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» The use of thread, tow, rope in rituals. The thread of fate and those who spin it Professional assistance in drawing up a contract

The use of thread, tow, rope in rituals. The thread of fate and those who spin it Professional assistance in drawing up a contract

Mandatory terms of the contract

The theory of law divides the terms of the contract into essential and ordinary. If the parties do not agree on the essential terms, then the contract is considered not concluded.

The essential condition of the contract of sale is the subject of the contract, i.e. a car, therefore, in the DCT it is necessary to reflect its technical characteristics in accordance with the TCP - model, make of car, color, VIN number - in a word, everything that allows you to unambiguously identify a specific alienated car.

In the event that the car is purchased in the cabin, then the contract also indicates the equipment of the car. However, other conditions are no less important, first of all, this is the condition on the price of the car and on the procedure for making payments for it.

The order of payments is important when you buy a car in installments, paying for it in several stages, in installments. The terms in which you will make payment should be specified in the agreement. If you buy a car from a dealer, then the real value of the car will be indicated in the DCT, but if you buy a car from hand, then the seller may want to prescribe a lower price that does not correspond to the actual cost - for example, to avoid paying tax.

This is a risk for the buyer: in the event of claims and termination of the contract, the seller will be obliged to return only the amount specified in the contract and can use this without returning to the buyer all the money he spent on buying a car. To prevent this from happening, insist that the contract contains the real cost of the car being purchased.

Additional terms of the contract

Additional terms of the agreement include:

  • a condition on the procedure for resolving the disagreements that have arisen;
  • the seller's statement that the car being sold has not been arrested, stolen or pawned;
  • transaction costs and who bears them.

Contract form

There is no strict format for a contract for the sale of a car, so it will be enough to write the contract by hand or make it in print in three identical copies - one copy for the parties and the traffic police. In the DCT of the car, indicate in which city and on what date it was concluded, the data of the passports of the seller and the buyer, the conditions on which the contract was concluded - this will be described in detail below. And don't forget to sign all three copies.

If a trustee acts for the seller or buyer, then this must also be reflected in the contract, indicating the full name and passport details of the individual who signs the contract by proxy, as well as the details of the power of attorney itself - which notary and when certified it, for which number in the register it registered .

The act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle

The act of acceptance and transfer of the car (or transfer act) confirms that the car was transferred from the seller to the buyer, which means that the terms of the transaction were met. The buyer, before signing the act, needs to check the serviceability of the car, make sure that the car has no defects that make it difficult to use it. Just like the contract, the act does not have a specific form, it must contain the passport data and full names of the parties, in what place and on what day it was drawn up, a link to the DCT and, of course, indicate the characteristics of the car being sold.

DKP and the deed of transfer should not have discrepancies.

What to look for when concluding a contract?

What needs to be checked, what to clarify in order to avoid trouble in the future? It all depends on whether you buy a car from a dealer or from an individual.

Buying a car in a car dealership:

  • check whether the desired equipment is correctly indicated in the DCT;
  • what is the price of the car, the procedure for making payments if you buy a car in installments;
  • specify the date of delivery of the car to you;
  • learn about the responsibility of the parties to the transaction, which they will incur if they violate the terms of the contract;
  • if, due to the circumstances, it is necessary to conclude a preliminary contract of sale, then you need to make sure that the date before the expiration of which the main DCT will be signed with you corresponds to the one announced by the seller.

When purchasing a car from an individual, before you transfer the money, look for information that the car is not under arrest, wanted or pledged by the bank (this can be done on the website of the State traffic inspectorate), and also pay attention to the following:

  • whether the person who wants to sell you the car has the right to dispose of it. The seller must be the owner of the vehicle or act on the basis of a power of attorney;
  • if instead of the owner his authorized representative acts, then the validity period of the power of attorney should be checked. At the beginning of the document, the date of its preparation will be indicated, at the end - the period for which this power of attorney was issued. If the term has expired, then this will mean one thing: the trustee no longer has the right to sell the car on behalf of its owner;
  • It will not be superfluous to check whether the owner of the car has revoked the power of attorney and, in general, whether this is a real power of attorney, and not a fake one. To do this, you should use the website of the Federal Notary Chamber, which contains information about canceled and invalid powers of attorney;
  • if the owner of the car is a minor, the sale of the car will require the written consent of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Permission (consent) is issued in the form of an order of the department of guardianship or the department of administration of the district to which the guardianship belongs. If the owner of the car is under 14 years old, the contract will be signed by his legal representative (parent or guardian), if from 14 to 18 years old, then the contract will be signed by the minor himself.

Special attention deserves such a circumstance as the fact that the seller (owner of the car) was married at the time when he bought the car. According to the law, all property that was purchased during the marriage is jointly acquired, that is, it belongs to both the husband and wife, even if the property is registered in the name of only one of them.

Practice shows that as soon as discord begins in the family and everything goes to divorce, one of the spouses, in whose name the car was registered, seeks to re-register it to relatives as soon as possible or sell it so that the wife (husband) does not receive anything. In fact, in this situation, she (he) can go to court and challenge the deal, because she (was) not agreed to sell the car. If the injured party loses the claim, the buyer will not suffer, but participation in the trial takes a lot of time and nerves.

So ask the seller to issue a notarized consent of the spouse for the sale. If the owner of the car has nothing to hide, he will find time for his other half to turn to a notary, and the buyer of the car, in turn, can offer the seller to pay for this document.

Ask your seller for a receipt stating that he received money from you for the sold car.

In the event that the car is sold, and the OSAGO policy continues to be valid, motorists ask themselves the question: “How to return the policy when selling the car? » This and other topical questions are answered by a car lawyer.

Professional assistance in drafting a contract

A lawyer specializing in providing advice on car transactions will help you competently draw up an agreement taking into account the requirements of the law and the wishes of the parties, check the purity of the transaction, and warn you about the possible risks of purchasing a particular car.

The specialist will also give legal advice on the preparation of additional documents necessary for the purchase of a car, or he will draw up these documents himself so that the seller or buyer does not have to spend his precious time on this. Of course, a lawyer provides his services on a fee basis, but if desired, the seller and buyer can agree to share these costs between themselves.

If you buy a car in a showroom, then the lawyer will study the contract provided by the dealer, draw your attention to the terms of the contract that are controversial or unfavorable for the buyer, and will be able to insist on adjusting such conditions, thereby protecting your interests. Of course, no one obliges you to contact a lawyer, and you can draw up a DCT yourself by finding a sample car sale agreement on the Internet.

What are the most common mistakes people make when drafting a contract?

Most of the errors in the preparation of the DCT of the car are of a technical nature. These are typos, inaccuracies and blots, at first glance insignificant, but it is precisely because of them that difficulties may arise when registering a car.

Therefore, it is best to draw up an agreement in electronic form in order to avoid discrepancies and inaccuracies, and then print and sign it. It is also necessary to carefully check whether the passport data, technical characteristics taken from the TCP match those specified in the contract.

Makosh (Mokosh). The goddess with such a strange name was first mentioned in the annals of 970 in the pagan pantheon of the Slavs: “And the beginning of the prince Volodimer in Kiev is one. And put idols on a hill outside the courtyard of the tower: Perun is wooden, and his head is silver, and his mustache is golden, and Khors, and Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargl, and Makosh. As you can see, Makosh is placed here at the end of the list, after the sacred dog Simargl. In other sources, she is mentioned along with mermaids, personifying the irrigation of fields with fog (dew) and rain.

Makosh is the most mysterious female deity of the Slavic pantheon. Information about her is fragmentary, brief and contradictory. Such a deity was worshiped not only by the Eastern Slavs, it was especially revered by the southern and western Slavs. Most often, Makosh was depicted with a characteristic attribute: a cornucopia - a symbol of the fertility of the earth and a good harvest. During the spring ritual holidays, she was offered embroidered towels (ubrus) with the image of a woman with her hands raised to the sky. She's like

Makosh - Mother Earth Cheese

“Mother Earth Cheese feeds everyone, waters everyone, clothes everyone, warms everyone with her warmth,” they say. To the imagination of our ancestors, Mother Earth Cheese seemed to be a living, human-like being. Herbs, flowers, shrubs and trees rising above the ground seemed like her luxuriant hair. Tenacious tree roots replaced veins. The blood of the earth was water seeping from the bowels. “The earth was created like a man,” it was not by chance that people said.

Whoever does not honor the Earth-nurse, she will not give him a good harvest, no water, no sun. Whoever does not seize a handful of his native land, going to foreign countries, will never see his homeland again. The cult of the Mother of the Raw patroness of the Earth has long been associated with the image of a female deity

fertility Makosh.

In the peasant beliefs of the Russian North, Makosh was considered the patroness of women's needlework, spinning and weaving. She could afford a lot: to intervene in the work of spinning women if they were not quick enough or dozing at work, she could prohibit spinning on holidays. Makosh remains invisible to working women. Only by the buzzing of the spindle can its presence be detected.

For the patronage of spinning, Makosh is associated with the Christian image of the holy martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

(from the Greek word "Paraskeva" - Friday), a pious girl who was executed for the Christian faith in the III century. Her name has become the personification of Good Friday - the day when Jesus Christ was crucified. To some extent, the features of the pagan goddess Makosha were transferred to the image of the Christian martyr.

Vigilantly watches Paraskeva for all women's work. The trouble is for the one who decides to work on her sacred day - Friday. The punishment of Paraskeva will be severe. There is also a story about how the offended Paraskeva turned the wicked woman into a frog. Since then, as if the frogs on the ground have gone.

It is not only the patronage of spinning and weaving that unites these two images. Like Makosh, Paraskeva Friday protects family well-being and happiness. Just like Makosh with his mermaids, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa patronizes holy healing springs, wells (“Pyatnitsky springs”). It is no coincidence that the legends about the icons of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa are associated with their miraculous appearance in springs and reservoirs.

Images of Paraskeva on ancient Russian icons have been known since ancient times. She was represented dressed in a red cloak with a cross in her hand - a symbol of martyrdom and the crucifixion of Christ. From the 16th century Paraskeva was sometimes depicted holding a scroll in her hand with a white veil and a martyr's crown on her head. Often she was depicted with other holy wives, especially Anastasia (from the Greek word for "resurrection"). Such icons were perceived simultaneously as the personification of the crucifixion and the Resurrection of Christ.

Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa at the Market in Chernihiv

Mokosh. Makosh. Where does such a strange name come from? What is heard in it? Scientists give several interpretations of the name of this pagan goddess. Here is one of them. Mokosh from words get wet, wet, although a connection with the Slavic root is also possible mokos, that is spinning. And here is another opinion of scientists. The name Makosh is composed of two parts: ma- from words mother and cat, which has two meanings. Kosh- a purse, a basket, that is, a wicker container for storing grain, bread and other products. And lot, fate. Which of these explanations is the most convincing? Each in its own way conveys the essence of the pagan goddess Makosh.

Questions and tasks

1. Why is Makosh considered the most mysterious female deity of the Slavic pagan pantheon? What can her name and attributes tell about?

2. What confirmation of the connection of Mokosh with the folklore image of the Mother of Raw Earth do we find in the works of oral folk art?

3. Why did Makosh in the Christian era begin to correlate with the image of the holy martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa? What did she traditionally patronize in Russia? What embodiment did her cult find in the works of ancient Russian architecture and icon painting?

creative workshop

1. Why was Makosh depicted on towels for spring rituals with hands raised to the sky? To whom and why could she turn with requests? How can her image with solar circles around her and her hands down to the ground be connected with the famous folklore image of the Mother of the Raw Earth? How would you yourself portray the pagan goddess Makosh on a towel?

2. Get acquainted with some proverbs collected about Friday: “Whoever starts a business on Friday, it will back away”, “On Fridays, men do not plow, but women do not spin”, “Whoever spins on Friday, blinds his holy parents with a veil” . What is the meaning of them? What could they have to do with the goddess Mokosh?

3. Consider one of the icons depicting Paraskeva Pyatnitsa and explain its characteristic attributes.

4. Why in many cities of Russia (Novgorod, Chernigov, Moscow) erected in honor of this holy church were called Paraskeva Pyatnitsa at the Market? How could you explain that from time immemorial, Friday was considered the market day in Russia? Why was it impossible to work or start any business on this particular day?

5. It is believed that Mokosh in Greek mythology corresponded to the goddess of fate Moira, in whose hands were the sacred threads of human and divine destinies. Such a thread breaks - a person dies, ties into a strong knot - get ready for severe trials. Do you think such comparisons of the goddess Mokosha with Moira are justified? What is the meaning of the expression spin the thread of fate? What relation can it have to the pagan goddess Makoshi? Explain your answer.

Text taken from: Danilov's artistic culture: Eternal images of art. Mythology 5 cells. : textbook for general education. institutions 4th ed., stereotype. M.: Bustard, 2011.

The images of the goddesses of fate are often associated with the image of a thread, a spinning wheel, a spindle. Among the people, women needlewomen who deal with linen and thread are also endowed with an understanding of the secret nature of things and skillfully use their knowledge.

With the help of a thread, they affect all spheres of life: "what is the thread, such is life."

The fate of a person is perceived as a thread spun on a spinning wheel by a deity, and then shaped (already by human hands) in the form of symbolic sewing, magical knitting, weaving, etc. - in order to predict the future of a newborn or to correct an already predetermined fate. Deities can change the fate of a person at the moments of ritual death, i.e. at initiation, marriage, renunciation of the clan, etc.

The spinning wheel became the wheel of time (or the understanding of the cyclic nature of processes in nature turned out to be simply explained there by means of a spinning wheel) - birth, life and death, and the symbol of the circle meant the sun, eternity, images of God and the world as a reference point. The wheel is symbolic and the number 0 is a vicious circle, limitless, the beginning and the end, the symbol of the absolute. The patterns on the spinning wheel connected human life with the mythical act of weaving the universe.

In the East Slavic culture, the central part of the spinning wheel, with which the tow came into contact, was often decorated with signs-symbols of the sun and the daily cycle. The wheel is spinning - the life-thread is spinning, the sun is rolling across the sky.

Time in mythology was interpreted as a specific subject element - a tow on a spinning wheel, a shuttle or fabric on the machine of the gods (an example, unfortunately, is “not Russian”, but indicative: Penelope, taught by Athena, dissolves the woven fabric in a day, thereby delaying the time of choice, t .e. suspends time, slows down the course of human life). In some traditions, a certain period of time was called “yarn” (“a woman’s account for yarn”).

If a knot was tied on a thread (read - on a direct flow of force / life / energy), this changed the given flow. In some cases, the knots on the threads could act as amulets against diseases and harm, in others, on the contrary, they could indicate damage (for example, during childbirth). Confusing or twisting the thread - by analogy, they transferred the effect on a person's life, confusing, knocking down, or vice versa - straightening. Creating a product, together they wove their desires, promises, dreams into a thread. The craftsmen of knitting knots on threads with the aim of changing life / self-existence were called nauzniks, and the magical knotted threads themselves were called nauzes.

The witch's thread was spun for the sake of changing (correcting) fate, i.e. change in the present and future. However, sometimes in order to change the future, it is necessary to go back to the past - in ritual weaving this is done by twisting the thread counterclockwise (that is, the locking barriers open, the spin is in the flow of time). At this moment, she creates a new message / desire, and weaves it into the fabric of materialized reality.

Spirits spinning, weaving, embroidering

Mythical creatures love to do spinning and weaving, but most often this does not bring practical benefits. “You can’t wait for yarn from kikimora,” the proverb says. The people's memory has preserved more stories about the bad "outcome" of spinning with spirits: to see a spinning kikimora - to death in a hut; when a kikimora rattles bobbin - be in trouble. However, if a spirit sits at the spinning wheel (especially on significant days of the year, favorably disposed towards the owners), the consequences are favorable - the spirit can “strain” wealth, health, good luck.

Most often, while spinning, the spirit sentences and whispers a wish, enchanting yarn, household members, and cattle. In order to “not take risks”, they tried not to leave needlework in a conspicuous place, to finish work on time, and, by and large, not to quarrel with the spirits.

In spinning (knitting, weaving, weaving, sewing, embroidering) spirits, deities are often recognizable, predetermining fate, the future. There are different versions - "who was primary." Some argue that at first there were many small gods and spirits, from which the main Gods stood out. Someone says that everything was the other way around, and there were few gods, but there were many functions assigned to them, and gradually these functions were fragmented, being transferred first to the younger gods, and then to the natural spirits. Others believe that the world around is alive, and everything that is on earth is reflected in the "other world", and vice versa. In any case, gods, spirits and people coexist side by side. Among the spinning goddesses, Mokosh is the most famous (presumably a connection with the word “mokos” - “spinning”, but I could not find this connection, but the words mocsa were found in Sanskrit - liberation, salvation of the soul , mokshaka - breaking ties). Other versions of the name - Ma-kosh means “Mother of lot” (in Sanskrit, the words kac are found - to bind, kac - "to be visible, to manifest").

Women in labor, the goddesses of "predestination", instead of yarn, spin the fate of people, endowing them with a happy or unhappy destiny. One maiden measures life, another cuts off the thread of fate, the third, the eldest, pronounces the word of fate. (The cult of women in childbirth gradually merged with the cult of household spirits). Sometimes women in labor correspond to "spinning conspiracies" localized on a mountain (a stone, on a river (sea), under a tree (on a pillar), where "three girls ... spin, straighten, pick up patterns."

Similar functions were performed by the goddesses of fate Dolya and Nedolya (Srecha and Nesrecha). Brownie (or housewife, the female incarnation of the brownie), the keeper of the house, the ancestor of the family. Mara (ghost, specter, obsession, looking like a small, “bad” old woman) appears on a moonlit night. Sometimes she takes the form of a spinning wheel, sometimes she tears the yarn and tow, which serves as a certain symbol - (in the form of the goddess of death) mara takes the soul leaving the body. Kikimora (variations of mara / brownie's wife, looks like a woman of any age with severe physical deformity, associated with the cult of the dead) loves to spin alone - sometimes helping good housewives, and harming negligent ones. Mermaids (who unite in folk representations all female natural spirits, as well as women who died an unnatural death) love to sew. In the Russian week they left canvas, threads, clothes on the trees. "Forest wives" give people balls of "non-decreasing" threads.
Komoha (personification of fever) - in addition to owning various tools (cuts with a knife, sharpens), he also spins. A mythical spinner living in “a hut on a chicken leg, on a spindle heel ... spins silk, twists long threads, twists the spindle ...” (according to the description of Baba Yaga, or an old woman / witch). The spinner turns the spindle, the hut spins, the thread twists into a ball - and that ball helps the hero who is looking for his destiny to overcome space and time. A woman of the Other World, helping someone in the human world - using magical abilities, she revives a woven / embroidered canvas, creating harmony between the worlds - the lower, the higher and the middle.

The use of thread / tow / rope in ceremonies

The material used in spinning is most often wool, linen, hemp, although sometimes chicken feathers (Kikimora) and host hair (Mokosh) are used. Using wool / feathers / hair, spirits manipulate the focus of the life force of people and animals, so such “threads” have a stronger effect. Spinning spirits themselves can often turn into a tow, and then not just wool is spun, but their hair is spun - as a combination of vital and magical power transmitted to the canvas. At the same time, spinning spirits, whether women, slander wishes for their work.

Unlike mere mortals, spirits still do their “work” consciously, they exist on a subtle level - and they see subtle weaves - how they started, how they are connected, how they end: therefore, it is as easy for them to “weave” flows as for thread people.

To achieve the goals, they used not only different materials for threads (wool, linen, silk), but also different colors (red, white, harsh, black), as well as a different number of threads (one, three or more).

The method of tying threads on the human body can be correlated with various decorations: on the neck, the thread is associated (or replaced later) with a necklace, on the arm - with a bracelet, on the finger - with a ring, at the waist - with a belt.

Also important was the method of attaching the thread to the body: tying or criss-cross.

The secret, magical meaning of needlework turned out to be known not only to the gods-spirits, but also to "knowing" people, sorcerers, healers. Unlike ordinary people, the “knowledgeable” were engaged in conscious and purposeful manipulations with tow, yarn, thread, rope, and other attributes of needlework. These actions are reflected in divinatory and magical rites.

A little theory, traditions and practical advice.
Well, for starters, let's turn to Dahl's dictionary. What does it say about these items.

Under-cervical brush (‘Nauz’). Workshops of the Stable Department of the Moscow Kremlin, XVII century. “NAUZ m. (on-bridle?) part of a horse harness; a brush, a badge, and other decorations hung on a belt or cord under the horse's neck; the nauzny belt comes from the forehead of the bridle; now we find it almost only among Asiatics and Turks. In the old days, amulets were kept in the bridle from the evil eye, prisor and damage, roots, pieces of paper with conspiracies, etc., which is why the bridle also meant a pendant, amulet, amulet or talisman. Nowaza hard. nazd, in meaning. incense, pendants.”
“Nauza, action. by vb. nauzit: cut off dry foundations and insert them into empty hives, for a start; || conjure, heal, speak, whisper.”

Perhaps you have already met with such a definition of witchcraft. In the old days, sorcerers and healers were sometimes called nazniks, and witchcraft - nauzniki.
The secret, magical meaning of needlework turned out to be known not only to the gods-spirits, but also to "knowing" people, sorcerers, healers.

Unlike ordinary people, the “knowledgeable” were engaged in conscious and purposeful manipulations with tow, yarn, thread, rope, and other attributes of needlework. These actions are reflected in divinatory and magical rites.
1. They spin “naopak” (on the contrary) two threads - one for the groom, the other for the bride, put them on a frying pan filled with water, and look: they will converge, entwined - to be a wedding, and if they disperse - it’s not destiny. This is where the expression "tie your fate" comes from.
2. In the ditty “threads are torn, I knit / I look cute”, the same idea can be traced - if the spinner manages to tie a tearing thread, fate will develop, life together will succeed.
3. Fortune-telling on the Trinity, when a thread is let through the water (life-fate, fate-death), and they look - it will sink or swim.
4. Linen yarn is wrapped around the end of the torch, stuck between the floorboards and set on fire. In which direction the torch will bend, from there you will have to wait for the groom. Option: they note where the remnants of the tow burned out on the torch fly - to the doors, - wait for the matchmakers, from the doors - cuckoo in the girls.
5. Items made of threads and yarn, for example, a belt, also served as an attribute of divination. The belt was laid at the threshold of the church, and the first to step over was "the bearer of the name of the groom." For the girl who weaved the sash, the thread became fateful (probably, if she wanted to change her fate, it was necessary to dissolve, cut the sash?).
6. Programming the life of the young with the help of a thread, etc. Before the wedding, the girl went to the bathhouse with a cleaver, holding on to the end of the belt. Before soaring the bride, the sorcerer tied the rest of the belt to her right arm, right leg and chest, saying: “Feet to legs, arms to arms, to the sternum - to the east.” This rite "bind" the young, so that they would walk hand in hand, would not disperse, and would love each other. (I wonder if they did anything like this with men?)
7. At weddings, “threads of long life” were spun, tying the young “happily ever after.”
8. The belt in the bath, worn by the bride, had a certain number of knots. According to the number of nodes, the number of sons was born.
9. By the number of knots in the tying of the umbilical cord, it was calculated how many children the woman in labor will give birth to.
10. The twisting of wool into a thread, performed by the sorceress when crossing the road to the wedding train, simulated the crossing of the life of a nascent family, discord in it.
11. A newborn child, who was first placed in a cradle, was wrapped around a cradle (cradle) with threads spun with prayers (conspiracies) at Christmas time - that is, during the work of the Spinning Goddesses. The ends of this thread were then removed from the unsteadiness, tied into a single thread and placed under the baby's head, thereby promising him a long and happy life. (The ban on needlework in Svyatki here is probably violated by the fact that the mother does not just spin, but weaves the fate of the child. At this moment, she can either be equated with the spinning goddesses, or act as a conductor of their will).
12. A spindle for a girl or a bow for beating wool for boys was placed in a baby's cradle, in a number of places a spindle / tow / torch / scissors were hung to the cradle, believing that these items would distract the night spirits from the child (after all, spinning is often much more interesting for them).
13. Rite of "turning away". Looking for or wanting to return a lost / lost person / cattle, a piece of canvas was tied with a red thread (a symbol of life) (as a creature as a whole). Probably, the principle of Ariadne's guiding thread in the Cretan labyrinth worked here.
14. The thread-fate works in a housewarming party so that the fate of the owners of the house is firmly connected with the new home, a ball of threads is thrown over the threshold, and then by seniority, holding on to the “guiding thread”, they enter the house.
15. The rope acts as an image of the community (that which is woven from many threads - but in fact is one).
16. A rope is a road between worlds (more often, however, to the lower world than to the upper one).
17. Threads woven with the left hand on a clean Thursday were considered "programming fate." On Egoriev's Day (May 6), this thread, along with a flap, was hung on a tree of desires, and the plan was fulfilled.
18. Human hair is also equated with yarn as the focus of life force (soul). The death shirt was embroidered with hair, the hair of the deceased was woven into the shroud - this is how the idea of ​​the afterlife and subsequent rebirth was embodied.
19. Woven products (canvases, canvases, especially those decorated with "fancy") were often associated with the road connecting the worlds, as well as with dead ancestors and future descendants. The concepts of "road", "fabric", "towel", "handkerchief" in mythology are equivalent to the words "road" and "fate".

The text below is a MODERN comprehension of the Slavic tradition, and is entirely an attempt to reconstruct the practice of BROKERAGE.
It is an UNCHECKED PERSONAL GNOSIS, and is posted for review and understanding.

It is curious that the same actions in nodular magic can be attributed to both dark and light magic. Various knots, untying or tying knots - all this carried a certain meaning and action, only the result depended more on the thoughts and desires of the magician than on whether you tied or untied the knot. Here we are faced with the same thing that we encountered in previous lessons: not a specific node is responsible for the result, but the node, together with the force and direction invested in it.

But one thing can be noted: of course, nodular magic is quite strong, the power in such nodes is considerable, and with its help you can protect yourself and loved ones from evil.
I would also like to note that basically this magic was used for protection, rather than for attracting something or giving any qualities to oneself or someone.
I met the following legend. Here is the quote in full:
“According to the beliefs of the coastal peoples, with the help of knots it is possible to influence the wind. On the islands of Northern Europe, sailors, going out to sea, bought bundles of “good winds” from old women - ropes tied into a knot, over which certain spells were pronounced. Estonian sailors believed that Finnish sorcerers could drive bad weather, storms and storms to their neighbors. It was believed that these sorcerers were able to hide the power of the wind in three knots. If you untie the first knot, a light breeze will blow, if you untie the second, a strong squally wind will break free, and the third knot contains a storm and a hurricane.”

Conventionally, all nauses can be divided into two categories - with and without fillers. They tied knots, braided, fastened their “protection certificates”, were obtained as a result of suspension (pendants, amulets, and so on).
Usually such amulets with nauzes were worn around the neck, and the amulet object itself was placed closer to the heart.
Now we will touch only on the “pure” version of the sciences. That is, consider the process of manufacturing a nauz, consisting only of nodes.
First, you should decide on the color, length of the cord, what is the goal ahead - one-time use or you need to count on long-term use. Well, decide exactly how you will fill the Nauz with strength.
here our materials will help you
calendar and moon phases
general course of the ceremony
Morning, afternoon and evening rituals
closure of the rite
magic on the doorstep
and many others, open in a separate tab - to read and not forget!
The length is determined by how exactly you will wear the nauz, whether it will be worn around the neck or attached to something (at the beginning I already mentioned that in the old days, for example, such nauzes were hung from the straps at the horse’s neck in order to protect it from adversity) . Usually use a cord about a meter long.
To make a simple nauz, we need a leather strap or a rope about a meter long. This will be the simplest nauz, consisting only of nodes.
If we talk about the material of the thread .. Then there is some difficulty. Ideally, the thread should be homemade. Moreover, woven from wild hemp (hemp cord) or nettle. Moreover, woven with the left hand at a certain time of the day, the position of the moon and the calendar period, standing on the threshold (the thread should be woven in a day, no more). And this thread will have maximum strength.
It can be used for hanging knots, tying, girdling, etc. You can use silk threads. But if your goal is health, then it is best to take a woolen thread. Ideally red.
Nauz variant
Having decided on the material, you can proceed to the action itself. The most important part of this is your focus. If it is not there, thoughts about salary, about not done homework, about the upcoming vacation or something else come into your head - it's better not to get down to business at all. Postpone. If you feel the strength to distract yourself from all that is superfluous, you can start.

Decide on a goal. Do not spray - determine the most important for yourself. And, let's say, two more slightly less important, but very desirable goals. No more. Otherwise, you can dissipate your strength and achieve nothing. The goal must be reasonable and achievable. Don't wish for the moon from the sky. Create a mental image of success. And start doing it.

There are many rituals for creating nauzes. We will consider one of them.
Find the middle of the thread. It is in the middle that the first node will be. It can be anything (macrame knot weaving technique is quite suitable). The main thing is not the form, but the content (that is, what you put in this node). When tying a knot, formulate the purpose for which you are doing all this. For example, if the goal is to get rid of stress, you can repeat “by tying a knot, I get rid of stress. May this knot prevent stress from gaining power over me.” The phrase is conditional. You need to formulate it yourself, and in such a way that you yourself understand it - this is important.

The second knot is imposed on the first, then the third - on top. When tying these knots, it is imperative to repeat everything that was said when tying the first knot. In principle, three knots is enough. But next to these nodes, on the sides, you can impose two more nodes (the distance from these nodes to the main one should be the same). And the goals already here should be different.
And there is no need to impose anything on these additional nodes. They should be smaller than the main one.

Consider the following. Concentration, putting one's POWER into such nodes is quite expensive (if everything was very easy, then the process is broken and such a nauz will not have much power). And, accordingly, do not spray. Don't tie many knots at once (with different targets) - find your main target and give your STRENGTH and HEAT to it. Do not knit knots on a large scale - you, of course, will show your “coolness” to your friends, but it will be of little use.
After reaching the goal, the nauz should be destroyed. To do this, it is easiest to burn it.
The author of the NLG is Lokshina M.L.

Recommended literature on the topic and close to the topic:
1. Savenkova M.M. Knot weaving in the magical practice of the Slavs.
From the mass of archaeological finds of medieval Novgorod, a group of wickerwork used in magical rituals, which are identified with chronicle nauses-amulets, has been singled out. Their possible meaning has been reconstructed.
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