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» What properties of clay are used in industry? Origin, types and extraction of clay. The healing properties of white and blue clay

What properties of clay are used in industry? Origin, types and extraction of clay. The healing properties of white and blue clay

Doctors say that medicinal and cosmetic clays are not just a basis for medicines, but substances that are medicines in themselves. Leaving the internal use of this substance to doctors, let's talk about how it helps make the skin healthy and beautiful.

What is it?

From a geological point of view, clay is a substance resulting from destruction rocks under long-term exposure to water and wind.

From a chemical point of view, it is a mixture of silicon oxide and aluminum oxide with admixtures of coloring ions and organic substances. Silicon prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles, and accelerates healing processes. Aluminum oxide in the form of tiny particles (not exceeding 1 micron) gently exfoliates dead particles of the epidermis, making the skin smooth and soft. It also has a drying, astringent effect. In addition, useful macro- and microelements include phosphates, nitrogen, and iron.

Clay is capable of absorbing and retaining water and substances dissolved in it, including toxic ones. This property is used not only in cosmetology, but also by doctors in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Actually, this property contains the answer to the question “does cosmetic clay draw out toxins from the skin?”

From a physics point of view, this is a good coolant. The local thermal effect is especially useful for: capillaries expand, microcirculation improves. This effect can also be useful in the treatment of diseases of the joints, muscles and ligaments.

Thus, cosmetic clay, used in our case for the face, has the following properties:

  • cleansing and detoxification,
  • peeling,
  • moisturizing the skin surface ( important condition: the mask must not be allowed to dry),
  • mineralization of the skin,
  • calming effect (relieves redness, irritation and swelling),
  • enhances the effectiveness of cosmetics (improves their penetration due to a tight fit).

The shelf life of “pure” (without additional cosmetic ingredients) clay dried to powder is practically unlimited.

Can clay cause allergies? No, he can not. Added active ingredients, such as essential oils, can provoke an allergic reaction. You can check your reaction using a standard skin test: apply Not a large number of prepared in the right proportions mixture in the area of ​​the elbow, leave for half an hour, rinse, after a day evaluate the condition of the skin at the site of application.

To prepare masks or wraps, only ceramic, glass or plastic are used - in no case metal! - dishes. The spatula for spreading and applying the mask should also not be metal.

The oilier the skin, the longer you can keep the mask on it, and the shorter the break between procedures. Ladies with dry skin are not recommended to apply the mask for more than 5 minutes once a week. Oily skin allows you to keep the mask for 15 minutes and use it every other day.

Types of cosmetic clay and their properties


Also known as kaolin. The most common, chemically neutral, due to which it is used in the pharmacopoeia as a filler for mixing substances that are destroyed upon contact with organic matter. In the same way, it is inert when in contact with the skin: from the white clay itself (without additional components) no substances pass into the skin tissue chemical substances. But at the same time, cell waste products, pathogenic bacteria, and inflammatory products are perfectly removed. Due to this property, kaolin has a good soothing effect - for neurodermatitis, it reduces swelling and itching.

A mask diluted with water is best for oily skin.

  • As a soft scrub:

Dilute the powder with water 1 to 1, apply to the face, massage for 5 minutes, not allowing it to dry out. Wash with cool water.

  • As a drying mask for excessive sebum (sebum) production:

Apply the powder diluted 1 to 1 on the face for 10-12 minutes. Rinse off the dried mask with cool water.


Another great option for oily skin. Narrows pores, normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, tones. It contains elements such as silver, magnesium, calcium, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus, copper. They improve metabolic processes and help strengthen skin tissue.

  • Acne mask

For 1 heaping tablespoon of powder, take ½ teaspoon of grape seed oil and add 3-5 drops of essential oil tea tree. Dilute with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm (not hot!) water.

  • Mask for blackheads (comedones)

Add 5-10 drops to 1 tablespoon of powder lemon juice, add water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on your face for 10-15 minutes, avoiding drying (you can spray your face with water). Rinse off.


Whitens the skin, tones it, and can smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • Whitening mask

Mix equal amounts of blue clay, tomato juice and sour milk.

But best use cosmetic clay blue color– for the body, as an anti-cellulite wrap.

How to do wraps

Before the wrapping procedure, you must do peeling. Dilute the clay warm water until the consistency of mush. Heat in a water bath to a temperature of about 40-45 degrees: the mixture should be hot, but comfortable for the body. If desired, you can add essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, cedar, rosemary (the latter is best not combined with other oils) - but even without them, the wrap is very effective. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the body in a thick layer, wrap in film, and cover with a blanket to prevent heat loss. The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes, the course is 8-10 procedures, which are carried out every other day. Clay wraps should not be used when high temperature, thyrotoxicosis, varicose veins, pregnancy, cancer.


Smoothes the skin texture, therefore it is used in masks against wrinkles.

  • Mask for aging skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of powder with 1 spoon almond oil, add warm water to the desired consistency. Keep on your face for 5-10 minutes without allowing it to dry out.

  • Mask for dry skin

To 2 tablespoons of clay add a tablespoon of peach oil and 5 drops of patchouli oil. Rinse off after 5-10 minutes, do not allow it to dry out.


Reduces irritation, improves blood circulation. Can be used for hot wraps with lipolytic and tonic properties. Good for baths too.

Photo taken from the resource

Bath with red cosmetic clay

Helps against allergies, inflammation, abscesses. Shake 200 g of clay in the bath. If desired (and if skin tolerates it) add 1-2 handfuls sea ​​salt. You can take such a bath no more than once every 2 weeks.

Red clay can be used not only in the form of baths, but also topically to treat abscesses. To do this, you need to dilute the powder thickly and spread it with a spatula on a piece of fabric in a layer about 2 cm thick. Apply to the affected area, bandage, leave for 40 minutes. The mixture cannot be reused. However, any type of clay can be used in this way: its adsorbing and antibacterial properties will have an effect. Under no circumstances should you heat an abscess!

Black clay

Not recommended for dry and sensitive skin. But for oily people it is optimal. If the question arises, which clay to choose for problem skin, the best option– black. It perfectly absorbs excess fat, inflammatory products, narrows pores, stimulates microcirculation and lymph flow, reducing swelling.

  • Deep cleansing mask

To two tablespoons of clay add a teaspoon of calendula tincture and lemon juice. Leave for 10-15 minutes, be sure to apply moisturizer after the mask.

  • Homemade scrub

To a tablespoon of powder, add a teaspoon of finely ground coffee, 2 drops of essential oil, and water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face, leave for 5 minutes without letting it dry, rinse, massaging gently. This scrub will be good for young skin, but for mature or sensitive skin it is better to limit yourself to just a pure mixture without additives. However, as an anti-cellulite remedy it is quite good at any age.

Using cosmetic clay for hair

Properties of clay to adsorb various substances allow you to use it not only for the face. Shampoos and hair masks based on it - simple and inexpensive way improve their appearance. These masks are especially good for. Their use helps reduce hair loss and increase breaks between washes. Since dirt is a mixture of excess sebum and dust, clay makes an excellent shampoo. In order to use it in this capacity, clay paste is generously applied to the scalp, massaged for several minutes and rinsed thoroughly. After clay shampoo, be sure to rinse your hair with acidified water.

  • Natural dry shampoo made from pink clay

Mix 5 tablespoons of powder with the same amount of mustard, add a tablespoon of salt, 5 drops each of tea tree and mint oil. Apply to damp scalp, massage thoroughly, rinse. Use balm as desired.

  • Shampoo made from cosmetic clay and soda

To 6 parts clay add 1 part talc and 1 part soda.

  • Shampoo with horsetail for very oily hair

In a glass of warm horsetail decoction, stir 2 tbsp. l. clay, apply to hair, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

  • Moisturizing mask-shampoo

3-5 teaspoons of powder, a teaspoon of honey, an yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, half a glass of kefir (approximately). Instead of kefir, you can use tea (for dark hair) or herbal infusion. Apply to the scalp and hair, cover with a bag and a scarf for half an hour to an hour, rinse thoroughly (but not with hot water!).

  • Mask for dry hair

Mix 2 tablespoons of powder with an equal amount of avocado pulp puree, add a teaspoon olive oil, if necessary - water to the desired consistency. Leave on hair for 30 minutes.

Read about treating dry hair.

  • Mask against hair loss

Mix clay with castor oil until thick as sour cream. Leave on hair for 30 minutes to an hour.

Get to know folk recipes for hair loss you can in the article “”.

  • Mask for oily hair

Brew a tablespoon of dry nettle with a glass of boiling water. Strain. Dilute the clay with broth until it becomes thick like sour cream. Add half a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar. Keep for 30 minutes to an hour.

How to choose cosmetic clay

The dry powder should contain nothing other than clay of the desired color. Some unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes: this becomes immediately noticeable during dilution. We recommend that you immediately throw away this product, so to speak: you never know what else the manufacturer decided to save on, and where he “dug up” it.

A quality product also does not contain fragrances.

Ready-made clay masks are usually produced in the form of a paste, to which are added additional ingredients and water. Of course, with an appropriate markup.

The finer the powder is ground, the softer the consistency of the finished mask will be.

Some manufacturers produce white clay in the form of granules - this is acceptable.

But foreign impurities, caked lumps and coarse unground residues are an indicator of low quality.


Despite the fact that clay is a natural cosmetic product suitable for any age, it has the most noticeable effect on young, oily or problem skin. Apply it "in pure form» Not recommended for those with dry and aging skin. In this case, it must be mixed with base and essential oils, herbal decoctions.

It is good to use body products, both as wraps and local applications. Instead of wraps, you can also use baths, but in this case the procedure is done once every two weeks.

Hair masks, like skin masks, work best when there is excess sebum and oily seborrhea. Lovers of natural dry shampoos will love homemade shampoos with clay as the main ingredient.

Humanity has long been familiar with the healing properties of clay. Even in ancient times, it was used not only for making dishes, but also for medicinal purposes. The Egyptians used this product for embalming, and ancient scientists and doctors, describing the clay, spoke of its healing power. The famous Russian doctor Botkin successfully used it to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, Graves' disease, and work disorders nervous system. Today, clay is widely used in both official and alternative medicine; it is used to eliminate cosmetic problems. As you can see, the uses of clay are extensive, and therefore let’s talk in more detail about what clay is, its medicinal properties and uses, and about the use of clay by humans for health purposes.

What exactly is clay? It is a sedimentary fine-grained rock, plastic when moistened and dusty when dry. Clay consists of the minerals montmorillonite, kaolinite or other layered aluminosilicates. Its mineral composition is so diverse that it is comparable almost to fruits or vegetables. It is able to absorb carcinogens and toxins, thereby cleansing the body. The clay is high in silicon and aluminum, contains calcium, magnesium, iron oxide and other oxides, and also contains titanium anhydride.

It is often used to treat atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and even multiple sclerosis, precisely due to its high silicon content.

Clay is divided into different types depending on the color, which is determined by the increased presence of salts and other components in it. This determines the range of its use.

Blue clay is high in cobalt and cadmium. It is most often used for medical purposes.

Red contains potassium and iron. Thanks to these substances, it has a good effect on joints, muscles and spine. Mainly used for appliques.

Green contains a lot of divalent iron and copper. It is suitable for the treatment of tumors, liver, pancreas. It is used to treat oily skin and hair.

Black and dark brown contain a lot of iron and carbon. It is used in cosmetic industry.

In yellow - sulfur, sodium, ferric iron. It is used to make compresses and applications for sore joints. It also treats skin rashes and cellulite.

The properties of clay depend on the size of its particles. They have enormous adsorption abilities, the surface area of ​​which is about 80 square meters per gram. The sizes of the particles and their properties are directly related to the origin of the clay.

High adsorption allows clay to absorb toxins, putrefactive elements, and harmful acids. It is used to treat tumors, both benign and malignant.

There is a theory that by using clay you can positively influence the human biofield.

Blue clay is mainly used for treatment.

Its external use occurs for radiculitis, arthritis, diseases of muscles and tendons, skin ailments, menstrual irregularities, prostatitis and colds.

Moreover, it can be used both for chronic ailments and for acute forms of disease.

Clay is used for lotions, wraps, and rubbing. Place it on the sore spot with a tile one and a half to two centimeters thick. However, it can be cold, warm or slightly warmed, depending on the disease.

For example, warm clay is used for diseases of the kidneys, liver and joints. And if abscesses are being treated, it is recommended to apply compresses of clay water and replace them regularly.

Clay can also be used for douching for various diseases of the female genitourinary system. At the same time, take 3-4 tablespoons per liter of water. In this case, the water should be heated to body temperature.

When treated with clay, quite serious deterioration of the condition can be observed. But often they do not require cessation of therapy, but merely indicate the release of toxins from the body.

Treatment with clay is best done in combination with dietary nutrition, massages, douches, sunbathing, aromatherapy and foot reflexology.

There are methods for internal use of clay. To do this, it is best to take it in a whole piece, fatty, without foreign impurities. By taking it orally, they treat atherosclerosis, ailments digestive system, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, blood and skin.

Clay balls are an excellent remedy against diseases oral cavity and tooth pain. They should just be sucked and rolled in your mouth.

Clay is great for purifying water. To do this, take one piece per liter of water. After this, the container with water should be set aside and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. Rest assured - clay absorbs all toxins and toxic substances.

Clay is also widely used in the cosmetics industry. It is used to care for the entire body, preparing cleansing and rejuvenating masks.

You can make this mask yourself by mixing it to a paste with cucumber juice and water. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave until completely dry.

Rinse off with warm water. This mask will have a cleansing, nourishing and tightening effect. But you shouldn’t do it more often than once a week.

In conclusion, let me remind you about the use of clay for storing vegetable harvests. Many gardeners, before storing carrots and potatoes, dip the fruits in a clay mash. Then, after drying, a protective film. Practice shows that crops processed in this way are stored longer.

As you can see, using clay has a lot of options and possibilities. Its medicinal properties make it possible to treat, because it has practically no contraindications, and therefore is successfully used in various industries medical science, it preserves the harvest, it can also take care of the beauty of your skin. Conclusion - clay has many faces and is certainly useful!

Since ancient times, cosmetic clay has had the status of an excellent and effective remedy in facial and body skin care. Cleopatra herself regularly used it to maintain youthful and beautiful skin.

The beneficial effects of mineral clay were widely used not only in cosmetology, but its properties were also valued in medicine. Pharaonic doctors used it as an excellent remedy with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. In addition, it was included in the composition during mummification. Ancient healers used it to make various types of rubs, medicinal ointments and pastes. Cosmetic clay was also used for internal use if it was necessary to achieve an absorbent effect. With its help, they got rid of bacteria and removed toxins from the body. Natural mineral clay was also used for serious poisoning, muscle pain, and epidemics.

Modern use in medicine and cosmetology.
Cosmetic clay is widely used in the field of cosmetology; it is usually included in various face masks that have a cleansing and drying effect. Clay has a wonderful property; it, like a sponge, absorbs excess secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In addition to its cleansing properties, it relieves inflammation and redness, and also relieves skin from peeling. Clay-based masks are especially effective for oily, combination and dry skin. It should also be noted that clay has the ability to enhance the bactericidal properties of certain substances, which is why clay is included in anti-inflammatory ointments and masks.

Types of cosmetic clays.
In general, there are several types of clay in nature, and all of them not only differ in color (due to different mineral composition, depending on the place of origin), but also have different properties, which is why they are used in cosmetology and medicine to solve different problems. Clay can be white, blue, green, red, yellow, grey, black and blue. You can buy natural cosmetic clay at almost any pharmacy or cosmetics store.

It should be remembered that when using cosmetic clays, mixing their types or diluting them with the addition of other components is necessary only in clay dishes, but not in iron ones. Since cosmetic clay loves light, it is important to expose it to the sun.

White clay (Anapskaya).
The most commonly used of all types of cosmetic clay is white or kaolin; it is added to masks, ointments, and anti-diarrhea remedies. Often used to treat skin diseases, gynecological diseases, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. White clay also perfectly removes toxins.

This type has the most effective effect on oily (absorbs excess secretions of the sebaceous glands), mixed and problematic facial skin, perfectly cleansing it, drying out pimples (acne) and inflammation, narrowing pores, and also providing a lifting effect. But it is contraindicated for use in the presence of rosacea. It should be noted that this type cosmetic clay has the property of whitening the skin. She also helps women correct the oval of their face and make it more even. Due to its antiseptic properties, white clay is added to various means for facial care with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Systematic use of white clay increases the elasticity of the skin, makes it velvety, and improves complexion.

The use of this type of clay is also beneficial for hair. Masks based on it make hair thicker, more manageable and eliminate dandruff. The effect will be noticeable after a week or two of use.

Blue clay (Cambrian, Valdai).
It contains a huge amount of salts and microelements that are necessary for the beauty and youth of our skin. Thanks to its stimulating effect, blue cosmetic clay provides a pronounced rejuvenating effect; it is especially effective for oily skin. Regular use of blue clay is a preventive measure acne, thanks to its disinfectant and astringent effect, dries out minor inflammations and pimples, and also effectively smoothes out facial wrinkles.

In addition to the cleansing effect, this type of cosmetic clay nourishes the skin at a deep level, supplying skin cells with necessary substances and energy. natural compounds, stimulating regeneration processes in the tissues of the epidermis, which helps accelerate the healing process of wounds and damage to the skin. Cosmetics based on blue clay activate blood circulation processes and accelerate metabolic processes in skin cells, restoring firmness, elasticity and healthy looking. It is also worth noting that this clay has a slight lightening effect on freckles and age spots.

The use of blue clay for hair, due to the presence of silicon in its composition, activates hair growth and also helps eliminate dandruff.

Masks based on it are also effective for use on the legs in order to improve blood microcirculation, reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs. In addition, such products can help cope with cellulite, sweating, and eliminate bad smell, and also prevent fungal and bacterial diseases.

Green clay.
The green color of this type of clay is due to the content of iron oxide in it. Most often used in cosmetology, it is added to masks, wraps and compresses. The clay composition, rich in microelements, promotes recovery water balance skin, and also provides excellent absorbent properties. The use of green clay cleanses and softens the skin, eliminates inflammation and irritation, smoothes wrinkles, and also has a drying effect. It is often recommended to improve capillary blood circulation, as well as general skin rejuvenation. Masks based on it perfectly cleanse pores and get rid of oily shine. This type of clay can be combined with other types.

It should also be noted that this clay is recommended for use in baths to relieve stress, tension, fatigue and irritation. This recommendation is due to the property of green clay to remove negative energy accumulated during the day.

Red clay.
The color is due to the presence of copper and iron oxide in the composition. This type of cosmetic clay is recommended for the care of dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin that is prone to allergic reactions. Products based on red clay, in particular masks, improve blood supply processes in the tissues of the epidermis, help soften and moisturize the skin, perfectly exfoliate the dead layer of cells, eliminate itching, irritation and redness on the face. In addition, they perfectly eliminate signs of flaking skin. Also, this type of clay can help in caring for aging skin, as it improves oxygen saturation of tissues. It is often prescribed for a lack of iron in the body. Red clay is often combined with white clay.

Red clay is also effective in hair care; products based on it help nourish hair follicles, strengthen weak and brittle hair, and also eliminate oily seborrhea.

Pink clay.
Pink cosmetic clay is recommended for the care of any skin type. It is obtained by mixing red clay and kaolin, which allows it to have the effect inherent in both types of clay. Its use promotes skin rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles and tightening the facial contour. The use of masks based on it cleanses, nourishes and softens the skin, restoring elasticity and having a refreshing and regenerating effect. Baths based on pink clay promote deep hydration of the skin, have a tonic effect, improving metabolic processes in tissues.

Yellow clay.
This type of clay contains a huge amount of iron and potassium, which helps improve oxygen supply to tissues, and also determines its ability to remove toxins in cases of various inflammatory processes. Masks based on yellow clay have a tonic effect, improving complexion. It is recommended for use in the care of oily, combination, aging and dull skin.

Thanks to its rare chemical composition, experts recommend it for the correction of various cosmetic blemishes, as well as as a prophylactic against many skin diseases. Yellow clay has the ability to absorb waste products of the body, in addition, it has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Baths based on it perfectly relieve fatigue, help accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, improving appearance skin.

Gray clay.
This type of cosmetic clay is mined in the sea at great depths. Its use gives a pronounced moisturizing and toning effect. In most cases, it is recommended for the care of problematic, dry and dehydrated skin. Gray clay promotes deep detoxification of the skin and the body as a whole.

Gray clay-based masks effectively cleanse and deeply nourish the skin, tighten pores, and, thanks to their antiseptic properties, have healing effect for acne and boils, and also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

The use of clay in hair products helps strengthen hair, prevent brittleness and hair loss, and also prevents peeling of the skin.

Gray clay baths perfectly soften rough skin of the hands and feet, heal small cracks and skin damage.

Black clay (Dead Sea).
This type of clay contains iron, strontium, magnesium, quartz and calcium. Products based on it perfectly cleanse the skin of impurities and toxins and tighten pores. Most suitable for the care of combination and oily skin face, as well as for normal skin type.

Mud therapy using black clay helps improve blood and lymph circulation, as well as metabolic processes. In addition, procedures based on it stimulate tissue respiration, regeneration processes, and promote the resorption of inflammation processes. Masks based on black clay serve as an excellent means of moisturizing and toning the skin.

Wraps with black clay give an excellent effect of reducing volumes, as they help burn fat deposits.

Blue clay.
Masks based on blue clay have a cleansing, whitening and softening effect, help tighten pores, and also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Baths using this type of clay have an antiseptic effect and accelerate the regeneration processes of skin cells.

In addition, it has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in cells, increasing blood circulation and providing an anti-stress effect. Blue clay is recommended for use on any skin.

Clay refers to secondary rocks that were formed as a result of weathering of rock masses during the evolutionary process. Clay is used more often than other materials as construction material. The composition of clay is very complex and variable. In its pure form, clay contains practically no impurities. The diameter of its particles does not exceed 0.01 mm; as a rule, clay is plastic. All types of clays contain chemically bound water, it is retained in the form of thin films between particles of clay material.

The clay contains silicon and aluminum components. The most common impurities are iron hydroxide, alkali earth metal oxides, quartz and iron sulfide. Rocks with a high alumina content are used to produce refractory materials; the alumina content in such rocks ranges from 25 to 30%.

When all types of clays get wet, water fills the gaps between the particles, as a result of which they easily move relative to each other. This property determines the plasticity of clay materials.

Clay material is widespread in nature. Clays are divided into subgroups depending on the mineral composition and particle diameter, the presence of certain impurities. There are these types of clay:

  1. red,
  2. white,
  3. sandy,
  4. clay for porcelain,
  5. kaolin

The granulometry of certain types of materials depends on the mineral components and chemical composition. Almost all varieties of this unique fossil are characterized by plasticity, adsorption, and swelling. When wet, shrinkage and swelling are characteristic; these properties are decisive when using the material in industry.

By industrial technical requirements The rock is divided into varieties:

  1. low-melting,
  2. refractory,
  3. adsorption,
  4. kaolin

Soaked clay becomes plastic and can take almost any shape.

Plastic masses are called “greasy” because they feel like a greasy material to the touch. Varieties of clays with a low degree of plasticity are called “lean” or lean. Products made from such materials quickly crumble; “lean” clay is not suitable for brick production.

  • Dried clay holds the shape it was given well, while it slightly decreases in volume, compacts, hardens and becomes as strong as stone. Due to these properties, clay has long been considered the most widely used material for making dishes and other household items.
  • Among other things, this breed has the ability to be sticky.
  • Having absorbed a certain amount of moisture, the material no longer allows water to pass through; this property determines the water resistance of the material.
  • Another property of clay is its covering ability. Due to this property, clay has long been used to cover the walls of buildings and furnaces.
  • The sorption capacity of the material makes it possible to use clay as a purifier of fats and petroleum products.

All of the above properties ensure a long service life for objects made from clay.

Types of clay and their origin

Based on their origin, clayey materials are divided into subgroups.

Sedimentary clays. They are formed as a result of the application of destroyed rock layers by water flows. These materials are divided into marine and continental. From the name of the first it is clear that clay is formed on the seabed, in the second case the formation occurs on continents, in the bottom sediments of rivers and lakes.

IN natural conditions this variety has brown tint, it is given to the material by iron-containing compounds - ferrum oxides, which are contained in clay in an amount of 5 to 9%. These are usually sedimentary clays. They are formed as a result of the application of water to destroyed rock layers.

During the firing process, red clay turns red or white, depending on the process conditions and the type of firing equipment. This variety can withstand heating up to 1100 degrees.

This type of clay is flexible and kneads well. The high elasticity of the material determines its use as a material for sculptural modeling.

Natural mineral deposits are found everywhere. They often accumulate in sea or fresh lagoons. In the case of sea bays, clay is a heterogeneous mass and has numerous impurities.

  • When wet, clay acquires a light gray tint; as a result of the firing process, it turns into a beautiful material white. This type of clay is characterized by elasticity.
  • Due to the absence of iron compounds, white clay is slightly translucent. It is widely used for the production of household items, dishes, jugs, and decorative figurines. In addition, the material is used in production tiles and plumbers.
  • Objects made from this clay are covered with glaze, kept in ovens at 900-950 degrees.

Porous mass for ceramic production

The raw material is a clayey material with a low calcium content and high porosity.

  • This clay consists of kaolinite, illite and other aluminosilicates, and also contains inclusions of sand and carbonates. Silica and alumina are the basis of clay minerals.
  • Porous mass refers to sedimentary types of clay. It is formed as a result of the application of water to destroyed rock layers.
  • The natural color of such clay ranges from white to brown. Greenish clays are also found. The material is fired at low temperatures.


This is a low-melting type of clay material that contains a large amount of white alumina. The raw materials are fired at low temperatures. Majolica is glazed with special mixtures containing tin compounds.

The word “majolica” comes from the name of the island of Majorca, where this material was used for the first time. Majolica was widely used in Italy. Traditionally, objects made from majolica are called earthenware, because for the first time they began to be produced in special departments for the production of earthenware.

Fireplace clay mass

The composition of this rock includes quartz, a significant amount of feldspar and fireclay. These are shelf rocks by origin. They are formed at a depth of about two hundred meters. Required condition– absence of any kind of currents.

Black material. After firing, the mass resembles products made from Ivory by color. Thanks to the use of glaze, products made from raw materials become unusually durable and have high water resistance.

This raw material is a baked mass. It is fired at a temperature of 1100 - 1300 degrees. The firing process is carried out under careful supervision in compliance with technological rules, otherwise the clay products may crumble.

Stone ceramic mass is used for modeling and for the manufacture of various ceramic objects. Products made from this material are very beautiful. Stone ceramics has unique technical properties.

The raw material includes feldspar, a significant amount of quartz and kaolin. This type of clay does not contain iron impurities.

When wetted with water, the mass acquires a gray tint, and after the firing process it becomes perfectly white. The material is fired in ovens at a temperature of 1300 - 1400 degrees. This raw material is very elastic.

It is not recommended to use this variety for working on pottery wheels. The material is very dense, practically without pores, water absorption is very low. The burned material becomes transparent. Objects made from porcelain clay material are coated with various glazes.

Materials for rough ceramics

Large-porous clay is used for the production of large objects and is often used in construction. Products of the material are characterized by high heat resistance; they can withstand temperature fluctuations well.

The plastic properties of raw materials depend on the presence of quartz and aluminum in the compound. Characteristics the material is due to the presence of a significant content of fireclay and alumina.

The material belongs to the refractory variety. Melting point – 1400-1600 degrees. The coarse ceramic material sinteres perfectly and practically does not shrink. These properties determine its use for the production of dimensional objects, as well as large panels and mosaics.

Montmorillonite clay

The raw material is used as a bleaching agent in the purification of tent syrups, in brewing, in the production of juice and refined oils. This material improves the quality of finished products; in addition, this type of clay is used as a means to combat rodents and insects.

Adsorption clay

A characteristic feature is high binding properties and a high degree of catalysis. The most common adsorption clay is bentonite.

Colored clay materials

Multi-colored clay is a material that contains oxides metal elements or pigments, and is a homogeneous mixture.

  1. When pigments penetrate into the thickness of the material, some of them remain in suspension, and the uniformity of the tone of the raw material is disrupted.
  2. Natural pigments give clay a particular shade; they are divided into two categories: oxides of metal elements and coloring substances themselves.
  3. Oxides are natural components of natural origin, formed in the thickness of the earth. These substances are purified and finely ground. Copper oxide is most often used to give clay a particular color. During the firing process, this substance acquires a greenish tint as a result of the oxidation process.
  4. To give the material a blue tint, oxygen-containing cobalt compounds are used. Chromium compounds provide the color of olives, while magnesium and nickel compounds provide brown and gray, respectively.
  5. Coloring components are added to raw materials in amounts from 1 to 5%. Higher pigment contents may cause undesirable effects during the firing process.

Scope of application

Clay is actively used in construction for making bricks, ceramic products. She has undeniable advantages, as well as relatively low cost. The advantages of this raw material include heat resistance, adsorption properties, environmental friendliness, and breathability.

Pigments are inorganic compounds, which color the clay and glaze. Pigments can be divided into two groups: oxides and colorants. Oxides - base material natural origin, which is formed among rocks earth's crust, cleaned and sprayed. Most often used: copper oxide, which in the oxidizing firing environment takes green color; cobalt oxide forming blue tones; iron oxide, which gives blue tones when mixed with glaze, and earth tones when mixed with clay. Chromium oxide gives the clay an olive green color, magnesium oxide gives it brown and purple tones, and nickel oxide gives it a grayish-green color. All these oxides can be mixed with clay in a proportion of 0.5-6%. If their percentage is exceeded, the oxide will act as a flux.pressing the melting temperature of clay. When painting products, the temperature should not exceed 1020 ° C, otherwise firing will not produce results. The second group is dyes. They are obtained industrially or by machining natural materials, which represent a full range of colors. Dyes are mixed with clay in a proportion of 5-20%, which determines the light or dark tone material. All specialized stores have an assortment of pigments and dyes for both clay and engobes.

Preparing ceramic mass requires a lot of attention. It can be composed in two ways, which give absolutely different results. A more logical and reliable way: add dyes under pressure. Simpler and, of course, less reliable method: Mix dyes into clay by hand. The second method is used if there is no exact idea about the final coloring results or there is a need to repeat certain colors.

materials used:

Dolors Ross. Ceramics: technique. Techniques. Products./Trans. with him. Yu.O. Bem. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2003.