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» When to plant an onion on the head in an open place. How to plant onions on a head in the spring: preparation, planting, care. Preparing seed for planting

When to plant an onion on the head in an open place. How to plant onions on a head in the spring: preparation, planting, care. Preparing seed for planting

But also on the head. On the one hand, it seems that there is no simpler process: stick a small head into the ground, and by autumn harvest a large harvest.

In fact, in order to get the expected result, you need to know some of the features of growing in this way.

How to choose a favorable time

First of all, you need to know in what month the onion is planted. Productivity and fate depend on it planting material.

Weather conditions of the region

These are the ones you need to focus on when planting vegetables, since there are simply no strict dates. They largely depend on the region, weather conditions and the chosen one. It is only important that the soil is sufficiently warmed up - from 12 °C or more. But the approximate dates can still be called the last ten days of April and the beginning of May.

Did you know? You can still sow, but then by the end of summer only small bulbs will ripen, which can only be planted on the head next spring. It turns out that full-fledged bulbs can be obtained from seeds in a year and a half.

According to the lunar calendar

A gardener can tell you when to plant onions in the spring. According to it, the ideal periods for onions are:

  • May 10-20;
  • June 15-19;
  • July 13-16;
  • August 10-13;
  • April 25-26;
  • May, 23rd;
  • 3 July;
  • July 31;
  • August 1;
  • August 27-28.

The plant planted these days gives large bulbs and juicy greens. Experienced gardeners focus on: when its leaves begin to unfurl in the spring, it’s time to plant onions.

Optimal growing conditions

Having figured out when it is carried out spring planting onion on the head, you need to pick appropriate place for vegetable crops.

Soil for planting

This plant requires fertile, loose soil with low acidity. The vegetable grows well on loam, which allows air and moisture to pass through well. When choosing a location, you need to pay attention to the predecessor plants.

It is best to plant a vegetable where tomatoes or tomatoes used to grow. The ideal predecessor is, which will loosen the roots and enrich it with the necessary substances.

Also consider what vegetables will grow nearby. Ideal neighbor - . She dares, whereas she will become a prevention against.

Important! Onions can be planted in their original place only after three years.

In the spring, the soil is fertilized again, after which deep cultivation is carried out. Then, a week before planting, they add it (a liter jar per square meter).

Right before planting, the bed must be well leveled so that water does not accumulate anywhere during watering.


When sowing onions on a head, choose well-lit ones. In principle, everything is difficult to grow in the shade, since they like straight Sun rays. Without them, if the onion grows, it will be very small.

Depth and planting pattern

The next important question is what pattern to plant the bulbs in and to what depth to bury them.

Preparation of planting material

The first thing to do with the planting material is to sort it out, discarding dry and rotten bulbs, and calibrate the remaining ones. The time it takes to plant it depends on the size of the bulbs, so it is sorted as follows:

  • less than a centimeter in diameter is planted in a greenhouse or in open ground in mid-May;
  • from 1 to 2 cm in diameter can be planted about two weeks after the small ones (as a rule, this is the main part of planting);
  • large ones, with a diameter of 3 cm or more, are planted later than everyone else, so that they do not go to shoots early. You can plant them separately on greenery.

The selected material must be disinfected. To do this, make a weak solution and keep the planting material in it for about 15 minutes.

If no pests were observed while growing the seed, you need to soak it in a solution (a tablespoon per liter of water), but you need to keep it in this solution for about five minutes.

When in a cellar or other cold place, it must be taken out a couple of weeks before planting and kept in conditions room temperature. If you plant onions that are too cold, they will begin to rot in the soil.

Planting onions on a head in spring

Before planting, you need to mark the beds. A distance of 12 cm is maintained between them. The distance between the bulbs themselves depends on the size of the heads. Thus, a distance of 10-12 cm is maintained between large ones, 8-10 cm between medium-sized ones, and 6-8 cm between small ones.

Do not immerse the sets too deeply. When it takes root, the bulb will be pulled even deeper into the ground, so you will have to wait a long time for shoots, and the harvest will be small and weakened. It is enough to bury them a little into the ground and sprinkle a little on top. After planting, the vegetable is watered and straw or

Onion is vegetable crop, which is in great demand today not only in cooking, but also in medicine. And this is not surprising, since it contains a huge amount of useful components and vitamins that have a positive effect on human body, increasing his immunity. You can grow onions for heads on your own plot, if you know the main points of planting and caring for a vegetable crop.

How and when to plant

Soil preparation

You won’t be able to get a high harvest if you don’t prepare the land in advance. In the fall, the bed will need to be fertilized with manure. Moreover, it is boring for it to be rotten. Fertilizer should be applied together with digging the beds and removing weeds.

Already in the spring, before planting, you will have to loosen the soil with a rake or dig it up with a shovel. If you perform larger plowing, it will disrupt the structure of the lower layer of soil, and this will cause the loss of moisture accumulated for the development of planting material.

To get a high onion yield, you will need to use the following fertilizer options:

  1. Apply organic matter in the fall. To do this, take 1 kg of ash and combine with 5 kg of compost. The resulting mixture is enough for 1 m2.
  2. Complex mineral compounds . They must be applied in an amount of 1 kg per 10 m2.
  3. In spring it is worth applying mineral fertilizers. Their proportion is similar to autumn.

So that the mineral compounds used give the onion the maximum amount nutrients and don't burn the roots, you shouldn't bring them in too deeply. But how to grow nigella onions for seeds, and how to do it correctly, is described in great detail in this

In the video - planting an onion on the head:

Preparation of planting material

For getting great harvest Before planting an onion, you need to perform a number of actions, including:

  1. Sorting. Divide the existing seedlings into 3 groups. Place the bulbs that are approximately 1 cm in size first. They should be planted earlier. The second group will contain sets up to 3 cm in size, and the third will contain the largest onions.
  2. Warming up. If this procedure is not followed, then onions will do in the arrow. This process can be divided into 2 stages. The duration of the first is 3 weeks. Temperature in the room where the sowing is located, it should be 20 degrees. Then you need to achieve a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Keep there for about 10 hours.
  3. Soak. Take warm water, lay the planting material for 10 minutes. After this, place the seed in the solution complex fertilizer for 5 o'clock.
  4. Disinfection. To do this you need to prepare a solution copper sulfate. Take 10 liters of water and 35 g of product. You can simply immerse the sevok in the solution, but you shouldn’t keep it there.

In the video - preparing onions for planting:


You can plant onions on heads both in autumn and spring. It is possible to get a high yield if mixed planting. Its essence is that part of the planting material should be planted in the fall, and part in the spring. The seedlings also need to be treated with a growth stimulant.

In early May, the soil has already been thoroughly warmed up, so you can proceed to planting. To do this, use the following instructions:

If selected autumn planting, then it’s worth choosing sets small size– up to 1 cm. It should be planted 2 weeks before the onset of frost. The earth will excellent protection from freezing. Such a bow will not shoot in the spring and will give excellent results when harvesting.

You may also find it useful to know whether you can plant onions and garlic together, or whether to do so

How to care

Regular watering is important for this crop. It should last from the beginning of planting until July. Moreover, after each irrigation the soil must be loosened. Approximately 10 liters of water will be needed per 1 m2. Watering is best done in the evening or during the day. It is enough to water the plant 2 times a week. If it is very hot outside, then increase the amount of moisture.

Fertilizer application

Before fertilizing onions, it is worth removing weak and sickly plants. At this time, the onion lacks nitrogen and phosphorus. For a normal growing season, it is necessary to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers as soon as the plant has 5-6 leaves.

To do this, take 10 liters of water, add 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium. The resulting solution should be applied in dry weather. If the weather is humid outside, it is best to sprinkle dry fertilizer between the rows and work them a little into the soil.

But you shouldn’t use fresh manure for fertilizer. The fact is that it slowly decomposes and initial stage During development, the plant will not receive the nitrogen it needs so much. But in the summer there will be quite a lot of nitrogen, as a result of which the onion will produce abundant and green feathers, but the bulbs will receive insufficient nutrition. But how to care for onion sets Centurion will help you understand this

Secrets of a good harvest

To get an abundant and high-quality onion harvest, you need to know some secrets:

  1. Onions will not tolerate clay soil. If you have one on your site, then you should add sand, peat and mix everything. Also, do not plant onions on soil with high acidity. To reduce it, you will have to perform liming. Dolomite flour helps with this.
  2. When planting bulbs, be sure to disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. It's also worth trimming top part sowing so that it begins to germinate faster.
  4. Place a little salt in the trench, which will be an excellent preventative against onion flies.
  5. It is worth planting carrots near the onions. She will also scare away onion fly, and the onion itself repels the carrot fly.

    Onions and carrots

  6. It is necessary to fertilize 3 times during the growing season.. The first time this should be done is in the two-leaf phase. The second feeding is 14 days after the first, and the third is at the end of June. Excess nitrogen should not be allowed, as it will only cause feathers to grow. Potassium sulfate is an excellent potassium fertilizer, because onions are demanding of sulfur.

    Applying fertilizer for onions

  7. Do not use fresh manure and potassium chloride for feeding.. This reduces yield. But phosphorus should not be neglected, since the size of the bulbs depends on it.
  8. For long-term storage onions must be harvested before the first August rains. It is best to do this at the end of July. If you are late with the deadlines, the onions will become saturated with moisture and you will not be able to store them for a long time.
  9. After harvesting, the onions should be thoroughly dried. It is better to do this in the attic, where there is excellent ventilation. After removing the dried dirt, cut off the dried feather and leave 8-10 cm. But how to grow Yalta onions from seeds, and how to choose the right seeds, is outlined

    Drying onions

  10. While storing onions, you should periodically sort them out.. If at least one head deteriorates, the rot can spread to the rest of the crop.

It may also be useful for you to learn about how to plant Red Baron onions, and for this you should read this

You can get a high and high-quality harvest when growing onions if you approach this issue responsibly. It is important not only to plant correctly and carefully care for it, but also to create conditions for the full growth and development of vegetable crops.

Preparing the land, planting onions in the spring, caring for them, harvesting in the fall and storing them - each period is important, each has its own characteristics and rules. Compliance with them will help achieve the main goal of every gardener - to grow, harvest and preserve the maximum possible harvest.

What could be easier than growing onions? All you have to do is lower the small bulbs into the ground - and within a couple of weeks green feathers will sprout. In fact, in order for the first tender shoots to turn into large golden bulbs, you should adhere to the technology at all stages.

Where to plant onion sets

Before preparing the soil, we will select a place for the onion beds. In lowlands where water stagnates, planting onion sets from onions is extremely undesirable. Excess moisture will lead to rot. Eventually it will grow poor quality material, completely unsuitable for winter storage.

Like most plants, onions do not like shade. Choose a place for it that is well lit by the sun. Provide for beds natural ventilation. If the wind dries the dew on the feathers, the plant will avoid a whole bunch of diseases.

It is advisable to plant it where potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, and green manure grew last year. These plants saturate the earth with organic matter. Planting onions in the spring in beds where cucumbers, carrots, garlic, and onions were previously grown is again possible only after three years. During this time, the soil will be cleared of pathogenic bacteria and pests inherent in these crops.

Soil preparation

Fertile, non-acidic and oxygenated loams are ideal soil for onions. Isn’t there one like this in your garden? No problem, it's easy to fix. To do this, in the fall, feed your soil with organic fertilizers (4-5 kg ​​of compost and 1-2 kg of wood ash per 1 m2) and dig it up to the depth of a spade bayonet. In the spring, apply 1 kg of complex mineral fertilizer per 10 m2 of soil, loosen it with a rake.

If it was not possible to prepare the soil in the fall, the planting area is fertilized and dug up with half a spade in the spring. In order not to burn the roots of plants with fertilizers that have penetrated into the lower layers, and also to preserve moisture, they dig and loosen the soil shallowly. If the soil is highly acidic, add it to the soil before digging. dolomite flour, ground chalk, ash.

Preparing the seeds

The optimal size of the heads is 0.8-1.5 cm. First of all, the seed is sorted out to separate the dried and rotten bulbs. Planting an onion on a head is carried out in three stages and depends on its size. For this reason, the seeds are divided into three parts:

  • large - 1.5-2 cm;
  • medium - 1-1.5 cm;
  • small - 0.5-1 cm.

Three days before planting the heads in the ground, they are warmed up near a warm radiator. Then the bulbs need to be made healthier. Treat them with hot ash water (2 handfuls of ash per 5 liters of boiling water). Place the planting material in a large mesh sieve or colander. First, pour them with an ash solution cooled to +50˚C, then pour over cold water. This procedure will protect the future harvest from diseases. If there is no ash, dip the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

To prevent fungus, it is good to treat the material for sowing with copper sulfate. Prepare a solution: dilute 0.5 teaspoons of copper sulfate in 5 liters of water, place the onions there for 10-15 minutes. Wash them clean water. The seeds are ready, the next stage is planting the onion on the head.

Planting onions on a head in spring

The first sowings are done when the soil warms up to +12˚С. Usually this is the first half of May. There is no need to rush into planting if real warmth has not set in. Green feathers will not freeze at temperatures down to -1˚С, but the latter spring frosts will negatively affect the quality of the bow, it will shoot an arrow.

In order for planting onion sets to give optimal results, the smallest heads are sown first, a few days later the medium ones, and a little later - the large ones.

If large onion plant ahead of time, he will have time to shoot the arrow.

Best neighbor in the onion bed - carrots. Plants mutually repel pests, carrot and onion flies.

Furrows are made in the ground with a depth of no more than 2 cm. The distance between the onion beds is 30 cm. The grooves are well filled with water, and after it is absorbed, they are watered again. If onion heads are planted in the spring in dry or insufficiently moistened soil, it will dry out and may die.

The heads are planted in increments of 10-15 cm and lightly covered with soil. Do not press the bulbs too hard to avoid damaging them. The main condition for good growth immediately after planting in the ground - regular watering. In the first seven days after planting, it is necessary to irrigate the beds once every 2-3 days.

Crop care

The method of planting seedlings before winter is often praised. But growing onions from sets planted in the spring will bring the same results if you provide the plants proper care. Onion beds need fertilizing, irrigation, weeding and loosening. After planting the head in the ground in the spring, fertilize mineral fertilizers not desirable. The plants are fed with organic matter (1 cup of mullein per bucket of water) three times per season:

  • after feathers appear;
  • two weeks after the first feeding;
  • after the bulbs reach the size of a walnut.

Onions need regular watering. Irrigate the beds 1-2 times a week. It's important not to overdo it here. Most plant diseases arise not from lack of watering, but from stagnation of moisture. The next day after watering, be sure to loosen the soil. This will ensure aeration of the roots.

When loosening, weeds are removed and used for mulching between rows.

It is impossible to do without protecting plants from pests and diseases when growing onions in open ground. To minimize possible diseases, the leaves are treated with a solution of copper sulfate (for 5 liters of water, 0.5 teaspoons of copper sulfate and 0.5 tablespoons of finely grated laundry soap), dusted with wood ash or tobacco dust.

When the heads reach medium size, the earth is scraped off a little. With better access in spring sunlight they will grow larger and mature faster. From the beginning of July, watering is limited, and two weeks before harvest it is completely stopped. This is done to improve shelf life. Onions that are oversaturated with moisture rot and do not reach maturity.

Some gardeners break off onion feathers a couple of weeks before harvesting. This procedure is not always beneficial; more often it leads to a decrease in the quality and quantity of the harvest. The feathers should dry out on their own, this will serve as a signal to begin harvesting.

Harvest and storage

Have the bulbous leaves dried out and turned yellow, and have the necks become thinner? The time has come for cleaning, usually the end of July - beginning of August. Delay will make all previous efforts in vain. The first rain will lead to new growth of the roots of the bulbs left in the ground and damage to the crop.

Ideally, the first drying of the collected onions is best done directly in the beds. If this is not possible, lay it out in one layer in a well-ventilated area. Do not trim the tops immediately after harvesting; during the drying process, all nutritional and useful material should go from feathers to bulbs.

After a week, the bulbs are cleaned of excess husks, roots and feathers are trimmed. For two weeks they are additionally dried at a temperature of +25-30˚С (in the attic or in a heated room). In winter, onions are stored in a cool, dry place.

Watch the video on how to plant onions on a head in spring

Now you know how to plant onions in the spring, using heads.

This herbaceous plant, How onion, is grown by almost every summer resident. However, not everyone knows how to do this correctly and makes a number of mistakes. This crop is considered to be quite whimsical, therefore, if you do not handle it correctly, the harvest may deteriorate. If the onion grew too bitter, this indicates that it experienced a lack of moisture at the initial stage of the growing season. A small head is a consequence of a thickened or deep planting. Failure to observe crop rotation leads to the appearance of diseases and affects the keeping quality. Sometimes summer residents harvest a crop, half of which cannot be preserved even until mid-winter, and the other part can only be used for adding to soups, due to its excessive pungency. How to make sure you get a high-quality harvest and what features to consider when planting?

Planting onions

How to prepare a site for planting?

Onions should be planted in a well-lit place. This crop does not tolerate low areas with heavy, waterlogged soil. Ideally, plant onions in soil in which cabbage, cucumbers, and nightshades grew. The thing is that these crops and onions do not have common pests and diseases, but due to the fact that they are grown using a huge amount of mineral and organic fertilizers, many nutrients remain in the soil for a long period.

You can also plant onions after zucchini and peas. But you should not locate it in the place where carrots previously grew. This crop is not fertilized with fresh organic matter. Such soil is not suitable for onions, since it cannot be called fertile. Moreover, the area for it becomes available late, so you may not have time to prepare it for planting a new crop. But planting plants in reverse order quite acceptable. It is permissible to return the crop to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. If she was affected by diseases, such actions are possible after 5 years.

Plant onions on the head in spring time needed in loose soil, with moderate humidity. In this regard, the area should be dug up in the fall, and with the arrival of spring, fenced off with a rake and leveled. IN autumn period You can also feed the soil with compost, humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. To neutralize the solution, acidic soil is treated with chalk or lime. Places that were fertilized with fresh manure should only be replanted in the second year.

If the site is dominated by heavy clay soil and it does not warm up enough, in the fall wide ridges are cut on which the crop will be planted.

When do you plant onions on the head?

It is impossible to say unequivocally when to plant onions, as this is influenced by weather and ground temperature. Onions are considered a crop that is resistant to cold, however, if they are planted in unheated soil, this will lead to the fact that they will shoot, and this in turn will negatively affect the quality of the harvest. You can go the other way and complete the procedure when the soil has not yet lost moisture, which the onion especially needs at the initial stage of growth. And the rather long growing season of the crop does not tolerate delay.