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» What temperature can penofol withstand? Technical characteristics of foil foam foam: subtleties of installing insulation. Type C application

What temperature can penofol withstand? Technical characteristics of foil foam foam: subtleties of installing insulation. Type C application

New building materials appear on the building materials market every year. This is due to the development of technologies used in construction. So, relatively recently you can find foil penofol on the market. In this article we will learn about all the features of penofol as a heat insulator. As a result, you will be able to fully use it, and, most importantly, for its intended purpose.

Features of the structure

Foil penofol is a multilayer material. Penofol falls into the category of reflective insulation. So, if we define the main function of foil penofol, then it comes down to protecting a particular structure from:

  • moisture;
  • extraneous sounds;
  • condensate;
  • pair;
  • gusts of wind;
  • draft;
  • noise and so on.

As you can see, foil penofol is a universal insulating material. It has the following properties:

  • Thermal insulation.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Soundproofing.

In the process of producing foil penofol, it acquires all these properties to the fullest.

Foamed polyethylene is used as the basis of foil penofol. Polyethylene has closed pores. These pores, in turn, are filled with air. It is worth noting that polyethylene foam is used with different structures, densities and thicknesses. Based on the purpose for which the foil penofol will be used, it is covered with aluminum foil on one or both sides. The peculiarity of this foil is that it has the ability to reflect up to 97% of a particular energy. This is achieved through pre-polishing.

Aluminum foil is applied to penofol by means of warm welding. Thanks to this, the material acquires a homogeneous structure. As for the thickness of foamed polyethylene, it can range from 2 to 10 mm. If we talk about aluminum foil coatings, then its thickness ranges from 12 to 30 microns.

Important! If your region has a harsh climate, then you can use foil penofol with a maximum thickness of 40 mm.

Operating principle

The principle of action of penofol comes down to the discovery of James Dewar, known in the twentieth century, also known as the “Dewar Vessel”. Through a series of studies, he found out that this or that substance has the property of resisting heat transfer. He concluded that the material is unable to completely stop heat transfer, but only slow down the transfer rate. Moreover, the substance has the property of accumulating thermal energy. As soon as saturation occurs, the substance begins to give off heat.

James Dewar conducted a series of experiments during which he identified substances that could not absorb thermal energy, but, on the contrary, reflect it. For example, among such materials he highlighted:

  • Silver.
  • Platinum.
  • Gold.
  • Polished and pure aluminum.

As a result of the experiment, he discovered that all these metals reflect thermal energy up to 99 percent. However, such reflectors are also excellent conductors. Therefore, it was decided to use them with thermal insulation materials. If everything is simply explained, then a household thermos has a similar principle of operation. So, thanks to this discovery, it became possible to start saving on energy during the heating season. Also prevent overheating of certain structures in summer time of the year.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having familiarized ourselves with the main features of foil penofol, we will consider all its positive and negative sides. Among the positive aspects of foil penofol, the following can be noted:

  • Versatility. Foil penofol can be used in the process of carrying out a wide variety of repair and construction work. At the same time, foil penofol can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  • Low level of vapor permeability. Therefore, the installation of penofol should not be combined with a vapor barrier. It turns out that there is an opportunity to save money.
  • Noise insulation. Foil penofol has a high degree of sound insulation. Due to this, it is often used in the arrangement of production workshops and other premises.
  • Minimum thickness. If we compare foil penofol with other thermal insulation materials, then foil penofol wins in this matter. Thus, a thickness of 4 mm of this material can replace a layer of mineral wool of 85 mm, 30 mm of extruded polystyrene foam and 18 mm of wood interlayer.
  • Easy installation. The process of laying foil foam foam comes down to simple steps. This insulation is sold in rolls. So, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of any dirt. Roll out the roll over the entire floor area and connect the individual sheets together with special tape. The material can be attached to the base with a stapler, tape or something else.
  • Environmental friendliness. Foil penofol in modern industry used for storing food. Moreover, some claim that penofol can protect against radiation.
  • Does not burn. It’s not that it doesn’t burn, but foil penofol belongs to the class of low-flammable products. It can also be described as flame retardant.
  • Does not breed any rodents. The structure of this foil heat insulator means that no rodents or other inhabitants of nature will live in it.
  • Easy to transport. Foil penofol is very light. So you can transport it even to public transport, of course, if you bought only one small roll.

Although this thermal insulation material has a number of bright positive aspects, it is worth noting some of its negative points. Here are some of them:

  • High softness. If you plan to plaster or glue wallpaper, then foil penofol will not be suitable for such cladding, since its structure is relatively soft.
  • Due to its softness, it can be easily damaged during installation. Therefore, you need to be careful.


Foil penofol is divided into three main types:

These types of products differ in their technical characteristics. So, type A means foil penofol, which has a foil coating on only one side. He can be found on domestic market more often. As for type B, this is a product that has a foil coating on both sides. Its peculiarity is that it is used for thermal insulation attic floors, floors, walls, ceilings, baths, saunas, pipes, etc. Well, the third type C is different in that on one side there is adhesive coating, and on the other a reflector.

Important! The presence of an adhesive surface allows installation without additional equipment. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the installation process.


Foiled penofol has the following technical characteristics:

  • The operating temperature has a wide range from -60 degrees to +100 degrees Celsius.
  • The degree of reflection of thermal energy has a coefficient of 95 to 97 percent.
  • The level of thermal conductivity depends on the conditions under which the material is installed. Thus, the coefficient range is from 0.037 to 0.053 W/m degrees Celsius.
  • The degree of water absorption is minimal and ranges from 0.35 to 0.7 percent. As a result, this or that ceiling can be reliably protected from the penetration of moisture in any of its manifestations.
  • If you have a product in front of you with a thickness of 4 mm, then its weight will be from 44 to 74 kg/m3. The value directly depends on what type of product.
  • Minimum vapor permeability – 0.0001 mg/m h Pa. Of course, these values ​​indicate excellent resistance to steam penetration.
  • Compressive strength 0.035 MPa.
  • The specific heat capacity is 1.95 J/kg°C.
  • The degree of sound absorption is 32 dB.

Where is it used?

Having such excellent technical characteristics, foil penofol has found relatively wide application. Thus, it is used in the construction of capital buildings or during repair and finishing work. In most cases it is used as thermal insulation bath rooms, saunas, refrigeration chambers, private houses, apartments and more.

Also used as a treatment for various structural elements, for example, when finishing internal or external walls, for waterproofing, vapor barrier and thermal insulation of roofs, ceilings and floors, window systems and shielding of heating batteries.


So, here we are familiar with the main technical characteristics of foil penofol. As you can see, he is very popular. We hope that this material was useful to you and that you were able to get answers to your questions. In addition to this material, we offer viewing of prepared video material that can fill in all possible gaps. So, having full information, you will be able to use foil penofol correctly, and, most importantly, for its intended purpose.



Modern foil penofol has an important advantage over its competitors. This material consists of foamed polyethylene and a layer of foil. This design makes it possible to provide double action— prevent convection due to polyethylene foam and protect from thermal reflections using an aluminum insert. Such technical characteristics have expanded the scope of application of the material. This insulation is used inside and outside walls, with a maximum thickness of 10 mm guaranteeing highly effective thermal insulation.

The advantages of foil penofol include:

  1. Small thickness. Maximum thickness material is 10 mm, while the thermal insulation efficiency is the same or even more high level compared to thick insulators.
  2. Excellent moisture protection, noise insulation and waterproofing properties. These technical characteristics make it possible to find application outside and inside walls, in complex architectural and construction structures.
  3. Radiation protection. Such insulation will not prevent exposure to gamma rays, but penofol is very effective against beta radiation. This provided wide application foil penofol in production, in unfavorable regions where there is an increased radiation hazard.
  4. Density and strength. Despite a maximum layer of 10 mm, the material is quite resistant to mechanical stress and deformations.
  5. Easy installation. Installing foam foil insulation is quite simple, no need professional help. All you need is your hands, plus a set of tools and aids.
  6. Attractive price from 50 rubles per m2 of material. Price for foil penofols Leroy Merlin the most attractive, so we advise you to contact this store. Considering the technical characteristics, foil-coated penofol is very cheap. This is one of the key reasons why this kind of isolation is gaining immense popularity nowadays.


But foil penofol has certain disadvantages.

  1. It cannot be used for subsequent interior finishing of walls with plaster or wallpaper, since penofol will bend and sag when pressed.
  2. If we're talking about not about self-adhesive penofol, you will have to purchase special glue. This glue is quite expensive, so costs will increase. Although a self-adhesive insulator is unlikely to compensate for the cost of adhesive for non-type C penofol. Therefore given by disadvantage can be considered conditional. As practice has shown, working with self-adhesive foil penofol is easier.
  3. For individual structures and structures, one foil penofol may not be enough for effective insulation walls from inside or outside. What can we say about non-foil penofol, which is simple expanded polystyrene foam.

Where is it used?

Foiled penofol has found wide application, since its technical characteristics make it possible to achieve different results in certain types of insulation work.

Today, insulation using foil foam foam can be carried out in the following buildings and structures:

  • Water and thermal insulation saunas, baths, steam rooms;
  • Insulating the roof from the inside, carrying out roofing work;
  • Protection of air ducts, utilities;
  • Thermal insulation of the boiler, expansion tanks;
  • Thermal insulation refrigeration units, refrigerators;
  • Insulation of walls from the inside, ceiling, floor, loggias, organization of their additional vapor barrier;
  • Ventilation systems, air conditioners, etc.

Excellent characteristics provide excellent result when isolating various objects, ranging from simple walls and roofs, ending with the protection of air ducts and your own bathhouse.


Proper use of foil penofol allows you to reveal all its characteristics and show technical features, organize high-quality insulation for walls and more. Work can be carried out inside and outside. This is what forms the nuances of installing foil foam foam.

We insulate the walls from the inside

To organize insulation from inside the walls, the sequence of work is as follows.

  1. A frame is constructed on the wall from wooden slats, which will allow you to leave 20 mm of free space before and after the penofol. Let us remind you that the foil penofol itself is produced in a maximum layer of 10 mm. Sometimes 5mm is better. Although 5 mm thick insulation does not always allow you to effectively complete the assigned tasks. Therefore, 5 mm or 10 mm is an extremely important question. The air gap will allow all the technical characteristics of the insulator to be demonstrated. The slats are mounted with a pitch of no more than 1000 mm between each other.
  2. Check the wiring, insulate it additionally if necessary. Contact between foil and wires should not be allowed without high-quality insulation.
  3. The insulation is mounted on the frame using a furniture stapler. Determine the area of ​​the walls, which will allow you to cut the required number of strips of foil foam.
  4. It is not recommended to carry out overlapping insulation, since this can cause accumulating condensate to flow down the seam and lead to the formation of steam.
  5. After the insulation is installed, another frame of wooden slats is mounted, leaving an air layer of 20 mm. It can be sheathed with any material of your choice.

We insulate the walls from the outside

We figured out how the insulation is installed from the inside. But we advise you to further study the photo instructions and watch training videos. They will allow you to choose the right material, glue, prepare tools and make insulation with your own hands.

So, you visited the Leroy Merlin store, purchased glue, took foil penofol 10 millimeters thick and are planning to insulate the walls from the outside. If you have to work on insulating air ducts, we recommend using self-adhesive foam foam options. They are easier to install than with glue. In general, when choosing between self-adhesive products and penofol for glue, preference should be given to the former. Especially if this is your first experience working with foil insulating material.

For external insulation, work is performed as follows:

  • Clean the old coating on the walls, treat the surface with antiseptics. It is recommended to carry out installation in warm and dry weather;
  • Install the frame as with internal insulation with foil penofol. Simple self-tapping screws are suitable for fixation;
  • When laying penofol, do not forget about the air gap;
  • The joints are glued with aluminum-based tape;
  • Next comes the turn of the outer frame, under which your foil insulation and insulation 10 millimeters thick is already installed;
  • Terminates the process finishing material. In the case of using penofol with a foil layer, most often corrugated sheeting, siding or metal profiles are used for cladding.

Availability on the market insulating materials foil penofol allows you to significantly simplify the solution to the issue of heat, hydro, and vapor barrier. With a thickness of only 10 millimeters, and the thickest material, it has identical characteristics to much thicker counterparts.

In any case, the choice is always up to the client. But the presence of impressive advantages and rather controversial disadvantages makes self-adhesive foil penofol one of the main market leaders. Choosing products with a thickness of 5 mm, 10 mm or other parameters depends on the specific situation.

The construction of any object is impossible without the use thermal insulation materials. With their help, resource costs for heating are reduced. One of the popular solutions is foil penofol. It is chosen for its excellent characteristics. The installation procedure for the material does not contain any difficult aspects. Even a beginner can easily handle this work. Compared to other solutions, it costs significantly less. The result is high-quality and inexpensive insulation of premises.

Penofol is one of the most popular and widespread types of insulation.

Features of the structure

Penofol is usually classified as a reflective insulation product. It was developed specifically for protection various surfaces from such negative factors, like cold, moisture and steam. Over the years of its production, the product has been improved. As a result, it acquired not only excellent thermal insulation properties, but also protection from water and sound. Its structure contains several layers:

This material belongs to the category of heat reflective thanks to the foil, which is attached to the polyethylene “foam”
  1. The first one is polyethylene foam. It has many pores closed type. They are 90% filled with air. This is what prevents heat transfer.
  2. Aluminum foil is the second layer. It provides effective heat reflection. Penofol can be covered with foil on one or both sides. This point influences its main technical characteristics and also determines the application features. To reliably connect the base with the metallized layer, the heat welding method is used.

If you have not yet decided on the choice of foil insulation for your home, be sure to watch this video:

For polyethylene, the thickness varies from 2 to 40 mm, and for foil this parameter ranges from 12 to 30 microns. The presence of an air cushion, which is covered with a reflective element, ensures heat retention for a long time. The use of penofol during the construction of a house makes it possible to save on heating the home. In summer, the heating of the object slows down noticeably.


Penofol differs from most other materials in that moisture does not have any effect on its characteristics.

When studying foil penofol, consumers study the characteristics first of all. They are one of its advantages. Such important parameter The thermal conductivity of this solution is quite comparable to that of mineral insulators. Its use for attic insulation reduces heat loss in winter time. Thanks to the metallized layer, the material is able to reflect up to 97% of infrared radiation. As a result, its use is an opportunity to create comprehensive thermal insulation of a room.

The insulator absorbs moisture well, and its vapor permeability tends to zero. It differs from most other materials in that moisture does not have any effect on its characteristics. Change temperature regime also does not change them. When penofol is used for thermal insulation work, there is no need to create steam protection. The insulation acts as a good barrier to its penetration.

To solve problems of effective sound insulation, foil penofol is mounted directly on top building structures. At the same time, in terms of environmental friendliness, it is one of the most best solutions. The durability of the insulator is also at a high level. Its use allows not only to insulate the room, but also to prevent penetration inside electromagnetic radiation.

Main Application this insulation– roof, walls, bathhouse, loggia, where there is a layer for reflection

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any solution in the field of thermal insulation, penofol has certain advantages. They are the first thing consumers consider when looking for an effective insulator. Positive characteristics:

Although penofol has many advantages, it is still not without its disadvantages. One of them is excessive softness. This feature imposes certain restrictions on use: the material cannot be used for thermal insulation of walls under plaster or wallpaper; in some cases, special fixing is required adhesive composition(this minus is absent if the consumer has chosen self-adhesive insulation for the work).

Although the foil insulator has good characteristics in terms of thermal insulation, it should not be used as the main solution to improve the performance of external walls. It is ideal as an additional layer of insulation to improve the protection of the structure from moisture and enhance the reflection of thermal energy.

Scope of application

Speaking about foil penofol, the use of this insulator can be varied. In this regard, he is universal material. It can be used to insulate surfaces in apartments and country houses. Due to its characteristics, it is often chosen for thermal insulation of the foundation, as well as when used in the house repair work. This solution is most effective for thermal insulation:

  1. Residential buildings.
  2. Baths and saunas.
  3. Administrative and industrial facilities.

It can also be used to improve the structural performance of public buildings. For example, in hospitals and kindergartens. It is excellent for insulating heated and cold hangars, as well as warehouse buildings.

Surfaces insulated with this insulation do not release heat to the outside in the winter. In the summer months, penofol provides comfortable conditions for accommodation. To keep the house from getting hot, it is enough to simply arrange a layer of this material in the under-roof space of the structure.

Installation nuances

This soft material, therefore it cannot be laid under plaster; another finishing coating will be required, for example, plasterboard or Wall panels

The procedure for laying a heat insulator has certain features. Taking into account the nuances can be provided high quality works and exclude extra costs for heating:

  1. When laying penofol with a one-sided metallized layer, it should face towards the heat source.
  2. During installation, it is necessary to ensure an air gap. His optimal size- 2 cm. It is necessary for effective ventilation.
  3. When fixing the insulation, any joints that arise between the sheets must be eliminated using foil tape.
  4. The butt-to-end connection method ensures uniform thermal reflection from the insulator. However, when work is carried out on a loggia, joining the material with an overlap of up to 10 cm is quite acceptable.
  5. When carrying out the procedure, you need to remember that one of the layers of this solution - aluminum foil - conducts well electricity. Therefore, if the insulation is located close to electrical wiring, then you need to think about high-quality insulation of the wires.

When thermally insulating roofs or inclined walls of attics, installation of penofol is carried out by attaching to the lower planes of rafter boards

When choosing penofol, the technical characteristics should be found out first. This allows you to pick best option to solve the problem that has arisen. Foil insulator is good decision when it is necessary to perform high-quality thermal insulation of an object. Its advantage is its small thickness and ease of installation. Even a beginner can handle the installation work. You just need to know the basic nuances when carrying them out.

Many consumers who have chosen penofol are also interested in the flammability of the insulation. There is no need to worry about this - it is classified as low-flammable. When installing it, it is worth using the overlap method. It is best to use aluminum tape to seal joints.

At making the right choice Insulation can be omitted from installing a waterproofing layer. The result is good savings for the owner of the facility and a serious improvement in the thermal insulation characteristics of the room.

Penofol, which has no competitors, has excellent characteristics. Its flexibility allows it to fit perfectly on any surface. Among all the diversity modern materials penofol has gained the highest popularity. Penofol, like any construction material, has its pros and cons. In this article we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of penofol and its scope of application.

When renovating or building a house, almost all surfaces are finished: ceilings, floors, interior and exterior walls. This, as a rule, is the insulation of surfaces, as well as their steam, sound and waterproofing. But, if “sound” and “steam” don’t particularly bother developers, then everyone thinks about heat.

Construction markets offer a huge range of thermal insulation materials, the use of which is determined by their technical characteristics. New material- penofol appeared relatively recently. Let's try to understand whether it makes sense to give preference to this particular material.

Penofol - what is it?

Penofol is a multilayer material based on polyethylene foam. The base is covered with a thin layer of aluminum foil. Penofol is a type of reflective insulation. It is unlikely that the average buyer will be interested in the modulus of elasticity or other technical details of this material. Therefore, we will consider the types, scope of application, installation basics, feasibility of use, advantages and disadvantages of penofol.

What types of penofol do manufacturers offer?

Penofol is offered by manufacturers of the following types:

  • Type “A” - the base is covered with foil on one side.
  • Type “B” - double-sided coating with a protective layer.
  • Type “C” - foil on one side, self-adhesive layer on the other.

In the first option, to preserve heat, the foil side of the penofol should be facing toward the room. The use of penofol type “B” allows you to prevent excessive heating of the room in the summer, and to retain heat in the winter. The third option is used for thermal insulation of surfaces in hard-to-reach places.

Manufacturers also offer other types of penofol: with reinforcement, perforation and a number of other features. In any case, the principle of action of penofol creates the effect of a thermos. In a room insulated with this material, you will not have to run the air conditioner in the summer or the heating boiler in the winter.

Where is penofol used?

  • The material is perfect for insulating walls (external and internal), floors and roofs of buildings.
  • Indispensable for thermal insulation of ventilation systems and air ducts.
  • Used for insulating cars and machinery.
  • It is an ideal insulation material for balconies and loggias.
  • Installed behind heating radiators.
  • Serves as a heat insulator for pipes and pipelines, but on top of mineral wool insulation.
  • This material is very convenient for arranging thermal insulation for temporary buildings, modules for trade, and stalls.

It is worth noting that for thermal insulation external walls In buildings, penofol is used as additional insulation, which, first of all, protects walls from moisture and reflects thermal energy.

What rules must be followed for installing penofol?
  • Before installing the insulation, any surface is cleaned, its unevenness and cracks are eliminated.

  • This material is absolutely waterproof. Therefore, between penofol and additional elements the structure must have a free air space of at least 20 mm. To do this, a frame of wooden slats is installed on the insulated surface, to which penofol is subsequently attached.
  • Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity. That's why contact of penofol with uninsulated or low-quality electrical wires is unacceptable. Before the beginning installation work The quality of the wiring is carefully checked.

  • Using a knife, penofol is cut into strips of the required length. Next, using a furniture stapler, the insulation is attached to the wooden frame. The strips are laid end to end. Attaching penofol with an overlap is unacceptable. If steam forms, the accumulated condensate will drain along the overlap lines. The joints of the insulation are taped with aluminum tape.
  • Because an air space of 2 cm should be on both sides of the penofol, then it is installed again wooden frame. The slats of the second frame are aligned with special care, because finishing material will be attached to this structure.

Unfortunately, it is not entirely advisable to use devices that pierce it to attach penofol. Sloppy work can worsen the thermal insulation qualities of this insulation. For this reason, penofol began to be produced with a self-adhesive surface.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of penofol?

The advantages of penofol are determined by the following qualities:

  • the small thickness of the material nevertheless provides decent thermal insulation of the premises;
  • ease of installation, no penofol required when installing professional tools, the material does not crumble or break;
  • environmental friendliness, penofol components are even used for food storage;
  • waterproof;
  • fire safety;
  • is an excellent noise and waterproofing agent;
  • ease of transportation, thin material rolls up into compact rolls;
  • affordable price.

TO shortcomings penofol can only be attributed to its softness. It is enough to put a little pressure on the material and it will bend, so finishing penofol with wallpaper or plaster is impossible.

Having studied the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of penofol, we can conclude that the insulation of buildings and structures is the most modern thermal insulator excellent option. Penofol protects not only from cold, but also from extraneous noise and moisture. At the same time, the loss of free space in the room and the consumption of thermal insulation materials is minimized. This fact will please any owner.

Video: Technology internal insulation Penofol

How to choose a gas boiler?

The name Penofol has become so popular that this foamed polyethylene with foil is sometimes used where it is not needed, to the detriment of the result with monetary losses. The frenzied popularity is facilitated by sellers who, for the sake of sales, attribute miraculous properties to foamed polyethylene. Let's look at how Penofol is used correctly and why owners sometimes experience losses with this material...

What is Penofol?

Foamed polyethylene with foil is a soft and elastic rolled material, usually from 3.5 to 10 mm thick, for use as a substrate, vapor barrier, wind barrier, insulation layer.

According to the manufacturer, the thermal conductivity coefficient of uncompressed material is in the range of 0.037 - 0.05 W/m °C. For comparison, foam has 0.035 - 0.04 W/m °C - the material is a little warmer...

The pasted layer of aluminum foil reflects infrared radiation, preventing him from escaping from the heated house to the cold street. And also impermeable to water vapor.

Available in thicknesses of 3 - 10 mm, most often in rolls up to 36 meters long, with a width of 1200 mm.

The material is very light and easy to process, cut with scissors, attached with glue, or pressed with screws or lathing. Convenience and ease of use, as well as low price, contribute to popularity and... misuse.

Types of Penofol

There are:

Thermal insulation qualities of Penofol

It should be noted that when compressed to 2–3 times the original thickness, air is partially displaced from the material, and the thermal conductivity coefficient increases significantly. At the same time, reducing the thickness of the layer leads to a proportional decrease in heat transfer resistance. This means, at least, that Penofol, as insulation, should not be used in a compressed state.

On the manufacturer's website you can find the following values:

  • heat transfer resistance R of PENOFOL® insulation in a structure with a closed air gap is 1.175 – 1.362 m2C/W.

Apparently, such a high value for a thin layer of insulation was obtained by adding up the heat transfer resistance of directly foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 5 - 10 mm - only 0.15 - 0.3 m2C / W, and also adding here the heat saving from foil (a barrier for radiant heat), which completely depends on the power of radiation from the inside, the temperature in the room, the presence of heating sources, the degree of radiation absorption by structures, and also, apparently, also adding the resistance of the “closed circuit” air gap» design, which can actually reach 1.0 m2C/W, for example, in a double-glazed window.

However, the obvious fact is that Penofol really does insulate, all that remains is to apply it correctly.

Basic rules for using Penofol

Where and how is Penofol mainly used in practice?

Experts warn. Large-scale use of shielding with conductive foil can disrupt the natural magnetic background, increase (decrease) electromagnetic intensity, disrupt the operation of transmitting and receiving devices, which cannot be called useful and correct...

Examples of incorrect and dangerous use of Penofol

  • Laying Penfol under a cement (reinforced concrete) screed. The foil is destroyed by the alkaline aggression of concrete, the insulation layer is compressed excessively. There is no warming effect.
  • The use of Penofol as the main insulation layer in structures that must be insulated in accordance with standards - in floors, in roofs, in walls. At the same time, users are usually guided by sellers’ assurances that the material replaces “5 centimeters of polystyrene foam” or “6 centimeters mineral wool" As a result, without a main insulating layer (in most cases, 10 cm of effective insulation is economically optimal...), the structures remain cold.
  • Applying from the side of the living space directly to Penofol, without leaving air gap, finishing panels, wood finishing, structures made of wood, which entails dampening of the finish, the development of mold, and rotting of the wood due to condensation accumulated on the vapor barrier insulation. After a year of such use, according to the owners, Penofol is “black with mold.”
  • Gasket inside panel structures on the foil side of the electrical wiring.
  • Joining Penofol sheets leaving gaps, which, in addition to a general reduction in insulation, individual designs leaves greater breathability (drafts), which completely eliminates the presence of an insulating layer.