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» Who is the founder of Apple. When Apple was Founded: A Brief History of Success

Who is the founder of Apple. When Apple was Founded: A Brief History of Success

Apple is one of the largest and most commercially successful corporations in existence today. There are legends about the innovative aspirations and priorities of the company, and any person dreams of buying or receiving Apple-made gadgets. This is a brand that in our era dictates fashion not only in the field of electronics, but also in the field of accessories. And you just need to come to terms with this, because you cannot dispute this fact.

But where did it all begin? when the company was foundedApple? We will talk about this below.


Apple Computer was officially registered in 1976, although its founders, namesakes Steve Wozniak and Jobs, were working on the creation of the first Apple personal computers as early as 1970.

If we talk about the version of their PC Apple II, then it is considered the first computer in history, which became the production of millions of copies. This led to the fact that during the 70-80s, Apple-made computers became the most popular and used in the PC world. The number of copies sold totaled 5 million.

In the 80s, the corporation failed the Apple III project, which eventually led to a deterioration in the economic and financial condition of the company, as well as to the dismissal of 40 employees of the company. Despite the fact that many experts began to announce unfavorable forecasts about the corporation, it continued to exist and developed steadily. And in 1985, Jobs and Wozniak were even awarded medals for the development of technological progress from the hands of President Reagan.

90s and `00s

Apple's activities throughout the nineties cannot be called unambiguously successful, because by the end of the century the corporation suffered losses reaching almost $ 2 billion. But in 1997, Steve Jobs returned to the company, becoming a "sip fresh air", if you will. After all, it was then that he began to discover for himself and the whole world the latest technology, which could be promoted to modern markets. These technologies did not directly relate to computer technology, but became very popular.

Already in the first year of the new millennium, the corporation released the already legendary iPod player, which did not require the use of CDs or cassettes to listen to audio compositions. The device contained revolutionary for those times 5 and 10 gigabytes of memory.

Apple's iOS is


After another 2 years, in 2003, the corporation created its own iTunes digital file store. There, Internet users had the opportunity to purchase:

Finally, in 2007, there was a revolutionary presentation, which can be boldly and eloquently said that it changed the entire view of the modern smartphone - the iPhone was released by the company.

Modern history

By 2010, Apple expanded its line of devices with the iPad tablet computer, which arrived in time for the trend of such gadgets.

The huge demand for players, tablets and smartphones from Apple led to an incredible improvement in the financial condition of Apple, making the company one of the most valuable corporations in the world. The devices themselves have become a desirable, tasty gadget for anyone. modern man. That is why, from year to year, the corporation produces such gadgets of a new generation.

Starting from the 14th year, smart watches Apple Watch also began to leave the "apple" conveyor, which became not just another high-tech novelty, but also a desirable, exclusive and elegant accessory.

In general, the history of the corporation with a recognizable name and symbol, which began its existence in the Jobs family garage, continues. And the best part is that we are watching it and have the opportunity to use all the products that Apple creates for people.

One of the most valuable companies for 2014 is Apple. According to the Fortune Global 500, "Yabloko" took an honorable fifteenth place in 2014, losing a couple of positions to Samsung Electronics. But in 2012, when Apple hit $500 billion in net worth, beating oil and gas company Exxon Mobil, Fortun ranked Apple first. But even 500 billion dollars is not a record for them, because on February 10, 2015, the maximum world record was set in stock trading - 122 dollars per paper, the estimated value of the company amounted to more than seven hundred billion dollars.

From the first birthday, Yabloko had many managers, including Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the lowest paid executive director with a daily salary of $ 1.

During the existence of Yabloko, the company's financial indicators either grew rapidly or fell down with the same desire, and the company's managers influenced the technological direction.

Among the significant figures was Steve Wozniak, who became the founder of Apple.

According to statistics from various research centers, the main growth of "Yabloko" was observed during the reign of Steve Jobs, and declines - in the years of his absence. Therefore, we can safely call Steve Jobs the main key figure in the development of the company.

Apple Founders

Over the years of existence and growth, there has been a lot of debate about who is the founder of Apple - Wozniak or Jobs. And is it true that the first Apple computer was assembled in a garage, or is it still in a student laboratory where both Steves worked.

Some authoritative publications, collecting historical information, interviews and answering the question of who is the founder of Apple, wrote "Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak", while others - "Steve Jobs is the only founder of the company."

But both Steves, answering the journalists' question, evasively evaded the answer, not taking on the sole function of the creator. So who became the founder of Apple officially, according to the papers? Most sources say that after all, Steve Jobs is the official and sole creator of the company.

From historical background

The official registration of the company took place in April 1976, although Jobs and Wozniak began their activities much earlier, meeting in the garage and assembling the first computer based on the MOS 6502 Technology eight-bit microprocessor.

Many print media that wrote and write articles about the history of the creation of Apple, opposite the question "who is the founder of apple" indicate: Steve Jobs, although Jobs himself always said:

Steve Wozniak and I worked together to build the first Apple computer.

After the official registration of the company, the first Apple-1 computer saw the light, and a little later - Apple-2, which sold millions of copies.

The Apple-2 industry continued until 1993, improving somewhat from release to release.

Since Apple-2 computers had few competitors in the 80s, the main peak of the popularization of the personal computer from the "Apple" came precisely during this period, more than five million devices were sold.

However, at the same time, the company was also experiencing a failure, releasing an unsuccessful model of the Apple-3 computer, which, surprisingly, did not in the least affect the sale of the first shares of the Yabloko company.

Failures continued to haunt the company in 1981, when Steve Wozniak left the company due to a plane crash, and Jobs was forced to lay off more than 50 employees from the state. The mass layoff was associated with the failed Apple-3 project.

To raise the company from the bottom, Jobs invited John Scully to the position of president of the company.

But the business relationship between Jobs and Sculley did not work out, and Jobs leaves the Yabloko by creating Next.

Birth of the Macintosh

The famous Macintosh computer first saw the light of day in 1984. For twenty years, the Yabloko company has been releasing these computers as its main product, using Motorolla processors and its own Mac OS operating system.

In the mid-90s, Apple licenses the right to use its own OS to other computer manufacturers, but the licenses were soon revoked.

In 1996, the Yabloko company was on the verge of bankruptcy. Losses amount to more than two billion dollars.

In 1997, the one who is the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, returns to the Yabloko, after which the company's business is going uphill. The company begins to develop new technologies that are not related to computers, and already in 2001 the first iPod music player saw the light.

In 2007, Apple releases the sensational iPhone, and Steve Jobs begins to be called the first person in the world who provided users with pocket Internet.

Three years later, Apple releases the first iPad.

The last three new products released by the company are fundamentally changing the financial situation, and Apple is becoming the most successful manufacturer in the market for modern gadgets.


The stunning success of Yabloko gave rise to envious people, and caring competitors one after another began to flood the company with lawsuits.

Even the Finnish company Nokia did not stand aside and in 2009 filed a lawsuit against Yabloko, accusing it of infringing several patents. The court then satisfied the claim from Nokia, and ordered Yabloko to pay compensation.

While 2 giants were suing, the world saw a line of gadgets from samsung galaxy, like two drops of water similar to the iPhone and iPad. Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung with the wording "copying the software, interface and design" of the aforementioned gadgets, but in response Samsung filed a lawsuit against Yabloko with the same wording that Nokia filed and won in 2009.

The court recognized both companies as violators, having satisfied all claims, and ordered them to pay compensation to each other, and also banned the sale of popular gadgets on their territory by both companies (the lawsuits took place in South Korea).

Death of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs died in 2011 from an incurable disease. Apple has continued its work and successfully releases new innovative devices.

Apple Inc. ("apple") is a corporation with a special reputation. Thanks to innovative technologies, exceptional quality and aesthetic design of its products, this company has become a real cult among consumers of electronics. Tablets and personal computers, telephones, audio players, Apple software - everything is invariably popular in all corners of the planet. How was this legendary corporation created? Who was the ideological inspirer of its appearance? What was the original name of Apple? You will learn about all this from this article.

First corporate name

Apple's Apple logo has become one of the most recognizable in the world. There are many rumors and legends around its name. Among the most common versions, there are some really interesting ones. There is no disagreement about how Apple was originally called. The officially registered first name of the company is Apple Computer. It existed under this name for 30 years until it was renamed simply Apple. This step was quite logical, by that time the corporation produced not only computers. But why did the company get the "apple" name? This is discussed ahead.

Why Apple?

According to one version, Steve Jobs decided to stop at the "apple" name because it automatically appeared on the first lines of telephone directories, immediately before the name of Atari - the manufacturer computer games. In addition, the apple symbolized the environmental friendliness of the company's products. Apple was one of the first to recycle old computer components. All this is true, but if you look at the first logo of the corporation, then other answers will arise to questions about how Apple was originally called, why it was named that way. The symbol of the corporation was a man sitting under a tree, over whose head an apple hung menacingly. The plot is reminiscent of the story of Isaac Newton, right? This means that the name of the company also hinted at the extraordinary ingenuity inherent in its creators. In addition, biblical motifs can be traced in the name of the company. A bitten apple symbolizes temptation. Apple's popular Macintosh product line was also named after the variety of apples favored by its creator, Jeff Raskin.

How it all began

The history of the creation of Apple is covered in rumors and legends. It all started back in 1970, when two comrades, Steve Jobs, created a personal computer based on the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor. It was essentially a motherboard and looked very unpresentable. However, enterprising friends, one of whom (Wozniak) was a gifted electronics engineer, and the second (Jobs) had an outstanding commercial streak, managed to sell several dozen of their products. On the proceeds in 1976, on April 1, a new company for the production of personal computers was officially registered. We already know how Apple was originally called.

Computer for every home

In 1976, the first Apple 1 microcomputer was released. Apple's original products were not revolutionary at all. In parallel with it, personal computers were produced by Tandy Radio Shack and Commodore. However, it was the creators of Apple who managed to make their products so bright and desirable for people that they were happy to buy. Steve Jobs introduced into the mind of the consumer the idea that a personal computer is a thing necessary in every home. He ensured that the computer became interesting not only to professional electronics engineers, but also to ordinary people. Apple has managed to make its brand legendary. Second-generation computers produced by this company became the best-selling globe. At the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, more than five million Apple-branded electronic machines were sold.

Sales problems

In 1980, the office where Apple was located was in disarray and vacillation. Steve Jobs had to lay off forty employees of the company, as the release of third-generation computers was extremely unsuccessful. True, at the same time, the company made the largest initial public offering in the history of the stock exchange. But this did not help the situation. The press predicted the imminent disappearance of Apple. In 1983, Scully John, a talented top manager who had previously held a similar position at PepsiCo, was invited to the post of president of the company. Friction immediately began between the main ideological inspirer of the corporation, Steve Jobs, and the new leader.

Company development in the 1980s

In 1984, the original Apple products were supplemented with a line of new 32-bit products The production and sale of such equipment determined the main activity of the company for two decades. It produced computers based on Motorola processors with installed on them operating system Apple, compatible only with branded products of the corporation. In addition, the company has traditionally had strong positions in educational and government organizations, design and publishing. A little later, Apple won a leading position in the music industry. The company was the first to equip its equipment with a computer mouse and a graphical user interface. In 1985, Reagan awarded Wozniak and Jobs with medals for the development of technological progress.

Steve Jobs

In 1985, another fateful event in the history of the corporation happened. - Steve Jobs - was forced to leave it due to disagreements with management. This man was distinguished by frenzied enthusiasm, intolerable character, wild unscrupulousness and incredible charm. He knew how to inspire the most insane enterprises. Only Jobs could convince the board of directors to give $750,000 to a newfangled director (Ridley Scott) for making a commercial for the Apple III computers and pay even more for one minute of super-expensive airtime during the broadcast of the American football Super Bowl. The original Apple products at that time were an order of magnitude worse than those of competitors. But they bought it! It took several months for the consumer to understand that a very mediocre computer with a black-and-white interface and only fifty programs was hidden behind a bright advertising wrapper. And the story of how crazy Jobs leaked into the Xerox PARC secret research center and brought out several revolutionary ideas from there (a computer mouse, a text editor, etc.) is still the biggest theft in the history of the computer industry. However, the methods used by the legendary co-founder of Apple were too original. So when sales of Apple III computers plummeted, Steve Jobs was asked to leave the company.

Company development in the 1990s

Under the strategically correct and technically sound leadership, Apple Corporation lasted for many years. The development of the company, however, slowed down every year. And by the end of the 1990s, things got really bad for her. Within two years (from 1995 to 1997), sales losses rose to $1.86 billion. Apple was worried better days. Her mastermind, madcap and adventurer Steve Jobs was invited to return. He took another giant step in the development of the company. He began to look for new markets, not related to the production of computer equipment, and in this area surpassed himself.

Multimedia revolution in the 2000s

The chronicle of events at this time looks something like this:

  • 2001 - iPod audio player - Apple introduced a portable media player to consumers. It struck the imagination of people with its minimal size and impressive capabilities.
  • 2003 - iTunes Store - the company opened an online multimedia store where, for a minimal fee, you can download media content in AAC format that can be played on Apple devices.
  • 2007 - iPhone - the company entered the market with its own mobile phone. This touchscreen smartphone was swept off the shelves for any money. It is still very popular today.

Our days

In the 2010s, the authority of Apple in the field of multimedia technology has become recognized and undeniable. In order to finally establish itself in this field, the corporation released in 2010 Tablet PC, the famous iPad. This product has broken all records in terms of sales. Over 1 million tablets were sold in 28 days. For comparison: the first iPhones were bought almost three times slower. They passed the one million mark in 72 days. Steve Jobs claimed that on the first day, 300,000 iPads were sold, 250,000 e-books were downloaded, and about 1 million apps were downloaded. In the wake of unprecedented demand for Apple products, its financial situation has improved dramatically. In 2011, it was recognized as the most valuable corporation in the world by market capitalization, overtaking the well-known oil company ExxonMobil. In 2012, Apple's share price growth peaked at $705.07. However, by 2013, the company's market capitalization had fallen by 37.6% and now constantly competes for the title of the most valuable company in the world with ExxonMobil.

The company constantly surprises the consumer with innovative products. In 2013, Apple released a 64-bit dual-core ARM microprocessor. In 2014, a new personal device appeared on the market - Watch.

Apple headquarters

Cupertino - the city where Apple is located, is located in the corporate headquarters is sometimes also called the "campus" due to large sizes and superficial resemblance to American college campuses. It occupies about sixty buildings. The six largest of them, on Infinite Loop Street, are the main offices. They are the face of Apple. Everything here calls for "thinking differently": bright offices filled with cutting-edge technology, laboratories in which wireless communications are tested, billboards and stands in huge lobbies flooded with light. There are also gyms, cafes and a store selling branded products, which are instantly sold out by clouds of tourists. The place where Apple is located will soon be replenished with a second campus, designed for 13 thousand people. He will look like spaceship silver light. Inside it is planned to break the park. This amazing project was developed with the direct participation of Steve Jobs.

Who is the CEO of Apple?

In August 2011, Steve Jobs had to step down as president of Apple for health reasons. This position was taken by the current CEO of the company - Tim Cook. After the departure of the main ideological inspirer, the value of Apple shares fell by 7%. Steve Jobs died after a long illness on October 5, 2011. His death was a resonant event that shook the whole world. Since then, the company's business has been moving with varying degrees of success. In 2013, for example, there was a message that due to the fact that the market value of Apple fell by almost half (from 702 to 390 billion dollars), Tim Cook could leave his post. However, the company still manages to maintain a leading position in the mobile industry, and the demand for "apple" products remains consistently high. Now you know where Apple is located, and not only.

Late Wednesday night to Thursday brought us some big news - Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple CEO (he will now become the company's chairman), and Tim Cook has now officially been appointed to his place. Admittedly, Tim has already served as Jobs since January of this year, when Steve went on medical leave. Yesterday we already devoted to this, so we will not repeat ourselves. Today we will talk about a man who starts a new era.

Unlike Steve, who is a prominent personality in social activities Tim Cook is fairly unknown in wide circles. Therefore, from the first days, as soon as he began working as CEO of Apple, we are pleased to present you with a personal article about Tim. Rest assured you will enjoy this informative biography, including all the milestones of his life, and several videos of Cook's presentations.

Tim Cook was born on November 1, 1960 (now he is about 51 years old, and Jobs is 56) in the town of Robertsdale, Alabama, the son of a shipyard worker and a housewife. After receiving a bachelor's degree from Auburn University in industrial production in 1982, then he worked at IBM for 12 years.

During this period, Tim also simultaneously began studying at Duke University, from which he graduated in 1988. Cook demonstrated his dedication to working hard during his time at IBM - he always volunteered to work over Christmas and New Year's holidays, just to complete the annual plan companies. However, despite such a deep zeal for work, former leader IBM Richard Dougherty said in an interview: " Tim only acted this way to make people enjoy working with him.».

Following his departure from IBM in 1994, Cook joined Intelligent Electronics, where he initially worked as a computer reseller and eventually became chief operating officer. When he sold part of Ingram Micro in 1997, he went to work for Compaq for a short period of six months until he was finally hired by Steve Jobs at Apple in 1998.

Joining the Apple Team

Tim Cook began his career at Apple in the office next to Steve as Senior Vice President of Global Operations. However, instead of strengthening cooperation with external manufacturers, he quickly directed Apple towards the production of components in-house. Tim diligently maintained the strict discipline of the company's management, playing a critical role in restoring Apple to what seemed like an eternity ago.

As a result, Apple's inventory, which was measured by the amount of time and located on the company's balance sheet, quickly fell from a few months to a few days. The inventory, as Tim put it, "was fundamentally doomed." "Running a company at a time like this is about the same as running a dairy business," Cook once said. "If you don't have fresh milk today, you're in trouble." [Fortune Magazine]

Tim's particular success in operations management is even mentioned on Apple's website, which states that he plays "a key role in further developing product sales and maintaining relationships with suppliers, ensuring adaptability in response to an increasingly demanding market." Cook is a masterful conductor who leads Apple's huge orchestra and manages the component supply and production of millions of Macs, iPhones, iPods and iPads in an almost flawless manner despite such significant demand.

Over the years at Apple, Tim Cook has gradually taken on more and more responsibilities over time, including leading sales, customer support, the Macintosh division since 2004, and finally becoming the company's chief operating officer in 2007. These responsibilities played a big role. role in his selection to the CEO position, but three short-term previous experiences in that position at Apple made him the obvious successor to Steve.

Cook was first named interim CEO for two months in 2004, when he replaced Jobs, who had undergone pancreatic surgery. In 2009, Tim took back the reins of the company for several months while Steve was recovering from a liver transplant. And finally, since January of this year, when Jobs took an indefinite sick leave, Tim Cook was again interim CEO of Apple until these days, until Steve himself stepped down from this post, and the company's board of directors officially proclaimed Tim as CEO.

These three periods added up to over a year of experience as CEO for Tim Cook. Now he is faced with the challenge of continuing to lead the company and for many years to come day by day to work on the process of improvement. Tim previously could not even imagine that he would be at the helm of Apple and replace Jobs:

Come on, replace Steve? No, he's irreplaceable. This is something that humanity cannot create. I see Steve Jobs with his gray hair in the 70s, long after my retirement.

Public performance

When asked for his opinion on the option of having Apple lower the prices of its products to increase sales, Cook quickly dismissed the idea and said that Apple makes devices that users want, not those that attract attention at a low price. In fact, Tim Cook believes that part of Apple's job is to convince people that it's better to spend a little. more money and get much better products. Finally, he pointed to China, where such a strategy has been successful.

To add to all that has been said, Last year he participated in only three public events where Apple was represented. His first event was at Antennagate with Steve Jobs and Bob Masfield in a press question session. The second event for him last year was the October presentation of "Back to the Mac", where Tim presented a short summary of "State of the Mac". Then, earlier this year, Cook introduced Verizon's version of the iPhone with Lowell McAdam, Verizon's CEO.

Individuality and dedication to work

Tim Cook is not Steve Jobs. This fact, of course, will force a slight change in the principles of work at Apple, because Cook is not and is not going to be a clone of Jobs, and also copy his style of behavior. However, in his first letter to the company's employees, Tim asserts that Apple will not change.

Despite the differences in the two Apple leaders, Fortune magazine notes how they are both "equally obsessive and demanding on the job." There is a funny anecdote about Tim Cook's behavior when it comes to checking the work done and correcting the flaws. Shortly after Tim joined Apple, he was at a discussion in China and said, "This is really bad, someone has to manage it." For the next thirty minutes, he watched Sabih Khan, who was the operations manager at the time, and then asked, "Why are you still here?" After that, Khan, without even changing clothes, took a ticket and went to China.

Unlike Steve Jobs, Tim Cook is a quiet, shy and calm person who never raises his voice. However, despite his calm appearances, he is practically brutal in his intensity towards work, some would call him a workaholic. They say he's starting to respond to executives e-mail at 4:30 am and often attends phone meetings on Sunday evenings in order to prepare more meetings on Monday.

A former top manager at Apple said that he had a habit of repeating a prepared speech in his mind so that being in an elevator with Steve Jobs did not turn out to be a real horror for him. Was there a similar preparation for Tim Cook? "No, because he won't talk to you." [Fortune Magazine]

Tim's shyness has kept him mostly in the background, and little is known about his 50-year life outside of his old job. Fortune magazine describes Cook as " a life bachelor…[who] vacations in places like National parks Yosemite and Zion and his wealth betray few signs despite the sale of more than $100 million in Apple stock.". He appears to be somewhat of a fitness enthusiast, frequenting the gym, enjoying mountain climbing and cycling.

The only thing we definitely won't see in the new CEO Apple is the famous black turtleneck that Steve Jobs likes to wear so often. Tim Cook prefers more casual business wear, a simple shirt with jeans. Although he does wear Nike shoes a lot when he's on the board of directors (interestingly, Steve prefers New Balance more).

Video featuring Tim Cook

As we already wrote, Tim is a rather modest person. However, we bring you several videos of his presentations and events so that you can appreciate his talent for public speaking.

Perhaps today, the majority of people, when it comes to an apple, will first of all think not about a fruit, but about the largest corporation, a well-known brand, a technological giant - Apple Corporation.

Yes, indeed, it is, people who do not know about the existence of the products of this American company and do not dream of an apple-made laptop, tablet or smartphone probably do not exist today.

But the history of the modern giant began with an ordinary garage and with Apple founder, a simple guy Steve Jobs.

Steve's childhood and youth

Steve was born in 1955, and his parents were students who were not even married. Given life's difficulties, problems with parents and many other factors, the biological parents were forced to give the boy up for adoption. So the future billionaire ended up in the family of Paul and Carla Jobs, people whom in the future he called his real parents.

It was Paul who introduced his son to the basics of electronics even in childhood, which attracted the boy very much and gave him the main hobby and passion for the rest of his life.

Jobs almost missed primary school due to the possession of extraordinary knowledge. And thanks to a suggestion from the director, I skipped several classes, going straight to high school.

Friendship with Steve Wozniak

At fifteen, Steve struck up a friendship with one of his classmates in new school, whose name was Bill Fernandez. He, like Steve, was interested in electronics, but this acquaintance became so significant moment not because of this. Bill had a friend who was almost more passionate about technology and innovation than Jobs himself. And that was Steve Wozniak. Over time, Bill introduced the two namesakes, and this made, subsequently, their best friends.

Apple's iOS is


Crucial moment

In 1971 in Jobs life but there was a turning point, which made him understand that electronics can bring quite serious money, but simply be a kind of hobby, a hobby.

All this happened due to interesting history, which, by the way, was the first business project of the two Steves. Then the guys were able to invent the so-called "Blue Box", which imitated the sounds of payphone tone. Thanks to the use of the product, it was possible to make completely free calls from payphones to anywhere in the world.

The guys very quickly realized that with such a device you can make good money and soon began to sell them to their peers for $ 150.

A year later, Jobs entered Reed College, where he met Daniel Kotke. The college was abandoned by the founder of Apple six months later, but Daniel stayed with him best friend along with Wozniak.

Apple I

In 1975, Wozniak created the Homemade Computers Club, where meetings were held for everyone. Steve joined soon after. Over time, these meetings resulted in the creation of the first of its kind Apple computer.

Presentation this computer was held already when the club was significantly expanded, and even moved its meetings to the university premises. After the presentation, the person interested in buying a computer was Paul Terrell, who offered Jobs one of the main and first deals in his life: he immediately requested 50 such computers in a complete set, for which the entrepreneur was ready to pay $ 500.

Work on computers was carried out in the garage of the Jobs family, and all available forces and acquaintances were involved in it. Daniel and the two Steves worked around the clock building computers to complete the order within a month.

The completed order was successfully delivered, and with the money saved, the guys assembled a new batch of computers. It was a success that eventually led to the creation of the Apple Corporation.

This is how the story of such an influential person began, who will forever remain in the history of not only the innovation and technology industry, but also of all mankind.