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» Roof with mezzanine. Mezzanine design features. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

Roof with mezzanine. Mezzanine design features. New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

There are several use cases attic space. First of all, this is an attic room, located under the very slope of the roof, as well as an additional extension to the attic - a mezzanine. This is a separate structure on the roof of the building, which, as a rule, has three windows and a separate mezzanine in old Russian houses, they were usually decorated with wood carving, identical to the decoration on the facade of the building.

What it is?

The meaning of the word "mezzanine" in translation from Italian is "middle" or "located in the center." In Italy, this name of the extension came from France as a derivative of the word "house". Sometimes people get confused in the name of the uppermost room in the house and the mezzanine is called the attic. The fundamental difference between them is that the attic is equipped in the attic room under the common roof of the building, and the mezzanine is a small bright room, which is not under common roof and has its own roof and walls.

Design features

The location of the mezzanine in the center of the roof allows you to increase the amount of usable area in the building. side height vertical walls in the classic version, it is almost always equal to 150 cm. The ridge of the extension, as a rule, is raised to a height of 240 cm. winter time snow to be removed.

If the designer conceived a different form of the mezzanine, then, accordingly, the configuration of the roof also changes. There are many design options in from the simplest gable to multi-tiered fantasy.

Regardless of the form, the mezzanine is that part of the building that can be equipped not only above the newly erected building. Very often, owners of private houses make such an extension already on fairly old buildings. In new private cottages this additional area organized due to a certain arrangement of rafters and often combine gable and shed roofs.

Main characteristics

The main advantage of the classic mezzanine over the attic is that interior receives much more Windows in such extensions can be enlarged with an additional glazed extension above the opening. Not only aesthetic qualities are enhanced window openings but also the level of illumination.

Also, modern architects in the construction of such structures use the possibility of creating additional lighting, without making any overlap between the mezzanine and the lower floor room. This allows you to increase the volume of the lower room and create dynamics in different levels.

Very often, such add-ons are decorated with an external or internal balcony. The mezzanine is a good place for any purpose. In such an extension, there may well be a bedroom, a nursery or a library. Any decision will be appropriate, the main thing is that there is light and Fresh air. It should not be forgotten that the meaning of the word "mezzanine" corresponds to the French words "house", "dwelling". And that means coziness, comfort and homely warmth.

Color and interior styles

For correct design rooms should take care of the maximum preservation of natural light. It is better to arrange furniture so that it does not create obstacles. sunlight. Wallpaper or wall decoration is also recommended to be done in light colors. Designers advise keeping furniture and wall decoration in the same style and dim color scheme. The mezzanine is a place to relax, so do not clutter it up with various rubbish.

The stylish interior will allow you to use the space for the pleasure and joy of the whole family. If you wish to retire in this room, you can organize a separate office. The mezzanine (superstructure) is not just an additional place, but also a kind of sophistication in the architectural appearance of the building.

Mention in art

Many writers, poets and artists describe the romanticism of this room. For example, the American artist John O'Brien depicts attics and mezzanines on many of his canvases. And no wonder, because in such houses you want to live for eternity. And the English writer Lucy Maud Montgomery from Clifton gave the world a magnificent series of works for children about the adventures of the girl Anya, in which green mezzanines are mentioned. Russian writers also did not ignore this beautiful and airy place. For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his work “A House with a Mezzanine” very well and figuratively describes all the romance of this room.

The main charm of such a building lies in the atmosphere. home comfort, silence, comfort and in large numbers Sveta. The design of the mezzanine practically does not create an additional load on the foundation of the building, therefore, in order to give a private house a special chic and grace, it is quite possible to recommend its construction. Knowing what a mezzanine is, what a useful and elegant building it is, you will certainly not be afraid of the difficulties associated with construction and additional costs. All efforts will be rewarded with a vengeance!

Tiered racks

Mezzanines are also called tiered racks in warehouses. There is no romance here, so you should limit yourself to describing only some of the features of such metal structures. With a significant ceiling height in warehouses, several levels are created for storing goods. Such tiers are connected by stairs and passages.

At the same time, the entire volume of the room is rationally used and the equipment pays off quite quickly. The quick assembly of such metal mezzanines is based on the connection of ready-made standard elements for fastening metal racks and decking. Special attention given to the strength and stability of the entire structure, since the load on the tiers can be increased. Fastening, as a rule, occurs with the help of bolts through the mounting holes. Depending on the height of the room and the purpose of its use, the calculated section of the beams and supports is also accepted.

Warehouse mezzanine is a kind of special equipment for a warehouse, a kind of multi-level system consisting of racks or columns. This design is good because it allows you to increase the usable area of ​​the warehouse by two or even three times. It can also be called an additional mezzanine.

Main advantages

Installation / dismantling of the warehouse mezzanine is characterized by simplicity and ease, which will allow you to take the structure with you in case of moving.

Such systems are durable and resistant to wear. It is characteristic that they can be used even in those regions where seismic activity is increased.

Expedient use of the entire height of the warehouse, combined with rational warehousing, can significantly reduce the cost of maintaining the warehouse.

Technical specifications

Mezzanines consist not only of shelves and racks, but also of additional elements such as railings, stairs, ceilings between floors, etc. From all the above is built optimal design, which is most appropriate to the characteristics of the warehouse.

supporting structure in this case is - pedestrian levels are set on it. Such systems can be of two types:



Another feature that a warehouse mezzanine has is the possibility of its docking with racks of other types, as well as operation as detached structure. Trolleys, electric cars and other mechanisms can move along the mezzanine flooring.

As floor covering mainly metal gratings, corrugated board and chipboard are used. For the manufacture of other parts, a bent profile is used, which, in fact, ensures the stability of the entire structure. Vertical racks perforated, the pitch of the holes is small - this makes it possible to adapt the racks to any dimensions of the cargo.

The main types of storage mezzanine

The structures described above are divided into two types:

shelving mezzanine;

columned mezzanine.

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Shelf construction

This type of mezzanine is used for storage and appropriate handling of warehouse goods. Ladders and all necessary levels are mounted on rack racks. Special equipment can be used to handle the cargo, and if necessary, this can be done manually.

Also used for archiving.

Construction on columns

Mezzanine, mounted on columns, can be used in the following cases.

To increase the useful area of ​​​​the premises and when storing small-sized cargo.

In expedition areas.

When creating a complete functional area in a warehouse or to create a separate room. You can, for example, equip an office consisting of several rooms.

As a basis for the installation of various types of rack equipment.

To increase/create a trading platform. At the same time, storage space and offices will be located on the upper floors.

Oddly enough, very often one has to deal with the fact that people who consider themselves well versed in architecture confuse an attic with a mezzanine.
Let's make this issue clear.

It's hard to say which came first.
But let's start with attic , if only because, unlike the mezzanine, it has an author.

The largest French architect of the 17th century Francois Mansart when building a palace Maisons-Laffitte found near Paris interesting solution attic space. With the help of a high roof in the form of a truncated pyramid with built-in large windows he received additional living space.

Palace of Maisons-Laffite (1642 - 1649)

It is believed that since then such premises have acquired the status of apartments and have become known as attics.

In Paris, tenement house owners, quickly adopting this innovation, turned tax-free attic spaces into rows of cramped rooms rented out to poor students, artists, painters, and other creative professionals.

"Poor Poet"
(Carl Spitzweg, 1839)

The facade of the attic is completely or partially formed by an inclined roof surface with windows built into it.

These components create unique comfort attic floor, which is used today very widely both in Western European countries, and in Russia (and not only in the construction of dachas and garden houses but also luxury housing).

Unlike the attic mezzanine (from Italian mezzonino), which is a superstructure over the middle part of a residential building, most often with three small windows and a pediment, has its own roof.

House of the middle of the 19th century with a mezzanine in Vologda
(house Zasetsky?)

Long before the 19th century, in the provincial Russian cities, the prototype of the mezzanine was a small room in the upper part of the house.

The mezzanine with a solemn pediment, built in the style of classicism, was a sticky decoration of the city estate and the manor houses of the local nobility and wealthy merchants of Russia of the century before last.

What is a mezzanine? A mezzanine is a small room built on the roof of a residential private house with separate walls and windows (in other words, an extension to the attic).

A beautiful, airy building has long been associated with the patriarchal life of the Russian suburbs, lordly estates, picturesque suburban buildings, is integral part painting style "romantic realism".

Often artists from different countries they painted a mezzanine in their paintings, where they depicted the interiors of fictional or real streets.

Design features

The mezzanine is usually located in the middle of the roof, which allows you to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. In form, it can be:

  • square;
  • hexagonal;
  • rectangular;
  • cylindrical.

The roof of the extension has a steep slope, it can be single-pitched, double-pitched, combined, multi-level. Often such a room is equipped with large windows with glass inserts over window openings. In some cases to front side the mezzanine is attached to a remote-type balcony.

What advantages does

This extension has many advantages:

  • large windows allow for natural light in the interior of the room;
  • increase total area dwellings without additional load on the foundation;
  • the mezzanine can be used as a room for any purpose: an office, a library, a bedroom, a nursery;
  • with its help mask and strengthen the chimney;
  • for the construction of this type of superstructure, it is not necessary to use special equipment, since all work is carried out through the attic;

mezzanine attached general view houses extraordinary features, it opens beautiful view from the window. In France, such extensions were rented by students for living, and in Russia they began to be used everywhere in the 19th century as part of wooden and stone houses. Most often, the mezzanine had three windows, its own roof and gable.

How it is applied and formalized

You can use such a room as:

  • cabinet;
  • game room;
  • workshop;
  • libraries;
  • summer bedroom;
  • children's room;
  • warehouse space;
  • recreation areas;
  • billiard room;
  • bathroom.

The mezzanine can be equipped as a guest room or as a separate living space for tenants, since the tenants in it can exist autonomously from common house. Especially if it has a bathroom, a dressing room and a separate entrance from the street.

Advice from the editor: when arranging a mezzanine, it is better to use furniture made to order according to individual sizes. This will make it possible to take into account the non-standard premises, make it internal space comfortable and convenient.

To decorate the room, it is better to give preference to light shades. This will help hide defects, shortcomings in the interior, visually increase its area.

Differences from the attic

An attic is an attic space located directly under high roof, where windows are most often built in.

The mezzanine is a superstructure above the house with its own roof, windows, gable. They can also be distinguished from each other by design features:

  1. Roof. At the attic it is inclined, and at the mezzanine it is straight.
  2. Application. The attic is used mainly as an attic, and the mezzanine as a living space or as decorative ornament Houses.
  3. The mezzanine has the best natural light.
  4. The attic is being built simultaneously with the house and is an integral part of it. The mezzanine can be completed in an already finished building.

How you can arrange a house with a mezzanine, see the following video:

House with a mezzanine, what is it? This question is often asked by people who plan to build or buy their own home. Some are confused. The designs have common features, but, in fact, they are not the same thing. The mezzanine was originally designed for living quarters and has. The attic is rather, which can also be landscaped.

Mezzanine - what is it?

People who are far from knowledge in architecture often ask the question: mezzanine, what is it? This topic, in the most accessible language, will tell the reader about the design features of houses with mezzanines, the advantages of such buildings and possible layout options. The mezzanine is a superstructure above the house, most often it is located in the center, but has its own roof.

From the room located on the mezzanine, there is usually an exit to. This building can have a different shape:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • hexagon;
  • cylinder;
  • polyhedron;
  • cross.

But most often the mezzanine is made in the form of a regular square. The built-in floor, as a rule, is functional, however, it can also be decorative. Despite the fact that houses with mezzanines belong to, they have significant advantages over typical one-story buildings. So, what is the mezzanine? The photos below will best answer this question.

What are the advantages of a house with a mezzanine?

A house with a mezzanine is endowed with many advantages, some of which should be highlighted in particular. In order to have good draft, the length of its chimney must be at least five meters. The mezzanine superstructure allows you to place a long pipe in its space that does not require additional stretch marks.

The warming of the zone above which the mezzanine rises will cost the owner much cheaper. In turn, this lightens the load on the foundation, which prolongs the life of the entire house. For the construction of a superstructure, scaffolding is needed only in two small areas, all other structural elements are mounted from the attic level.

The excess area that is inherent two-story houses, is missing here. Accordingly, the costs are reduced. If there is no need to use the add-in during the cold season, so as not to waste heat carriers in vain, it can simply be temporarily closed.

If one of the residents needs to retire, best place than a room in the mezzanine, not to be found. There is no fuss or noise here. Such an environment is favorable for mental work and good rest.

Advice. Since the superstructure area is independent of other rooms (the stairs to the second floor are usually located at the back of the house), the mezzanine can be rented out to tenants. And the current taxation system classifies a house with a mezzanine as one-story building which makes it possible to save on taxes.

Attic and mezzanine - differences in designs

Some people unknowingly confuse mezzanine with. These architectural elements have common features, but still they are not the same thing.

What distinguishes an attic from a mezzanine?

  1. the attic is inclined, and at the mezzanine it is straight. For this reason, a long stay in attic room may cause discomfort.
  2. The main purpose of the attic is the attic. And it is not always converted for living. Mezzanines are erected after the house is ready. Their main function is living space, although sometimes superstructures are made exclusively for decorative purposes.
  3. The roof of the attic is also the roof of the house, while the mezzanine has its own.
  4. The walls of the mezzanine run vertically up to a certain level, and then smoothly pass into the roof.

The difference between a mezzanine and a simple attic is also in good natural light. If during the construction of the superstructure the masonry of the vertical walls is raised, the window area can be increased by an additional vertical frame, which is a continuation of the original window opening. Thus, a figured window appears in the interior.

Apart from external attractiveness, non-standard windows miss significantly large quantity light than the usual rectangular window systems. Daylight in the overbuilt floor it is no worse than in the main premises of the house.

In the 19th century everything noble estates were equipped with a superstructure located at the top of the house. To be fair, it should be noted that in Lately more and more elite.

Thanks to the mezzanine effective area at home is significantly increased and used more rationally. This design is especially in demand in houses with high ceilings. To build a superstructure, the owner of the house does not need to obtain an appropriate permit, which simplifies the procedure and reduces costs.

Today, mezzanines are popular for creating warehouses in which it is convenient to store any materials and goods. Multi-storey system storage mezzanines allows you to sort goods into categories, making them easy to find.

Roof construction options

The roofs of such houses can have different configurations - from primitive flat or gable, to original and bizarre. The most common is a gable roof, installed using hanging rafters.

However, this design is not without drawbacks. The small height of the vertical fence requires the construction of side walls for the superstructure. In this case, a significant part of the attic space (the one located behind the sidewalls) remains unclaimed. It can be used to furnish miniature pantries but not suitable for housing.

IN luxury houses for built-on floors, inclined rafters are used, and the roof is usually made single-pitched. Sometimes they resort to a combination of single and gable roofs. Due to the presence of a bay window in the structure of the house, which is the basis for the superstructure, it can be completely placed under one slope. Under the hip hipped and semi-hip roof, the rooms are spacious and comfortable. The owners of small houses will suit the roofs of a broken configuration.