and not medical necessity, it will convince you not to delay the onset of critical days.

We should not forget that the reason for a visit to the doctor should be not only the desire to delay menstruation for a week, but also to normalize the rhythm of the reproductive system. Sometimes the need to reduce their volume comes to the fore, because heavy menstruation is accompanied by blood loss, which in turn can lead to anemia.

The discharge rate for the entire period of critical days is 100 ml, stress, excessive physical activity, and illness can serve as a reason for increased blood loss.

Too much bleeding time is also a cause for concern. The duration of bleeding up to 7 days is considered normal. If there is a need to use sanitary pads for more than one week, this is an occasion to contact a gynecologist. Only a complete examination by a professional will identify the causes of deviations and begin treatment. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment only delays the moment of full recovery.

You can change the loop with:

  1. medicines;
  2. folk funds.

But, as has been repeatedly noted, it is better to first visit a doctor and consult before making changes to the natural rhythm.

Medical solution

Before studying the list of drugs that delay the onset of critical days, you need to know that the medicine can only work if used a few days before the onset of menstruation.

It is impossible to completely stop bleeding in the first period of the follicular phase, and it will not work without harm to health.

In addition, all the so-called drugs for delaying menstruation actually have another primary task - the normalization of the cyclic rhythm. Medicines that affect the ability of the follicular phase to linger are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Contraceptive.
  2. Gestagens.
  3. Hemostatics.


With the help of contraceptives, you can not only protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, but also normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. As a rule, such drugs normalize hormonal balance.

Contraceptives are taken taking into account the individual female cycle, a short break is made between each phase. But if you want the critical days to be delayed, then you can not take a break. The most popular of the hormonal pills are Jess Plus, Regulon and others. However, such drugs must be taken very, very carefully, since long-term use of hormones leads to the fact that the body stops producing its own, and, accordingly, the work of the reproductive system can malfunction.


Another way to delay menstruation is to take progestin preparations. Their main action is aimed at blocking ovulation. Such drugs as Orgametril, Prengyl are gestogenic hormone-containing, which means that their improper use can also be fraught with consequences. The action of such drugs is mainly aimed at regulating the level of progesterone. It is necessary to drink the first tablet 14 days before the start of the next cycle, and then take a new one daily until the date when the expected bleeding should have ended. As you can see, these drugs have rather complicated instructions for use, and it requires a clear knowledge of its cycle.

Can progestin preparations cause harm to health? Yes, if you take them without observing medical prescriptions. Improper use can lead to disruption of the natural cycle and its long recovery.


Hemostatics, for example, norkolut, dicynone, tranexam, have blood-binding properties. If they are used, periods may also be delayed. Be careful, norkolut is used to regulate the cycle only if it was initially violated. The drug begins to be used daily from the middle of the cycle for two weeks, this regimen will delay menstruation for a week. Norkolut is also used to reduce the amount of discharge; in this case, it is necessary to start using tablets on the first day of spotting.

Taking any of the drugs to delay the onset of menstruation should be agreed with the doctor, such a conscious approach will allow you to maintain health and make critical days as comfortable as possible.

How to delay periods at home

Not only active contemporaries are interested in the question of how to delay menstruation, our great-grandmothers also asked them. Folk remedies allow you to postpone your period for a day or more, and at the same time they are all based on the properties of natural components and many years of use.

You might not know, but drinking large amounts of lemon is fraught with delaying the cycle.

Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic. Athletes use this rather safe method if there is a need to delay menstruation for a day, and it is forbidden to use hormonal drugs in the pre-competitive period. If you are not ready to swallow whole lemons, then replace them with ascorbic acid, the content of vitamin C in which is no less than that of citrus.

At home, you can also delay menstruation with decoctions of nettle, parsley. And if there is no desire to prepare decoctions, they can be replaced with tinctures from a pharmacy.

When choosing a way to delay menstruation with folk remedies, consider whether this is an emergency. Or you can still wait a few days for the end of the natural process.

Is it possible to delay periods so that they start a few days later, and is it safe? Such questions concern many. Stable and regular menstruation is a confirmation of a woman's reproductive health. The exceptional circumstances in this case include only the period of pregnancy and several other reasons. Nevertheless, menstruation brings discomfort to every woman's life.

The essence of the problem

However, each of the representatives of the weak half of humanity at least once in her life faced a situation where it was necessary to delay the onset of menstruation for a certain number of days. As a rule, 2-3. Such a problem becomes relevant before the start of a vacation or a solemn event in life. And, of course, it is simply necessary to move, move or postpone the onset of menstruation during this period.

Affordable and harmless means can help to suspend the onset of menstruation for a couple of days. If a delay with a longer duration is necessary, then hormonal drugs are used that can lead to malfunctions in the endocrine system.

Do not forget that menstruation can be postponed once, but you should not abuse and experiment with it. After all, this mechanism is inherent in nature, and any intervention can contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle, which will ultimately lead to the development of various diseases.

All methods to solve such a problem can be divided into pharmacological and folk. So, first things first.

Pharmacological ways to delay menstruation

You can delay the onset of menstruation by resorting to the so-called coca, as well as taking hormonal drugs (they contain progestins and gestagens). These drugs are prescribed for women suffering from endometriosis or amenorrhea.

If you take combined oral contraceptives some time before the onset of critical days, then in this case they will stop the bleeding, and will not play the role of a contraceptive. In turn, the use of gestagens to delay menstruation is possible only after the permission of the doctor. As for progestins, if you start taking them not in the middle of the cycle, but 5 days before the onset of menstruation and stop when the bleeding should have ended, then after a few days you can wait for the onset of menstruation.

Another way to delay the onset of menstruation for a few days or even a week is to take the drug Dicinon. It is allowed to use it only once a year after visiting a gynecologist. This tool helps to strengthen the muscle layer and the walls of blood vessels. Abuse threatens the formation of thrombosis. It should be noted that the opinions of doctors regarding the benefits of taking this drug are ambiguous.

Contraceptives will help to delay menstruation for some period of time, but this method also has certain disadvantages, otherwise every woman would use it regularly. Contraceptives are based on hormones, the uncontrolled intake of which adversely affects health. It is for this reason that these drugs have clear indications for use.

The main purpose of oral contraceptives is to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy. Each package contains 21 tablets, and their use should be started from the first day of menstruation. If you start taking the drug late, this will significantly reduce its effectiveness. As a result of the use of the drug, the woman's cycle is leveled. If it is extended for a few more days, then this will certainly lead to a delay in the onset of menstruation for a couple of days. As a result, the cycle increases and lasts up to 30 days. A few days after taking the drug, a new cycle will begin.

There are conditions in which the irregular use of contraceptives is prohibited. Among them:

  • women over the age of 35;
  • women who abuse nicotine;
  • the presence of thrombosis;
  • increased blood clotting.

Thus, in the presence of these contraindications, women are not recommended to use contraceptives in order to delay the onset of menstruation.

Along with the above, there are drugs that are prescribed in medicine by gynecologists for the treatment of a number of diseases. Their side effect is a delay in the start of the menstrual cycle. The absence of menstruation can last several months.

One of these drugs is Norkolut, used by gynecologists to regulate menstruation. Specialists prescribe it with a delay. However, if in fact the condition is not explained by the presence of pathology and the woman’s health was all right, then the drug has the opposite effect. If you start taking the medication 2 weeks before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, then the menstrual cycle will begin with a week delay.

This drug can also be taken during critical days to reduce the amount of blood released. It is prohibited for women with a diseased liver, diabetes, obesity, asthma and high blood clotting.

Another hormonal drug that can delay the onset of menstruation for a week is Duphaston. It is not a contraceptive, it is not able to affect pregnancy and ovulation. Experts prescribe Duphaston for the treatment of endometriosis. Tablets affect the uterine mucosa and contribute to the body's production of progesterone. Thus, the development and rejection of the endometrium slows down, which leads to the onset of critical days much later than the scheduled date.

This drug has much less contraindications. Side effects from taking it include: headache, discomfort in the liver area, increased sensitivity of the breast and allergies. To achieve the desired effect, the remedy should be started in the middle of the cycle.

Folk methods for solving the problem

In addition to taking medications, you can solve the problem with folk remedies prepared at home. Fans of such methods claim that the most ordinary lemon will help. It should be warned in advance that this method is not recommended for the fair sex suffering from diseases associated with the intestines and stomach. In order to delay the onset of menstruation by 3-5 days, you need to consume 5 lemons daily without sugar 5 days before the expected start date of the cycle. To enhance the effect of this method, taking cold foot baths for 10 minutes before bedtime will help. When using this remedy, the fair sex is at risk of earning inflammation of the ovaries and cystitis.

Another very effective way to delay menstruation for a few days or even a week is a nettle decoction. To make it, you need 5 tbsp. l. dried medicinal herbs pour 0.5 liters of cool water. After the composition, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and leave to cool for half an hour. Then the broth should be filtered and the entire volume obtained should be drunk at a time a day before the onset of menstruation.

An assistant in resolving the issue of delaying the onset of menstruation is also water pepper. You need to take 5 tbsp. l. of this plant and pour 500 ml of boiled water. Boil the solution for 5 minutes on fire, then insist for 3 hours and strain. Take the remedy for 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 4 days before the expected date of menstruation. This will help make your period 3-4 days later.

Herbal collection of mint, shepherd's purse and raspberry leaves can also delay the onset of menstruation by 3-4 days. To do this, take 1 part of these herbs, mix well and pour a glass of boiled water. Then leave to infuse for 30 minutes. The decoction should be taken 4 days before the date of the onset of menstruation, daily, 3 times in the amount of 120 ml.

How to delay and stop the onset of menstruation will help the leaves of wild strawberries. The indicated remedy is very strong, so it should be taken with great care. Otherwise, there is a risk of a serious failure in the cycle, which can be eliminated only after six months.

To prepare a decoction 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting solution is covered with a lid and allowed to brew for half an hour. To delay the liquid, you need to use 1/4 cup in the morning and in the evening, a couple of days before the onset of menstruation. In order to stop the onset of menstruation, you need to drink 1/3 cup three times a day.

Summing up and conclusions

So, summarizing all of the above, we can say that in the modern world in the arsenal of a woman there are a lot of ways to postpone the start of the menstrual cycle and, thus, ensure comfort in a situation where a solemn event is planned or some kind of trip is expected: a vacation by the sea , intimate meeting, etc. However, in order to avoid harm to health, all the proposed methods for solving the problem should be used with caution and not without consulting a doctor. After all, only the woman herself, in the first place, is responsible for the state of her body.