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» Indoor flower hibiscus Chinese rose. Chinese rose: growing from seeds and care. Why doesn't hibiscus bloom?

Indoor flower hibiscus Chinese rose. Chinese rose: growing from seeds and care. Why doesn't hibiscus bloom?

The Chinese rose is one of the most popular flowers of the hibiscus genus. This plant is widely distributed in everything to the globe , especially in the tropics and subtropics. Beauty and a small amount of the space taken up allows you to keep the rose at home. Is it difficult to care for this not-so-indoor plant?

Chinese rose: home care

When and where to grow Chinese rose? In order to look after Chinese rose at home, you need room conditions suitable for flowering, as well as proper feeding:

  • Provide the flower with enough light. Chinese rose flower , loving warmth and light. For the plant to grow beautiful home, it needs care and should be placed in a well-lit place that is not exposed to large amounts of sun rays. If you grow a plant in the shade, then there is a high probability that it will not bloom, and if you plant it in the scorching sun, it will die.
  • Provide her with enough fresh air. It is recommended to plant or take the plant outside in spring and summer. By placing the pot in a warm place that receives a small amount of wind, you can be sure that this will benefit the flower.
  • Monitor the air humidity indicator. A Chinese rose can easily die even from direct sunlight, and there is no need to talk about low humidity. It is important to spray the rose, wipe its leaves and in every possible way ensure that, regardless of the month, the rose receives a sufficient amount of moisture. However, when watering a flower, you should ensure that drops of water do not fall per plant above the stem: this part of the flower is very delicate and can crumble due to excess moisture on it.
  • The Chinese rose needs to be fertilized, but it must be done correctly. The flower feeding period is April-September. Fertilizers should be added once every two weeks in small quantities. In winter, you can feed the plant only if it blooms. In this case, the dosage of fertilizers is reduced by a quarter. Summer fertilizers should be mineral or organic (can be alternated), winter fertilizers should be potassium-phosphorus.
  • It is important to prune a rose correct period(in spring). This must be done before the flowers form buds, before the process of transplanting the bush. After this, the number of shoots of the plant increases. In order for the plant to become lush and attractive, during pruning you need to get rid of all dry, bare and otherwise damaged shoots. Stems with such shoots should be cut off completely; regular stems should be shortened by half. To prevent the plant from secreting juice, the cut stems should be treated with garden varnish: this will ensure their protection. Repeated pruning should be done in the summer.
  • Have the right pot. If a person wants to grow this flower at home, then he should make sure that the container in which the plant will grow is a little small for him. If you plant a Chinese rose in a spacious pot, then it will not bloom and produce seeds, it will only grow. Plants that have not reached the age of five years need to be replanted once every twelve months. Each new pot should be larger than the previous one in a radius of one or two centimeters, no more. Chinese roses that have reached the age of five years must change their “place of residence” every three to four years. If the rose is already quite old, but still bears fruit, it is not replanted, however, a few centimeters of substrate are added every year.

Chinese rose transplant

As already mentioned in the previous paragraph, replanting a given plant is a very important part of its life. In order to properly transplant a plant into room conditions, care required:

  • Prepare a soil mixture (for trees and deciduous soil), humus, a small part of sand, a little peat (mainly for older plants)
  • At the bottom of the pot you should put a layer of material that can save the roots of the plant from stagnation of water
  • After this, the plant should be replanted. In order for it to take root, you need to move it to another pot by transferring it, then water it.

Chinese rose after flowering period

When and why does a rose bloom? It does not have a characteristic period of calm and rest, however, if the owner sees that the flower needs rest, then it is necessary to provide it everyone necessary conditions . After the Chinese rose has bloomed and shed its leaves, you need to trim the stems (so that fifteen centimeters remain from the root to the end of the stem). For the winter, the plant is placed in a room or place where partial shade will reign and the temperature will not exceed twelve degrees Celsius. You shouldn’t forget about the rose: the soil in which it grows should be watered periodically.

After several waterings, the top of the pot, in which there is a Chinese rose, covered with a paper bag or galvanized (this will retain moisture for a long period of time). After wintering, in the spring, the plant is taken out, freed from the bag and placed in diffused light. Gradually, the dose of water received by the plant should increase until it reaches the dose of regular watering. It is important to follow a system of enriching the plant with water so that young shoots can develop and bear flowers.

How to propagate and grow Chinese rose? This type of roses is good reproduces by seeds. However, you can increase the number of plants and vegetative way(and this is much more convenient to do at home). The ideal cuttings for propagation will be those remaining after pruning in the spring. Before planting, the cuttings need to be treated with a liquid that stimulates growth, then moved to prepared water or planted in a specially prepared mixture of sand and peat. In any case, the container must be covered with glass (preferably a glass jar).

Afterwards, the cuttings will take root and can be planted in soil specially prepared for the growth of Chinese roses. The planted flower is pinched. With sufficient and proper lighting these plants may even begin to bloom after a couple of months. You can also use cuttings located at the top for cuttings, but only if they have two or three internodes and were cut during the summer pruning period.

Chinese rose pests

Why does the flower get sick? The main insects that cause damage to this plant are aphids, spider mites and thrips. Very often the cause of pests is not proper care for a rose (the most common reason is low air humidity). To get rid of them, care is required; you need to place the plant on a dampened tray and constantly spray the leaves of the plant with water at room temperature.

One of the most common diseases found in this flower is chlorosis (yellowing of flower leaves associated with increased chlorine and calcium content in the water used to water the plant). In order to quickly get rid of unsightly petals, it is enough to settle the water and add iron chelate to it (an element necessary for quick and correct height plants). If, after a long time, nothing changes, then the problem is in increased watering of the plant.

It is difficult to imagine an office or residential space that does not have landscaping - at least one.

Many indoor flowers require too much care.

Hibiscus, also known as “Chinese rose,” is a very beautiful flower, but it is not picky.

It adapts to any conditions (within reason).

How to create a favorable atmosphere, temperature, lighting and other factors for the annual flowering of this plant.

Chinese, or Hibiscus, is one of the most beautiful indoor plants. It is represented by several pitchforks - herbaceous plant, a tree or bush that can reach a height of up to three meters. It will decorate every apartment or greenhouse.

One of the main advantages of hibiscus is its ease of care. The Chinese rose does not require supernatural conditions for maintenance. The main thing is to properly fertilize and water the bush, then it will delight you with long-term flowering. Most often for home grown plant hybrids are used, with a height of no more than 1-1.5 meters.

The flowers are bright, large, and look like a rose or mallow.

The shape and color depend on the variety, of which there are more than two hundred.

The leaves are usually elongated and oval.

The color can be dark or light green.

The leaves are nasty, which additionally allows you to easily remove dust and keep the flower clean.

Hibiscus blooms mainly in winter, but in apartment conditions can delight with bright velvety flowers almost all year round. In addition to beauty, this plant is widely used in medicine and cosmetology, thanks to beneficial properties and rich chemical composition:

  • Chinese rose flowers have vasoconstrictor properties. Due to this they are used in folk medicine as a hemostatic agent.
  • Hibiscus tea or decoction is famous in many countries. It normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the intestines.
  • Hibiscus decoction is used to wash wounds, wash to cleanse the skin, and use to treat colds, hemorrhoids and other pathologies.
  • During dietary nutrition or losing weight, tea from Chinese rose is drunk as a cleanser and burns subcutaneous fat.
  • The foliage of the plant contains a large amount of flavonoids and antioxidants, which bind the negative effects of free radicals.

Thus, we can conclude that this plant is not only beautiful, but also very useful. It accelerates metabolism at the cellular level, normalizes the functioning of many organs and systems, and helps strengthen and rejuvenate the skin.

Pruning, replanting, propagation - basic rules

Hibiscus is considered an ideal plant for the inexperienced. It does not require much attention or expense. Normally tolerates temperature changes, drafts and humidity. Of course, for comfortable growth and long-term flowering, it needs to provide certain conditions:

  • The Chinese rose loves lighting no less than other plants and needs natural sunlight. When choosing a location for a flower in an apartment or house, preference should be given to the window sill or a place near it. You should not place the rose in a corner where there is little natural light. Also in summer time You need to pay attention to ensure that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, this can lead to drying.
  • It is recommended to plant the plant immediately in a large container, since it grows quite quickly and does not like crowding, and replanting too often is not recommended, once a year is enough so as not to disturb the microflora in the soil.
  • The best time to transplant is in May. To make the plant feel comfortable, it sits in a new container with its soil.
  • In order for the plant to bloom annually, it must be pruned. After flowering, the shoots need to be pruned only then new ones will appear, which will grow into buds and then flowers will appear. Chinese roses are pruned at home every year.
  • Chinese roses can be propagated in several ways - by seeds or cuttings. The first method is long, and you need to create special conditions for the seeds to germinate. Therefore, gardeners prefer propagation by cuttings.

If all conditions are met, there is no doubt that the plant will get used to the apartment environment and will constantly delight you with velvety flowers.

Features of care

Since it was already written above that hibiscus does not require special conditions. But there are still some preferences and rules, if followed, the plant will be much more comfortable.


The Chinese rose does not really like too hot air, although it can withstand temporary temperature changes without damage.

IN summer period The best temperature is considered to be 20-22 degrees.

In winter it is better to provide a temperature of 15 degrees.

But in apartment conditions this is almost impossible to do.

This is not a reason for frustration, since hibiscus tolerates standard room conditions.

For the winter, it can be moved to a balcony or loggia if they are glazed and the temperature there is not lower than 15. Otherwise, this should not be done so as not to freeze the plant.

In addition, roses need high humidity. With severe dryness, it blooms poorly and begins to hurt. If the air in the apartment is dry, you need to spray. For this you need pure water, without any impurities. And yet, it is important that drops of water do not fall on the flowers, only on the petals and stems. Flowers may fall off due to moisture.

Feeding and watering

Hibiscus loves moisture, so it requires abundant watering so that all the soil in the pot is saturated. Of course, you shouldn’t allow the water to “stand” above the ground, but you shouldn’t allow drought either.
The water should be at room temperature. Before watering, it is tedious to stand for at least a day, no less. Then possible pathogens will die in it, but all the necessary vitamins and minerals will remain. You cannot boil water for irrigation - it is considered dead and does not contain any beneficial properties.

There is no need to add too much fertilizer to the soil. It is enough to saturate the soil with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer once a year after winter. It can be purchased at any garden or flower shop.

During the period of active growth you can use complex fertilizers for house plants. They can feed the soil once every three to four weeks.

Problems when growing roses - pests and treatment methods

Let's consider the main problems that a gardener may encounter and ways to solve them:

  • Leaves wither, dry out or droop. This symptom occurs only when the plant lacks moisture. This may indicate improper and infrequent watering or too dry air in the room. To return the rose to its previous appearance, you need to arrange watering and organize constant spraying clean water. Thus, the plant will recover within a few days.
  • Roots dry out most often when the soil is too cold. It should be at room temperature. If such a problem occurs, then the flower should be moved to a warmer place and water at room temperature should be used for watering.
  • Pink spots appear on the foliage - this is a sign that there is not enough lighting. In this case, the plant must be moved to a place where there will be access to sunlight.
  • The buds do not open and fall off. More often than not, this problem occurs as a result insufficient watering soil. That is, in order for the bud to open, the plant needs to expend a certain amount of energy, which is produced as a result of nutrition from the soil. If there is no such nutrition, then, accordingly, there is no energy.

To summarize, it can be noted that the Chinese rose comes in several types - herbaceous, shrubby or tree-like plant. IN natural conditions trees can reach five mats. Indoor options are hybrids, no more than two meters high. This type plants adapt to any conditions, although there are certain preferences. If possible, it is necessary to ensure normal lighting, temperature conditions and high humidity(it is very important). If the apartment is dry, you need to spray.

The Chinese rose has dark green, glossy leaves and bright, velvety blossoms that appear on the branches in mid to late spring. The height of adult indoor bushes is 1.5–2 m. The plant, which is also called hibiscus, is grown in apartments and offices. In some countries, the inflorescences are used to make hair dye, and the shoots of the Chinese rose are eaten. Caring for an indoor bush is no more difficult than caring for an orchid or bamboo.


Direct sunlight is contraindicated for the ornamental bush. Small particles remain on the leaves after contact with ultraviolet light. yellow spots, which gradually increase and spread to the shoots. Burns weaken the Chinese rose's immunity and make it vulnerable to diseases and spider mites.

Hibiscus does not like shade. The sun's rays are responsible for photosynthesis and the growth of young shoots. The Chinese rose, deprived of ultraviolet radiation, weakens and sheds its leaves.

Pot with ornamental plant placed on southern or eastern window sills. The windows are covered with blinds or thin tulle, which softens and diffuses the sun's rays. A flowerpot with hibiscus can be placed on a special stand next to the windowsill. The Chinese rose will be reliably protected from burns.

In winter, the ornamental bush rests and needs a minimum of light and water. If the owners of Chinese roses have postponed flowering from spring to mid-summer, the plant will have to be illuminated in December and January table lamps. Electrical appliance placed at a distance of 30–40 cm from the decorative bush. The lamp is turned on for 4–5 hours to increase the length of daylight.

In summer, a flowerpot with a Chinese rose is taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. The pot is buried in the ground under a spreading tree so that the hibiscus is always in the shade. Fresh air strengthens the plant's immunity and activates flowering.

Tip: If burns appear on the leaves of the Chinese rose, you need to prepare a solution of white sugar and distilled water. Rub the damaged parts of the flower with a sweet liquid 2-3 times a day. The product is quickly absorbed and triggers leaf regeneration.


In summer, hibiscus needs a lot of water. Liquid evaporates from the soil due to high temperatures. Dry roots quickly rot and the plant dies. Chinese rose is watered with settled or melted water, heated to 30–35 degrees. The substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week. The liquid is added when upper layer the soil dries out by 2–4 cm. Before watering, the soil is loosened to saturate it with oxygen and increase the absorption of moisture.

Hibiscus does not tolerate dry air well. It is recommended to place bowls filled with cool distilled water or pieces of ice next to the pot. The liquid gradually evaporates under the influence of sunlight, humidifying and cooling the air on the windowsill.

It is useful to spray Chinese roses with a spray bottle. Leaves and shoots are moistened early in the morning so that the moisture has time to evaporate. If droplets of water remain on the plant, they will attract ultraviolet light, which will burn the hibiscus.

In the evening the decorative bush is wiped damp cloth, cleaning from dust. Indoor flower quickly absorbs moisture. Instead of plain water, you can use a sugar solution. The sweet liquid provides the plant with nutrients.

It is useful to bathe hibiscus in summer and winter. The buds and inflorescences are covered with plastic bags to prevent moisture from getting on them. Because of the water, the petals wither and fall off. The soil is also covered with cling film. Before bathing, the leaves can be sprayed with a soap solution to prevent spider mites. The flower is placed under a weak stream of water at room temperature and held for 10–15 minutes. After water treatments, the plant is left in the bathroom until completely dry. Wet hibiscus is protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

In summer, water is poured into a pan. The container is filled with small pebbles, which are doused with boiling water for disinfection before use. You can add several tablets of activated carbon or wood ash powder to the liquid. The components disinfect water and protect against fungus, so it stays fresh longer. The roots of Chinese roses absorb the required amount of moisture in 2–3 hours. The remains are poured out so that they do not stagnate.

In winter, the ornamental bush is watered twice a month. When the heating is turned on and the air becomes dry, the hibiscus begins to be sprayed with settled water. The liquid protects the plant from spider mites and diseases.

Fertilizer and temperature conditions

Feeding for Chinese roses is applied during the period of bud formation and flowering. The ornamental bush is fertilized twice a month. Buy drugs for flowering plants. Kemira Plus or a mixture of potassium and phosphorus will do. In winter, the recharge dose is reduced by 4 times. The product is added to the substrate once every 1.5–2 months. From November to March, you can refuse fertilizers so that the Chinese rose can rest and prepare for the growing season.

Comfortable temperature for hibiscus is +25–18 degrees in summer. In winter, the indicator drops to +15–13. Chinese roses die at sub-zero temperatures. If the room is cold, you can wrap the pot with the plant in cling film or newspapers, move the pot to a heater or radiator, but do not forget to humidify the air from the sprayer.

In winter, you should not raise the temperature above +14 degrees. The cool climate creates ideal conditions for bud formation. At +12–15, the Chinese rose rests and recovers, preparing for the growing season.

Pruning and replanting

Young ornamental bushes that are less than 5 years old are transplanted into new pots annually. The flowerpot should be 2–3 cm larger than the previous one. In containers that are too large root system grows, the green mass increases, and the buds practically do not form. To have a lot of inflorescences, the Chinese rose is transplanted into a small and cramped pot.

Buy clay or plastic flowerpots with drainage holes and trays. The containers are filled with a nutritious and light mixture that allows moisture and air to pass through. IN flower shops select a substrate intended for hibiscus. At home mix:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • peat or humus - 1 part.

Grated polystyrene foam or small pebbles are added to the substrate. Drainage components make the soil loose.

The soil is brought from the garden or vegetable garden; you can collect soil at the edge of the forest. Sand and soil are calcined. The substrate is disinfected in a double boiler or oven, poured with boiling water or a dark pink solution of manganese. High temperatures destroy weed spores and insect eggs.

The treated soil is mixed with peat and left for several days until beneficial bacteria. The pot is filled one third with expanded clay or pebbles. Drainage components are washed in a soapy solution. A thin layer of substrate with foam is poured on top of the expanded clay.

Before transplanting, hibiscus is not watered for a week so that the soil in the flowerpot dries out. Using the wooden handle of a spatula or knife, knock on the walls of the pot. When the soil separates, the container is turned over. The Chinese rose is held by the stem and the flowerpot is carefully rotated, and then removed. Excess substrate is removed from the root system, but the earthen ball is not touched. The base of the decorative bush is transferred to a new pot and sprinkled with soil. The substrate is lightly compacted and watered.

The plant is pruned before transplanting. The procedure is carried out in the spring before the buds appear. Thanks to pruning, a thick and lush crown is formed with big amount inflorescences. Select the longest shoots and shorten them by 2/3.

Excess parts are removed with a sharp knife or pruning shears. Regular scissors will also work. The instrument is wiped with alcohol before use. The blade is treated after each removed shoot to prevent infection and rotting of the Chinese rose. The cut area is lubricated with garden varnish to prevent juice from leaking out. You can sprinkle with crushed activated carbon or wood ash. The components disinfect open wounds and destroy bacteria, accelerating healing.

Pruning can be done in March so that the Chinese rose blooms in the spring. If it is necessary to delay the formation of buds, the removal of healthy shoots is postponed until May. Not only green branches are cut, but also dry branches that have no leaves. Diseased parts of the ornamental bush are also removed to stop the infection.

If flowering is artificially delayed, hibiscus is replanted at the end of May. Watering is reduced. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but add a small amount of water. In mid-summer, repeat pruning. Fertilizers begin to be applied in June or July.


Healthy cuttings remaining after pruning are not thrown away. Select specimens with leaves and 2–3 nodes. The blanks are planted in plastic cups filled with substrate for Chinese roses. Seedlings are watered and covered glass jars to create a humid and warm microclimate inside the container.

The plant is placed in a warm place for a month. Hibiscus will take 20-30 days to take root. The seedlings are periodically watered so that the soil does not dry out and ventilated. The jars are removed for 10–20 minutes and then returned. Grown seedlings are transferred to clay or plastic pots, watered and fertilized. Young shoots can be fed with syrup. Take 1-2 tbsp per glass of water. l. white sugar and stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. 200-250 ml of sweet fertilizer is poured into each pot.

Hibiscus is propagated not only by cuttings, but also by seeds. Planting material is formed in buds after the petals fall off. The seeds are first soaked in a solution that stimulates growth, and after 24 hours they are washed with water and pale pink potassium permanganate. The workpiece is wrapped in a wet cloth and placed in a plastic bag. Planting material is kept next to a radiator or heater until sprouts appear.

The hatched seeds are planted in a box with hibiscus substrate and covered with glass. The transparent cover is removed when the seedlings have 2-3 full leaves. Grown Chinese roses are picked and transplanted into separate pots.

Causes of yellow leaves

Hibiscus does not tolerate tap water well. Chlorine and calcium impurities are deposited in the soil and affect the root system. The lower leaves of the Chinese rose fall off, and the new ones acquire a yellowish tint. Iron supplements will help heal the plant. If you do not settle the water and do not use replenishment, the Chinese rose will stop blooming, and the leaves will completely fall off and the branches will become bare.

Yellow veins appear when there is a lack of nitrogen and potassium. Spots of a golden or pale light green hue occur when there is an excess of fertilizers. Feeding is applied no more than 2 times a month, and in winter they forget about the existence of fertilizers and allow the hibiscus to rest.

During the flowering period, the leaves turn yellow due to large quantity buds. The ornamental bush spends all its resources on the formation and development of inflorescences. In such cases, the plant is watered with sweet water and fertilizer is applied 3-4 times a month to provide the Chinese rose with nutrients. You can carefully cut or pick new buds.

Leaves turn yellow due to lack of light. The pot, which is constantly in the shade, is moved closer to the window and sunbathing is arranged. It is worth protecting hibiscus from drafts. They reduce immunity and lead to leaf fall.

The ornamental bush throws out inflorescences every year. Buds form in spring or summer. If the hibiscus has not bloomed, you need to take a closer look at it.

Inflorescences may be absent due to a sharp change in temperature. The buds are laid in a cool room. If you suddenly move the hibiscus from a room where it was +12–14 to a warm place or place it next to a radiator, the plant will shed its future buds and leaves.

The Chinese rose does not bloom due to lack of light or fertilizer, or irregular watering. Do not overuse nitrogen supplements. They stimulate the growth of green mass and stop the formation of inflorescences. A hibiscus overfed with nitrogen will have a thick and lush crown without a single bud.

Inflorescences fall off due to drafts and dry air. The leaves of the Chinese rose should be sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth in winter and summer, but the buds should not be touched. It is not recommended to frequently rotate the decorative bush or move it from one windowsill to another.

If there are no buds, it is worth replacing the top layer of soil. Carefully remove it with a spatula, being careful not to damage the roots. New soil mixed with rotted compost and dried seaweed. Supplements provide the nutrients your hibiscus needs to bloom.

Diseases and pests

Sudden changes in temperature and drafts lead to the appearance of a fungal infection. The leaves of an infected plant dry out and become covered with black spots. Watering is reduced or stopped during treatment. It is important that the soil remains slightly moist, but that liquid does not accumulate in the pan. Roots affected by the fungus are cleared of soil and soaked for several hours in a weak solution of manganese. Blackened shoots and leaves are cut off, the wounds are sprinkled with activated carbon and dried.

For fungal diseases caused by lack of nutrients, the crown of the Chinese rose is sprayed with liquid fertilizers and fungicides.

The Chinese rose is attacked by spider mites. Insects settle on bottom sheets. The first symptom is yellow dots and a thin web that entangles the stem. Pests are destroyed with a solution of “Fundazol”. Pour 2 g of suspension into 1 liter of water and spray the decorative bush. The treatment is repeated several times, the break is 1 week.

On initial stage infection can be avoided without insecticides. Spider mite destroy with soap solution. The leaves and branches are wiped with the product several times a week.

Hibiscus living outside can be attacked by aphids. Small bugs are hard to notice. Insect infestation is indicated by yellowed leaves and a sweetish coating. Chinese rose is sprayed with “Nicotine sulfate”. Take 1 g of substance per 1 liter of water. Several treatments are carried out so that the aphids disappear completely.

Even beginners who have never had indoor flowers before will be able to care for Chinese roses. Hibiscus is afraid of temperature changes, direct sunlight, cold water and drafts. Loves diffused ultraviolet light, heat and organic nutrition. If you regularly water, fertilize and prune the plant, it will delight you with a lush crown and bright flowers.

Video: proper care of hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Hibiscus – unpretentious plant, but its transplant has several subtleties.

Soil/soil - what soil is suitable for a tea rose?

Chinese rose cuttings are transplanted into loose soil with neutral acidity - it promotes their rapid root formation. Young plants need nutritious, but not greasy soil.

Adult hibiscus are less demanding on the soil; only 2 conditions must be met - drainage and good looseness. Mature plant transplanted only when the pot becomes too small for him.

Soil composition

To plant cuttings, use clean sand or a mixture of one part sand and one part peat. It stays in such soil for 25-30 days - during this period the plant develops a stable root system and it is already transplanted into a pot to form a bush. For a young tea rose, soil is prepared from the following components:

  • 1 part compost or humus;
  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part sand.

One part of the leafy soil is sometimes included in the composition to provide greater nutritional value.

To improve the looseness of the soil, pieces of charcoal and some peat. And to speed up the formation of buds, add a small amount of bone meal to the soil. Clay shards or expanded clay are used as drainage.

For transplanting or planting hibiscus, the use of unrotted manure or mullein is contraindicated.

What pot is needed when planting/transplanting??

In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. To plant Chinese rose cuttings, use a low pot (7-10 cm). Its diameter depends on the number of seedlings. After rooting, each cutting is planted in a separate container up to 10 cm high, with a radius of 4-5 cm.
  2. The size of the pot for an adult tea rose is chosen very carefully. When the crown of the plant grows extensively, the hibiscus is transplanted into a container one size larger: its diameter and height should be 5-7 cm larger than the size of the previous container.
  3. The materials used for pots should also be chosen carefully. Chinese rose grows well in ceramic pots and wooden tubs. IN plastic containers The roots of the plant will overheat. Immediately after purchasing the pots, they are soaked in boiling water for 2-3 hours. Used containers are washed running water(without the use of special cleaning agents).

Best season for planting and replanting hibiscus – spring. At this time of year, the plant gains strength and grows. The best period for propagating hibiscus from cuttings is from March to May: over the next two months of spring, the plant will take root and have time to gain color (read about the propagation of hibiscus in). Young, rooted cuttings that have formed shoots are planted in May. Transshipment of an adult tea rose can be done in any month of spring.

How to replant at home?

Transplanting a Chinese rose at home is a simple task, however, in order for the plant to quickly take root and bloom, certain rules must be followed.

Replanting after purchase

It is not advisable to transplant a tea rose after purchase, especially if the plant is in a state. However, if the hibiscus is sitting in an unsuitable pot, then it is best to transfer it to another container.

Is it possible to replant hibiscus in the fall - why?

The natural flowering period is winter and summer. Autumn is a dormant period, so replanting at this time of year is undesirable. However, the flowering time of the tea rose can be shifted. In order for the plant to form buds in the fall, replanting is done in May.

Hibiscus is transplanted only when it becomes really cramped in the pot. Young plants require this procedure once a year, adults (over five years old) once every 3-4 years.

When the tea rose reaches impressive dimensions and the transplant becomes labor-intensive process, then it's enough replace 5-6 cm of the top layer soil in a pot.

What to do if it withers after transplantation?

Sometimes it happens that a tea rose withers and dries after transplantation. This normal reaction plants to change places and should not be ignored.


There are few reasons for hibiscus wilting, here are the most common ones:

  • lack of light;
  • change of place;
  • excess or lack of moisture;
  • damage to the rhizome during transplantation.

If the plant has not recovered within 7-10 days after transplantation, the plant’s habitat should be improved.

How to fight?

During the wilting period, the plant needs to be provided access to light and moisture.

If the root system was damaged during transplantation, the Chinese rose will have to be re-transferred. To do this, the plant is carefully pulled out of the pot, the damaged roots are carefully cut off with a sterilized knife, and the sections are treated with potassium permanganate.

To speed up the healing process, add vermiculite.


See more photos of planting and hibiscus below:

Hibiscus is rightfully considered an unpretentious indoor plant.. People are more familiar with hibiscus under the name Chinese rose. The plant is suitable for both beginners and already experienced florist. Due to its unpretentiousness, hibiscus can be found not only in apartments, but also in the halls of institutions and offices. You don’t have to worry, hibiscus can easily survive lack of lighting, temperature changes, drafts, and even missed watering a couple of times for a short time. However, try not to overuse this, otherwise, quite expectedly, you will not achieve flowering, and over time the plant will begin to wither. It should be noted that when favorable conditions, the Chinese rose reaches up to 3 meters in height.

Even the most unpretentious indoor plant requires attention and care, so you need to know what growing conditions will be close to ideal for hibiscus.

Lighting for hibiscus.

Lighting for hibiscus.

Contrary to popular belief, the Chinese rose is very light-loving plant. Therefore, the ideal location for the Chinese rose would be south and south-east windows, or balconies (not in winter time, Certainly). Given the right location, it grows very quickly, so be sure to think about this point when you buy a plant. If you want to get a lush bush and slow down the plant's growth a little, be sure to prune your Chinese rose correctly.

Temperature regime for keeping hibiscus.

Lush hibiscus bush.

As noted above, for a short time, hibiscus can easily survive exposure to cold air, drafts and low temperatures. However, overuse of this can lead to negative consequences for a flower. The ideal temperature for Chinese roses in summer is no higher than 23 degrees, and in winter - 18 degrees. In winter, with the heating on, it is not always possible to achieve required temperatures, but there is no need to worry about this - hibiscus can easily adapt to room temperature.

Air humidity and watering.

Hibiscus is a moisture-loving plant.

Hibiscus is a very moisture-loving plant. If the first two points are not so mandatory, then you should pay attention to this advice! You need to water the rose very generously, completely saturating the ground in a pot. The frequency of watering depends on the degree of drying of the top layer of soil. As soon as the earthen ball has dried out, after 1-2 days you need to water it again.

Important! In summer when high temperatures and active sun, the earthen ball dries out much faster and the rose needs to be watered almost every day.

Hibiscus also requires constant spraying and moistening. In winter, when the air in the apartment is dry, the problem can be solved with the help of moistened expanded clay in a tray, however, this does not exclude the fact that the rose also needs daily spraying from a spray bottle.

Important! It is better to take soft and settled water for irrigation and spraying.

Fertilizers and fertilizers for hibiscus.

Many experts believe that if there is various types fertilizers, the most optimal for indoor flowering plants are liquid fertilizers.

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers- possible, but undesirable for feeding hibiscus.
  2. Potash fertilizers— in particular, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers — are best used in the spring, when the Chinese rose comes out of the dormant period and begins active growth.
  3. Complex mineral fertilizers - used to feed hibiscus in the summer.

Important! It is better to fertilize in the evening, after watering the rose.

Hibiscus after pruning.

Hibiscus requires mandatory pruning, which must be carried out annually. Favorable time for pruning indoor rose- early spring, when the plant is just beginning to actively grow, or in the fall, after the hibiscus has bloomed.
Why is pruning so necessary for hibiscus? First of all, it allows you to form a beautiful flower crown, the way you want. In addition, buds most often appear on new young shoots. Therefore, by pruning 1 main shoot, you will get several new side shoots, on which beautiful buds will bloom in the future. Such pruning not only aesthetic role, but also very good for the health of your indoor rose. If you do everything correctly, it will definitely delight you with its flowering.