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» Chinese motion sensor how to connect. How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb: step by step instructions. Correct installation of the light sensor

Chinese motion sensor how to connect. How to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb: step by step instructions. Correct installation of the light sensor

The light sensor for street lighting is widely used for street lighting at night. This is very convenient due to the saving of electricity and the fact that it does not need to be turned on and off with the help of hands.

Today, light sensors are in great demand in the lighting of private houses and adjacent territories. Also, economical photocells illuminate the space in the room. Install near stairs and doors for convenience. We will bring detailed description, we will provide a connection diagram, explain the principle of operation and give the necessary recommendations for use.


It should be noted that two types of devices are used to regulate the supply of light at dusk and turn it off at dawn: a photorelay and an astrotimer.

The rule by which street light sensors operate is a simple chain of actions:

  1. A part that reacts to the presence or absence of light changes its resistance when the intensity of light in the surroundings changes. As a rule, this function is assigned to a photodiode, a resistor. In rare cases, a triac or thyristor.
  2. In order for the photocell to work, a special signal is supplied through the adjustment circuit, which enters the transistor.
  3. The transistor incorporates a relay, which is located in the load network, after the received signal, its contacts begin to receive the load. And comes to an active state of work.

To put it another way, in simple terms, then the operation of the light sensor in the photo relay occurs according to the same principle as that of the switch. With only one small and imperceptible difference, that the process takes place autonomously, without any special intervention from you.

Relay collection

Each of us was engaged in the collection of relays according to the same principle in the lessons of fascinating physics in high school. So installing a light sensor for street lighting with your own hands will not be any particular problem.

The main mortgaged and essential function turning on and off the light is identical. Let's highlight some of the features of various devices:

  1. Today, almost all light sensors are equipped with a programming system to remember set parameters for a long and long time.
  2. The sensors also have manual installation, which allows you to insure yourself if the program fails.
  3. Current models of devices have special fasteners for mounting them on a wall or other surface.
  4. You can connect not one, but several sensors to one relay. You just need to use a parallel connection scheme.

The principle of operation and the main task of the photo relay is to turn on the light at dusk and turn it off when it starts to get light. If you are seriously thinking about purchasing a photorelay, then pay attention to its different name in sources. The result of this does not change: light is supplied with the advent of darkness and extinguished when visibility allows it.

Photorelay for street lighting: connection diagram

The diagram shows that photoresistors, phototransistors and photodiodes are used to control the process of turning the light on and off. When hit by a direct sunlight some element values ​​change. When the light disappears or starts to appear, that is, the values ​​\u200b\u200breach the set value, the relay contacts close or, respectively, open.

What determines the choice of photorelay?

Voltage. It may depend on the area and the current receiving capacity. 200W or 12V.

Protection class. Since the device is installed outdoors, that is, in an open area, it can interact with water. Therefore, it must have IP44, preferably not lower.

Choosing street sensors illumination to turn on the light, it is worth calculating which average temperature withstand the device in the area where it will work. The average should be both the minimum and maximum temperatures.

Output power and load current. This means that the lamps for the photorelay must be selected for these parameters. To avoid problems, buy lamps for the device with a certain amount of current.

Sometimes sensitivity threshold The device is annoying with its accuracy. Choose a light sensor for street lighting that will not cause you inconvenience by constant switching on or, on the contrary, will not work at the right time.


It is worth paying attention to devices in which sensitivity can be adjusted. This is necessary when, for example, it is winter outside the window, and electricity is not economically spent even with snowfall.

What are the main parts of a light sensor for street lighting:

  • The photocell serves to recognize the degree of natural light.
  • Twilight photo switch.
  • Time relay.
  • Lamp.
  • Switch.
  • Amplifier for signals.

Response delay. Why is it necessary?

For emergency turning off and on the light. If the delay is set incorrectly or is small for the case, for example, when rays from the light of the car headlights of a passing vehicle hit, then the sensor will turn on the light. And if it is set for 5-10 seconds, the incident is excluded.

Where to install photorelay

In order for the device to always work properly and cope with the task assigned to it, it must be installed correctly:

  • The sun's rays of light should fall on it directly, without peaks and roofs.
  • Unnatural light from lamps and other lighting fixtures is best placed away.
  • Place it at such a height that dust, rain, snow can be easily cleaned from the device.
  • It is undesirable to constantly illuminate the photorelay with headlights.

Connection instructions

A photorelay for street lighting (the connection diagram is presented in the article) must be installed following certain rules.

For correct installation and follow the safety instructions below:

  • Install the sensor with a sealed box.
  • Place the photo relay in an accessible place.
  • Consider adding a contactor relay to the circuit. This is necessary in the case when a powerful current is needed, and switching on and off will be very frequent.

This figure shows a diagram of a day-night sensor with a contactor (starter).

It is possible to install a photorelay with a motion sensor. If you, for example, need to illuminate the space near the gate. Or your country toilet is located on the street, then at night it will be simply necessary to light your way to it.

IN this case in the circuit, you need to put, firstly, a light-sensitive switch, and secondly, a motion sensor. But then the light sensor will only work at night when it gets dark.

How to connect a light sensor for street lighting: diagram and principle of operation

The photorelay of any developer includes three wires. Colors, as a rule, do not differ: red, blue, black. There may be an option: red, dark green, brown.

Things to remember:

  • Red goes directly to the lamp.
  • Blue or green - to zero.
  • A black or brown wire is put on the phase.

Be careful when connecting, the neutral wire must also be put on the lamp. In the diagrams below, the wires are shown in the same color as in the description.

The principle of adjusting the photorelay for street lighting

The relay must be adjusted after connecting it to the network. To adjust and set the sensitivity, there is a plastic rotating disk at the bottom of the relay. About the size of a button, different in color from the very bottom of the relay.

There are arrows next to the regulator, to the right - to increase power, to the left - to decrease.

Adjust the sensitivity in the evening, and in the afternoon after installation, set the sensor position to the minimum value. Smoothly, without sudden movements, turn the intensity control to the right, and when the light turns on, you can consider the job done.

The principle of operation of the astrotimer

An astrotimer is, in fact, the same as a photorelay. The principle of operation is the same. Turn on the light at nightfall and turn it off in the morning as soon as the sensor is triggered. Its difference from the photo relay is that it has more advanced technologies:

  • Built-in GPS allows you to determine your region and accordingly automatically adjust to the time when it starts to get dark and when dawn comes.
  • You set the date and time in it, and it adjusts itself to the season and time of year.

It looks like a fairly small plastic box, has White color and screen. It displays the time in the form of numbers, etc.

What is the convenience of this equipment in comparison with a photorelay

The principle of operation is absolutely similar. But the astrotimer has no false calls.

Well-established indications will not change due to weather conditions or interruptions.

The ability to install in the shield, on the street, in the garage - anywhere.

There is no need to highlight, and the frequent presence of a person nearby is also not necessary.

There is a function for self-adjusting the time in the range from 120 to 240 minutes. If you need it.

Issue price

If you decide to install a light sensor for street lighting, the price should also interest you.

In the market, light sensors for day-night street lighting are expensive. And you can easily afford a regular light sensor. Choose the country of origin and decide what price you can "pull". The range ranges from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles. It is up to you to choose how much this item is necessary in your everyday life and how much you are willing to spend on it. After all, the principle of operation is quite simple, and everything can be done independently, with your own hands.

The main advantage of the most amazing sensors for street lighting is a significant saving electricity. In addition, it does not require a lot of money to maintain and maintain it. Install energy-saving light bulbs and enjoy the light in your home or street. It is possible to choose the light bulbs: warm or cold. New technologies allow you to install and configure the photocell yourself, which will significantly save your budget. Big choice devices makes it possible to install sensors even with a small current supply, which is convenient for small summer cottages. A large selection of colors, shapes and materials from which the device is made allows you to easily blend into your interior and make it more harmonious and stylish.


In addition to beauty and convenience, safety will also be an important quality due to modern device. Light sensor for street lighting, the connection diagram of which is very simple, illuminates all inaccessible places and makes your household plot more secure. Often, leaving own garage, we highlight our path with a flashlight on the phone. Sometimes, when we arrive from the store, we simply do not have enough hands, and we have to walk to the door of the house almost blindly. Elderly people, children can play and move calmly without fear of falling or stumbling on something sharp. Protect yourself and your family!

Motion sensors for turning on street and indoor lights help to rationally use resources (50-80% energy saving), detecting the presence or movement of objects on the site. Modern technologies bring convenience to our lives, increase the comfort of our existence. Motion sensors automatically turn on the lights when a person enters the control zone. When an object moves, the light turns on automatically. This device is extremely handy when you need to turn on the light, but at the moment your hands are busy with something. And if there is no movement for some time (which is set individually), the lamp goes out. Outdoor motion sensor for lighting how to set up? How is the motion sensor connected? Where can motion sensors be used to turn on the light?

Yes, anywhere. More specifically, where a person stays for a short time, that is, in the corridors, on the stairs, storerooms, at the entrance, at the gate.

The motion sensor is a special device that belongs to the category of detection devices. With the help of sensors, it captures a moving object that falls into its coverage area, transmits the received signal to the lamp.

When purchasing a sensor to turn on the light, it is necessary to take into account its parameters, features:

  1. Installation location: light switches can be installed outdoors, in enclosed spaces, under awnings. They are mounted and built-in, you also need to take into account the specifics of fastening, the level of security of the device.
  2. Features of the installation of the sensor depend on its power. The type of device affects the conditions of its installation.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the features of the trigger zone, since only visible areas for control are available to signaling devices. The response radius is reduced even due to hanging chandeliers or cornices.
  4. Glass is a barrier to infrared rays.
  5. You should pay attention to the presence of a function for setting the exact time of switching on or off the light. This aspect will be important if the premises big size, where there is not one sensor, but several devices.
  6. It is important to take into account the viewing angles of the device, the perception radius of these devices varies from 180 to 360 degrees. Sensors with 180-degree perception are often installed on the walls; they are triggered when an object enters or exits the room. Ceiling motion sensors are installed only with a full viewing angle.
  7. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of the ranges of active and passive sections - this is true for an office space or a rest room.
  8. There are categories of devices that have the function of tuning to human breathing.

Motion sensors: types and classification

Light sensors are divided into two types: according to the class of the signaling device and the place where the installation will be made. Devices are divided into outdoor (used for the street) and indoor (for rooms).

The functions of outdoor devices for turning on the light work on the principle of calculating the distance from the device to the object. Perimeter type sensors are designed for a certain part of the territory. Their use is relevant for large private estates, extensive house adjoining areas. For most devices, the response range is quite wide: from 100 to 500 meters. You also need to consider that some types of specialized devices must correspond to a certain spotlight. You can install a room sensor in any room of the house, its main difference from the street counterpart is intolerance to temperature changes.

These devices are divided into:

  1. Ultrasonic - their work is based on the reflection of ultrasound from the surrounding objects. This is the most affordable, uncomplicated, durable category of sensors;
  2. Microwave - work on the principle of a locator. The radar is tuned to a specific range of signals. He catches them and sends the signaling device. After the signal is caught, the light will automatically turn on. Among experts, it is generally accepted that this principle of operation is more practical than that of ultrasonic sensors. However, the cost of such devices is higher;
  3. Infrared - their principle of operation is similar to the reaction of an ultrasensitive thermometer. Such sensors respond to the temperature of an object that enters their zone of action (for example, 36.6°C). It should be borne in mind that these devices are dependent on changes in the temperature of the surrounding space, so it is not recommended to install them in the kitchen area or entrance doors. These devices are optimally suited for residential areas, the temperature response range can be adjusted so that they are not triggered by the movement of pets.

How to connect a motion sensor

To connect these devices, no special skills are required, it is enough to understand the principle of connecting wiring and a signaling device. For a more attractive aesthetic perception, the entire system is hidden in a special distribution box. Each device is accompanied by an appropriate installation manual, as well as a connection diagram for a motion sensor for lighting.

The principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of the process of connecting contacts in a conventional switch, since their operating parameters are identical. Here and there, a relay acts as an actuator.

The practice is widespread when a switch with a motion sensor is used, this is especially true for residents of private houses. When approaching the gate in the dark, the lamp above the entrance turns on, and the sensor is adjusted in such a way that a person can easily overcome the distance from the gate to the house.

In cases where it is necessary for the lamp to work even when there is no movement in the room, a switch connected in parallel to the sensor is added to the circuit. Thus, when the switch is turned on, the light source will be connected to another circuit, bypassing the sensor. At the same time, the fixture will still control the lighting even when the switch is turned off.

Schematic with circuit breaker connection

In some cases, when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, one sensor is not enough, a lighting source connection scheme with two devices is used. To avoid a phase-to-phase short circuit, it must be understood that both signaling devices are connected from the same phase.

Wiring diagram for a luminaire with two sensors

Owners of private houses with a large adjoining territory often combine the connection of sensors and several powerful spotlights. Since the sensor power is approximately 500-700 W, a magnetic starter is used in such cases.

Connection diagram of a motion sensor with a magnetic starter

How to set up a motion sensor to turn on the light with your own hands

Potentiometers are responsible for setting the sensors. They fall into three categories:

  • time intervals;
  • sensitivity level;
  • illumination.

Setting the time intervals is the easiest. You just need to set the required time period. Depending on the instrument model, this value varies from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.

The higher the sensitivity level, the better appliance responds to movement. If too frequent operation of the sensor is observed, then the sensitivity threshold should be reduced. This factor also applies to spontaneous inclusions. When setting the sensitivity level, you also need to take into account the time of year, for example, in summer the devices operate in standard mode, and in winter there are frequent failures. This situation is due to the response of devices to the heat produced by heating appliances.

The light factor is important: the sensor must function correctly when it is light. Thus, when an object moves, the device should automatically determine the level of illumination. If the level is below threshold, then the device works. And if it’s higher, then no, since the room does not need additional lighting, it’s day outside.


Motion sensors for turning on street and home lights are compact, economical in terms of energy consumption, they are easy to install. They are convenient, relevant for use in private homes, dachas, in areas around the house. In addition to their direct purpose, they perform the function of a kind of alarm against intruders, they work exactly when strangers appear on your territory.

The motion sensor is a necessary attribute modern interior, the functional comfort of your home.

Turning on the lights in some rooms or on the street for the entire dark period is unreasonable. In order for the light to burn only when needed, a motion sensor is placed in the power supply circuit of the lamp. In the "normal" state, it breaks the power circuit. When a moving object appears in its coverage area, the contacts close, the lighting turns on. After the object disappears from the coverage area, the light turns off. Such an algorithm of work showed itself perfectly in street lighting, in lighting utility rooms, corridors, basements, porches and stairs. In general, in those places where people appear only periodically. So for economy and convenience, it is better to put a motion sensor to turn on the light.

Species and varieties

Motion sensors to turn on the light can be different types, intended for various conditions operation. First of all, you need to look at where the device can be installed.

Outdoor motion sensors have a high degree of body protection. For normal operation in the open air, sensors with an IP of at least 55 are taken, but higher is better. For installation in the house, you can take IP 22 and higher.

Power type

The largest group is wired ones for connecting to 220 V. There are fewer wireless ones, but they are also enough. They are good if you need to turn on lighting powered by low-voltage current sources - rechargeable or solar panels, For example.

Method for determining the presence of movement

The motion sensor for turning on the light can detect moving objects using various detection principles:

Most often, infrared motion sensors are used to turn on the light on the street or at home. They have a low price, large range, a large number of adjustments to help you set it up. On stairs and in long corridors, it is better to put a sensor with ultrasound or microwave. They are able to turn on the light even if you are still far from the light source. IN security systems Microwaves are recommended for installation - they detect movement even behind partitions.


After you have decided which motion sensor you will install to turn on the light, you need to select its technical characteristics.

Viewing angle

The motion sensor for turning on the light can have a different viewing angle in the horizontal plane - from 90 ° to 360 °. If an object can be approached from any direction, sensors with a radius of 180-360 ° are installed, depending on its location. If the device is mounted on a wall, 180° is enough, if on a pole, 360° is already needed. Indoors, you can use those that track movement in a narrow sector.

If there is only one door utility room, for example), a narrowband sensor may suffice. If the room can be entered from two or three sides, the model should be able to see at least 180 °, and preferably in all directions. The wider the "coverage", the better, but the cost of wide-angle models is much higher, so it is worth proceeding from the principle of reasonable sufficiency.

There is also a vertical viewing angle. In conventional inexpensive models, it is 15-20 °, but there are models that can cover up to 180 °. Wide-angle motion detectors are usually installed in security systems, and not in lighting systems, since their cost is solid. In this regard, it is worth choosing the height of the device installation correctly: so that the “dead zone”, in which the detector simply does not see anything, is not in the place where the movement is most intense.


Here again, it is worth choosing taking into account whether a motion sensor will be installed in the room to turn on the light or on the street. For rooms with a range of 5-7 meters, it will be enough with your head.

For the street, the installation of more "long-range" ones is desirable. But look here too: with a large coverage radius, false positives can be very frequent. So too much coverage can even be a disadvantage.

Power of connected lamps

Each motion sensor for turning on the light is designed to connect a certain load - it can pass a current of a certain rating through itself. Therefore, when choosing, you need to know the total power of the lamps that the device will connect.

In order not to overpay for increased throughput motion sensor, and even save on electricity bills, use not incandescent lamps, but more economical ones - gas discharge, fluorescent or.

Method and place of installation

In addition to the explicit division into street and "home" there is another type of division according to the installation location of motion sensors:

If the lighting is turned on only to increase comfort, cabinet models are chosen, since with equal characteristics they are cheaper. Embedded put in security systems. They are small but more expensive.

Additional functions

Some motion detectors have additional features. Some of them are overkill, others, in certain situations, can be useful.

These are all features that may be useful. Pay particular attention to the animal protection and shutdown delay. These are really useful options.

Where to place

You need to install the motion sensor to turn on the lighting correctly - in order for it to work correctly, follow certain rules:

In large rooms, it is better to install the device on the ceiling. Its viewing radius should be 360°. If the sensor must turn on the lighting from any movement in the room, it is installed in the center, if only some part is controlled, the distance is chosen so that the "dead zone" of the ball is minimal.

Motion sensor to turn on the light: installation diagrams

In the simplest case, the motion sensor is connected to a break in the phase wire that goes to the lamp. If we are talking about a dark room without windows, such a scheme is efficient and optimal.

If we talk specifically about connecting wires, then phase and zero are connected to the input of the motion sensor (usually signed L for phase and N for neutral). From the output of the sensor, the phase is fed to the lamp, and we take zero and earth to it from the shield or from the nearest junction box.

If we are talking about street lighting or turning on the light in a room with windows, you will either need to install a light sensor (photo relay) or install a switch on the line. Both devices prevent the lighting from turning on during daylight hours. It’s just that one (photo relay) works in automatic mode, and the second is turned on forcibly by a person.

They are also placed in the gap of the phase wire. Only when using a light sensor, it must be placed in front of the motion relay. In this case, it will receive power only after it gets dark and will not work “idle” during the day. Since any electrical appliance is designed for a certain number of operations, this will extend the life of the motion sensor.

All the schemes described above have one drawback: the lighting cannot be turned on for a long time. If you need to carry out some work on the stairs in the evening, you will have to move all the time, otherwise the light will turn off periodically.

A switch is installed in parallel with the detector to enable the lighting to be switched on for a long time. While it is off, the sensor is in operation, the light turns on when it is triggered. If you need to turn on the lamp for a long period, flip the switch. The lamp stays on all the time until the switch is turned back to the off position.

Adjustment (setting)

After installation, the motion sensor to turn on the light must be configured. To adjust almost all parameters on the case there are small rotary controls. They can be rotated by inserting a fingernail into the slot, but it is better to use a small screwdriver. We will describe the adjustment of a motion sensor of the DD type with a built-in light sensor, since they are most often installed in private homes for automation.

Tilt angle

For those sensors that are mounted on the walls, you first need to set the angle of inclination. They are fixed on swivel brackets, with the help of which their position is changed. It must be chosen so that the controlled area is the largest. Accurate Recommendations it will not work, because it depends on the angle vertical view model and on how high you hung it.

The optimal installation height of the motion sensor is about 2.4 meters. In this case, even those models that can span only 15-20° vertically control enough space. Adjusting the angle of inclination is a very rough name for what you have to do. You will gradually change the angle of inclination, check how the sensor works in this position from different possible entry points. Easy, but tedious.


On the case, this adjustment is signed SEN (from English sensitive - sensitivity). The position can be changed from minimum (min/low) to maximum (max/hight).

This is one of the most difficult settings, since it determines whether the sensor will work on small animals (cats and dogs). If the dog is large, it will not be possible to avoid false positives. With medium and small animals this is quite possible. The setup procedure is as follows: set it to a minimum, check how it works for you and for smaller inhabitants. If necessary, gradually increase the sensitivity.

Delay time

Different models have a different turn-off delay range - from 3 seconds to 15 minutes. It must be inserted all the same - by turning the adjusting wheel. It is usually signed by Time (translated from English as "time").

Glow time or delay time - choose what you like best

Everything is relatively easy here - knowing the minimum and maximum of your model, approximately choose the position. After turning on the flashlight, freeze and note the time after which it will turn off. Next, change the position of the regulator in the desired direction.

Light level

This adjustment refers to a photo relay, which, as we agreed, is built into our motion sensor to turn on the light. If there is no built-in photo relay, it simply will not be. This adjustment is signed LUX, the extreme positions are signed min and max.

When connecting, set the regulator to the maximum position. And in the evening, at that level of illumination, when you think the light should already turn on, turn the knob slowly to the min position until the lamp / lantern turns on.

The motion sensor is infrared electronic device, which makes it possible to detect the presence and movement of a living being and helps to connect the power of lighting devices and other electrical devices.

As a rule, a motion sensor is used to turn on lighting fixtures, but they can also be used and not only for this.

By location:

  • perimetric - used for street lighting;
  • internal;
  • peripheral.

According to the principle of action:

  • ultrasonic - respond to high frequency sound waves;
  • microwave - high-frequency radio waves;
  • infrared - use heat radiation;
  • active - there is a transmitter and receiver of infrared radiation;
  • passive - no transmitter.

By type of action:

  • thermal - react to temperature changes at the point of operation;
  • sound - are triggered by an impulse during air vibrations from sounds;
  • oscillatory - react to change external environment And magnetic field when moving objects.

By device:

  • single-position - the presence of the receiver and transmitter together in one block;
  • two-position - the transmitter and receiver are used in different cases;
  • multi-position - two or more blocks with transmitters and receivers.
  • multifunction sensors used to determine movement and lighting level indoors;
  • room sensor is used for monitoring and control systems;
  • an outdoor light sensor is used to measure the degree of external illumination;
  • the overhead light sensor is designed for wall mounting;
  • a ceiling light sensor is installed in a false ceiling;
  • mortise light sensor is used to detect movement in office and residential areas.

Motion sensor circuit for lighting

Connecting the motion device is easy, no more complex circuits how to connect a motion sensor to a light bulb. In both cases, the electrical circuit closes or opens.

If needed Full time job light in the absence of any movement, you can turn on the switch in the circuit device by connecting it in parallel to the motion sensor.

Due to this, when the switch is turned on, the lighting will be turned on along another chain bypassing the device, since when the switch is turned off, control over the state of the lighting will completely return to the motion sensor.

It often happens that the specific shape of the room does not physically cover the entire area of ​​the room with only one device.

For example, in a curved corridor, if one motion sensor is installed, then it won't work when the object moves around the curve.

In this case, a device connection scheme is used when several sensors are connected in parallel to each other.

In other words, the zero phase is separately and not interrupted, it is fed to each device, after which all outputs are connected to the lamp. As a result, the operation of any of these sensors closes the circuit, applying voltage to the lamp.

With this connection, you need to know that both devices must be connected from the same phase otherwise a short circuit will occur between the phases.

Moreover, specifications And design features rooms also have a direct impact on connectivity.

The device must be installed in such a way so that he gets the widest possible viewing angle on the intended areas of movement, while not shielding interior details, as well as window and door openings.

Motion sensors have a long-term permissible power value at the level of five hundred to one thousand watts. This limits their use under high load conditions.

If there is a need to connect several powerful lamps through devices at once, then best solution will use a magnetic starter.

When purchasing a device, standard instructions should be included for its installation, connection and configuration. Also, the circuit must be on the body of the device itself.

Under the cover of the device there is a connecting block, as well as three colored contacts connected to it, which are located outside the case. The wires are connected to the connecting clamps. If a multi-core cable is used for connection, then it is better to use special NShVI sleeve lugs.

The current to the device comes from the network through two wires: phase L (brown wire) and zero N (wire of blue color). After the exit of phase L from the motion sensor, it comes to one end of the light bulb. The other end of the incandescent lamp is connected to the zero contact N.

When there is movement in the place of control the sensor is triggered and the relay contact closes, which leads to the arrival of the phase to the lamp and the light turns on.

Since the terminal block for connection has screw terminals, the wires are connected to the device using NShVI lugs.

You should be aware that the connection of the phase cable it is best to carry out according to the principle that completes the guide.

  • After connecting the wires, you need to put on the cover and go to next stage- connection of cables in the junction box.
  • There are seven wires in the box, two from the lamp, three from the sensor and two supplying zero and phase. In the supply cable, the phase is colored in Brown color, zero - in blue.
  • For the wire that is connected to the device, the white cable is the phase, the green one is zero, the red one must be connected to the network.
  • The wires are connected like this: the phase power cable is connected together with the phase wire from the device (white and brown cable). Next, connect the neutral wire from the power cable, the neutral cable from the device (green) and the neutral cable from the lamp.
  • There are two free cables (red from the movement device and brown from the lamp) - they are connected together. Connection completed.

The motion sensor is connected to the lamp. Then we supply power, the device reacts to movement, closes the circuit and turns on the light.

Can the device be connected with a switch?

In order for the light not to turn off for some time, regardless of the degree of illumination and movement, you can apply the connection diagram of the device with a switch by connecting an ordinary switch to the circuit, in parallel with the motion sensor.

Due to this connection, it is possible to keep the light bulb on for the required time when the switch is on. If the lighting control needs to be completely transferred to the device, then the switch is turned off.

Setting up the device for lighting

Device setup is another milestone motion sensor operation. Almost any device with which you can control the lamps has additional settings that make it possible to achieve its normal operation.

Such settings look like special mini-devices that are designed for regulation - this is the setting of the suspension of the shutdown TIME, the regulation of the degree of illumination LUX and the setting of the susceptibility to infrared radiation SENS.

  1. Setting the inclusion of the degree of illumination. The LUX adjustment is used for the correct operation of the device during the day. The device will work at a lower degree of illumination compared to the minimum value. Hence, the sensor will not work at a higher degree of illumination compared to the set threshold.
  2. Time setting. With the TIME setting, you can set the time that the light will remain on from the last time movement was detected. The time interval can vary from 1 to 600 seconds.
  3. Setting susceptibility to device triggering. You can adjust the susceptibility to connection, depending on the volume and distance of the object, using the SENS control. The reaction of the device directly depends on the degree of sensitivity. With a large number of switching on the sensor, it is better to reduce the susceptibility, and set the brightness of the IR illumination, to which the motion sensor will respond.

In the field of view of the sensor, which is installed on the street, objects that emit heat or light should not fall. You should not install the device near trees and bushes that will interfere with the correct detection of movement.

Gotta try minimize probable exposure to electromagnetic radiation, due to which there may be false alarms of the device.

The sensor must be aimed directly at the area where motion detection is to trigger the lighting.

It is necessary to keep the sensor clean, as contamination negatively affects the quality of the device and the range.

Application various devices for automatic lighting control, along with the use of lighting devices with reduced power consumption, aims to save energy. Another side of using motion sensors to turn on lighting is to increase human comfort and safety. The use of automation for lighting control is included in the concept of building systems " smart home". The most widespread are light detectors that control the switching on of lighting devices depending on the level of light flux, and motion sensors to turn on the light, which react to a person being in the area of ​​the controlled space, regardless of the level of illumination, or a combination of both types of devices.


Initially, non-contact motion sensors were developed for use in security systems. The complexity of the design, installation, adjustment and, as a result, high price made their use in lighting control systems not rational. The development of microelectronics, the reduction in the cost of components have given rise to the widespread use of sensors not only in industrial enterprises, but also in everyday life.

It is possible to use the motion detector not only independently, but also in combination with the usual switching equipment, thus expanding the possibilities and convenience of lighting control.

The most common applications for motion sensors for lighting are:

  • Entrances and entrances to the premises;
  • Landings;
  • Territory near houses and industrial facilities;
  • Long walkways;
  • Locations where normal shutdown devices are difficult to use for some reason, such as high humidity.

The most accessible and understandable example is lighting. landings. It's no secret that in high-rise buildings old building the level of illumination of staircases, even in daytime leaves much to be desired, not to mention the dark time of the day. On the other hand, the continuous burning of lamps, even with low energy consumption, is completely unreasonable, and manually turning on the lighting is difficult for obvious reasons.

The use of automatic non-contact motion control for the home allows you to turn on the lighting only when a person moves in the control zone. When leaving the monitored area, the lamps turn off automatically immediately or after a specified period of time.

For your information. One of the features of motion sensors is the possibility of their simultaneous use in security systems.

Types and Features

For automatic lighting control, three types of motion sensors are used, based on different response principles:

  • Infrared;
  • Ultrasonic;
  • Microwave (radio sensor).

Which motion sensor to choose? It all depends on current requirements, since all three types, although they perform the same function of lighting control, but have various characteristics and features.

infrared sensors

Infrared motion sensors for turning on the light have the most simple design and represent a directional remote thermometer. As you know, heated bodies are a source of radiation in the infrared range. Depending on the temperature, the wavelength of the radiation and its intensity change. System with sensors tuned to temperature human body, turns on in the presence of a person near the sensor. In fact, this is the same light sensor, only reacting to infrared light (thermal radiation).

Devices of this type have the following disadvantages:

  • High probability of false alarm if there are heated devices and objects in the control zone, for example, heating devices;
  • No trips when shielding thermal radiation. Entering the room after a frosty street in warm clothes, a person with highly likely will not be detected;
  • Dependence on the level of radiation. An adult and a child have different radiating surfaces.

Infrared control systems have advantages:

  • Absolute safety for others;
  • The minimum cost of equipment;
  • Ability to use in devices fire alarm.

Ultrasonic devices

An ultrasonic switch-on sensor works on a different principle. The motion sensor circuit has two components: an emitter of ultrasonic vibrations and a receiver. Oscillations of ultrasonic frequency propagate in space and, reflected from objects, return to the receiver. Both signals are sent simultaneously to a comparator that uses the Doppler effect. According to him, sound waves, reflected from moving objects, change their length. If an object approaches, then the wavelength decreases, that is, the frequency of oscillation increases. When an object is removed, the opposite happens. The comparator generates an error signal proportional to the frequency difference between the transmitter and receiver. Thus, if all objects are motionless in the control zone of the ultrasonic detector, the error signal is zero, and the sensor is in an inactive state. When a moving object (in our case, a person) appears, the error signal receives a certain value, which causes the device to operate.

Advantages of ultrasonic sensors:

  • Ability to fine-tune the minimum travel speed for actuation. It is also possible to adjust the level of sensitivity depending on the area of ​​the reflecting surface;
  • Widespread use in security and fire alarm systems as a detector, since the presence of a combustion source causes air movement sufficient to trigger. The ultrasonic motion sensor for lighting is completely insensitive to temperature.

The widespread use of ultrasonic devices is hampered by several significant drawbacks:

  • The vibration range is within earshot for most animals, especially cats and dogs. This can cause them anxiety and even provoke aggression. This is noted by all those who have installed such devices for themselves;
  • Impossibility of outdoor use, as false alarms from gusts of wind, flying birds and large insects, absolute inoperability during heavy rain. Ultrasonic motion sensors are not used to turn on the light on the street;
  • Low range and reaction only to moving people. People standing still will not trigger.

Microwave sensors

Such devices are somewhat similar to ultrasonic devices with the difference that transmission and reception are carried out in the radio range according to the same principle as radars. In this case, the reaction is carried out not to a change in the frequency of the reflected signal, but to its level. Adjustment of the microwave sensor consists in setting the sensitivity level in an empty room. When a person is in the control zone, the level of the reflected signal increases, which triggers the device. We can say that the microwave sensor remembers the environment and reacts to its change. Most often, street motion sensors have such a design.

Advantages of microwave sensors:

  • High sensitivity;
  • Large service area;
  • The possibility of operation when moving even behind thin partitions made of materials that transmit radio waves;
  • Insensitivity to weather conditions.

There are also disadvantages that narrow the range of application of sensors of this type:

  • Availability electromagnetic radiation that can have a harmful effect on the human body;
  • High sensitivity may cause false positives;
  • The highest cost among similar devices.

A separate class of devices are combined systems, which combine several types of devices. Such designs are designed to preserve the advantages of the listed devices and level out the disadvantages. Of course, such structures are high complexity and quite expensive.

Most motion sensors for turning on the light are combined with a timer that allows you to delay turning off after a person leaves the control zone. This is very convenient, because after leaving the area of ​​illumination of a person, the light remains on for some time. This function is widely used in stairwell lighting and reduces the number of fixtures.

Installation and connection

By itself, the installation of motion sensors for lighting does not cause any difficulties. Most often, the device has two pairs of terminals, one of which is used to connect to the mains, and the other for a switched light source.

The biggest difficulty is the choice of installation site. Here it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the sensor, its type, the configuration of the room and its features. Sometimes conflicting factors have to be taken into account.

First you need to decide on the type of sensor. Before choosing a motion sensor, attention is drawn to the conditions in the controlled space where the installation will be carried out: indoors or outdoors, the presence of heating devices, objects that fall into the control zone and can affect the sensitivity.

Now we select the number of devices, which is determined by the size of the served space. The documentation for each device shows the directional pattern of the sensing element, maximum range object detection. For large rooms multiple sensors may be required.

How to install the sensor

The installation location also depends on the design of the selected sensor. So, devices that are placed on the wall have a narrowly directed diagram, so they are usually installed on the opposite wall closer to the ceiling. Thus, the maximum available area is under control. The ceiling motion sensor for turning on the light has a circular pattern and, being placed on the ceiling in the middle of the room, is able to track movements in any area. Sensors ceiling structure with a pie chart are the least susceptible to shading by foreign objects.

Combined lighting systems are widely used when sensors are mounted in conjunction with ordinary switches. Using various schemes When connected, you can get some benefits:

  • Motion sensor connected in series with the switch. With the help of a switch, the entire lighting line is completely de-energized, thus, the sensor is completely switched off from work. An example is garden lighting. If the building is closed, and the arrival of the owners is not expected, then the presence of the sensor becomes redundant;
  • Parallel connection of sensor and switch. Allows you to switch the lighting manually, regardless of the state of the sensor. If the switch is in the on position, then the operation of the sensor does not affect the lighting, which is always on. Otherwise, the sensor works as usual.


An initial check of the operation of the motion sensor for lighting can be done without installing them in the planned place. The temporary scheme can be assembled directly on the table. To check, you need to set the motion sensor to maximum sensitivity. They should be triggered by hand movement. The timer operation time is checked by turning off the control lamp after the sensor is triggered.

The final adjustment is made after the installation is done on site. The sensitivity must be set in such a way that the sensor reliably works when people are in the control zone. At the same time, it is important not to make the sensitivity too high so that the lighting does not turn on from a running cat or dog. After adjusting the sensitivity, set the desired turn-off delay time using the timer. Typically, the adjustment limits range from a few seconds to tens of minutes.
