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» Which sign is the most reliable? The most loyal zodiac signs

Which sign is the most reliable? The most loyal zodiac signs

Devotion - important quality for any person. Not all Zodiac Signs are devoted in love and friendship, ready to go to the end with a loved one, supporting him no matter what.

Loyalty is important not only in love, but also in family ties, in friendship, in work. There are Zodiac Signs who are looking only for their own benefit, so you shouldn’t expect loyalty from them. It is impossible to condemn these people, because no one knows their true goals, vices and weaknesses.


Aries are quite loyal. They do not abandon their friends in trouble, and this is characteristic of almost all representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Aries just express their feelings with devotion. Even if they don't feel like helping you, they will still help you. They live in quite fast rhythm, but they will always find time to support you in something important. It is very strange that these people sacrifice their time for the sake of loved ones and friends, but in fact there is nothing strange, because Aries just like the “movement”. They can even go to another city at night just to find adventure in a famous place.


Taurus are loyal, but not always, and often their motives become clear later, when they remember all their efforts. Their actions can tell about the character of Taurus, because these people can rarely control themselves. They are like an open book, so sometimes they themselves don’t know when they can be themselves and when they need to play along a little. They help you, but then you will have to work off this imaginary devotion by helping them in return. What’s really good is that they will also take into account your desire to help them and be always there for them in the future, happily fulfilling their “debt.”


Geminis really want to look loyal, but they are very bad at it. If they stay in their comfort zone, they are unlikely to step out of it to help you. The fact is that they are not petty, but they really love it when they feel good. They will forget everything you did for them, but you have a chance to make them remember if you try. You just need to put pressure on them and tell them what they owe you. Their positive side is that they won't be upset with you for it. They take debt recovery of any nature seriously.


Cancers are one of the most loyal people, but only for a certain circle of people. They will do anything for their family, demanding the same from you if you are part of this close circle. The energy of family relationships is decisive for them in everything. If you are not their best friend, then the chances of feeling support from them are zero, no more. That’s the way they are designed—you can’t change that in any way, ever. If you help them, it is not a fact that they will help you.

a lion

Many experts classify Leos as selfish Zodiac Signs. This is true, but remember yourself - don’t you love to do something just for your loved ones? Leos may be the kings of selfishness, but if you helped them at least once, then you will absolutely see their devotion. Leos have some kind of internal switch that puts them on alert if you give them even the slightest help. Of course, the fuse will not last long, but Leos will not leave in trouble the one who was with them in Hard time, - do not doubt.


Virgos need to help others in order to protect themselves from envious people, because most of these people believe that with their help they can force a person to stop treating them badly. On the other hand, there are Virgos who only help those who help them. This is already done for reasons of caution, because Virgos hate wasting their time. Of course, they can show loyalty to someone who has done them no good, but this will greatly lower their mood and self-esteem.


And mutual devotion is a positive emotion for Libra. They really value people who do something nice for them, so they themselves try to respond kindly. Of course, in the real world this happens quite rarely, but Libra knows how to wait, so they are always surrounded by love and good friends. Libras are rarely deceived or disappointed, but even in these rare cases they remain optimistic. Representatives of this Sign are very loyal.


Scorpios always try to resolve conflicts with their devotion. They want to see the world in harmony, so they will not lose the desire to help a friend or loved one. Scorpios have a hard time making negative decisions. Of course, few people enjoy throwing people out of their lives, but it is doubly difficult for Scorpios to do this. They just want people in their lives who can do something specific for them. They are always ready to meet you halfway.


Sagittarius is no more useful than things found and picked up on the street. You will never know what they are. Sagittarians can turn out to be both very loyal individuals and the absolute opposite, sucking all the juice out of you and doing nothing in return. In general, these people are kind, but absolutely insatiable, striving to get more benefits in the shortest possible time. Be careful with Sagittarians until you get to know them better.


For Capricorns, their absolutely absent desire to meet people halfway prevents them from becoming happier. Despite the fact that this Zodiac Sign belongs to the earth element, its representatives very poorly understand the importance of devotion. These people are petty and are always on their own wavelength. They cannot be changed - they do not wish harm to anyone. They just perceive the surrounding reality very strangely. When they are reproached for something, they do not understand it because they do not want to understand or are afraid to change themselves.


The secret of Aquarius' energy is their desire to constantly improve themselves. They know the value of loyalty, which is why many representatives of this Zodiac Sign can be the most loyal people from your environment. For the sake of their friends, they are ready to hit the road in the rain, in the snow, in a hurricane. They don’t care about the rules - they break them for the sake of friendship, because for them the meaning of life lies in communication, in common affairs with other people. What can I say, they can help you just out of politeness.


Pisces are not particularly eager to help anyone, but if they have no choice or reason to refuse, they will help you. In principle, these people can be called quite devoted. The only thing you need to do is ask them normally and politely. It’s like they are clearing karma by helping someone, so don’t look for other reasons in their creative actions. Of course, you can threaten them, but then you yourself will be a fool. Pisces, despite their outward harmlessness, can be quite strong personalities who do not forgive insults.

Loyalty for a man is like a cage for a tiger. This statement applies to many modern women. But it turns out that many people are not afraid of being tamed.

Loyalty by zodiac sign - is fidelity an innate quality?

Is it easy to be faithful to your zodiac signs in marriage? And it depends on who. If we're talking about about a passionate, ardent, gambling person, then no, it’s not easy. Can such a person be faithful? Theoretically, it can, but at the cost of colossal efforts, permanent job over oneself and, sad as it may be to say, at the cost of humility.

Fidelity is the most important, but not always achievable condition for maintaining the stability of the traditional form of marriage - monogamous. There are people who will never commit adultery, for whom a deviation from the oath of fidelity, a violation of the agreement on exclusivity intimate relationships unacceptable. Which one is the best sure sign zodiac?

Aries man“He doesn’t even allow the thought of betrayal while he’s in love - the feeling takes over him completely, leaving no room for a new hobby, frivolous flirting.

As long as he carries you in his arms, showers you with gifts and signs of attention, promises stars from the sky and mountains of gold, you can not doubt his loyalty. The easiest way to learn about Aries’s betrayal is from him: he doesn’t know how to cheat and doesn’t like it, but brutal truth pronounces easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure.

Aries Woman– can start affairs out of simple curiosity or for the sake of variety. Even marriage does not stop Aries women from having affairs. She will not hide her sympathy and can be the first to admit her feelings.

Taurus men- Casanovas who do not chase laurels and do not lose their heads so easily.

However, they are in no hurry to choose “the one.” If Taurus does not look at you under a microscope, diligently studying your shortcomings and advantages, does not ask about the smallest incidents, is not interested in family history and plans for the future, does not seek to give advice on any matter, it means that you have ceased to be an essential part of his life.

It should also be borne in mind that, unlike many other men, Taurus is not proud of his victories and, especially, betrayals.

Taurus Woman– beautiful, but conservative. She is jealous, treats her man as her property, does not forgive betrayals because she idealizes marriage and tries to live by all the rules. The Taurus woman herself, as a rule, does not cheat either.

Gemini Man— The surest sign of the inconstancy of men with this zodiac sign is their constancy. Yes, yes, there is nothing strange about this. Remember how just recently he surprised you every day, demonstrating new facets of character, radically changing his worldview, never tired of turning life upside down.

It was only then that he fully revealed himself to you, bringing his joys and sorrows to you. As soon as it seems that your eternal child Gemini has settled down, matured and come to his senses, this means that he is already someone else’s eternal child.

Gemini Woman– endowed with a feminine heart and a masculine mind, they make contact with men very easily. In the family, they are not just faithful wives, they are excellent housewives and mistresses.

Cancer Man- with this sign, betrayal is not easy, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. In addition, he realizes how painful it is to be deceived in the best feelings, and does not want to make someone he cares about suffer.

If a new hobby suddenly appears, he doubts and looks for excuses, shares his worries with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and will willingly shift responsibility for what is happening onto someone else’s shoulders.

Cancer Woman- born for family life and knows a lot about it. She chooses a man for herself very carefully. The Cancer woman is a faithful wife and caring mother.

Leo Man- He doesn’t know how to hide betrayal, because he is used to being proud and boasting about each of his chosen ones. He is unable to resist appearing with the next lady of his heart at a social event, showing off her beauty like a medal for courage, and does not think about the fact that his former lover might find out about this.

Those to whom he once crossed the path will consider it their duty to tell you about Leo’s inconstancy, because representatives of this sign have no shortage of ill-wishers.

Leo Woman- loves social life, money and always strives for a high position. She perfectly understands the difference between marriage, love and just sex. With a man, she usually establishes a partnership and is faithful.

Virgo man— She is famous for her constancy, and not everyone can conquer a man born under this zodiac sign. But if it does come to betrayal, a woman deceived in her best feelings has a chance to never find out about it: Virgos are distinguished by caution, sometimes worthy of better use.

If a Virgo man has met someone for whom he could risk a time-tested and dear relationship, he is still unlikely to want to do this, and if he does, the secret will remain shrouded in darkness.

Virgo Woman– very calm, hardworking, excellent housewife and wife. Ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her family. She can easily be called a role model.

Libra men- They are rarely caught in inconstancy, although sometimes they spend a lot of time between two or more fires. A man of this sign knows how, if not to manage his feelings, then to control them, allocating to his chosen ones the shares they deserve - and you may not notice what is happening for a long time.

He makes no effort to hide, but the truth still does not come out: a paradox that is only possible because Libra knows how to build relationships that suit everyone. The deceiver can only be exposed due to an incredibly unfortunate coincidence of circumstances.

Libra Woman is an attractive woman who combines softness and femininity. The Libra woman is under the protection of the planet Venus - such a woman always attracts men with her sophistication and femininity, men always revolve around her. Marriage can be entered into repeatedly, but infidelity is a rare occurrence for Libra women.

Scorpio man- Even the most faithful and impeccably moral are often suspected of treason by their overly jealous or not very understanding chosen ones.

Indeed, you can’t help but think when either a rain of rose petals or a hail of reproaches rains down on your head. Scorpios are complex, and sometimes they themselves are unable to deal with their feelings.

Yes, sometimes there are those who want to help with this - naive, gullible people who do not suspect what kind of burden they are putting on their shoulders. After betrayal, Scorpio becomes so cunning that he falls into his own traps; he makes plans of extraordinary insidiousness, but at a moment of emotional intensity he may well blurt out

Scorpio Woman– sensual, emotional, mysterious, attractive. Such women are endowed with special flair and intuition and instinctively know who her chosen one is. Contrary to popular belief about their impulsive temperament, a Scorpio woman in love is faithful, sensual, and caring. Having chosen her partner, she is ready to go hand in hand with her beloved man.

Sagittarius man— Even the most serious Sagittarius is always a little fidgety. His thirst for adventure is completely insatiable, and adventures of a romantic nature are no exception.

In most cases, he doesn’t even think about cheating, and therefore doesn’t feel guilty - it just happened.

Long before victory is achieved, Sagittarius will probably tell someone about what he is going to do - well, just to be dissuaded. Having heard that there is nothing difficult in the task at hand, he will quickly lose interest in it.

The forbidden fruit attracts Sagittarius only because it hangs high - the taste of mystery is not to the liking of the representatives of this sign.

Sagittarius Woman- loves men's entertainment, feasts, dancing, sports, and freedom is a very important component for her. Not every man can be with such a freedom-loving woman. She chooses the man herself and, depending on the depth of feelings and affection, she can be either a faithful or unfaithful companion.

Capricorn man— He makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully: this applies to romantic relationships no less than any other area of ​​life. Long before she looks in his direction, Capricorn will weigh the pros and cons, form his own opinion about how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it secret.

Before making an appointment with another woman, he will accustom you to the fact that he is busy and cannot devote much time to you, he will outline walking routes and choose places where romantic dates will take place, he will provide for everything... A Capricorn cheater is easy to expose , because he stubbornly commits ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart where this would lead, but secretly hoping that his mistakes would go unnoticed.

Capricorn Woman– can take a very long time to choose the ideal man. She has an innate talent to influence a man and get everything she wants. In marriage, she is a faithful, hardworking and caring housewife.

Aquarius man“He doesn’t like to hide, and if he’s forced to do it, he feels uncomfortable.” Secret relationships do not give representatives of this sign much pleasure, because they have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark, and the reward for their work sometimes turns out to be more modest than he expected.

But still, the craving for diversity sometimes takes over, and Aquarius gets close to a woman only because she is completely different from the other one.

Aquarius Woman- a woman of mystery. Sometimes she herself does not understand her actions. Her men are also often extraordinary personalities. She is sociable, independent, and witty by nature, which cannot but arouse interest among men. The Aquarius woman is an idealist, she can marry more than once, but she is faithful in marriage.

Pisces Man— The representative of this zodiac sign is an insidious cheater. He knows well where such dreams lead, and acts secretly, using all his imagination to hide dubious exploits.

He admires his own infallibility, not suspecting that everyone he meets - and especially you - sees him as an adventurer and is unlikely to want to maintain a serious relationship with him.

Pisces Woman– very attractive to the opposite sex, regardless of external data. If you don’t take it with your appearance, then you take it with your inner world. Such women trust their hearts more than their minds. Being the most sensual sign of the Zodiac, they can go into the world of illusions and temptations. Pisces wives are not the most faithful.

But perhaps you have a different opinion about the ability to remain faithful to various zodiac representatives. (With. )

Now let's talk about which women according to their Zodiac Sign are the most faithful.

They will follow their men through fire and water. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs know how to be supportive and true friend for your loved one. They are very loyal and loving.


The Taurus woman becomes an incredibly devoted friend, a faithful and reliable life partner for her husband. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign readily follow their men and experience with them both moments of joy and unhappy moments. The Taurus woman is extremely attentive, gentle and kind towards her significant other.


The Cancer woman becomes a devoted, faithful and sensitive wife. Many Cancers prefer to behave humbly in relationships, giving the reins of power to their chosen ones. Cancer can support her man not only in moments of joy, but also share with him all the unhappy moments. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become unshakable support and support for their husbands, especially in moments of crisis. These are very devoted women, for whom family and husband always come first.


The Virgo woman loves her life partner faithfully and selflessly. She may seem too practical and reserved, but a calm and unshakable flame of love constantly burns inside her. A woman under the Virgo sign falls in love for a long time, but very strongly. Her feelings become eternal and indestructible, and she herself acquires a great meaning in life called love.


For Capricorn women, love is of great importance. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become very faithful and reliable life partners. They are ready to share not only pleasant, but also difficult moments with their loved one. The Capricorn woman may seem cold and unapproachable, but she will always remain a devoted wife and loving, reliable friend for your loved one.


A woman under the Sign of Aries loves very devotedly and strongly. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign become faithful life partners and loving, caring friends. The Aries woman knows how to not only take in a relationship, but also give. There is no more devoted and selfless woman than Aries. She gives herself completely in a relationship and wants to completely own her loved one.

The beginning of a relationship is always remembered with special tenderness and trepidation. This is a romantic time when no one knows what an innocent affair will lead to. And, of course, they don’t even think about how strong the union will become. Can someone who is so devotedly in love change? However, people are prone to weaknesses. Of course, it is impossible to predict the development of a love story. But it is still possible to determine the tendency to cheat. For this, astrologers have developed a special horoscope. It allows you to determine the fidelity of men and women according to the zodiac.

Aries - passionate heart and hot head


What is the zodiac loyalty of a representative of this sign? As long as he is satisfied with everything, there is no doubt about his loyalty. He will be sentimental and romantic. But if his beloved disappoints as a person, ceases to be a support, or turns out to be overly demanding, this man will go looking for new ones. love passions. He can have several “girlfriends”, visiting them on a schedule.

And while he is attracted only by “physiology,” the other half does not even know about her husband’s adventures. But if Aries meets another “love”, he will immediately file for divorce. A man will not live on two families.


Her betrayal was dictated by a coincidence of circumstances. The Aries woman will break fidelity only when life completely overwhelms her, and there is no mutual understanding with her husband. She is just tired, so she is able to have an affair with a random stranger. But such a romance is fleeting and she needs it only for relaxation.

Taurus rarely loses his head


If the chosen one is a representative of this sign, then you are guaranteed fidelity according to the zodiac. It is extremely difficult for Taurus men to change anything in their lives, because they are simply too lazy to deal with these issues. However, such a person is still capable of treason. But only if the person who intends to win him actively and aggressively seeks his predisposition.

He is capable of leaving his family and throwing himself headlong into love, but not for long. This man will still return to his wife.


She loves beautiful courtship. And this can lead to betrayal. But if a Taurus woman sincerely loves her chosen one, then there is simply no point in suspecting her of infidelity.

Gemini is a windy sign


He positions himself as the best “gift” in his wife’s life. But if we talk about fidelity by zodiac sign, these men are distinguished by the highest degree of frivolity. They are promiscuous in their relationships.

For them, it is not a reliable rear that is important, but variety. Therefore, such men can have many mistresses.


A representative of the sign who loves her man will never cheat. But if the feelings have already faded away, the Gemini woman will not even hide the lover who has appeared in her life.

And know: if you yourself were unfaithful to her, then, in her opinion, betrayal should not outrage you.

Cancers are beautiful, but sometimes unfaithful


If we consider the entire horoscope of fidelity of the zodiac signs, the Cancer man is the least inclined to cheat.

If he decides to “go left,” then he chooses one mistress with whom he is able to maintain a relationship for a long time. Moreover, she will be the complete opposite of her wife.


A representative of this sign can openly talk about her affair. But she does this completely unconsciously. A woman who constantly expects a miracle from you strives to show you her rich inner world, make it clear how she can love.

Leos are a model of fidelity


Looking at the representatives of this sign, one gets the impression that they certainly have a lover on the side. However, it is Leo men who are extremely rarely unfaithful. They are not prone to promiscuous relationships, because they are lazy from birth and do not want to create additional difficulties.

He would rather prefer to break up with the woman he loves if she becomes overly intrusive than to cheat.


What will fidelity be according to the Zodiac? For Leo women, the main criteria for behavior are naturalness and openness. A representative of this sign will freely allow her loved one to answer calls on her mobile phone and read emails.

If cheating happens, she will never directly talk about it, and will make it clear in every possible way that it is absolutely none of your business.

Virgo - reliability and practicality


You can count on loyalty according to your zodiac, because men of this sign are quite squeamish and overly clean. Therefore, casual sex does not attract them at all.

If they do not find understanding and recognition in the family, they will begin to look closely at other women, trying to find the ideal lover whom they did not see in their spouse.


If she lacks drive in her life, then Virgo is quite capable of cheating. Periodically make her worry and jealous, but only for frivolous reasons. At the same time, you must always remain an ideal for her.

As soon as you stop being an idol, a sparkle will appear in this woman’s eyes, and a mysterious smile will play on her lips. But even in this situation, it is still possible to save the marriage. Give her the drive she needs.

Libra - patronage of Venus


They don't even try to be faithful. These men go to the left quite often. Moreover, if their betrayal is dictated only by sporting interest, then the spouse will not know about anything.

But if a man falls in love, he will absolutely calmly leave his wife and rush headlong into a new romance. Libras often change their partners because they have been looking for the ideal all their lives. Sometimes such a search becomes the meaning of life.


She will never lie. But rest assured that at the stage of a romantic relationship, you are not the only one who shows affection to this young lady. Therefore, she carefully looks at the candidates for election and makes her choice.

But what will it be like in the family? What does the fidelity horoscope according to her zodiac sign say about her? The Libra woman is a true example of fidelity. You can be completely calm. If she chooses you, then other men will simply cease to exist for her.

Are Scorpios the best?


This true gourmets in matters of love. Therefore, they are not characterized by promiscuous relationships. If there is a woman next to Scorpio who completely satisfies him, then he will never go to the left. However, remember that he should not be bored.

Scorpio himself will not forgive his beloved’s betrayal and will not tolerate denial of intimacy. Follow these rules, and you will find the most faithful representative of the zodiac.


She won't cheat. If you do not match her character, such a lady will simply leave or throw you out the door.

And remember: female fidelity by zodiac sign largely depends on the partner. If you do not give her a reason to be jealous, surround her with devotion, she will gladly give you all of herself. There is no point in doubting her loyalty.

Sagittarians are constant experimenters


He is a very devoted husband and an excellent family man. But, alas, he cheats on his wife. However, he perceives relationships on the side as adventures. They are not of fundamental importance and are regarded by Sagittarius at the level of creative hobbies and communication with friends.

Over time, the Man becomes fed up and loses interest in going to the left. That's when he becomes truly faithful. In addition, it is important for him that people are waiting for him at home. Sagittarius understands that he has never had such a good time with anyone as with you. Therefore, the need for betrayal simply loses its meaning.


She can accept even the most reckless husband back into the family. However, only in one case: if she really felt good with this man.

To make sure of the exclusivity of her beloved, the Sagittarius woman is capable of a “fleeting comparison.”

Capricorn - true stability


If we consider all the signs of the zodiac, fidelity in relationships on the part of Capricorns is a constant. A man is very careful in choosing his wife. He, in search of an ideal wife, is capable of promiscuous relationships. Having found the one with whom he will marry, Capricorn will completely lose interest in cheating, especially if the woman holds a higher position or can help him with his career.


A representative of this sign will not lie in a global sense. However, sometimes it can hide some details. For example, going to a bachelorette party. The explanation for this behavior is quite logical. She didn’t do anything inappropriate there.

The Capricorn woman should not be interrogated, because she chose you as her life partner. Therefore, she doesn't need anyone else.

Aquarius. The main thing is freedom


It is difficult to call it true. Such men cheat not only physically, but also in thoughts. He necessarily compares each of his subsequent women with the previous one. And he does it out loud. Therefore, be prepared that you will have to compete with a ghost from his past, and not with a real lover.

If Aquarius meets new love, then he will leave the family without even giving any explanation.


What the horoscope promises of fidelity is not something she can say. She vitally needs personal space. She values ​​herself highly and is quite capable of having an affair.

But her betrayal is regarded by her as something insignificant. An affair is started, rather, “for show,” so it does not have much significance for Aquarius.

Pisces - soulfulness and sensuality


These representatives have a peculiar attitude towards loyalty. Pisces have connections on the side and are even willing to commit treason. Especially if there is an inexperienced girl nearby who can easily be fooled. Pisces men prefer inexpensive and unburdensome novels.

At the same time, they demand fidelity from their chosen one. Pisces carefully hide their adventures from their family; they will never prefer a mistress if they have the opportunity to be with their family.


She is a victim of feelings. A Pisces woman will only cheat if she truly falls in love. However, even this does not always push her onto the path of betrayal. If she feels that she can trust her new lover, she will give herself to him without reserve.

Pisces women rarely commit physical infidelity; most often their infidelity is spiritual. But if she allows another man into her life, she will go to him forever.


Analyzing fidelity by zodiac, we can admit that Virgos are less prone to cheating. However, do not forget that there are exceptions to any rule. After all, character is formed not only under the influence of the Sun, it is also influenced by the location of other planets. Therefore, you can meet very loyal Libras and Geminis.

An incredibly attractive, enchantingly intelligent and breathtakingly beautiful Scorpio young lady is the worst wife in the world. Because marrying a Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery. Of course, serving such a beautiful mistress is somewhat honorable, but there is one problem: while you get used to her complex character and learn to dodge sudden slaps in the face, you will manage to earn a bald head, erectile dysfunction and an old-age pension. And this is where she will exchange you for a sultry thirty-year-old macho with such a mustache.

11th place - Pisces

Marrying a Fish is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, who will look at you all her life as the sadly fragrant result of a long process of digestion. At the same time, Fishes cost much more than seals, but they bring just as many benefits: sometimes, if Fishes deigns to stay in good location spirit, you can pick her up and squeeze her a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get hooked on this purring like they are on hard drugs: the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. Great, right?


10th place - Leo

Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If National economy If it didn’t earn enough for a carat in each ear of the Lioness and a couple of carats for her ring finger, it’s a big deal: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very thing. Very painful. And, what’s even worse, it’s irreversible. In the sense that it will still not be possible to divorce the Lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, practically - all other women after marriage with the Lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for another Lioness, someone is now too poor, ha ha.

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan's wife. She honestly warns that she doesn’t need anything from her husband except his immortal soul, but, please, give her for her undivided use. It’s not that Sagittarius is very interested in what is happening in this very soul, it just needs guarantees for the future. And the joint future in the understanding of Sagittarius looks like this: as she says, so it will be. Always. Otherwise - this is the clause in the contract - you will burn in hell forever. Forever!

8th place - Gemini

Gemini is a dangerous wife. There are women, next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women, next to whom a man feels like a loser, and there are Gemini young ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: Geminis look to the very essence, hand-feed other people's inner monsters, scratch them behind the ears and let them sit on the sofa. The problem is that few people are actually willing to get so intimately acquainted with their inner monsters. But you have to.

7th place - Aries

Everyone knows that living with an Aries is like sitting on a volcano, but few people actually understand why it is worth risking such a precious seat. And we know: in the flame of the Aries temperament, you can heat up any metal lump, beat it a little, and then harden it, and then you will get something that is beautiful and useful in the household. Actually, this is approximately what happens with Aries husbands, and they, as a rule, are very happy with it. Every single one of them. The dissatisfied Aries are handed over to ferrous metal for remelting.

6th place - Libra

Marrying a Libra is a profitable enterprise from all sides: on the one hand, this is the same “real woman” that all men dream of: a soft, gentle and compliant young lady, a wonderful, albeit somewhat nervous housewife, a skilled cook, smart, beautiful and sexy thing. On those days when Libra leans toward goodness and joy. Which, frankly, doesn’t happen often. Libra devotes the rest of their time to hysterics, suffering, scandals, sobs and eating other people's brains with a teaspoon. But they also do this very, very beautifully.

5th place - Virgo

The top five best wives are opened by Virgo - not so much a wife as best friend and comrade. Virgos are convinced that husband and wife should not look at each other, but in one direction, and in the direction that Virgo chooses. So being the husband of a Virgo, on the one hand, is extremely beneficial - it’s like being an alpha male in wolf pack: the leader, of course, is not you at all, but the she-wolf, but formally you have status. Unless, of course, you are a sheep in wolf's clothing. It’s very simple to test yourself for “bovidness”: if the insightful Virgo, having seen the ring, did not immediately say “yes”, but stated that she “needs to think” - you are still a ram. Run, bro. Run quickly.

4th place - Taurus

The honorable fourth place goes to Taurus - the woman you should marry if you are a cheerful beggar. Because Taurus has the gift of raising poor duds into successful duds, but the gaiety, as a rule, is lost somewhere in the process. So you should marry a Taurus if you think that a plate flying at your head is a lot of fun. Yes, and the three thousand five hundred and eighteenth time is just as fun as the first.

3rd place - Capricorn

Rounding out the top three are Capricorns - women who know exactly the recipe. family happiness. Elementary Watson! Ideal man must marry the perfect woman, it couldn’t be easier, right? So Capricorns get married, guided by common sense and sober calculation, and not some kind of semi-mythical love. And then they live with their ideal husband in love and harmony until death do them part. We probably won’t give criteria for ideality: whoever Capricorn chooses can look in the mirror, and the rest have no need to know such terrible things. You won't sleep then.

2nd place - Aquarius

The honorable second place goes to Aquarius - only and exclusively because Aquarius does not like to be first: what should we strive for then, huh? The Aquarius wife is an almost mythical woman, the main character of men’s dreams: forever young (ninety-year-old Aquarians can giggle like freshmen); eternally beautiful, because the temperament of Aquarius is not subject to time; forever amazing because Aquarius will always live his life next to his husband and will never live by him alone. There’s only one problem here: you’ll wear down seven pairs of iron boots, bro, while you’re following her around and whining: “Marry me, please!”

1st place - Cancer

It is not so easy to persuade a Cancer young lady to get married, but if she succeeds, she will show herself in all her glory: she is smart, beautiful, and a housewife. She runs the house perfectly, raises her children flawlessly, and is friends with her husband’s relatives. She will always support her loved one, she will always please him. Because family is the main thing. The main thing is that she said it! And whoever skimps on his family responsibilities, she will take him with a steel claw for some place. And here, of course, one could regret that he did not marry some Scorpio, but... You can’t regret it. Click-clack.

“Nothing weighs more heavily than devotion,” said one of the characters in Agatha Christie’s novels. Indeed, there are those for whom loyalty is a heavy burden. However, there are enough people in the world who are capable of devotion. InStyle has compiled a rating of the most faithful zodiac signs.

12th place - Gemini

Well what can I say. Gemini is a two-faced sign, which means that integrity of nature is not the most common quality among them. This also applies to relationships. Geminis are always on the move, they are looking for impressions, they are greedy for acquaintances and news. This sign is flexible, it easily accepts the rules of the game, and in general Geminis are born players. Including in relationships. Accordingly, they can easily play to the point of adultery. You need to understand that for many Geminis, in principle, the love of one person is not enough, so they are unlikely to calm down soon. Do you want him to be faithful? Change with him, take an intense interest in the world around you.

11th place - Virgo

A very polar sign. Virgo is ready, willing and able to be faithful; she condemns adultery, as it is immoral. But in fact, a representative of this sign would happily dive headfirst into the pool if they were not reproached for it. External appearances are very important for Virgo; she tries to control herself, but at some point she will get so bored with everything that she will break down. Another question is that the disruption will turn out to be fleeting, one-time and frivolous. Virgo will never start a long-term affair on the side, as it is risky, tiring and also ultimately boring.

10th place - Libra

Libras are as amorous as teenagers. Every hobby is love to the grave and the only one. And it’s okay that in six months they won’t even remember the name of this one. The main thing is what is happening here and now, a whirlpool of passions that will cover your head and create a lot of problems. In addition, Libra does not know how to lie, and I don’t even want to refute all this “I stayed until two in the morning at work” - and it is so clear that this is a helpless lie. And representatives of this sign do not know how to say “no”, which is the most a big problem for those who are close to them.

9th place - Pisces

Pisces need communication. They are very interested in society, the people around them, and being with someone alone all the time is strange and tiring for them. The nasty thing is that they, however, agree to a serious relationship, and then begin to ruin everything. It seems to them that this is normal - someone constant is waiting for them at home, and outside the house there is a huge fascinating world, rich in impressions, interesting people saturated with passions. How can you stay on the sidelines, Pisces wonders, and boldly go to the left.

8th place - Aries

This sign is simple. If he loves you, he doesn’t change you; if he stops loving you, he goes to the left. The truth is that Aries will cheat and then report that the love has faded. And this, you know, is a moral dissonance. And further. After 40 years, the likelihood of Aries cheating increases - not so much, but noticeably. This is due to the need to prove to oneself that age is not a hindrance and that charm/charisma is still there and has not gone away. To prevent this from happening, praise Aries with all your might, let him understand that he really is wow. It’s only better to do it from the heart: this sign feels false compliments from afar.

7th place - Scorpio

The reputation of this sign is quite ambiguous. Here you have rancor, passion, love of manipulation, and selfishness. But, as they say, let’s not paint everyone with black paint. And the sun has spots, and Scorpios can be faithful to their partners. The external frivolity of Scorpios hides the fact that they are true monogamous people. And if you turn out to be the object of their love, you can relax - loyalty to you is guaranteed. Perhaps Scorpio will not carry you in his arms and will not show feelings in public at all, but he will grow attached with his soul and heart, and will remain close to you forever. And this, as you understand, excludes adultery.

6th place - Cancer

Cancers cheat if they are very unhappy in their current relationship. Moreover, they do this because they are too strong love to the one who is being cheated on. Paradox? Not at all. They are pushed into adultery by the indifference of the person most important to them, and they do not do it out of revenge. They just want at least some kind of spiritual (and bodily) warmth. Their partner can't keep them warm? Then Cancer goes to the left. And, by the way, he doesn’t reflect on this at all: he is sure that the blame for such an offense lies only with his loved one. In general, Cancers are very affectionate, they take a long time to move away, and it is difficult for them to tear away from the heart the one who broke their heart.

5th place - Sagittarius

It is important for Sagittarius to be cool, it is important to be independent. Love, he believes, can deprive him of this armor, so Sagittarius avoids real feelings. From here - high probability betrayal. Thus, Sagittarius seems to say to himself: I am on my own, I do what I want, I am not attached to anyone. But when in the end that very real feeling overtakes him, Sagittarius will stretch his arms at the seams and become silk. No intrigues on the side or even glances from side to side - he will only look at you.

4th place - Leo

A very sure sign. For all his narcissism, Leo is a very naive and reverent character; it is important for him to have a loved one. And no less important, of course, is that close person served as an enthusiastic audience. If you admire, give compliments, and are generous with praise, Leo will be yours until the end. And really, why change the audience if it already exists? It’s also nice that Leos are ready to make compromises in relationships, they are reliable and quite responsible. Just - we repeat - do not forget to support Leo in everything possible. And you will be happy.

3rd place - Aquarius

Aquarius can be faithful, but he needs to understand and feel the need for this. And here, in fact, love alone is not enough. Simply put, Aquarius must be ripe for a serious, reliable relationship. It is also important for a representative of this sign to trust his partner - not in the sense of sex, but in the sense of feelings. If Aquarius is sure that you truly love him, and at the same time is ripe for a real romance, then that’s it, he’s yours.

2nd place - Capricorn

Capricorn is reliable, and this quality, as a rule, excludes infidelity. If Capricorn gives you his word that he will always love you, then he will keep his word. It is important for representatives of this sign to exist in comfortable, calm conditions; they hate conflicts and fear a showdown like fire. Why risk what you have for a night of risky pleasure with who knows who?

Yes, they are quite capable of getting carried away, but within reason. The hobby will be fleeting, harmless, almost unnoticed by the other half and will not leave wounds in the soul of Capricorn. But we must warn you: if Capricorn is cheated on, he will do exactly the same. And don’t expect any mercy here.

1st place - Taurus

Leader in terms of loyalty. Taurus needs a permanent partner, then his life will be in order. This need is both at the psychological and physiological levels. It is impossible for Taurus to even imagine that someone other than you will be next to him. Representatives of this sign remain faithful to the end, even if you make serious mistakes and stumble greatly. True, if we are talking about betrayal on your part, it is not a fact that you will be forgiven. Taurus takes relationships extremely seriously, and considering such behavior to be a betrayal, he may not come to terms with what happened.