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» Kuznetsov bell furnaces: what’s the secret? Kuznetsov stoves: types, advantages, ordering and do-it-yourself masonry technology Heating and cooking stoves designed by Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov bell furnaces: what’s the secret? Kuznetsov stoves: types, advantages, ordering and do-it-yourself masonry technology Heating and cooking stoves designed by Kuznetsov

In this article we will talk about the features of the installation and operation of Kuznetsov brick kilns. You will find out what types of these furnaces exist, why there are two hoods in the design, and for what purpose they are installed.

What determines the strength of the masonry, what materials are used to arrange the Kuznetsov stove.

We will also tell you about the types of heat exchangers used in blacksmiths.

Creation stories

In the history of home creation, the masters and developers I.V. Kuznetsov, Grum-Grzhimailo, I.S. Podgorodnikov are especially famous. Kuznetsov is the author of 150 developments that have been translated into reality.

Kuznetsov stoves with water heating have become especially popular. They are recognized not only in post-Soviet countries, but also abroad.


Classic stoves in houses complete with hobs, despite the differences in design, have one feature that unites them - the natural draft of the chimney.

This feature has a direct impact on effective work ovens. Without natural draft, the stove will not be able to work, even modern boilers on solid fuels need it.

Kuznetsov furnace

Design Features

But this does not apply to brick oven Kuznetsov, because it is designed in such a way that it does not need natural traction.

Important! Main secret The operation of the Kuznetsov heating furnace is based on the free flow of gases that do not require additional energy.

In a duct or conventional stove, the movement of gases and air is dictated by the presence of draft in the chimney pipe.


Natural craving is an external factor that acts based on:

Taking these nuances into account, we conclude that there is draft even when the stove is not working, as long as the damper remains open. During operation of the furnace, the draft becomes several times stronger, and the rate of gas circulation increases.

Thus, it enters the furnace a large number of air masses, the combustion temperature decreases, the fuel combustion coefficient becomes lower.

Role of the damper

By holding back the flow of air using a damper, we provoke the process of smoldering of the fuel due to a lack of oxygen. This mode is not the most optimal for obtaining heat energy from wood.

A good Kuznetsov bell-type stove with a high fuel combustion ratio should receive maximum heat from the gases so that it does not evaporate through the chimney.

It is difficult to achieve such results in reality, namely because:

  • thanks to the open damper, heated gases begin to move quickly through brick channels without having time to heat the walls;
  • a closed damper helps reduce the speed of gas movement, but the brick also does not have time to absorb the released heat and heat the rooms; some of the energy also leaves the stove through the chimney.

Considering these features, the efficiency of almost all furnaces does not reach 60%. Kuznetsov's developments made it possible to solve all these problems. The fuel combustion efficiency of fuel combustion and the heat consumption that is released reaches a level of about 80%.

Not all solid fuel boilers have such indicators. Kuznetsov I.V., laid out the basics of creating a furnace that would comply with the principles of free movement of gases.


Working principle using a simple example

So that you can imagine the principle of operation of the furnace, let's look at an elementary example. Try to imagine a small fire that is located outside. The air supply is continuous and the combustion temperature is low.

Heat has the ability to spread in different directions without a specific direction.

If you cover the fire with a large container like a cap and leave a gap inside, the fire will not go out, but the combustion process itself will change.

When heated, combustion products rise naturally into top part vat, prevent the entry of uncontrolled air flow from outside.

Only if heat is transferred to the vat will the gases undergo a cooling process, descending towards the opening, and penetrate outside, giving way to a warm flow. Under such conditions, the amount of air that is necessary for burning wood penetrates into the combustion area.

Combustion products

Heated combustion products are not displaced by cooled air until they cool on their own. Thus, the process enters the stage of self-regulation.

The peculiarity of Kuznetsov stoves for the home is that their construction occurs using two hoods, not one. They are connected using a vertical channel.

This improvement is used to transfer heat from fuel combustion into the room. Hot gases travel up under the dome of the 1st bell and give off heat to the walls.

Thus, the gases undergo a cooling process and fall down under the weight of their weight and the pressure of the rising hot flow from the furnace.

Thread division method

To improve this process, Kuznetsov developed a method for dividing the flow of combustion products by temperature at the beginning of the furnace operation algorithm, namely, immediately behind the firebox.

For this purpose, the inner area of ​​the hood is isolated from the firebox using a partition that does not reach the roof. Due to this, the hot flow penetrates into the upper section.

In Kuznetsov’s heating furnaces, a special dry seam has been created for low-temperature gases, which is located in the jumper and looks like a hole of a certain size.

Thus, under the 1st hood a stable, disorderly movement of gases will be created with the same temperature distribution.

The result of such a process is– more air than necessary does not enter the furnace, since hot gases under the dome and partition do not let it in. Thus, the wood burns completely and leaves waste in zones.

In the cap number 2, which is located at the top, the process of gas movement is the same. Combustion products with a lower temperature move below, hot ones move up under the dome and, when cooled, transfer heat to the brick walls. After cooling, the gases descend along the vertical partition, then penetrate into the chimney pipe.

Important! In the two bells of the Kuznetsov brick stove there is a constant pressure of combustion products. It is the pressure that promotes the process of natural draft, so chimney draft is not required.

Types of Kuznetsov furnaces

The order of Kuznetsov furnaces is divided into the following types:

  • sauna stoves;
  • brick boilers for heating houses and water;
  • heating stoves;
  • heating stoves with hobs;
  • ovens for baking bread, greenhouse, Russian, hot air.

Kuznetsov stoves for baths

The operating features of Kuznetsov’s bathhouse stoves remain unchanged - the natural movement of gases through 2 bells. It is also important that the design of the bath includes a heater, which must be thoroughly heated in order to obtain steam.

Kuznetsov I.V. proposed using a technology for operating the oven in which the stone damper is placed in an oven made of heat-resistant steel. The oven is placed above the firebox itself.

The heat energy collected in two hoods is necessary to heat water and heat the bathhouse and related premises. The water battery is placed under cap number 1 so that you can quickly get to it in case of breakdown.

Kuznetsov I.V., in addition to the development of finished furnaces, also offers methods correct installation do-it-yourself ovens. Tells you how to make the right layout in your house in order to choose correct option installation of a heating furnace.

Also, there is a choice of small-sized stove designs for heating small baths, and a huge design for heating water.

Kuznetsov stove with water heating

Kuznetsov stoves with water heating modern type with the KIK series assigned to them (brick boilers) are very popular. By design, it is a boiler with a cap, which is laid out of brick.

It has a high efficiency - about 70 - 80%, and is in no way inferior to stoves of a similar type. We talked above about how this can be achieved.

1 - 2 registers of steel pipes are built into the furnace, taking into account the power. Finished types of such boilers are distinguished by power - 17, 34 and 63 kW.

Kuznetsov offers stoves with two circuits, which are used to heat water and other needs of the owners. The author insists that in order to increase the efficiency and efficiency of operation, the furnace must be insulated using basalt sheeting.

Modern models of Kuznetsov brick stoves with domes are equipped with last word technologies, which contributes to the combustion of gases to the end.

To achieve this goal, a secondary air supply is organized under the dome of the second hood. If firewood is used as fuel good quality, then this type of oven will operate as a pyrolysis oven.

In order to build a Kuznetsov bell furnace with your own hands, you need to consult with professionals in your field, study literature and drawings. After all, the simplicity that seems at first glance is deceptive.

The Kuznetsov stove for heating a house with your own hands is quite easy to clean, because due to the maximum permissible temperatures in the firebox, even the ash smolderes to the end, and this reduces the frequency of cleaning.

Kuznetsovka is multifunctional and is often equipped with hob, oven, water boiler. The design makes it possible to build ovens different shapes and sizes to ensure suitable placement in the home. In addition, you can decorate the outside of the stove in any way.

When installing a Kuznetsov heating stove, the boiler is installed above the firebox in the area of ​​hood No. 1. Water is heated using hot gases that envelop the metal walls.

Boiling water enters the radiator through the upper pipes, and is supplied through the lower pipes. ice water. The cooled air, after heating for the second time, enters the second hood, thus maintaining the heat transfer of the furnace.

Heat exchangers in the furnace are divided into two types:

  • with one chamber – water compartment flat shape or in the form of a boiler;
  • tubular - the water in it constantly moves through pipes that are placed in parallel.

The second type is considered to be the most effective, namely due to the small volume of pipes in which water is quickly heated and moved through the radiator. The diameter of the pipes must be at least 50 mm, otherwise the water will boil too quickly.

The size of a Kuznetsov stove with water heating depends on how many hoods it has, as well as auxiliary functions. If the stove will be used only for heating, a small vertical structure measuring 1m x 1.2m x 2m will suffice.

To successfully install a Kuznetsov stove, you need to pay attention to the choice of material.

The reason for this is the high temperature in the firebox, which is several times higher than normal.

Therefore, it is not suitable for this purpose. Best choice will become a material made of fireclay clay that can withstand critically high temperatures. Also, you will need a special mixture for masonry.

You can prepare the mortar for laying fireclay bricks yourself only if you already have sufficient experience and knowledge of the technology. If prepared incorrectly, even with the slightest errors, after a certain time the masonry will begin to crack and deform.

Traks, any test of the stove to identify its characteristics, as well as operation, is carried out on wood according to the humidity specified by GOST. If you want to burn with raw wood, it’s your right, but you will be warned about the consequences by the manufacturer and, naturally, you won’t get the characteristics that were declared, well, you yourself will suffer and ruin the stove.
It’s equivalent to pouring 80 in a car that says gasoline is at least 91, and even if it’s poisoned in the village. Who cares? After all, gasoline.
How long will your car last?
Well, these are lyrics.
And if you heat the firebox to a certain temperature, then the raw ones will go into use, but for this the stove must no longer be a heating stove for a home, but a completely different design.

Now about your index D/V
Money is a relative concept. For some it’s 1000 rubles. expensive.
In the regions, it is roughly the custom to calculate the cost of a stove maker’s work based on bricks. And that's true. But the stove is different from the stove, as is the skill of the stove maker. Therefore, it is not ethical to talk about cost in isolation from customer requirements. If you take economy class, i.e. without pretentiousness, strict design, for example, in the size of the well-known Swede, then I think no more than 60 thousand rubles last year for the stove.
Time is also relative. A bricklayer will lay a volume of 2 cubes in 2 days, a stove-maker - no more than 60-80 bricks per day. Different approaches, different techniques, different thinking... and the masonry technology will not allow it, unless of course you disrupt the technological process (for example, add cement to the solution, knead with fireclay clay, etc.) Therefore, the furnace takes about 3 weeks per cycle with pipe, PP cuttings, washing and delivery.
This is the norm and law for the stove maker.

Now D/V for operation
The money is mainly for the purchase of service tools (poker, bucket, axe, dustpan, broom, insulated welder's leggings..) and the purchase and storage of flammable material.
The stove is not a barrel for burning garbage! And if you plan to heat it with waste from a construction site, much less heat it and create comfort for workers during construction, then immediately assume that they will ruin your stove. Irresponsibility never led to good.
The quality of the fuel must be appropriate.
Time - open the stove valve, open the fire door, put firewood in the firebox, light a piece of birch bark, close the firebox door, open the ash door for a certain weather conditions corner, close the door and latch after an hour.
Remove ash from the ash pit as it accumulates, and check the condition of the inner walls of the oven once a year. As a rule, with proper operation, the stove will have to be cleaned no earlier than after five years.
The furnace valves should be automated to the point of being extremely clear to the user, and keeping the stoker, as well as making more than 2 valves in the furnace design, will not lead you anywhere good.
Well, if you don’t have a lot in your pocket and want a high-quality stove, that’s why Kuznetsov posted the order on his website. But I still recommend that you first read the theory, ask stove makers on a specialized forum, make an order for yourself in pencil or in computer program, but it’s better to assemble a layout. Then everything will fall into place. And depending on your skill, you will build for at least 2-3 weeks. So count your time into money.

But the efficiency of a furnace cannot be measured with money.
If the stove heats up in a horizontal section along the row from all sides equally, mainly from the bottom, does not cool down quickly when the stove valve is open and gives off heat evenly throughout the day, then you can talk about it.
If you are suffering from being unable to heat, smoke is constantly coming out of the door, the need to control combustion in the firebox, one-sided heating and usually above the head or only the area of ​​the firebox, cracks after the first cold night, in the morning you are under the blanket with your nose - then what about the effectiveness? you can speak.

The operating principle of Kuznetsov’s devices takes into account the natural properties of hot air and gases released during fuel combustion. Design brick stove differs in that the smoke is contained within the oven itself. For this purpose, a so-called hood is equipped - a combustion chamber, which is a closed dome, into which the hottest air rises, displacing the cooling air through the lower side outlet.

Photo 1. Diagram of the Kuznetsov bell furnace, showing the features of the movement of gas flows in the device.

Ventilation hole under the bottom of the firebox provides a constant flow of cold air. Due to the fact that hot air is retained in the stove for as long as possible, the heat transfer efficiency increases three times compared to other similar devices.

The designers tried to achieve such results in the case of traditional ovens— for this purpose, models with a chimney duct system have been developed. In them, hot air is also retained inside the device, but the chimney lengthens naturally worsens the hood, so the heating efficiency does not increase much.

In the case of Kuznetsov’s devices, the draft is not disrupted, and hot air is not retained by increasing the length of the channel. It happens due to the natural properties of hot gases to rise and displace colder ones. The dimensions of this type of oven may vary depending on required power and the area of ​​the room that needs to be heated. Models with one hood are usually compact and suitable for arranging a small country house.

Double bell oven

The most common option for high-quality heating of a private home is the Kuznetsov device with two hoods.

Its efficiency is much higher due to longer retention of hot air.

The heat-resistant brick hoods are located one above the other with a slight offset - the air displaced from the first hood immediately enters the second, from which it goes into the exhaust pipe.

The size of such a stove is directly dependent on the area of ​​the house; it is even possible to build with an internal volume up to 5 cubic meters m. The firebox usually occupies the entire base area, this helps to increase the heating power of the air in the furnace.

Reference. In the design of a two-bell furnace, special valves are often installed to insulate the second bell and reduce the heat transfer of the device. It's necessary in more warm time of the year, when high heating power is no longer required.

When using dampers, hot air from the first hood is directed directly into the chimney.

Heating and cooking version of the device

A feature of this design will be the modified location of the first cap - it is made protruding and a hob is installed in its arch, most often made of cast iron.

The stove must be solid, since due to the design the smoke is not drawn out of the hood, so it will inevitably enter the room through the split burners.

Sometimes a stove is installed above the second hood - it does not heat up so much and cannot be used for cooking, but it will be an excellent tool for drying vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and herbs. There is often a niche for storing logs and drying them before use.

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With bread chamber

This option is almost no different from a standard heating and cooking stove, but additionally equipped with an oven, mounted in the space of the first cap. The chamber is usually made of cast iron or especially strong steel, and the inside is lined with fireclay bricks to provide a gentler heat for baking.

In addition to the bread chamber, they often install water heating tank- the area of ​​the second cap is also suitable for this. Depending on quantity additional functions The size of the furnace will increase and it will require higher fuel costs.

Kuznetsov stove for a bath

According to the principle of operation, the sauna stove does not differ from the options described above. But still she has several features:

  • built into the bottom cap of the device pallet with stones;
  • the device has access for water And steam outlets;
  • has thicker walls for maximum heating of the stones and to avoid overheating of the room.

Furnace drawings

Photo 2. Drawing and arrangement of the Kuznetsov two-bell furnace. The device is presented in whole form and in section.

Photo 3. Drawing of the Kuznetsov bell furnace. The device is also equipped with a chimney duct system.

DIY construction, arrangement of the device

Before undertaking work, it is necessary to correctly calculate the design of the device, For this, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Furnace power- depends on the total area of ​​the room and the quality of its thermal insulation.
  2. Number of caps— in Kuznetsov’s furnaces they are often made three or more, which significantly increases the heating efficiency, requiring almost no extra fuel consumption. Only changes in the massiveness of the device are taken into account.
  3. Main function of the oven— will the device be used only for heating or will additional capabilities be needed: cooking, heating water.

Photo 4. Step-by-step order of the Kuznetsov furnace. The finished device is also shown from different angles.

A common option for construction is a two-bell stove with a hob. It is functional with fairly compact dimensions and is well suited for placement in small country houses.


A very high temperature forms inside the area of ​​the caps, so only fire brick And fireclay clay with fine sand for masonry mortar. Mixture homemade it is often recommended to replace ready-made mixtures from construction stores - this reduces the risk that the cap will crack during operation and lose its seal.

For display external walls and the upper tiers will be enough ordinary ceramic bricks with density M150 And cement mortar.

When working, we must not forget that laying ordinary and fireclay bricks in one row is excluded - they have different expansion rates and the masonry will collapse during operation.

In addition to masonry materials, you will need to purchase additional elements- metal corners, doors and hinges, valves, hob. All this is available for purchase in specialized stores. You will need reinforced wire to bind the masonry.


For all types of work you need to prepare a set of tools in advance:

  • a container for preparing the solution and a shovel for mixing it;
  • stove hammer-pick for breaking bricks;
  • grinder with cutting disc for stone;
  • pliers and metal scissors for cutting wire;
  • trowel for applying mortar;
  • leveling rule;
  • protective gloves and glasses.

To check the correctness of the masonry you will also need various measuring instruments : roulette, building level, plumbs, cords, etc.

Preparing the site

The construction of a brick kiln always begins with the foundation equipment. Under Kuznetsovka a standard type foundation is suitable- depth half a meter and with sides extending beyond the perimeter of the future masonry on 10 cm. Operating procedure:

  1. The pit is being prepared, the bottom is 15-20 cm covers the drainage - a layer of sand and broken gravel.
  2. A wooden formwork is placed on a well-compacted drainage, protruding above the surface by 20 cm.
  3. The foundation is being poured concrete mixture and left to harden.
  4. After laying the foundation correctly, a flat platform is obtained that protrudes above the floor surface by 10-15 cm(depending on shrinkage).

Base surface closes layer of waterproofing(roofing felt works well), then lay reflective layer metal industrial foil. In the case of building a blacksmith shop, the heat from the furnace will be stronger than from conventional appliances, especially in the lower tier, so the foundation is protected from overheating.

The walls adjacent to the future location of the device are closed thermal insulation material, it is recommended to place a metal sheet on the floor in front of the firebox to avoid the risk of fire from falling coals. The location of the chimney is calculated in advance - it is not recommended to place it near the ridge of the roof.

Carrying out masonry

After the foundation has been prepared, Work begins on the construction of the device itself:

  1. Mix the solution in the prepared container- before starting work, the clay is soaked for two days. In addition to a shovel, using a construction mixer will be effective for mixing.
  2. When performing masonry, it is recommended Each row should first be placed on a dry surface to accurately determine the dimensions of cutting bricks. The first row of the base is made solid.
  3. Starting from the second row the ash pan is laid out, and then the area of ​​the first hood. Hinges for the combustion door are installed as necessary. Every third row The masonry is tied together with wire, the cut pieces of which are placed in the solution.
  4. Interior of the firebox laid out with fireclay bricks, external- ordinary ceramic. There is no binding solution between these layers, leaving a small gap. Bricks from two rows should also not protrude or intersect with the adjacent layer.
  5. Inside the arch of the first cap, on supports made of fireclay bricks, a cast iron cooking surface, which is hermetically fixed with a solution.
  6. After completing the arch first cap, laying out the base for the second begins with a slight offset ( to the width of the hob).
  7. Gives his all second cap, chimney column, valves are installed to isolate the second level in summer time of the year.

After laying out the top and installing the chimney pipe, the finished stove is left to dry, which takes at least a month. First two weeks the device is dried at open windows and doors starting from the third week They carry out gradual heating, increasing the volume of fuel until it reaches a full load.

Possible difficulties

The masonry of the blacksmith is somewhat specific, therefore In the absence of experience, mistakes are often made:

  • There is no gap left between the firebox walls and the outer walls— fireclay brick expands when heated, so it can destroy the masonry.
  • No wire is used to bind the masonry- due to the greater degree of heating, the walls of the furnace may crack.
  • No gap left when installing metal parts- also leads to expansion of the metal under strong heating and the appearance of cracks.
  • Incorrect warm-up will disrupt the drying process of the masonry and lead to deformations and cracks.
  • Proper thermal insulation was not carried out walls and ceilings (at the place where the chimney is installed) - due to the high heating temperature, the risk of fires when using a blacksmith is higher than with a simple stove.
  • Thanks very much high temperatures inside the combustion chamber, most of the ash and soot burns out, allowing the frequency of cleaning to be reduced.

    One of the advantages of blacksmithing is the ability to choose any currently available solid fuel : firewood, dry pieces of peat, sawdust.

    With minor design changes, it is possible to install a heating system with gas or electricity. It is possible to connect the stove to a water circuit, which will allow high-quality heating of remote rooms. An undoubted advantage would be the relatively low cost of materials, the ability to complete all stages of work independently.

Kuznetsov stoves are popularly called “Russian heated stoves”. The heating stove has been in use for half a century and is one of the most efficient in operation. Designed models designed by Igor Kuznetsov are in demand even in foreign countries. Using special simple drawings and diagrams at home, you can easily build brick Kuznetsov stoves, which will not only provide warmth to the room, but will also help in preparing dishes for the whole family.

What kind of building is this?

Kuznetsov’s devices were created more than 50 years ago and to date, more than 150 variants of various projects have been developed, each with its own characteristics and purpose. Main varieties:

  • Cooking. This type of device is used for cooking. In such furnaces they are installed mainly cast iron plates, on which the entire cooking process is carried out.
  • Bread room with oven. Cooking types of buildings are often combined with a bread machine.
  • Heating. A two-bell stove for the home according to the Kuznetsov system is an excellent alternative to gas or electric heating. Provided that it is properly installed and fired, it can heat a room even in severe frosts.
  • Bathhouses. Kuznetsov stoves for baths are the most popular among other types. Most of these buildings are built according to Kuznetsov’s designs, which can be found in almost every country house or dacha.
  • Fireplaces with water circuit. Useful devices for everyday life. People who want to equip their home with hot water by firing a stove will certainly build a structure with a water boiler. The Kuznetsov bell stove with a water heating boiler is widely used in villages.
  • Russian two-story. Wood-burning fireplaces with a stove bench have not lost their relevance, so they are actively used in everyday life.

In practice, several types of stoves are often combined into one model.

Advantages and disadvantages of Kuznetsov furnaces

Pros of use

Kuznetsov furnaces have a range positive points during operation:

The design of the building provides it with good traction.
  • uniform heating of the model and heat transfer;
  • powerful draft even with a modest chimney;
  • the ability to choose a place to install a metal heating element;
  • alternative fuel materials;
  • the ability to choose a design;
  • no need for regular cleaning of the stove and pipes;
  • the maximum temperature is formed during the combustion process;
  • low heat loss rates;
  • efficiency of work;
  • resistance to destruction.

Disadvantages of use

  • Required high accuracy subject to all bookmarking rules.
  • In the case of heating, you cannot do without alternative heating sources. Otherwise, costs exceed expectations.
  • Disadvantages lie in the imperfection of some aspects of the furnace operating system.

Required materials and tools

The Kuznetsov heating and cooking furnace provides for the availability of the following materials in order to fully support the project:

We need to purchase fireproof bricks.
  • brick for the stove (red, fireproof);
  • grate;
  • door for the stove, cooking firebox and blower;
  • cooking panel;
  • “summer”, combustion chamber and chimney valve;
  • metal corner and strip;
  • sheet metal, ceramic plate or any other available material with fire-resistant properties.

A two-bell furnace cannot be built using only materials, so it is worth taking care of the availability of construction equipment in advance. List necessary equipment may vary depending on the desired construction and additional requirements customer. The work also cannot be done without the following tools:

  • trowel;
  • spatulas;
  • mixing attachment for solution;
  • building level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • plumb line;
  • dishes for mixing the solution.

Preparing for work

Before building Kuznetsov stoves with your own hands, the construction diagram is carefully studied and all controversial aspects of the masonry are clarified. On initial stage it is necessary to lay a strong foundation so that the structure can withstand all external factors in the future. Important tips for the preparatory part of the work:

Before construction wooden walls need to be sheathed with metal sheets.
  • The hearth and hood are combined with a dry seam so that air flows circulate correctly during the firing of the stove.
  • The fireplace should not contain a catalyst made of refractory brick in the form of a grate above the combustion chamber.
  • The combustion part and the hood are not combined due to the fact that the combustion process of wood must be carried out in a certain volume to create maximum temperatures.
  • If the room has wooden walls, the furnace structure is protected in advance with special metal plates.

Drawings and diagrams

Kuznetsov dome stoves are not as easy to manufacture as they seem at first. If the order of the bookmark is violated, the solution will not be prepared with the consistency and composition that is required, and the final result will be disappointing. Before installation, the construction scheme is selected correctly, the drawings are studied in detail and only then the work is carried out.

Dimensions and quantity necessary materials depend on the drawing according to which the device is made.

Stove heating in village houses, country cottages, at dachas - not such a rarity. In the urban private sector, along with centralized systems Many people use fireplaces as a heating structure and decorative interior element. And for those who plan to install a powerful universal heat source in the house, replacing both radiators and hob, and an oven, a bell-type oven is suitable - the invention of the Russian engineer Igor Kuznetsov.

Our ancestors noticed the heating effect of open fire when they lit fires in caves. Bonfires were replaced by partially enclosed hearths, and then by the first inefficient fireplaces, most of the heat from which went up the chimney.

The Russian stove, laid using channel technology, in contrast to the famous “blacksmithing”, is only 30-40% efficient

Over time, they came up with a kind of cap that traps hot gases inside the structure, and learned to separate the hot air into several streams. A turning point in technology occurred when I. S. Podgorodnikov, a well-known heating engineer in our country, took up the issue. He invented a “two-story hood,” which organized the exit of flue gases in a slightly different way. However, practice was not enough, and the idea was finally brought to life thanks to I.V. Kuznetsov.

Option of a bell-type device for a wood-burning stove with an oven

Igor Viktorovich created a powerful theoretical basis for bell-type combustion, which he was able to successfully put into practice. Only thanks to his work stove heating became truly effective. He has developed more than 150 different standards, collected dozens standard solutions and schemes. The most advanced modifications became popular, hundreds of craftsmen adopted Kuznetsov’s bell-type furnaces. Let's try to figure out how “blacksmithing” works.

Operating principle of the bell structure

Previously, before Kuznetsov’s discoveries, heating was ducted, that is, hot air from the firebox rose up inside the device, heating its walls. Giving heat to the bricks, the gases cooled and, under the influence of draft, went into the pipe. Over time, due to uneven heating, cracks appeared and the masonry required repairs. The disadvantages of duct heating are rapid cooling and a large amount of soot.

The movement of gases, according to Kuznetsov’s theory, occurs freely. Hot air inside the structure there are two caps located either one above the other or side by side. There are options with holes in the middle of the domes. Both elements are connected through a so-called “dry seam” - free space necessary for the circulation of gases.

Gas flow diagram in a bell-type furnace

When the fuel burns, hot gases enter the first hood, which is connected directly to the firebox. Expanding, they cannot move upward and stop at limited space, where they cool over time or flow down, reducing draft and delaying the combustion process. Thus, the temperature and combustion power are adjusted independently.

The second hood creates additional draft, as a result of which complete combustion of solid fuel occurs first, and the resulting heat is retained thanks to the pyrolysis gases accumulated under the roof. Due to the fact that hot air does not evaporate instantly, but circulates inside the device, the efficiency of the heat source reaches 93%. In addition, there is a noticeable saving in fuel (briquettes, firewood or coal), and soot deposition is reduced to a minimum.

Construction of “blacksmiths”: diagrams and procedures

Creating a “product” for the mass user, the author took care of the practical application of his research, creating a huge set of diagrams and drawings. For the precise construction of a great variety of modifications of bell-type furnaces, the following procedures are used: step by step diagrams with a picture of each row of bricks.

Ordering a sauna stove

Unlike Russian stoves, “blacksmiths” are smaller in size and, accordingly, take up minimal space. The amount of brick is also reduced, due to the large amount of free internal space. Thanks to optimal thickness the walls warm up quickly, and what is especially valuable is that they cool down quite slowly. If you carefully analyze the dome arrangements, you will see how much unfilled space there is inside the structure.

Multifunctional design of the Kuznetsov furnace

Part of the free space is occupied by caps, fixed in a horizontal or vertical order, not necessarily symmetrical. The size of the domes can be the same or different. Vertical arrangement often used to save space in a room, especially if an oven or dryer is planned. Thanks to the variability of the installation of domes, it is possible to erect a structure of any shape, designed for a specific room or special conditions.

The space under the second hood is often used for mounting heat exchangers, hobs, bread ovens, etc. In projects designed for a bathhouse, a hot water tank or heater is installed in it.

If you correctly “read” the order drawn up by an experienced master, you can achieve amazing results. For example, to maintain room temperature In a house made of rounded logs, in winter you will need 2 fireboxes (in the morning and in the evening) with only 5-6 logs each; in the off-season, one firebox is enough.

Procedures for building a fireplace

Various modifications of bell furnaces

Followers of I. Kuznetsov created countless options suitable for self-construction, however, each time they pushed off from one of standard projects. Let's look at some of them that can be used to improve a private home or cottage.

Heating structures for home

There are more than 25 standard schemes for constructing heating structures inside house structures, some of which perform only a heating function, but some options have useful additions in the form of a stove bench or oven.

The place is chosen not near the wall, but in the center of the room, which entails a number of advantages:

  • uniform and efficient heating of the room;
  • lack of cooling element ( outer wall Houses);
  • the possibility of free access for maintenance (for example, cleaning vaults);
  • ability to add built-in elements ( hob, dryers, hot water circuit).

It should be noted the aesthetic perfection of bell-shaped structures: they occupy a minimum of space and look elegant, despite the presence of such details as a foundation. Modifications made “under the ceiling” have a short pipe ( characteristic many “blacksmiths”) and slender outlines. The design possibilities are endless and depend solely on the taste and wishes of the homeowners.

Cooking modifications for the kitchen

Turning a brick heating device into a cooking device is not so difficult - just add a metal stove with a couple of burners and slightly change the design of the base. However, full-fledged cooking structures include several additional horizontal surfaces (trays or drying racks), as well as an oven chamber.

Cooking "blacksmith" in the interior village house

In terms of the quality of prepared dishes, the dome device is not inferior to branded gas or electric equipment that city residents are accustomed to using. Among standard designs There are specially created breads for baking, which are called bread breads. For farmers, gardeners and avid gardeners, this a real find: You can steam berries, dry fruits and mushrooms, and preserve vegetables according to old recipes.

Obviously, the cooking device is also a source of heat, so its more accurate name is heating and cooking. The best place for installation is the kitchen or Big hall, which combines and kitchen area, and the dining room, and sometimes the living room - in Russian national traditions.

Sauna stoves

To designate bath devices there is a special marking - BIC. Even externally finished “blacksmiths” compare favorably with other heaters. On the one hand, the material for manufacturing is very carefully selected, on the other hand, the installation of the dome does not interfere with the construction of neat and practical configurations. For example, bathhouse owners appreciated the rounded corners, which minimize injuries and burns.

Sauna stoves

By installing the stove in the right place, you can simultaneously heat and supply several rooms with hot water - a steam room, a shower room, a dressing room (or a rest room). Moreover, parts of the structure opening into a particular room will perform various functions: create steam for the steam room, heat water for the wash room, heat the dressing room moderately.

The principle is perfectly implemented in the bathhouse long-term preservation heat, characteristic of “blacksmiths”. Maintenance is kept to a minimum, as logs or briquettes only need to be added occasionally - all thanks to the dome design.

Fireplaces for decorating the living room

Kuznetsov's fireplaces, unlike most dome modifications, have an open design and a reduced efficiency index, but their heat transfer parameters are quite high. The cap prevents the rapid release of heat into the chimney, trapping hot gases in the upper part of the building. When using a conventional fireplace, at the end of the combustion process the room begins to cool; with bell-type heating, a comfortable microclimate remains in the room for a long time.

Construction of a fireplace according to Kuznetsov’s order

The possibilities to change the design and decorate the façade of the fireplace are endless. In addition to the usual shelf, you can build a number of functionally useful elements - small dryers for shoes or clothes with niches and hooks, as well as veneer outside ceramic tiles or tiles. Interestingly, fireplaces are included in the design of some multifunctional structures.

Outdoor cooking solutions

Especially for cooking fresh air entire furnace complexes, which are distinguished by functionality and ease of use. The simplest design is a brick mini-barbecue structure. It holds the heat for a long time and allows you to extend the cooking period.

Barbecue built according to Kuznetsov's drawings

Fans of summer kitchens, barbecues and grilled dishes will be pleased with the design diversity of outdoor stoves with layer-by-layer, pyrolysis, bottom and top combustion types. There are models that allow you to simultaneously fry, bake, and stew several dishes at once. Options for ordering bell-type stoves with an oven or grill can be found in the public domain or on the author’s official website.

If you decide to build a stove according to one of Kuznetsov’s plans with your own hands, get ready for careful and scrupulous work. On the diagrams you will find graphic image each row, however, before starting laying, you need to become familiar with the features of the technique, in particular:

  • selection and pre-processing of bricks;
  • purchase of metal parts (plates, dampers, doors, valves);
  • determining the most suitable location;
  • preparation of the base and foundation;
  • possibility of installing a chimney, etc.

The best material for internal masonry“Kuznetsovok” is recognized as fireclay refractory brick (Sh-5, ShB-8), for external decoration – ceramics (M-150). To enhance brick walls use metal elements(rebar, wire). To ensure that the stove operates with maximum heat output, experienced craftsmen They sharpen not only their skills, but also every brick - literally. They polish every detail, which is why projects completed by professionals look flawless.

Fireclay brick masonry

A selection of thematic video lessons

Construction of a heating and cooking furnace

The process of constructing a “blacksmith’s bench” with a bench

Heating and cooking option project

Construction of the Kuznetsov furnace is one of the most good decisions for a country or village house. A professionally made dome structure made to your order will become an indispensable assistant and interior decoration. If you want to build a heat source yourself using the order, start with simple option, for example, a summer hob.