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» Cultivated and wild plants. Wild plants examples

Cultivated and wild plants. Wild plants examples

IN school curriculum In the lessons of familiarization with the surrounding world, natural history, biology, the study of objects of living nature is provided. As part of their introduction to the life of flora, children will learn what cultivated and wild plants are. The name of the groups becomes clear after children are informed about the growing conditions of the species. The deepening and expansion of the concept occurs through familiarization with how plants belonging to a particular group are used by humans.

Cultivated and wild plants. Titles

2nd grade secondary school- this is the period when children begin to acquire systematic knowledge about living and inanimate nature. Earlier study of the subject is propaedeutic in nature. But already in the second grade, for example, such concepts as cultivated and wild plants are introduced.

The name of the groups becomes clear to children after completing exercises where they are asked to compare pairs of plants. For example, spruce and apple trees, birch and plums, gooseberries and junipers, tomatoes and coltsfoot, peas and chicory. The teacher invites children to pay attention to where the species being compared grow, what conditions are necessary for them, and who cares for them.

After the work done, children easily come to the conclusion that all plants are divided into two large groups. Those that are cared for by humans are called cultural. Wild plants They got their name due to the fact that they grow everywhere. Their development, maturation, and fruiting do not require human intervention.

The main differences between wild plants and cultivated plants

For the growth and development of plants, certain conditions are necessary. For cultivated species, such conditions are created by humans. He looks for a favorable place for planting plants, feeds them, removes weeds, harvests crops, and protects them from pests and diseases.

Wild plants, the names of which can be found in numerous reference books, do not require special conditions. They themselves adapt to life in wildlife.

Basis for classification

Wild plants, the names and photos of which are so familiar to us, appeared on Earth much earlier than cultivated species. In other words, initially the planet was inhabited only by wild plants. They were the ones who gave ancient man food, shelter, clothing, tools.

While collecting, people accumulated experience, thanks to which they appreciated positive properties roots, leaves, stems, fruits of some plants. Gradually, man learned to grow the most useful species for himself next to own home and enjoy the results of their labor for a longer period of time than was the case during gathering. So they began to appear cultivars plants, as a result of caring for which their taste and other qualities improved.

Natural areas and plant distribution

The species diversity represented by wild plants, their names and meaning are directly related to the region of the Earth where they grow.

An abundance of edible and medicinal wild plant species is observed in tropical and subtropical humid climates. In the tundra and forest-tundra zones, species are more scarce, but large reserves of, for example, mosses and lichens used in various industries can be concentrated here National economy. Herbaceous and shrubby plants that produce good harvest berries are also not uncommon for the harsh northern regions.

Wild plants: value for humans

The names of which are given in school textbooks and additional reference books contain many substances useful to the human body. Today, the study of this group continues for the content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and vegetable oils.

Man has long been looking for ways to consume wild plants for food. Since ancient times, picking strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries and many others has been common. Fruits, leaves, stems are consumed both fresh and processed.

Medicinal properties

Among medicinal raw materials special place occupied by wild plants. Names and meaning of medicinal preparations made from herbs, parts of trees and shrubs growing in the wild, in Lately are being actively created and studied, and their list has expanded significantly. Rich experience in using wild plants as medicines available from traditional healers.

However, the number of fully studied and used by humans in the composition medicines representatives of the flora make up only 4% of the total number of species that are wild plants. The names of new species are regularly added to this list.

It should be noted that more than half of the raw materials intended for pharmaceutical production are supplied through the collection of medicinal plants in nature. Only a small part of them is cultivated.

Rules for collecting raw materials

When collecting medicinal and edible wild plants, it is imperative to follow the rules, thanks to which you can exclude cases of poisoning or other negative effects on the body. Only well-known plant species are allowed to be collected. Those that are questionable appearance, according to the rules of use, are not subject to collection. The above-ground parts of plants are usually collected before flowering. At this time, the shoots and leaves are more tender and do not contain dangerous compounds. It is recommended to collect plants in clear weather in the afternoon, when moisture from dew is excluded.

It is prohibited to collect plants along roads, near landfills, sewers or industrial facilities. Combustion products and dust containing substances hazardous to human health collect on their parts.

The collected raw materials should not be stacked too tightly. This can lead to damage to the plants. It usually manifests itself in the darkening of their parts. It is better to collect prickly and stinging plants, such as nettle and thistle, while wearing gloves. And the tough stems of others are more convenient to cut with a knife.

Parts of plants that have visible damage, such as growths, rust, rot, are not recommended to be collected. They may contain substances harmful to human health.

The world of plants on planet Earth is very diverse. In the process of centuries-old evolution, they adapted to growing in different conditions: survive in northern regions with cold climates, in deserts where there is practically no rainfall. In this article we will talk about wild plants, which come in different varieties. These include herbs, cereals, and shrubs. Some of them have a beautiful appearance, others are beneficial to humans, and others are dangerous weeds that harm garden crops.

What plants are called wild?

These are those species that spread by self-seeding or shoots without human participation or intervention. These plants do not need special conditions. To life in natural environment they adapt themselves. Cultivated plant species appeared much later than wild ones. People look after them to get a good harvest. He sows them, fertilizes them, waters them, weeds them, and loosens the soil in which they grow.

Wild plants have great energy value, therefore, they are now increasingly being used as food additives or as an independent dish. The fact is that they are not afraid of chemicalization of agricultural land, after which the soil contains a large amount of poisons and nitrates.

If it is an initially non-poisonous plant, it is impossible to be poisoned by it, like many vegetables, for the cultivation of which increased doses of various chemical fertilizers are used. Here is a small list of names of wild plants that can be eaten:

  • Nettle.
  • Horsetail
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Currant.
  • Thyme.
  • Hop.
  • Plantain.
  • Chicory.
  • Burdock.
  • Snooze.
  • Lungwort.
  • Clover.
  • Angelica.
  • Blooming Sally.

Care must be taken when harvesting herbs. If for some reason we distinguish useful herbs from others it is impossible, it is better not to collect them, they can harm your health.


All plants are divided into cultivated and wild. There are many types of wild plants, for example:

  • Herbs: nettle, spurge, cornflower, dandelion, plantain and many others.
  • Shrubs: raspberries, forest grapes, currants, blackberries, etc.
  • Trees: apple, pear, rowan, plum, oak, pine, birch, willow, etc.

There are wild plants that grow in the garden: onions, garlic, watermelons. In addition, plants are divided into medicinal, beneficial, edible and poisonous.


In nature, there are a huge variety of plants that are conventionally divided into groups with similar properties, structure, appearance. Most of the flowering plants on the planet are monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Each of these classes is divided into families depending on the structure of the flower. The most numerous and widespread species belong to the following families:

  • Lilies are herbs with a multi-year life cycle. They form bulbs, corms, and rhizomes. They differ in form and growing conditions. For example, lilies, tulips, goose onion.
  • Poa (grass) is a family of plants (wild and cultivated) with a different life cycle. For example, bamboo, cane, millet, feather grass, etc.
  • Solanaceae. Representatives of this family are mainly herbs or creeping shrubs and much less often trees. There are many among them poisonous species, for example henbane.
  • Rosaceae - This family includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. For example, pear, cherry plum, apple tree, raspberry, currant, blackberry, strawberry, hemp, nettle, fig.
  • Cruciferous plants are herbs, less often subshrubs, and shrubs as an exception. Examples of wild plants of this family: shepherd's purse, rapeseed, leftover, mustard, horseradish, cabbage.
  • Compositae - the family includes 25 thousand species of herbaceous plants, shrubs, subshrubs, vines, and low-growing trees. Example: elecampane, meadow cornflower, thistle, dandelion, sunflower, yarrow.
  • Umbrella plants - this family includes herbaceous plants. Most known species- Siberian hogweed, ribbed hemlock, speckled hemlock.

All parts of many wild flora are edible, while some only have fruits, such as acorns, that can be eaten. They can be collected after the first autumn frosts. Acorns are edible if cooked correctly. But you should beware of unripe fruits of wild plants, they are poisonous. They are easily distinguished by their green color.

Wild apples are a favorite delicacy for children. They are especially good at winter time when they freeze. Foresters do not pass by wild raspberries and currants. The berries of these plants are much smaller, but they have unique taste and aroma.

Edible wild plants

They often come across our path, but many people do not know that they can be eaten, although they are often used to treat various diseases. Read below in the article about which wild plants can supplement our diet with vitamins.

Shepherd's Purse

Medicinal properties This plant has long been known, but few know that it is eaten. However, in China this herb is a vegetable. Here, shepherd's purse is used to prepare first courses, salads, and salted for the winter. Best time To use the plant for food - spring.


This plant is the most common. The habitat is meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, pastures. Everything useful is contained in the leaves. But they need to be collected before the plant blooms. This herb has a bitter taste, so it is mixed with other types of greens when preparing a salad. Pancakes made from flowers, but fully bloomed, are tasty and healthy. However, the wild plant is contraindicated for people with stomach and intestinal diseases.

Chistets marsh

This is an edible plant with unpleasant smell. But don't immediately reject it. The smell will disappear as soon as you start cooking the dish. Ripe tubers are suitable for food and should be collected at the end of summer. They are fried, boiled, dried, and salted for the winter. Chistets tend to fade quickly, so you need to collect as many plants as you need for cooking.


This unpretentious plant grows in nature as an annual and perennial herb with white, red, pink flowers. Clover is famous for its useful qualities. It contains vitamins and microelements that our body needs. Many peoples use the herb in in different forms. It is dried to make a seasoning, an additive to flour. Fresh clover is used to make salads. In the Caucasus, pickled flowers of the plant are eaten. This grass is an excellent honey plant; the flowers are pollinated by bees and bumblebees. Honey produced by bees from clover nectar and pollen tastes great. This grass is an important part of livestock feed.


This representative of the flora belongs to wild herbaceous plants. In nature, it grows near water bodies, in swamps and adjacent areas. The roots of this herb are edible. They can be baked, boiled, dried, pickled, and also ground into flour. The leaves located at the rhizome are suitable for salads.

Blooming Sally

This plant is also known as fireweed. All its parts are suitable for food. Many people use this wild plant to make tea, but not everyone knows that it can be used to make flour and salads. The leaves and flowers are used to make wine, and the roots are used for casseroles.

Common bracken fern

The petioles of the plant, until they bloom, resemble snails. They are the ones used for food. A vegetable stew is prepared from the fern; it is salted for the winter. If the leaves have blossomed, such plants are not suitable for consumption. Fern harvesting time is late spring or early summer.

Beautiful flowering wild plants

These plants are beautiful in most cases when they bloom. It is generally customary to talk about flowers as something special and sublime. But in nature there are many wild plants, the flowers of which will compete with garden hybrids and varieties. And there is another category of plants. Once you intentionally plant them for beauty, you run the risk of never getting rid of them. In the garden and vegetable garden they compete with cultivated plants, as they consume 1/3 of all nutrients contained in the soil, and moisture. Weeds are very tenacious plants; they adapt even to the herbicides that are used to treat them. But many wild, herbaceous plants are so beautiful that they can hardly be considered weeds. These include:

  • Mayweed.
  • The bell is crowded.
  • Lily curly (saranka).
  • May lily of the valley.
  • Lychnis chalcedony.
  • Day-lily.
  • Kupena is fragrant.
  • Black hellebore.
  • Tansy and many others.


These plants are considered the most common urban weeds. They are very unpretentious and grow everywhere, with the exception of the Arctic, high mountain areas and Antarctica. This flower is a perennial wild plant. The genus dandelion includes more than 2000 apomictic microspecies, but in our country the most common is the medicinal one (field or common).


A genus of wild plants, numbering 500 species, about twenty of which are found in the European part of Russia.

Violets are annual, biennial and perennial. They are most common in the Northern Hemisphere, regions where a temperate climate prevails. Violets of many types are cultivated; they are grown as ornamental plants, and in one place, without any transfers. But in abandoned gardens and parks they are running wild again.

Wild medicinal plants

The flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. Among the numerous families there are poisonous and edible plants, there are also those that are beneficial for Agriculture and other industries. But special importance have wild medicinal plants that help a person cope with illness or prevent it. Some of them are listed below in the article.


This wild plant blooms in April, as soon as the gentle sun warms the ground. In well-lit areas, flowers appear, colored yellow tint, like little suns. This is mother and stepmother. The plant is medicinal and is used in medicine. For example, flower and leaf infusions are used to treat cough. The plant is an excellent honey plant for spring collection of pollen and nectar by bees.

Calamus common

Refers to perennial wild plants. It reaches a height of 10 cm. It grows near lakes, rivers, swamps, streams, and in flooded meadows. It is believed that next to calamus there is always pure water. The roots of the plant have medicinal value. They need to be harvested early in spring or late in autumn. They are dried and used for nervous disorders and fever.

Clover officinalis

This plant reaches a height of one meter. Places of growth - meadows, fields, roadsides. The leaves and flowers of the plant are valued and should be harvested in June-August. The dried leaves are used to prepare a tincture, which is taken to treat gout, rheumatism, and insomnia. The plant also has diuretic properties. It should not be used during pregnancy or bleeding disorders.

Burdock (burdock) felt

This plant is easy to distinguish by big leaves and characteristic flowers and fruits. As a rule, burdock grows in wastelands, roadsides, and forests. This is a well-known and widespread representative of the flora. Rhizomes should be harvested before the onset of winter or early spring. An ointment is prepared from fresh roots to treat wounds and burns. The leaves are used to protect against bacteria and relieve heat well. They need to be applied to wounds. A decoction prepared from the roots helps in treating the intestines and stomach; it is used as a diuretic. The benefits of burdock in the treatment of various diseases have long been known, but few know the fact that the leaves and roots of the young plant are eaten. The roots of young plants are suitable for food. But if burdock is not cooked correctly, it will taste bitter. It is better to fry or boil it.


This plant has a perennial life cycle, is powerful, has big sizes: two meters high. Distributed everywhere. Place of growth - meadows, fields, coniferous forests, gardens, banks of reservoirs. IN folk medicine rhizomes and leaves are used, from which soothing infusions are prepared to relieve seizures, prevent and treat skin diseases (for example, scabies), and digestive disorders. Fresh leaves used as lotions for rheumatism. Hogweed is an edible plant. Its herb, dried, pickled or salted, is added to first courses.


The plant is distinguished by its small height (up to 10 cm) and creeping shoots. Places of growth - forests, shores of lakes, rivers. Oxalis prefers to grow in moist soil and shade. A herbal infusion is prepared based on the plant. It is used in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases. The herb has a diuretic and analgesic effect. It is also used externally, especially helping in the treatment of festering wounds. In addition, sorrel is suitable for consumption. Soups are made from it.


There are two types of medicinal herbs that are used in official and traditional medicine: stinging nettle and stinging nettle. This plant has a diuretic and expectorant, laxative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing, analgesic and hemostatic effect. Pregnant women who take nettle infusions normalize the level of iron in their blood. In folk medicine, nettle is used to treat:

  • I have a cold.
  • Dropsy.
  • Constipation.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gout.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Liver.
  • Bronchi and lungs.
  • Rheumatism and much more.


The genus has about 42 species, and this does not take into account garden hybrids. She is valued as medicinal plant, containing in large quantities menthol, which has an anesthetic effect. This substance is included in drugs for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases: “Valocordin”, “Validol”, Zelenin drops. Mint has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes intestinal function.
  • Puts things in order nervous system.
  • Eliminates insomnia.
  • Relieves nausea.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Reduces swelling, relieves pain during inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs.
  • Strengthens gums, destroys germs. It is used to rinse the mouth.


IN medicinal purposes Two types of this plant are used: flea plantain and Indian plantain. They contain ascorbic acid, carotene, and phytoncides. Plantain extracts obtained from the leaves of the plant are used to treat severe gastrointestinal ulcers. The juice is taken for gastritis and enteritis. It improves digestion. Leaf infusions help remove mucus from bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, and asthma. In addition, plantain is used in the following cases:

  • To cleanse the blood.
  • Healing of wounds.
  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Pain relief.


This plant is used in gastroenterology. Its leaves are rich in substances beneficial to the human body. The benefits of nettle are as follows:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the reflex function of the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Contained in the plant essential oil excites the nervous system.
  • The bitterness present in the herb stimulates appetite and normalizes digestion.


This herb is well known to the older generation. During wartime and lean years, quinoa seeds were ground, added to rye flour and baked into bread. It, of course, did not have an attractive appearance and was tasteless, but it helped to survive. Quinoa is valued for its chemical composition. It contains potassium and rutin in large quantities. Thereby medicinal herb widely used in cardiology. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases:

  • Respiratory organs.
  • Stomach.
  • Skin.
  • Inflamed wounds.

Quinoa has wound-healing and soothing, cleansing and expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effects. This herb is edible. It is used to prepare cabbage soup, soups, cutlets, mashed potatoes, and even bake bread. Quinoa dishes are very filling.

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Lesson objectives: to characterize the features of the existence of wild and cultivated plants, their diversity, significance for humans; teach to distinguish between life forms of plants and cultivated plants according to their purpose.

Equipment: ball, flags of different colors (red and green).

During the classes

1. Introduction to the topic.

– What are plants? (children's answer).

Plants are organisms that can process energy sun rays into building material for their cells. This complex process is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs in special structures of plant cells - in chloroplasts, which contain a green pigment - chlorophyll, which colors the leaves and stems of plants green. During photosynthesis, inorganic substances (water and carbon dioxide) are converted under the influence of sunlight into organic substances - sugar and starch - the same building material of plant cells. At the same time, plants release the oxygen we need for breathing. Therefore, the plant world (flora) of the Earth is the “lungs” of our planet.

Most plants have a stem, root and leaves. A stem with leaves is called a shoot. In trees, the stem is called a trunk. Leaves and roots are the feeders of plants. Roots help the plant stay on the ground. Many plants have developed ways of protecting themselves from herbivores, with leaves and stems as a rule being the protectors. The leaves of plants can be bitter and even poisonous, like those of wormwood and henbane, or stinging, like those of nettles, or hard and sharp, like those of sedge. The stems are often armed with thorns or thorns. All these adaptations help plants survive by reducing the number of people willing to eat them.

– What do you guys think, how long ago did plants appear on Earth?

– Tell us what our planet looked like billions of years ago? (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher comes to the rescue.)

– 3.8 billion years ago, warm seas covered almost the entire surface of the globe, but the simplest plants already existed at that time.

– Where did these plants live? (In the seas).

So, many millions of years ago, life was concentrated in sea ​​waters. It was algae that managed to survive and become land plants.

2. Studying new material.

Conversation based on student knowledge.

Wild plants.

Now the plant world of our planet is extremely rich; More than 300 thousand plant species inhabit the Earth. Plants have adapted to all climatic conditions. They grow everywhere: they can live in the desert, where there is practically no rain, in the Arctic zone, where terrible cold reigns.

– Who waters these plants? Does it loosen the soil? Does it feed with fertilizers? Who looks after them?

– These are wild plants.

Give an example of wild plants.

– What three groups can such plants be divided into? (Trees, shrubs, herbaceous)

– Look at the pictures on pages 54-55.

– Name all the plants, indicate which ones grow wild.

Cultivated plants.

– How tasty and healthy oatmeal, oat flakes, and gingerbread are!

– Where do oats grow?

– How long do people have to look for oats in order to make oatmeal flakes for children or bake gingerbread cookies from oatmeal? (They don’t look for oats; they grow them specifically in the fields).

– What do you mean by growing?

(They prepare the soil, sow, fertilize, fight weeds and pests, and harvest on time.)

That is, the person himself cares about getting a rich harvest of oats, and does everything possible for this. Such plants are called cultivated.

– Give an example of cultivated plants.

– People began to be interested in growing plants about 10,000 years ago. This process was caused by the desire to ease the problem of obtaining food.

3. Physical education minute.

4. Classification of cultivated plants.

Questions for students.

– Where do plums, currants, cucumbers grow?

– So, into what groups can cultivated plants be divided?

– Look at the diagrams on pages 54-56 of the textbook and complete them by naming 2-3 cultivated plants of each group.

5. Game “identify the plant” (flags are used).

The conditions of the game are specified: red is a cultivated plant, green is a wild plant.

The teacher calls different plants, children use a flag of the appropriate color to indicate which group it belongs to.

6. Solving a crossword puzzle.


1. Blue uniform,
White lining,
And in the middle it’s sweet. (Plum)

3. Spring is fun,
It's cold in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn
Warms in winter. (Tree)

4. Little man
Bone coat. (Nut)

5. Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red,
The other one turns black. (Currant)


2. What kind of grass does a blind man know? (Nettle)

6. Breathes, grows,
But he can’t walk. (Plant)

7. Lesson summary.

Well done boys! Today in class we met only some representatives of wild and cultivated plants.

– Why were cultivated (wild) plants called that? (Students' answers)

Homework: p.62-65.

Additional material.

Oats are an important field crop among cereals. Tasty and nutritious oats are easily digestible and are therefore recommended for children and dietary nutrition. This has long been appreciated by the British, who have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. It is not for nothing that the cereal made from oatmeal was named after the ancient Greek hero, distinguished by his remarkable strength - “Hercules”. Eat oatmeal, and you will have more strength.

A thousand years ago, vegetables – herbaceous plants – became part of human food. They are grown in all countries of the world and are not only tasty, but also healthy. Vegetables not only help keep people healthy, but also help restore it to those who are sick. On globe More than 100 species of vegetable plants are known.

Man began growing carrots 4,000 years ago in the Mediterranean. It is interesting that at first carrots were used exclusively as a medicinal plant, and humanity appreciated its taste much later. The main wealth of carrots is provitamin A, or carotene. A lack of this vitamin in the body leads to increased fatigue, decreased appetite, and increases the risk of colds and infectious diseases. Carrots are good for dietary nutrition for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, but they are not recommended for use during an exacerbation of peptic ulcers and inflammation of the small intestine. It is carotene that gives color to carrot roots; it is also used as food coloring for coloring various fats, butter, margarine, confectionery creams. Carrots are indispensable for making soups, side dishes, sauces, and salads.

A very valuable cultivated plant. All 2000 varieties of domestic plums come from crossing two wild species: sloe and cherry plum. The plum has been known in culture since the 4th century. BC. Plums are eaten fresh, prepared into compotes, jams, and also dried.


By crossing different types of currants, people have obtained many varieties that can be divided into three groups: red, white and black (based on the color of the berries). All berries contain many vitamins, but the most useful one is black currant. Moreover, not only berries are useful, but also buds and even leaves. The fruits, leaves and buds of currants, rich in vitamins and minerals, will help relieve inflammation, get rid of a number of fungal infections, have a positive effect on rheumatism, atherosclerosis, and heal headache. Baths with a decoction of leaves and buds help with diathesis and dermatitis, lotions with this decoction treat eye diseases. Blackcurrant berries mixed with sugar are stored all winter, being an excellent source of vitamins. But few people know that this delicacy also lowers blood pressure. Juice from fresh berries treats ulcers, liver diseases, normalizes metabolism. That's how much blackcurrant gives a person!

The world of plants on planet Earth is very diverse. In the process of centuries-old evolution, they have adapted to growing in different conditions: they survive in northern regions with a cold climate, in deserts where there is practically no precipitation. In this article we will talk about wild plants, which come in different varieties. These include herbs, cereals, and shrubs. Some of them have a beautiful appearance, others are beneficial to humans, and others are dangerous weeds that harm garden crops.

What plants are called wild?

These are those species that spread by self-seeding or shoots without human participation or intervention. These plants do not need special conditions. They adapt to life in their natural environment on their own. Cultivated plant species appeared much later than wild ones. People look after them to get a good harvest. He sows them, fertilizes them, waters them, weeds them, and loosens the soil in which they grow.

Wild plants have high energy value, so they are now increasingly being used as food additives or as an independent dish. The fact is that they are not afraid of chemicalization of agricultural land, after which the soil contains a large amount of poisons and nitrates.

If it is an initially non-poisonous plant, it is impossible to be poisoned by it, like many vegetables, for the cultivation of which increased doses of various chemical fertilizers are used. Here is a small list of names of wild plants that can be eaten:

  • Nettle.
  • Horsetail
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Currant.
  • Thyme.
  • Hop.
  • Plantain.
  • Chicory.
  • Burdock.
  • Snooze.
  • Lungwort.
  • Clover.
  • Angelica.
  • Blooming Sally.

Care must be taken when harvesting herbs. If for some reason it is impossible to distinguish useful herbs from others, it is better not to collect them, they can harm your health.


All plants are divided into cultivated and wild. There are many types of wild plants, for example:

  • Herbs: nettle, spurge, cornflower, dandelion, plantain and many others.
  • Shrubs: raspberries, forest grapes, currants, blackberries, etc.
  • Trees: apple, pear, rowan, plum, oak, pine, birch, willow, etc.

There are wild plants that grow in the garden: onions, garlic, watermelons. In addition, plants are divided into medicinal, beneficial, edible and poisonous.


In nature, there are a huge variety of plants that are conventionally divided into groups with similar properties, structure, and appearance. Most of the flowering plants on the planet are monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Each of these classes is divided into families depending on the structure of the flower. The most numerous and widespread species belong to the following families:

  • Liliaceae are herbs with a perennial life cycle. They form bulbs, corms, and rhizomes. They differ in form and growing conditions. For example, lilies, tulips, goose onions.
  • Poa (grass) is a family of plants (wild and cultivated) with a different life cycle. For example, bamboo, cane, millet, feather grass, etc.
  • Solanaceae. Representatives of this family are mainly herbs or creeping shrubs and much less often trees. Among them there are many poisonous species, such as henbane.
  • Rosaceae - This family includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. For example, pear, cherry plum, apple tree, raspberry, currant, blackberry, strawberry, hemp, nettle, fig.
  • Cruciferous plants are herbs, less often subshrubs, and shrubs as an exception. Examples of wild plants of this family: shepherd's purse, rapeseed, leftover, mustard, horseradish, cabbage.
  • Compositae - the family includes 25 thousand species of herbaceous plants, shrubs, subshrubs, vines, and low-growing trees. Example: elecampane, meadow cornflower, thistle, dandelion, sunflower, yarrow.
  • Umbrella plants - this family includes herbaceous plants. The most famous species are Siberian hogweed, hogweed, and speckled hemlock.

All parts of many wild flora are edible, while some only have fruits, such as acorns, that can be eaten. They can be collected after the first autumn frosts. Acorns are edible if cooked correctly. But you should beware of unripe fruits of wild plants, they are poisonous. They are easily distinguished by their green color.

Wild apples are a favorite delicacy for children. They are especially good in winter, when they freeze. Foresters do not pass by wild raspberries and currants. The berries of these plants are much smaller, but they have a unique taste and aroma.

Edible wild plants

They often come across our path, but many people do not know that they can be eaten, although they are often used to treat various diseases. Read below in the article about which wild plants can supplement our diet with vitamins.

Shepherd's Purse

The medicinal properties of this plant have long been known, but few people know that it is eaten. However, in China this herb is a vegetable. Here, shepherd's purse is used to prepare first courses, salads, and salted for the winter. The best time to use the plant for food is spring.


This plant is the most common. The habitat is meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, pastures. Everything useful is contained in the leaves. But they need to be collected before the plant blooms. This herb has a bitter taste, so it is mixed with other types of greens when preparing a salad. Pancakes made from flowers, but fully bloomed, are tasty and healthy. However, the wild plant is contraindicated for people with stomach and intestinal diseases.

Chistets marsh

This is an edible plant with an unpleasant odor. But don't immediately reject it. The smell will disappear as soon as you start cooking the dish. Ripe tubers are suitable for food and should be collected at the end of summer. They are fried, boiled, dried, and salted for the winter. Chistets tend to fade quickly, so you need to collect as many plants as you need for cooking.


This unpretentious plant grows in nature as an annual and perennial herb with white, red, and pink flowers. Clover is known for its beneficial qualities. It contains vitamins and microelements that our body needs. Many peoples use the herb in different forms. It is dried to make a seasoning, an additive to flour. Fresh clover is used to make salads. In the Caucasus, pickled flowers of the plant are eaten. This grass is an excellent honey plant; the flowers are pollinated by bees and bumblebees. Honey produced by bees from clover nectar and pollen tastes great. This grass is an important part of livestock feed.


This representative of the flora belongs to wild herbaceous plants. In nature, it grows near water bodies, in swamps and adjacent areas. The roots of this herb are edible. They can be baked, boiled, dried, pickled, and also ground into flour. The leaves located at the rhizome are suitable for salads.

Blooming Sally

This plant is also known as fireweed. All its parts are suitable for food. Many people use this wild plant to make tea, but not everyone knows that it can be used to make flour and salads. The leaves and flowers are used to make wine, and the roots are used for casseroles.

Common bracken fern

The petioles of the plant, until they bloom, resemble snails. They are the ones used for food. A vegetable stew is prepared from the fern; it is salted for the winter. If the leaves have blossomed, such plants are not suitable for consumption. The fern harvest time is late spring or early summer.

Beautiful flowering wild plants

These plants are beautiful in most cases when they bloom. It is generally customary to talk about flowers as something special and sublime. But in nature there are many wild plants, the flowers of which will compete with garden hybrids and varieties. And there is another category of plants. Once you intentionally plant them for beauty, you run the risk of never getting rid of them. In the garden and vegetable garden, they compete with cultivated plants, as they consume 1/3 of all nutrients contained in the soil and moisture. Weeds are very tenacious plants; they adapt even to the herbicides that are used to treat them. But many wild, herbaceous plants are so beautiful that they can hardly be considered weeds. These include:

  • Mayweed.
  • The bell is crowded.
  • Lily curly (saranka).
  • May lily of the valley.
  • Lychnis chalcedony.
  • Day-lily.
  • Kupena is fragrant.
  • Black hellebore.
  • Tansy and many others.


These plants are considered the most common urban weeds. They are very unpretentious and grow everywhere, with the exception of the Arctic, high mountain areas and Antarctica. This flower is a perennial wild plant. The genus dandelion includes more than 2000 apomictic microspecies, but in our country the most common is the medicinal one (field or common).


A genus of wild plants, numbering 500 species, about twenty of which are found in the European part of Russia.

Violets are annual, biennial and perennial. They are most common in the Northern Hemisphere, regions where a temperate climate prevails. Violets of many types are cultivated; they are grown as ornamental plants, in one place, without any transplants. But in abandoned gardens and parks they are running wild again.

The flora of our planet is amazing and diverse. Among the numerous families there are poisonous and edible plants, there are also those that are beneficial for agriculture and other industries. But wild medicinal plants that help a person cope with or prevent illness are of particular importance. Some of them are listed below in the article.


This wild plant blooms in April, as soon as the gentle sun warms the ground. In well-lit areas, yellow flowers appear, looking like little suns. This is mother and stepmother. The plant is medicinal and is used in medicine. For example, flower and leaf infusions are used to treat cough. The plant is an excellent honey plant for spring collection of pollen and nectar by bees.

Calamus common

Refers to perennial wild plants. It reaches a height of 10 cm. It grows near lakes, rivers, swamps, streams, and in flooded meadows. It is believed that there is always clean water near calamus. The roots of the plant have medicinal value. They need to be harvested early in spring or late in autumn. They are dried and used for nervous disorders and fever.

Clover officinalis

This plant reaches a height of one meter. Places of growth - meadows, fields, roadsides. The leaves and flowers of the plant are valued and should be harvested in June-August. The dried leaves are used to prepare a tincture, which is taken to treat gout, rheumatism, and insomnia. The plant also has diuretic properties. It should not be used during pregnancy or bleeding disorders.

Burdock (burdock) felt

This plant is easily distinguished by its large leaves and characteristic flowers and fruits. As a rule, burdock grows in wastelands, roadsides, and forests. This is a well-known and widespread representative of the flora. Rhizomes should be harvested before the onset of winter or early spring. An ointment is prepared from fresh roots to treat wounds and burns. The leaves are used to protect against bacteria and relieve heat well. They need to be applied to wounds. A decoction prepared from the roots helps in treating the intestines and stomach; it is used as a diuretic. The benefits of burdock in the treatment of various diseases have long been known, but few know the fact that the leaves and roots of the young plant are eaten. The roots of young plants are suitable for food. But if burdock is not cooked correctly, it will taste bitter. It is better to fry or boil it.


This plant has a perennial life cycle, is powerful, and is large: two meters in height. Distributed everywhere. Place of growth - meadows, fields, coniferous forests, gardens, banks of reservoirs. In folk medicine, rhizomes and leaves are used, from which soothing infusions are prepared to relieve seizures, prevent and treat skin diseases (for example, scabies), and digestive disorders. Fresh leaves are used as a lotion for rheumatism. Hogweed is an edible plant. Its herb, dried, pickled or salted, is added to first courses.


The plant is distinguished by its small height (up to 10 cm) and creeping shoots. Places of growth - forests, shores of lakes, rivers. Oxalis prefers to grow in moist soil and shade. A herbal infusion is prepared based on the plant. It is used in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases. The herb has a diuretic and analgesic effect. It is also used externally, especially helping in the treatment of festering wounds. In addition, sorrel is suitable for consumption. Soups are made from it.


There are two types of medicinal herbs that are used in official and traditional medicine: stinging nettle and stinging nettle. This plant has a diuretic and expectorant, laxative and anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing, analgesic and hemostatic effect. Pregnant women who take nettle infusions normalize the level of iron in their blood. In folk medicine, nettle is used to treat:

  • I have a cold.
  • Dropsy.
  • Constipation.
  • Dysentery.
  • Gout.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Liver.
  • Bronchi and lungs.
  • Rheumatism and much more.


The genus has about 42 species, and this does not take into account garden hybrids. It is valued as a medicinal plant, containing large quantities of menthol, which has an anesthetic effect. This substance is included in drugs for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases: “Valocordin”, “Validol”, Zelenin drops. Mint has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes intestinal function.
  • It puts the nervous system in order.
  • Eliminates insomnia.
  • Relieves nausea.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Reduces swelling, relieves pain during inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs.
  • Strengthens gums, destroys germs. It is used to rinse the mouth.


Two types of this plant are used for medicinal purposes: flea plantain and Indian plantain. They contain ascorbic acid, carotene, and phytoncides. Plantain extracts obtained from the leaves of the plant are used to treat severe gastrointestinal ulcers. The juice is taken for gastritis and enteritis. It improves digestion. Leaf infusions help remove mucus from bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, and asthma. In addition, plantain is used in the following cases:

  • To cleanse the blood.
  • Healing of wounds.
  • Relieving inflammation.
  • Pain relief.


This plant is used in gastroenterology. Its leaves are rich in substances beneficial to the human body. The benefits of nettle are as follows:

  • It has a stimulating effect on the reflex function of the pancreas.
  • Normalizes the activity of the gallbladder.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • The essential oil contained in the plant stimulates the nervous system.
  • The bitterness present in the herb stimulates appetite and normalizes digestion.


This herb is well known to the older generation. During wartime and lean years, quinoa seeds were ground, added to rye flour and baked into bread. It, of course, did not have an attractive appearance and was tasteless, but it helped to survive. Quinoa is valued for its chemical composition. It contains potassium and rutin in large quantities. Due to this, the medicinal herb is widely used in cardiology. In addition, it is useful for treating diseases:

  • Respiratory organs.
  • Stomach.
  • Skin.
  • Inflamed wounds.

Quinoa has wound-healing and soothing, cleansing and expectorant, choleretic and diuretic effects. This herb is edible. It is used to prepare cabbage soup, soups, cutlets, mashed potatoes, and even bake bread. Quinoa dishes are very filling.

The world of trees, bushes and flowers on our planet is very rich. These are hundreds of thousands of plants that have settled throughout the Earth. Over many centuries they were able to adapt to the climate in different parts Sveta. They live in the desert, where it doesn’t rain, and in the north, where it’s frosty. Scientists call plants together flora. IN Ancient Rome Flora was the name of the goddess of flowers, spring and fruits.

Plants are living organisms that can process light and heat coming from the sun. With the help of the luminary, they build their cells from which they are composed. This is a very difficult job. It occurs in special parts of cells where a green coloring substance called chlorophyll is located. It is not difficult to understand what this word means. Translated from the language spoken by the people in Ancient Greece, chloro is green, and phyl is leaf. Chlorophyll gives leaves and stems green color.

Except sunlight, plants use carbon dioxide and water, which are inorganic, that is, nonliving substances. Rays affect these substances, and the result is starch and sugar, which are among the substances that make up living organisms. It is they who serve as material for the further construction of cells. When carbon dioxide is processed, oxygen is released, which people and animals breathe.

It turns out that if there were no plants on earth, there would be no people. They are divided into trees, shrubs and herbs. All of them together are called the “lungs” of our planet.

Structure and protection

Most representatives of the flora have:

  1. Leaves;
  2. Stem;
  3. Root system.

A shoot is a stem with leaves. The trunk is the "stem" of a tree. The root system and foliage are the feeders of trees and grasses. And also with the help of roots they stay on the surface of the earth. As a result of development that lasted many centuries, some representatives of the plant kingdom learned to defend themselves from insects and animals that are herbivores.

Most often, stems and leaves act as protectors. The foliage may secrete a special substance that makes the plant taste bitter or even poisonous (henbane or wormwood), or stinging (nettle), or pungent (sedge and cactus). Very often the stems surround themselves with thorns and thorns. All these methods help protect plants from all those who want to eat them.


Vegetable world The earth is not just rich, but also diverse. That is, plants are very different from each other. At the same time, they can be combined according to certain characteristics. Based on their appearance, they are grouped into families. This means that they have common ancestors that appeared a very, very long time ago.

For example, there is a family of cereals, or bluegrass, which includes well-known plants used on the farm:

Of all the cereal crops, the main one is wheat, which began to be grown back when people lived in caves.

Plants are also divided into species and genera. You can read about how this division occurs in special books - reference books. This is necessary in order to know whether the plant can be used as food or to make medicine from it.

A large number of plants do not produce seeds, flowers or fruits. Many are not green, and some have no chlorophyll at all, such as mushrooms. Representatives of the flora also differ in size. Some have small size, and they can only be seen with a microscope. Others, reaching maturity, become giants.


In addition to the differences described above, plants can be cultivated or wild.

  1. Cultural ones include those that people plant and care for themselves.
  2. And the wild ones reproduce, grow, bloom and bear fruit on their own.

The cereals that have already been mentioned are also cultivated. They have highest value for human life. After them, potatoes, beets, peas and beans are especially valued. Some cultivated plants are used as food not only for humans, but also for animals. Medicines are also made from them, they are grown for beauty, planted in parks, gardens and on windowsills.

Man uses various parts of plants for his needs:

  1. Roots.
  2. Stems.
  3. Leaves.
  4. Seeds.
  5. Fruit.
  6. Inflorescences.

However, at first all the plants were wild. People brought many species from different countries where others were weather. They had to give the plants more or less moisture and nutrients, plant them earlier or later.

Wild and domestic

Having become cultivated, plants have changed a lot, especially those parts that people need. They increased in size, and their properties also changed. For example, apple and strawberry fruits have become much larger and tastier. Potatoes now contain large quantity starch and also became larger. Compared to their predecessors, cereal grains contain more substances, needed by a person.

Wild species require fewer nutrients than their cultivated counterparts. Most wild and cultivated plants require large amounts of moisture for their life and development. To harvest a rich harvest, you need to study what each species needs and follow the rules.

Herbs, trees, and shrubs also grow wild..


Let's look at some of them.


It belongs to the plantain family and is either annual or perennial. Grows along roads, fields, meadows and wastelands. There are many types of plantain, including large and medium. It is used to make medicines that heal wounds, and tinctures are made from it, which are drunk to help digest food better when there is a sore throat. Plantain seeds stick to the skins of animals, clothes, and shoes of people - this is how they spread over large areas.


Like plantain, it grows near roads, in meadows and fields. This is a perennial herb belonging to the Asteraceae family. This name comes from the fact that yarrow has large white flowers with many petals. It is used as medicine, add to various dishes to improve their taste and are bred to admire them.


It is also a perennial herb and also belongs to the Compositae family. Dandelion officinalis is a well-known plant. It has long basal leaves and bright yellow flowers. It closes at nightfall or in inclement weather. When the time comes to reproduce, the yellow petals fall off and are replaced by transparent hairs. They are picked up by the wind and carried to long distances. Dandelion is also known as a medicinal plant, as its name suggests.


flowering herbaceous plant from the nettle family. Its stems and leaves are covered with burning hairs. Therefore, touching nettle is dangerous - it burns the skin and blisters appear on it. Usually these burns do not cause much harm, although they do cause pain. But in hot countries there are some species that you can die if you touch. In this way, the plant protects itself from herbivores. It can be annual or perennial. The fruit of nettle is a small flat nut.

Nettle is used in medicine, soup and salad are prepared from it, and it is fed to domestic animals. To make it stop being hot, you need to pour boiling water over it. Nettle is good to add to water when rinsing hair after washing. After this they become smooth and silky.

For a long time in Rus', sails and strong bags were sewn from nettles. In Japan, it was used to make fabric that was very durable. This fabric was used to sew clothes for warriors and even make shields and bow strings. Today this plant is used in the production of lightweight fabrics.. And with the help of an infusion of dried nettle leaves, they fight pests, such as aphids.



  1. Forest grapes.
  2. Pomegranate.
  3. Strawberry.
  4. Blackberry.
  5. Currant.
  6. Raspberries.

In the wild there are plants that are also grown in the garden:

Plants from the Red Book

Some wild plants are in serious decline due to both climate change and economic activity of people. They are included in the Red Book, they need to be protected so that plants do not completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

Snowdrop white.

Blooms in April. Its flower is very beautiful. It consists of six petals white. It is also called a milk flower, since the snowdrop bud resembles a drop of milk. Because of its beauty, people pick this plant in huge quantities. Therefore, it is no longer found around large cities. Collect snowdrops, like other plants from the Red Book, is strictly prohibited.


Small perennial, having a branched root. The flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences. When they first open, they are bright purple in color, and later darken. Because the flowers bloom gradually, the lungwort is multi-colored. Used in medicine since ancient times. Blooms in April - May for only one month. The plant is named lungwort because bees collect tribute from it. in early spring.

Wolf's bast.

A small upright shrub. It has few branches with grayish-yellow bark. The stem and branches are covered with brown dots. The leaves are long, oval, curling at the tips of the branches. The peculiarity of the wolf's bast is that first it has lilac-pink flowers, and then leaves. The flowers exude a delicate aroma, reminiscent of vanilla. The poisonous fruit ripens in August; it is red in color and the leaves are green.

Ludka bifolia.

A small herbaceous plant with loose clusters of fragrant white flowers of the same size. Lyubka bifolia blooms at the end of May and throughout June. It is also called a forest orchid - for its beauty, or a night violet, since in the evening it begins to smell very strongly.


In nature, in addition to animals, plants have other natural enemies - these are so-called pests, which include:

All types of pests must be controlled with special means, otherwise they can destroy trees, grasses and shrubs.